“ “ " “ “ 9 ■" PRESS ED t ® DISPATCHES * VOLUME XXV COmiCEIU Fi ’ SCHOOLS OF COUItTY HELD HERE» Program One Os Great Inter est To Large Audiences- Exercises Were Held Ii High School Here. DR. GEORGEHOWARD WAS THE SPEAKEE Rural School Problems Dig' cussed By Speaker—Con tests Proved Os Much More Than Usual Interest, The present scholastic year forth« schools of Cabarrus county was formal!) coded Saturday when county commence ment exercises wei-e held in the high school here with twd large audiences pres ent. A few of the schools of the county have not completed their work, but in the majority of the cases the work haR been finished for the year. Audiences that filled the high school auditorium were present for the exercises Saturday, the attendance in the afternoon wl.en the literary adress was delivered being just a little larger than the one in the morning. The address was delivered by Dr. George Howard, of the State Department of Education, who very interestingly out lined some of the problems and needs of the rural schools. Dr. Howard spoke in the afternoon and was heard with un usual interest. The presentation of certificates and the declamation and recitation contests were held at the morning session and ns usual created much interest. The contestants for the recitation and declamation prises showed unusual training and the judges announced that the winners were chosen only after much deliberation. The win ner in the recitation contest was Miss Vir ginia McAllister, of Mt. Pleasant. Richard War lick, also of Mt. Pleasant, won the declamation prize. The pris.es are given annually by Charles B. Wagoner. The following prizes, certificates and scholarships were awarded on the basis of work done during the year. Prof. J. B. Robertson, superintendent, of the schools, making the presentations: Compositions—“ The Advantages of Co operative Marketing Over Indiyidnal %11- ingj” Won by Willie .Marshall Barnette. mtty CiuiT)o Through Co-operatßf*n"TO 'lmprove Country Life.'.’ Won by Bessie Reid. HaTteetl School. Competition for these prizes was confined to grammar grad* students only. Certificates in Spelling—Maggie Cline, Poplar Tent, 95; Vernie Eagle. Hahn school. 97: Efhel Fisher Peck. Winecoff school, 95; Mary Ann Lentz, 100 and Shirley Earnhardt, 96, both Peck school; Annie Laurie Dry, 99 and Julia Shirley, 94. both Mt 'Pleasant school; Hilda Barnhardt. 92, and Ila Mae Kinrray, 93. both Pinnacle school; Lena Brown Moose, 99, Anna R, Rowland, 96. Marjorie Moose, 93, and Sbiriey Rowland, 99, ail of Rear Creek school; Mary Margaret Fisher, 98. Barringer school; Blanche Mnllis, 96. Midland School . Certificates of Perfect Attendance There were more than 100 students re ceiving these certificates.' Certificates in Library Reading—Max well Harwell. Harrisburg school; Jessie Abernethy, Pioneer Mills School; Mary Margaret Fisher and Claudia Virginia Barringer, both of Barringer school. Soholaships—First to Mont Amoena Seminary, Miss Mary Anna Lenta, Peck school .average 06 4-6. Second to Mont Amoena Mies Zula Lowder, Mt. Pleasant school, average 94 5-6. Mt. Pleasant Collegiate Institute first. Hous ton Earnhardt, Peck school, average 89 1-6. Second to Mt. Pleasant Collegiate Institute. Carl Lowder, of Peck school, average 88 1-3. Certificates of graduation were pre sented to 102 students and Prof. Robert son in presenting the certificates explain ed that certificates would be given to 50 or 60 more students who are attending those schools which have not yet complet dd their year's work. The need of better trained teachers, lenger terms for the schools, and standard schools for elementary and high school students were stressed by Dr. Howard who devoted much of his address to a discus sion of the needs of rural school. Dr. Howard devotes most of his time to prob lems of the rural schools, and he brought with him here a timely message on this phase of his work. Daring the day music was furnished by a local orchestra and dinner served in picnic style at the school grounds proved one of the most interest features of com mencement day. Money For -Families Os Explosion Vic tims. (By the Associates Press) Sofia, April 27.