PAGE TWO WnpBSBSmU gff ■■■■■■'■■■■■■LJ ■■! —. m.. y w » jr §k v [ I nL| 1L I mA g ■l| m JB Ik [ _ /- ~/—p; . '" '• : - 24-lt-p. lot OthiwW a Very Small Fe male white and brown spotted bob-tail rat terrier dog. Answers to name of “CiiW” Return to B. W. Means and get reward. 24-lt-p. For Sale Cheap—few Ytom* Ik. 1R& heaa Prise atoek. Mrs. Bernard Fetaer. 23-2 t-p Lost—lee Cream Can. Call fa. Peart Drug Co. 23-2 t-p. —Freeh Mflk Cow. Phone BISX. Does Four Refrigerator Use Too Much Ige? Get airtite cushion door gaskets for refrigerators and cold storage doors and other purposes requiring airtight, waterproof dustproof doors from Torke A Wadsworth Co. 29-4t»c. For Rent—My Home on South Union Street. M. F. Ritchie. 13-ts-c. Desirable Famished Rooms For Rent; also four-room unfurnished apartment. Hew house with modern conveniences. Phone 301. 10-ts-p. KRRSGE CHAIN STORES OWNER SUED BY WIFE Millionaire Merchant Alleged to Have Of fered 6W Fortune to Become Wife. New ifork, June 22.—Alleging that her husband promised her 17,500 shares of stock worth $7,095,000 if she would mar ry hup. but gave her instead a cheap plush <iog from one of his stores. Mrs. Doris Mercer Kresge today entered suit for the stock in Supreme court against Sebas tion S. Kresge, former 'tinware salesman i Who became the millionaire owner of a (dhain of five and ten cent stores. Hie plaintiff is Kresge's second wife, and her suit is the second legal difficulty into which his marriages have brought him. A little more than a year ago his first wife divorced him in Detroit in the record time of 10 miqntes. The 57-vear old capitalist married the second Mrs. IKresge. who is 32, a few minutes after divorce was granted. > f Mrs. Kresge in her suit asserts that before her ma triage Kresge promised to give hewjJO.OOO shares in his five and ten cent stores on their wedding day if she would marry ban She accepted him, she said, and received from him 2.500 shares of the stock before tjm marriage. On the wedding day, 24. 1024. she said, Kresge came to her f'ark Ave nue apartment for the wedding, bringing no stock, but two lawyers and a contract. By this contract she was to receive only an additional 2,500 shares of stock, in stead of 17.50t> and was in return to waive her dower rights. She signed the paper but now says she did so because , Kresge “took advantage of the situation." After the .marriage, her attorneys said, Kresge kept putting her off when she asked for the stock, but finally Agreed To Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION Sure Relief Bell-ans 25* and 75* Packages Everywhere 50-54 South Union Street Buy Bath Towels Now At These Striking Prices! Do you ever have enough Towel* for Summer? KOne to tfke swimming— Mary is just COol bath after that Hike—and, dear s ofle for shaving! Buy a supply now ihortage for Summer. leached Terry Towels in plain white or ipe combination, each, Turkish Towels of Terry hi plain white bb»<ar> each, II . J*"* 1 * y*** Terr y Towels, ske 18 b, U inches, II jj**** l Turkish Towels, with a striped |l II rtch, u ha - - For Rent—Rouse on Meadow Street. C. O. Linker, Central Barber Shop. 24-3 t-p. For Sale—Six-Room Bungalow, Modem conveniences. Kerr street. W. R. Williams. 24-3 t-p. Notice—l Repair All Makes of Sewing machines, Victrolas, anything but a broken heart. The Handy Man,, 10 S. Valley St., Cohcord, N. a 23-st-p. Everything In the Glass Une—Highly polished plate glass for windshields, sedan and coupes, cut and flitted while you wait. Any site and shape in the mirror line. We alsof do reshivering. Phone 312-W. Walter Bros, comer South Valley and Dorland Street. 