PAGE TWO PENNY COLUMN 1 ..a. *'T" ' a ' For Beat Three or Four I'ahnfcM ta s. Pt»m st. ' ffiWMn Nah. Fan Mo Kin flow ."iaeat inspected, mossed packed root protected, $lJ*O $250, 4,000 up $2.00 per thousands, it. o. b. April. Stay and dune delivery. Cash wish order. Bibb Plant Co., Route 3, Macon, Ga. 22-4 t-p. _ Sfetohl Jlhpnin Wear Wax, &&TTb. Ritcbie Hardware Co. 22-2 t-c. *Vrtfe Milk Caw For Sale, W Smith St. John Gross. [ ' 21-3 t-p, Loot—-Between J. ill. Simpeon’s and \V. R. Odell's ten-doUar gold piece. Re ward for return to Wilkinson's Under taking Parlor. 21-2 t-p. FVr«h North Carol ms Strawberries Bal ly. Phone 365. We deliver. Ed. M. Cook Co. 21-2 t-p. Far Rent— Two Furnished Roams, Suit able for light housekeeping, on South ’■Spring Street. Call 8R after 6 p. in. ;20-3t-p. Tfrtrttawr! Tomatoes! Fancy ltipe Toma "■tdes. Phone 565. Ed. M. Cook Co. . 2(F3t-p. jj *___ . \ Office and House Chairs Bottomed and repaired. All work guaranteed. Call ! 649 L. S. J. Gwyn. 20-3 t-p. For Me—One Hundred Bushels of Corn. Mrs. Maggie Dry, Mt. Gilead. Phone Kir. PLEASANT CADETS BLOW • * AND LOSE TO WINGATE 6-5 Visiters Made Six Buns In Sixth Inning, Enough Te Beat Cabarrus Beys. Mt. Pleasant baseball team went to pieces in the sixth inning of Tuesday's fray and allowed Wingate to make six runs, thereby losing the scrap by a score of 6-5. Up to the fatal sixth. Mount had main tained an air-tight defense and it looked IBe an easy victory for t lie cadets. Suc wsive bobbles of easy chances, however, give Wingate a chance to circle the bases ijk sufficient number of times to ruin ‘■fiances for a victory. ' ? Thomason for the cadets pitched a good jyfiue and kept his hits well scattered. I'iinch aslo twirled well for Wingate. • Batteries: Mt. Pleasant. Thomason an 1 Watts; Wingate. Finch and Huff. \ Does North Carolina Read. Winston-Salem Journal. J, Some light, is shed by The I’niversity Sews Letter upon the amount of maga ifene reading done by women of North This authority has prepared a ititble showing the relation or all the States on this basis. The ranking is ob tained by dividing the total dircula'tiou women's magazines by the population, ilifornia ranks first with 4410 per habitants per women's magrtfene. and iNsissippi ranks last With 24.8*1 m bitants per women’s maguziifts nr cir lation in the State. The average in >rth Carolina is 18.06 and only five ates are lower in the scale. ■ ■ ■ Winecofif High School WILL PRESENT X “Nothing But The Truth” FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 24, AT 8 O’CLOCK | WINECOFF SCHOOL AUDITORIUM ADMISION 25c AND 35c " : is the place you can find a big i assortment of NEW SPRING VOILES ORGANDIES AND GINGHAMS Also a splendid selection of § |J- ■ WINDOW SCRIMS AND DRAPERIES | k S TICKETS FOR THE RACES 1 9 W e are selling tickets for the Charlotte Au- I : ® tomobile Speedwtay Races May 11th. • , ft X ■■ „• \ . '■ ‘-fl S I X M , -i * * I i TL II criDn Pi I " jr ./ J | Special—Johnson Floor Wax, 53c Lb. .1 4Utoh*> Hardware Co. 22-2 t-c. Special—Johnson Floor Wax, 56c Lb! Ritchie Hardware Co. 22-2 t-c. t Cottage on Mar* Street For Rent or > sale. W. B. Sloop. 22-st-p. ) Guernsey Stock Cow For PubUe Service. at Dal Linker's. 21-St-p. For Sale—Buff Plymouth Rook Chickens, . 25 hens and 2 cocks that are prize win ners. Also 50 young Buffs large enough to eat and 35 others. Will sell entire . lot for SIOO. J. Ivey Cline, Concord, Route 1.20-3 t-p. Lost—Box Containing Leather Soles Be tween Church Street and town. C. D. Coley 190 McGill Street. ' 21-2 t-p. Vegetables Daily, Cukes. Tomatoes. Betas new potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash green cabbage, phone 655. Ed. M Cook Company. 20-4: p. Visiting Cards, For Gentlemen or Ladies or children, printed from a beautiful 1 new type, Invitation Text, 50 for SI.OO, or 100 for $1.50. Work done pa a few hours notice. Times-Tribune Office. 