—The chamber of dep uties today adopted an amendment to the laws to strengthen the provisions for preservation of order. It voted the bud get including an aopropriation at 10,00,- 090 levas, about $70,000, tor the relief of the families of the victims in the re cent cathedral explosion, and adjourned unfEil the end of May. Wm Try Flight From New York Te Paris. (By the smarlalMt Preset Paris, April 27.—With a view to at tempting a flight from Paris to New York, the French air service will try out in June a hydro-airplane of 550 horse power. The craft will carry 6,000 litres of gasoline, about 1,500 gallons. Will Have Oil Refinery In Russia. i London. April 27.—The Vickera Com pany, of Great Britain, has concluded an agreement with the soviet government for the erection of an oil refinery at Baku. The Concord Daily Tribune Business “Man” r- h" C '' ''‘Va 7 J t. .® To g-lve bis 13-year-old son BlUy Bvaaell <u novel a practical know)- «d*» of business, W. A. Russel, mar h chant and financier of Brown wood, Tax., purchased one-half Interest In v at load gr,>c«ry enterprise an/1 made , ; -f it to hla etc. l. n ■« _ —i. i ,1 SELECT DATE FOR TRIAL e OF WILLIAM D. SHEPHERD ! Date Chosen After Shepherd Expressed Desire for Trial as Soon as Possible. (By the Associated Presai e Chicago. April 27.—William D. Shep- I herd charged with the murder of William McOlintock, his-foster son, from whom he { inherited a $1,000,000 estate, will be tried e May 18 before Judge Lynch. The trial date was set after both sides expressed willingness to go to trial as e soon as possible. » Dr. C. C. Faimnn, upon whose con- I tension Shepherd was indicted for mur , der, and a co-defendant with Shepherd. , did not appear in court, although his , rase was set automatically with that of , Shepherd. Faiman is at liberty on SIOO,- . 000 bond, signed by two pol icemen of . the state's attorney's office. I The state probably will ask that Fai , man be given n separate trial. A court i order issued after lengthy debate requir ed the state to furnish the defense with I a list of its witnesses tomorrow. The i Ktete wished to withhold the list until 3 days before hte trial. , “If you are not fully prepared at that time (May 18) -the coart will not rush . you, but give you another week to pre pare." said the judge to W. 8. Stuart, attorney for Shepherd. Stuart said ho i ' Ibne, as a “one ring circus" was going on. referring to the incompleted coroner's in - quest into the death by typhoid fever of McClintock. Mrs. Shepherd was permitted to see her husband fbr the first time Since he * was incarcerated. They embraced, and Mrs. Shepherd started to cry. The state would not agree to bail for Shepherd pending trial and he was re turned to jail. THE COTTON MARKET. First Price* Were 25 to 41 Points Lower, the Decline Changing July to 24.00. (By tfce Associated Press> New York, April 27. —Heayy general selling featured the opening of the cot ton market today on reports of further rains in Texas, extending through central and into some southern sections of the state. First prices were 25 to 41 points lower, and the decline soon extended to 24:09 for July and 23.85 for October net losses of 43 to 51 points. Liverpool also broke sharply owing to the Texas rain news, and while prices here rallied 10 to 12 points from the lowest after the execution of stop orders on the break the undertone was unsettled, and the bulge met renewed selling on the better south western news. ' Trade interests continued to buy May here against sales of July at a difference of about 32 to 35 polnta, leading to ru mors that the notices expected tomorrow would be promptly stopped. Cotton futures opened steady: May 24.05; July 24.25; October 24.08; Decem ber 24.12; January 23.87. WORLD FLIERS RECEIVE MEDADLS FOR THEIR WORK Receive First Distinguished Service Med als Ever Given For Military Duties in Pence Time. (By the Associated Press) Washington, April 27. —Major Fred erick L. Martin, first commander of the army world fliers expedition, and First Lieutenants Leigh Wade and Leslie P. Arnold,, members of the expedition, re ceived to<lay the first distinguished ser vice medals over given for military ser vices performed in times of peace. Presentation ceremonies took place at the War Department and were attended by officials representing the army, navy, state, treasury, commerce and postoffice departments. The special act of Con gress the medals were awarded to the eight world flight officers. At the time some of their members also were made el igible for promotion in rank, but only Major Martin and the two Lieutenants were present today to receive decorations. Set Day Fbr Rep. Langley’s Trial. (By the Associated Press) Washington, April 27.