monaay/ftprii z/, IWS f r 1 suppose U Y£S-M'm«N'CSV«HE.ROOC-\ fd pLQtejg i&LL W VJiUL MH MftTHgR Y\ U*E CSTH6R )> LVJA& THE OLDEST Os A FAMiLV g MC OF SOME M SAID THEN VO6RC \ GREAT MEN ) \ - HAOToLEADE % OF HOUR SOMETHING FIERCE . Waißß&‘N ( C SCHOOL AT AN EARLH AfiC \ EARU€« |||? -NHENEViER SHE J: - ' ' AN ORDINANCE The Board of Aldermen of the City of Concord do ordnin : Section 1. That to raixe funds foe gen eral municipal purposes the following li cense taxes hereinafter specified nre hereby levied for the privilege of carry ing on the business, trades, professions, calling, or doing the act named within the corporate limits of the City of Concord from the first day of May, 1025, to the 30th day of April, 1026. unless for some other time or period herein specified and all such taxes shall be due and payable 1 in uuvaufe at the office of the Tax Collector for the City of Con cord. The paymeut of any particular' tax herein imposed shall not relieve the party paying same' from liability for any other tax specifically imposed for any other business conducted by such person. See. 2. That all licenses issued under this ordinance must be posted conspicu ously in the place of business licensed. yy or if such licensee lias no regular place fill of business the license must be kept ) where it may be Inspected at all times by the proper City officials. | That no license shall be transferable or assignable except by consent of the Hoard of Aldermen. j Section 3. When any business is be-J gun after May Ist, 1625, the tax in sur. dqy, eac4i room *5 $2.00 and not mqjjp than $3 a day jS6h room ' jjo Cliargiag over $3 a day, each ronni 4$ European plan; - Charging less than SLDO a day, «nh room 50 over $1.50 and less tnan fKBO, e«cii ixmmu Xjoo Charging over $2.50, each room 150 Ice dealers: Wholesale or retail 50.00 toe create dealer:* ™ 1 Hesidem wholesale 15.00 THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE Non-resident, - wholesale 50.00 RetaU; J , 250 loe cream sandwich, fruit or lem- t utiade stand or otlter stand by whatever name t public occasions. first day — i- 5.00 Each succeeding day 2.00 Ititnerant oculist or medical spec ialist 50.00 Itinerant vendor of specifics, or itinerant making prescriptions or tlpplimtititis or administer ing medicine' or drugs for dis cqspi per wgek _-_i——_ 25.00 Itinerant companies or persons .wlio/epchibit for amusement of ’ flic public ndt otherwise specifi cally mentioned in this list, per day -—I- 10.00 Junk dealers, including furs, bones, . , bottles, -hide*, etc, 25.00 Job I’rinGug Office . 5.00 Laborers, solicitors of in city for employment,*out- of ,the stale 200.00 Lauuderu-s -r 15.00 Lecturers for reward unless the reward be devoted wholly to some' Uferary on Charitable pur pose ' 5.00 (Does not include Chautauqua lectures backed by local guaran tors). . Lightning rod agents or agencies 20.00 Merry.-go-round, hobby horse, switchback railway, ferris wheel shooting gallery or place for games or play of like character, each week or part of week ’ 10.00 Mbvfng I'ieture Show * 50.00 Moving picture show traveling in cluding vaudeville __ 75.00 Morris Plan Companies or other similar business by person, firm qr corporation 25.00 Moving picture films, manufactur ing, qr losing 100.00 Newsstand oh street or sidewalk 5.00. Newspaper contest offering price to obtain .subscriptions,, weekly steal-weekly and ' tri-weekly pa pers 10.00 Daily papers, each, contest 25.()0 Oils and gasolines, wholesale deal ers in 11. -.2-—i 100.00 Retail peddlers of —' v. 25.00 Pressing Clpt __ 2‘. 5.d0 Plirenology, fortune telling or r .„_ 500^0. Pawnbrokers ri 200.00 Persons, firms m 1 i corporations ‘ ' keeling horses or mules for hire or to let with or witliout vehicles, each horse or m.ule kept for that PWfpOse . 1.00 Plumbers or steam fitters ■__!i 25.00 I’eddlcrw: Fresh meats, fish er- goods, -wares y* and merchandise—- 'J. 25.00 (Farmers selling their own prod ucts exempt.) Peanut or popcorn ; Toaster-on the street, each —i_L_—— 5.00 Rpat estate, auction sale of pet day -10.00 (Does not include laud sold under order of court) Real estate and rent collection agenda* 15.00 Room or hall, each when used as t Ilea for or opera house where lWibtic performances are given annual license . 101) Os) Restaurants ‘""I! 2o!