Wednesday, July 8, 1925 Vienna . " ■ —» — ChaMotte wilder, Viennese film star, ha 9 attracted the attenttoh ot Aratrt can movie directors nml may be seen In American films soon. In fact 1 Vienna is becoming quite a motion picture center, and a number of Arndt can directors ore sacking new stars there. - fj 8 as 1 Why We Say “Buy Goodyears Now” Goqdyear quality is at the peak—never so high as it is to day ! Goodyear prices are low—in many cases, way down below the prices asked for ordinary tires. We think this is every tire-buyer’s opportunity. So we say “Buy Goodyears now!” Y orke &W ads worth Go. Great Alteration Shoe Sale Continues All This Week A whole army of buyers have taken advantage of this • Great Sale, but we still have many good things left. Uiilcss you wish to miss a Great Shoe Btiying Oppor tunity don’t fail to come this week. Formerly Parker’s Shoe Store Phone 807 MARKSON SHOE STORE FORMERLY PARKER’S SHOE STORE ft Pays to Put an Ad. in The Tribune In and About the City eAL E s i imT i rrMin 9 U PMjWA^|oteld-r|ATR Slfeife|islp|p|T[sMElwlg Answer to Yesterday’s Puzzle. \ “THE ADVANTAGES OF CO-OPERA TIVE MARKETING OVER INDt , YIDAUL SELLING.” Prize essay by Willie Marshall Bar nette, 7th grade, Poplar Tent School: There are some definite advantages of the co-operative marketing system to the producer of cotton, tobacco, etc. The former secures fair and accurate grading of his product* by experts. Very few farmers are able to grade for themselves, aud this is one of the large leakages of the farm profits. His product is sold for him by experts employed to serve him. and these experts know just as much about the value ot the product as. the men who buy. His products are properly stored and insured to avoid damage of any character iu .the period between pro duction and sole., His income is put on a year-round basis, ami last, but not least, lie is conducting his own business in a businesslike manner. Co-operative marketing is the collect ive selling, in an orderly manner, and on a supply and demand basis, of individual ly produced farm commodities, through organizations of producers formed for that purpose. The co-operative market ing of farm commodities is not a ‘'hold ing” nor i* it a “hold-up” movement. It is an intelligent marketing system that “merchandises" farm products instend of “dumping” them. C«>-operat ; on is the only means by which anything great can be accomplished. It is the founda tion of community, town, city and na tion building. Wherever a great success lias been achieved, back of it will he found the mo tive power of co-operation. Co-operative methods can be used with much benefit by all trades and professions. The first fundamental' princ : ple is the organization on the basis of commodity. The personality of the producer or the opinion of the producer is of no other importance than to determine the quality of the product. Under the co-operative marketing system, a producer who makes a superior product which the world needs and is willing to pay for, secures a great er recognition than he could secure for himself. Co-operative marketing is des tined to eliminate destructive .individual competition in selling or dumping of productx by a large number of individ uals ,in an effort to sell before the other man does, and it. logically follows that the larger the proportion of a given commodity that is handled and controlled the better the stabilizing effect on the market for that commodity, the more even running the price, and the steadier the demand. The net result of co-operative market ing, as observed over many years of suc cessful operation, has been a better and more economical method of distribution. The distance between the producer and the consumer is shortened, thus bringing back to the producer a larger proportion of the consumers’ dollars. The faot that the farming half of the population received a larger return and consequent ly has a greater buying power creates a greater demand and a better market for the services and the products oGthe oth er half, and this is summed up by the ben efit of co-operative marketing to every portion of the economic structure. By orderly marketing, the product is sold to the (manufacturer or ultimate consumer as the need arises, and does not "dump” it on the market within a few weeks after harvest. Thereby, eventual ly the price is fixed by supply at point of production. Orderly marketing helps stabilize the price for the benefit of both grower and consumer. These two processes, orderly marketing and stunardizntion, which are together called merchandising, are both vitally necessary to success. The first year the gain from co-operative marketing comes most largely from orderly marketing. Af ter that and of increasing importance, come the gain from standardization. Co-operative