PAGE SIX Great Alteration Shoe Sale Big Specials For Saturday Beautiful White Kid Pumps to 95 Black Satin and Patents always in demand. Dressy and de sired by good dressers $2.65 $3.95 ° $4.95 Misses’ and Children’s Patent and CC., to Qftp Colored Strap Pumps * , r Big Specials in Men’s Black, Brown andLijibt’Tan, Oxfords $1:95 $2.95 “ $4.95 i'fV.i' it-i ■ ;■■■ New Styles That You’d Never Expect to See at Such Low Prices ' I ■ MARKSON SHOE STORE FORMERLY PARKER’S SHOE STORE The Sinclair Law of Lubrication For every machine of every degree of wear, their is a scientific SINCLAIR OIL to suit»its speed and seal its power. t . Let us look up for you, the grade of Sinclair oil you should use. ' Mutual Oil Company PHONE 476 R. INSURE When You Start To Build The right time to take out insurance is when you start building. Then if through any cause your building should burn, even before completed, the Insurance will cover your loss. Tetzer & Yorke Insurance Agency Successors to Southern Loan and Trust Co. P. B. FETZER A. JONES YORKE BEST CEMENT PLASTER LIME Mortar Color, Plaster Paris I PHONE 74 CRAVEN’S KERR STREET Watch Our Windows For \ JULY SPECIALS CHARLES STORES CO., Inc. 84 South Union St, Concord N. C. rPfyffL CITIZENS BANK AND -VlHlllHßßifer ’* TRUST COMPANY '■§ Concord, N. C. ‘ " The Home of Good ** t ' Banking ° ne THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE The Concord Dally Tribune ■ ■ ..... —. TIME OP CLOSING OF MAILS The time of the closing of mails at the Concord postoffice is as follows: Northbound. 136—U :00 P. M. 30—10:00 A. it. 34 4:10 P. M. 38— 8:30 P. M. . 30—11 :00 P. M. Southbound. 30— 9 :30 A. M. 46 3 :30 P. M. 135 8 :00 P. M. 2ft—ll :00 P. M. LOCAL MENTION | Miss - I/la Bradford has accepted a position with Efird's. Every child should nave one of The Tribune’s beautiful infant dolls—it’s easy to get one. Miss Ua Plott is today entering the Charlotte Sanatorium, where she will un dergo an operation for the removal of her appendix. Fewer licenses were sold Thursday than during the past few yjeeks. at the Carolina Motor Club office. Fifty-five tags were disposed of for a ■total amount of $630. . . . MooresVille Enterprise: Rev. W. O. Jamison, of Kannapolis, and Dr. R. A. White, spent Monday at Lenoir, where they attended a meeting of a committee on missions from the North Carolina Presbyterian Synod. The nomination of Major W. A. Foil to be a member of the finance committee of the North Carolina Railroad was con firmed at a meeting of the stockholders In Greensboro Thursday. Major Foil was nominated by Governor Mel.ean for i place on the committee. Mooresville Enterprise: Commander E. T. Goldston. of Edward Hill Camp Span ish War Veterans, has called the annual meeting of the camp to be held at Kan napolU on Thursday, August 20th The Kannapolis veterans and Trends are planning quite a day for the veterans. Workmen at the new hotel and bank are at present engaged in completing the excavation for what will be the base meut of the bank building. A part of the Reed office building which was pur chased from the Reed heirs has also been torn down. Hr. S. E. Buchanan and his staff of nurses at the County Health Office, Miss Margaret Ford, Miss Zona Stroup and Miss Robertn Pratt, have gone to Salis bury to attend a baby clinic which is be ing held by I>r. W. Armstrong, Coun ty Health Officer of Rowan County. The baseball game in the City League which was |s>st polled from Tuesday, will be played this afternoon between the DeMolay and the Y. M. C. A. Both teams are strong and are both stag’ng a strong fight for first place. The ganfit should be a good one. , Members of the board of trustees of he Concord library have been asked to meet at the library this afternoon at 5 o’clock. Chairman Hartsell issued the '•nil for the meeting and several matters >f unusual interest n-e expected to to taken up, for discussion and action. Major Kenneth