PAGE TWO PENNY COLUMN ..i.i ...I , .... " Wanted—Ore. Energetic Salesman For Watkins 160 Household Necessities in CoMord. learnings SBS-$St) wreWy. Exclusive territory. Write the J. R. Watkihs Company, Dept. J-6, 231 Johnson Ave., Newark, N. J. #-2t-p. Wanted Salesman—You Have An Oppor tunity of making $2,000 to $5,000 yearly selling Whitmer's complete line guaranteed homef'wwedies, extracts, toilet articles, etc., in Cabarrus county. You need no experience—just a little capital and a team or car. Our products are guaranteed, backed by a reliable company. White men only. Write today for full information. The H’ C. Whitmer Company. Columbus, Indiana. 9-3 t-p. Epileptics—At Last Treatment Which stocks seizures from first day. No bromides Narcotics. Guaranteed. In- ] formation free. Hunter Laboratories, !*OO Scott, Lfitie Rock. Ark. 9-lt-p. Call 815—-Fresh and Cured Meats, Nice. fresh fish, gray trout aud croakers. Query & Mabery. 8-2 t-p. \ Green Feppers. Beans and Tomatoes. Ev erything good to eat in 'the green Vne. Hearer Grocery Co. Phone 130. 8-2 t-p. Wanted —Women to Make Money at home. Plain home sewing. No can vassing. To prevent curiosity suck ers, semi ten cent (-loin) for samples and particulars. Success Sewing Sys tem, Box 207, Long Branch. N. ,1. 8-2 t-p. William J. Bryan Only Half Million aire. Ha ’ isbury Post. William Jennings Bryan was a pas senger on the Southern's de luxe train, the “Crescent Limited,” No. 37. south land this morning at 10:10 o’clock. Tntring the brief stop of the "Southern's Finest at the Salisbury station the groat Commoner alighted and spent a few minutes on the landing, and talked to several local people, who went forward to greet, the distinguished man. who was returning from Washington to the south. Mr. Bryan, not forgetting this city as the home of Seuator Lee S. Overman, made inquiry as to the junior senator and recalled the fact that he had spoken in Salisbury several times. The brief conversation turned ta Florida real es tate and Mr. Bryan was reminded that he had been placed in the millionaire class since he had been so-jouring in Florida. He smiled and said he though about half that—ssoo,ooo —would be more like it. He did say. however, that some time ago he purehased a piece of land in Florida and later considerable building was done iu the immediate vicinity of this land, and lit* sold it for something like ten times what it cost hint. Mr. Bryan seemed in the best of. health aud although he did not exhibit the. alertness in his step and movements that was at his command on visits- here many years ago lie showed that he still lias plenty of energy in reserve for u«e Whenever occasion demands. Livingston’s Ootfjn Letter. New York. May S.—The market lias shown a steadier undertone today, but it has probably been a reflection of the technical position rather than of any change in the general average of senti ment. as to crop progress or trade con ditions. An opinion is gaining ground in some quarters that a eoropuratipely liigh eud-May condition report has been pretty well discounted and that the marker is now short. Recent sellers have been reducing their lines today but only on a very moderate scale and the favor able view of CIO]) prospects lias been strengthened by .further'■ rains ill the southwest with scattering showers and prospects for additional showers east of the river. The week-end figures were not an important factor, being about in The New EFIRD Store ( 1 Special Low Prices on I New Spring Silks Voiles, Broad Cloths, Suitings and Ginghams i It Costs Less tof Buy Them at 9 ♦ Q The New EFIRD Store U : * i - B Baby Chicks. Send No Money. We Ship C. O. D. Leghorns $12.00 per hun • deed. Bars. Reds, Minorcas. $14.00. Mixed $9.00. Live delivery. Dixie Hatchery, Bowling Green, Mo. »-2t-p. Dry Goods Salesmen Attention, Covering small town retail stores: sell importers line, laces and ladies’ neckwear; sale line. Good commissions, state experi ence, reference. Moser Co., 874 Broad way, New York. 9-lt-p. Cottage on Marsh Street For Rent or sale. W. B. Sloop. S)-st-p. District Sales Manage-, Capable Organ ising and mainttrining producing crews, salesmen and saleswomen covering sev eral counties, this section, straight comiiession basis. Give age. experi enee. Xogar Clothing Mfg. Co.. 90S I Investment Building, Washington, I). e. 9-lt-p. For Rent—Annie Burkhead House on • West Depot Street. 