50, $3.75, Times-Tribune office. We Win Give the Progressive Farmer a whole year free to every subscriber to The Tribune who pays a year in ad -1 vance—that is, you get both papers a 1 whole year for only $5, or $6 if you get your paper in the city of Concord «e . Green Beans, Beans, Beans. Fresh Daily. : »We can supply you. Phone 565. Ed. M. Cook Company. t 20-3 t-p. The magazines on which the table is* » based are: Delineator. Designer and : Woman’s Magazine. Good ' Housekeep * ing. Ladies’ Home Journal, McCrll's Magazine, Modern Priscilla. People's ’ Home Journal. People's Popular Afonth * ly, Pictorial Review, Vogue and Wom -1 an’s Home Companion. Magazines, books and newspapers are the chief source of education and infor j niation available to adults. A college education is of little value if the bene ficiary of it does not carefully develop ■ himself dr herself by reading. On the other hand, any person who has not had the opportunity to go to college can . make up, in large part for this handi : cap by rending much of the right sort of ' reading matter. * Mrs. Vida Berry of Huntsville, Tex as, the mother of five and several times a grandmother, has registered in the University of Texas for work on her M. A. degree. f i Valuable Real Estate For Sale. t Tile Parris House on West 1 lepot > Street -near the principal square. The . Johnston property near tile principal i square, lot 65 x 200 feet with 7 room . house. Terms easy, a real bargain. One; ■ vacant lot of South Union 7.5x400 feet at j 1 bargain, one vacant on south Concord - 75 X 195 feet SBOO. One new cottage bit - (yoneerrl-Kaluiapolis Highway, lot lflOlr i 200 feqt. 173 acres on (fold Hill Road 4 » miles east Concord at a real bargain. V Jno. K. Patterson & Co.. Agts. H^ANPABCRn’T&W CONCORD HIGHS CONTINUE - THEIR WINNING STREK Defeat Mooresville.—Mclnnis. .Allowed Only Three Hits and Makes Heme Rot and Double.—Howard UUs WdL Concord High School won their sixth straight game Tuesday afternoon when they journeyed tq Mooresville and suc ceeded in taking the Iredell team to camp by a score of 8-4. % John Mclnnis was the hero of the con test. He pitched one of the best games of the season, striking out fifteen of his opponents wild holding them to a grand total of three hits. In addition to this, he contributed two hits in three trips to the plate, one of which went for a double and one a home run. His playing was a feature of the game. Another feature was the batting of Howard, who has not been a regular play er until recently. This youth made three liits in four times at the bat, one of which was a double. The four runs which MooresviUe made were with the exception of the-home run. due to erors. No hits were made in the ’nning when the three runs were secured. The box score: Concord r AB RHPO A E Simpson 2b. 5 0 1. 2 11 Williams, c. 5 2 1 15 0 0 Sullivan, 3b. 4 2 12 12 Mclnnis, p. 3 1 2 2 2 0 Widenhouse, es. 5 11 11 0 Sap, ss. 4 110 2 0 Hall, lb 4 0 0 3 O 1 Howard, If. 13 10 0 Watts, rs. 4 0 110 0 Totals 38 8 1027 7 4 Mooresville AB R H PO A E Freeze, lb. _■ 4 1 1-13 0 0 Evans, c. : 2 0 0 8 2 1 Clark, es. 4 1110 0 Hager. W., p. 4 0 0 11 0 Kelly, 3b. 4 112 3 2 Hager. C., ss. 4 0 0 0 5 0 Boyd. rs. 4 1 0 0 0 0 Cushion. 