2 DISPATCHES J VOLUME XXV May Day Fete Proved l| Very Elaborate Event .a. ‘ilz Hundreds of Persons At tracted to Y Lawn Where Festivities Were Held.— Children Did Parts Well. MISS DAYVAULT .CROONED QUEEN Cinderella Challenged Atten tion In Unusual W ay—May Pole Dance One of Most Pleasing Features. May, Day was celebrated Friday after noon at this Y.'M. C. A. lawn in the most elaborate fete ever seen in the eity of Concord and was witnessed by one of the largest crowds that have ever gathered for an event in the history of the eity. After several day of very inclement n cold rain driven by high winds, the weather man permitted a clear day and, with the exception of the fact that It was a little too cool, the day was ideal. Athough the program did not start up til 5:30, nil reserved seats in the im provised amphitheatre were taken short ly after five. All available standing room in the vicinity was taken and even the roofs of nearby bouses were used to view the spectacle. Some few urchins risked tearing trousers and climbed to the top of the wire netting surrounding the ten nis court where they parked for a period of nearly two hours sitting astride the two-by-four railings used as top supports. Constant vigilance was necessary on the part of officials to keep the crowd from surging on the arena used for the danees. The identity of the May Queen which had been kept secret during the weeks of practice preceding the event, leaked out on the last day and there was little sur prise when Miss Rebeera Dayvanlt made her way round the arena and took her seat on the throne erected tinder the stately oak on the right side of the V. M. C. A. lawn. A great amount of work had been ex- ' pended on- the erection of suitable stands for the various groups in the fete. Under the majestic oak on the right of the lawn, was the stand on which was placed the 1 throne of the. queen. This stand was large enough to accommodate the eight l pages and the eutire group of maidens i comprising the court. To the right of i this were placed seats for the kindergar ten and on the left were stands .for other ■ groups of dancers. * • -& > Tto queen's stand was f*rto;ifiatr)y ; bepagfful. being formed Os a white ktt- 1 White Cloth anti draped with green ivy. Over the queen's cha'r was a marquee constructed in fan like shape and decorated with ivy similar to the decoration of the stand. Announcement of the beginning of the program was made when four heralds made their way to the lawn blowing brass trumpets. Following came eight pages dressed in suits ,of black trimmed with white ruffles. The court followed. The line of march which the court and the queen made began at the front steps of The Y, circled around the lawn and then ended on the -stand at the extreme right. All the maids in the court were costumed in voile dresses in rainbow col ors and they stationed themselves in fan-shape -fashion around the, queen’s throne. In the court were the following: Jennie Brown, Annie Gussy Dayvault, Bessie Webb, Willie White. Dorothy | Black, Mary Orchard Boger, Mary, Can non, Annie Louise Hoover, Ani(a Urn berger, Sarah Simpson, Louise MiHer, Helen Dayvault, Nola Barrier, Zula Pe trea. Mary Grady Parks, Julia Rowan, liouise Morris end Margaret BaYrier. Little Frances Barringer next enter ed dressed in white and carrying on a white satin pillow, the. crowd made of silver and orange blossoms. The maid of honor, Margaret Corzine, then entered beautifully costumed in,a flowered geor gette and carrying a- corsage of roses. She took her stand on the right of the queen’s throne, the crown bearer taking her stand on the left. The queen, Miss Rebecca Dayvault, fol lowed and was exquisitely beautiful in a costume of pure white She wore a very becoming dress of white satin with a band of White fui' around the bottom, and curried a shower bouquet of white roses, white pliiks and white peonies. Her train, of white satin, was borne by seven little girls, also in white. Miss Dayvault carried a shepherd’ staff which was or namented with a shoWer bouquet attached at the - f: Numbers J)f que«j£ they had ever seen in a May Day fetec* Her brunette coloring in contrast with | the white of her costume gave her a striking appeaiynoe. , TKp court jenteffe, . Nancy Lenta and Fraqces Howard, afforded much amuse ment as they entered after the queen had seated herself, apeing in grotesque fash ion •'Jhe stately movement of the queen antWher court During the entire pro gram, the jesters