0. A. Isenhour. 8-4 t-p. New Summer Hats—No Two Alike. Miss Brachen. 7-3 t-p. For Tin Work. Roofing. Guttering. Re i pairing, phone 773. Arthur Eudy, 73 McGill Street. 27-14 t-p. For Sale—Ford Roadster. C ranker. But looks good and best engine running. ; Jas. C. Fink. 4-ot-p. 1 • Kodak Finishing—Get In Before 9, Out at 5 same day. Mi’s. Wampler, over Cabarrus Drug Store. 7-3 t-p. line with recent statements. A private report estimating the increase in acreage at 4.7 per cent created no special senti ment aud much the same may tie said of the government report covering boll weevil emergem-e up to the first of May. Judging from figures given up to this date the emergence from hibernation in Alabama and Smith Carolina will be heavy and the bureau pf entomology re gards returns as indicating that weevils have been itble to survive the winter in, fair numbers at most stations. The sur vival at College Station. Texas, has been about normal. LIVINGSTON AND COMPANY. Bradstreefs Trade Review. New York May 8. —Bradstreet’s to morrow will say: Numerous cross-currents still rob the general trade situation of uniformity. Beneficial effects of the breaking of the southwestern drought tend to offset re tardation due to colder weather over spreading the country at the close of last week, lienee retail trade reports are as a whole better. Wholesale trade is hardly as active but it still fair for an ordinarily qtiie.t season. Industry is ir regular. demonstrated gains in several important lines being partially offset by reactions to-'dullness in others. On the favorable side as affecting senti ment isthe continuance of the strength manifested toward the close of last week iq the securities and grain markets, the more uniformly favorable reports from the surplus crop areas, some - winter l wheat areas excepted, the demonstrated vitality of the automobile and allied trades’exhibited by the setting up of new liiyli records of production in April and ‘signs of a recurrence of activity in building with a gain in permit valua tions not equalled for years past. Weekly bank clearings $11,232,406,- 000. At the Theatres. The l’astime today is showing Jack Hoxie in "The Rearing Adventure." and a comedy. "Snappy Eyes. starring tVanda Wiley. Harry Carey in “Flaming Forties i will be seen today at the New Concord. ■ Tom Mix in "Riders of the Purple l Stage." starring Mabel Ballin. \A ilifred t Lucas. Beatrice Burnham and Marion Nixon, is (lie feature being shown again t today at tiie Star. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE - * 1 " h ■' I IN AND ABOUT THE liTY j s— . ... “STRAWBERRY”’ SAPP HERO OF GASTONIA GAME HERE j Ten Innings Taken in Winning Game.— Score 6-s.—Pat Cranford “Goats”. Constantly. t "Strawberry" Sapp. Concord’s sorrel-1 topped shortstop, is today the uncrowned king of the High School. Wtaeu he presented himself at the bat in the tenth inning of Friday's game with Gastonia he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. On second and on third, two of his teammates perched wait ing for him to bring them in-, This alone was sufficient to make any ordinary bat ter nervous. However, to make matters worse, there were two outs and any slip on “Strawberry’s" part meant that the game would drag for another inning or two. But did "Strawberry" rise to the oc casion? He did. The first one that Hen derson. the hefty Gastonia twirier, sent over "Strawberry" swung at and missed by inches. Taking a new grip on his bat. he faced the opposing pitcher again and on the next ball, sent