• ASSOCIATED O • PRESS • • DISPATCHES • VOLUME XXV esßSssss,V':,""m-rrr u„. TfSISs ii. s. cm Word From Paris That Debt Mission Will Visit Ajmerict Is Received With Unusnai Interest In Capital. mission Doming IN SEPTEMBER No Direct Word From Paris But French Ambdssadoi Tells Sec. Mellon Debt Has Been Recognized. - (By the Autehtct Prcm Washington. July 3.—Word from Ptu is that a mission will bo sent to Wash' iugton probably by ( .,vSeptember to settle Franco's debt to thf United States is re ce’ved with interosb jboro while- officials of the American defct commission art awaiting formal announcement by the Paris government.' H : Ambassador Daescbner called on See retary Melon yesterday and confirmed pi ess reports that jhe Frent'll cabinet had formally aeknottfedged the debt, but his action was informal inasmuch as he has not been directed by his government to begin funding negotiations. Washington's officials have received no direct word from Paris concerning the newest step towards reviving the debt discussion, but it was assumed here that the forma] announcement would be made about tbe same time, if uot before the mission is appointed. Uomposition of the delegation is reported under consider ation by the French cabinet, but it has reached no definite conclusions regarding its personnel. Want Negotiations Rushed. Paris. June B.—The prevailing view in Fiance is that negotiations for the sot tlemeiit of France’s debt to the United States and Great Britain should be Ini tiated with the least possible delay. At the same time, it is recognised that the formulation of a plan at present is beset with difficulties which will bo removed only when the finances of the country again ore placed on a sound basis. The ambassador in Washington having been instructed to inform the Washing ton government that Frauee is disposed to aeud a coinmmission fur discussion of the attention tentative [dans for the com position of ibis body are already under- way. The mission will leHVe at the end of the summer, the view here being that no useful purpose could be served by an ear lier trip ‘as it is known the Ameriran debt funding commission is already oc cupied with several other European debt ors. MRS. COO LI DOR HAS VERY NARROW ESCAPE Almost Run Down By Motorcycle While Taking Her Morning Walk. (By the Associated Press) v Swampscott, Mass.. July 3. —Mrs. Cool idge barely escaped being run down by a motorcycle this morning during a walk through Swampscott, a leap to the side of the road saving her. She was return ing to White Court and had just turned into the private driveway when four mem bers of the State constabulary on motor cycles turned into the lane behind her. Driving at a fast clip, according to wit nesses, the officers were behind her almost before anyone was aware. The grinding of brakes and a yell from Jas. Haley, her secret service man, gave Mrs. Coolidge her only warning and. as she jumped to the side of the road the leading machine shot between her and Haley. The motorcycle detachment, which was coming to White Court to escort the President to Cambridge, proceeded to the White House. AdoOmt Earthquake in Santa Barbara. (By the Associated Preeel Santa Barbara, July 3.—A sharp earthquake occurred here at 8:30 o'clock this morning and lasted about five sec onds. Vibrations iosened a few bricks anil widened the cracks in some of the shattered walls. A few wrecked chim neys toppled to the ground, but no other damage resulted. Quake Pelt at Pasadena. (By tae Associated Press) Pasadena, Calif., July 3.—A slight earthquake ■ occurred here at 8:38 a. m. Tbe movement was apparently north and south. Scavengers were originally officials who collected Scavage, a tax imposed in many English towns upon all goods ex posed for sale within their boundaries. The tax was abolished by Henry VII. Concord Theatre (COOLEST SPOT IN TOWN) TODAY ONLY PAULING FREDERICK and LOU. TELtiBGEN in “LetNotMan Put Asunder” A 100 Par Chad Motion Picture of Also Pathe News and Comedy 1:30 to 11 P. M. , “RATTLING BREWSTER" The Concord Daily Tribune > • , ■ , %. • - if ■Sri ■>. t ■ ——— " ' . JKjm . JnHPff Here are the principals in a strange kidnapping plot revealed at San Francis co. Bliss Baker (above), young Univer sity of California student, planned to kid nap Mrs. D. C. Jackling (below), aud hold her for a $30,000 ransom. The |h>- lice discovered the plot before it could be brought iuto execution. Mrs. .Tackling is the wife of a wealthy copper magnate. THE COTTON MARKET Opened Easy Today at Decline of 1 to Points. With October Selling off to 32.85. (Hy the Associated Press) New York, July 3.