—The trial here of Representative Langley, of Kentucy, on a charge of conspiracy in connection with liquar withdrawals, has been set for Ma» 25. He was convicted on a similar charge test year in Kentucky, but has an appeal pending. He since has been re-elected to the House. Colorado leada the States in beet sugar production. Procrastination is the thief of anc ceaa. SEEK PRISONER BELIEVED TO DIVE KIDNIEPED CHILD Groups Os Armed Citizens Scouring Woods For Lucil le Chatterton Who Was Last Seen On Friday. EX-CONVICT IS j ALSO MISSING Earl Woodward Hired Out To Lucille’s Father And It Is Feared That He Has Kid napped The Child. •By the Associated Press) Granville. Vt.. April 27-t—Groups of armed citizen* today continued search of the woods and hills in the vicinity of the . town for 11 year old Lucile Chatterton, believed to have been kidnapped by Earl Woodward a former eonvict who was em ployed by the child's father, Walter Cbnt terton, as a farm hand. Lucile was seen by Her parents on Friday night when she ’ was sent to a spring near her home for a j pail of water. Searchers under the direction of select men and a Deputy Sheriff H. E. Ford . trucked the pair all day yesterday and , through the night in winding footprints , of both in snow drifts still remaining in I tile woods. It is known that Woodward. took with him from the Chatterton farm s a rifle with a large stock of ammunition , and food. Woodward was befriended by the.farm . er when he was released last fall from the . state prison at Windsor after serving a term for breaking and entering. The tracks fround yesterday of a man and a child were picked up 3 or 4 miles from the village of Granville, near which the Chatterton farm js located. The im prints were' first found in the automobile road to Warren, and led for n distance towards that town which is 10 miles from Granville. Woodward’s, family it was said, at one time lived in Warren. Footprints were found for about 2 wiles. They left the highway near an old unused mill, it wns said, but were traced gome distance from the road until finally lost in the rear of a farm nearly 6 miles from the village. APPOINTS THE JUDICIAL fnmrgßKVflt mh-mpppm. Members of Supreme Court and Superior Court Judges Appointed to Conference by Governor. Rnleiih, April 27 (By the A. P.).— Governor McLean announced appoint ment of 20 members of the bar, one from each judicial district of the state, who together with members of the Supreme Sourt and Superior Court ’judges, wiU comprise the judicial conference created by tiie 1925 General Assembly. In the list of appointees, 16 are demo crats and 4 republicans. The act undei which the judicial conference was created provides for a continuous study of or ganizations. rules and methods of the judicial system of the state and the prac tical workings and results produced by the system. The conference will be composed of the Chief Justice presiding, all justices of the Supreme Court, the judges of the Superior Court, the attorney general and 20 lawyers named by the Governor. The Clerk of the Supreme Court will be sec retary of the conference. ' The act further provides that the con ference shall make recommendations an nually to the Governor in respect to the work of various parts and branches of the state’s judicial system and in the prac tice of proceedure of the courts. Code Experts Form Pools to Solve Cross word Puzzles. Oxford. England, April 27.—The cross word puzzle craze reached its zenith last month and is now on the wane, according to Oxford librarians. In Oxford, as else where, it more than doubled the sales of dictionaries, and the demands made upon reference librarians were so great that one librarion threatened to shut up shop altogether. ‘ Houghton Presented To King George. (By the Associated Press) London, April 27.