(X) Slioe hospitals or places fb mend shoes by machinery ] 10.00 Sti-epts and sidewalks, use of sume when allowed for purpose of ad vertising or (lemonstfutiug, per day (1A aeliutg in connection therewith 5,00 hign painters 05.00 Second hand clothes,: dealers in J 5.00 Btoneiling machines gJSO Soda fountains dr vgndors of car tongfed drinks - 5.00 Skating rthk. each week _ 1000 Second, ha nd autos, dealers in- not ' I holding duplicate license from the state 25.00 Store on wheels us’ng si feet* (for purpime of making sulos und de liveries --. coo,, irirtinf tesuittg or nelling i, 'l buy _ - 100.00 Traveling specialists, extracting teeth 100.(K) Telegrupli (Ann pa ivies „ ‘>s 00 Trucks, for hire „ - ' lo tto ' lUW Ah ’ ' ' " ' ' i' '"■ig Speaking of itootbaii ibaterial here's rtmie real line timber. On the left te Maurice Humphrey, weight, 290 'pound*, height # feet 2 Inches, age 16 years. At the right, Fred Mile*. 320 pounds, 6 feet 6 Inches, 13 years. * They are said to he- the two largest high school youths In Nc-w England. In .the center 1* Alfred Tyler, a normal 16-year-old boy. All throe are Students at the Bradford (Vt) high school. TWO COWS DRINK THEMSELVES TO DE.mi Farmer Arrests Operator of Still and Marches Him to Jail. Brock Bnrkey. in Charlotte Observer. Rinding his two fine cows dead beside a whiskey still in a patch of woods some distance from hte home. George Mark ham, Cedar Fork, Wake county. - farmer got his trusty shot gun, planted himself near the still And waited two days for the return of the operators. He was re warded Monday morning when n young, white man. giving his name ns Clifford Royster, showed up for the evident purpose of putting the plant to work. Markham marched him to a deputy sheriff, and Royster is now in jail. in. default of a SSOO bond, awaiting trial on' n charge of distilling. An examination of the cows disclosed that they had drunk the mash while it was in a state of fermentation. New Orleans Cotton Review. New Orleans, April it.—With many periods of activity the cotton market last week developed frequent, yet moderate fluctuations in prices, the ex treme spread between the high points on Monday and the low of Friday being 93 points. Net decline for the week, howeyer, wns oiry 53 points. The week started With- the market still under the influence -qf the'western, drought reports of the emitrnl and east ern- sections of the cotton region. As a result the" market receded moderate support and ou Monday the July posi tion reached 25.34, the high point of the week.'Reports of better spot inquiry and some improvement in , the stock market induced a better tone. The list continued fairly steady on Tuesday in anticipation of a bullish weekly weather and erop report Wed nesday. but the report appeared more fnvorable than expected and prices be gan to ease off. The decline was ac celerated on Thursday by reports of more good rains in Oklahoma and Arkansas and some rain in north Texas. Friday the market turned com paratively weak on general rains in northwest and west Texas. Advices indicated the drought was fairly wMI broken in Oklahoma. Ar kansas und Texas. Enough rain fell over a fairly broad section to permit planting and germination. After, the market had eased off to • 24.41 foFJuly. however, there was more , or less cowering on the reflection that a ensiderable portion of Texas had as yet received no moistuie and (reports that many portions of tjie central and. east ern belts were badly in need of rain. The market was steadier on Satur day owing tae.#BstyowPt,::.,stQM[j«Mtt . .of notices far ba !es W be' wMvered on May contrafp, Prices at oipi rime during the day SjSjcovered practfijly 25 points from fh4*snw of Frldassj-, Both American cottotevniarkets will <&h and close an hour yjjgi'lier. beginning, to morrow in'oompphtioe with the dfay light saving pfectlce.”’— " , “ U_ c Church Ads Pay Big Dividends Church' advertising payilf'ndtponly in new 'nicntberr.ybut in mom'jq Rqv. Pi- H. Martin.-dDqveWport. told isters ' this 'yrqek. i He told of a Detroit 'chfff®’ which spent $2,000 for advetisiug, and obtain ed SIO,OOO in contributions from the in creased .attendance resulting frqm the advertising. *" e - Every cliurcU. regardless of denomina tion and creed, should have and adver tising budget, and should have a good-seiz ed space every Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Martin said. One Hundred Dollars For A Pot lid. London, April 25. —A collection cf pot lids from old Staffordshire shrimp paste and pomade pots, with transfer pictures, has just been sold. One rare lid. with a portrait of Harrie Beecher Stowe, the author of “I’ticle Tom's Cabin,” was sold for one hundred dollars. Harvard has won only one of tlfe six varsity boat races with Yale since the war. CT’T— — Stock under SIOO value lO.OO Over SIOO value 25.00 Vaudeville companies with or with out moving pictures , 75.00 Wood, dealers in 5.00 Wholesale fruH dealers ... 