—The cotton mar ket opened easy today at a decline of 1 to 10 [mints on continuation of yester day-’s selling movement. October soon sold off to 22.81). a net decline of 18 points, and a break of 125 points from the price ruling shortly before the gov ernment crop report issued, but the mar ket steadied at this figure on covering for over the holidays aud week-end. Failure of the weather map to show rain in Texas, and fear of continued dry weather over the holiday probably in creased the disposition to take profits on recent sales, and the market was up to 23.07 for October by the end of the first hour or about net unchanged to 3 [mints higher. Failure of large brokerage hous es had little effect ou prices ns the mar ket interests involved were supimsed to be chiefly in grain and stocks. Cotton futures opened easy. May 2a-06; July 23.07; Oct. 22.95; Dec. 23.05; Jan. 23.55 ; March 22.88. STRIBBLING WINNER IN HIS BOUT WITH RISKO Georgia Fighter Had Best of Argument in More Than Half of Use Rounds. (By the Associated Press) Chicago, July 3.—William L. Stribbling. Macon, Ga., light heavyweight, has another title added to his record. He won over Johnny Risko, Cleveland heavyweight, in ten rounds at East Chi cago last night. Risko was knocked down in the fourth round. The Georgian was regarded as having tbe edge in four rounds, with three even. Rev. John C. Blalock Dies at Qie Age of »7. Charlotte, July 2. —Rev. John C. Bla lock, who had attained the ripe old age of 97 years, died Wednesday morning at 6 oclook at his home near Ledger, Mitch- j ell county, where he had made his home, for more than 75 years. ■ Mr. Blalock was one of the foremost' ministers of his day and was regarded as an authority on Biblical questions. He was actively engaged in the ministry un-j til about ten years ago, since which time he bad been studying and writing. He is survived by his wife, who is more than 87 years old. five sons and two daughters. One of his sons, Rev. Thom as L. Blalock, a Baptist missionary to China, will be remembered by his friends i here, as he has been a visitor to Char i lotte on a number of occasions. Another son, Rev. Jesse Blalock, is . pastor of the First Baptist Church at Aberdeen, aud two other sons are Bap tist ministers in the State of Oregon. : Mr. Blalock is survived also by more I than 200 grandchildren and great-grand children. The funeral waß held Thursday morn ing at 11 o'clock at the Bear Creek Bap tist Church by Rev. Charles G. Ellis, pastor, assisted by Rev. Mr. Sparks. In terment was in the churchyard. Stock Company Falls. (By the Associated Press) New York, July 3. —The failure of tbe New York Stock Exchange Arm of Dean, Onativia ft Company was announced to day by tbe president of the exchange. The firm which was organised in 1922 has branch offices in Chicago, Plainfield, N. J., and Washington, D. C. Two Sections Twelve Pages Today El iiPliliSwißiwPSiiiliNliiw CONCORD, N. C., FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1925 VL flii r-vj Jar§ m lafl iHM I■*1 ■* * ' _j Sailors from an American man of war landed in Santa Barbara immediately after the quakes and set tip a portable ra dio receiving tnd sending outfit in State street, tbe main thoroughfare. Details of the tragedy and appeals for relief were sent out through this station. * | Picture transmitted'by NEp Service over A. T. T. Wires ! PRESIDENT IS VISITOR t IN CAMBRIDGE TODAY . Will Lead and Review Parade There.— 150,000 Persons Gather Fit Parade. I (By the Associated Press) Cambridge, Mass., July 3.—President J Coolidge arrived in Cambridge from Swampscott at 1:30 p. in., daylight sav-t bigs time today, to lead and afterward review a parade ending at Cambridge Comomns, where Washington took com mand of the Continental army 150 years ago. A Presidential salute was fired from army cannon as the President’s au tomobile approached the Walker Memo rial Builuding of the Massachusetts In stitute of Technology, where the pargde: started. Chief of Police'McßfMe esti mated that 150.000 persons were in the city to see the parade. A detail of 200 Boston police and eight mounted officers was on hand to control the crowd. President to Speak. Swampscott, Mass., July 3.