2b. 4 0 0 1 2 0 Melchor, If. 2 0 0 1 0 0 Poston, If. 1 0 0.0 0 0 Totals L __33 4 3 27 13 3 Summary :—Two base hits : Mclnnis, Widenhouse, Howard. Watts. Williams, Home runs: Mclnnis, Kelly. Struck out by Meinnis 15, W. Hager 7. Base og balls off Mclnnis 1, VV. Hager 1. Hit by pitched bill, Freeze and Evans by Mc lunis. The Kerr Street Baptist Revival. The house was filled again Tuesday night, and the preacher was filled with the Spirit, the singing was uplifting and inspiring. Mr. Whitley preached a great sermou from the text found in I Samuel 17:40- 17. This day will the Lord deliver thee into my hands, and all this assembly shall know that the Lord saveth not with sword and spear. Mr. Whitley used, for a subject. "God's Little Boy Killing the Devil’s Big Man." He said in part: We should put into practice what we | claim to be at tlie church. . Every child of God should live a..Christian life seven j days in the week. David wits, God's lit- Stic boy down in the sheep pasture just as| much as he was on tlie firing line. We are here in training for Heaven. Our] , hoys during the war, first went to tliej training camps and stayed there some months for training before they went ov-.' eraeas. We should learn how to praise- God here so we wilt know how when we I 1 get to Heaven. David went into this! \ fight to fight to a finish. Man is prone | f to give up. Sometimes we think the ■ Church is gone, Sometimes we may l think that the Sunday school is gone? or 1 the B. Y. P. IT. is gone. But I am glad that the,Church and all the organizations i of God will stand when this old world j; is burning up. The Church will never [ perish. Listen. God wants men and i women with backbones from their heels ( to the top of their heads. - I First, David went in the mime of the 1 Lord. Whose name are you going in? i Second. David won his man. He sin gled out his victim and won him. bio you should pick out a man and win him for Christ. ii Third. Then David won the crown. | Jesus Christ has prepared a crown for , everyone of His followers in glory. Will 1 you win the crown? | We had a great service. God was j 1 there, and two came, and gave' their I hearts to God. [ Service tonight at 7:30. Come. You \ are welcome. Come praying. ; PASTOR. [ Death of William E. Moore. 1 William E. Moore died suddenly at his; | home on Cedar street, April 21st. Death: ! was due to heart trouble. I Mr. Moore was born in Wilkes county,! | the son of Mary Moore. The deceased* [ had lived in Concord for thirty years. j> He is survived by his wife and three* | children, Ralph Y. Moore. Mrs. H. M.T Patterson and Mrs. A. W. Gibson, ot' ’ this city. One brother of New York, and ' one siter. of Spartanburg, S. C.. also sur '• five. : The funeral was held this afternoon at; 2 o'clock and bur’al was made at Oak- 1 ' wood cemetery. Dr. Fry to Speak Here Tonight. Dr. J. A. B. Fry. of California, will speak in Central Methodist Church to night at the prayer service. The serviees | Will begin at 8 o'clock. Dr. Fry arrived In Concord Sunday af r ternoon to visit friends. He has been in I Winston-Salem and Carthage this week I but will return here in time for the ser- I vices tonight. v . I I>r. Fry is one of Concord's most be- I 16ved former pastors and undoubtedly fee f will be beard by a large congregation: fc when he speaks tonight. School Closes at Midland. I ‘dosing exercises of Midland School E will take place on Friday and Saturday. I April 24th and 25th. On Friday night I the program tvill be rendered by the pu ( pits of the grammar grades, and will em » brace a play, entitled "Mid-Summer Eve," llwhile on Saturday night students of ffiie |j high school will render the program, and || will close with a play, "Ifome Ties." Tfee (jpubiic is invited to attend these exercises Ifc ZT Movie ET Srhoii* prS W rT " n * r > [] There will be a little play calfod IV‘tttar Hhim*" and a mu vine uictnj*«> IT*now giveu at the primary school buiW- Kin* Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. P.. . ». L' ,1. i THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNfi prai ■ _■ Jan ill ia . nraertMrtMW ACCOUNT OF RADIO WEDDING BRINGS STRANGE BEQU.AL.Jj (“Miss” BilUngi wa* Married Couple Offj Times Before But Staler Deal Is U There is an ancient to the effect j that love laughs at, lock-smiths. Tliough S this was probably; wry good in it sday. it | is hardly. applpntble at present, One ■ Which is more fitting, at least to the story • ut hand, is that love laughs at wedlocks. I The following is offiered in partial proof. | Some m out ha ago, in the office so Quint j Smith, local r*dfo salesman.'