50.06 Ileuting contractors jtislailing heat ing systemk 25.00 Read, approved aud upon suspension of the rules adopted by (he Board of Al dermen of tile City of Concord und de clared to he an ordinance of the Pity of Concord effective 'immediately after pub lication. This April 2nd. 1925. GEO. H. (RICHMOND. Clerk. I‘ublishcd In TJie. Concord Tribune this 27th day iif Aprii, 1925.[ ZEIDMAN A.ND POLLIE SHOW LOSE 2 CARS Two of Five Sleeping Cars Destroyed By Fire on Salisbury Yards Saturday Night. Salisbury, April 26.—Two of the five sleeping ears of the Zeldman and Pollie shows were destroyed by fire on tbe Salisbury yards of the Southern late Saturday night. The fire is said to have originated from an explosion when a negro porter was replenishing a gaso line engine. Lose to the company is esti mated at SIO,OOO and the next week's engagement at Asheville had to be can celed. The shows were just closing a week’s engagement here under auspices of local firemen. MISSOURI COURTS ASK NEW RULING Doctors Say Publication of Booze List Hurts Business. Right of newspapers to print the names of persons evlyi get whiskey pres cription filled- is to be passed upon by the Missouri Supreme Court. Cble County Circuit Court at Jeffere son City recently issued an injunction against the Jefferson City Post, prohibtlng the Post from printing the lost of names. The injunction was issued upon appli cation interferred with their medical prac tice. Now prosecuting officials plan to carry the case to. the Supreme Court for a rul ing. f . The Romance Os Monte Carlo. Paris. April 25.—The annual statement juat issued showing that the gambliitg casi no at Monte Carlo has enjoyed a year of record-breaking prosperity has been re ceived with some surprise by the gen eral public, in view of the fact that the times throughout Europe are far from 1 being good. As a matter of faet. how ever. there is never an unprofitable year ; for Monte Carlo. The gambler always loses 1 The “house” always wins. The gambler may win a fortune and go away with it intact, resolved never to stake another penny. But the lure of the tab les is too powerful for him to resist; like a magnet, it draws him back until his; ; millions have been swallowed up at the whim of fickle chance. The real romance of Monte Carlo cen tres round the ex-waiter who founded the great palace of gambling. He was a 1 waiter named Francois Blanc, who lost bis job in a Paris restaurant, and was later sent to prison for a fraudulent stock transaction. After his release be obtained a gambling concession in Horn-' burg, made a fortune there, and then se cured a concession at Monte Carlo, which he proceeded to transform from barren rock to a. place of glittering splendor. ff.e had married a servant girl.'Charlatte Hep sol. who was a* ambitious socially as her: husband was financially. The time came when the ex-waiter found himself a multi-millionaire and the girl who had Oftt'e scrubbed steps began to dream of royal -marriages for her children. It was a deeim which was to be realized, for she married both her daughters to Fringe*, one of whom w*s a descendant of tbe great Napoleon and * pretender, to Che throne of France. ‘ When the eg-waiter died he left a for tDne amounting to millions, but the , family's fortunate association with the principality of Monaco did not end there,, ] for a son assumed command and raised | the casino to even greater bights of l splendor. \ Not Much Difference. “There a grand row going on betwixt j the new postmaster and the public!” I stated the landlord of the Pruntytotyn ] tavern. “He’s fixed things up so’s there ] is more fight in the office to distribute I the mail by. giving more room behind ] the eases but cutting down the space ] in the lobby so’s there ain’t room enough I for more than about half of the popn- J lation of the town in there at one time”. ( "Their mail will be handled till the! I quicker, no doubt." returned the guest' , addressed. “So what difference does it make if there is less room in the lobby?” “Difference? It don’t make much dis- J ference to the most of ’em whether they t get their mail quick or not. But— jump- ] mg Jeriwhy, man!