—President Coolidge today will join, in a national tribute to George Washington. The Executive has given the day over to a visit to Cambridge to participate in the celebration of the 150th aniversary of Washington assuming command of the Continental Army. His part in the cer emony culls for him not only to deliver an address at the spot where the Wash ington elm once stood, but to head and later review a parade and historical pag eant. Tlie President has reserved for this oc casion his first address since the start of his vacation and probably part of the few speeches he will deliver this summer. Just what ms plans are for the 4th of July, which is his 53 birthday, has not been disclosed. ‘ SOUTH CAROLINA HAS NO ANTI-EVOLUTION LAW Such a Law May Be Presented to the Next General Assembly, However. (By the ’..nrbuvt Press I Columbia, S. C.. July 3.—Available records fail to show that South Carolina has any anti-evolution law similar to the Tennessee statute precipitating a na tionwide discussion in connection with the indictment of John T. Scopes of a charge of tenching evolution in the pub lic schools. Such proposed legislation has been introduced in the South Caro lina general assembly, but has been de feated. Thomas H. Peeples, a former attorney general, now a member of the House of Representatives., has announced he would sponsor such a bill at the next session of the legislature. Clarence Har row. of counsel for Scopes, may have been thinking of Mr. Peeple’s announce uien when he said in Chicago today that South Carolina has an anti-evolution law. Joseph L. Chambers, of Charlotte, Dead. Charlotte. July 2.—Joseph Lenoir Chambers, for many years one of the leading business men of Charlotte , and this section of North Carolina, died :at the home of a daughter here shortly af ter 10 o'clock tonight following an illness of two months, during which he suffered from n complication of maladies. Mr. Chambers hsd lived in Charlotte since Rhortly after his graduation from Davidson College in the class of 1873, having been during his long and useful life a uewspaper man, manufacturer and prominent civic leader. At the time of his death he was presi dent and treasurer of the Liddell com pany and also held other important posts in business and eivit -organisations of the city. • Will Fight Lower Wage Scale. (By tbe Associated Frees.) Isindon, July 3.— Miners delegates from all the coal fields in the country meeting at a private conference of miners federation, today decided to resist the mine owners’ proposal for lower wages and for extension of the present 7-hour day to an 8-boor day. The Grand Circuit meeting at Kala maxoo in July will be featnredl by tbe $25,000 American Derby for 2:06 pacers -Alexander taken to HOSPITAL FOR INSANE Charlotte Man Cbuftis It Is Move to Win Flitt For Lands. Charlotte, 'July 2.—R. O. Alexander, formerly prominent cotton merchant here and one of the founders of the Presby terian assembly ground at Black Moun tain, was taken by county officials this afternoon to the State Hospital for the Insane at Morgantnn, despite his protests that he is being locked up at the request qf members of his family ip order that (hey may win the long drawn out legal fight involving possession of lands which $Jr. Alexander has owned tor many years *t Blapk Mountain. isilr. Alexander wpaijtnlered throe years ago to pay SSOO if IfNtSkh alimony' to his wife after they had legally separated. The ease first bad an inning in Massa chusetts court, in which state Mr. Alex ander lived for some time ns a member of a religious colony. Tie has legally protested he is unable to pay the SSOO alimony and litigation now pendin' in court involves this point alsx Mi. Alexander has been known for years as somewhat of a religions fanatic but his sanity had never been questioned beyond this so far as known here. NEGRO CHARGED WITH SHOOTING OFFICER HELD Albert Robinson, Alleged Slayer of Police Officer Morgan, L'nder Arrest. RoeDoke, Va.. July 3 (By the Associ ated Press). —Albert Robinson, negro, who is alleged to have shot and killed police officer C. H. Morgan during a raid here Wednesday night, was captur ed early this morning in Bedford county, 16 miles east of Roanoke. He has been lodged in jail here under heavy guard. Posses had been searching for the ne gro since the affray in which two other officers were seriously wounded. One of these officers, W. M. Terry, was reported to be dying at a local hospital today. Of ficer S. A. Smith's condition was describ ed as critical. With Our Advertisers. One-Cent Sale at the Ruth-Kesler Shoe Store is now going on. All white canvas slippers are being sold at 99 cents a pair and you get another pair for one cent, or two pair for SI.OO. The Great Alteration Sale at the Markson Shoe Store is now in full swing. Every pair of shin's being offered is from tlie regular stock. See quarter