a scorching drive out into right field miles and miles away -from any player, scoring Williams and winning the game. The game was one of the best seen iu these parts in many a day. not so much from tile standpoint of good baseball, but from the standpoint of providing thrills. Hardly an inning passed when the spectators Were not on the’r feet yelling at the top of their voices. ! Then too, Pat Crawford. Gastonia Coach, provided entertainment for the crowd by his perfect exhibition of un sportsmanlike "goating.” This former favorite of local fans was sucessful in squelching any kindly regards baseball enthusiasts might have had for him in the past by Irs totally miuecesary objecting to the decisions made by the local um pires. True there were several close plays at first which could have been called either way but as the game progressed he con tinued to run out and object to every decision and with the game half over, in sisted that the base umpire be removed. This did little good aud he continued to "goat." In the tenth inning when his ’ team got iu a tight place, with Williams on third and Mclnuis on second and “Strawberry" at the bat, Coach Crawford ran out on the field ami began giving in structions to the pitcher and the second baseman and probably would have rc inaiued there had not Simpson repri manded him iii no uncertain terms. The game started brilliantly when Simpson, tile first batter for Concord, took a healthy swing at the first ball i thrown over and' lifted it high over the! fence to the roofs of houses at a nearby , street, opening the game auspiciously with a home ruu, From this point to the fifth inning, the game was scoreless. In this session. Hal walked and was out on a fielder's choice. Watts being safe on first. Watts advanced to sec ond when Morris errored Sullivan's ■ grounder. Simpson was purposely walk- j cd and with the lases loaded Henderson walked Williams, forcing Watts in and then Widenhoiise doubled, scoring Sulli van and Simpson. Gastonia scored three runs in the sixth with three hits and then made twi> more in their lmif of the eiglith. Concord tied the score iu the last half of the eighth when Mclutiis tripled and Sapp singled. Sullivan pitched a steady game for' Concord aud was accorded good suport in pinches. Simpson, Sapp and Melnnis led in the hitting. For Gastonia Snyder. Ritclifonl. Jackson and Henderson hit well. j Box score: (Concord AB K II Ft) A E fSfimpsoti 2b. : 4 2 2 3 4 0 [Williams, e. 4 117 2 0 Widenliouse, if. 5 0 1 0 0 0 [.Me I n is. 3b. 5 1 2 1 2 0 Sapp, ss. 5 0 2 3 3 0 Howard, if. 4 0 0 0 0 0| Hall, lb. 3 0 1 13 0 0 Watts. If. 3 10 10 0 Clyler, Ilf. _ 1 0 0 0 0 ()' (Sullivan. |>. 4 1 0 2 3 0, 30 0 lO 30 14 O ' Gastonia AB It H I*o A E Ritchford, es. 5 12 10 0 Mnndy. e. 4 O 0 {{’ O (I ’ Jackson. 2b. 5 2 2 3 3 1 j Morris, lb. 4 11 10 11 j Henderson, p. 4 0 2 2 3 0 ■ , Porter, ss. 4 ‘ 0 12 2 1 ' Carson, rs. 4" 0 0 2 1 0| 1 Shannon. If. ;f 0 0 1 0 0] 'Vickery, If. 2_t 0 0 0 0 0 38 5 11 20 14 3 Two out when winping run scored. - Stimary: Two-base hits. Widenijouse. . (Three base hits. Melnnis. Sapp. ' Home run. Simpson. . Score by innings: Concord 1 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 1 Gastonia , 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 Star to Show “Abraham Lincoln.” j | IVhat is conceded to be one of the mast interesting and valuable motion pictures ever made, "Abraham Lincoln," i lias been booked by the Star Theatre for , showing next Wednesday and Thursday ■for the benefit of the Ellen I’emberton . Sunday school class. This assures the presentation of this [ most valuable liMorical' and dramatic .film in this city at the same time as in at least 3.000 other of the most import ant theatres of the United States and Canada. ; ‘'Abraham Lincoln 1 ' is iq keeping with the productions of only the highest grade, according to the announcement of Rich -1 ard Rowland, production manager for i First National pictures, the organization