continued their antics fer the entertainment of the spectators. As soon as the queen was segted on her throne and the court arranged around her, the program honoring the queen was (Continued on Page Two.) I HEAR DR. SMITH j St. James Lutheran Church Utdoo and Corbin Streets Sunday School 8:45, classes for every one. ] Chief Service 11, sermon by Rev. D. Burt Smith, D. D. Vesper* 7:30, sermon by Dr. Smith. You will want to hear these C sermons. <’ This Church Welcomes You. , The Concord Daily Tribune . -i' . ' / ♦ \ JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER, JR.. TO INVEST QUARTER MILLION - In the Broadway Temple, a Skyscraper Project of the Methodist Church. New York, May I.—John D. Rock- < efeller, Jr., a Baptist, today agreetl to invest $250,000 in the Broadway temple, a skyscraper project of the Methodist Episcopal church, provided the re mainder of the bonds to be sold to com plete the project be disponed of by June 1- i < The structure, n combination sky-; ; scraper church, apartment house and business building, is to cost $4,000,000. Leaders in the project the fi- : r naneierV promise of investment assured success, ns only $400,000 worth of bonds remained te be cold. | 1 Announcement of Mr. Rockefeller’s investment was uume at a bankers’ club luncheon to whese chairman he made known his proposal in a letter in which he said the Broadway temple “gives , - promise of being n real contribution to ] the solution of the problem of the ] . “eity church-” : -Not only will the structure dominate j the surrounding buildings, n« religion ■ should dominat. all human activities,” ( Mr. Rockefeller wrote, ’’but This type of structure, because convertible entire- t ‘ ly into business uses if necessary, rend- j ers far safer, in these dajrs Os constant- ( i ly changing city life, the large invest- ( ment involved. Another feature is that j ■ the building is to be finnneed largely on ( 1 bond and mortgage, with an assured re t turn in interest, instead of through . . direct gifts.” _ , Broadway temple is designed to be , i 23 stories high, surmounted by a tower ( on which will be a revolving eros", to be j i illuminated at night. It will be erected j ' at Broadway and 173rd streets, on the , highest elevation in Manhattan and its lighted cross will be visible throughout l 1 the greater city. ( t WOODWARD ARRAIGNED ! IN COURT DURING DAY Formally Charged With the Kidnapping 1 of Eleven-Year-OM Luclle Chatterton. (By the Associated Press) ; Midtlleboro, Vt, May 2.—Earl Wood ward. ex-convict and farm .laborer who was captured in South Brookfield yes terday with eleven-year-old Lucile Chat ferton. his employer’s daughter, will be arruinged in municipal court here today, j Formal charge is that of kidnapping a minor under sixteen years of age. n fel ony under the Vermont law, with a pen alty of more than twenty years in prison or ’* SIO,OOO fine or both. .. , - Yekterrfsy Wmcd-»ppiwih*i -on- -W -tod- ■ ward's trail were under orders to shoot to kill. 'today the high feeling against him had been dissipated by the report that Lucile Chatterton had pleaded for him. declaring that Woodward was help ing her escape from abuse at the hands of her father, Walter Chatterton, at Granville. • Pleads Not Guilty. Middleboro. Vt., May 2.—Earl Wood ward, farm hand, and ex-convict who was captured yesterday with 11 year old Lu cile Chatterton whom he had taken from her parents’ home in Granville a week ago, pleaded not guilty when arraigned, today on a charge of kidnapping. He was committed to jail in default of $lO,- jOOO bail to await the next jury sitting A $150,000 Table Service. London, May 2.—An excellent in stance of counting chickens before they are out of the incubator is furnished by the history of a magnificent silver table service now lying, packed in forty cases, in the vaults ofthe Reichsbank in Berlin. It*» story starts with the ex-Crown Prince’s wedding in 1005, when the As sociation of German Towns decided to give him the most wonderful table ser vice of silver in the world. For years the best artists in Germany worked at the gift, and when war broke out the work was purposely slowed down in order that it might be completed to coincide with, the Crown Prince’s triumphal entry into Berlin after Germany had won the war and annexed France and England. The service was actually completed only a few days before the armistice. | but the man for whom it, was being made, instead of entering the capital in • triumph amid the plaudits of the i crowd, was fleeing over the border into : Holland. The service is valued at $150,- . vOO. I- Cmnaidat Conspiracy is Traced to Monks Sofia, May 2 (By the Associated Press). —Traces of the communist con spiracy in Bulgaria ’ have led to the Teheropltch monastery, thirty-eight miles from Sofia, where the authorities claim secret meetings were held. The attor-i ney general has ordered the arrest of the implicated monks. Coalidge At Jewish Ceremonies Washington, D. O. May 2.