PAGE TWO : ' lettuce, celery, tomatoes, phone 585. E<l M. Cook Company. 283 t-p. Can you buy a good shirt for le Fri day? See Thursday paper. B. C. C. Free* Jrrzey Milk Cok For Sale or trade. Phone 510. Chas. C. Graeber. Sweet P*» Plants For Sz*« *I.OO Per ldO. Mrs. C. D. McDonald. 28-3 t-c. Fresh Cow For Sate, 1W Smith St.. John i Graf. 28-3 t-p. j Salesmen —$10 to sls Dally Selling Shirts | direct to the wearer. AVrite for new | selling plans and territory wanted. Royal, Sirirt Co., High Point, N. C. 28-2 t-p., Notice —One 7-Passenger Touring Car.' Will sell or swap for a Ford or Dodge j truck. Call Concord Steam Bakery. Ilf » T ! One Furnished Bed Room For Rent May j Ist. Phone 881. 27-ts. I gg■ l.i ■ ' • 4 .. , •1 I'll* «... U.U. - M.>-Lawa9B , Cotton Goods Markets. New York. April 27.—There was lit tle activity and no special change m cot ton goods today. Yarns were easier by from % cent to 1 cent a pound. New prices named on percales for fa>’.l were the same as those current for the past month. Raw silk was firmer and a lit tle more active. Crepes, printed and dyed, were active and silk goods and many novelties shown for fall were be ing bought. Wool goods remained quiet with a feeling among buyers that prices may be lower because of lower wool. Clothing manufaetureres have renewed fheir agreement with workers iu Rochest er and it is felt in the markets for fab Sox|FanslGreet®adie l ■*- — TI iwSiSliWI Mmr.i-JlSaras 't A [v * ,sj|HaajßpS '■.V/- .'"7 *V-'' .1 ' ; w —i I ' . .. ' JiT Eddie Collins, veteran American League player and manager of the Chi cago Wfelte Sox. was given a royal welcome by his admirer* at the opening game in the Windy City the other day. Eddie was presented with a large cheat of silver and a big floral horseshoe, the emblem of good luck. Com missioner Landis, shown to'the right of Collins, and various Chicago city dignitaries attended the festivities. j The New EFIRD Store 1 1 You Will Find a Large As- | sortment of Voiles and the S NeVest Patterns for - '■■■•.V a j g;, HOT WEATHER DRESSES g ’V.BLLv 1 ■ mym m .C ! :v|i' t ‘- r- m I'ftJß’ C ' g ninnn i ■ ■ j —.. i , , , Fresh Vegetables Arriving Dally , Young chickens and fresh eggs. Lippard & Barrier. - ,;t ' - 38-Xt-p. First time in Concord that you can buy a suit for ONE CENT. See Thurs day paper. B. C. C. Choice Cuts of Native Lamb and Mutton. ■ Phone 510 and 525. Chas. C. Graeber. 28-2 t-p. i Fresh Home Grown Strawberries- Phone _|>os. Ed, M, Cook Company. 28-lt-p. Long View Lake Will Be Open For bathing Saturday the 2nd of May. A free bath for everyone from 9 a. m. to 4p. in. Come enjoy the water and j shade, i / ■ 28-4 t-p. I Hurry Hurry—Big Lot Golf Ball Pops. j al flavors. Lappard A Barrier. 28-lt-p. 100 Engraved Visiting Cards and Hate. j only $2.35. Times-Tribune Office, ts. For Tin Work. Roofing. Guttering. Re j pairing, phone 773. Arthur Eudy, 73 McGill Street. 27-14 t-p. For Sent—Two Cottages With Convtn i ieuees on Marsh street. Flume <132. W I A. Foil.- 27-4 t-p. ries that Chicago and New Y'ork agree ments will be renewed without friction this month and next. Hlndenburg Victory Pleases Ex-Kaiser. Doom, April 27.—Two autombiles bringing high officials from Germany arrived at 6 o’clock this morning with the news of the election of Von Hinden burg and went direct to the ex-Kaiser’s chateau, over which Hohenzollern flags fly. The ex-Kaiser and his entourage were overjoyed at the news, and great animation reigned at the chateau. latt er in the day one of the automobiles started on the return trip to Germany. * -—— ■ i .i. biiji .. J 1 i r , BROWN NORCOTT SCHOOL < COMMENCEMENT Rev. F. O. Dryman. of Norwood, Tb De liver Address. The commencement exercises of the Brown-Norcott School Will be held-Tn the;' school auditorium Thursday and Friday,. April 30 and May 1, beginning at 7:45 . p. m. The program is as follows: Thursday, April 30. 7:45 p. m.—En-' tertainment by the primary grades, fol i lowed by an address by Rev. F. O. Dry . man. pastor of the First Methodist Church of Norwood. ■ Presentation of gold medal for best . best scholastic record, won by Fleetwood: p Sell. I Awarding of Library Reading Course diplomas. Awarding of certificates for perfect at • tendance. Graduating exercises of the class of 1925. ’ Friday, May Ist, 7:45 p. m.—Play by ' the upper grade pupils. The following pupils bgve won Li | brary Reading Course diplomas : ’ Cletus AVatts. -Andrew Hudson, Eula Belle Miller. John Engle, Cornelia Yates, John Parker, Milton Williams, A'irginia AVilKnms. Pauline Hinson. Jessie Harris, Sadie Allen, Fannie Beanick, Dolly Measmec. Fay Beaman. Robert Watts. Howard Bennick. Edgar Bennick. Mary Lou Cranford, Pansy SMls, Evelyn Swar ingen, Tommie Lewey, James Helton, Delvada Miller Evelyn Spry. Bertha Brantley, Virginia Blnckwelder. Artie 1 Cullins, (Mlie Mae AVhitaker, Myrtle- Lewey. Myrtle Hammond, Paul Beaman. Certificates for perfect attendance will be presented to Virginia Blackwelder. Willis Parish. Clyde Misenheimer, Rob ert Watts, Edna Blackwell, Edith Tuck er. The following compose the graduating i class: Cletus AVatts, President; Jessie Harris, secretary; Fleetwood Sell. Sadie Allen, Clyde Miseuheiiner. and Andrew Hudson. The public is invited to all exercises. ' SUNDAY SCHOOL INSTITUTE TO BE HELD THIS KEEK Dr. Burt Smith. Prominent Lutheran Ed ucational Leader. To Head Meeting. Meetings of great interest to all the church members in the city will be held luring the latter |iart of this week when Dr. I). Bnrt Smith will come to St. James Lutheran Church to conduct a Sunday] School Institute. Dr. Smith is one of the most prominent pf the educators iu the Lnthcran Church. He lias been for a number of years past, connected with the, Sunday School in struction iu the Church and in tiv’s po-j -ition has made quite a mark for himself. He will begiu his services AA'ednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock and will conduct services at 8 that night. On Thursday and Friday he will hold j three services each day. on Saturday lie i will hold two and on Sunday lie will -peak at both the chief and at the vesper services. The program : s as follows: AA’ednesday 4 p. in'.—The Teacher’s High Caking. ; ■ S.ii. m.- —A Glance at 'RoligioaCEduca tion Today. f j Thursday 4 p. In.’— AAlien Teitchiug Is Good. 8 p. in.—Some Heal R’s in Religious Education. '9:15 p. in.—Organization of a Sun day School. Friday 4 p. in.—A Pupil-holding Teach er. ‘ J 8 p. m.—Sixty Minutes iu a Sunday School Hour. I 9 :15 p. in. Administration of a Sunday school. Saturday 4 p. in.—The Teaching Min istry for Men and Women. 8 p. m.—A Sunday School Thar Serves. Sunday 11 a. m.—Justifiable Co-oper ation. 8 p. m.—God's Concern for Religious i Education. ■* Tl.e four o’clock services arc confer p euces. The eight o'clock services will be addresses for tile whole congregation. The 9:15 services will be held after the eve ning address and will bp- principally for ■ Sunday School and Church officers on or ! sanitation. but will be ojien to every one. [. BRANCH RECRUITING STATION OF MARINES IN CONCORD. | Sergeant Roy Walker To Have Charge | Os Enlisting Men Here And In Kao | napolis. ( The tent has been erected and an officer, k Sergeant Roy Walker, stationed in Con ( cord for the purpose of recruiting | Marines from among the local boys dur | iug the next months. ; The tent was erected on the Y lawn 1 > thereby adding -another to the numerous activities which go on around the busi ness building in the city. Sergeant Walk-; er rwas sent over from Greensboro and will be here at least two months. If he is able to make his recruiting profitable, i lie will, in all likelihood remain in Con | cord for an indefinite period. i: The Concord branch recruiting station 1 will also have charge of recruiting in 9 Kannapolis and in the county. The ages 2 in which recruits are taken are from | 18-35. | Sunday School Report For April 26Ui. 5 First Presbyterian—Enrolled 410. pres- K ent 300. I Central Methodist—Enrolled 271, pres- K «|t 213. K -Forest Hill Methodist —-Enrolled 405 S present 353. K Epworth Methodist —Enrolled 320. | present 223. V Harmony Methodist —Enrolled 2^5, I present 142. S Kerr Street Methodist—Enrolled 191, 5 present 154. K St. Andrews 8- present Isß. 1 Calvary Lutheran—Enrolled 124, pres- K ent 108. Q Protestant—Enrolled 294. 9 present 200. O Trinity Reformed—Enrolled 185, pres et ent 150. s 2 First Baptist—Enrolled 288, present | 215. r 9 At The Theatres. 5 R shown today at the l’ustime. B “Boy of Mine.’- featuring Ben Alexan- I der. Heary Walthall, Irene «kh and R Kochlilfe Fellows is being shown today at P the Star. / THE CONCORb DAILY, TRIRtjNB jib » GRADUATES OF COUNTY SCHOOLS DURING VEARjg List of Received CertW- IS cates of Graduattttt at County Com-'g The following fc: |he list of studentsH who received certifieates of graduation*® at county cornmjeucement Saturday, it be-JS ing explainetl at the time by Prof. J. B.tgs Robertson. superitrtiOgent of the schools,|ujj that other students'jfjwld receive the cer-jffi tificates later when' their schools clone: J Rocky River—Clegg McCachren, Annie |SE Miller. S Pioneer Mill —Hattie Luella Hartsell, M| Mildred Marie Gray. Mary Jane F’lowe. E Hickory Ridge—James Morrison, Agnes E Small. E Poplar Tent—Moyle Motley. Mary S Oehler. Margaret Oehler. Frances M. PZ Cline. Erwin W. Allison. James A. Black- gg welder. _ Cannon-Voil—Jack McCall, Evelina B Christy, AA'oodley Williams. Allison Grove— Lucile Brew- gg er. Addie Elizabeth’ Robert Hen- g ry Little. fflBL Bethpage schaal—Jwgh Augustus Rum- S pie, Pauline Augusta Rumple. Laura SS AVinonah Sims, Erline Sims, How- jn aril A. Heghir, Cruser McNeil I’etren. H Lillie Josephine Over-cash. Mary Ellen S Petrea. Ray Andrew Brown. s Furr School—iSaxl Kluttz F’isher. Ar- 1 m chie Edwanl Firiier. 