• ASSOCIATED • PRESS • DISPATCHES VOLUME XXV VALUE OF PRODUCTS OF NORTH CARDLIM SHOWS BIG IUCHEASE Value of Goods Made in This State in 1923 Shows In crease of 43 Per Cent. Ov er the 1921 Output NUMBEROFWAGE EARNERS INCREASED This Increase In About the Same Proportion as the In , crease in Value of Goods Made for the Market. (By the Associated Press! Washington, April SO.—A 43 per cent. Increase in the value of products turned out by manufacturing establishments in North Carolina in 1923 as compared with 1921 was shown in the biennial census figures announced today by the Depart ment of Commerce. The total Valuation increased from 51605.118,000 to' $951,911,- 000, the figures embracing till ments with an output of more than $5,- 000. Average number of wage earners em ployed increased from 135.R33 to 173,687, 27 9 per cent, while the total average wage payments increased from $94,235,- 000 to $127,544,000, or 35.3 per cent.. The cotton goods industry continued to lead all others in 1023 in both number of wnge earners and value of products. Wage earners in this industry increased from 06,310 to 81,041, or 32.2 per cent, in the two year period, while the Value of products increased from $190,090,000 to $326,572,000, or 71 per cent. The “tobaccd, cigars and cigarettes" in dustry was second in value of output,- with increase from $215,535,657 to $246.- 218,190, but was exceeded in number of wage earners by the "lumber and timber products" industry. The average num ber of persons employed in the latter in dustry increased from 14,617 to 19,960. UNION COUNTY FARMER IS KILLED BY ANOTHER W. i. Hill Is SaM to Hava Confessed Slaying Hiram Cox During a Quar rel. Monroe, April 29. —About seven o'clock Tuesday morning. W. J. Hill shot and in rt aptly -killed Hiram Cox, The two men liued half a mile apaiL W , the Concord read seven tailts north-Of-town. Cox was driving a tractor by the house of Hill. , As he passed he seemed to ware a salute to Pearl Hill in the house, and as he passed the barn Hill stepped out with a shot gun and empited a bar rel into the left side of his heead. Cox fell forward on the steering wheel of the tractor. His little nine-year-old son was on the tractor fender and climbed up and began to try to stop the machine. The tractor ran two or three hundred yards before he succeeded in doing so. Hill went and got Wriston Helms to bring him to town where he surrendered to the sheriff. People gathered in quickly and there was a large number from the surround ing country and from Monroe, includ ing the sheriff and coroner. There was nothing to do about it. Cox was dead. Hill had gone to jail. The body of Cox was taken home and prepared for burial and the funeral was held late Tuesday afternoon at the Presson cemetery. Cox ' was about 45 years old. Hill is 58. Cox h#d five children, all of them young. Hiss has four all of them marrierj ex cept one, Pearl, who lives with him. Cox lived on a farm belonging to Mr. W. B. Love, and had lived there for • eight years. Hill has.lived on his farm, of which he is nominal owner, for three years. Cox was on his way to another farm of Mr. Love’s to get the disc plows which go with the tractor. No one saw the shooting .directly, unless it was the little boy of Cox who saw Hill with the gun and said. “Look out papa, he’s going tr to shoot you.” To Hill, a man of no strong mentality, the thing is as simple as anything. He says that Cox came to him while he was at work Monday for settlement of an ac count which he claimed, and when he called to his attention a previous settle ment, began cursing him, struck him with his fists, and told him that he would have his money or would kill him before the next day’s sun set. That he was drinking then and was a very dangerous man at such times. "1 knew he would till me some time today if I did not get him first. I was bound to. He would have got me. I know he would.” Would Compel Reading of BIMe in the Schools. Tallahasseefi Fla., April 30.