E. Caldwell, inspector general of tfie national guard troops of North Carolina, is now at Camp Glenn , where the infant Units of the guard are in camp. Major Caldwell will be j inspector of the camp, and will be ready i to perform any other duties that may ] need his attention. Herman Holshouser. star nioundsman , from Carolina, and at present with the ( Kannapolis team, denies that he is to J report at once to the New York Giants. ( Holshouser has several years to play with i the Carolina University team and he J plans now to complete his college course ( before reporting to New York. Only three cases are to be tried in re- ] cerder’s court this afternoon, police of ficers said this morning. Two defend- I ants are charged with violating the pro- * liibirion law and tile other witdt o| erat- ] ing a car without lights. “Business i with us, is very, very quiet,” one officer * stated. On and after July 20th no parking will ] be allowed on the west side of Onion i Street from the entrance,to the Cannon ' building to the square, under an order isstfed by the police department. Park ing here would interfere with work on the new hotel, it was pointed out by the officers. Hundreds of fans from Concord plan to go to Kannapolis tomorrow to sec the second game between the Gibson and Kannapolis Teams. Kannapolis won the first game here Thursday and the local team will be out for revenge in the game tomorrow. About 1.200 fans saw the game here and at least that many are expected at Kannapolis. J. W. Denny, who has charge of the swimming at the Y. is anxious that all the married women in the class which is held especially for them stop bringing their children with them. The children should go in the classes wh : ch are sched uled for them, he says. He also asks that only business girls come to the class which is scheduled for them. New York and Pittsburgh divided a double header Thursday while Brooklyn was winning from Chicago. Cincinnati and Philadelphia were splitting a donble header header and St. Louis was winning from Boston. In the American League Washington defeated Chicago. Cleveland defeated Philadelphia and Detroit won from Boston. No arr-sts have lxen made by police sere of persons who have not yet pur chased the’r new State aut- license tags Ihe time sot purchas’ng the licenses cas been extended to July 15th and no ar ietta will be made until after that date, local poHee officers say. At least 80 per cent, of the people in Concord have purchased their ne*v tags, It is cstiinat- A post card has beep received by a friend of Wallace Moore, member of last eord party the Leviathan. With Once Sunday was a day of rest. Now we spend six days resting up from Sun day. No matter how hard the wind blows on a bathing beach, it hasn’t much .to blow About, Procrastination was invented by a sink full jof dirty dishes. Every young man dreads the time when 'lie will become o’.d and useful. The modern girl who doesn't kiss is dangerous. She is trying to get mar ried. f You must make your own way to real ly have. *. > I (Copyright, K 125, NEA Service, Inc.) On the Job. Magistrate (to new policeman) : "Did you uotice any suspicions characters a bout the neighborhood-?” New Pcliceipan: "Shore, yer honor. I saw bnt one man. an’ I asked him wot be was doi’ there at that time o’ mght. Sex he. "I have no business here just now. but I expect to o|>en a jewelry store in this vicinity later on.’ At that I sea, 1 wish ye success sor.’ ” Magistrate (digitsted) : “Yes. and he did open a jeweler’s store in this vicinity and stole seventeen watches.” New Policeman (after panse) : “Yer honor, the mon .may have been a thafe. but he wor no lionr.” With die exception of the Canadian open championship. Jim Barnes now has captured' about all of the major titles open to the professional golfer., K. OF P. NOTICE Regular meeting Concord Lodge No. 51 Iv. of P, Friday evening at 8 o’clock. A cordial welcome to all Pythians. E. E. PEELE, C. C. CARD OF THANKS. We desire’to extend onr heartfelt thanks to neighbors and friends for the many kindnesses shown to us during the long illness and after the death of our beloved wife and mother. Many thanks to each friend for the beautiful flowers. MR. R. O. S. MILLER and FAMILY. 