Thursday, July 16,' 1925 ; 7 »■ TTf rfT'PTT’A «nt every now And than wfthJsomo . new wrinkle. buckskin, i|>«lr have narrttw bands of browr - *- leather over the toe amdhcel, They tfasten with bneklee and have a littlo' i ' it' tailored cHtehtng p. hnut *f~ . | «• ' \v.\'-Hf, ; fednt Bore. * > 4 ;Born' to Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Baker,; JiUjr 14tbL*a «vn. •»> < Mis4bnay Guild toF*MMi. The Mesiopary Guild jaf tbe ,Reformed Church will meet tonight at 8 o’clock wiftt Miss Zuc Ycrtop and , Miss Ethel Honeycutt at the home ot Mi l "* Honey cutt on East Repot street. I -J.LU Efjrd’s Give Feed to Clerks. Tlie entjre .clerical force of Efird’s store wai "***•!#' *f,w afrrirtetoft pttfty load night at theihomeiof Mr. and M§4. A. $. Harris onf.Rohthj|’nieh’ stheet. jsJMI* <B£_ caeion was a most enjoyable StJe, over thirty guests being present. LIGHT XT, LOVR c\TJt*l O* \ ; I MISSING THIRD TIME Reterend Gone, Aleo His Sister-In-Law. —His Wife Swears Out Warrant For Non-Support. South Bend, . Jnd., .July 15.—The avowed intention of Rev. Wilson Culp, | inf. South Bend. to. bring an and to his i career of elopements and devote the rest of his life to his wife and nine children evidently has been cast aside, as he has disappeared, again, , Mrs. Rprothy Culp, aes***-*** Culp and his sister-in-law were last seen July Bth, local authorities. revealed today. »>»»»• out a warrant charging her husband with non-support. 1 Only n few months ago Culp, and his sister-in-law eloped to Chicago, finally returning and asking forgiveness. A few years ago Culp eloped with a choir I girl tyliile he was pastor of a church near |V?f j p' >, ctlistli 'Ernestine, great Hql-* stein, cow which died last year, left a y world’s record in limetime production by giving in tier sixteen years' of service 20|,005 pounds of milk. REMEMBER PENNY ADS ARE CASH -i SUMMER COLDS that make you oo uncom fortable In hot weather, are better treated extern i nally—Rub over chest and throat and appjy fre* ’ quently up nostrils— VICKS W VapOßub " Ow>irH»atoisJhr»iwr«M» • ; i ( • . AH : ; t 4 ' . • • ' X ;• t t Jfl| ,\ ‘K ■ .. ? 4>v "~~ i MB jagsL Mr*. E, N. Seltzer and children will leave tonight for their koine in Orwige burg, Pa., after spending sdme time with iier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Mil-, ler. ■ Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hartseil returned yesterday from a motor trip through western Carolina. Miss Blanche Armfield left yesterday j with a party* of friends for Niagara' Falls. Canada and northern titles. She wilt be gone on the trip for two weeks, ! I E. A. Armfield, of Monroe, is visiting his son, Frank Armfield, at his home on AVest Corbin street. • • • Miss Annie Gulfy Dayvault has re- 1 tngned from Montreat, where she lias H|ek|VjmUing Misstep I-ouisc and Bessie W’-bf ppst two reeks. ~ Mws’Sjjljibe'th Man treat for *i-»e|aE j ■ ’ m%j. and Mrs. J. E. ’HarfOl gre spend ing at Wrightsvillt ‘Beach. Mr. ams tjjrs. R. M. Vochrane and children left this morntog foe, Appalaebee, Ga..,io visit relati'Ast 'ic wiliiou Peaoocft Points is vis- gramtoirents, JfT. and Mrs. ;«r*ve H !UAW,mst4''‘i r homS" Visiting for 'SeveralMays in Salisbury.' iir 1 . 4 ini] ’ sf£s. ’ .‘Tamo’s ClbVke and «on. of Eliialjethton, ate Visiting gt the home of inji B. ilforrispir on Wypt Repot street. MORRIBO*’ f AbsiiS B 'Vw E:v; ■ -r . ATTACKS THE DEFICIT Says Figures of. Governor McLean Are Grossly Unjust to Preceding Adminis ' Iration. ... Charlotte, July 15.—Former Governor . Cameron Morrhion announced here today r that he wiH offer to the press of ■ (tbe state for publication next Sunday uiQm , ing “an analysis-of the financial state ment gives to the state by Governor Mc- J Lean upon which he is closing up with bond issues the general account of the ■ state as of July Ist.” e“The adjustment or the state’s general account up to any including June 30th as announced by Governor. McLean," ■ said a preliminary statement issued by 'jthe former governor today, " grossly unjust to the administration in wtiirh I was governor that I must asl{ the, fair -1 minded people, of the state to bear aud ■ consider my contentions about if.",, '' 1 Tlw sthjetnrnt jissued fodtty is gs fol lows : * ' : “I expect to furnish the daily papers 1 of the state, to be released next Sunday h inwttmk»ra«r*m*lysis of tbe financial 1 statement given to the state by Governor McLean and upon which he is closing up