PAGE EIGHT ■ ; '^ /v J £ ** |||\ / j^j] IMPORTANT EVENT Entire Stock Going 1-4 TO 1-2 OFF JULY CLEARING SALE NOW ON Prices Cut on Everything Concord Furniture Co. THE RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE HAVOLINE OIL Is More Than Oil. It is POWER We Are Now Ready to Supply You With HAVOLINE Mutual Oil Company PHONE 476 R. INSURE When You Start To Build The right time to take out insurance is when you start building. Then if through any cause your building should bum, even before completed, the Insurance will cover vour loss. tetzer & Yorke Insurance Agency Successors to Southern Loan and Trust Co. P. B. FETZER A. JONES YORKE BEST CEMENT PLASTER LIME Mortar Color, Plaster Paris “CRAVEN’S KERR STREET Watch Our Windows For JULY SPECIALS CHARLES STORES CO.. Inc. 34 Smith Union St., Concord N. C. CITIZENS BANK AND ' TRUST company - Concord, N. C. 'I iPWIMEIfc Th e Home of Good , Banking . '.A".’. , V'‘. K Resources Over One Mil ' i' lion Dollars THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE | TIME OF CLOSING OF MAILS ij The time of the closing of mails at the j Concord poatofflce is as follows: Northbound. • •i ISO—11:00 P. M. J 36—10:00 A. M. ' 34 4:10 P. M. * 38— 8:30 P. M. 3 30—11:00 P. M. Southbound, j . 39 9:30 A. M. 46 3:30 P. M. t 135 8:00 P. M. j 29—11 :00 P, M. ; -~~i LOCAL MENTION ! 1 I J Miss Sudie Moore lias returned from Boone, where she has been attending sum mer school for several weeks. Mrs. Prank Pounds and Miss Kath ; teen Sappenfield spent Friday in Cliar | lotte. Miss Edith Magrnder. of Atlanta, is I visiting her cousin. Mrs. \V. R. Fisher. ; at her home on Georgia avenue. Every child should nave one of The Tribune’s beautiful infant dolls—it’sensy to get one. According to a deed filed Friday at the "■curt house, Will Harris fias sold to Rev. ‘T. H E. Wilson property in Ward 4 for $250. Mrs. AV. M. Sherrill was able to be! •up this afternoon nftpr being confined to her home on Spring Street by illness for ' several days. Rev. W. C. Jamison, pastor of the | Presbyterian Churrdi at Kannapolis, will j 1 ireach to the boys of the Jackson Train-! •ng Scliool tomorrow afternoon at 3 1 'clock. Dr. J. IV. Pike, owner of the Pearl •Drug Store, is confined to his home by llness. Dr. Pike's condition became ag gravated several days ago. but some im provement is reported in his condition oday. Mrs. Zcb Moore sprained her ankle Friday morning when she turned her foot on an uneven place in the sidewalk in frniit of the home of Mrs. IV. O. Wads worth. Her injury, though painful, is not of a serious nature. Stokes White. Eugpne Hoover. J. M. Cook. Hal Jaratt and Hubert Morris ire working in the Sandhills now packing peaches. The young men made flic trip to the peach country in their ear. "Beav ■r Dam Special." They expect to be on the job several weeks. Detroit defeated Boston Friday while Chicago was winning from Washington. Cleveland was defeating Philadelphia and St. I .bn i s was winning two games from New York. In the National League Boston defeated Cincinnati and Phila delphia defeated St. Louis. Several hundred baseball fans from Concord went to Kannapolis this after noon for the second game between the Gibson and Kannapolis teams. Sunmons, the Wake Forest star, will twirl for Gibson and lie will be opposed by Her man Holshouser, the Carolina ace. The tennis court at the Y. M. C. A., which has been in bad condition recently due to the fact that wagons hauling coal to the Y. M. C. A. out it up. is being worked on and should be in excellent shape next week, it is said by persons who are repairing it. J. B. Sherrill, editor of the Concord Daily Tribune and The Concord Times, has been named on the executive com mittee of the North Carolina Press As sociation. His appointment was made at the annual convention of the associa ion held this week in Brevard. F. R. Allman, of No. 5 township, who lives on the farm of Jno. E. Misenheim er, brought the first homegrown water melon of the present season to the city this morning. Mr. Allman says that lie has a large