10-lt-p. si nff Wy (Hunt’, Salve and Soap), fallln f II f7 the treatment of fleh, Kciema, V'* /A Ringworm, Tetter or other Iteh- * tog akin diaeaeee. Try this treatment at our risk. k .-rr’JL i'V treatment at oar risk. PEARL DRUG COMPANY Let Your I! i Next Battery ] j ’ Be An EXIDE ; » Use Only the Best Our New Mechanically Refriger ated Autopolar Fountain keeps icc cream in the most per fect condition. With this new au tomatic refrigerating device, it is possible to hold the temperature this ifisufis all ice cream anH drinks in the best of condition. ’ ! Only a Few H•on' Work Will Get One. I —See Pa«e Ad. hi This Paper. i’ We want every child in Concord and this section to *et one of Our beautiful 1 infant dolls, with sleeping eyes and com : pletely dressed in silk-bound flannel bankets. For only five six-months new subscrip tions to ftie Concord 'Daily Tribune or six yearly subscriptions to The Concord Semi-Weekly Times with the cash, we will give free one of these beautiful dolls. i You cannot buy one of these dolls at the stores, and if you could it would , cost you at least $5 00. If you do not take The Tribune nr Times regularly now. your own subscrip tion will count as one. Get five friends, neighbors or fellow workers to subscribe, and the doll ia yours. We will give you a book to get subscriptions. Come and get one. - Either mail or bring in your subscrip tion* when completed. We will then im mediately verify the subscriptions and deliver your doll. } You will receive the doll just as soon as you submit your signed subscriptions. That is positive, for the dolls are already in The Times-Tribune office. A doll that will delight the heart of any little girl. A new .subscriber is one who has not been taking The TKbhfie during the last 30 .'day* and who idocs ndt owe anything on hack subscription. The;,Tribune re serves ' the right % W'fhjhct any order. • Names cannot be changed tfrOtn One member of a family to another) All sub scriptions must be bona fide new ones.^ Renew Your Health by Purification Any physician will tell yon that “Perfect Purification of the Sys tem is Nature’s foundation of Perfect Health.” Why not rid yourself of chronic ailments that are undermining your vitjdityrt l Purify your entire system by tak ing a thorough course of Calotabs,. —once or twice a week for several weeks—and see how Nature re wards you with health. Calotabs are the greatest of all system purifiers. Get a family package, containing full direc tions, price 35 cts.; trial package, lO cts. At any drug store. (Adv.) TEST FREE \ Youth Let ua help you t - bring it back O This is to those who feel youth departing. Or health or vim. It urges you to try what doctors the world over now advise. Many of our troubles are due to torpid livers. That means lack of bile. Then toxins form in the intes tines, and those poisons are absorbed in the blood. Some of the results are these: Indigestion Heart and ConatiMboa _ Kidney Troubles Impure Blond Bad Complexions High Blood Pressure Lack of Youth We thought for generations that cathartics stimulated liver action. Now we know they don’t So most of our efforts to correct these troubles proved a disappointment Now modern science brings a new discovery. It is a gland secretion— ox-gall. It comes from the liver, the largest gland in the body, and it stim ulates the liver. , The results have astounded the med ical world. It is bringing effects which seem unbelievable. Millions of people are gaining priceless benefits by a little use of ox-gall. < Now ox-gall is condensed in tab lets, called DioxoL Each tablet con tains 10 drops of purified