PAGE EIGHT . k - ■ i *'■ v ~ ' : ! ‘ ' \ ! ! ■ • Buy a COLUMBIA Portable The utmost in portable value. Splendid tone quality equal to the average big cabinet phonograph. Lnusually study, self lubricating motor. Can be wound while playing. Special drawer for carrying records. Patented tone cham ber and reproducer. Only $35.00 Other New M t odel Cql.umbia phonographs on sale at' our store. See the wonderful new console niddels just re ceived. Equipped with the Non-Set Automatic start and stop device. Generous terms. Concord Furniture Co. THE RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE The Sinclair Law of Lubrication For every machine of every degree of wear, their is a scientific SINCLAIR OIL to suit its speed and seal its power. Let us look up for you, the grade of Sinclair oil you should use. Mutual Oil Company PHONE 476 R. INSURE When You Start To Build The right time to take out insurance is when you start building. Then if through any cause your building should burn, even before completed, the Insurance will cover your loss. *etzer & Yorke Insurance Agency Successors tq Southern Loan and Trust Co. P. B. FETZER A. JONES YORKE BEST i CEMENT PLASTER LIME Mortar Color, Plaster Paris PHONE 74 CRAVEN’S KERR STREET S SPECIAL VALUES —for — JULY 4th CHARLES STORES CO.. Inc. 34 South Union St, Concord N. C. BjL Concord, N. €. Kr The Home of Good RjL Banking gST Resources Over One Mil- BK lion Dollars Mkl •, v -‘. . v ;r' v . ,' • • THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE The Concord Daily Tribune TIME OF CLOSING OF MAILS The time of the closing of mails at the Concord postoffice is as follows: Northbound. 130—11:00 P. M. 36—10:00 A. M. 34 4 :10 P M. 38— 8:30 P. M. 30—11:00 P. M. Southbound. 39 0:30 A. M. 45 3 :30 P. M. 135 8:00 P. M. 29—11:00 P. M. LOCAL MENTION |j The weekly fneeting of the Concord Ki- ■ wanis flub will be held at the Y. M. ( O. A. tomorrow st 12:30 o’clock. , Every child ehould have one of The ■ Tribune’s beautiful infant dolls—it’s easy . to get one. Frank Mund. city building inspector. J reports that he issued fourteen building permits during June, work to be done under the permits totalling $14,340. Mrs. 1,. 1). Coltrmie, .Tr.. has been tak en to the Charlotte Sanatorium, where ( she wiil remain for treatment for some' time. Kev. E. F. K. ltoof. pastor of Center Grove E 1.. C'hunth. will preach at 8 o’c’oek Friday evening a sermon preiiar-1 atory to the Holy Communion on next | Sunday. All are cordially invited to these services. Peaches in the county are in very good condition, declared R. I). Goodman this ■ morning, especially so where they have been sprayed. They are remaining on the ] tries till ripe and are showing very little,( signs of rotting. A tent meeting will leg in tonight on'] Fink street, services to bo held daily at ] 7:30 p. m. Preaching will be done by I Rev. F. M. Wilson and Rev. P. J- |] Parks, and the general public is invited i to tlie services. During last Saturday and the first days of this week, eighty-five persons paid their city taxes to 0. N. Fiehl. "There are about 100 persons who have not yet paid their taxes*." Mr. Field states, “and their property will be advertised unless they pay immediately. ’’ Fnion services for a number of the "down-town" churches will begin next Sunday night when Dr. J. C. Rowan, pas tor of the First Presbyterian Church, will preach at the Roof Garden at Central Methodist Church. These services will continue throughout the month of July. Two games will' be played in the city league tins [ afternoon. The l'ythians take on the A'. M. C. A. at the High School diamond and the Calvary Luther ans play the DeMolays. Cp to the pres ent the Pythians have tsit been beaten in the city league. The pavement in front of the new ho tel is being broken up and removed pre paratory to lowering the sidewnik near er the street level. The s'dewatk was laid before the street was paved at this point and has always been mucb higher than the street. Quite a number of cotton mills in the county are standing for the remainder of the week for their annual Fourth of July holidays. Work in the mills was fin ished for the week last night and will not be resumed until Monday morning. The mills usually observe holidays for