handling its J "Abraham Lincoln" was more than I two years in the making, and at times I as many as 2.500 people appear in the f cast. It deals with the life of Lincoln I; from his birth, through tiis boyhood to | manhood, and unfolds his romance with J Anne Rutledge, carries him through the ( presidency and the strife of the Civil ; War. , George Billings portrays the role of Lincoln, with Ruth Clifford as Anne Rutledge and Nell Craig as Mrs. Lincoln. These are the principal figures in a re piarkabl.v fine cast. 1 “Abraham Lincoln" . was directed by I’llil Rouen. Frances Marion wrote the scenario and supervised the editing. The i completed production lias been hailed by eritius wherever shown as au historical I and artisticat masterpiece. I The Belfast shipbuilding industry cm ) ploys 20,000 workmen. XANSEMOND APARTMENTS NOW BEING OCCUPIED Persons Living In Them Find Them i (Convenient and Homelike. —Three j Apartments in the Building. Concofd's newest apartment house, S the Xanseinond. at the corner of Corbin a land Spring streets, has recently been g completed and is now being occupied. 8 The building was constructed by J. I’. S Cook and is one of the handsome it of 2 its kind in the city. , § it is two stories in height and has S three apartments in jt. Two of these « apartments facej the front on Corbin 8 street and the other faces on Spring 2 street. Ail are very commodious and « light. The fact that each apartment 3 has two stories, making it possible to use 8 the second floor for bedrooms, gives to z them a more homelike atmosphere. 3 in each apartment there are six rooms 2 and a bath, together with a suitable 2 number of closets. All of the rooms 8 have plenty of outside light, giving them 8 a cheery appearance. 11l the downstairs there is a living g room, a dining room, a kitchen, a pantry 3 and a back porch. The living room is a most attractive on account of the fact ; that it is of such large size and has 3 such perfect appointments. On one side 3 of it a stairway leads the next floor j and on the other, French doors lead to g the dining room. Behind this is the 8 kitchen. Persons who have rented apartments g are particularly pleased with the kitchen. « It is equipped with everything that is : needed in a modern room of this kind. ; One particular joy. say the housewives. S is the very fine gas stove with a fireless S cooker attachment. In addition to this • there are built in cabinets and all the ! other necessities of a kitchen. The upstairs lias three bedrooms and ] a bath. The front bedroom is quite • commodious, extending as it does across i the entire front of the house. It can t be used conveniently as a nursery when j there are children in the family. The • other two bedrooms are of average size. : One unusual feature of the apartments j is the space provided for parking cats. . This is done in the alcove betweeu the ; apartments, there being ample space for j parking four cars. Persons who are occupying the apart- ! incuts are very pleased at t 11" very "eon- ; venieiit arrangement of the entire build- j ing. They declare that they are very : delighted at its homelike qualities in i addition to the very modern design. I "There is." said one of the residents. ; "a place for every thing, even to the milk ; bottle." | F. M. Youngblood anil family. Mr. and j | Mrs. M. W. Risley and X. K. Reid and j ,family are now occupying the three ■ apartments. NO MORE PROPERTY TO BE LISTED AT PRESENT ■ Ruling of Attorney General lias Held up • I I-oral List Takers in Tlieir Work. j ' A notice given by J. IV. B. Long, tax 1 supervisor, today announced that no more ; property was to be listed until further ; notice. This is done- on account of the ■ recent amendment to the state constitu- j ■Poll which was made for the purpose of ; assisting home btiiMM>. Tin* ruling of ; the Attorney General iu regard to taxa- ■ tion of homes, homesteads, notes aud | mortgages is as follows : • The reeejit amendment to the State ; Constitution in regal’d to taxation of ; homes, homesteads, notes, aud mortgages : provides for exemption. under l certain ; well defined restrictions, of homes, home- ■ .steads, notes and mortgages, or other evi- ! I ilctiee of indebtedness. Before exemp- : tion can be obtained, .certain prerequ’s- ; ites must exist. , 3. The notes, mortgages, or evidences j of indebtedness must have been given in : good faith to build. ii*i>air. or purchase a j home. j 2 The loan must not exceed SB,OOO j and must run not less than one nor more ; than thirty years. 