Saturday, June 20, 1925 ■ . fijgi THE BETTER KIND |R ;- OF DRY CLEANING ' The better kind of Dry Cleaning—-the kind \ /fl HL we do—assures your receiving tfie garments * ■ u ' »J\ ■» entrusted to our care, back spotlessly dean '’■• ■s' ’LkII ' and pressed in the manner they should be. We V \ * ISv employ only the'most expert methods th rough ‘ | j out, in our * '' * >f 9 Bob’s Dry Cleaning Co. pj, one 737 i .-' ~ 1 *l. 1 . .. ‘ ' , .it ..•'•>••♦ ’•*> >■; ■ ■ *• ■' v — ' 1 !<■ ■' !t ■ I. ”, n .. L~j mmm -mmmmJlmLmmmmmm, im, Introductions. ~ ' f , > Nebpr introduce unnefcessilrily. Per haps a good rule to follow is to intro duce wherever it seems the natural, grace ful and kiyd tiding to do. Some of the accented forpqe are: Miss Smith, Miss Jones. Miss Smith, do you know Miss Jones? This ia my daughter, Mary, Mrs. Jones. Mr. Jones, do you know my mother? 1 Don't use: . “Mies Jones, shake hands with Miss Smith:” ,_"I want to make you acquainted.” Never say, "My friend." You may say. ■'My. mother." "my aunt." but it, is in correct to designate one person as “my friend.” The younger person-ds always pre sented to the older, but a gentleman is OUT OUR WAY BY WILLIAMS ~ j' MOWN POP " BY TATLOR /f MRS Gunn-fbo' ought t> join ) 'YtT Burr rr yioold really be worth Y (f OUR FRIDAY AFTERNOON CUJB- VIE \ YoUR "WHILE - EAST WEEK. EACH < > HAVE MAO SOME VERY LO U *V° Y[ ( MEMBER HAD To EARN A DOLLAR / ( INTERESTING l [ And THEN SET XL lately tme mrsjyte 9 l The others how she a Y \ V___JX/( BC?r L HAVE SO MANY J \ DID »T NOVEL IDEA- ) X }— —n_ f Y thinostodo nj/ N — /\\ f how did you \ ;«1 ways!; presented ito ft lady, even though the lady is just a little girl, and the gen-, Neman a man of real distinction. Men, when introduced, always shake hands. "When a man is introduced to a woman, it is her place to .offer her hand or. not. as she chooses. It he, how | ever, extends his hand,vit is ruiSp of her, to ignore* it. • ... V i’ Acknowledge an ' infroduetiJSfi simply. "How do ypu do” or a bow and ft ,smile ore correct. Don't say,i “Cbaritlcd" or “Pleased to meet you.” : Better' make your first remark the beginning of the conversation. In Chinese watefiC jfunks or boats are parked in double rows with au alley of water between them in much the same 1 way we park cars in America. rr <—ci — l ! Unusual Republican View. 1 Chicago Tribune (Republiean). We should grant independence to the Philippines because the islands constitute , an exposed flauk which we cannot possi bly defend. Before the Washington ngree -1 mfut -was signed these iidanda offered a gt'ave problem, and now that we are for ■ bidden to fortify tlipm their defense is ; 1 impossible. No responsible naval strate , I gist presumes we eonld hold them against ■ the Japanese. As long as we do hold , them we are tempting Japan, but, should Jo lien yield to temptntioft. public'opinion 'yoilld force this country into a long and ‘ costly war to recover the Just possessions. E The risk is enormous, 'far greater than > any advantage we gain by our control: of the Philipppines justifies. 1 THB CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNB mnrn ,m H, H ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ * ■ ■ ■ - ■ ■■ sci i - ■»- J \Wt CHART,KB *. STEWART 1 J*BA Service Writer Washington- —capt. ‘George Meyers of the United States navy to busy apologising. to hineteent Washington newspaper men, T one after another.' ; . ; He isn't permitted to herd them 4 , together and apologize to them In 1 or to enii them up on the i telephone and get It over that '/war '■ He , must traipee around from °*ee to office, apologising to them personally, and indi vidually. ■ ' One apology to bad enough. But • ~ 1» in succession—gosh! Meyers isn’t doing this apolo gising voluntarily- * Secretary of the Navy Wilbur sentenced him to *0 It, for spoiling ft publicity stunt the secretary had his heart set on. * •* • NOW, Wilbur J saw a chance recently to get some swell i. *-- The > dirigible Lew Angeles was due to make a trip from her Lakehurst (N. J.) hangar down to Annapolis, tie up to the mast of her mooring ship, th6 Patoka, stay an hour' pr two, then fly ovhr hook jAPto once more for a Vhort rest, and flnally sail back to Ldkehurst. * ‘l’ll have some Washington cor respondents go up in her while she’s in this vicinity," thought the secretary. “They’ll write up their trip and it’ll be fine stuff for us." i He began telephoning to a select- ' •d list of correspondents—the big gest men in the business and known to him t* be particularly Interested in the navy. V.' The -notice was very shffct and •otne ofj them found it hard to get ' T>«,..Wlttrar was Insistent. V- . " '' : . Yr' Xi EViSRETf TROE " BY CONDO { '• - ; e- : - • -•/ I j xyAT IS A. 