—A bill providing for Ally reading of the Bible in -public schools is now before the House of Represenatives of the Florida legis lature for concurrence. The bill as passed in the House by a vote of 74 to 5, provided a penalty clause under which teachers’ salaries could not be piid until compliance. of the law was certified- The Senate yesterday approved the House bill by a vote of 19 to 6 after amending by striking out the penalty provision. NOTICE! City privilege license are due May Ist. Cal> and get your li cense tags for private autos, trucks, cars, trucks and drays for hire. CHAS. N. FIELD, City Tax Collector. • . . . The Concord Daily Tribune LESS HOP! HELD lOW OFSOUMfSTERY : ABOUT DEATH OF GIRL i Police In Indiana and Dli nois Unable to Get New in Connection With Latest Murder Mystery. OLD CLUES HAVE LED TO NOTHING They Are Still Being Follow ed But So Far ; Officials Have Been Able to Get Nothing, Sure Froi# Them. (By the Associated Press) Gary,' Ind., April ,30. —Hope of solv ing t;he mystery of the death of the girl whose maimed and burned body was found Sunday near here, was waning today ns authorities searched for new clues while developing the few obtained. The upper half, of a woman’s lisle stocking and a burned bit of paper bear ing the name "H. Schmidt" were found late yesterday by Lux. a police dog which found a partly burned shoe Tuesday and led searchers to a hidden lagoon. Plan* to tlra-n the lagoon in efforts to find the missing legs and arms of the girl have been abandoned in favor of dredging it. Possible identification of the victim as Mrs. Gertrude Thompson, 27. missing Gary shop girl, may depend on finding the missing arm. Mrs, Thompson had a finger amputated on one hand. The empty gasoline can found near the girl’s body was identified yesterday by Paul Bishop, attendant at a filling sta tion, as one he sold to three men whom he thought he could identify. The men had driven away in the direction of thq place where the body was found, he said. None of the 500 persons who viewed the body in a Chesterton morgue, nor in quiries received from Evansville, Ind., and Rockford, I'll., shed any light on identi fication ijf the dead girl. JIMSON ON LECTURE TOUR IN FLORIDA Campaigning For Good Roads and Other Improvements. Spencer, April 29.—Tom P. .Timison, who makes his home in Spencer, and who ia soon to start a new weekly paper in Charlotte to be named .TimisonFree i? lecturing Florida tU« week In the interest of goM roads. HP Was invited to that state by a booster or ganization, which had learned of Mr. Jlmison's ability as a campaigner. The former minister is stumping a part of Florida preaching • the gospel of good roads, good schools, improved labor conditions and other movements for the betterment of humanity. Mr. Jimison ex pects to return to- North Carolina in a short time and launch his paper which is eagerly looked for by a large number of people, and copy for the first issue of which has already been prepared. With Our Advertisers. See the new way to serve ice cream in the ad. of the Cabarrus Creamery Co. Phone 292. The resources of the Cabarrus Savings Bank are over $3,000,000. It wants the •pleasure of serving you. Country cured bacon and Kingan's meats at Cline & Moose's. They deliver quick anywhere. Fine Spring ginghams in new colors and patterns, 29, 89 and 49 cents at .1. C. Penney Co.’s. See the window display. Let E. B. Grady gfve you the figures for converting your old style bath room into one of beauty and health. Believe Condemned Man Planned Suicide. Ossing, N. Y., April 30.—John Farina, who is to be electrocuted tonight with Joseph and Morris Diamond, brothers, for the murder of two Brooklyn bank mMsengers in 1923, was prevented from an attempt at suicide. Sing Sing authori ties believed, when a keeper today took from him the sharpened handle of a tooth brush which he had concealed in two oranges. The Governor of North Carolina A Busy and Business Man Raleigh, N. C., April 30 (By the Asso ciated Press). —The Governor of North Carolina is a busy man. He goes to work' about 8 o’clock each morning and often midnight finds him wrestling with prob lems of State. The transfer of pardon details to a commissioner created by the Genera lAssembly to handle them has not added any leisure hours to the Chief Executive’s time. The same Generai As sembly broadened his powers and placed responsibilities on him that mdre than made up for the time he might have Sav ed.* Governor McLean is frank in the ad . mission that he does not see how he woulij have managed if the pardon de tails had not been transferred to one ap pointed for'the sole purpose of consider ’ ing them and getting them into shape for final disposition by him. Os course, he has the final word. His irgnature and that of his private secretary are still necessary to inake pardons and parole legal. However, each is relieved of many details that formerly had to be worked : out by them jointly 1 ' and often with the almost undivided time of other members ’ of the executive office force. Governor McLean spends the forenoon ' and early noon at the Executive Mamtiou. ■' That does not mean that he is not engag ed. He is. From eariy morning until he leaveg for the office, for a continuation of We executive duties, there is a constant stream of callers at the Mansion. The Governor sees then and hears their bat- W . w-... y.u ■ul:, it CONCORD, N. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1925 ■ vStr '.l' fi'rM 'Si jjg| ■' William 8. Culbertson of Kansas, vice chairman of the tariff commta slon. has been recommended for ap potntment as minister to Rumania Ho will succeed Peter A- Jay. than* 1 for red from Bucharest to become ana I twaaador to Argentina. A mmmmmmmmmmmrnmimm pn n* „ ~ _ i mu——n ? FAVORABLE SITUATION FOR * , THE TEXTILE INDUSTRY | Bright Outlook Reflected in Review of the Federal Reserve Bank. | (By the Associated Proas) Richmond, Va., April 29. —A favorable ( business situation and a 'bright outlook, , especially -ffcr the textile industry, are . in the April review issued by | the Federal Reserve Bank of the Fifth I District. II The rewlew pointed out that “in late ) April last year textile mills were run- I ning only part time and manufactured ,; goods were accumulating, and very bad ' weather had delayed all farm work. In contrast, it added : “But at present, the , cotton mills are operating full time and t , ere selling their output ns made, while , favorable weather has enabled the furm ’ j ers to make all their seasonal .prepara | tions from ten to twenty days earlier than 1 1 in 1924." | However, the review pointed out “some unfavorable factors." describing these us bang "a scarcity of farm labor and a lack of funds with which to hire farm hands, higher fertilizer prices than in 1924, a shortage of feeds which forces farmers to buy high priced grain from stock and lack of sufficient orders to keep coal mines busy.” Ou the other hand, the review said that “favorable factors appear to outweigh the unfavorable ones.” Describing these favorable factors, the review continued: “Labor is Well employed, and therefore the purchasing power of the public con tinues large. “Retail trade-in March was good, com paring favorably with seasonal average and wholesale trade was better in most lines than in March, 1024. “The banks of the District are general ly in a strong position and are able to care for any legitimate credit demands that appear likely to rise. Debits to in dividual accounts prove that a very large volume of business is being done, and commercial failures compare favorably with other years. "Business operations continue in record volume, causing increased activity in many allied industries and giving steady employment to both skilled and unskilled labor. , “Finally, the psychological attitude of the public seems to be favorable for a fairly active business year. “There is no disposition to boom bus iness, but there does not appear to be much nervousness of fear of what the next few months have in store.” Police Think Soviets Planned Demonstra tion for Rome. Rome, April 30.—Polic* declared to day they had discovered evidence of an Italian revolutionary organization affili ated with communist groups in Russia which bad been planning a May Day workers strike and demonstration against the government throughout Italy. The police expressed the opinion as a result of their discovery that a very active or ganization of soviet propagandists are established in Italy. Police acted to prevent trouble tomorrow. iness. He dictates letters. “I see that every letter js answered,” he said. “Os course, there are a lot of them, but I try to get a personal answer to each one who writes about anything.” The Governor does not hear pardon pleas at the Mansion. He refers these' to Commissioner Sinty, and wheu it is necessary for him to take a hand, he calls for Mr. Sink and engages him in a personal conference. He tells Mr. Sink to investigate this phase or that and to make a report. Then the pardon commis sioner , makes the investigation and re ports. The ball room of the Executive Man sion has been fitted up. On either side of the piano there is a typewriter. The Governor sits at a large table in the cen ter of the room. He personally ijircct* the work of his force there. In front of Governor McLean, in the middle of the table at which he acts, is a large photograph of President Woodrow Wilson. This was presented to Mr. Mc- Lean while he was associated wish Mr. Wilson during the was. There 1b a per sonal greeting written at the bottom of the picture. The words were penned by President Wilson himself, who affixed his signature. It is a sepia Hkedess. Gov-; ernor McLean prizes it very highly and considers It one of the beat likeneses of the late President he has seen, The Governor is all business. He ia precise and quick in his movements. He (Continued on Page Eight). f ,.