page ad today. On Saturday, July 11. at 2 o’clock p. m., Linker & Barnett will sell the C. H. Peek property on Church street at pub lic auction. The property will be divid ed into three lots of 20 1-2 feet each. 237 feet deep. The residence will be sold separately. Read in another column the list of specials for tomorrow at the Charles Store. * Fresh fish today and tomorrow,. fresh from Morehend City, at Cabarrus Cash Grocery Co. Phone 571 W. Melrose apd Liberty Self Rising flour at Cline ft Moose's. Patt Covington’s Quitting Sale has run into a Reconstruction Sale. One-fourth off on all refrigerators at the Concord Furniture Co. Baseball Saturday at 4 p. m. between the Tabernacle team of Charlotte, and Gibson. Phone 892, Purks-Belk’s Beauty Shoppe for an engagement. Ante-Bellum smoking tobacco has stood tbe test for over 60 years. Wall-Tona, a flat paint for walls, ceilings and ail interior wood-work at the Yorke ft Wadsworth Co. Phone 30. N. ft W. Wants to Acquire Virginian. (By the Associated Freest Washington, July 3. —The Norfolk ft Western Railroad made formal applica tion today to the Interstate Commerce Commission for permission to take over the Virginian Railroad under a 990 year lease. By contract completed last May the Norfolk ft Western Would assume ail the indebtedness of the Virginian and will pay A per cent, dividends on its com mon and preferred stock. , EVERY CHILD SHOULD HAVE ONE OF OUR INFANT DOLLS Only a Few Honrs’ Work Will Get One. —See Page Ad. in This Paper. We want every child in Concord and this section to get one of our beautiful infant dolls, with sleeping eyes and com pletely dressed in silk-bound flannel bankets. For only five six-months new subscrip tions to The Concord Daily Tribune or six yearly subscriptions to The Concord Semi-Weekly Times with the cash, we will give free one of these beautiful dolls. You cannot buy one of these dolls at the storms and if you could it would cost you it least $5.00. If you do not take Tlie Tribune or Times regularly now. your own subscrip tion will count as one. Get five friends, neighbors or fellow workers to subscribe, and the doll ia yours. We will give you a book to get subscriptions. Come and get one. Either mail or bring in your subscrip tions when completed. We will then im mediately verify the subscriptions and deliver your doll. You will receive the doll just as soon as you submit your signed subscriptions. That is positive, for the dolls are already in The Times-Tribune office. A doll that will delight the henrt of any little girl. A new subscriber is one who has not been taking The Tribune during the last 30 days and who does not owe anything on back subscription. The Tribune re serves the right to accept or reject any order. Names cannot be changed from one member of a family to another. All sub scriptions must be bona tide new ones. GREB KEEPS HIS TITLE AFTER TERRIFIC BATTLE He and Mickey Walker Offered One of Fastest and Most Fhirious Battles in Ring History. (By the Associated Press) New York, July 3.—The worlds mid dleweight ring crown 'still was fitted snugly to the head of Harry Greb to day after fifteen tempestuous rounds of fighting with Mickey Walker, welter weight king. These were the final bouts of the four thrilling struggles for charity last night in a ring of the Polo Ground. Harry Wills, negro heavyweight chal lenger, took only two rounds to dispose of the Newark comeback, Charles Weinart. Jim Slattery, Buffalo middleweight, fell a victim to the attack from the fast flying fists of Dave Shade. In the third round Slattery’s second tossed in the towell. MAN CRUSHED TO DEATH IN JAWS OF BIG CRANE Was Setting on Crane Unnoticed by the Operator When Machine Was Set In Motion. (By the Associated Press) Rook Hill. S. C., July 3,—Benjamin’ Wynn, of Union, S. C., worker at the site ,of a dam under construction above Rock Hill, lies dead today in a hos pital here as a result of an accident which occurred last night when he was crushed between tbe iron jaws of a huge crane. ''Wynn was sitting in the crane unnoticed by the operator when the machihe was set in motion. He was rushed to the hospital here but died shortly after the accident. Rel atives were summoned and arrived early today. Burial will be at Union today. In order to test their wearing quali ties, shoes are sometimes tried on a kind of walking machine, which can produce in a few hours the amount of Wear that would actually take place in six months of ordinary use. Montery, California, which was the chief seat of Spanish power in America for some 200 years, has invited King AlfOnso to pay a visit there next winter a* a guest of the city. The oldest Chinese newspaper was printed on yellow silk. POSSIBILITY TUT inomip the scornS; New York Report Says De fense Counsel May Move to Have Case Taken Up at Once In Federal Court. WANT TO TEST THE .LAW FIRST Defense Thinks It Would Be Better to Have Supreme Court Pass On Validity of Law Than Try Scopes. (By the Associated Press) New York. July 3.