—Alaneon B. Hough ton presented his credentials to King George today as the new American am bassador to the court of St. James. His reception wag one of the King's first of ficial acts since his return from the Med iterranean. Wrestling as a popular sport in America dates from 1908, when Frank Gotch, Chelowa grappler, won the world’s championship from Hackenschmidt, the “Russian Lion.” Up to that time the biggest wrestling matches ever pulled off usually were confined in interest to the localities where the contests were held or to the neighborhood in which one or the other principals lived. Perfection of a process for vulcaniza tion of rubber, under water instead of under steam, has been discovered by L. A. Laursen of Eau Claire, Wisconsin. I Announcing the Opening of MRS. WAMPLER’S STUDIO | OVER CABARRUS DRUG STORE Photos of All Kinds and Kodac Fin- j ishing ; | This is National Baby Week and to every baby under 6 years old cutting this ad. out and presenting!it at the studio one free picture will be given, under no obligation to bdy others. CONCORD, N. C, MONDAY, APRIL 27, 1925 Sacrifice •°J?yri*htl>y MrrrMf’ißSrtiT*. Dr. Frederick Henry Baetjer, pio neer In the development of X-ray, ts In Johns Hopkins Hospital, Balti more, Md., for the removal of an other finger. It Will be the eighth finger that Dr. Baetjer has sacrificed in the cause pf helping suffering humanity. i CHARLOTTE VOTERS TO PICK OFFICERS TODAY Kirkpatrick Fears May 20th Pageant Will Fall Thorugh For Lack of Cash. Charlotte, April 26.—Charlotte voters will cast their votes for city officials to serve for the ensuing: two years in the city primary, two candidates for each post to be selected to enter the city gener al election to be held early in May. The campaign has beep very quiet and a light vote is expected. Miss Julia Alexander and Mayor Harvey Moore will be declared nominated for mayor and will enter the general election for that post. Miss Alexander entered the campaign at the last minute and has been very ac tive in her quest for votes. She also has a number of very active supporters. The vote in tomorrow's primary perhaps will give some indication of her strength. The ticket for tomorrow’s voting fol lows: Mayor and commissioner of finance— l Harvey Moore, incumbent; Mind Julia Alexander. Commissioner of public safety—N. W. Wallace, incumbent; Major W. R. Robert son, It, Horace Moore and Dr. Baxter Moore. Comiqissioner of public works.—W. S. Stancili, incumbent; J. E. Morris and L. W. WiDgate. „ School board—Mrs. Gordon Finger, W. Rrfisgtrwman, Arthur;#' Gray, John Paul iTocaSvKlWc. John K. ffftlwer, George R. Scott. With Oar Advertisers. Tbe Automatic is a crystal all steel re frigerator, inside and out. Sold here by the Concord Furniture Co. Eastman kodaks at all prices. Anseo I kodaks for SI.OO at Cline’s Pharmacy. I Schloss Bros. Suits hundreds of them, it $25 and upward at Hoover’s. Porto Rico sweet potato plants, toma to and cabbage plants at Moore’s Truck Farm. Phone 443 W. Venetian Amoretta -Cream to protect the complexion at Gibson Drug Store. When you buy a Dodge car from the Corl Motor Co. you not only get a good •ar but - you get good service on it. Electric fans, lawn mowers, lawn hose, refrigerators, water sprinklers and water coolers at Yorke & Wadsworth Co. The Musette removal sale closes on - Tuesday. Better go quick for big bar gains before moving. The store will be dosed Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, while they are moving into the new store next to Cline's Pharmacy. Everything needed for tennis playing at the Ritchie Hardware Co. Dry cleaning that cleans done by M. R. Pounds. Phone 420. Mrs. Wampler’s Studio over the Ca barrus Drug Co. is now open. Photos of all kinds made and kodak finishing being being done. Potato plants at Crowell’s Plant Farm will be ready for delivery-April 29th. De . livery made anywhere. See ad. today. Large assortment of Voiles, and new est patterns in hot weather dresses at Efird’s. The Parks-Relk Co. buyers made a special -trip to New York to buy goods for the early summer business, and found many wonderful values. New goods are coming in every day. Only 95 cents installs a Ruud Water heater specially j priced at $24.95. Con cord and Kannapolis Gas Co., has secur ed a car load of the'famous Ruud double (-oil gas water heaters This offer is lim ited to ten days. Bee big ail. in today’s paper and act quick. Conditions of H. I). Varner Worse. (By the Associated Press) Lexington, N. C.. April 27.