'DIFFEREpST MATTER, MR.. FRIS6Y—I | KREWrr AATTER. o nwrraewr that * | ! S j ~ j > I Don't believe it! -X Y GICK. PFOF>LE- ARE jgfP/, | ! :C" * X. nr .uaMtM l, ■ an Argument for Evolution HbHK ’^||||: Bmith, bow and arrow maker of San Francisco, refuses to ten how he got Shte amazing picture, but contends that It proves conclusively Mow monkey 1 Aft# «W» descended from the same ancestors, learning that with science he could slay his toes. When asked it the setting was hta own backyard, V, ~ he refused to answer. -J - 1 " - " ■! .i 1 ■ ■■■ 11 ' * i —■ ■ • - - ■ BIG RADIUM ORE FIND MADE i <. i /,' * .; ' ■ , Two Prospectors Report Valuable Dis covery In, Ontario. . j Toronto, Ont.. June lll.—The discovery of radium-bearing mineral in alleged itiinmerclal quantities by . two prospec tors, Charles Earle and E. AV. Austin, i in Haliburton county, has aroused wide i spread interest. The men themselves state Chut the samples assayed yielded sufficient nuQutn to warrant 1 ' He said it was their duty to gc|. They’d he royalty, entertained, too. As a favor to him,.he asked it. i ■ ; TIE result was l —nineteen dis tinguished journalists at An napolis the next morning— [ the morning of the Los Angeles’ i expected advent. .. v* • 1 But how to get to the Patoka, at anchor an hour's sait dewn Chesa- X peake Bay? It seamed odd no «rs range'ments had been^oade. j ] However, the correspondents < scared up a launch. in due season i hauled alongside the pioOrihg ship; and started up the ladder. . r. ■ , * Capt. Meyers, smoking on the upper deck, sent an orderly to in- | vestigate the callers. 1 ** "L • i , * "W had da ya want?'* demanded i -the functionary harshly. The cot- 1 respondents told; , h > The Orderly reported to the cap tain—the waiting, now sulkily, meanwhile—vvho sent a message by his executive officer. ** “We can’t feed ya.” the latter informed them hospitooly. '.l is ■ ■' ’ ;;v ' - • tv£! 1 oopouooooooooooooooooflooooooooooooooooooaopoooooooon Car H cosier K Kitchen Cab'nets. g i i Car Load Marsh ! Kitchen Cabinets. r,'*'. ' g 10 Different Styles toI select from jjjJ 8 ' I —Who else in the county Jpc j say that? I | t "• - I —.el -'i 8 It will be easy for you to make your selection from so g, many different styles' We'-are showing aW-the latest mod- Bj [ els, embodying many new labor saving devices. Prices i from $37.50 up. Make your- selection today, we will de- f ! liver right away, , . H. B. Wilkinson OUT OP THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT * Buying Large Stores Makes It Possible* | Concord, Kannapolis Mooresville, China Grove 9 Texaco Gasoline and Oils, Alemite | Greasing, Ci*ank Case Service, Car j Washing and Polishing. Tires, Tubes, I Accessories. Quick Tire Changing I Free Air and Water-Water For Your I Battery CENTRAL FILLING STATION j'. , ‘ - : j 90000000000000600000000000000000000000000660000600000 | QUALITY FEEDS AT £ I | CASH FEED STORE <■; : | II CHURCH STREET—PHONE 122 ! Let your next feed be the Checkerboard Feed—Laying | | 1 j Mash, Growing Mash and Baby Chix and Startina will do : i ! the work. It is all guaranteed feed. STRAW HATS Your Straw is ready. The Cor rect Shape is here, with plain bands or nobby stripes. Hot days are coming, so come in and make your selection. RICHMOND - FLOWE CO. | Free Tickets to . THE NEW CONCORD THEATRE \ y With Every Cash Purchase Amount ing to SI.OO or more, we will give a Free Ticket worth 30 cents good only at the Concord Theatre We only have a limited amount—Get I yours now I Yorke & Wadsworth Co. 1 Union and Church Street , j Phone 30 Phone 30 1 PAGE SEVEN