22-6 t-p. *. , Visiting Cards Handsomely Printed, 50 for SI.OO or 100 for $1.50. Times- Tribune Office. ts. Plant Now—For Farm Plant Soja. Beans, millet, Sudan grass' add buckwheat For garden, plant beans, squash, cu cuifiber, tomato, cabbage,'.etc.'' Buy your seed in bulk and saOe, money. Chas. C. Adams Seed Co., China Grove, N. C. 19-6 t-e. give it to her for a Christmas present. Instead, he bought her a one-pound box of candy and the plush dog from one of his stores. When Easter had passed and Mrs. Kresge had not received the stock, Kresge suddenly packed up and left. He has not returned sinee then. Five children were born of his first marriage, each of whom received $5.- 000,000 when Kresge's first wife divorced him. The first Mrs. Kresge received a settlement of $10,000,000. The second Mrs. Kresge is a daughter of George A.. Mercer, of Pittsburgh. She once ran away to go on the stage and lat er married Pereival I). Harden, whom she divorced. A1 Smith Wants Newspaper Job. retire from politics at the end of his pres ent term, and join the New York World as a political writer, according to un confirmed reports from New York this week. The story of Smith's intention to cnier the newspaper game was published in the Syracuse Herald June 11th. Smith refused to comment upon the story other than to say that he knew nothing about an offer from The World to write political news stories. The World reported that no arrange ments yet had been made with Smith. Close friends of Smith, however, indi cate that the governor is very anxious to retire from the political arena. s Seth Sotliel. appointed governor of Carolina by the Imrds Proprietors in 1673. was captured by pirates on the way to his new post and detained until 1682. NOBODY LOVES YOU It is impossible to get anywhere if you are a crab. Nobody loves you. To be successful you must have a kindly, lov able disposition. You can not have this with au unhealthy liver aud stomach. They don't go together. Mayr's Wonder ful Remedy has given complete and per manent results iu thousands of such cases. Our advice to everyone troubled in this way, especially when accompanied with bloating in the stomach, is to try this remedy. It is a simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the intestiual tract and al lays all stomach, liver nnd intestinal ail ments, including appendicitis. At the Gibson Drug Store and druggists every where. ■gm - ll ' ■ i 'I, r“- ■ ■■■ ■ » ■ « . ■■■!■■ ■ ii Liu**— —«■—m | IN ANP ABOUT THE f3TY , \ ■ CALVARY LUTHERAN LEADS ' SUNDAY SCHOOLS OF CITS With 81 Per Cent. Present Has the Best j Showing In the City —MeGM Also Don Weil. Calvary Lutheran Sunday school led . all the schools of the city in percentage [ attendance last Sunday with a total of ! 112 present with an enrollment of 139. This was 81 per cent, present. Next in the order of attendance came , McGill Street Baptist with a percentage ■ of 78, having an attendance of 245 ,an enrollment of 313. MeGill was also . the second largest school in the city last • Sunday. Other percentages included the First • Presbyterian 62, St. James Lutheran 66. , Forest Hill Methodist 67 and A. R. P. 72. The figures are as follows: > First Presbyterian—Enrolled 410, pres ent 255. Westford Methodist—Enrolled 347, present 159. Calvary Lutheran—Enrolled 139. pres ent 112. St. Andrews Lutheran —Enrolled 190, present 93., St. James Lutheran—Enrolled 360, prefsent 238. , Epwortlt - -Methodist—Enrolled 345, present J 94: ■ Harmfiny Methodist —Enrolled 232. present 113. . Forest Hill Methodist—Enrolled 477, present 279. Methodist Protestant—Enrolled 317, present 213. Trinity Reformed —Enrolled lSo.pres ' ent 122. A. R, P. Church—Enrolled 99, pres ent 71. First Baptist—Enrolled 304. present 198. MeGill Street Baptist—Enrolled 313, present 245. Some Accidental Hangings.' While "showing off” before liis oompainns, Theodore Bray. 15. of Wharton. X. .T., hung suspended by a rope around his neck from a trniteze. His companions thought it was a joke and left him hanging. The body was eut down three hours Inter. A rope attached to a trapeze bar likewise caused the death of John John son, 10-year-old Jacksonville. Fla., boy. He put his head in a loop formed for a hand grip. When a companion ran into a near-by school and said. "Johnnie