sev eral days for the Fourth. The Charlotte All-Stars under the di rection of Joe Westnedge. who had a tryout with the Chicago White Sox this year, will play at Kannapolis this af ternoon. The Charlotte team is claim ing the championship of North and South Carolina this year and the game should be a good one. New York is leading the National League again by defeating Philadelphia twice yesterday while Pittsburgh was winning from Chicago, and Brooklyn was winning from Boston. In the Ameri can League New York defeated Boston, Cleveland and Detroit divided two games and St. Louis defeated Chicago. The aldermen will meet at the city hall tonight at 8 o’clock for their regular July meeting. Several street matters, in addition to another question in regard to widening East Depot Street, will be presented to the board members at the meeting. The meeting is expected to at tract a large audience. The square, which was partially cov ered with dirt while the sewer line for the new hotel was being laid, was given a fine bath this morning. Water from two dyrants near the square was turned on in great force by the men engaged on the work and much of the dirt and trash which had collected was swept into the drain pipes. A Fourth of July celebration will be held by colored citizens of the city at the fair grounds on Monday of next week. Many features will be offered during the day and the celebration will come to a close at night when fire works will be shown. It is planned to make the day one of unusual interest for those in attendance. Wednesday's Salisbury Post: “Mrs. J. F. Hurley has as her charming guests Miss Virginin Reed. Miss Annie Cannon and Miss Miriam Coltrane, of Concord, visiting Mrs. Hurle y and Miss Elle Hardeman, of Charlotte, at a dance given this evening by Mrs. Hurley and Mrs. Eagan. They will be in the city for several days and will be the center of a number of delightful entertainments.” Prof. J. B. Robertson went to the Moose school, in No. 6 township, this morning to see about a well being dug for the school. “It is the policy of the hoard of education to provide wells at each school where it is possible to do so,” Prof. Robertson explained, adding that during the past several yeans a num ber of wells have been dog at various schools in the county. Two of the Statesville.negroes charged with malicious mischief for breaking open a gasoline tank at a fillilng station here were fined sls in police court yes terday and judgment was suspended against the other. Another defendant, charged with having liquor, was sentenced to serve thirty days in jail, capias not to issue upoS%.yffient o/coits and good for one year. ®TOiM SIMS SAYS Chicago woman bit a cop. but ours are not good to ea». Men are becoming so effeminate One slapped a St. Louis molonnan. Violins are dangerous. Dallas. Texas, man won a wife with one. | Hhe Dead Sea is 25 per cent salt. So it will keep a long time. Vinegar’s wine that become cynical. | The blooming idiots are seldom wall flowers. | (Copyright, 1925, NEA Service, Inc;) .■ ‘ ‘Truth is stranger than fiction”, is a well-used saylhg, and perhaps it is not generally known that it wa* employed by Br.von in his "Don Juan.” | TO I 1 JviNGTOVS K rdRD N. C. Colonel Patt Cov : ngton spent yestev-' day forenoon in Charlotte canvassing the 1 business situation over there with an eye, for h cation. However, that is far in I the future. In the meantime the original Come to Covington’s Store is better pre p nrtdehanselling shrdlu nu nu nunuu prepared than ever before for show'ng.* selling or giving goods away. “You Know Me Al." Come to Covington's. I COVINGTON S ! I*. S. —I have a lot of private papers of the late Aaron J. Host. Anyone inter ested is invited to call and get them. ! Let Your !j Next Battery Be An jj EXIDE j Si Use Only the i . „ iiii :j; Best ICE CREAM Our New Mechanically Refriger ated Autopolar Fountain keeps ice cream in the most per fect condition. With this new au tomatic refrigerating device, it is possible to hold the temperature to the zero mark if desired, and this insures all ice cream and drinks in the best of condition. PEARL DRUG CO. On the Square Phone 22 Bigger and Better Than Ever JULY CLEARANCE Starts Saturday the 4th Everything on Sale