■vF ; ■ ** - * * | WHAT IS A MASTER CLEANER? , A “Master” Cleaner is one who is specialty chosen for his integrity, knowledge of the business, courtesy and the ability to make good any damage, shortage or inexpertness within his control. - . The National Association of Dyers & Cleaners of the United States and Canada Selects the member, and when once he displays the “Master” emblem you gjay rest assured he is gilt-edged in working calibre and a very fit individual with whom to entrust cleaning wprk. Ph° ne 787 Port and Flagg’s Cotton Letter. New York, July I—The cotton omr ket has been quiet and a trifle heavy on private advices of showers in Texas, some of which fell in the drouthy sec tion. The showers, however, were lijjht and. according to some private advices, if followed by dry hot weather are more likely to do harm than good. There has been vbry little disposition to take any position either side with the report, due tomorrow, and a holiday over the week end so that trading for the most part has been evening up accounts and, judging by the action of the market, the scattered short interest is well covered and probably oren the larger lines have been reduced to some extent, which ex plain* the apparent base with which out OUR WAY BY WILLIAMS MOMEWTS WE’D UKE. It> UMB. ONER. ?'?"S C7.R*wUww& L. . “THE- 'EARIN' enftps >Wwtjw«cat. MOM’N FOP By TAYLOR f WEU. MB.TYTE HOW'S } / XT's" BEEN PICWUfi )\( 1 WISH I COULO V/ MW RootfH'f-EPSfc ft . "fOOR BUSINESS / \ UP FINE THE LAST / SAW A& MUCH - l VJAS Sk J S THESE DAYS? / V YEW MONTHS J HOPING COULD GhJE V'J™= ( T 'i- Ht %AlO THE SToRK \ SiliilfcM [l \ ower and SEE xhw i- Jh JF= 1 COULO DOTOR % f ■ iiAi TT f JL vlpS 9 m 1 4 ' yip ' . -r— ’ > realizing sales have been absorbed. Whatever the report shows tomorrow, the wiser course will be not so base any hard and fast conclusion as to the crop upon the figures, as the deather and ex tent of insect damage the next 60 days can work n very decided change" in the outlook either in the way of improve ment or deterioration. There is still n margin of several million bales possible difference between estimates formed at this time and the final showing. A loss in condition during June is excepthma’, but the crop has been known to improve during the summer, although deteriora tion, is the usual experience during that period. Here appears to be a promise of a fairly satisfactory crop in view of the immense acreage but business is already \C s' ( VES-t TOLD HIM to 'HELP A . / SURE-A Y. ( OUT LATER ON- WHEN f , ] ( m®ve*SJSrmeM J 1 > Tbser-T* )l a JOB IN MY OPFICS jS I V^EMeM&ERgPy S*— roistering some *- improvement which promises to become more marked, so that the supply will hardly prove super abundant or oppressive by comparison with requirements at these or lower prices. Eastern mills are reported doing more business at prices which show an actual if only moderate profit and > r.rtailment during the summer promises to be less drastic than recently predicted so that the carryover will be correspondingly less and the necessity for a liberal crop will be proportionately greater. POST AND FLAGG. The bank of contentment has no in terest for us until we have made in it a deposit of service. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE Stewart By CHARLES P. STEWART I NBA Service Writer Washington—With the Coolidges out' qf the way, the White House is under going its annual overhauling, to keep the weather out when it turns cold enough again so that Ha occupants ueed a little shelter from the elements. Its chron ically under repairs, but usually it’s dur ing vacation that they’re undertaken on a grand scale. The roof leaks, for one thing, and if neglected much longer would have let rain run through like a sieve. The first floor rooms, to which the pub lic is more or less admitted, are in such shape that visitors would be in danger soon, but for pending repairs, of stumb ling over loose boards *r being bit by falling plastering, as it- shucks off ceil ings and walls.