* new fang- S led wedding was staged. Tlie principals j in the warriage .were "Miss” Lulu Bil- j tings and Elmer' Deal. who happened in j and. while listening to (lie five o’clock|j concert, decided to join themselves in the! I holy bonds of matrimony. It will be remembered that no sooner j had they made their request than Mr. ; Smith rushed across the street, procured: j "Squire" Josh Goodman, hustled in some j witnesses and did the whole thing up to ] a turn. It wiH fefefe be remembered that j the blushing bridji ' gnd her happy hu»- I band made their; exit, according to those j present, to the strain of "Bringing Home j the Bacon,” and went forth in the world j where they were to live happily ever as-i ] forward. . „ . : Recent iteysfepiueiits, however, indi- j cate that no matter how happily tlie bride j might be married at the present, there J were times in the past when she was J not so happily wedded. The local Chief j cf Police. L. A. Talbirt. is the authority; j for the statement. >•!• It so happened that the Chief, who by' j a strange eoineidehce was one of the wit-, j nesses in the wedding, was peeefully park-' j ed in liis sanctum several days ago wheal j there came a knock at the door. Chief; { signified that the person might enter and'J a very presentable young man come in and j inquired if this was the Chief of Police. ’ j "Yes." assented Mr. Talbirt, "whatl j can I do for you?” "I am looking for my wife." said the! young man, "and I should be glad if you' eotdd help me in finding her." ; The young man then continued his 1 story. He was from Elmyra. N. Y., and ! had been married over a year to a Miss j Billings. After living with v her for 13 ; months, she suddenly di«api>eared and no | trace of her could be found. He hod 1 limited high and low but in vain. Then | a short time ago, some friend had sent 1 hi in a cl i ppmg giving a description of the 1 radio wedding which had occurred in ■ Concord and lie -had 'immediately come j down to investigate; ' Chief Talbirt, as soon as he saw the 1 clipping, recalled the occasion and a short | search in the files revealed the astonishing 1 fact that at the time “Miss" Billings mar- i l ied her Elmyra husband, she was also .] married to a man in Concord who later i secured a divorce. This meant, of course, ; that the Elmyra "husband" was not a : husband and that Air. Deal to whom ] "Alisa” Billings was married is at the : present her legal husband. The poor fellow from Elmyra seemed j very sad at Chiefs words. He loved her, : lie said, and had fepped that he could take i her back to Ne\y York with him where : ! lie had a good job as a mechanic in a; j garage. ! j | "If I were you. I, would go on back: j to Elmyra and forget the whole matter,"; | I was Chief Talbirt's advice to the lovelorn., J j He demurred for a while, saying that, 1 . lie had brought her some lovely clothes to j .' be wo™ ou the return trip and. despire the jj ■ fact that she had married Deal a week; 1 after she left him. he still desired her tq" ’have them. Chief, out of the goodpess of [his heart, declared that he would see that? Airs. Deal got the garments and the feel ings of the heartbroken man seemed moli-, lied. Thereupon, the wifeless husband left Coucord for joints North. Sunday School Report for AprU t*th. Epworth MethodistI—Enrolled 1 —Enrolled 334, No., present 222. ■ _ ' Kerr Street Methodist —Enrolled 191. present 136. r Harmony Methodist —Eurolled 205,’ present U>2. First Baptist—Enrolled 285. present' 209. First Presbyterian—Enrolled 410. pres ent 330. McKinnon Presbyterian—Enrolled 250, . present 201. St. Andrews