—Presi dent Coooldge has accepted an invitation to deliver an address tomorrow at the ceremonies in connection with the lay ing of the cornerstone for the new Jew ish Center building. The event will be attended by many emient Jewish lenders from various parts of the country. ..... * CONCORD, N. C, SATURDAY, MAY Z, 1925 mm hot i 01 HOMCMIS TO SEIZE CITY Os EEZ . , • W- Several Isolated Garrisons £ Are Surrounded, But So Far None of Them Has Been Captured. SIXTY-MILEFRONT 1 USED BY TRIBESMEN Their First Moves Hint at.s a Plan to Converge at Fez. —The French Have 12,000 Men at Hand. Fes. Morocco. May 2 (By the Asso ciated Press). —Morocctfu tribesmen ope rating under orders of Abdel Krim, the J rebel" leader, are attacking the French 1 zone over a front of (10 miles. At some i points they have surrounded French * posts where small detachments are de- * fending themselves in locked houses. < The French military authorities here 1 are of the opinion that the rebel leader had a vast project in mind, with Fez as 1 the principal objective. The direct : on of 1 the attacks thus far made by the tribes • in their offensive indicates plans fyr a I converging movement upon this city. f There is no serious apprehension for • the isolated posts which are provided 1 with machine gnns and three-inch pieces. With this equipment it is felt the garri- * sons should be able to keep the tribes. - men at a distance. It will be necessary, ( however to provision them with water J within a short time. French forces in the zone of activity ’ number about 12,000 men divided into ' three columns each commanded by a eol- * onel. Reinforcements now on the way • will bring the total to 30,000. j PLANS FALLS 800 FEET 1 INTO BOSTON MUD FLAT Neither Occupant Was Killed Although , Both at First Were Thought Dead. (By the Associated Press) Boston, May 2.—A national guard plane taking off at the Boston Airport j shortly after 11 o’clock today crashed In t the mud flat of the harbor from a height j of 800 feet. The maehinp was seen to , drive deep into the mud and it was be- , lieved both occupants had been killed. , Both occupant* of thfti plane were < I&8E.. "’ey ] were rushed to a relief station in East , Boston. The pilot was Lieut. Bernard A. j McCauley and, the passenger was Private , MePliee. First reports indicated that , McPhee was not seriously injured. | Cotton Should Be Cultivated Early and ! Often. Raleigh, May 1, —“Because of the low ( germinating power of most of the cotton seed planted this spring, it is of utmost importance that the cotton be cultivated early and often,” said Dr. R. Y. Winters, plant breeding agronomist of the North Carolina State College, in a statement issued here today. “Poor stands in cotton are most often due to unfavorable weather conditions.” stated Dr. Winters, “and also to the lack of cultivation between the time of plant ing and chopping. The crop is now started under favorable weather condi tions but with seed that are low in vi tality . If'this good period is followed by cool, damp weather or even normal weather and the young plants are not properly cultivated, there is certain to be a high death rate among -the young seedlings. "The weeder, harrow or cultivator will relieve this condition. By breaking the surface crust, the soil is made warmer and the air allowed to enter. These conditions are favorable for growth of young cotton. If such conditions are hot given, there will be a heavy loss from , disease and natural weakness of young plants.” Dr. Windters urged that cotton grow ers use the shallow cultivating imple ments so as to break the crust and give . the young plants now emerging a chance : to overcome disadvantages caused by i planting weak seed. Five Balloons Still in Ranee. (By the Associated Press) St. Joseph. Mo., May 2.