• 9 PRESS 9 9 DISPATCHES • 999999999 VOLUME XXV nSSSn WOWED IN Fins Riots in Shameen Result In Several Deaths, and Wom en and Children Are Leav ing the City Now. SITUATION NOW IS VERY CRITICAL British Indian Troops Are Sent to Aid in Keeping Or der.—British Consul Sends Out Warning. 1 —. Canton. June .24, (By the Associated Preag).—Several Europeans were killed and many wounded today when fighting broke out between Chinese and residents of Shameen. * Women and children are fleeing on the United States seamship Asheville, to linve for Hong Kong tonight. The sit uation, is extremely seridus. The outbreak today came after dem onstrators fired in the direction of Shameen yesterday killihg a non-com batant Frenchman, and injuring Com missioner of Custom* Edwards, and V. G. Murriel, it chemist. The latter was shot in the arm. Edwards was wound ed in the knee. British Consul Gave Warning. Hong Kong, June 24.—The British consul general at Canton, it is learned sent a note to . the Canton government on Monday, prior to yesterday’s shooting incident, warning the Chinese authori ties that any attempt to penetrate She • meen, the foreigij settlement, would be re sisted by force, and that the government would be held responsible for the conse quences. The consul general said he was draft ing the document because he had learned that during the planned patriotic demon stration, student elenments planned to make martyrs of themselves by attack ing the bridges leading to Shameen. British Troops at Shameen. Hong Kong, June 24 (By the Asso ciated Press). —-A detachment of British Indian troops left today for Shameen, the foreign section of Canton, as a pro. cautionary measure foHetgng yesterday's outbreak. Strike Called Off. Peking, June 24 (By the Associated Press). —The one-day strike proposed lot tomorrow has been called off owing to the opposition of the business men, but a large demonstratio nos students, work ers and merchants is planned to begin at 7 u. m. with a parade and memorial service for those killed in Shanghai riot ing. The Chamber of Commerce pro poses to establish pickets and search shops for British and Japanese goods. ARGUMENTS ARE BEGUN IN SHEPHERD TRIAL George E. Gorman Makes First Argu ment. Demanding Death Penalty For Shepherd. Chicago, June 24 (By the Associated Press). —Indirect confession he attribut ed to the defendant were the burden of the. jury address today of Geo. E. Gor man. first assistant state’s' attorney, the first speaker in the Shepherd murder trial. In opening late yesterday Gor man demanded the death penalty to Win. D. Shepherd, for the “coldly calculated brutal murder’’ of Billie McClintoek, his foster son, by administering • typhoid germs. Mrs. Shepherd, who burst into tears yesterday when Gorman sffid she bad been used as a tool by Shepherd in keep ing Billie from marrying before an op portune moment for slaying him arose, was not in the court room today. She was in the building before court opened, but would not listen tq Gorman’s arraign ment of her husband. Gorman referred to textbooks ,to cite to the jury the legal phases of indirect confessions. ALLEGED ASSAILANTS TO BE HEARD FRIDAY Six Men And Women. Involved In Plot Against Mrs. Chas. Davie* to Get a Hearing, (By the Associated Press) Kansas City, June 24.—Six men and one woman, alleged to have been involved in a plot against the life of Mrs. Chas. Davies, of Concordia; Kans., whose hus band, Chas. B. Davies, confessed to hiring Kansas City gunmen to kill her, will be given a preliminary hearing Friday. They are charged with assault with Intent to kill. Mrs. Davies, who recovered following nn attack on her by two thugs at her home iu Concordia, will stand by her hus band despite the fact that he confessed responsibility for hiring the men, she has indicated. Fatten on Shale and Fly to Moon, Pre dicts Editor. Dr. Watson Davis, managing' editor of Science Service, says that in a few years people will be making a trip to tbs moon in a huge rocket, “a la Jules Verne.” Davis, in making his address before the American Society for the Advance ment of Science, at Boulder, Col., men tioned that the day will come when science will make citizens out of idiots, and millions of people will be fed from synthetic food made from Colorado’s oil shale. , Despite arduous duties as head of a family of five for whom she cooked and kept house, Mrs. Augusta Rudd MeDon of Evanston, 111., has completed two I ' and a half years of work in theology and received her edgree from Northwestern N Diversity. The Concord Daily Tribune For 60 Years ■Pf . * MV |H Dr. John Harvey Scott has been hsad, of the department of maths rustics at Westminster College. Ful ton, Mo., for 80 years. He also taught there for three years while atill in 'college, making a total of ft years DAWKINS-ERNEST CARE TO GO TO JUIkY TODAY Negroes Being Tried in Forsyth County For the Death of J. H. Vaughn. (By the P,na| Wiimtop-Salem, June 24.