sITSHER’S Meets every Thursday evening at eight I’elock. Work in third degree. J. D. WILLIAMS, N. G. A.L. SHINN, Secretary. Money beck without question A*' if HUNTS OUARANTBBD SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES (Hunt's Salvo and Soop),foil in f fltr rvl tho treatment oflteh, Eenmy, Vl7 ¥ J I Ringworm,Tettororotherttcn- IW # 11 Ing akin diseases. Try thie ‘ * ■ treatment at our risk. PEARL DRUG COMPANY FREE! Squibbs Service Package free with every 50 cent purchase of Squibbs Goods. Squibbs service package contains a tube of cold cream, tube dental cream, talcum, analgesic balm, Ep som salts and sodium bicarbonate. All of this is in a nice box. The very thing to carry on your vaca tion trip. Clines Pharmacy Phone 333 Buy All Your Feed [ From Cline & Moose | WHY? 4 First. Our Fet'd* are all made from Impure, sound, clean Grain, which insures i; the highest percent, of nutriment and !' 1 feed values. Second. Our Feeds are all put in plain strong bags. We buy in big lots direct | i from the mills for cash. You pay for I no fancy bags or trade marks, nor for • higher price made by buying from mid ] dlemen, so we are cheaper. Third. Y'our charge account is good with us. We accommodate and deliver qwck everywhere. Our Feeds—Corno Scratch Feed, Corno Laying and Growing Mash, Dairy Feed, \ Horse Feed, Ship Stuff. Corn, Oats, Hay, i Straw. t Cline & Moose ! BUY FROM US. Add the Comforts of PLUMBING to Your Home Modern plumbing will do ns much or more than any other one thing toward making your home a comfortable and convenient place in which to live. It costs you nothing to get our cost es timate. Concord Plumbing Company North Kerr Street Phone S7S Visiting Cards Handsomely Printed, SO for »1.00 or 100 tot *1.150. Times- Tribune Office. ts. - ! “Now- . ’ ! that’s something \ like it.” y [ It’s great to find the exact f SItV/ / [ summer suit you want at the MKL Iff H / j dxact sum you w ish to pay— S N- tI /fl | Especially after you have look- N ed from store to store —for KJf / j when you do reach here you }J / v | feel just. like a man who is n ' y [ turning off a long detour onto 1 V i the concrete. wm^r > ! S , heat- —the one that leads to a selection of suits like this with the world’s finest woolens at the city’s fair i est prices. I | Come in and be surprised. I> Schloss Bros. Clothes Beautiful Cool Suits $25, S3O $35 Lmcn Knickers—Collar Attached Shirts—New Bow Ties HOOVER’S, Inc. “THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE” ’ '" r t^iat our car * s °iled and ! H ""AK[>S; station -(MKRjI “S.rvfce With ■ ICE, COAL and SERVICE A. B. POUNDS PHONE 244 Besides receiving deposits and lending money, it is a part of a bank’s duty to assist you in financial and business mat ters. Their experience and knowledge along this line should help you. Our officers are always accessible for this purpose and will gladly do everything in their power to assist you. CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK EQUIPPED TO SERVE Capital $400,000.00 Resource* Over $3,000,000.00 NEW PICTORIAL REVIEW PRINTED PATTERNS Feature the A Latest Paris n» Fashions for V Every Hour of the Day 1 ,i 1 Qet One Today m\ > and You Will / l§\ \ Always Demand A W> J PICTORIAL JX jSJ/ REVIEW W* X PATTERNS f I Printed J ffljjll Perforated l kWjiSff* Cut Out and F wKI Ready for Uae gj They Almost Talk to Yom \ | PICTORIAL \fi REVIEW jL)\ Patterns For \ July on Sale . Pattem Now 2734 _ - „ . _ 45 cents 20c to 43c Summer Fashion Book 25c s»t Bv Mail 30c Pictorial Review Monthly PARKS-BELKCO. Phone MS Concord. N. C i nursaay, July z, ivao CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET (Corrected weekly by Gline A Moose) Figures named represent prices paid for produce on the market: Eggs ;. j» Corn *155 Sweet potatoes 1.50 Turkeys - .25 to 50 Onions . *1.25 Peae j. 8.00 Batter . 50 Country Ham .30 Country Shoulder . .20 Country Sides .20 Young Chickens ,40 _ Hens is Irish Potatoei ; 1,25 r CONCORD COTTON MARKET THURSDAY. JULY 2. IMS Cotton _ .24 Cotton Soed .45 Specials Large 50c Tumbler Monarch Peanut Butter 40c , Two for : 75c 1 Lb. Can Farm House Cocoa (40c size). Special price 25c ■ Two for 45c Still selling Picnic Hams at only, per pound Cabarrus Cash Grofc eery Company j PHONE 571 W