—Daylight found five balloons in the national elim- ( ination race headed southeast today probably over southern or southeast Mis- ; souri. National Aeronautic* officials anxiously awaited word from the big bags that left Rosechans Field here late yesterday to contest for the honor of rep resenting the United States in the Inter national balloon races. Moroccan Tribesmen Attack French Zone. Fez, Morocco! May 2 (By the Asso ciated Prtss). —Moroccan tribesmen op erating under orders of Abdel Krim, the rebel leader, are attacking the French zone over a front of sixty miles. At some points they have surrounded the French posts where small detachments are defending themselves in locked hous es. yOTICE! City privilege license are due May Ist. Call and get, your li | cense tags for private autos, ! trucks, cars, trucks and drays for ] hire. CHAS. N. FIELD, \ i p , ' City Tax Collector. north inn TAKING HEMFY TOIL DURHG HEAVY FOGS Since Thursday Night Five Lives, Two Steamers and Three-Mastered Schooner Have Been Lost at Sea. FOGS MAkSFhe i,r GOING DANGEROUS Several Vessels Have Been Rammed—Two Other Ves sels Are Believed to Be Be yond Help at Present. iCy the Associated Press) Halifax, N. S., May 2.—The North Atlantic, heavy mantled with fog and lashed by a driving easterly wind and rain, has taken a toll of five lives, two steamers and one thrfe-masted schooner since Thursday afternoon. The crew of one of the steamers at last reports still was in imminent danger. The Nova Scotia schooner Cape D'Or went down Thursday night three min utes after being rammed by the steamer Clackmas off Salbro lightship. Mrs. Mar- 1 garet Leone Wilkie, wife of the captain, and four of the crew including the cap tain’s brother were drowned. Captain Wilkie and two other men were rescued. Two steamers, the Azov ashore off the southern Cape Briton coast and the Moldegard, the Norwegian boat, ashore off Pennant Point, were expected to be total losses. According to last reports last night, men aboard the Azov planned to reach shore in their boats, but the crew of the Moldegard was unable to do this as the sens were running too high to permit the Dominion government steam er Stanley, standing by. to approach.' Hopes were held out that a rescue might be effected today. FARMERS SELLING POULTRY Last Year 181,010 Pounds Were Sold (Through the Division of Markets. Raleigh, May 2.—-From March 26th (By the Associated Press) to April 23rd, farniers of North Carolina sold through the State division of mar kets 181,810 pounds of poultry for which they received from 23 1* 2to 24 1-2 cei. V a pound, stated V, TV. I livestock marketing specialist for the division. “The lot included many an old rusty leggcdVhen that didn’C>,iuon«t to- innch on the farm," said Mr. Lewis. “The prevailing local market price for these old birds amounted to between 111 and 20 cents a pound and the marketing work, therefore, brought to the farmers an av erage saving of about five cents per. pound which, for the amount handled during the time stated, will return SB,- 085.” Mr. Lewis stated that the county agents of the State College extension in the rural high schools did much work service and the teachers of .agriculture in popularizing these .shipments and in obtaining the co-operation of farmers. “The agents and teachers,” he continued, “worked up local interest and we *u plied the selling agency. Nor was the above amount all ttie poultry sold, as in a number of counties where shipments were made the agents, and farmers are carrying on the project without our aid. As an example, on one Monday we sold a car of poultry in Rockingham county and on the following Saturday $3,300 worth of poultry and eggs were sent out by express.” Mr. Lewis stated that more than 4,000 farmers profited by the poultry shipments of the past month and that an additional thousand would take part in shipments now being arranged. Dnring the week beginning April 20th, the marketing peo ple had arranged for cars to be shipped from Union, Richmond. Anson, Scotland, Robeson. Bladen, Cumberland and Hoke counties, reported Mr. Lewis. “Two crews are out from the division helping in the work,” he spid, “and 26 cents per dozen is being paid for eggs at the same 1 time the surplus poultry is being received. ; North Carolina,” he concluded, “is just beginning to realize its poultry possibili ties.” Most Reverend Louis TheMUng Dead. (By th« Associated Press) New York, May 2.—Word was re ceived here of the death in Rome this morning of the Most Rev. Louis Theiffl ing. Master General of the Dominican order, and head of the order throughout the world. A cablegram announcing his death was received here by the Very Rev. Raymond Meagher, provincial of the Do minicans in the eastern part of the Unit ed States. Rev. Mr. Woods Called to Succeed Dr. Clark. Salisbury, May I.