Lutheran —Eurolled 190, present 116. Alethodist Protestant —Enrolled 212, present 209. Trinity Reformed—Enrolled 185, pres ent 105. Second Presbj-terian—Enrolled 200, present 132. Forest Hill—Enrolled 463, present 330. Bethel School Closing Exercise-. The closing exercises of Rffibet Schopt', ! will be held on he nights of April 23rd ! ■ and 24th, starting at ? :*IS o'clock. The j exercises of April 23rd v. ill he given bjl ! the Primary ami Grammar grades. On* j April 24th, the High School will pres-, ent the play. "A Ranch of Fun,” which* ;; will, it is suid, be the best ever given! !• ill this school. The public is invited to. attend the exercises, .Midland School Commencement. The Midland School closing exercises, will he held on Friday and Saturday nights of this week in the school miditori- 1 um. On Friday night the Grammar grades will give their program and oil * Soturduy night the High School play, ' "Home Ties” will he presented. i - , -. .. . ■ Daughter Born To Bobby -Jones and Wife -< Atlanta. April 21.—Announcement wan i made of the birth of a daughter to Mr. ; and Mr*. Robert T. .(Bobby) Jones. Mr. Jones is National amateur golf champion ami at one time held the na tional oi*e'i title. Before her marriage. ? Mrs. Jones was Miss Alary Alalone, At-: f lanta society girl. , i »'«'■ ni't : nns I u GOOD DIMPUSIWBNM 1N A’ALU ABLE 1 You can't watch yeyr disposituui too , carefully. A viah agnl a grouch are rare t ly successful. If joer liver and Htomauh . are in an iiabcaiffit* rondiffitni you can . net have a sunny dhtpos'tiou because they ’ affect the brain £» well as the entire i> system. Mnyr's Wonderful Remedy has j been usuully suooesofol in such cases. Dur . advice to everyone troubled in this way, especially when aceoa)named with bloat-, ■ ing in tlie siomacfe, Sb to try this retne • dy. It is a simide, harmless preparation] that themWfirtfial mucas feotn] 1 tiie intestinal trmef a»d alhtys the infloifi • motion which citarto practicully ail stoin act. liver and wfenwts. inotod-l and ■ . I New goods coming in every say. Our Mr. Parks has been in the Northern markets for two weeks and has been | E sending new goods to our store every Hay. So if yoo are s m ■ a M thinking of buying a new Dress, Coat* Hat, Suit or Shoes, E B in fact anything in the Department Store line we have it E E and the price is cheaper and value is better. S We still have some Exceptionally Gopd'. Values in our-House Purntshing De- S partment. Come and visit this department. S m * v ,'- r ' ■ # One lot White Cups and Saucers. Three styles, ,in. ■H Special for Cup and Saucer _i 1_; ; -1- 4VC ~~ One Lot Brooms. Special , J Oj' Limit two ___ ; ; 1 __ r S Octagon Soap, Special ail the time £*• 3E Big 10c size .___ '!___ ___' jg One Lot Aluminum Ware, All good big pieces - ' ' Special J ___; A- M?fC S S 111 our Ready-to-Wear Department you can’t beat us for Price, Vajue and gg s§; Style. We have dresses in all Colors, Styles and Prices from the Lowest to S the Best to be had for the price. £ B , If you are in need of anything in this line it will pay you tot visit this S K ■' department. EE One Sig Lot of Childrenfs, Ladies' Gingham and Broadcloth Dresses, just in fsf E fdr-Natiynal Cingliam Week from April iJOth to 2uth. jE 1 ~ r T 1 ;. 1 .. ijLi.i .[i i, ■■ fa.'. . . j'l §* s I PARKS-BELK CO. I E We Deliver Everything We Sell i.r M I Phones;l3B-608 Concord, N. C. I ' I.' I' i ■ * " M i n, Mi i ■ TJOaTN PQP { /{ !!&<£*,■] IRI6 | pijfi im /Ml 13 dtfSAj y esSkjT iLMßtwncl nfM : ""“ttHm Min i" W* \ c . .?■ uK ■£? cT. t ■>: - A jLI?- • nsjTßfa ‘ /j ■ml f Jk ft - BEKff a W Ewfx ! JUhtP^ 1- .. ? Wednesday, April 22, 1925 — ~ WrkrwW? 'llwPf'R Tuivi #STS ■ jl ysffwSsiSr^y ■ % <£s*> • I / / mm q Vk; . ~ LJwwv\ Th£ MCMflowop r p Mm BE | mk o \

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