- » # 1 nursddy Tulv 2 1025 - ■ -V -=== ' rVii in ' ‘' v *Kat l , ;t ** W*- W&l Wmm ! |W& *P>|£ Ip f "* s{'• r ' | j li ; I s. : «rts ~,T" 1 T-'HIS two-piece costume Is sit home j X- and equally appropriate In the 'country or the city. It la of very ; cloth, In tan, em -14 t 'o|dered with bright oolored wools. '.vua 'skirt' Is pleated In front and ~ . plain In the back.; Dance at Salisbury For Concord Girls. Wednesday's Salisbury Post. This evening at the Yadkin hotel Mrs. J. F. Hurley and Mm. Harry E. Eagan will be hostesses at a dance in com pliment to their attractive guests, Misses Virginia Reed. Miriam Coltrane and Annie Cannon, of Concord, who are Eagan. About fifty couples will be present, among them a number of charming beaux and belles of the ■younger set from Winston. This will be the most beautiful dance of the sum mer and is anticipated with great pleasure. Birth Announcement. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Barringer an nounce the birth of a daughter on July 2nd. DABYS COLDS can often be “nipped in the bud” without dosing by rubbing Vicks over the throat and chest and also applying a little up the little one’s nostrils. WICKS ¥ Vapoßus Ovmt 17 MilUmn Jar* Umd Ymmrtjp 'ti i ,» ¥u¥ ts > 7 ill jLvffjOvCv j Bold Br 1 “zcf* tfil ■ ■ ■HI aH H ■ ■HHHMHHIR! PERSONALS. ' Mrs. Ida Dennis, of Henderson, is visiting at the home- of her brother, Henry T. Utley, on North Church street. - V .. •V 1 .0 ] , , Hits. 'lf- B. Parka' and- Miss Lola Query ate visiting in Charlotte at the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. A- Misen heimer. ~'‘ r .; ■> “ ■ • ? *■*» • • * * • .i ’ Miss Louise Morris, Miss' Eliza Beth Ross, and Mist, 'Mary Lore Flowe .left this morning for Camp Ilahee, where they will remain .during the greater past of the summer. •» - >'-’►* s • '<W * ' !■:>', Frank Moser, of Kannapolis, has re tumeil to his home there after a trip to Arizona. • • • t Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Chaney, of Raleigh, are here to attend the funeral of Mr. Chaney’s brother, J. W. Chaney. • • • Mr. add- Mrs. Ed Overcash and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Earnhardt are spending the week at Blowing Rock. •• « . Miss Della Green, of Charlotte, is spending several weeks with her mother, Mrs. Ed Earnhardt, in Caldwell street. Mrs. H. I. Woodhouse and Miss Eliza beth Woodhouse left today for Black Mountain, where others will spend the snmmer. ; V 16 Mrs. G. M- Lore add daughters, Miss Eugenia and Addle, left this morning for Montreat to spend the summer. Miss Jessie Leathers, Mrs. B. A. Cole, Mrs. John Neal and her little daughter, Francis, have returned to Durham after visiting at the home of Mrs. R. M. Cook for a week. 1 They made the trip by automobile. . > , ; , , Miss Harris Visiting at Wrightsville. Miss Adelaide Harris,'.-whf> has been -the guest at a house party at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Pender in Tar boro, spent yesterday at the home of her parents here and left last night for Charlotte, where she was the guest of Miss Loaise Gibbons. Miss Harris and a number of Char lotte people left this morning for Wrights ville Beach where they will remain for a week. Report of Tuberculosis Nurse for Jane. Number of calls on tubercular cases— One hundred and fifty. Sleeping porch built by the Roberta Mill for a tuberculosis patient at Ro berta. On June 16th the club formed in Kan napolis held its monthly meeting and a very interesting talk given the mem bers by Dr. S. E. Buchanan. The class in Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick in Mt. Pleasant completed, twenty members receiving certificates. " Two classes in Practical Nursing have been organised this month, one class in Concord with elgljt members and, one Class in TtimertoW with nine mem bets. From one to two quarts of milk fur nished daily to patients unable to pur chase same by the Tuberculosis Asso