Satur3ay, June 20, 1925 m 4T/Yi I AT w* Smart Habit for Little Miss » TIHXS smart Tiding fcaJbit v,-sb worn by little Anita Fremauß m i&' opening of BUtmore Bench and created no little attention. It Is cf white, worn with a topcoat lined in red and a tie with red figure*. This hat lata soft red felt. Miss Best Entertains. Miss Martha Bost most delightfully entertained'about forty of her friends at a party Friday night at her home on East Depot street for her guests, Misses Julia and Inez Propst, of Roanoke Rap ids. The porch and yard were very prettily arranged with jack o’ lanterns. Games and dancing were the features of the evening. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. Missionary Meeting. The regular meeting of the Ladies’ Aid "SWfikyTaf the First Baptwri Church- will he hpliLxvith. Mrs.. Crooks.-on. Mc- Gill Street, Monday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Get-Together Meeting. The Woman’s Missionary Society of Central Methodist Church will have the "Get-Together Meeting” Monday after noon at 4 o’clock in the ladies’ parlor. HBV3 aav sav annum aaaivaivaa Head colds Melt a little Vicks in a spoon and inhale the medicated vapors. Apply frequently up the nostrils. Always use freely just before going to bed. VICKS W Vapoßub Oatrlf Ui Won Jan CW tWfr Hold By 1 ! j|.#t "■ iji - N . 4 BELL-HARRIS FUN ERAL PARLOR Day Phone 040 t1 Night Phone* S6O--15BL ■ I PERSONALS * Mr. and Mrs. John Hetbcox, of Trout man, are spending gevera l days with Mr. and Mrs. C. H.' Hetheox, on Georgia Avenue. ’ • • • Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Harris have re turned from Greensboro, where they vis ited their daughter, Mrs. Fred O’Con nell. • * * Mr. and Mrs. Walter Swinson, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Martin and Mrs. -S. E. Suther are spending the “week-end at Asheville and Blowing Rock. • • • Sirs. Mary Fueha, of Hamlet, is spend ing several weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Fisher. * v * - p ;■ Miss Craig Gaddy, of Roanoke Rapids, is the guest of Miss Mary Mclnnls. • * • -- Mr. and Mrs. James Hurley, of Salis bury, spent several hours in the city Friday. • « * ' Miss Lena Blackwelder is visiting in Richmond and Washington. • • • G. A. Batte has been called to his home by the death of his father, A. B. Batte, in Purdy, Va. • * • Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cline and chil dren, W. A. and John W., have returned to their home in Greensboro after spending a week with Mr. Cline’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cline, on East Depot street. V* * * Rev. .Tno. B. Moose left. Friday night for Visit to friends at Bethlehem, Pa., arid other northern points. He will also visit in West Virginia before returning home. * • • Qarah Propst, of South-Carolina, sales man frtr the Sharpe & Dbhne Compnny, is spending the week-end’ with heme folkh Mrs. H. G. Gibson, Clarence Ridcu hour and Stokes White were visitors in Albemarle Friday, attending a party giv en by Mrs. Farrell White at her home there. • • • s ! Mrs. £!. B. Wagoner and Mrs. Leslie Cprrell spent, Friday afternoon in Albe marle in attendance at a meeting of the Woman’s Club there. ~ • . . Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Craven left this morning for Raleigh, where they will spend some time visiting their son. Hen- , y ry Craven. t _ 1 To Salisbury For Dinner. * Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones Yorke. Miss * Alice Yorke and Miss Ila Thompson were r guests at dinner Friday night at the ; home of Mrs. Walter Grimes in Snlis- < ‘ bury. Mr. and Mrs. Yorke and Miss ’] * Yorke returned to the city atftvr the din- i ( ner. Miss Thompson remained iu Salis- i bury, where she will visit for some time. ] 1 GOVERNOR ACTS ON ~ \ 1 CAPITAL FELONIES j i Clemency Extended to a Mecklenburg J County Negro. Raleigh News and Observer. Governor A. W. McLeait yesterday took .( ’ final action in two capital eases, annouuc- jl ■ ing he would not interfere with the exe- j ■ cution of George Love, negro, of Hay- i wood county, who is to die by electroeu- 1 tion at 10:30 o’clock this morning, and j granting a commutation-to life imprison- \ ment for Alex Rodman, nOgro, of Meek- 1 lenhurg county. The governor issued ] lengthy statements In both cases. ii After this morning at 10:30 there will jj be only two inmates of death row. Cheat- ( man Evans, of Nash, who has been de- :i clared insane, and who has been reprieved |J to September; and Arthur Mfentague. of j Burke, who has appealed to the Supreme ( Court from conviction for a criminal as- j sault upon an inmate of the State insti- | tion for the Deaf at Morgantou. Love, who is to die today, killed Bill j Brock, a white man', nearly three years i ago. and has been twice convicted, the 1 Supreme Court granting a new trial fol- * lowing'the first conviction. ; Rodman, who was commuted to life imprisonment yesterday, was convicted in February. 