1 3. Tlie holder of the note or mortgage j must live in the same county where the J Flit ml lies, and list and list aud pax taxes ; ■ on said notes or mortgages. | 4. The "home" bought, built Or re- ] paired, must have been actually occupVd I l by the owner as a home for at least three ; j months preereding the time of listing. j j 5. The "home" may be exempt fronrj 1 : taxation for fifty per Cent, of the amount of notes or mortgage and the notes or mortgage exempt fori fifty per cent, of i ! the value, provided both “home" and i 1 notes or mortgage arc listed and taxed in the same county. : (!. The note and mortgage upon which exemption is claimed by the “home" Own er must be speeiticaujr listed by name . and taxes paid to the local authorities on fiftv per cent, of its vn ; "e. j. n. Harwood, Asisiaut Attorney General. j Apptoved. Dennis Brummit. Attorney General, i I Mr. Ismg's notice Js as follows: List takers will hot list any more property until further notice is given. Tax payers will take notice to the above. They will be notified where to meet later for the purpose of relisting property. List takers wrll pieasc iiiect in Con cord Wednesday, at 3 o'clock. J. W. B. LONG. gXpx Super'iser. Music at First Presbyterian Church Sun day, May IP. 1935. 11:00 a. m. At this tim“ the baccalaureate sermon will be preached to the girls of Sunder land Hall-by Rev. .1. 0. Rowan, and tbe special musical selections will be given by the girls. I’rocessional: Stand Up. Stand. Up For Jesus. Offertory Hymn : Second. Timothy. Two- Fifteen. Ojfertoirc: Like As a Father—Cheru bin'. Closing Hymn: We Would Be True. At 5 p. in. Organ : Vesper Hymn—Ashford. Anthem : Now the Day Is Over. Offcitoire —Solo: Tranquil Hours— Donne—Mrs. B. Wbniblc. MRS. JOHN F. REED. Organist. Mrs. Tait. formerly M iss Laura Saigcmaii. who at one time was the world's champion womku swimmer, died recently at Eastbourne, England, aged 08. At football games in Switzerland it 'm the custom to present the euptitin of the yiaiUug team frith a bouquet ot .boues before the beginning ot play. ■■■-" - ' ■ • |Tparks-belk""co. I g ‘ Concord’s Leading Department Store g | Clothing Department | ( Special in Mens’ Suits 1 i i 3 One lot Mens Two Pants Suits, regular ~ 3 $14.95 values $7.95 3 One lot Men's Suits. )ne and two Pants— “$16.50 I §H We Ikuc the laiv<-i Muck <>i Sure-Fit Cap" 3 in town to select from. QQ „to <tO QQ ."'if 3 All New Colors Priced New Pajama Check Uniunsuits, 48c 1 ijfj Coopers 98c and $1.25 kSQKI I 3 One lot Men's $1.50 value Dress 98c 10 1 at" B*"' 8 *"' $2.98 to $7.95 I wmmmmmmrnmmmmm , - - — mmm mm—m ■i I I i* ■■■»—miWjgggg; £2 | PARKS-BELK CO. | Headquarters for Hanes Underwear | Phones 138-608 v Concord, N. C. | MOM’N POP ~ f" MOiiWAB *WSWS"AtZ: V^BSgs&sfegy ASoliT THOSE REPORTS sir- BUT HE HASN'T COME Dt>U>N F S TO vet-somethin© | j i ...:.,.. ■ Ei had a Sad cold \ T SHXTL6D IN HER i \ / DON'T \NORRY AT- 'SHE HASN'T. If * MOM HAD A, ' 1 AB'-E Tt> TACK TbR V SIMILAR ATTACK •RAL DAYS AND I'M A- ONE TIME 6UTX . MD SHE MW COSE/I DISCOVERED A her votce^J^ A co^eR*TTP Saturday,lflay 9, 1925 ~ «* TAYLOR ’{ / SORRV 1 COULDN'T / GET HERE SOONER YjZ I MR sunn Out my If That s ;oo bad \ WIFE. IS ILL AND I /( MAC - anything 1 DIDN’T UKE TO / V, GffRtOOS? .. .... - t f /"Sl^r, L .« A /v? f 7i v DO MR. SUNN 9 AT TWO O CLOCK 1, | “ y \ 11l

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