—The con ; ditions of H. B. Varner, theatrical op erator and former state official, who lias ; been critically ill several days at a local hospital, took an unfavorable turn today, his physicians announced. He is suffer ing with pneumonia. Japan’s 1924 commerce with China ' showed a heavy gain. Exports amounted to 449.201.000 yen as against imports of 295,012,000 yen. 1 DEDO BODY OF GIRL * TO OFFM ANOTHER BIG USE i Police Have No More Clues j To Work On Than They. Had When They Sought The Slayers Os Bobbie! Franks. GIRL SHOT AND HER BODY BURNED Officers So Far Have Been! Unable To Identify The; Body—Few Clues Found! At Scene Os The Murder, j (By (he Associated Press) Chicago. April 27. —Working on clues as meager as those that led to the arrest of the kidnappers of Bobbie Franks last year, authorities today were hunting toy. : tl»e slayers of a girl whose burned and mutilated body was found last night in 1 , Chesterton, Ind. I The girl about 16 years of age, had been , shot three times. He rbody. burned be yond recognition, was found at the edge , of small wood along a highway. An emp- j , ty 50 gallon gasoline can stood nearby. A ] | little powder box, some stips of dark ! brown hair, a pair of tortoise shell spec tacles, and a partly destroyed Pennsyl vania railroad employees card were the clues with which officers hoped to solve mystery. i The imprints of automobile tires veering suddenly off the road led to the discovery. of the body, SENATOR HARRISON IS AFTER VICE PRESIDENT Mississippi Senator Has Something to Say About Dawes’ Attack on the Sen-; ate. | (By (he Associated Press) Washington, April 27.—The fable of the fly which thought a crack in the dome ! of St. Peters wns a- great crevice in that great masterpiece was quoted today by Senator Harrison, democrat, M.ssiissippi, as in line with the attack by Vice Pres-, ident Dawes on the Senate rules. “You will remember,” said Senator Har rison, “the fly departed to tell others of the terrible defect he had discovered. I commend (he story t 6 General Dawes.” , .FIND EXPLOSIVES IN . . ! r* «**•* OF BULGARIA Officiate Claim 200 Kilograms of Explos ives YVer Found at Varna. Sofia, April 27 (By the Associated Press).' —The authorities at Varna claim to have seized 200 kilograms of explosives collected by conspirators plotting to blow I up police headquarters, the town hail and other public buildings. It is stated a document was seized, prov ing that the Bulgaria communists respon sible for the recent outrage, were re ceiving money from Russia. Old Time Tea Plants Now Used For Hedges. (By the Associated Press.) Summerville, S. C., April 27. —Hun- dreds of old tea plants, gathered from over the world during the time when tea growing in the United States was a profitable industry, have grown to the seize of small trees and are now being transplanted here for landscape purposes. Before the Chinese tea growers discov ered that they could produce the leaf and market it in the United States at a greater profit than the American grow ers, the cultivation of tea was done at a financial profit in this section. Dr. Charles U. Shepard, once owner of 1 one of the largest tea plantations, who died in 1915, became interested in the 1 industry after his arrival here from Connecticut many years ago. He col lected plants from China and Japan and | began scientific experimentation with them. Many of the trees on the Shep ard plantation will be dug up for use in borders, and other landscape effects. 1 There will be special music at the ] First Presbyterian Church tonight. The - song service will be led by Mr. Shadwell, - of Charlotte, and this will be followed i by an anthem, “Now the Day Is Over,” by'Marks, with Miss Mary Morrison so loist. Mrs. H. G. Gibson will song for the offertory “Lo I Am YY’ith You Al ways.” The public is cordially invited to tins service. Noted Horse Cannot Enter Derby. (By the Associated Press) New York, April 27. —Master Charlie, one of the favorites for the Kentucky der by, has gone lame and positively will not start in either the l’reakness or the der by, trainer Andy Blakely said today. A bill to prohibit Japanese from owning or leasing land in Kansas has been kill- i ed in the state