i with bond issues the general accoijnt of ' the state as of July Ist, preparatory to . putting the state upon his new budget I and fiscal system. “The adjustment of ttie state’s general J account up to andvjnclnding June. 30th, * as announced by Governor McLean, is so :> grossly unjust to’the administration in i which I was governor that I must ask . the fgir minded people of the state to , hear and consider my contentions about it. . Says Real Deficit la Snail. i “I hope conclusively to establish that I the real deficit created by failure during ! the ttiine I was governor to levy .adequate j -revenue to, meet appropriations gpdi ex penses will not exceed $1,250,000, and , this subject to a j;Adit of all taxes in arrears, which will, amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars, and 'that* the re mainder of tbe so-called nine million and some four hundred thousand dollar <Jefi f cit, as announcld by .governor Mcltpan, ji is due to putting upon. The' jcneral ac i .count somewhere near $LOOO,OOf) which ]}ad no place upon it and with .which* my Sjni ministration had nothing to do; and hi adopting a' ' fiscal, policy Which prill accrued taxes from January to \ upon has budget system, n to'the phrlod in which they 4 ftr which they were, levied, to $6,200.000. . v; ■: matter, whii hi I rtpect ,-to in the papers that will 4o in j(|Sbe fairness to print it, on next Sunday morning.” | We do steam fitting. and all sjrt of heating work. We guarantee skillful service in every detail. You'll flpd when we are! through with the job that every joint will be air tight, every draught work perfectly. If you have had experience with poor plutnbing you’ll more than appre ciate the kind of service we al ways render. Oflito and Bte» Room SB K. Garble sJ GROOMING MORRISON FOR GOVERNOR IN. 1928. Friends of U>c Farmer CWef Executive- Would Have Him Vindicate Himself. Raleigh, July lp.—Cameron Morrison, late governor’s chair ’ of Nortli Carolina, has been nominated to succeed A. Ts, Mi-Lean. The Daily News bureau-ran ten days ago upon a bevy of Morrison men who were inquiring whether it is true that the constitution Os North Carolina per mits a second term to an executive after a legal interim. . The career of Vance was cited. The I incident, served the purpose. On the strength of this, was erected the proph . ecy that Max Gardner and Cameron Mor- ! I rison will meet again to 1928. I" Tonight one of the n>ost prominent of j-the McLean men .in- the 1024 campaign told the Daily N|>fvt office that-tlic, man ,to watch is Cam- jjtofrison. ; The'- {ate j bar association tbfetbijg In Asheville ' de veloped the fact that the west ' is over developed by comparison with the cn«L | Tbe Morj-ison post terminals scheme was | resurrected as his prograjn for the re demption of the east. - -“Put it down . that Morrison, on whom has been un loaded this fictitious deficit, and against whom the hiy interests fought, last year, will tpiipc bfek and get his vindication,” this big Morrisopian said. “Os cohrscFthey will say 'that you'arc just talking,”, 'he’, continued, “but the man to lead the fight against reaction, in which direction we are headed, is Mor rison. If anybody starts anything on the Morrison story you can- tell where you got your information. I am not saying that Morrison wi]\ run. But I do say that the proper man to head us away from our backward movement is , the great progressive Morrison of Char lotte.” Old members of the Morrison official - family have been talking this second term question. They have revived their faith to him, They think he looms big - get today titan ever. He has suffered | ’ such disappointment following bis re-! - tirement from office that-personal vindi cation seems in order.- There is one | town >in North Carolina which discusses 1 a Morrisdn comeback a great deal. Dur ham is that city. There could be some > good reason for that. Marriage has j ■ made him very close to many of the peo ple there. They stood by him through ‘ out his career. They-do not like the I ’ way he has been treated. They think ! the retirement has been too- drastic. ■ They would like to see him vindicated. The governor does not talk about poli - tics much, but when tfe left office he 1 announced that he regretted to quit. ■ He had nothing in view. He concedes tbe senatorship to Overman so long as 1 the Salisbnrian cares to hold it. The i governorship is the One opening. ’ He is from the west. His defeat op r ! the port terminals will was bitted to ,-, Jiitn. He made threats against the [ Winston-Salem people who organized! the - fight and made it so farious for his excel- I lcncy. The. fact that old members of hiswoffirial family talk about' a 'possible - comeback justified the suspicion tbaf somebody has been Talking about it, some i body, who is-somebody? < And such a<race .would again make *«the state"sit.find* make a few obser- Mvations. >r ' ■ Mlm Maude Wallace Dies Near Salisbury ) Miss Maude Wallace naW 33 years, t daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Wallace. living about two miles from Salisbury, in ‘ Litaker township, at a point between the » old Concord road and the Southern Rail > 1 TT ‘ -■■■■■ —' - 1 * Vv ... P 3 . AT CONCORD THEATRE FO R THE LAST TIME* TODAY OOOOOOOCXXXXKIOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOQQOOOOOOOQOOOQOQO | “QUO VADIS” i | (WHITHER GOEST THOU)? j; The World’s Greatest Motion Picture Spectacle ! Cast of Over 20.000—Costing sl,sßo,ooo—Now Playing in | ! Larger Cities at $1.50 and $2.00 Pet Seat [ SHOWS START A|T 1:30-4:00—«:30- 9K» P. M. |j If July 20 and 21 dhow**-, « I SAME PRlCES—lQc —2oc—3o<; ; | j- .. ■ THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE : wny's at her hmne sSait : !> h'eteek Wednewtay morning'. • foJkiwm* ; an. illness of sdflfto m<in*lv-. Tlie funeral > ‘ and buriai, took idiee at is-inity LntlurJ i ftn church, near ICaunapoUs, thin,morning at 11 o’clock, . . The. deeeax'if wai a native of Cabar vus county and h Survived by her par-} ents. .one and oue sister, these ' being Mr. J. N. M’allace, of Salisbury. 1 and Mrs. J. €!. Wilheine, of Kannapolis. Henry Griswoid, one of Wisconsin's mo?t illustrious retired farmei-s, got 3,- 050 eggs from sixteen pullets confined in ‘ a pen six feet wide, eight feet long, and ! eight feet high last year. Expert Attention When your Watch needs re ■pairing, there is only one kind of attention that will put it into cor rect running, ; condition—expert attention such as we are prepar ed to give it. ■- Leave your Watch j here today Mr inspection. ! STARNES-MILLER-PARKER I CqHjIPANY I . ;' l' ' . 1 Kfn -'l*' * ■ / I To prevent freckles 1 Elizabeth Arden has created aiF * exquisite finishing lotion, , VENETIAN LILLB LOnON, t° be, used under Pqwde^, - .Antiseptic ~and asnphigenL < , sm °oths and refines the skin, leaves * sflJiy finish, flattering ' j » for day or Evening. Prevents j windbum, sunburn and freckling. ' White, Cream, NatunlU, Special 1 Rachel, Spanish Rachel, Oar. $l3O. $2.50. Gibson Dnjg St^re Now IS The Time FISHER’S The Place July Clearance Sale Friday, Saturday and Monday Special Feature Days Here FISHER’S I BROWN’S 1 On The Square—New Home 1 Featuring' for Summer Wear, Cool Things in Palm X Beach, Mohair, Tropical Worsted and Linen. Prices , SIO.OO ° $25.00 I j Haberdashery Department is brimful of Shirts, Sox, 8 ;;!|| Neckwear, Underwear and so forth. Popular pricesi 8 If you are hot, come in and get under the fan and cool Ij; off. ! Don’t get oVerheated watching the work across the jij’ street at tbe new hotel. . x | Browns : Cannon Co. j ’ Y«UR srfop V- J Where You Get Your Money’s Worth ? 8 J OOQ<X)OOOOOtXXXXXXXX>OOtXXXXXXXXXyxxxv> We Close Thursday Afternoons During July and August RUTH-KESLER SHOE STORE Smartest Styles Lowest Prices t ,‘ , : ' l •(. . { * ' ! FANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN’S WEAR ! oooooooonoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo | ivlirs. Doyou ewer worry - " about what you are going to cook? And finally when yeti have decided, does youn grocer sav: “Sdriy, but we* Haven’t any If you have these worries you can get rid of them by calling us first. Our stock is comple'te and if it’s on the market we have it. ' Call us for all kinds of Country Produce. We have plenty of chickens, fresh eggs and fresh country butter at all times. We appreciate your trade and are not pleased unless you are pleased. G. H. BARRIER & CO. 3QQOOOOOOOOOOOQOOeoQOOOQOOOOQ ° oon<vv^vwx^Nf^t ( VTnrM^K>^ IDELCO LIGHT I Light Plants and Batteries | Deep and Shallow Well Pumps for Direct or Alter- 9 nating current and Washing Machines for direct or alter- 8’ nating current. g R. H. OWEN, Agent I Phone «M Concord, N. C. S JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQiaoooonrxvxxyoqoOOOOOO **■ — ti 11.., 1 Member ofAsaociatedPre** PAGE THREE

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