—The ease against Jyhu Dawkins and Ernest Key. negroes accused of murdering J. H. Vaughn, a merchant in this city, last August 2nd, will reach the jury late to day. The feature of the trial was the story told by Key who told of the shoot ing, claiming he was with Dawkins and the latter fired the fatal shot." Key claims he ran just before the gun was fired, and state witnesses testified to the effect that Dawkins had told them that if Key had not run they would have secur ed the dead man’s money, about S.N(XI which he carried in a sack. Dawkins claims he is the victim of a frameup ou the part of Ernest Key and his brother, who are trying to shield themselves. The ease is being heard before Judge T. J. Shaw. CHILD IS DROWNED IN SOUND AT NAG’S HEAD Wo* Wading in HhaHow Water When She Stopped Off Steep Bank Into Deep Water. (By tin Associate* Press) Elizabeth City, June 24.—While wad ing in shallow water in the Sound at Nas’s Hend, little Leila Jamieson, eight year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. An drew Jamieson, of Oxford, was drowned yesterday. The hotly was brought from Nag's Head on the steamer Trenton to be tak en to the home of the child's parents for burial. With their other two children the par ents left early this afternoon for Oxford. The little girl was wading in compara tively shallow water when she stepped off a^ steep bank and went in over her head. Unable to swim she wss drowned before help could reach her. CHARLES R. HOOPER DIES AT WILMINGTON Had Been Associated With Managanetat ot Hotels in South For Several Years. (By the Associated Press) Wilmington, N. C., June 24.—Chas. E. Hooper, prominent hotel man of this city, died this morning following on ill ness Which extended over a period of three months. He was r>s years of age. He was a native of England but came to this country at the age of 12. Mr. Hooper was President of the Enter prise Hotel Corporation, operators of the Hotel Orton here. Previous to his com ing to AVilmington he had operated ho tels in Charlotte, Washington, Atlanta and Macon, Ga. 1 Twins Try to Die in Chicken Coop.. Geneva. New York, June 23.—Charles and William Thomas , fifty-year-old twins, who crawled in a chicken coop to die by starvation a few weeks ago, todny were in Willard State Hospital. The brothers, who are college graduates, and wealthy, suffered financial losses which caused them to make a suicide pact. They crawled into the chicken coop where they remained several days before being found. The twine are a double enigma to: physicians and officials and are be lieved to be the most remarkable casp of co-ordinatioo iu thought and action that has ever come under observation. TTiey exhibit acute distress if they are separated for a moment from each other and each unconsciously follows every movement of the other. The only reliable thing about some peo ple. is their unreliability. I Concord Theatre 1 (Coolest Spot in Town) |J SPECIAL SHOWING TODAY AND THURSDAY | BETTY COMPSON in “White Shadows” An Excedcnt Picture You’ll Sure Hhajoy —ADDED— BEN TURPIN in “RASPBERRY ROMANCE” Special organ scores by Mr. Kltt sette ■; isi sinii CONCORD. N. C.. WEbNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1925 PH MINISTRY APPROVER HI PLANS TO FIGHT MS Feared That the Labor Pprty Would Not Support Min istry In First Test Question But Fears Unfounded. financestcTqet ATTENTION NEXT Ministry Is More Confident . Now That Its Moroccan Policy Has Been Approved By Big Majority. (By the Associated Frees) Paris, June 24. —Premier I’ainleve'a ministry has triumphantly survived the first test question on which it had been prophesied that the labor party would abandon it. M. l’ainleve obtained a vote of confi dence on his Moroccan policy in the chamber of deputies at an early hour this morning the vote being 510 to 30. In : stead of opposing the government, the socialists with few exception voted with it, and one of the socialists, Leon Blum, signed the motion for confidence. Having won the endorsement of its Moroccan policy the ministry now awaits the socialist action on the financial prop ositio nwhich stands on a different basis, and M. Painleve will not be able to make the same nationalist appeal. PLAYING HOLD-UP MAN 18 COSTLY FOR YOUTH Toy Pistol Gets Charlotte Prankster In Trouble Whea He Invades Store. > Charlotte, June 23.—Playing “hold-up” man with a toy pistol in a local five and ten cent store proved the undoing of Jasper Bentheim. 