senate. DR. GEO. E. GUILLE Noted Evangelist and Bible Teacher First Presbyterian Church FROM APRIL 26th THROUGH MAY 3rd Services on Sundays at 11:00 A. M. and 5:00 P. M. On Week Days at 7:30 P. M. COME* EARLY TO SECURE A SEAT PUBLIC INVITED School Romance j Copyright byjlarr is 4J5 wf ng. A classroom romance which started at the University at Wisconsin win culminate in the wedding of Eliza beth Brandels, daughter of Louis j Brandels, associate Justice of the U. I 8. '■•■nreme Court and Paul Rauahen j bu-‘ < They met at the University I where both were instructors hi the economics department. I j VON HINDENBURG ELECTED President of the German Republic.— | First to Be Chosen by Popular Vote. I Berlin. April 26.—The people of Germany have rallied to the banner of Field Marshal von Hindehburg and elected him president of the republic. He is the first president of Germany to be elected by popular ballot. He was 1 nominated by the nationalist-conserva tive bloc to replace Dr. Karl Jarres, who i failed of election in the first balloting jon Mhrcb 29. His opponent was Dr. | Wilhelm Marx, 1 candidate of the repub ’ lican bloc, adherents of the Weimar | coalition, composed of centrists, social ists and democrats. The third candidate was Ernst Thaelmnnn. communist, j Von Hindenburg triumphed in his race for the presidency with a plura lity close to 845,000 votes ! The official provisional figures of the presidential election follow. Von Hin denbnrg, 14,630.399. Marx, 13,742.640; Thaelmnnn, 1.931,591. Votes declared invalid, 21,910. Total. 30.345.540. ! Von Hindenburg comes to the chair 'once occupied by Fredrich Ebert, who was chosen president by the national assembly at Weimar in February, 1919, and who died in Berlin in February, j 1925. The women’s vote and a -heavy turnout of former stay-at-home voters ►luctM the oi4d. marshal. Not tiw returns from 33 ont of 35 election dis tricts were received and tabulated, conld the outcome be determined and from the close of polls at 6 o'clock it was any man’s race, as the two chief candidates ran neck and neck in the official count. I The presidential elections Sunday were necessitated by the failure to elect a candidate in the first balloting of March' 29. On that occasion there were seven candidates and Dr. Karl Jarres, nationalist-conservative bloc, led the poll with 10.408.365 votes. Otto Braun, socialist, polled 7,798,346 and Dr. Wil helm Marx, center party, 3.884,877. Dr. Held, Bavarian, people’s party; Dr. Hellpach, democratic party; Cen. Lndendorff, fascist, and Ernst Thael mann. communist, were the other candi dates. Since none of the candidates ob tained a clear majority. which was necessary for election, the two groups proceeded to make nominations for the second elections. Field Marshal Von Hindenburg replaced Dr. Jarres as the nationalist standard bearer, and Dr. Wilhelm Marx continued to represent the center party, and also what is known as the republican bloc or Weimer coalition, which includes in addition to the center party the socialists and demo crats. In tiie first, elections this group, represented by various candidates, roll ed up a total of more than 13,000 votes. ■ ■ ■ - ■ Licenses of Two Bus Drivers Have Been Ordered Revoked. Raleigh, April 25.—First revocation of license under the corporation com mission’s control of state bus operation has been ordered by R. O. Self, of the ; commission, who took from Early Wood, i of Rich Mountain, and M. T. Nichol son. of Jackson county, their right to drive because they had been convicted of driving while under the influence of intoxicating liquor. In a story in the Tribune Saturday it >vas stated that Homer Furr and Willie Hagler, charged with highway robbery had admitted taking money from their alleged victim, but that they did so for the purpose of saving money, as the al leged victim was drunk at the time and they feared he would lose the' money. Relatives of the young men declare this is not so, and they contend that the boys did hot testify to this effect but to the effect that they did not see the money after their alleged victim left the bank where he had a check cashed. a TODAYS a $ NEWS • • TODAY • NO. 99 OUTCOME OF GERMAN I [LECTIS SURPRISE No Official Voice |s Heard In Washington But It Is Known The Election Is