—While Dayton, Temi. is making preparations for handl ing crowds for the forthcoming trial of John T. Scopes for teaching evhlution there is a possibility that the trial will not be in Dayton at all. Counsel for the defense at a conference in New York are reported to have agreed to seek indefinite postponement of the trial in State court and seek in Federal court an injunction against enforcement of tlie law. Instead of marshalling an array of, le gal. scientific and theological talent at the contemplated trial in Dayton a week from today, defense counsel, the reports say, will seek to prove in the Federal court that the law is unconstitutional. Dayton Fears No Change in Plans. Dayton, Tenn., July 3.—Encouraged by the State’s Attorney's belief that nothing would prevent the holding of flip Scopes trial here on the scheduled date, tradesmen and those concerned with hos pitality were seeking today, just sevn days before the time set for the b“ginning og the evolution test to complete their preparations for receiving hosts of isit ors. A. T. Stewart. Attorney General for this judicial district, asserted yesterday he knew no reason why the trial of John T. Scopes should not begin here July 10th. Prosecution lnwyer has just come from conferring with local attorneys who will be associated with him in the suit against the young teacher. THREE WOMEN BATHERS DROWN AS DAM BREAKS lake Barrier Gives Way anti Trio of Columbus, Ga.. Bathers Are Swept, to Death. Columbus, Ga., July 2.—Three wom en were drowned here Wednesaay when a dam of a lake in which they were bathing broke and swept them down a swollen stream. The dead: Mrs. W. W. Rainey, Sr., wife of the vice president and general manager of the National Show Case company of this city; her daughter Miss Delia Rainey and Mrs. IV. W. Rainey, Jr., N. E. A. CONVENTION TO COME TO CLOSE TODAY Mrs. Mary McSkimmon Elected Presi dent in Race With Miss Cornelia S. Adair. (By the Associated Press) Indianapolis, Ind., July 3.—The final business of the National Education As sociation will be completed today. The sixty-third annual convention, in session since June 18th. will adojurn today. Mrs. Mary McSkimmon, of Brookline, Mass., is the new president of the asso ciation. She was elected over Miss Cor nelia S. Adair, of Richmond. Va., in the all-day balloting yesterday by a vote of 507 to 322. i Christian Endeavorers Meet. Portland, Ore., July 3.—Full of en thusiasm for a successftil meeting and a week of pleasure in Portland vicinity, thousands of members of the Society of Christian Endeavor arrived in this city today for the thirtieth international convention of the organization. Thous ands had already arrived and the lead ers are confident the convention will be one of the largest and most successful ever held by the Endeavorers. the formal opening of the gathering is set for tomorrow, when tlie delegates will be welcomed to the city in addresses by public officials aud lending citizens. The annual address of the Rev. Francis E. Clark, the founder and president of the society, will also be presented at that time. Business sessious will continue through the greater part of the coming week and will be intersitcrsed with mnny notable features of entertainment for the visitors. July Clearance Sale at Fishers. The annuul July clearance sale at Fisher's will begin Saturday, July 4th, and everything in the store will be on wale nothing reserved. The sale will continue throughout the month of July. All merchandise will be on sale at sacri fice sale prices, regardless of cost as this store does not carry over seasonable stocks; therefore there will be no approv als and no return except for exchange, which will be cheerfully made. National Track Meet. (By the Associated Press) San Francisco, July 3.—Track and field athletes from nil sections of the country will set for the National A. A. U. championships beginning here this afternoon and exteqdipg through Satur day ana Monday. ‘ ■ , Approve One Phaae of Debt Finding Plan. Paris, July 8 (By the Associated Press).