^,v ' & !>',■ v-’■ ’ fr A/Ji mss H’SWIIEV IS GOINS JO STiVHEHE SHE SM CHICAGO Declares If Any Attempt to Arirest Her h Made She h Will at Once Start on a Hunger Strike In Jail FASSPORTHiSM QUESTIONED NOW Irish Free State Started In quiry About the Length of Time She Has Been In This Country^ (By (he Aaaoelateil Press) Chicago. Api-B 30.—Miss Mary Mac- Hwiney, sister of Terrence Macgwiney, Irish hunger strike, catered this coun ,'try without a passport and lias no in tention of ever getting any. she said here before leaving for Minneapolis to speak today. » A hunger strike will 1 be her answer to arrest in connection with the investiga-' tion of her entry into the United State*, she said. | Latest Developments in Case. Washington, April 39.—The next step of the ],abor Deportment officials in their investigation of the resence in this country of Miss Mary MaeSwiney, Irish republican worker, apparently hinged to day on the report of immigration officials at Chicago, who questioned her an hour yesterday about, her passport. The Labor Department authorized the Inspection in Chicago of Miss MaoSwin ey’s passport after her presence in this country was made the subject of inquiry at the State Department on behalf of the Irish Free State government. CONTINUE SEARCH FAR MISSING GIRL AND MAN Hunt For Lucille Chattel-ton and Earl Woodward Started in New Direction Today. (By the Associated Press) Granville. N. Y,. April 30.—The hunt for Lucille Chntterton, 17 year old Gran ville girl, and for Earl Woodward, navy deserter, former convict and her alleged kidnapper, swung in a new direction to day when it was reported tha a man had raided the dairy of a farm between North Randolph and 'Brookfield just hefore dawn. The barkirqr em-tluy- awakened the. farmer and his wife, hut'Sno one was seen. This morning a can of cream was missing and a man's footprints were found. Think They Are Located. Granville, Vt„ April 30.—A man and a girl believed to be Woodward and Lu cile Chatterton werh located today in Enst Brookfield by one of the searchers. Both fled when the searcher fired at the man. BRITISH WILL OPERATE LARGE RUSSIAN MINE Given 50 Year Lease oa Lens Goldfields of Siberia by Soviet Government. Moscow, April 30. (By the Associated Press). —The . soviet government today made the largest confession it has ever granted in signing a 50 year contract with the British Lena Goldfield Corpora tion, for the exploitation of 'the Lena gold fields of Siberia which are estimated to contain more than $100,000,000 worth of gold. American banking interests will participate to the extent of 50 per cent, in the investment. The Lena mines, which now are oper ated b.v the -soviet government, will be taken over immediately by the British operating company which exploited the field before the Russian revolution. Con cession covers mining operations over several million acres in Siberia. State Borrows Six Million For Sixty Days At $3 Rate. Raleigh, April 2!).—North Carolina borrowed for 60 days today $6,000,000 from the First National bank of New York and paid $3 for the money. The loan was necessary for state highway work which calls for $3,000,000 Last week the state paid back $5,000,- 000 which it had borrowed from the special fund, the $3,000,000 for high ways and the $3,000,000 for general purposes ordered at the meeting April 24, but it was desired that the trans action be’ made before the- announcement was made. The governor thinks that the state has made a good trade and he was pleased when c Treasurer Lacy today notified him of the sale of the notes. This will make $21,000,000 which the state is carrying in those notes, but the rnte paid for interest is better than that at which bnds are sold. For more than two years the sun’s heat at the -tropics has been from one to two per cent below normal, but at present it •is np to normal again. Wednesday’s Statesville Daily: “The condition of Rev. Z. E. Barnhardt shows a slight improvement today.” SEE THE BIG x MAY DAY FETE V .b . , Friday 5:30 P. M. Y. M. C. A. ; • Lawn Get Your Reserved Seats at the Ij Y. M. C. A., 25c and 50c [ PERFORMANCE FREE A Silver Offering Benefit ! For BIBLE STORY CONTEST > ’ 'fc -V 1 '•' •K ’K "V.. , - lE.v.f--Vtf'f.il hh/aiiVt . ~.." •/•JSMSiR-. MSiU* rt. tA:i She Doesn’t Want to Die Now Ft. > j JMP 'h". V ?j| -j Wmm-- £ 1 fi u mwHj- f -I \ t --.