Commodity Marketing is but the application of the known success ful business principles to the growers’ market. It is better than the former sys tem, because it furnishes a suiierior prod uct in a more orderly way, and returns the profits gained thereby to the farmers’ pocket. At tlie Theatres. The Star today aud tomorrow is showing Shirley Mason in "My Hus band's Wives.” Catherine Calvert in an all-star cast in “There's Millions In It,” and a Maek Sennet comedy,' “The Lion and the Mouse, v are being shown today and tomorrow at the Pastime. Jacqueline Logan in “The Home of Youth,” atod a Mack Sennet comedy, “His New- Mamma,” are at the Concord Theatre today. Pageant at Organ Church Sunday Eve ning. On Sunday evening, July 12th, at Or gan Church, the Luther League will pre sent “The Slave Girl and The School Girl,” a pageant in three acts, begin ning at 8 o’clock. A very noted speaker will be present also, to speak for the in terest of the young people. An elaborate program is being arranged. The public is cordially invited to attend this ser vice. J Miss Adelaide Nutting, the first nurse in the world elected to a chair on a university faculty, Is about to retire after eighteen years of service as profes sor of nursing in Teachers’ College, Co lumbia Cniverßtty. The soya bean luw constituted an im portant foodstuff iu Chiu* for the past 5,000 years. fHE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE He Had to Censor This "X i.murii' '■■ i ■ "1 Bohemian r,.iuur in, In Log Anseles amused sen.e o' tfco or.s nnd roused the wroth of some «f the otlicrk. The tvruthy on j mounded so loudly that the proprietor, ’ • joe Coppu, had A painted out. KANNAPOLIS DEPARTMENT SAUNDERS PROVE,-i REAL ] ' FIND FOR KANNAPOIS lYoutliful Duke University Star Shows Way For Locals In Hitting.—-Also the Chief Purloiner. By JAZZY MOORE Kannapolis, July 7.—Kannapolis pos sesses a phenortianal diamond artist— speaking ill plitirt sport parlance. He is Charles Saunders, a member of Duke's varsity inner Works and the best third baseman the Kaniiapoliaits 1 have had in some few years' • ■ Saunders has enjoyed several playing seasons with various teams of this sec tion. He began his high school ball while he was a student of the grammar grades. The scintillating infielder has played in four games to date, averaging two hits for each contest, for a grand total of .015. And he lias faced some of the best snndlot tosSerk in old Taiheelia, namely. Wcstnedge, Chicago Cub recruit; Thomas, best bet of the Rockingham forces; Taylor, erstwhile Carolina League aee. and Costuer, the leading moundsman of Gaston county. In the initial en counter with Lowell he hit throe out of four, against Charlotte registered one of the three bingles that were garnered off the big league performer; he worked havin' with Rockingham, racking up four safeties out of six times to the pan. a most envliable record. Saunders also leads the field in base stealing. He has swiped nine cushions in four frays. FLOWE MAY JOIN KANNAPQLI£ TOMORROW Local Magnates’ AdmffTjd Yesterday That Flowe May Be Seen on the Keystone Sack. Jimmy Flowe, crack second saeker for GENERAL MOTORS AND YELLOW CAB MERGED Object Was to Enable Former Company to Enter Field of Omnibus Manufac ture. Chicago, July 7.—The General Motors Corporation today gained control of the Yellow Cab Manufacturing Company through a merger of the truck division of the former concern with the latter company, and an exchange of stock. Alfred P. Sloan. Jr., president of the General Motors Corporation, announced that the merger was made to enable the General Motors Company to enter the omnibus field. , Under the terms of the deal, ratified today, the Yellow Cah Company takes over the truck properties and good will of the General Motors Corporation, then in an exchange of stock, turns back to General Motors enough stock to give the latter control of the, new company to be known as Yellow Truck and Coach Manufacturing Company. Under the agreement, the General Mo tors Corporation will transfer all of its properties listed under the truck devi sion to a new corporation, the aggregate net value of which on April 30th was $10,8111.309.88. To this the General Motors Company will add $5,188,690.12 to be paid into the treasury of the now company making the total $16,000,000. . In exchange the General Motors Com pany will receive 800,000 shares of the new common stock of the newly formed company of $lO par value. FIVE PER CENT GAIN IS BUSINESS OUTLOOK Survey of Industries Along Atlantic Seabord Indicate That for the Third Quarter. New York, July 7.