16-year-old Charlotte practical joker, who was fined $lO and the costs following his conviction in city court on a charge of simple assault. Bentheim, according to the prosecut ing witness, Miss Grace Murice, pretty little clerk, walked into the gtore, flashed a small pistol and ordered" her to give him some candy. The girl had been reading of hold-ups throughout the country and her first thought was that she was the victim of a bold bandit. She fled to the manager and toW her story,- Bentheim walking out of the store in the meantime. Officers were called and the boy was arrested a short time later. Investiga tion disclosed that the “pistol” was a freak cigarette ease, made in the shape of a pistol. The prosecuting witness refused to re lent and he was brought before the city judge charged with simple assault and fined $lO and the costs. After being told that the “pistol” was a toy and entirely harmless the girl refused to relent, maintaining that she had been frightened just ds badly as though the pistol had bebp a real lethal weapon. The boy told the city judge that he had enough of pranks “around women.” MacMILLAN PARTY IS STILL AT SIDNEY, N. S. Planned Now to Leave That Point June 26th—Members of Party All Weil. Chicago. June 24.—A telegram from Lieutenant Commander E. F. McDonald, Jr., with Commander MacMillan’s Arctic expendition in Sidney, N. S., received at his office here today stated the expedi tion would proceed from Sidney on June 26th. The message said all on board were well. It was filed at 10:50 a. m. Sid ney time. The lieutenant commander's office report it is* in nightly touch with the expedition by radio. With Our Advertisers. The Yorke & Wadsworth Co. will have a big demonstration of the Florence Au tomatic Oil Cook Stoves on next Monday and Tuesday. June 29th and 30th. Fac tory representatives will be here to show you what a real cook stove is. You • can get bath towels at strikingly low prices at .T. C. Peney Co’s. Prices range from 10 to 39 cents each. See ad. Only nine more days of the birthday event at Parks-Belk Co’s. Save money by buying now. Leonard refrigerators stand for the highest efficiency. At Bell & Harris Furniture Co. Special shoeing today, Betty Compson in “White Shadows,” at the Concord Theatre. Also Ben Turpin in “Rasp , berry Romance.” Window screens, 49 cents at Charles Store. The June bride sale at the Concord Furniture Co. closes Saturday. Get your Sellers cabinet now and save from $5 to $lO. You won’t have to worry about what you are going to cook if you will phone | C. H. Barrier ft Co. I Many attractive needs await you at I Fisher’s. See new ad. today. I Greensboro Woman Establishes Fund. (By the Aeeeelated Press) Greensboro, June 24. —Designed to as sist worthy individuals in obtaining a vo cational education, the Emanuel Stern , berger Educational Fund of SIOO,OOO principal and $5,000 additional tor use j during the current year, has been creat* j ed here by ' Mrs. Bertha 8. Sternberger as a personal memorial to her late hus band. llmiilaraftn Affinn RsaL l n fj nrdhsi il riaao nHHnrwm vuiw in ownßi Washington, June 23.— -The post office at Henderson, N. 0., has been dropped back from first to second class as a re sult of the annual readjustment of poefT A* Klan Leader Faces Trial o. ,’f llls pIe I t “F, e was sketched during hearings at Nob&sville, Ind., where D. C of. leader - , is flccuß « l ot murdering Miss Madge Oberhoit- H „v , t Stephenson is to go on trial shortly before Judge Fred E Hines, who has been hearing his application for bail. THE COTTON MARKET ■ Opened Steady at Decline of 16 Points With October Selling Off to 23.30 Af ter the Call. (By the Associated Press) New York, June 24.—The cotton mar ket opened steady at a deeline of 10 points today in response to Liverpool cables and hope of showers in the south west. October sold off. to 23.30 after the call, but prices soon firmed up on cover ing by recent sellers who appeared to be influenced by ,the belief that the gov ernment par of condition figures issued this morning would lead to some sealing down of some private estimates of the crop outlook. Br-th- end of the first hours October sold up to 23.49, active months generally showing net advances of six points to twelve points. A private, report reducing an estimated iherease in this year’s acreage from five Per cent, to four per cent, possibly had a contributing influence on the advance. Cotton futures opened steadv. July 23.40; Get. 23.37; Dec. 23.58; Jan. 23.08; March 23.35. TRAVELING MEN HAVE DAY AT CONVENTION Their Problems Discussed at Session of North) Carolina Pharmaceutical Asso ciation. (By the Associated Press) Blowing Rock. June 24.—Traveling men who are members of the North Car olina Pharmaceutical Association came to the front today in the deliberations of the convention which is in session here. Their problems occupied the del egates during the morning session nnd were given full discussion. The pharmacists will take to the trail in automobiles this afternoon, going with their families to places of interest in this city. During the evening a concert will be given by the traveling men's auxiliary to the association, nnd an illustrated lec ture will be delivered by Dr. A. L. Wal ter on diabetes and insulin. FLOOD WATERS RENDER 15,000 PEOPLE HOMELESS Entire City of Forbes, in New South Woles, Is Surrounded by Water Fol lowing Floods. - • Sidney, N. W.. June 24 (By the Associated Press). —Flood waters entire ly surrounded the city of Forbes, New- South Wales. The new high waters 1 have made 15.000 persons in the district homeless. Forbes is on the right bank of the Lachlan River, ninety miles west of Bath rust. The population of the town it self is only about 3,00. Recent Aus tralian dispatches have told of wide spread damage from floods in several ee tions, chiefly in southern New South Wales, with .(he flooded areas in. some cases extending well toward Sidney. A Sidney message of June 22nd said Forbes was being threatened by the floods. Ul From Worry Over Son’s Disappear ance. Greensboro, June 23.—Sorrow over the disappearance of her son has made Mrs. J. L. Puckett, at White Oak Mill village, this city; seriously ill, and physicians ad vise tbkt recovery would be probable if the boy could be located. The boy, Tom Pluckett, a youth of excellent habits, dis appeared in November, 1924. He was employed by a contracting concern to drive a truck. Hi* parents then lived in Mount Airy, where he vanished. Since then they have mov|d youth is eighteen years of agf, /five feet seven inches, weight, 150 .yjaßmxds, straight in carriage, fair complexion, light ;, brown hair, brown eyes, very prominent nose, large upper front teeth, wears plain gold I ring on third finger of left hand, had no fraternal order connections, attends the Methodist church, very quiet, cares noth ing foe sports. Dr. W. C. Farabee Dead. •<9r the Awtsrea Frees.) Washington, Jnne 24.—Dr. Wllßamj; illness. J JUDICIAL CONFERENCE TO BE HELD AT RALEIGH First Sitting to""!!* - Held Today to Study State’s Judicial System. (By the Associated Press! Raleigh, June 24.—The first sitting of the Judicial Conference, created by the General Assembly of 1025, will be held in the Supreme Court room here today. Chief Justice Stacy will preside. The copference will be attended by the mem bers of the Supreme Court, the attorney general, twenty attorneys appointed by Governor McLean and the Superior Court judges of the state. The jurpose of the Judicial Conference will be to study the state’s judicial sys tem in iip_. entire, with special to court practice and procedure? There will be an effort to work out means for bringing cases to trial more speedily The Judicial Conference was advocated by McLean in one of his mes sages to the General Assembly. He Urged its creation as a means of straight ening out some of the problems facing the judiciary. The conference will make recommenda tions to the General Assembly which the Governor, in turn, will present to the General Assembly at its next sitting. A feature of todays sessions of the Ju dicial Conference will be an address by Chief Justice Stacy, in which he will outline the purposes for which the con ference was created.' GIRL OF ALIASES IN IREDELL COUNTY JAIL Seventy-Year-Old Husband Faithful De spite Her Shady Record. Statesville, June 23. —F. It. Gibson, of Columbia, S. C., has arrived here and has employed local attorneys with a view to getting his wife released from the Ir-e dell county jail, Mrs. Gibsoit being a fa miliar figure in police circles of Colum bia, Charlotte and Statesville, passing under various names, including Ruby Kunkle, Ruby Wallace, Lola Kunkle, Lola Woodward, etc. Local police officers brought the young woman from Charlotte yesterday placing her in jail on the charge of entering the home of her foster parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kunkle, on Boulevard, and tak ing clothing valued at one hundred dol lars . According to agreement announc ed tonight, the woman will have a hear ing next Thursday night in Mayor Bris tol’s court. Her husband, F. B. Gibson, 'a Columbia business man said to be more than seventy years of age, appears in deep distress and is anxious to secure freedom for his young wife at any cost. FEDERAL I»RY AGENTS ACTIVE NEAR TAYLORSVILLE Five Men Arrested. Three Autos Confis cated and Fifty Gallons of Liquor De stroyed. (By the Associated Press) Salisbury, June 24. —Five men were ar rested, three automobiles confiscated, and fifty gallons of liquor destroyed as a re sult of two days’ raids near Taylors ville by federal prohibition officers work ing under A. B, Coltrane, state direc tor. The men arrested were J. M. Hoffman, P. E. Dancy, I jester Wyatt, Gedrge Gal ley and Charles Fincanno, all of Alex ander county. The men are held in jail at Taylorsville, and the cars are stored in a Statesville garage. Supreme Court to Adjourn Tomorrow. Raleigh, June 23.—-The spring term of the North Garoliiia Supreme Court will!, terminate officially tomorrow, when 1 the ‘court will hand dowp Us last net 1 of opinions before dispersing for the sum mer. ’ ‘ ■ 1 The chief justlggs homq'-' is in Wil -1 mington. Associate, Justice Clarkson will 1 spend the major portion of the summer at Little Switaerland. Associate Jus tice Adams lives in Carthage, Associate Justice Connor in Wilson and Associate hTnot V «a7 r fM seVeral^week^'luit^the * here tomorrow. <; THE SUPREME COURT UPHOLDS THE OF FOGGS TOSH It Decision Handed Down To day In Case of C.P. Young Aganst the Johnston Coun ty Commissioners. TEN MILLIONS^IN LOANS INVOLVED The Decision Validates the , Practice Followed by State Highway Commission for Past Five Years. Raleigh, N. C.. June 24 (By the’Asso ciated Press). —The practice of counties lending funds to the tate Highway Com mission for completion of road projects in .their areas before state funds for the purpose were available was upheld in a decision handed down by the Supreme Court today. In the case of C. P. Young vs. .Tolinston County Commissioners nnd the County Commissioners the judgment of the lower court was reversed, the ac tion thus validating a practice follow ed by the Commission for five years and in which $10,000,000 in such loans was involved. The action styled T. C. Young versus the Board of Commissioners of Johnson County, the North Carolina S|pte High way Commission and Frank Page was precipitated by a ruling of the Attorney General affecting approximately SIO,OOO - in loans made to the Higghway Commission by counties for higghway construction. The Attorney General held that such loans could not be repaid by the State Highway Commission out of subsequent bond issues, as sueh would be illegal, in that it requires specific acts of legis lation to pay money out of the State treasury. “The power to borrow from the count ies is not expressly conferred nor can it be said that that power can- exist by _ iimplication.” said the plaintiffs brief. “The legislature,” it continued, “authorizing an aggreggate issue of $85.- 000,000, plus certain eurrrent receipts from taxes, fixed deliberately a iKxntlve limit upon the gross expenditures of: the Commission, beyond which it could not go. and no part of its acts can be con strued to away to give authority to advance this limit. If so. then what is to be the limit? Section 14 must then be interpreted to be consistent with the idea, that so long ns contracts executed by the Commission are for credit pledge only issues already authorized they are consistent and void, but when contracts are made which accept credits and pledge threrfor issues not yet authoriz ed by the legislature, they increase the available revenue beyond the limit fixed by the legislature and such acceptances of credit are illegal and void-” “We submit", said the defendant ap pellants’ brief, “that the contract s well within the scope and purpose for which the Highway Commission is cre ated, and that the obligation assumed does not transcend its powers. “To be sure”, it continued, "the con tract may not be worth anything to Johnston county. The legislature hns ample power to cut off the revenue of the State Highway Commission, and there may be any proceeds of bond issues Here after authorized or other road construct ion funds’ to be allocated to Johnston county, and if not. then Johnston county will simply have the good road built in its borders, and that is all. but if the present arrangements continue without legislative interruption, there will cer tainly be some funds eomming into the hands of the Highway Commission in which Johnston county will have a right to share, and if that county has antici pated the road program by incurring a debt of its own surely there is nothing improper in allowing its proportionate part of statewide fund to be applied in discharge of the indebtedness that it has created in furtherance of the State pro gram to which the legislature has de finitely committed the State.” John D Barker, county attorney for Johnston county, presented rue case in behalf of Johnston county. Asistant At torney General Charles Ross for the State Highway Commission and Attor ney General Dennis G. Brummitt for the plaintiff, Young. “It apperas that the loan oi $500,000 offered by Johnston county will complete the hard surfacing of roads tn that county. If the money may be accepted by the commission us a loan under the agreement for repayment out of bond issues which may hereafter be authoriz ed by the General Assembly,' the Com mit may accept sueh loans on such terms for the complete bard-surfacing ot all state roads in every county in the state. Fact is every other county may de mand that it be permitted to advance such funds and expects the commission in all yairness to accept the loans. We think tat if the legislature bad intended that this be done, it would have au thorized itin language clear and admit ting of no doubt that such was its pur pose.” i ... . ; Greensboro Man Acquitted in County Court in Rdwan. ' Salisbury. -June 23. —In the connty ■ court yesterday after a number of post ponements, the case against B. F. Rus ■ sell, business man of Greensboro, was 1 heard and Mr- Russell was found not I f guilty. He was charged with assault ■ with an automobile! he having struck > and injured Mrs. Fannie Casper on a INfeTtray.&t ! [Morganton, to which place be was tak- ••••••••• • TODAY • NO. 150 DEFENSE PLANNING : « u ““' ..un FOR THE : J. T. SCOPES CASE ’ Clarence Darrow and Bain ’ bridge Colby Are Now In Tennessee Getting Things Ready For Coming Trial. . EXPERTS^TOIIE HEARD AT TRIAL \ Both Experts In Scientific ' and Religious Fields Will Be Called by Defense, Un der Present Plans. s (By the Associated Press) Knoxville, Tenn., June 24.—An “ar. ’ a my” of expert witnesses representing va p rious scientific and religions phases of , the evolution question will be called in the p trial of John .T. Scopes, indicted high , school teacher, it has been announced by ] defense counsel' who continued in confer* t ence here today. Clarence Darrow and Baintyridge Col by. who came here last night with other I members of the defense staff, were the 4 principal speakers at the graduating ex ercises at John R. Neal College of Law, . and incidentally were presented with hon ’ orary degrees of Doctors of Laws. A similar honor went to Dudley Field , Malone, of New l'ort, who was not pres ent, however, but- who expected to join his conferees here today. Dr. John R. Neal, seDior defense eoun , sel, who presented the degrees referred to Dr. Darrow as the man who framed the first juvenile court law. Declaring that “many of our legislators will vote for anything they think will bring them votes," Mr. Darrow in his ad dress said this was true of some senators, and asserted “they voted for prohibition when they bad liquor in their own pos session.” “And they still have liquor,” he added. RADICAL "CHANGES~IN~ , ENFORCING DRY LAW Abolition of State Lines Oqe of Chief Features of Andrew’ Program. Washington, June 23. —The biggest shake-up in enforcement machinery ■ since prohibition was establishes in the ■ United States has been ordered by the 1 Treasury Department, effective August 1 1. The new program under which As sistant Secretary Andrews will seek to make the country dry was announced today, and the way was paved for radical changes in the personnel now engaged in the work. Only the broad outlines of the program were made pub lic, but Mr. Andrews turned immediate ly to the task of working out its de tails and to a survey of the fitness of those now on the job for- reappoint ment when it is pnt in operation. State Hues will be abolished, federal directors for each state will be eliminat ed, new districts bounded wholly on lines bounding federal judicial districts will be created, and a general decentrali zation of authority will take place in the reorganization. Neither Mr. Andrews nor other Treasury officials would 'discuss the probable conditions further than to say that only those with ability would be • retained. The weeding out of undesir ables will be accomplished without baste, since Mr. Andrews has no inteh tion of filling the entire list of places immediately and later finding he has apimintees with whom he is not satis fied. JEWELRY STORE ROBBED IN BROAD DAYLIGHT Jewels Valued at Between $150,000 and $200,000 Secured by Two Robbers. (By the ituMdinel Preeat) New York, June 24. —Two robbers held up the diamond store of Marcus Feldman on Broadway in the theatrical district today and escaped with diamonds said to be worth between $150,000 and $200,00. The robbers with pistols drawn entered the store and tied up two clerks on duty. They then ransacked the coun ters, piled diamonds and jewelry into a bag. The holdup occurred shortly before 10:80 when Broadway was crowded. The Feldman store is between 45 and 46 Streets. The robbers also emptied a safe. Mar cus Feldman, the proprietor, entered a few minutes after the robbers had es -1 caped, and released the two clerks. Po -I‘lice were given descriptions of the rob- I bers and general alarm was sent out. Triston da Sunda, the lonely British i island in the South Atlantic, has not ha<* 1 a mail from England for more than two . years. The last mail was taken there ■ by a British warship early in 1923, - There appears to be little prospect of an i other mail before early next year. I Demosthenes, the orator, in bis youth - stuttered and stammered. WHAT SAT’S BEAR SAYS OP# flnl La I JbLm I I t; „ fir -'vr-r* „dj