\ V• • * The fact is, the W’hite House is ail worn out. It ought to be practically rebuilt, but that would cost too much, so the policy is to stick on a temporary patch here and cover it with paint, then another one there, and keep at it until the first patch gives out. when it’s time to start in all over again. By this process of constant tinkering the old pile is kept looking reasonably spruce but it’s a wreck underneath. Not that there’s any danger of its actual i collapse in a heap, with the presidential family at the bottom. It's watched too carefully for that. It’s a problem, how ever, how long it can be from dis integrating by degrees, when it reaches a point where it consists of stuccy, putty, libseed oil, white lead and nothing else. * * * Curiosity gnaws at Washington's vi tals. Who cooked the Coolidge’s meals over Sunday, just before they left for Swampscott? Mrs. Julia Jengbloet, the White House cook, departed Saturday for the summer capital. The Coolidge’s didn't go until Monday. That leaves at least Heven meals unaccounted for—-luncheon and dinner Saturday, breakfast, dinner and supper Sunday, breakfast and lunch eon Monday. Rumor has it that Mrs. Cootidge put on an apron and did the cooking herself. She has and she could. The Coolidges spent many years without a maid. But the unromantic truth in this jn stanceMs that the executive mansion's entire kitchen personnel didn't go to Swampscott when Mrs. Jcngbloet did. Enough stayed behind to cook and serve. Those final meals may have been a trifle sketchy—it's noteworthy that the Cooi idge’s had no company at any of them—, but such as they were, there's high au thority for the statement that they were prepared by professional hands. Another burning question—Why have the Coolidges four coojis in about three months? Careful proves that there's no niysteflF as to two of them. Mrs. .TongblqeCs still on the jab and seem to be fSQng satisfaction. Hb much for her. Mrs. Marth Mitlvey. the incumbent when the Coolidges moved in and a survivorJii position from away back iu I’restßeqi jtowtevelt's day. quit 1 - |T*t»lfiNfT " ,| L ,L *d saved money nod wantejKj^ttt Two, ho we verf£ h be: ween Mrs. Mitlvey and Mrs. Jfcngbloet. How aborit them? Why was their tenure so brief? According to insiders, those two cooks were to "fancy” fiifTresident Cool idge's taste. He likes simple food. He's a man of the world, call stand for some frills on special occasions, but eating alone with his family. vlanr tmff is whar he craves. The two uofccdMipted-for cooks, it seems, considered it beneath their art to fhss over such plebian dishes as lie insisted on. Whether they were fired or quit- in disgpst is the Coolidge’s own secrets They wofi't even tell who the superceded ‘'mechanics” ..were, not wish ing. it's explained, to make it harder for them to get fresli jobs. But there's no question that they retired, by request or otherwise, fgr the White House service’s oWn good. Washington—The two recent deaths in its ranks—Senator Hubert M. I,a Fol lette's. and Sehator Edwin F. Ladd's — EVERETT TRUE BY CONDO NO, WtMTit*- TURST Ybu ivANT IT Hfcße./ - T 'DON'T TH-CN THE Re, then SOM a. t mG-te Com To ,~r- sSOME -peGIsSIONJ iU « YOU'-D . YTHINK “WE TATIS TH eiTHCfR. j WAS HAMCS-lNns: I THINK JIN THE. 'BAUAMCE, 13 Y T(4t£ nr ujoui_t> [^ 'BACACJCS.? is it f '-~-s^== ld/e Kl/t-C RESUME gr Y. ~SE-b[ * WHEN YOU p — T “ /=_ \=-r- coining »o clow together, have jolted the Progressive group in Congress consider ably. Between now and the national legis lature's next meeting some elective re organizing must be done or the "Hoc” will find itself materially weakened. • * * In the last Congress Progressive-ism was pretty formidable. Senators La Follette, Ladd. Lynn J. Frazier and Smith W. Brookhart were the nucleus. Senator George W. Nor ris was of the group in everything ex cept that he contrived to retain his Re publican party standing—nominally. Senators Henrik Shiputead and Mag nus Johnson, Favmer-Laborites. were al lies. Senators 0 William E. Borah and James Couzens were Republican insur gents much of the time. Senators Hiram W. Johnson, Arthur Capper and R. B. Howell were occasion ally so —a little. Senator Burton K. Wheeler, of course, belonged to the “bloc” but didn't count as a vote to the good against the admin istration. inasmuch, as, a Democrat, he was anti-administration anyway. The same thing might be said of Ship stead and Magnus Johnson; yet the ad ministration did gain at the "bloc’s” ex- Ipense by a “regular” Republican’s defeat of Johnson at the last election. Os the seven original dependable—La Fcjiette, I,add, Frazier, Brookhart. Nor ris, Shipstead and Magnus three, then, are gontj, La Follette arid Ladd by death, Johnson by defeat. As a partial offset against the new senator, Thomas Sehall’s victory over Magnus Johnson, the independents are able to count the retirement of