—Surveys ot the thirty leading industries in the territory covered by the Atlantic states shippers - ■; ■' '«•' TAKE IRONUX TO CONQUER ' NERVOUSNESS Don’t Let Lack of Confidence, Nerve Force and Vitality Make You A Pitiful Weakling. If you feel tired, out of sorts, despond ent. mentally or physically depressed and lack the desire and energy to accomplish things—go to your druggist and get a big SI.OO bottle of Burcher’s Ironnx to day and see what a difference a few daya use will make. If you are nervous because of over work, worry or lack of proper nourish ment or rest, the amazing value of Burcher’s Ironnx should prove itself to your utmost satisfaction ,in less than 48 hours—then you’ll know for sure why thousands of other folks use it every day. For affections of the Nervous System, Constipation, poor blood, chills, fever, malaria, loss of appetite, lack of confi dence, sleeplessness, exhausted vitality weakness—the use of Bureher’s Ironux is absolutely guaranteed to please you or its small cost will be gladly refunded. Sold and recommended by the Pearl Drug Company and all good druggists. I tho" Jackson Club in the Cotton States league, may be tbe new keystoner of the Kannapolians, if the local management and player can get together on it, and if the locals are able to land him they can consider themselves lucky. All the ball players who have come in coti tnct with Flowe are loud in praise of him. The local magnates have the mat ter up with the manager of the Missis sippi club and may be able to land him. Flowe is in town at the present. ' If Flowe is landed that probably means that Clone Lindsay, manager of the home team, will direct the affairs from the bench. Flowe came to attention of the local magnate a month or soe ago when he was highly recommended by a number of players, and when the directors were op enly in die market for a second base man. They remembered Flowe, and when it was hinted that they might be able to get him they <t once began nego tiations. KANNAPOLIS MEETS CONCORD Loral Boys to Play at Concord Tomor row. Gibson field at Concord will be the scene of a great amateur battle when Manager Lindsay's winning combination meets the Concord team tomorrow after noon. Both teams have won every bat tle so far, fighting through some hard encounters, and it is a well known fact that the two clubs will put forth every effort to win. Herman Holshouser, who is about to come to terms with Johnny MeGraw’s New York Giants will be on the mound for Kannapolis. advisory board indicate an average in crease of 5 per cent in business for the third quarter of 1925 as compared with last year. W. .1. L. Branham, general chairman of tbe board, reported today. The twenty railroads serving this dis trict reported transportation facilities in excellent condition to handle the in creased volume of trade. These reports will feature the meeting of the Atlantic states board in Atlantic City July 9th. CONCORD WOMAN SOUGHT RELIEF IN VAIN Before She Found the Medicine That Be lieved Her of Indigestion and Kidney Trouble.—Says HERB JUICE Restor ed Her Health. “I 'hardly know how to express tlie gratitude I have for the relief your HERB JUICE has given me. I never knew what it was to enjoy a well day on ac count of constant trains I suffered as a result of indgestion and kidney trouble. In HERB JUICE I found relief, and in order that other sufferers may know, I giddy give the following statement for publication.” In a recent interview, Mrs. Lillie Mauney, 12 12 Mill St., Concord. N. 0., tells the HERB JUICE mn» of the benefits she derived from the use of HERB JUICE. “For several years I have suffered dreadfully from constipation, indigestion and kidney trouble, and my symptoms were the usual ones—headaches, dizzi ness, backaches and pains in my sides. No appetite and no energy to do my housework. I could hardly stay up dur ing the day and at night I was bothered so much with nervous indigestion and i kidney trouble that I never got a good ' night's rest and sleep. I realized that my system was in a poisonous state and that I needed a thorough cleanser* also something to build me up. A real friend, one in whom I had the utmost confidence, advised me to t»y HERB JUjICE. I im mediately bought a bottle and began us ing it with gratifying results. Now I , never have any more trouble with my stomach, ent anything I want and my food is digested in the proper way as na ture intended. I have been relieved also of the kidney trouble and now my kid neys and also my liver are in excellent working condition. HERB JUICE is a wonderful laxative and system regulator through its natural action the constipa tion trouble was overcome and ray bowels I are regular, my appetite haR been re j stored and I have gained 12 pounds in weight and have more energy than I have had In years. I can now go about niy housework duties with a sm ; le, feel ing fit for the task. I can truthfully say that I fee) 100 per cent, improved gener . nllv, and I know HERB JUICE is due i full credit for the good health I am en- I joying today.” 