m m. Jb m. ml m. m ’V. • ' V, * S m T '. nj noi#inr nri* nun H llijKfwJl OFF nllm •i ' Dllui vLuiiv t iniinn Y nun OtlUlO LHJUUn I CHARGES SKYWARD fifo-tafe th< Moßt New York. MMy 8 (By the Associate! l‘ressj.—A great thirst ashore and fit sea seems to ImverdiVeloped from Encle- Sam's blockade of ram row off the Middle Atlantic coast. 7 -4 \ diminishing, newspaper investigator* say* and lisriees are going up. :,** . . ~ Meanwhile with wiipr fiery Wherfi Owl not a drop to drink, some of the rum fleet are prespmed to have .given up the orthpaign of attrition and beaded for / home ports so other fends, either hopeful ly to replenish their supplies of food and 'wateiv or to conclude that the dry navy t»too tsroug for them. ; £ Nkny retmt that may have tak*p place Worn rum' row sofar however, has not by meager mimrts from the scene of the warfare, from 20 to 40 miles off shore. In fact four bevy crafts including a lime German steamship have arrived on the MRS. SitEPHERrHFW&D % ywtszs & « * ,£Kv J '’ J S,- i %£>s'' ,<*T U»e AiNdHti Praaw) 1 : Chicago, May B—Mrs. Julia Graf Shepherd, charged with atding,her hus band, William D. Shepherd, Tin killing their ward, William N. McCUntock. and his mother, Mrs. Emma McCUntock, tyas free biti e $5,000 bowl today pending the grand jury action. i-A7J&nd provided ’i, the bond for her late featerday. Her only expression Sh ‘^He"h M be and the Shep herds ore bis obsession. He hah".got *& you might call Shepberdltis,* sho *£• — ——- ' * Bullet Kills One and Hurts Another. Gainesvllle, Ga.. MiTy , 7.—J*aul \ Elkins, of Tampa. Fla., was hilled and Sidney Sykes, of Augusta, Ga„ was seriously Injured today daring / target practice at Riverside academy, Where they were students. Elkins and Sykes were stationed in a pit. near the tar get, for the purpose or signalling the score, when one shot, fired from a regulation army rifle, glanced, first striking Elkina in the head, killing him Instantly and then striking Sykes in the head. Sykes was removed to a local hospital and the body of Elkins waa sent to his home at ISampa., 7 .— Want No Van Sweringen Control. Washington. May A.—A Motion asking the Interstate Commerce Commission to diveot O. V. and M. J. Van Sweriagen sad their associates of all ownership and -Control of the Chesapeake and Ohio Rail road/and the Hocking' .Valley System was filed eouasrf representing a minority of that company's stockholders. - r~il" minin' 11 niim.mi Oj' ~ ”5* ■ ' "-, " • * C1?I> VIPS' IS OUR EXPRESSION g oEKV KJL ok appreciation 8 ; ;i v-“"' -''n.-' V ;;*?£-* ‘ > . --* X ►;, v > w : ; -r r J*‘. *• >.; :-;'.: 4 5V ' ' . *‘X ■ '. ' fi Our customers are a» treated with the same prompt effi- | cient service. It has been one of our functions to perform fi I not only obligatory duties but a distinct service beyond ob- j ligatiofl for ther continuous building of good will. |te.,’ .' ’ ’ » I " MAY SERIES NOW OPEN Citizens Building & Loan Association We Sell Prepaid_Stock (Office in Citizens Bank) OOOOOQOOPOeOOOOOOQDDOOOOOOOOOaOOOOPbOOOOOOOOOOOOeOOe I.V£.£fcTHE -p A EAROIAI, ROMANCE IN THREE ACTS . fi | BY ARTHUR PINERO y y s l CONCORD HIGH SCHOOL FRIDAY NIGHT * 8:15 O’CLOCK . , AWftSSION 38 AND 80 CENTS ’ v «| Cant Inelurtt* Mrs 'ial»* FMeant.Rebecct Deynmlt, Helen M*r«h, v Helen Pwttewn, WHMetm Moirfe, Wallace Moo*a, Miles , WoHfc; Hinton H*Wt Wow, H. W. Barite am! 4. W. Denny. , M H §. 1 fr? If IIA T I wT |T> TT> T j ID f (rail RATES ON COTTON Mally reasonable. > The rote* were attacked in a complaint ■ jpw * rtol> ' I I UABAfVM - ttM. rt*W£M*A tOTPflfßfrV I iV fIMHWRAXf »ATI»rAVTUKI >*• 3 _ _ . French Able to Handle Situation AH ‘ parts, May 8 (By. the . Associated -IPreßs).—The situation in French Mo ,U«o, where Marshal, Lyautey is endea l f SS K ™h H *r m j meats, notably on the French left wing, ‘ which up to the present has not met with imueh diOeuHy. ■ V’* 111 ,a ** fOtWS A Rif ' f f«*. and near, the border. * ■ I Piaftos wha w "T f J%asffiSß I During Day Are Still at Hopping OH I point ' ” . New York, May & (By the Associated Press).