Viewed With Doubt There. FRANCE DOES NOT HIDE DISPLEASURE Janies W. Gerard Says Hin denburg’s Election Creates Menace To All Other Na- Tions Os The World. (By the Associated Presa) Washington, April 27. —Its psycholog ical effect outs : «le of Germany rather ' that what it may portend as a new direc tion in German politics appeared to be the chief concern in official circles here in view of the triumph of Field Marshal Vou Hindenburg in yesterday’s election. Continued official silence on the elec t;on did not conceal today a reaction of surprise. The general view seems to be that Germany has taken a step almost certain for a period at least to hinder her progress in recuperation from the war. Is Menace to World, Says General. New York, April 27. —Election of field marshall Hindenburg as President of Ger many is a menace to world peace, in the opinion of Jas. W. Gerard, former am bassador to Germany. Mr. Gerard today characterized the election as a flat declaration by the Ger man people of a return to militarism and monarchism. Paris Nat Pleased. Paris, April 27.—News of the election of Field marshall Von Hindenburg as President of Germany was recorded here with a certain amount of uneasiness. Although it was felt there was little to choose between him and the other prin cipal candidate, Dr. Marx, the field marshall is believed to represent m a greater degree the spirit of war revenge than his civilian opponent. Causes Uneasiness In League Circles. Geneva, April 27.—Uneasiness was the dominant sentiment expressed in League of Nations circles today as a result of Hindenburg's election, although it was felt that the world must await the effect upon international policies before arrival at a final judgment. The opinion was ex pressed- jl» ? f the elect ion' *;&&&&& Marshall may delay Germany’s applica tion for membership in the League of Na tions and' possibly may make obtaining of membership more difficult. It fa frank ly admitted by league officials that any manifestation of extreme nationalism fa bad for the league, based as it fa upon the principle of co-operation and conciliation. Will Take Office Next Week. Berlin, April 27 (By the Associated Press). —Field Marshall von Hindenburg's “frout porch” campaign conducted from his home in Hanover has been successful and next week he will be inducted into office as first popularly elected President of Germany. AMUNDSON PREPARING FOR ARCTIC JOURNEY Plans to Start Next Trip to Frozen North About the Middle of Next Month. Oslo, April 27 (By the Associated Press). —The veteran Arctic explorer Capt. Roald Amundson, is completing final pre|>arations for a flight to the North Pole which he will attempt about the middle of May. Two airplanes have been sent to Spitz bergen, and now are being assembled for a trial flight which will be made about May 2nd. The planes are equipped with skiis enabling them to start or land on ice as well as on water or land. The trial flights will include elaborate tests of all the instruments of the expedition. Demonstrations of Dusting Cotton. (By the Associated Frees) Scotland Neck, N. C., April 27.—A landinf leld has been donated by J. A. Kitehin, of Scotland Neck, to be used by airplanes which will give demonstra tions in dusting rotton in Halifax doun ty on Friday, May 15. said County Agent C. E- Littlejohn. The field son sists of sixty acres of rye. and the cot ton field to be dusted adjoins it. TTie field is located on what fa known as the Hobgood road, about two and a half miles out of Scotland Neck. Mr. Little john-. stated that several thousand farmers from all over the eastern part of North Carolina were expected to view -the demonstration. It was to be staged at 11 o’clock on the morning cit May 15. R. C. Lee, of Hendersonville, owner and operator of riding devices, is bringing his attractions to Concord under the auspices of the American Legion. Mr. Lee carries three riders that are up to the minute in every respect, catering to white people only. We are assured the Kiddies as well as the grown ups will enjoy these clean ont door amusements. WHAT SATO BEAR SAYS mw I Increasing cloudiness followed b* showers Tuesday and In west and central portions tonight; cooler. 'v - * • , .’ V '• y-'sl

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