1 Hundreds are now calling dally to see the HERB JUICE man at Ms Headquar ters at the Gibson Drug Cm. giving statu ments for publication and praising HERB JUICE that Mr friends may be Induced to try the great remedy which is rettov IT™? “A fIZS. Jy tss. ————————■——i 'T /'i I 0 (VATfO/V-W/Dt f% \J . /NSTITUTION - f JSjpnneyVQ DEPARTMENT STORES JO-54 tjputh Union Street, Concord. N. C. LOWEST PRICES BUT NO “SAIT Not a spotty service, hitting or missing your needs, as the case may be, but always affording you the lowest possible prices consistent with quality and the market Superior Values Always Here! We don't believe in spasmodic "sales,” but we do believe in giving the most in value for each dollar you spend here, And we believe in doing this every day in the year. We Close Every Thursday Afternoon Until September Ist The first American to win the Dia mond Sculls at Henley, which event is considered to carry with it the world’s amateur sculling championship, was E. H. Ten Eyck, of Worcester, Mass., who won the famous trophy in 1897. ORDINANCE Be it ordained that Section 2 of the ordinances and plumbing,, rules of the City of Concord, N. C., be and is changed to read as follows: Section 2. Before any portion of the drainage system of any building shall be laid or constructed there shall be filed by the owners or his agent at the office of the Board of Aldermen or Inspector for the City of Concord a written applica tion to make such connection, stating the exact location of the building, giving number thereof, and tbe street on which located, and giving the .exact feet and inches from tbe nearest manhole to said connection and stating the exact location of the manhole. It thall be the plum bers' duty to fill out the blank applica tion as agent for the person or persons for whom the work is being done, and with every application for new not to exceed three fixtures Three Dollars in', cash must acompany -said application but Should the application be for over three fixtures an additional dollar shall be.added for each additional fixture. An application shall be made for the addi tion of any fixture in any building and the fee of One Dollar for each fixture to be added shall accompany said appli cation. If the above ordinance is not observed, the plumber or plumbers are liable to a fine of not less than Twenty- Five Dollars and not exceeding Fifty Dollars or confinement in jail at the dis cretion of the court. Same to go into effect immediately up on being passed by the Board of Aider men. This July 3, 1925. B. E. HARRIS, Clerk. BETTER CLEANING RESULTS Are obtained when your garments are thoroughly dust ed before Cleaned or pressed. We electrically dust all suits whether they be Dry Cleaned or just sent in for pressing with our improved electric garment dusting machine. M. R. POUNDS Dry Cleaning Department GET IT AT Phone * mm 117 Ritchie Hardware Co YOUR HARDWARE STORE PHONE 117 ____ - I r i Tii'i"nn"i i" g?ir-ii.itti'iii' 11Hi I'li'ir I'l'flq PAGE THREE Walter M. Hoover, the celebrated Du luth oarsman, is a civil engineer by pro fession. , ORDINANCE Re it ordained by the Aldermen of the City of Concord: Section 1. That in addition to the or dinances heretofore passed by the Board of Aldermen of the City of Concord rela tive to. the regulation and control of traf fic and the parking of automobiles and other vehicles, the Police Department of Hie City of Concord is hereby given full power and authority to make such addi , tional rules and regulations for the con trol of traffic and the parking of auto mobiles and other vehicles on all the Streets and sidewalks of the City of Con ’ cord, and all such rules and regulations : imay be changed from time to time as ' circumstances require, but at the time | any such new rule or regulation is made ’ by the Police Department, the same shall 1 be posted' on the Bulletin Board at tbe ' City Hall not less than ten days before the same shall become effective; Provided, ' however, that in cases of emergency the ‘ Police Department shall be vested with authority to block, forbid or temporarily '■ suspend traffic or parking in any given ' area without, notice other than “Street Blocked” or “No Parking” signs, placed at conspicuous places where they may 1 be seen by the public. ' Section 2. That after any such new ' or changed rule or regulation shall be ! come effective, any person, firm or cor ' poration or other party by whatever ; name called, violating any such rule or regulation or any provision thereof, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not to exceed SSO or imprisoned not to ex ceed thirty days. Section '3. That this ordinance shall become effecaive immediately upon publi cation. This July 3, 1925. B. E. HARRIS, Clerk.

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