looks as if he was choking." men rushed ,to the scene John's knees were dragging on the ground. The* lad died soon after wards. A scarf worn by James Dress, three years old, caught on a nail as the boy was about to jump from a haymow in his father's barn in Finze!. Md. In try ing to release himself he fell suspend-d and strangled. Kenneth Waterland. a St. Louis boy. tied a shoestring about his neck and tried to walk a fence. He slipped and fell. The string caught in a picket and lie was killed. At the Theaters. “I-ost a Wife” with' Adolphe Menjou. Greta Missen and Robert Agnew. and a comedy are being shown today and to morrow at the Star. “Fools Highway" starring Mary Phil bin. a .comedy. "Hello Hollywood" are the features at the Pastime today and tomorrow. Betty CompShfl in “White Shadows" and a Mack Seunett comedy. “A Ras berry Romance” are being shown today and tomorrow at the Concord theater. Church Reception Thursday Evening. Plans are being made by the committee in charge to give a reception Thursday evening at McKinnon Presbyterian C’hureh. The hour set for the affair is t :30 ocloek. All members of the church and Sunday school are invited to be pres ent. This is the first social gathering for the church members since the new pastor. Rev. It. S. Arrowood. came to the city. Jgts Kid W. W;; • THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE I MACCABEES’ ENTERTAINMENT : | DISCUSSED AT CHAMBER MEET to Be Throw* Open to Fraternal >1 Organization on Its Visit Here July 14KK 1 1 Plans for the entertainment of the > Macs bees, who wiff stop their caravan ' in Concord for a day on' their way to . Washington, were and formu lated Tuesday night at the regular raeet ! ■ ing of the board of doctors of the Cham > her of Commerce. I Clarence Keuster,; Charlotte secretary ] i of the Chamber of OtUamerce, spent Toes- ] day afternoon in conference with Mr. | Blanks here detailing the plans which had j been made for the entertainment of the ! fraternal body when it visits North Car- ! olina and arranging the details of their ] entertainment for presentation to the I Chamber of Commerce Tuesday night, j A committee contesting of Dr. T. N. j Spencer, Charles B, Wagoner. A. B. ] Pounds and Maury was tp- j pointed at the meeting to have charge of ] the program for the and. figura- I tively speaking, to ktuid the keys of the || city to them on their scheduled vi»it, ; June 14th. As the plans call for at' the present : the huge motorcade* of several : thousand ears, will reach Concord short- j ]y before lunch. During the morning ] they will have been entertained at a pa- ] rade of all the fraternal organizations of j Charlotte and as sohn as this com- ; piled, they will journey to Concord. j Ail the resources of the city are to be i used for the occasion As it iR not j often that four thousand persons drop in j Concord for lunch, all cases, eating j houses, church counters and even private • homes will have to be opened son the j occasion. It is not a charity affair. J The visitors are expecting to pay for their j meals here. : After (titling, the Maccabees, together j with as many of the Concord people who • can do so, will repair to the fair grounds { where an athletic meet will be staged for j the diversion of the travelers and the ; home folks. Track events will be held \ and afterward a baseball game between 1 the Maccabees and a local team. Stunt ; 1 events will also be arranged. Toward the evening, when all is over, : part of the motorcade will return to ■ Charlotte where the night will be spent, j Others will remain-in Concord. On the ; ' next day the line of cars will move on ■ to Raleigh which is to be the next stop, j Concord is considered very fortunate : to be able to attract such a large body : of motorists. The fact that the fair S grounds offer an excellent place for the i entertainment is. perhaps, one of the ; reasons for the Rtop ■of the Maccabees. ■ The only other cities, they stop between • Atlanta and Washingron are Spartan- j bm;g. Charlotte. Raleigh and Richmond, g The motorcade is pne of the five lines | which will be headed for Washington | where the national. meet of this fraternal - organization is to bejjield. 