ox-gall. All druggists supply them We-ask every body who seeks new vitality to learn what this method means. Send this coupon for a trial The results will start in 24 hours. If it brings to you what it brings to others, *H Tow.Ufe you will thank science for DfaufoL Clip the coupon now. m, WMMmB Maratesl c*. n % Its Madison Avo. ffCC Now Y«k City 8 I wans to try DfasaL 1 flu l=~ ’ ' - “Dioxol ie especially recommended by Pearl Drug-Co." Add the. Comforts of PLUMBING to Your Home Modern Plumbing will do ns much or more than any other one thing toward making your borne a comfortable and convenient place in which to live. It costs you nothing to get out cost es timate. Concord Plumbing Company florth Ksnr Street . PhowlW temper of yours— Dogs bite oti days like this— A / and we’ve heard some wives /\ v / J / say that husbands snap too— 'fAY/ V/ M I If you are cranky and can’t fcd'j / IV V] | help it —please allow us to. / \ WI A suit of cool Hoover’s Un- * |\ 'VtEL> i derwear will take, care of the 1 /} | sulk, put on a smile and change • J* ' ■ * j a cross-word, fan into an advertisement for a popular denti fice. ‘.3 t/' ; V- - , SI.OO a Euif and bp Bathing Suits—Golf Hose—Linen Trousers HOOVER’S, Inc. \ “THE MEAN’S STORE” - '' 1-' rV v GREASE UP 1 I That ’ s our business—to. seen our car ’ s ° 4 * e< J and! fjte>\ greased, thoroughly cleaned! MlllLtL i an< * free rom ust ’ dirt, grime! an d f° re ’S n particles. Let us! t r -v cleanin ? yours for a week! ° r two and sce tlle difference. ! l— * HOWARD’S FILLING STATION ! iflHi WM “Service With n nmile“ hr\ PHONE sm Be Sure You Are Right and Then Go Ahead— You will make no mistake by placing your order for your winter’s coal with " A. B. POUNDS Threatened strike may cause coal to advance SI.OO per ton overnight v PHONE 24$ pg 278 Condensed Statement of CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK Concord, Albemarle, Kannapolis, Mt Pleasant, North Carolina At Close of Business June 30, 1925 ‘ , RESOURCES Discounts $2,482,100.14 jnU. S. Government and other listed Bonds .. 29,568.79 Banking House and Real Estate , 197,874.73 Other Real Estate owned S'ifiC&OO Furniture and Fixtures . 47^751,90 Cash in Vault and Due from Banks . 616476.12; Total 4. - $3,376,271.68 LIABILITIES Capital: Paid in $175,000.00; earned $225,000.00 *5400,000.00 Surplus 50,00o!o0 Undivided Profits 27,482:44 Reserved for Interest, Taxes and Depreciation* 27[884.36 Dividends Unpaid ~ 12 1 sis on -deposits —.—.— Total $3,376,271.68 •Opened for business 1897 with Capital of $50,000.00 50 Per Cent. Stock Dividend Declared 1907 200 Per Cent. Stock Dividend Declared 1920 Special This Week Only Sayford Doilies 312 Pieces, 59c Sayford Dinner and Tea Size Napkins 59c the 100 Cimes Pharmacy Phone SSS Melrose Flour Liberty Self Rising Flour Is Melrose Floor we need .only announce arrival of a big shipment which we have every four to six weeks. Get yours now. Liberty Self Rising Flour is th* very highest grade of Flour with phosphates and salt added in the exact proportion, to yon take no chance in your mixture to have very best results. - It’s a suc cess. Buy a0 your, flour at v; ; I;' ;r" k -iwCV- -A, Cline & Moose V r .- - v . Friday, July 10, 1925 CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET (Corrected weekly by Gline & Moose) Figures named represent prices paid for produce on the market • [Eggs Corn i fug Sweet potatoes 1.50 Onions . SL2S Ptos 8.00 Bwtter _ _ .80 Country Ham , jjo Country Shoulder ,20 . Country Sides _ .20 Young Chickens . % 30 Hens , Irish Pot*toe 1 J-w- L 25 CONCORD OOIHN MARKET FRIDAY, ALLY 10, 1905 Cotton ... .23 1-2 Cotton Seed 3, 45 :- ..... FRESH FISH Friday and Saturday 5 % $ Direct from Morehead City Gray Trout, Speckled and \ Croakers We also have a small lot of nice country side meat. \ v ■ .. AWt Cabarrus Cash Gro cery Company , [ ft PHONE 571 W .. i ' ;

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