. earn g* ’,%==«- # asp j Thursday, July 10, 1925 ill! Svbsexiptioni ¥uit Bf P*M In ** * "' PA w n'ftAn flfrwiciifU ft IjrSfect June 28, J 026. -* NnL 31 To ; 8 :8i A. m! ij o Ofleana 9:55 A. If,; "i "'"lj!—si t rj^arsfcisrs •hall ask What ye will, and it shall Ns done untol lou.-John 15 :T. E'll- I'HIUWtgS.JI I I , I'J. "■ INCREASE IN TAX^ RATE A NE tottw im*Tand better sehoois and IHaMiowiMttt board of education asked for an increase of thi*4fMp»i«i tinder the law, had no other course houses and better teachers will of neces sity mean more money for schools, and If the people demand the, pbangj they have t%r»f ;'foy It,, of WR’, >l3 *i*. One \»nt of the increase wffl go to the «>«**, road eotmnWoAyith&ltA building some excellent roads pasta ■ways which are built and maintained by the county want the best, and of coig&t h^mwirt^mps as punishment in the courts of the State, [they are exceedingly oppimistic now. 'Mjr August ia usually a dry month In iiilfil cent, greater than that of the year {before, and apparently about the same [acreage has been devoted to the crop this fszeat-iiszzsz «ems safe to predict how tW this total will exceed last yearns. TODAY'S EVENTS. Thnnjday. duly id, IMS. m«^ed T 3oo , homei"fn T , sub - Savannah, Oa„ today Inaugurates its Carnival, one of the most A >“rXn Minister o# Poland, is wh«d tiled to pav t thdav PW,,fdent CtK,,i, ' r ' at Swamp i. Festivities in connection with the nat lt rti/*Wrd* ° f F Benf ' vo,ftnt ad I>ro ‘ [which; is expected to be the mold gor' •jgeoos pageant ever seen in the West. I A great international day wheii wo gjqjf -t w countries of ness women of X® feature of the convention of the National Federation of Business and Professions! Women’s Clubs, lit session in Forth" nd, Me. •• "J RUSSIA GROWS COTTON Experimenting of P«v*a^ Rusia is raw making 'extensive experi ment* in cotton growing in several dis tricts of the Soviet Union. The use of cotton in the Soviet textile industry is | increasing greatly and the inefficiency of Russian-grown cotton makes it neces sary to spend large sums of money for Vti&'lXFSSteffi Kn b*h district where the ciimate-is speci ally adnptwt tp It. . 4 * wherJe^^ents^on satisfactory the Itun won authorised hope they will be aUg> to satisfy -tWE/CouJitgy’s need for coften restating tp puichaew. dfcrqfo • The Chinese have often baigkjbpipjuw-' ad, but their victors hatafl!'BK|M . ahsortK-d by tblow* A* a race;***-Math* %,< fc^v -i r M /■! ilililil U-iP*- mßuuwßHßr V t * j®i|RP ®BBpBH 1 | ¥ - . jinl|A\ Fi"l Ow JlHItliHB i H ■dH liYi i|B| \ ji ~v| j' ' 1 i f ft Mil I y t ifflltki.e. 11 > I k - -1 R, / irt [ I I : I pTipi ■ in wbb&s s si I riß Whl y~ - !■—!- IIV % * 1 •' '4r " g-w m * -v || r%Up vAiit 1 i * * :,c '" •' ]J . XTidIVC i UUI uUiIUUCI fl !. p u '•«»§, <*»m i? ot-r r |j, r Tgp' h rnm Xgg 'W'Oft'V si,! m; * * v Z ■ v **/ *' H■' | . n xr «»’ i ... *,t» . xnss a I •.- II Jnstau fveivinator electric I refrigerator and you can forget all about ice deSH* I I ery this summer. W ■ mmmrti i wßk \ *‘7 * t r ai l| . yJ ■ ■ -tl UfK rriMim ™, i B . *nti ynat* bnda much luftw ami longer Wh»a YfWt * . || > it win am mU whllo wr, M - R , L . 1 I KeJvinator requires no time or attention aS t C | | \ ij requires ume or aciennon ana m I H OOtthte tree. It usually «»» »” *> y^f 8 f I-i Rwwi, wtMft puji Ice. rhone or call lor detaila. II D ■ I A ff [» having dayfer , ' ‘and.mly^nformed^^tedly. “Do you remember, d«lr," said Mr& Blank, “that before we were married you olweri Offered me your left trmr 1 , slwayd kept it in readiness for defense.” n ’ «L-:\ ; advance. atat-I' don’t wash, nor 2, "-Sirs; “Or wofjt aftet B Veirtek,” went on the woman”steadtiy. “and il want every evening off; and a find reference, and—” : “But, ■ surely* the lyfetenee can wait till you leave us?”,broke in the mistress, nervously. ■ i ‘ .