the very regular senator, Thomas Sterling, in favor of W. H. McMaster—not an “ul tra”-Progressive but as much so, say as Borah and Couzens. There remain La Follette's and Ladd's seats to be filled. La. Follette’s seems certain to be filled by a man lie himself would have chosen —his son, Ilob. Jr., from all indications. Tlie Progressives are hopeful as to Ladd's too. So, however, are the “regular” Repub licans. Ladd's state was “pro'’ the present national administration at the last election, which is what the “regu lars" base their faith on. It was quite progressively so. however, which is what encourages the independents. All in all, it looks as if Ladd's suc cessor, if not an out-and-out insurgent, like I .add himself, at least will fall, like McMaster, in the Borah and Couzens class. It isn’t altogether a question, however, of how'the Senate lines up next Decem ber. There’s the future also to be looked into—the latter half of President Oool idge’s present term. The administration is quite likely to lcse some Senate seats to the Democrats next year. Republican members of the upper house come up for re-election in Ari zona. Kentucky. Maryland. Missouri and Oklahoma. These states choose Demo crats oftyner than they do- Republicans. Other states in which sncc'-essors must be chcsen to Republican solons are Ohio. Illinois, Indiana. Nevada, New York, I’tali and Washington, These are at least doubtful. It will be odd if out of this dozen of Commonwealth, the Democrats don’t score some gains and the Republicans suffer a few losses. So the administration can’t afford to have much insurgency in its own ranks. If it has, the same situation will pre vail which has prevailed since the middle Os President Harding's administration— the insurgents will hold the balance of power, and use it against the President.' * * * The Progressive “bloc"’ is a bit rattled 1 at the moment, yes. but to assume tliat it’s done for, as the "regulars" have been doing since La Follette, and still more Since Ladd died, is premature until time’s given to see how well the independents rally. REMEMBER PENNS ADS ARB CAfB WILL BUILD GYMNASIUM AT CATAWBA COLLEGE Work Programing on Dormitory and Administration Building sc Salisbury. Salisbury, July I. —Catawba, college, which opens here in tie fall, is to. have a gymnasium building as soon a* architects can draw plans and the' structure can be erected. This was de cided at a meeting of the building com mittee held here this week. Work is progressing nicely on the dormitory and administration buildings and there is no doubt about the college being ready for occupancy in the fall- According to Dr. Elmer Hoke, president, the school will like'.y have all the students it can handle the first year. REMEMBER PENNY ADS ARE CASH TRUNKS AND BAGS- Vacation Time Is Here — We are prepared to take care of your wants in Trunks, Bags, Suit Cases and Hat Boxes. We are showing a very complete line of luggage and will take pleas ure in showing you what you may need. RICHMOND -FLOWE CO. These chairs are a few of the many Hey wood-Wake* field Windsor types which we are showing. Come in and look them over. H. B. Wilkinson OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT \ Buying For Four Large Stores Makes It Possible Concord, Kannapolis Mooresville, China Grove Texaco Gasoline and Oils, Alemite Greasing, Crank Case Service, Car Washing and Polishing. Tires, Tubes, Accessories. Quick Tire Changing Free Air and Water-Water For Your Battery CENTRAL FILLING STATION Phone 700 GAS AND OIL Did You Know? That we are giving Free Water, Free Air and Free Service and Selling the Best Gas and OB on die market at our Church Street Store. Drive Around and Gas With Us Yorke & Wadsworth Co. Union and Church Street Phone 30 Phone 30 PAGE SEVEN NEW YORK TRAFFIC COPS TO “TAG” JAYWALKERS Reckless Prdest rains «II Be Ten*** Printed Warnings. New York.. July 2.—Reckless pedes trians like reckless motorists, will be handed cards by traffice policemen after each offense- They yvill not be summons, however, but polite warnings, tendered silently without comment, that the of fending one is guilty of jaywalking and that he is courting an accident. The "silent campaign of courtesy” against jaywalkers will continue during July, and a count will be kept of the tags distributed. Tolice officials expect that the number will be in the millions. It is temper whirl) makes the hlkxe of home, or disturbs its: comfort. 5