ciation. The bed linen furnished by the Kings Daughters is being used and very much appreciated by tuberculosis patients who are confined to bed and unable to supply themselves with the extra linen needed. MARGARET M. FORD, R. N.. Tuberculosis Nurse. Hostess at Bridge Part}-. Mrs. N. T. Deaton was hostess at a bridge party yesterday morning at her home on South Union street honoring her aunt, Mrs. W. C. Fink, of Atlanta, who has been visiting in the city for several days. Mrs. W- C. Wadsworth won the top score prize and Mrs. Fink was presented with the guest prize. Declieious re freshments were served at the conclusion of the game. Enjoying Mrs. Deaton's hospitality were: Mrs. J. E. Davis, Mrs. Z. A- Mor ris. Mrs. Frank Morrison. Mrs. J. A. Kennett, Mrs. W. L. Burns. Mrs. Luther Boger, Mrs. A. C. Cliner Mrs. W. C. Wadsworth’ Mm. Leslie Oorreli, Mrs. H. G. Gibson. Mrs. T. N. Spencer, Mrs. Mark Linker and Mrs. W. M. Lin kei. WHEN YOU NEED THE PLUMBER call us up and if the need is urg ent we will send a man to your place at once. No matter wheth er you contemplate installing new plumbing or whether you want your old plumbing repaired we will be pleased t& give you an es timate, and if we secure the con tract we will assure you of best workmanship. : E. B. GRADY ....... j .■:■ y j PLUMBING AND HEATING DEALER GEM Mi Stow RMfe M E. Corbin Bt. Office Phone U4W • Lt V- ■ ■ '•> /■ - ' THti' CONOORD DAILY TRIBUNB i l. ■ ■ 4„- I EIGHTEEN PERSONS LEAVE , - CONCORD FOR EUROPE Mr. Blanks Tow to Visit England, Soot land, Belgium, Holland, Italy aad France. An exodus, the like of which has never been seen before in the history of the city, took place yesterday and today when eighteen of Concord’s citizens entrained for New York which is the port of em markation for Europe. The tour on which the party is going is local, all the bookings having been made through H. W. Blanks, Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, who left Tuesday for New York to prepare for the reception of the party. Not only are there eighteen persons leaving from Concord Europe but there are 30 other persons, most of whom are from this State. The party will spend Friday in New York and on Saturday they/will set sail bn the Leviathan for England. The first leg of the journey 'rill consist of a tour of England and Scotland, visiting a number of the points; of interest in tjiese two. countries. Leaving” the British Isles, the tourists will go through Holland, Belgium. France; and Italy. The return trip to this’Coun try will be made on the Berengaria, leaving Cherbourg on the 15th of August. A part of the pnrty expects to remain ten days longer, Mr. Blanks taking a group to Denmark, Norway and Sweden. This group returns on the 25th of Aug ust on the Leviathan. The tour is the first thing of its kind ever arranged in Concord and is, accord ing to Mr. Blanks, giving the city more advertising than nnything else eyer done here. It is certain that this is the larg est group of North Carolininns to sail from this country in one party. The complete roster of the tourists is as follows: Miss Mary Smitherman, Troy, N. C. Miss Grace Smitherman, Troy, N. C. Miss Elizabeth Walker. Raleigh, N. C. Miss Maude Glover,. Charlotte, N. C. Mrs. Ada Gorman, Concord. N. C. Rev. and Mrs. Cl B, Scovii, Concord. N. C. Mr. Martin L. Cannon, Jr., Concord and Charlotte. N. C. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Gant, Greens boro, N. C. Mrs, Julia A. Merrow', Pinch urst and Bethlehem, N. H. / " , * tylss-'Lake Brown, Greensboro, N: C. Miss. Elizabeth’Brooks, Kiqstqn, N. C. Miss Mary Spurgeon, Hillsboro, N. C. Mrs. I). V. Mcßae, Chapel Hill, N. C. Miss Frances W. John, Mocksville N C. Miss Margaret Beckham, Charlotte, N C. Miss Ethel Boyte, Charlotte, N. C. Miss Verna Summerill, Penns Grove, N. J, Miss Jeanette B. Shoemaker, Carney’s Point, N. J. Miss Evelyn Hargraves, Wacross, Ga. Mrs. Eunice J. Squires. Charlotte, N. C. - Miss Frances Boyd. Charlotte, N. C. Miss Mary B. Umberger, Concord, N. Mr. 11. L. Umberger, Jr., Concord. N. C. Miss Mary Propst, Roanoke, Va., and Concord, N. C. Miss Ruth Black welder, .Concord and Philadelphia. Pa. Miss Estelle Swnvely, I Philadelphia, Pa. SI ids Rebecca Day vault,. Concord, N. Miss Margaret Hartsell, Concord, N. C.