patch and the prospects are fine for a good crop. . Only two persons wore found guilty in recorder's court Friday, one for speeding and one for operating a car without lights. One jierson charged- with vio lating the prohibition law was freed by a jury and nol pros was taken in an other case charging a man with violating the same law. Patrolman Baxter Robinson is back on the job today after enjoying a ten days’ vacation. Patrolman C. G. Rid Our New Mechanically Refriger ated Autopolar Fountain keeps ice cream in the most per fect condition. With this new au tomatic refrigerating device, it is possible t“**W* ( k nw^tt Sit ISfefe A ...VM&i iiU... * j mER ONKOF OURInEaNT^DOLLS Only a Few Hows' Work Will Got One. —See Page Ad in This Paper I We want every child In Concord and I this section to get one of our beautiful infant dolls, with sleeping eyes and eom -1 pletely dressed in silk-bound flannel bankets. For only fire six-months new subscrip -1 Cons to The Concord Rally Tribune or six yearly subscriptions to The Concord Semi-Weekly Times with the cash, we will give free one of these beautiful dolls. Vou cannot buy one of theoe dolls at the store*, and if you could it would cost you at least $3 00. If you do not take The Tribune or Times regularly now. your own subscrip tion will count as one. Get five friends, neighbors or fcllow- Woi kers to subscribe, and the doll is t yours. We will give you a book to get subscriptions. Come and get one. x j Either mail or bring in your subscrip tions when completed. We will then im mediately verify the subscriptions and deliver yonr doll. You will receive the doll just as soon as you submit yfur signed subscriptions. That is positive, for the dolls are already in The Times-Tribune office. A doll that will delight the heart of any little girl. A new subscriber is one who has not been taking The Tribune during the last 30 days and who does not owe anything on back subscription. The Tribune re serves the right to accept or reject any order. Names cannot be changed from one member of a family to another. All sub scriptions must be bona fide new ones. , Mental Defectivism. Charlotte News. ! The increase of mental defectivism is startling even to those who are accus tomed to dealing immediately with it and who, therefore, might naturally be expected to grow callous as to Its ex pansion in this land. ! One of the more informative papers lead nt the recent convention of the Med ical Society of North Carolina, held at l'inehurst, was presented* by Dr. Paul V. Anderson, dealing with til is subject, and he gave some outline of the increase of mental diseases staggering in its con tent. j Dr. Anderson philosophises that the development of insanity runs in propor tion to the development of civilisation. The higher the latter goes. the more pro nounced is mental decrepitude, and that is a conclusion generally shared and ac cepted. Or. Anderson, sketching the magni tude of the problem of mental defectives in this country, said ’that there are 230,- 000 patients in hospital for mental dis eases in America and each year 30.000 are admitted to such institutions, while many cases of serious mental mal-adjust ments never reach the hospitals at all. Over onc-eiglith of the total expendi tures of some states is for the insane— one-sixth in other state*. The expenditures for the insane in some states exceed the amount for any other purpose exeept education. The cost of maintenance of persons in hospitals for mental diseases throughout this country is about $73,000,000 annu ally. ’ y The economic loss to the United States each year on account of mental diseases is over *200.000,000. The number of hospital beds occupied by patients with mental disease exceed* the number in use in all general hospi tals in this country. Doctor Anderson said in his address that Colonel Hodges, director of the Vir ginia State Chamber of Commerce, re- > cently made the statement that the com monwealth of Virginia is spending near ly *3,000,000 annually in the care of the insane, defectives, delinquents and de pendents. In fact, he goes so far a* to say that nearly ten per rent of the total population of Virginia is receiving public charity while more than 25.000 are actually institutional cases. Crack .Horses to Enter Chicago Derby. Chicago, July o.