3 PARKS-BELK’B MANAGERS ARE MEETING IN CONCORD ; Representatives of tiie Six Firng. Outside ; of the City Here For Two Days. ■ Managers of the s;i Parks-Belk stares ! outside of Concord Sire in the city today | | and tomorrow looking over stock prepnr- • | atory to buying for the fall season and j also discussing problems in connection, j ' with the management of the firms they s represent. ; The gathering is also congratulatory, j since Parks-Reik is now celebrating its S 14th birthday anniversary. The store, j itself a branch of the Belk chain, has ■ grown till now there are six stores under 3 the local firm.' : Managers present include S. V. Brum- ■ ley, of Spartanburg; J. W. Broom, of j Hickory: M. J. Bruraley, of Newton: C. S E. Parkp. of Albemarle; H. A. Allred, of ! Kannapolis; and George McClelland and J Mr. Austin, of Moiirhe. 1 The meeting will continue on until late 1 tomorrow evening when the managers will j return to tlieir respective homes. ; Children's Day Exercises at Miami Bap- j fist Church. On the fourth Hun day iQ June, the 28, J there will be Childrens Day exercises at < Miami Baptist Church. In the morning j the children will render a short program ! and in the afternoon we are expecting j spec'al music. Also Dr. J. R. Pentuff will deliver an address. The public is cordially invited and requested to be pres- • ent. J. B. JOYNER. Seeks Third p '' « * I i tfn ill BMPs aifc si i rmSk I < | " ’ . ' ' itssr. ' B ' •■ 1 | Only 9 More Days of Our Bigßirthday Event in Which E You Can Save Money on a& Your Vacation and Sum- §j 1 mer Needs. T s / '■ s = g E Bigline Ladies’ Hat Boxes and Stitt Cases and Hand Bags, g g Hat Boxes $2.89 to $9.95 I | u^- s»i, iw 98c $12.50 1 I " $1.98 "$13.95 I | Extra Fine Values in Qur Ready-1 1 to-Wear and Millinery Department | r' \ Big Lot Ladies’ Georgette Crepe Dresses. Floral Patterns j : §* ) worth $19.95. Bought especially for our StCI /"“V SS Birthday Celebration. Special ~ ! ‘jhi B*g Lot Ladies’ Broadcloth Dresses in Stripes. All colors jg| 3 nM s ‘ zes - Bought cheap and we are going to sell Cheap. k as These are ex * ra va^ues $1.48 ' 8.1.98 fmm\ | •■l New 100 dozen lot ladies’ Gingham and percale dresses J 9= i I \ or our Birthday Celebration and will be put oh sale ' | f T 50c 69c “ 89c MS g I / I 'SjjThesc are some wonderful values and just the thing for 'mmghlVrf jgE I | these hot days to wear in the house. 3£ l Big specials in Ladies’ and Children's Summer Underwear - S ; i I, -at Great Savings. „ ~ r® Big line of Gordon’s Silk Teddies, Step-ins, Bloofners and ir I f Skirts at prices you can not find elsewhere. You should SI / see these. All kinds of teddies, drawers and bodies for the . | ~ '■«' Lon’t forget to visit'our new Infants’ Department on the |I <o jjl ly second floor. Everything for the infant to the six-year- g g '■ '■ r/'ii,', imwsx jj | Phone Us Your Orders | | quick delivery! BttßtiiitHiitHtiiiytMHmtttfHiHiiiyiHKitMiiiiitiiiuitHiommttHßtuiiiuiitmimiiHmNiiiiiiiiiiniHiiiDiHiiHiiiiimiiiiiS ii ~<nl ■ . . -—w .l I i, I AMERICA’S BEST REFRIGERATORS ■ t '■ l '™' 1 '.lO § 1 . V o ®*’ pungeratop, ipesn ric^itn 111 Leppard Refrigerators stand highest in retaining the purity of foods and BT preserving their freshness. By actual test it has been found that its cooling system of re frigeration maintains a lower temperature than any other and the system of circulation I ~ y' yan wee . f| I he improved drainage system will pot clqg and. tfle remarkably small quantity of ice ||! Cornel See these wonderful refrigerators. ‘ vfjf * *•'. • l ' ttfe' '' j ■ -W ■&. ' ■ ./ A ■ v ... . jnj ii _ miiia m* nptirris r urniiure k^o. Wednesday, June 24, 1925

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