‘ Miss Dessic Dixon, Hendersonville, N. C. Miss Mary McEachern, Concord, N. C. Mrs. Bess McConnell, Concord, N. Cl Miss Louise Bowden, Charlotte, N. C. Mrs. Bernard Fetzer, Concord. X. C Miss Rose Harris, Concord, N. C. Miss Ruth Crowell, Concord, N. C. Miss Thelma Albright, Greensboro, N. Miss Lila Bell, Graham, N. C. Miss Natalie Coffey, Raleigh, N. C. Miss Margaret John, Laurinburg. N. C. Sliss Mary John, Laurinburg, X. C. Miss Margaret Bell, Mocksville, N. C. Miss Addie White, Concord, N. C. Miss N. ytt. Knott, Asheville, N. C. Miss Elizabeth Foust.-Monroe, N. C. Miss Helen Marsh, Concord,’N. C. Mr. H. W. Blanks, Concord. N. C. • Eight Persons Join Central Methodist Church. Eight persons joined Central Metho dist Church last Sunday morning at the regular services. Seven of the eight came by a confession of faith and the other was by certificate. Mrs. I.ela Burleyson was taken in by certificate. By confession of faith were Clarence Burleyson and William Burley son, eons of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Burley son; Fabius Julius Haywood, Robert Haywood and Nancy Grimes Haywood,' children of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Hay wood ; James Willeford, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Willeford, and Catherine Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Davis. The two children of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Linker, of South Union street, were baptized last Sunday also. The order of Maccabees has decided to admit women to membership on an equal basis with men, but in separate lodges. jghjg Expert Attention When your Watch needs re pairing, there is only one kind of attention that will put it into cor-j rect f attention such as we are prephr-f ed to give it. Leave your Watch here today for inspection. STARNES-MILL&R-PARKER COMPANY Walls at post office ABE NOW BEING WASHED Paafctf Inspaetor Deafens That the Local Office U Bart Kept South «f Waafttog toil. ,$■ f- i y- .r For the first time since the Pbet Office has been built, according to Postmaster W. B. Ward, the walls in the interior of the building are being washed aad should, after several days of snefa treat ment, present a more bright and shiny appearance. The jajutqrs, said Mr. Ward, decided several days ago that they would brush off the walls, which periodically become coated with a film of dust. ■ This was be gun and as ft was not altogether success ful the janitors changed tactics and wash ed them. They are now hard nt work and will be kept busy oh the scaffolding fer some time to come. ’ In this connection, employees said that the inspector had stated on -his last visit to Concord that the Post Office in thjs city was the,best 'kept of any south of' Washington. Largely responsible for this was the efficient work of the tvfo janitors, John Farrar and Bnd Wallace. Teacher—“ Johnny, Im only punish ing you because I love you.” 1 Johnny l —‘‘•J Wish I wag big enough to j return your love.” FOR EVERY FOOT SUFFER- , ERIN TOWN Jf I Are you one of the «.