—More than a dozen of the elite of the three-year-old division of America are here to compete in the Chicago derby, a *20,000 added event, at Hawthorne track Saturday. The eastern contingent includes Silver Fox, of the Rancocas stables; Gifford Cochrane's Dangerous, and Arbitration, A. C. Bostwick’s color bearer. Rothermel, daughter of Light Brigade, and J. J. Troler's King Madi. are among the Kentucky delegation. Chicago pins its hopes on Frank Croissant's Kentucky Cardinal, Herbert Sbimp’s Mark Master, Step Along, winner on the opening day at Hawthorne, and Pocket Mouse. In order to increase their knowledge of earthquakes, some of the world’s great est scientists have experimented with ar tificial explosions In mines, and they hope that in time they will be able to warn the inhabitants of volcanic district* wOen I disturbances are likely to occur. A new hot water lake, 50 acres in ex tent, has been discovered in the Mount Baker national forest in Northwestern Washington, Add the Comforts of PLUMBING to Your Home Modern Plumbing will do as much or more than any other one thing toward making yonr borne a comfortable and convenient place in which to live. It costs you nothing to get our cost es timate: Concord Plumbing Company North Kerr Street Phoau S7C Here's the stop \ M t Signal for that hot temper of yours— Dogs bite on days like this— y / and we’ve heard some wives >\u)VJ J J \ say that husbands snap too— (/V / V [ d I If you are cranky and can’t U j J (V Vi help it—please allow us to. \ ’ll I A suit of cool Hoover’s Un- >\ 'pe=L> derwear will take care of the 111 sulk, put on a smile and change * J a cross-word fan into an advertisement for a popular denti nee. SI.OO a Suit and up Bathing Suits—Golf Hose—Linen Knickers—Flannel Trousers HOOVER’S, Inc. “THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE” v. that ° Ur Car is well oi,ed and AjMtflillll greased ’ thoroughly cleaned jUjHI j feV— an< f ree f rorn dust, dirt, grime an( f foreign particles. Let us tr - v cleanil, S y° urs for a week or two and see the difference. HOWARD’S FILLING STATION fa# “Service With a smile” Be Sure You Are Right and Then Go Ahead— You wi/l make no mistake by placing your order for your winter’s coal with A. B. POUNDS Threatened strike may cause coal to advance SI.OO ner ton overnight. 1 r PHONE 244 OR 279 -W wWwww f ' Condensed Statement of CABARRUS SAVINGS RANK Concord, Albemarle, Kannapolis, Mt Pleasant, North Carolina At Close of Business June 30, 1925 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $2,482,100.14 U. S. Government and other listed Bonds 29,568.79 Banking House and Real Estate 197,874.73 Other Real Estate owned 2^500^00 Furniture and; Fixtures £ 47.75L90 Cash in Vault and Due from Banks 616A76J2 Total $3,376,271.68 „ . . LIABILITIES Capital: Paid in $175,000.00; earned $225,000.00 *s4oo 000 00 SO.OOOIOO Undivided Profits * 27 482 44 Reserved for Interest, Taxes and Depreciation 27 884 36 Spp^l d TT«F npaid ” 12,’l68:00 DiiUOMIS 2,858,736.88 Total 53,376,271.68 ° pe^ d Tv for J* us,ness 189 7 with Capital of $50,000.00 50 Per Cent. Stock' Dividend Declared 1907 200 Per Cent. Stock Dividend Declared 1920 | Special This Week Only ! Sayford Doilies 312 Pieces, 69c | Sayford Dinner and Tea Site' | Napkins 59c the 100 | Clines Pharmacy Phone 333 Melrose Flour Liberty Self Rising Flour In . .i, Melrose Flour we need only announce arrival of a big shipment which we have every tour to nix weeks. Get yours now.' Liberty Self Rising Flour is the very highest grade of Flour with phosphates snd salt added in the exact proportion, so yon' take no chance in you? mixture to have very best results. It’s a suc cess. Buy all yonr flour at Cline & Moose Saturday, July Iff 1925 CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET '