PAGE SIX V ' —— —— - Chesterfield’s popularity was won onftaste)alone a ring around that word —and dorit forget it! ' . TdStc! That one Wot?d explains Chesterfield’s enormous % popularity. ''They satisfy,” because they contain ’ ' £ - the richest, mellowest tobaccos that money can buy. k\ r'W And they’re mild, because these tobaccos are blended ' in just the right proportions for taste and aroma. It’s * a blend of unique character and it can’t be copiedl \ No wonder smokers everywhere are from all kinds of cigarettes to Chesterfield. Lioonr & Myers Tobacco Co. s UC H ■ P O p u L AKIT Y * MUS T- BE - D E S E E D FAITH. Mrs. John A. Peeler had her first mess of strawberries April 21st, 1925. If you can beat it trot out your berries. W. A. Shuping and son. Orlin, of Shu ping's Mill, have moved in their new residence near the mill. We notice one of the best articles about the flapper girls we ever saw in print that suits us exactly. It appeared in the Salisbury Post of April 19th, page 13, on third and fourth and fifth columns. That's the way to do. Write something good about the girls. Every body ought to read that article. Mr. Stephen Davis has a little young rooster only five and a half weekß old. They saw it crow three times. If you can beat it trot out your baby rooster. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Gaskey and little son, Ernest Monroe, and Mr, and Mrs. Monroe MeCraven, motored out to Faith and met Venus arid said they read his items regularly. The little baby is only five months old and weighs 18 pounds. If you can beat that trot Put your fat baby. One gentleman motored up to Faith from down below Albemarle in his fine car to get a jar of home-made eczema salve. He said he run up expressly for that. The seventh grade of Faith school went on a hike and cooked their supper April 21st and report a fine time. The following were taking lunch at Dutch Lunch No. 2: L. T. Yarborough, Z. A. Taylor, A. C. Howard, O. t>. N. Smith, B. H. Howard, D. B. Simmerson, J. A. Wallace, J. C. Adams, J. T. Wyatt. Do you know any of them. Also M. H. Steel, the fox hunter. The commencement exercises of Faith school will begin Monday, April 27th at 7:30 p. m. and continue through Tues day evening. Good plays for Monday and Tuesday evenings. Exercise Tuesday and dinner on the grounds. Everybody come. Professor Lyerly has taught a most successful school here at Faith and the exhibition will be a big thing as usual VENUS. ; j RIMER There wffl be preaching at Phaniels Sunday afternoon at 2:80 o’clock by the pastor. Rev. George Hodge. Misses Gladys Furr, Daisy Stallings and Ida Cori, of Rimer school passed county examinations. TTiey were the on ly ones that took the examination. Miss Ines Furr, who had been eonfin ade to her home with mumps, is able to be out again. Rimer school will close Friday, May the first. The exercises will begin in the u ?° M BOT m / ' HTHrtm mi * mvwoss scavun wu. a. I talks followed by a ball game. The night performance will begin at 7:45. The public is cordially invited. SCHOOL. After much persuasion. Mr. Tightjrad entered a raffle for a chicken, and was surprised to hear that he had won it. After receiving the bird he was still rather suspicious as. to whether he would be allowed to keep it, so he said to a friend, “Let's take it home’ and kill it right away.” “Don’t tye in such a hurry,” replied the pther:. “wait till morning—it might lay an egg by then” " —P We stem Scenery By . > Mrs. Coolidge Finds Useful , Furniture in White House Attic i ■ Washington, April 27.—A program for [ renovation of the White House this spring I affords Coolidge her first real op i portunity to dress the executive mansion : up to her tastes. Congress has appropriated, SSQ,OOO' for I the repair of the house, but most bf this 1 will bs spent in renovating the decoratibnfs, and furnishings, and practically dll of the work will be done on the first floor ’ in the semi-public rooms. While Mrs. Coolidge will have the choice of materials, it is-r believed she will fol low custom and retain the standards in colors and designs established for these" rooms by Mrs. Roosevelt. Operations in the beginning will be cen tered on the Green Room, which , .suc cumbed to the flirtations of the sun sev eral years ago and faded to a jaded brown. The Red and Blue Rooms are in comparatively good condition and slight changes will ‘be made in them. Some upholstering will be done, arid she rugs changed. ’ < i- , Other funds will be expended on mod ernising the elevator, remodeling . the plumbing and vacuum cleaner sytftem, painting the floors apd replacing rug? in many rooms, including the President’s study. Mrs. Coolidge already is rivaling her husband’s fame for economy. Practical ly no new furniture'has been bought by "" '' . ' i " J Wrestling was the sport of the ancient Greeks, the perfect race. It was the test of skill ah dstrength ■ that brought the highest honors to the. victor, and poets, orators, and the brains of the classic age vied with one another for the signal honor of wearing the laurel wreath of the champion wrestler. Tennis stars of America, England, France, Spain, South America and Jap an are entered in the big. international tournament to begin % Paris at the end of May. ; ;} ” I I niw& I ’ nih mff I ■ ' WMi Tifi? • j.* 2! ■ ■ •b. "J f i _ _-fll «•: ■ I jJV I K Ur] « I » ■ I J ior ke-Wads worth the CONCOR& daily tribune r .. her, but recently she visited the White House store house and, resurrected two pieces which had been discarded. One was a table, inset with brass diagonal pieces, one of which'-was missing. This pieces was restored,; trod Mts. Codlidge has been complimented several times by visitors on the result. \ She also picked up in the store house an old fashioned comfortable chair, bear ing a tag which identified it os “Presi dent Jackson’s chair.” It is now in the Presidents study. r \ •. 1 T ' FOR NEW “PEP” VIM AND VIGOR To Quickly Increase Nerve Force. Weight and Strength. Special Formula of Virginia Druggist Sold on Binding Guarantee. Weak, thin, nervoo* men and women who lack the ambition, fpep” arid strength to accomplish things—should be glad to know about Buroller’s Tronux, the new wonder tonic that is as pleasant to take as fine old wine. No matter what your age or dilment may be—if you want double yriur nerve i force and quickly increase your weight and strength—you are invited to try Burcher’s Ironux today, without risk! All «aod ; druggist* authorized to supply you this splendid medicine to all afl who i wish to try it—on a binding guarantee of full satisfaction or .money promptly refunded. One man says, “Since beginning to take Ironux I have gained 27 1-2 pounds and never felt better!” , Another man says, “After taking two bottles of Ironux, I have gained 12 pounds and feel like a boy again!” ■ Mrs. Atkins says, “Am now well and strong and have gained 27 pounds—thanks to Ironux.”. ' Would your ease berimy different? One week’s trial will furalatr thfc answer—try it today rot oor risk I i“ ,< in FAILURE TO GET DOCTOR LEADS TO DAMAGE SOT Birth and Death ©f Baby Causes Couple to Ask $60,000 of Telephone Company. Greensboro, April 27.-~Because a phys ician could not be secured and a child' was born with no one with she mother, the infant later dying, Mr. and Mijs.' Robert D. Thompson, of this city, today started suit in Guilford superior cotth here against the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph company for $50,000. It is alleged in the complaint that whin c Madtto ordzr~ c 2 new "Standard” Oil for thcFORP There is a new "Standard” Polarine Motor CHI refined especially for the Ford engine and transmission. It flows freely, v It is the result of years of laboratory ex periments and road tests and is the best oil for Ford Cars. Thorough lubrication of the Ford Car is a; special problem. The new oil fits the requirements of the Ford engine so Closely that it is not sold for use in other makes of car. Next time try “ Cta JUB ■ wk florins MOTOR OIL ■i s hßbmbß ■■fwmi I ML jh it was apparent the child was about to be born, Mr: Thompson hurried to a tele phone to huinmon Dr.;Di.tY. Holt,'and was told by the telephone' operator that connection could not be given because the physician’s receiver was down. The .doc tor denies that it was. After a search Mr. Thompson found the physician's home and they went to his own home where the : child had been born with the mother alone. What will one cent buy? See paper Thursday. B. C.' £. ' • ~ 7' Tuesday, April 28, 1925 “You say you come from Detroit,” said the doctor “to his fellow passenger on a Canadian train“that’s- where they make motor-cars, isn’t it?” “Sure replied the American with some resentment; “we mike other things in Detroit, too/’ -• “Yes, I 1 know,” retorted the doctor; • I’ve ridden in ’em-.” i Charles A. Comiekey, the “big boss” of the Chicago White Sox, is credited-with being the only sole owner of a baseball franchise and plant in the major leagues. - - , i .