1924, one year after Love's first conviction, and has been reprieved four times, his case haying been origin ally considered along with that of Jim Collins. Anson county negro,- who was electrocuted two weeks ago. Efforts were made by disinterested parties to save noth negroes, but these was not near the pressure for the extreme penalty 'ln the Rodman case there ifas in the Col lins case. Collins killed A. C. Sedberry. member of a prominent Anson county family, and his relatives followed the ease through to the bitter end. In the Rodman ease, Governor Mc- Lean comments on the fact that the ne gro was tried by Judge A. M. Stack, with little opportunity given counsel to prepare their defense. Klwanis Clubs and the Fanner. St. Paul, Miss., June 20.—1 n his first annual report to the international con vention or Klwanis Clubs, to be held in this city next week. Walter J. Carap ,l hell, chairman of the committe on agri ; culture created at the Denver convention I last year, will'tell of significant progress jin the wor kof making Kiwauis clubs a I constructive force for better agriculture and rural progress. rj The designated purpose of the'commit^ ‘I tee i« ‘‘to study ways and means of work ing out a .better understanding and closer - relationship between the farmer and the city man.” -One of the meaiis employed is that of extending Kiwanis member ship among the farmers, so that they will have representation on equal footing with men in business and the professions. Backing the general committee are com mittees in ecah of the twenty-nine Ki wnnis districts. Foredi Fires Cause Extensive Damagge. i AsheviHe, June 19. —Fires in West ern North Carolina forest during the present weather havb destroyed approxi-. mately, two- million board?fqet of tim ber according’to fin estimatelmade Fri day by A- C.' Shaw, assistant super visor of the Pisgah national forest. Mrs. G. M. Stewart, England’s fam ■ous woman motorcycle racer, competed lon the Brookland track the other day, being the first woman to take part In a long-distance race there. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE I M i : .1 ' ■■.■l.i.e ), , Fisher-Shaeffer. CharacterUfed by-beauty and’simplicity was the marriage of- Miss Loula Belle Schaeffer to Mr. Arthur William Fisher, of Kannapolis, which -took place off Wede uesday at high noon at the country home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robert Lee Shaeffer, near Fin castle, Va. For -the fceremony, the .lower floor of the home was thrown together and beau - tifully decorated profusion”of pink 1 roses and, liliek The vows were spoken l before an improvised altar formed of palms and ferns intermingled with lilies. Cathedral candles cast a soft glow over the whole. Prior to the ceremony, an appropriate musical program was rendered. Miss Queen Graeber, of Kannapolis, presided . at the piano. Mr. Silas Smyre, of New . ton, N. C„ sang, “The,World Is Wait t ing for the gunrise,” and Miss Lila Fisher, of Asheville, sang “Today,” and “Beloved It Is Morn.” Miss Blanche - Smyre, of Newton, acted as accompanist . for Miss Fisher and Mr. Smyre. The bridal party was heralded to the strains of the wedding march from Lohen ’ grin. During the ceremony “Traumerei” .was softly played. Mendelssohn’s wed . ding march was used following the bene , diction, which was pronounced by Rev. JL L. Ridenhour, who officiated. K The bride entered -the room with her sister, Mrs. Frank Thomason, of Salis bury, who acted as dame of honor. They were met at the altar by Mr. Fisher and 1 his best man, Mr. A. G. Harris, Jr., of Atlanta, Ga. -» Master Joseph Conrad Ridenhour, nephew of the bride, was the little ring bearer and carried the ring in a huge white rosq. For her wedding, the bride was charm-. ing in an orchid colored georgette with cream lace trimmings and orchid picture hat and accessories to match. Her cor sage was of sweetheart roses and valley lilies. ; Mrs. Thomason was becomingly gown ed in pink georgette trimmed with iace and