■.■•'ip f i 1 ir~i * » sis w r * ** i T j \ aHr £- , jeS' - j \ * * l|l§||’ -i■ M Ada Scott, 17. of Kansas City, quarreled wilh her fiance. jSo She decided •to commit suicide and Jumped from a bridge over the Kaw River. Bill Price, 18, dived in after her and carri 'A the girl 100 feet & safety. Now V new romance is blooming. NO IMPORT DUTIES ON I AMERICAN CORN NOW j For Two Months Mexico WIU Not Col lect Ditty on the Grain, Washington Is Told. (By the Araoctated Preia) Washington, April 30.—Import du ties on American corn have been sus pended by the Mexican government for a ' period of two month beginning April 27th. !' . ■' Uottsal lienerat Faddetl, of- Mexico City, reported today to the State de partment that the duties had been sus pended by executive decree issued April l 27th. No further details of the gov ernment's action was given in the brief message. Officials here, however, were inclined to believe Mexico's corn crop had not produced necessary quantities of that product, and consequent shortage had affected prices, causing an increase to consumers. NATIONAL BALLOON RACE WILL START TOMORROW Winner Will Get SIO,OOO and Place in the International Race 'to Be Held Liter. St. Joseph, Mo., April 30 fßy the As sociated Press). —Five balloonists of nat ional and international reputation, two of them representing the Navy, will soar away from Roxecrans Field here tomor row in the national elimination balloon race. A prize of SIO,OOO, a Litchfield trophy, and a place in the international events awaits the winner. Inflation of the big bags will begin ear ly, and a place in the international events awaits the winner. Inflation of the big bags will begin ear ly tomorrow, and it is expected they Will get away about 5:30 in the after noon. Brazilian Rebels Showing Renewed Ac tivities. (By the Associated Press) Beunos Aires. April 30.—Border ad vices say the Brazilian rebels in the state of Sao Paulo who retired to the in terior after the failure of their last out break, are showing renewed activities and preparing to attack the port 'of La Guay ra on the Parana River. The' Brazilian government forces at La Gun.vra which is fortified are said to number about 2,000 while 1.200 rebels are already gathered at various points up the river. I You Will Like Concord Better when you hetp it to grow. Let all of us put our shoulders ' to the wheel and by hard work put over everything that ! will make our city bigger and better. | We live in a city of many opportunities and we should ] put forth ASvery effort to develop them for the benefit of i the community. | OUR NEW SERIES NOW OPEN Why not start to save a little each week by the Build- 1 ! ing and Loan plan? ‘ , . | Citizens Building & Loan Association Office in Citizens Bank Building oOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOObOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOO j THE COTTON MARKET J Opening Steadiness Succeeded by Weak ness and Rather Sharp Decline hi First Half Hour. (By the Associated Press) New Y’ork. April 30.—Brief opening steadiness , : u the cotton market today fol ldweo firm English cables with first prices' unchanged to 4 points higher, wns suc ceeded by weakness and a rather sharp decline, in the first half hour. The selling, winch Was influenced- Uy further rains in Texas and a private re port estimating an area of 44,000,000 acres, or 0.3 per cent, increase over last year, forced July contracts down to 23.98 and October to 23.68, or 14 to 16 points net lower. It seemed to be the general impression that Texas has received enough moisture for the present and the crop as a whole is getting off to a good start. The South, local shorts. New Or leans and Wall Street bought at the op ening while Liverpool spot houses and the South sold. Cotton futures opened steady May 24.00; July 24.15; Oet. 23.88; Dee. 24.04; Jan. 23.75. Removal Sale at Browns-Cannon Co. On account of moving, the Browns- Cannoq, Co. will start a big reducflon sale tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock, and will continue it eight days. They are determined to move their goods before go ing into their new store, and everything worn b.v men will be sold at a big re duction for these eight days. To the first twenty-five adults entering the store Friday morning, and making a purchase of $2 or more will be given absolutely free a full size suit case. The store lias been closed yesterday and today get