—they gll want to \ jam iuto the lobby on Sunday mornings ( and kick about not getting their mail 1 quicker.” Dr. Edward E. Slossom. of Washington, predicts that a new sugar much sweeter than the sugar now Used will soon be placed on the market. This prediction sounds sweet in the ears of the average .< housewife, especially imisimich as it is 1 also predicted that this new sugar will sell j ut half the price of our present com- i mercial sugar. Such sugar, says Dr. I Slossou, is uow being .manufactured at j the U. S. bureau of standards. It was i recently discovered by an American ehem- j iat nud can be successfully manufactured j on a commercial basis. , It Tkttef 1 i? .i' j | 'lt teemed toiled and itained beyond recovery. What a tmpriw' there wav M «t«fe for me. j *A friend tnggcttfd that 1 have it cleaned, and 1 followed bet j advice, s y ' J 'Today, it came hack from the cleaner'«, and 1 coaid hardly fj believe my eyet. When i examined it. I found that every tpot had fj ditappearfed. It looked at freth and new at the day 1 bought it* B , ITlut W a convertafion recently over-1 heard Jfhat could better pleate a I \ « merchant or dealer than to have hit | { H * cuttomen tpeak to complimentarily ? J . ft BOB’S DRY CLEANING CO. v EVERYONE LIKES THE WAY' WE CLEAN CLOTHES ' PHONE 787 I . WHY SKINNY FOLKS TAKE COD LIVER OIL Gain 5 Pounds in 30 Days or Get Yonr Money Bach. Because it is richer in vitauiines than any other food in tbe world. Doctors prescribe if for rickets and anaemia in children and for tuberculosis, malnutrition and convalescence in grown up people. As rt producer of weight— healthy flesh—there is nothing in -the world so good. 1 ..... ;-••• But it’s nastytthytihg, borribic smelling stuff ctfeeri'upsets the stomach so doctors now are ordering cod liver oil in tablet form. Y'ou’ve got to take on when Mc- Coy's Cod Liver Oil Compound Tablets are taken , regularly— you simply can't help it It's so good that if it Apcsu't put on five pounds,of good healthy* flesh nn any skinny man or woman in thirty days the McCoy Laboratories of New York au thorize Pearl Drug Co, and all druggists to return the price you paid for it. Be sure to ask for McCov's Cod Liver Oil Compound Tablets—sixty tablets —6tl cents, v One woman put on fifteen pounds in five weeks, and they are especially val uable,to weak, thin children. “IE" FOB TIRED, PIIFFWFEEI The minute you put your feet in a Tir bath you feel pain being drawn out and comfort just soaking m. How good your tired, swollen, burning feet fesL “Tiz” instantly draws out the poisonous exudations that puff up your feet and cause sore, inflamed, sweaty feet. “Tiz,” and .only “Tiz,” takes the pain and soreness out of corns, cal louses and bunions. Get a box of “Tiz” at any drug of department store tor a. tew cents. Your feet are never going to bother you any more. A whole year’s foot comfort guaran teed. _Test “Tiz” free. Send this coupon. la WdU,L.IWD«4(> Co. P 1 OSS MadUon Ave. 171)00 New York City S Mail Me cample ‘ "n& • 1 i»=gn ”, ". ■ ■■! - '■■■ ' • . ' '■*» . 'I IV -I OOOOQOOOOPOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOO Let Your ! Next Battery | Be An 11 ■ EXIDE 2 \ I Use Only the | i Best |; w ■ 5 PAGE SEVEN The Bible passage which idge kissed as he took the his inauguration was the firqj of the first chapter of the Gcajicl of John—“ln the beginnig was the'Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was Cod.'’ The verse , yqpn (SSaTvin Coolidge's first rending 1 as n 6hild. ; j The New ft ’ | ' } Simplified // ; 1 ■ Pictorial \\ : l Y Review Printed IHTff Pattern |lj H Printed, per- ™ forated, and \\ cut out ready :U for use. They _ I Dress n almost talk to N0.267j5 y you New Summer Quarterly i’ietoriai Review Fashion Book now on sale in Pattern De partment 25c New Pictorial Review For May now on Sale in Pattern Department ' 15c Parks-Belk Co. I The Dust Goes | ; ; Deep Into Your j! Clothes |’ | Brushing only cleans the 8 , [ j | surface. My method of dry ft i i cleaning through the x ! ! !' entire garment, the spots g | 2 never come back. | IM. R. Poundsf I | Pry Cleaning and Tailoring j§ : I PHONE 420 !| ,jj| For Guaranteed Satisfaction |