wore a black picture Bat. Her flow ers were pi ok rosebuds. Following the ceremony, a* wedding breakfast was served. The dining room was prettily arranged with quantities of roses and lilies. The- punch table which was placed in the east living, room was presided over by Miss Margaret Smith, of Washington, D. C. 1 ... - The bride’s book' was kept by Miss El sie Nofsinger. Those assisting in enter taining the guests were: Mrs. M. L. Rid enhour, sister ,of- the bride* of Kiuffnpo lisr..Mrs. John Carpenter; cousin of the I A Chest of Silver Buying a chest of Silver is s’a the sensible as well as the ' economical way to do. You j [ j have a neat, sturdily built j j ' box in which to keep the 'i 1 Silver when not in use. Stames-Miller-Parker Co. J jjj rflßlSh To prevent freckles * Elizabeth Arden has created an ' * exquisite finishing lotion, , VENETIAN LILLE LOTION, to be used under powder. ’ Antiseptic and astringent, < , smooths and refines the skin, ’ leaves a silky finish, flattering ' < ! > so s day or evening. Prevents , j windbum, sunburn and freckling. 1 ’ White, Cream, Naturelle, Special ' j , Rachel, Spanish Rachel, Ocre. j sl-50. $2.50. ' j Gibson Drug Store (Hunt's Salve and Soap), fall In • 1 I ry the treatment of Jtoh. Eczema, !A Rlngwoijn, Tetter or other iteh- In* ekln dleeceee. Try UUs treatment at snr fiak. 1 pearl Drug company |bride, of Malden,' Mrs. Ella’ Huffman, f j aunt of the bride.. 8 During the afternoon, the couple left ,by motor tor a wedding trip’in' the, North -,They will be at.hotqe after July 15th at s Kannapolis. ’ Mrs. Fisher, who is the attractive - daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robert i Lee Shaeffer, is a young woman of charm s ing personality and counts her friends by -| her acquaintances. For the past three : | years fie has been teaching at Kannap- I'olis. *; . c. ! ! Mr. Fisher is the son of the late Mr. . William Fisher and Mrs. Fisher, of Mt. • Peasant. Mr. Firiier i- j n tne cotton mill business at Kannapolis. He is a s graduate of Newberry College, Newberry, i S. C. ' Out-of-town guests for the wedding • were: Miss Margaret Smith, of Wash ington, D. C., Mr. and Mrs. John Car-! penter, of Maiden, Miss Blanche Smyre, and Mr. Silas Smyre, of Newton, Mt. and Mrs. M. L. Ridenhour, . and Miss Queen Graeber, of Kannapolis, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. McElrath, of Decatur, Ala., Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Lucas, of Greensboro, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Harris, Jr., of At lanta, Ga., Mr. George M. Rose, of Char lotte, Misses Kathleen and Elizabeth Ridedhour, of Kannapolis, Miss Mary Evans Foij and Mrs. Ora F. McEachtru, of Mt. Pleasant, Miss Pearl L. Shaeffer and Miss Christine Shaeffer, of Trout ville, Va., Miss Lila Fisher, of Asheville, and Mrs. Aaron R. Tosh, of Roanoke, Vi. The large number of handsome gifts attest the pojiularity of the young couple. JEWETT BI RNELLE HAS ,> NOT ’YET BEEN CAUGHT Woman Who Knocked Miss Irene McCon nell Off Highway Made Good Her Es cape. v Efforts at locating the woman who ran into Miss Irene McConnell’s Chev rolet Friday on the Charlotte road fail ed and, the license number together with the warrant for arrest of -the woman ! tvere turned over to Horace Moore, in ternal revenue agent, who was in the [city yesterday. Mr. Moore said he would »try to locate her at her home which was found to be Charlotte. N ’ Tlie accident occurred yestertlay morn ing, thfc woman, who- gave her name lat er as Jewett Burnelle, running into the rear of the Chevrolet and knocking it off the road into a ditch. None of the occu pants of the ear were injured but the ear was badly damaged. " « ■ . Miss Burnelle, after she had ' been brought back to the scene of the wreck,! i made her escape by declaring that she, was coming to• Concord to make ment. She has.' not been heard from , since by the local officers. Four Suits Started Against Bus Lines. Greensboro, June IS.