—The First Presby terian Church is to call Rev. Edgar A. j Woods as pastor to succeed Dr. Bryon 1 Clark. Mr. Woods is now supplying the church and expected to go soon to China aa a missionary. It is found, however, that the mission board’eannot send him for a yea 'rand the Salisbury send him for a year and the, Salisbury Find Magazine Publisher GulMy of Librt (B T the AwwlMt* Press) Minneapolis, Minn. May 2.—A. M. Jacobs, publisher of a magazine in Min neapolis, today was found, guilty on a charge of criminal libel in a*»*ectiou with the printing of a story charging for mer Senator Mangos Johnson with dis orderly conduct. Crescent Limited HM Heavy Travel. Reports from the local office of the Southern Railway are to the effect that the Creeeent Limited, the new de luxe train from New York to New Orleans. 1 is enjoying a heavy travel, tlhough It has been in operation less than a week. HOI CERTAIN BODY ! OF DEAD WOMAN IS RIGHTLY IDENTIFIER First Thought the Body Was That of Mrs. Josephine De siderio, But This Theory Is Not Agreed On By AIL LOOKS UKE MRS. MABEL W. MILLER So Says Her Uncle, James A. Brown, of Fort Wayne.— Fiv* Men Are Being Held But They Tell Nothing. ! (By the Associated Press) Gary, Ind.. May 2.—Five men were held in Chicago today in connection with the mystery of the death of a young woman whose body was found Sunday near here. But questioning them fail ed to pierce materially the blank wall agaihst Which investigators found them selves after a week of effort. The belief, at first positive, that the woman was Mrs. Josephine Desiderio. 21-year-old mother of three children, * which wavered yesterday, was shaken further today when James A. Brown, of Fort Wayne, Ind., said the body re sembled his missing niece. Mrs. Mabel Wahl Miller, 23, formerly of Fort Wayne. Brown, with Samuel Jackson, Allen county, Indiana, prosecutor, and Samuel Immel, Fort Wayne deputy sheriff, called the detention in Chicago of Ellsworth C. Miller, husband of Brown's niece. The uncle told the police that Miller and his wife were married two years ago in Cedar Rapids, lowa, and quarrelled fre quently. Six weeks ago Brown said Miller and his wife visited Brown in Fort Wayne and later left. From then until last Monday, Brown said, he had not heard from them. Then he was told by Mil ler that his wife had been missing since April 6th and he had gone to Columbus. ().. in search of her. believing that she had been drowned there. Brown said the Columbus police told him no woman had been drowned there. Mrs. Miller, Brown told the police, had worn shoes similar to the ones found near the body. Miller admitted he and his wife had. quarreled and said she had threatened to sh6ot him, He said he had left Chicago April 6thV in an autoumbile to go to Fort Wn-yta. a'nd sirifce he had hot Jieaid from her. PLANE HAS BEEN IN (UR FOR ABOUT 24 HOURS Test Flight Being Made by Giant Sea plane With Four Men on Board. (By the A»»odntf*.i'Pre*x> Philadelphia, May 2.—At 7 :55 o’clock ' this morning' the giant naval seaplane 1 PN-fl was still in the air. having flown : continuously for approximately 22 hours ‘ over a 40-mile course above the Delaware 1 River. * The all-metal hulled plane was piloted ’ by Lieut. J. R. Kyle, and C. H. Schil ’ dauer, with Capt. L. M. Woolson and ■ Clms. Sutter as mechanics. An average 1 speed of 80 miles au hour was being main * tained. ' Plane in Air 28 Honrs. j .Philadelphia, May 2.—After having 1 flown without stop for 28 hours and 36 > minutes the naval seaplane PN-9 landed t at the navy yard at 2.58 p. m. today. , SAY NEGRO CONFESSED > TO ATTACK ON GIRL S - I Temple Peace la Said to Have Con « feased That He Attacked Girl Near < Carthage. (By the Associate*) Press) * Raleigh, May 2.—Temple Peace, negro. ’ of Moore county, was lodged in the state e I prison here today on charge of attack -0 ing a white girl near Carthage about two K wteke ago. The state prison authorities r say they were informed the negro had . e confessed to the crime. ’ Two other negroes arc in the state I I prison as suspects in the case which aroused much excitement, in Moore coun ty! Governor McLean has named the date for a special term of court to try the two negroes, but in the face of the confession of Peace and the absence of the governor from this city today it was not known what course would be pur sued. It was believed, however, that Peace would face trial at the same term. Dato of Confederate Reunion Changed. Confederate Veterans of the county have been notified that the reunion dates have been changed from May sth to May 18th and 22nd. The reunion will be held in the city of Dallas. Texas, this year. Action on Proposed Lease Postponed. (By tke syMieUuel Press» | Norfolk, Va„ May 2.—Action on the proposed lease of the Virginian Railway by the Norfolk & Western was. dpforryd at the annual meeting t 4ete today of-the stockholders of the Virginian, i ' : -s=ss WHAT SAW BEAR BATS Fair tonight, light frost in west po tion; Sunday fair, warnier in centr and west portions. Concord’sNewTheatre To Night * #| * SERMONS BY DR. QUILLK AND * * DR. SMITH TO BE REPORTED SK f * The Tribune will depart a little from its weekly custom of printing . a sermon each Monday, delivered on " ifc the preceding Sunday in one of the 3K local pulpits, and will on next Mon- SK 5K (lay, publish two sermons. Full re- * )K ports of the sermons by Dr. D. Burt J * Smith of Philadelphia.- and Dr. G. * E. Guille, of Athens, Tenn.. who are conducting services this week in St. )K James Lutheran Church and the & JK First Presbyterian Church, respect- & )K will be printed. * ifc * * . < THE COTTON MARKET # ' Opened Steady at Advance of 3 to 11 ! Points on Further Week-End Cover- 1 ing—July to 24.38. (By (he Associated Press.) New York, May 2.—The cotton mar- , ket opened steady today at an advance ; of 3 to 11 points on further week-end , covering by relatively steady Liverpool , cables. There was some local and South- | ern selling on the advance, however, while , realizing was 'promoted by predictions for clear and warmtr weather in the , South and prices soon eased off to about , yesterday’s closing quotations. July reacted from 24.36 to 24.22 and October from 24.01 to 23.82 and the mar ket was very quiet at 11 o’clock. , Private cables reported a quiet mar ket in Liverpool with prices steady on trade calling and a fair spot demand. The amount of cotton reported on ship board awaiting clearance at the end of ( the week was 78,000 bales against 71,- 000 last year. Cotton futures opened steady: May -24.24; July 24.33: October 24.00; De- , eember 24.15; January 23X2. With Our Advertisers. Boys' wash suits, substantial values and low prices. 88 cents to SI.BB. at J. C. Penney Co.'s. Special prices on ladies' spring coats and graduating dresses at Efird's. Let W. J. Hetheox demonstrate to you one of his small motors to ruu sew ing machines. A new series of stock in tiie Crt’zens Building and Loan Association opens to • day. Don’t fail to take out some shares in this new series. You can get at the Ritchie Hardware ' Co. a butcher knife for only 58 cents. 1 'VairtU 75. vwlta and $»»>; " The Auto Supply and Repair Co. is an authorized service station for Rusco i products. Phone 228. Ambulance service day or night by . Wilkinson’s Funeral Home. Open day and night. Call phone No. 8. Just arrived, five new styles in blond . kid and satins, all widths, at Ruth-Kesler [ Shoe Store.’ ! Go down to the Browns-Oaunon Co., j tonight after supper and get some bar [ gains. The store will be open till ten o'clock. ' 1 DeMoiay Heroism Medals. J Kansas City, Mo„ May 2.—The Grand Council. Order of DeMoiay, has decided to award a limited number of heroism medals, for the members of the Order, each year. Judge Alexander G. Cochran. Grand Master Councilor, will name a 5 jury, composed of members of the govern > -ng body, to pass on the claims made. * It fs believed that there are many ex amples of rare bravery among young men which pass without public recognition and the Order .of DeMoiay is taking tjjis J action in order that its worthy members . may be recognized. r . DeMolays who qualify for the heroism award will be nampd at each annual ses sion of the Grand Council, which is com ( posed of prominent Freemasons represent e ing 200,000 members in eight countries where chapters of the Order have been 0 established. Lost Automobile By Leaving Ground Early. Monroe, May 1. —Albert McCall, local jeweler, is simply heartbroken today, grieving about his Ford roadster that he lost by not being on the grounds when the, lucky number was drawn at a land sale there yesterday. Mr. McCall left the sale about ten minutes before it was given away, and his card was the lucky one. Necessarily another card had to be drawn, and J. B. Miller drove off the prize. NEW SERIES OPENS TODAY I Begin now to save something every week by taking out a 5 few shares of stock in our new series. o If you want to buy, or to build a home come in and talk 8 it over with us. * • This Building and Loan Association can help you as it 8 has helped thousands of %) make your future sure. 8 Citizens Building & Loan Association f W. C. Houston, President A. F. Goodman, Sic. & Treas. I I I TODAY’S € I NEWS , • I TODAY * No. 104 Is One of the City’s Best and Most Modem Structures, Situated Behind the Can non Building. ONE OF PRETTIEST IN WHOLE STATE Has Seating Capaci^o^7W Monday should and to»g will be re membered as a “red letter” day in Con cord, marking as it does the opening of one of the city's newest and finest struc tures, the palatial Concord Theatre. The new building is directly behind the Cannon building and entrance to the interior is made through the. arcade. An additional safety entrance and exit iR provided in the alley behind the Piggly Wiggly store on Depot street. None of the exterior of the building is visible Pom the street and hence no effort was made to adorn its simple brick face. In the interior, however, no effort nor ex pense has been spared in giving it an attractive and beautiful apearance. The walls, rounded toward the stage so as to avojd corners in the front, are done in pale ivory. Any possible bare ness which might result in their lack of ad n : nment is relieved by several white i'.i'uslt-rs reaching to the ceiling, their caps being done in ivory and the .orna mental work finished in gold. All the moulding of the walls itj beautifully fin ished in what is known as high lighting work, the shading being from ivory to gold. The ceiling is of similar design and finish that characterizes the' walls. The same color scheme, gold and ivory, is carried out in effective manner. In the center of the ceiling is a dome of most (-Inborate design in intricate plaster. In i ts. recessed sides are numerous concealed light* which when turned on shed a very beautiful light over the entire theatre. So faithfully have the plans been car ried out by the workmen employed that the new theatre is said by persons who have visited in various cities of North Carolina, to be the prettiest iu the state. It is a building that the entire city of Concord may be proud of and will be nor only the prettiest picture house in the state but it will be one of the finest., The building is capable of seating TOO people, being absolutely fireproof. con struct ed entirely of steel a n<J concrete. Ald'iW I T*S-#t mechanical advantages haVr r* been introduced in making the pla'-e a comfortable one. Ventilation is se cured by meafiß of 4 system which changes the air in the place six times eveiy ten minutes. Lighting is particularly attractive, switches having been so placed as to give eight different colors when desired.. The , most modern stage lighting effects have also been secured fer use in vaudeville, plans having been made to alternate be tween moving pictures and vaudeville.- The news that the theatre is to have a pipe organ lias been received with a great deal of enthusiasm by the major ity of people in Concord. A Wurtiiiaer Mighty was secured, costing around SB.- 300. The organ has all the latest ap pliances in use in moving picture houses and is an instrument of sweetest time. Jack Lewis, a very prominent musician ' of New Jersey, will come to Concord to take charge of the music of the theatre. He has had a number' of years experience 1 as an organist and the local management 1 ih considered fortunate in acquiring his 1 services. 1 The house has been leased by J. A. Cannon, the builder, to the Varner cir -1 cuit, who have a number of moving pic ture houses in North and South Carolina. The recent death of Mr. Varner will not effect the leasing of the house. His * heirs will continue to operate his chain l of houses. To operate the local show M. Merriweather has been secured. Part of the equipment of the new building includes a rest room for ladies and one for men. Also in addition to its fireproof construction, the only wood in the building being the floor of the stage, there are provided six fire escapes, insuring easy egress from the theatre in case of emergency. Another feature which will be received by the ladies with delight is that the building is supposed to be asbolutely rat proof . The man agement has considered this usual fault (Continued on Page Two)

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