—The unfavorable weather is be lieved to be holding the Amundsen Polar aerial expendition to its base at Kings A ,brief’message received by the mete i ecological observary at. Oslo, Norway, : last night said the explorer and hk ! party .had postponed their start which 1 bad been planned foe today, advices. from the Steamer j, " , Bolen With Union. oT ' of the injunction ~*of 1913 was handed . .It-km a % i'f~y . : gONCORD, N. C, FRIDAY, MAY 8; 1925 Ptotaß Arrested. 8 T ! 1 O 111 O/* L/Li . H m 'Ck'’''' -F fjj m SATURDAY, MAY 9th I j H ~^ v ~ S ii H ^ ißirh?Rrfr fP 1 ! 1 bSE,Z bZ aimvw’Uh FMd i! >{ - , , ■ • ’ v-''" • v 1 j nesses. These m*n identified practically Rebecca Day vault. ttho on last Friday 1 |nre» fulghum, and appler oats and the] ! standard varieties of wheat. | “Aa the grower looks over bis fields,” sa3d Dr. Winters in part, “he should sH leet such spots as will yield good seed grain. If ther eare weeks or mixtures of varieties in thin section these should be fbe pure anil unmixed. County agents in I Unveiling over their counties, also would. I [ render a public service by locating those 1 farmers who may have such seed to -sellj becanse last fall we had much difficulty I>r. Winters added that need men are] seeds of good vitality which have been lendeavorin “ro T 3 "tt should be dearly understood,” he concluded “that only the bear see<l should [be Selected, saved and sold lor planting purpose,” I Susannah Cannon, whose death is re ported in England, claimed to be the old ies* Salvation Army lassie in the world 1 The tune of ‘London Bridge is Fal- I ling Down” is said to be a translation of (make any B statement regarding the joint L 'With Oar Advertisers. 8 «r L' >0 ' UI 8F [ones. Prices from pjis to g.'UK). I Have you seen the framed mottoes for I ball tomorro at th C bso Mil Jpiiiwr. 8 ' t e # B< * I slipp‘d or shoes™'* each pair of boys Ivon ret a baseball free I ■ it) I The K rk n stake oil the American turf —l' '■ BEE _U- i_!ggLi'..LLJ-mi- . ' THE CONCORD NATIONAL BANK S ft , 'H has moved to temporary quarter* on East Depot Street g adjoining office of the Concord Telephone. Company. For the protection of our customers we have erected a 1 ji standard reinforced steel and concrete burglar and fire proof 1 p vault, further protected by a six-ton burglar proof door and 141 I burglar alarm ayslum. 1 • ; 1 | R nuartersabsolutel^sJ^from^^n^Wo-la temp ° rary M U vjuaiitao auouiuipijr sale nuill luc “*»<•* || !J| # . . I the lake. " ; , ;,TT [ half feet ia diameter. A statute dkfwM of the Capital at Washington. A heroic I o*h ol'oflZwMiowt Serw'inZ den of Any KM. Berlin, May 8 (By the Associated Press). —From present indications the I inauguration of Field Marshal .Von Hin-j denbnrg as President of Germans _will I run without a hitch next Tuesday Mi. 1 Although the communists are prepar-1 ing a protest demonstration on Monday! the date of bis arrival from Hanover,] these will be held in working datfs sec-1 tions of the city, far rcmovetl from the! route to be traveled by the President-! elect's automobile. For this reason there] is little fear of a clash between the com-! munists and 4he Hindenburg well wish-j Washington Economy Curbs Tipping at] Sea. I ; Washington, D. C.. May 6.—After ij joust With Secretary Kellogg, Comptroller j General McCarl has applied the Adffiin istration's economy policies to tips paid by Government employees and officials when they take ocean voyages on official business. The comptroller blue-penciled the expense accounts of two embassy at taohep, one stationed in London and one |n Rome, each of whom had entered a $lO FalmJSunday the priests in Spain j fixed for a year on the balconies of the] houses. . TODAY'S NEWS TODAY No.100 PI p J __ riaces—Board to Meet the v . F h M . 'lin ing hit "ttg'i'mp" 1 n"pt a/to indicate will betne of economy and speed. moat important matters aote'd npln *by I flTfl &nd Hahn meeting tnd 1 that * bFrd^”d"ted S " lCh ed* t r< J iU^ <l ' hoard sHbmi*tt»Ml C its l 0 ; Stapp 533: Howard 105 ; 7 For school commissioners the vote 'ts was; Cannon 84; Harris 45 and Hunter '4| 4hem continent. a large number of friends who gathered for an amendment to tlw constitution ' • ctipmLtg ««»« n Hooted bv the House to >n r lorioa f fife t*To * - !j —-/ _

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