—The council of ministers today approved the plan to Bend a debt com mission to tbe United States this sum mer. • TODAY’S m ft NEWS m ft TODAY ft NO. 158 VARIETY Os IMTTEfIS f'WTIEILOMEI r*rREBiIUHI*EET!*G Several Petitions Asking for Street Extensions Present fed, But All Referred For Consideration. WANTS PLAYGROUND FOR THE CHILDREN Rev. L. A. Thomas Asks the Board to Provide the Play ground-Nothing Was Said About $4,800 For Hotel. Concord's aldermen stayed on the job, until about 11 o’clock Thursday night so varied and many were the matters pre sented to them at their regular July meeting. The questions presented cov ered a wide field, ranging from a pro test against a negro organization of the city to a request for a children's play ground. Street matters, perhaps, received more attention than anything else from the board. Petitions asking that several streets be extended were presented, and in addition there were requests that sewer lines be laid on other streets. Rev. L. A. Thomas, pastor of St. James Lutheran Church, received the ear of the board soon after the meeting start ed, and he made an eloquent plea for a children's playground. The board gave careful attention to Mr. Thomas and af ter he finished Mayor Barrier appointed the following commmittee to look into the establishment of a playground here: A. R. Howard, chairman; J. O. Mc- Eachern and W. A. Wilkinson. C. N. Field, city tax . collector, and Q. E. Smith, city engineer, submitted their bonds which were accepted by the board. The first petition read at the meeting asked that Franklin Street he extended from East Depot Street to the branch in the rear of The Corbin street school Like the other petitions it hraa referred to a committee. No sooner was this matter gent to committee than the second street-extend ing petition was read, asking that Spring street be extended from Broad street on to Tribune street. The board agreed that the' mayor, the city engineer and the board > members inspect this street gnd take action after the tpur of inspec tion:' " - ■ Persons interested in Cline’s Alley were heard next, their request being that this street be opened. This matter was referred to the street committee. Colored citizens changed the nature of the requests when they handed a peti tion to the board asking that on organi zation known as the Colored Elks be de nied the right to operate in the city. The organization is a nuisance, the petition alleges, and is a bad influence on the younger generation. The matter was referred by the aldermen to the police department. An ordinance regulating certain plumb ing matters was presented to the board and approved, the ordinance requiring that permission be granted for certain plumbing work before it can be done. It was stated at the meeting that < a note with the Citizens Bank and Trust Company, money for which was used by the cemetery commmission, is due. The mayor and clerk were authorized to re new the note. The city tax collectlft wae authorized to sell at auction property on which 1923 and 1925 taxes have not been paid after proper notice of the proposed sale has been given. It is probable that the tax collector will prepare the list next week, and have it published immediately. Members of the fire department were present and asked the city to appro priate money for their trip to the fire men’s convention in Asheville. The re quest was granted, SI,OOO being allowed. H. A. Graeber appeared before the board and made protest against paying a license for the privilege of operating a meat market in the city. The city at torney was directed by the board to in vestigate the protest and report to the board later. City Tax Collector Field and City Clerk Harris told the board they de sired to institute a new system of book keeping for their departments and per mission to do so was granted. The audit which was made some time ago by ,T. W. Hendrix was presented to the board, which ordered it accepted. Just before the meeting closed an other street petition slipped into atten tion, this petition asking an extension for Crowell street. It was referred to the street committee, which was given power to act in the matter. Nothing was said to the board about paying $4,800 to the contractors who are to erect the new hotel building. It is said the contractors want that amount because of the decision to move the hotel five feet further north and suggestion has been made that the city pay for the change. It was expected that the mat ter would be presented at the meeting but it was not. WHAT SAT'S BEAR RATH ■PM • * I 11 I I I • Mostly fair tonight and BatsrduJ warmer in extreme west portion UmmSfa