ting ready for the big sale. Testifies at McCltatock Hearing. (By the Associated Press) Chicago, April 30. —L. P. Clark testi fied today in the resumed inquest into the death of Wm. N. McClintock that he had been offered a $5,000 bribe by an at torney for Wm. D. Shepherd, under in dictment charged with the murder of Mc- Cliutoek by typhoid inoculation, to sign an affidavit which Clark said he had never seen. Accepts His Eelection. Berlin, April 30 (By the Associated Press). —Field Marshal von Hindenburg today formally accepted his election to the German presidency. • TODAY’S t Sr No. 102 CAPITAL IS AROUSED | SffillnHEPHC All Employs of the Govern ment Are Advised to Be Vaccinated as Disease Is In Very Virulent Form. 19 DEATHS HAVE BEEN REPORTED It Is Said That the President Was One of the First Per sons In the Capital to Heed the Latest Warning. (By (he Associated Press) Washington, April 30.—A1l govern ment employees in the District of Colum bia have been requested by the Public Health Service to submit to vaccination against smallpox and there were indica tions toda.v that President Coolidge was among the first to s : gnify compliance with the request. As a result of an order front Surgeon General Cumining, department heads to-* day sent instructions to all employees ad vising them that the vaccination should be accomplished at ‘the earliest possible wonient. The orders affect approximately 65.000 government workers. There have been nineteen deaths here from smallpox since January 1 out of 54 cases thus far known aud reported. Two of the deaths occurred yesterday. Dr. Cummins considers the disease to be in a virulent form. MORTGAGES ON LIQUOR CARS TO BE IGNORED United States Judge in Atlanta Rules • Against Claims and Liens. Atlanta. April 20.—Automobiles seiz ed as liquor carriers can be confiscated by the government, regardless of mort gages, liens or other claims, except when liquor on which tax has been paid is. being conveyed. Judge Samuel H. Sibley ruled in a decision handed down today in United States district, court. Discussing the decisions, which was handed down in the ease of Goldsmith- Grant comimny vs. the United States, federal prohibition agents here pointed out that the ruling, in effect, means all claims on automobiles seised- as liqnor carriers are forfeited. Virtually all liquor sold . and trans ported ft) the northern district of Geor gia, the jurisdiction of Judge Sibley's eou C t, is illegally manufactured, and, therefore, no tax is paid on it, it was stated. Heretofore stated, it was said in court circles, some courts have upheld liens and other claims on automobiles seised as whiskey carriers on the ground the illicit use of machines was without knowledge of the party or parties hold ing the liens or other claims. Declares Barlow Made No Gift. (By the Associated Press) New York. April 30.—Rogers Winter, of Atlanta, Ga„ secretary of the Stone Mountain Memorial Association, asserted here today that no gift had been made to the association by Lester H. Barlow, of Raleigh, N. C., who yesterday in a let ter to a Raleigh newspaper said he would withdraw a SI,OOO subscription unless Gutzon Borgluin was reinstated as sculp tor of tbe Slone Mountain memorial. “Mr. Barlow has never made a sub scription or a contribution to the me morial.” said Mr. Winter. “He has given nothing bur a newspaper statement some weeks ago for which the association was not responsible, to the effect he intended to contribute SIOO,OOO of an alleged war claim against the government, if and when the government paid the claim. Secretary of War Weeks has reported there was no merit in the Barlow claim.” Mr. Winter came to New 'York with a delegation from the Georgia Press As sociation and has been in conference with Augustus Lukeman, the new sculptor of the manorial. Billy Sunday Shours Trouble Wltfl World. Greensboro, April 20.' —Here's the trouble with the world: “We have gone crazy. We . are pleasure mad, fame mad, wealth mad and lust mad. We are drinking at the fountains of pleasure, but the thing that we are hoping to find isn't there.” That is the trouble, said Billy Sun day. colorful evangelist who slipped in to Greensboro Tuesday morning and [ fought a vigorous little battle for tha ' Lord. He spoke at the National theater | under the auspices of the Myers’ Minute i men. a Firet Presbyterian church or -1 gdnization. Ten Pages Today Two Sections WHAT SAT'S BEAK SAYS Partly cloudy tonight and Friday, probably showers in the extreme west portion tonight; continued cool, .