-ven persons cut ML . jffi of every ten in town who will profit by JM tiiis announcementV If you suffer from WfjTijrf tired, aching fe weik ankles, tender , ri ,-i.s, weak or broken arches, you cer- ’lww Come to onr store this week, we are "? prepared to give you relief. ’ jßjjT FOOT COMFORT WEEK i IVEY’S “THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES" Great Alteration Shoe Sale A Real Sale Opportunity that unfolds Super Savings in Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Seasonable Footwear. Children’s Pumps Ladies’ Pumps 65c “ 98c 95c to $4.95 Men’s Oxfords $1.95 ° $4.95 Such Remarkable Values have not been offered this season 1 * Formerly Parker’s Shoe Store MARKSON SHOE STORE FORMERLY PARKER’S SHOE STORE AUL CHILDREN FREE First Show Saturday 1:30 P. M. To See First Chapter of “BATTLING BREWSTER” CONCORD THEATRE CAN YOU SOLVE THIS? DIER F L A G The above letters when properly arranged spells the name of a late Presldeut. Everyone sending in the correct solution will be awarded a beautiful lot, size 20x100 feet. Free and clear of all encumbrances, in a section now open to colonization in New Jersey. If you correctly solve the puzzle th*r* will be a small charge of $4.85 for the cost of drawing up legal papers and making transfer to you. Answer puzzle and mail today. This offer expires July 31st. MAXIM DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION lift West 40th St., Dept. 3708 New York City Wear-Ever Aluminum Week 20 Percent OFF 20 Per Cent Mrs. Nannie Toppin, factory representative, will demon strate the advantages of ‘Wear-Ever” Aluminum utensils. She will do actual Cooking of different articles each day, and will be glad to help you solve your particular problems. During Mrs. Toppin’s visit she will offer special articles of the Wear-Ever line at atti>ctive prices—;Fry Pan 79c 20 P*r C«it Off on All Mouse Furnishing Goods Bitchof§c^(iwomGo YOUR HARDWARE STORE , \ 'W- ' ■; ~ . - PHONE 117: ..£& ■ To prevent freckles Eliiabelh Arden has created Ipn > exquisite finishing lotion, i VENETIAN LILLE LOTION, to hg used under powder. Antiseptic and astringent, < , ""ooths and refines the «Mn, •eaves a silky finish, flattering . for day or evening. Prevents , windbum, sunburn and freckling. WkOe, Crtam, Naturtile, Special • , Rachel, Spanish Rachel, Oat. $1.50. $2.50. Gibson Drug Store You may make a success of your life work and still be a failune. Who else in Concord will . show you summer Suits like } these at SIO.OO to $25.00. V ITI You might as well ask — \ “Who else in this world ever loved you like vour Moth- Mwh " ffilmjffll The answer is—Nobody! |BM And don’t think that we are A afraid you are going to ask W||M mmMMna|j|} us to prove this—for that’s |ffil|w| |p|l just what we would like to I WOT 111; I tHi MI) iljf If [Wm! 11 If have you do! ■HHHpwpijl|if|^D*§1 Men—we know clothing and i,? so do you— Here is a Value that won’jt take five minutes to convince you. The model is an absolutely new one— The;material —as pool as a screen door—and as strong. The colorings are the new wanted shades —and the price is—Weil—we are going to let you use the adjectives! r Located in Gannon Building A Browns-Cannon Co. AYOUR SHOP , ( - Where You Get Your Money’s Worth ‘ ... 1 A • ..'i : J We close Thursday alter- v noon in order to give our clerks half day off during July and August. RUTH-KESLER SHOE STORE Smartest Styles Lowest Prices (Don’t Forget to Visit Our U Beauty Shoppe Special Prices on Permanent Wave—sls.oo H Marcel Wave, Special Price 50c H EXPERTS IN CHARGE I All Kinds of Hair Cutting. We Make Hair Goods II PARKS-BELK’S BEAUTY SHOPPE H Mrs. Housewife! Do you ever worry about what you are going to cook? And finally when you have decided, does your grocer say: s “Sorry, but we haven’t any today”? If you havd' these worries you can get rid of them by calling us first. Our stock is complete and if it’s on the market we have it. Call us for all kinds of Country Produce. We have plenty of chickens, fresh eggs and fresh country butter at all times. We appreciate your trade and are not pleased unless you are pleased. C H. BARRIER & CO. ; DELCO LIGHT > VA Light Plants and Batteries ~ Deep and Shallow Well Pumps for Direct or Alter nating current and Washing Machines for direct or alter nating turrent R.H. OWEN. Agent Phone Ml ' Concord, N. C. '/\ /) i.* I. .Mr • * _ > g , j 8 / /ftm A* f\UV l/I l/JAJI | s y PAGE FIVE

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