1 AV'ineeoff School—Ethel F’isher Peck. 9 Barrier School No. s—Hilda SI. Cook. 9 Williams’ Knoll—Annie Pearl Carpen- S ter. S Gilead School—-Velma Lucille Dry,] B Otho Rush Suther. as Rimer—lda Flora Cori. Gladys Cath-j g erine F’urr. Daisy Ellen Stallings. S F’isher School—Dorothy A’iigiuia Cori,; B George Alexander Fisher. • Moose School-—Ethel Cordelia Bar- B rier. Frank Tomkinson. S , Cruse school—Stella A’iola Sapp. B Liberty Ridge—Sarah Elizabeth AVal-; g ker. S Peck School—Houston Earnhardt, SB .Keith Honeycutt, Mary Anna Lentz. Shir- S ley Earnhardt, (.’art Lowder. Mt. Pleasant—Margaret Ella I,entx. S Lsadora Aqirlla Hatley, Hazel F’ay g Moose, la'tha Griffin Osborne, Helen A'ir- SS giuin Thayer. Frances Foil McAllister, S Annie Laurie Dry, Mary Louise Durham. S Zula Elizabeth I-owdei. Julia Katharine g Shirey. Mary Belle Troutman. Barringer school—Pansy Marie liat;, B ringer. Mary Margaret Fisher. E Bear Creek school —Annie Belle Row-! jj§ land. Marjorie Moose. (S Georgeville School —Curtis Bidwelli B Little. Earl B. Whitley. High Point Schotds—Ruth Petrea. Fls-1 g ther Wetter. ig Bethel School—Mary Edith Morrison, gg Howard B. Eaves, George M., Pope, Net- E tie Lee King. Maud Inez Little. Helen C jG. Poi>e. Chas. Edgpr Talley. Luther- S : Early, Joe I-ank iHBu-ls, Neuton Conner. S ! Howell School—iCd AV. Bust. Jr., Chas.; E L. Hartsell. , ' 3S j Litakcr School—lJsrtha Glenna Brown.' S Dora L. FaggarL ' '* ™ ' Phoenix School—Edna Ciiue, Antie' B Riggers. Daisy Biggers. i Pinnacle School—J4a Mae Kimray, Hi]-' § da Stokes BarithaNc* - AA’h’te Hall —Eltua Lucile Barbee. Mable A’irginia Talbert. Annie Mae Hides.! 33 AVilleue Linker. »£ Hartsell School—Ethel Kiddle. 01-, S iver Eugene Whitley, Curtis Eugene 3 Furr. Charles Eugene Kirky. Jr.. Roland 9 Sebert AA’olfe. Nancy Gweudola Mullis, E Claude-Eugene Kayiner. S Brown Mill School—Jessie Harris, K I Cletus Watts. Fleetwood Sell. Clyde Mis- g enheomer, Sadie Allen. 23 AVliHe Haß Finals. S White liall school^,located three miles S out of Concord. S highway, will have jts closing exercises, S on Wednesday and .Thursday evenings. { B April 2J* and 30th. of this week. ~ The exercises Wednesday evening will’ gg consist of songs, plays, drills, recitations. E etc., by the primary 4n<l iutennediate de- S 3 iwirtnients,. under the direction of the : r {S respective teachers Mgs. Jack Host and |5 Miss Ethel Blnckwelder. S Thursday evening the high school will .9 be in charge of the program. Some very a; amusing plays have' been selected and fi prepared for the evening, which promise to make, the occasion « very enjoyable oue. A string baud from Faith will fur nish music. Tlie public is invited to come. The! finals are to be givenion the school lawn.? No charges will be made for admission. 1 The programs arc to’begin at 7 :45 each' evening. 1 ’ . ' “ • G. N. DULIN, Principal. Charged With Hettiag Fire to Wife’s ! ; Hosiia. Harry Mixire. well Jtnowu white man! of this city, is in jail -here charged with setting fire to the home of his wife Mou-i day afternoon. The house was badlyi damaged and was partially saved only by. ; the fine work of Jin- fire ilei»artment. It was reported this morning by a po- I. lice officer of the city that Moore walked! from the house alxnit 5:30 o’clock Moudu.v afternoon, pulled the <V>or shut behind' him and said to a neighbor: ’"You liaiF better call the lire department; I’ve set' the d— bouse on tire.'’ . ‘ Moore was tried iu iwliee court here Monday for being intoxicated and police” officers stated this morning that when ar- ’ rested Sunday at his home Moore told them he was going to hum the house. 1 • The Music at Special Services at First Presbyterian Ctmrrh. At the F’irst Presbyterian Church Mon day night Mr. C. H. Shadwell led iii an inspiring song service. Mr. Shudwell not tmly knows how to sing himself, but how • to make others sing. ”He will ies.d the, • singing every night thijs week. Two spec- 1 ’ ial numbers tonight. Mrs. Mary Sims’ . Soane, of Churlotte, will siqg solo. I Concord appreciates ifrs. Sloane. not on ly for her sweet pei-somdity, but also for her beautiful voice. The public s cor-1 diully invited to com* out and* enjoy . \ ii—* pvßa. MB W Strrot Itep- The revival *t Church aiaj 'ritwe IjißiifiVr niglrtlADW ; Gaines : s doing splendid preaching audit ; those who attended are grtdtiy interested, f The singing is good. Monday night they' ■ sermon subject was “Counting Time I I ‘With God.” Again we* SorjlhrHy ’farifte.L nll to hear him toniiht anfl tomorrowl: night at 7:30. J PASTOR. 1 • l . . .?. 6 T ™ ‘ ‘ A ‘ v' : %■; . Ggg 1 HUKk il l «W JM -Q» ill BJ] W w M V B ■J* #1 L# |c mb I ..■£. - m u ■ S XJE M M 35 ! ' * # v || Concord’s Leading Department Store I “*■ '■ ~ ,: pi I We have made a special trip to New York to buy goods g I for our early summer business and we were yery lortu | nate in finding lots of wonderful values in Silks and Dress M I Goods of ail kinds at very low prices. New goods are s I coming in every day and the people are just talking p I about the beautiful things we have and how cheap we are S I selling them. Silks, Satin, Crepe Satin, Satin Canton and I | Crepe de Chine. H £ Heavy Sport Stripe Crepe in Nice- range of 1 * colors. The rage of the £0 QQ = season * g Beautiful line of colors in Print- fcf QQ 5 ed Silk Calimut Special —— ** * E $2.50 value 40-inch Satin Canton * | QO full line of colors, special T A • 1 " r " I $2.50 value all silk Canton Cl QQ | Crepe, special > *- ■. I; $2.00 value Heavy Canton Crepe #1 CQ E in all the new colors, Special __ - •V* y £ Printed Silk and Cotton Crepes^- 69c 89c 98c £ Colored Pongee in all the bright new shades 3 Pine for children’s Cl I dresses. Special vl.iO 1 .OO | We still have lots of big bargains S on our SI.OO yard Silk Couhter. S $1.50 36-inch Black Satin $1.19 | PARKS-BELK CO. i We Deliver Everything We Sell ‘ • I Phones 138-608 Concord. N. C. a I HHHmHfttwf :[imatHHMHiu wtiitiiHmtiMtniHiwiußiiMmuuiiftuw^mwwaßgigUM^ HEnl r ’ Y'’ Tuesday, April 28, 1028 { ." SB $1.25 36-inch Black Taffeta 9&C S special as $1.65 value 36-inch Heavy Navy Ql OC B Satin Messaline. Special —_ ™ * fWW 3 85c value 36-inch Pure L,inen, Fast Color 3 in Bose, Orange, Copen, ttelio, 4S-C 9 Almond and Tan. Very special __ .’t'B’ 65c value 40-inch Nomander Flock-Dot SI Voile in beautiful range A.Q.** S of colors WV H We have a wonderful line of colors in New K Solid Colord Vailes. Price 15§ 25c 29c 39c 48c | $2.50 value Sport Stripe 11 AO 3j Broadcloth - ____ 91J99 £ $2.00 value Stripe Broadclqth in f 1 JO S fast colors. Special i ** * «p $1.50 value Spore Stripe Silk Si AA SB Broadcloth, Special, per yard V * «•*!#

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