—Four outts ask ing damages amounting to $11,600 were instituted in Guilford Superior Court here Wednesday against the Royal Blue Transportation Company, operating a bus line to and from Greensboro toTiev- ; oral other points, as a result of an acci dent at the intersection of the High i Point-Oak Ridge and Greensboro-Ker nergville highways oh April 4, 1926. The plaintiffs are Robert S. Russell, who seeks S6OO for damages to his Oar , and medical bills; Mrs, Mabel M. Bus- j —■— ■ ii Notice to the Public of Concord - | Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc., last week acquired the lease t ’ji and all properties contained in the New Concord Theatre, jj. !jl and'this theatre will hereafter be under the supervision of i ji[. Warner Bros. Southern Theatres Inc. who also own arid jj[ I j l operate the following theatre properties: ji j New Broadway—Charlotte iji jij Broadway—Columbia, S. C. Lexington—Lexington, N. C. jij !jr It is the contention of Warner Bros., Southern Theatres, jj j Inc., that the citizens of Concord and all other cities in i J j w;hich they are interested, are entitled to and will receive < j I screen entertainment of the highest class, and to that end j ! the management of Warner Bros., Southern Theatres Inc., i i as weir as the resident manager in each city, will exert ev- j j jl ery effort in bringing to this city amusement of the type’ j j j! that will best please and entertain its citizens, and only i j ask in return that Concord citizens show their appreciation j by their liberal patronage at the New Concord Theatre. j Qumprograms will be changed completely on Mondays, jj j Wednesdays and Fridays, i And the reasonable admission prices of 10c, 20c and 30c j j i will be strictly adhered to unless a change of policy is ad- j j - vertised. . ij! NEW CONCORD THEATRE j g MILLER MERIWETHER, Resident Manager We are now car- “Wear'Ever” rying Wear-Ev- 3S®Jnnlvmaty ® CPFPIAT SYTTCD - dßph orJCtlALUffriv special offer beginning June 22nd jj RitchieMardwwre €o 1 YOKE HARDWARE STORE | PHONE 117 • JJ * '* . i , « 111 -IT r '■ ' ,-H - » i J j ■ ’i -' . ' • . ‘ ‘ k - , jell, |5,000 personal injuries; Alber Russell, by his next friend, Robert 8 t Ruttell, $1,006 personal injuries, am i Sarah Frances Ruesell, •by he* ■- near t friend, Robert; Sj Russell, $5,000 persona injuries. t The complaints declare that the auto t mobile of R. ,8. Russell was en rout< - from High Point to Oak Ridge when ht< r accident occurred and it is charged thai . the" bus of the defendant company, driv en by Boyd Samuels, was operated ai an excessive rate of speed, this causini the collision. ' i ui - .i Ocracoke Now Has 10 Cars. Kinston, June lO. —Ocracoke island last place in Nortti’Carolina' if not in th» country, to adopt the automobile, non , has ten cars- “Big Ike” O’Neal, kins man of “Cousin SMbey” O’Ngal, the is land's celebrated story-teller, Dallas Wil Jiamd and William Oaskill have acquiree motors. The percentage of cars now ii about one to 65 inhabitants. First flivver: were allowed on 'Um island about a yeai ago. There have been no traffic accident* to speak of. Ocracoke’s streets are lanes its main street a creek. The school been put aside for the spring-hoard. WHEN YOU NEED THE PLUMBER call us up and if the urg ent we will send a -faiari to your plhce at once. Nq matter wheth er you contemplate installing new plumbing or Whether you want your old repaired we will be pleased to give you es timate, and if- we secure the con tract we wilf assure you of best workmanship. * E. B. GRADY PLUMBING AND HEATING DEALER Office and Show Room SB E. Corbin St. Office Phone S34W ■ = ► Browns- Cannon Co ;rj THE MAN’S SHOP Has Moved Into Its New Home— -1 I Cannon Building: ie a o Everything New Except Service *l\ a,- * and Quality ; f " 1 £< : Same Service Same Quality I New Store New Goods | ?| | Location: Next Door Customers say we give a | to Star Theatre, in the best 8 ■ [ Cannon Building Sales Prove It 9 Browns-Cannon Co. I YOUR SHOP | Where You. Get Your Money’s Worth M'} I RUTH-KESLER’S i t . * Sefrii-Annual •, •I 4, -Shoe Sale I 11 4 Is Now Going on ■ ) i . I RUTH-KESLER SHOE STORE t Smartest Styles Lowest Prices | i. ’ '■ i H & WATERi Do you want a softy dignified 13 tr * >ii rivi/7 ‘ wave in your hair. Stop in andlßg I HI I WAV N(t ' et our expert attendant give you^fc * * ' . V-iu pi,,,, l | A hat full of hot air may weigh as much as a bullet, but • B you can’t shoot it through an oak plank; therefore, can the & hot air and place your orders with us. It s better to do more than you promise, than to promise more than you do. We try to. do more for our customers than they expect—That’s Service. We believe tjiat he profits most who serves best,” /and our service is at four command. Phone 68. C. H. BARRIER & CO. 910-21 S W. Depot Street. 1 nating current and Washing Machines for direct or alter- 8 111 v r¥ m ai && f Kv•*m S m ■ S 8 8 PAGE FIVE

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