- • “No, I want the letter now,” returned got a good one yet.” Identified. .There is a story going the rounds in London of a party, of American sight seers who were Viewing the outside of minister’s house in Downing Its jilain, unpretentious exterior ob viously did not impress them, and they were at no pains to bide their disap pointment. ' • “What a home for a prime minister!” one of them exclaimed. “Tta” said another, “and look at that car," pointing to an unpretentious two peater standing outside the door.' “Why, jn Hr. ol’ New York a second-hand stork clerk ■'would be ashamed to own a flivver like that”' At this moment a- well-groomed man emerged from No.- lO; entered' fte car and .drove off. • ; ... th rd* A Wb ” ”**{ * n^V <^ * man who u4* Standing by.;, Answered the other, promptly, “The American ambassador.’’ At a btg party in London a woman of the newly rlcii andostentatious type was sitting beside the wife of a -prominent business leader. The former began to talk about her jewels. “I clean my diamonds with ammonia,” she Raid, “my rubies with Bordeaux I wine, my emeralds with Danrig brandy land my sapphires with fresh milk. And (you, Mrs Wank?” she queried of the ■ leader's wife. I- “Oh, I don’t clean mine*" said the J la*t*r airily. “When they jet dirty I lh, fefeS2s£^^w An , angr*..,wamim.l g!U*ed, < ikta o*he Uraos* IbWegugai-rljs htfl^an^, drMi? m l $h m “W4il. g^tg^ojabout *^ k!<l><l, ' r - >’ . . . . . i* .. PuftlMW* «f> »rran(jsment with Flrta National Plcturaa, inm, ! ! ! and attoraon R. Roth.ek.rw ; » .. ..wtaafesaitj/f * -Aad ni -’ii ill hj Gladys of ummea uw | vwiqpL tor n«Ter inall «« I web proud «M? a poor lota whlob couM tfriva a leyor to hU death or the ' danger of K? i not, hi my tra «)fnya dlsmlaned, see put the of tbo tace and. peering Pd the soul, discern the twin ■ * vs# SfaneM « nd 0t fiekleneaa glooming at the bade of R? Did she love the heroic gad the ootraa lt tor the which might. Without effort jog; sacrifice, be re •acted mtim baraglf? Or ars these thoughts tie. *ii»« wisdom whiiflt’ comeß aftfee the event? It was the •heck of my life, for a moment It had tufned me to a eyolc. But «1- fe«f. as I has paas 'Roxton and—well i perhaps things might be worm lit BO tall ‘.R; in a few wonto. £SMaarj*.3w the little villa at Streatham about tw* 01 ‘ n a fav r alarm. Was aha dead or alive? Where were all my, nightly dream* ** the open araa, the smiling face, the wbrde of BtiMfe for ber man who had risked big life to bumor her whim? Already 1 was down from the. high pe, tka and stand ing flat-footed ttphn earth. Yet aome good renaoim given might Btill lift me to 'the clouds once mote. 1 rwahed dynn the garden path, honnnan jfiijjt!the door, heard the voice of Oladlw within, pushed past the atartn* maid and strodo into the altfllig-ifoom stfe was seated In a tad laettee under the graded standard tamp by the piano. In three steps -fc »m across the •ana and had both her bands in ."si.d v|| , ■ Bbe looked, with amazement ta Tar face ’ Bite was altered in gpg|« subtle way.' The expression other eye. tba itard upward stare, •Whot do you'PaprW wMd; jiSSBSL2 erl *- -Wp* ta the ' "BmtkmrxwUNm ace my Gladys, are • - yya nog-ntUa Uladya Huogerton?” abe. jtb dm uiadyd a ' a «*oa. j <i Let ■ aha ’ introduce sou i «0 losi* f hnaband.” * tmadand v M Rom tnteitrd lHe met Irlound my, ifenwcmaiwuiy bowibe wnd dot ' -«» (TohaWiaLJHtth aa iWMIe - gingen PH b drod. vihkßi who was'ioollad up. to t'- ; 11 'lhe dieop.arm-chair which-had; aWee n > •''been, aocred *o<myr,o»a has. Wo A'» bdhbed. <a«d ugrinned- In - teont M other. iV-edlc k% y ■ ' ’Wither, tat*; us ataytihhre. Wta -•fo>«ottmg our brn* rea<hn~.a»l4 l.jdiindyo. ~«tha w . ! S, fOA. ye*." gold l btay 4‘-’ ‘ “ion- didn't iget igny’eutter »t >! -ftoja-thonr .•'“,,11.*-; !eia;« -Ro* 1 got ntf totted,'■!« jir-. 1 .f,- ■ suo id would hove t ’•*•-• «U’ All clear." r-:. ;tc fdJqS.ajg w qidth.mleaaypbaid At el A - s uo' mis WUliamidlh about you,** w: ai Id ghh/We hayefiaovdacretejT K j dt m sorry about 1C But It »>»eX have beeorgO very deop* eodU u. It .you coaid go off to turn edier end es the world and leave me here ateae. * Yodffe not crabby, 1 • . *»o*. *h‘,.Bbt at all |. think, ni comc refmbatenc" matt H 4 I not back to watf fevcoosshl aerroomiy at Uko — fftluntaorf** iHlciwln ■ C'mtoMmt *J-- ■ uiWtij heirs reeeiveli: only izsS* | Mertvale’a, 41 Chancery Lane.” . j I i I toad, like all .fUaconaolate and I; i broken-hearted hbroen, into the | j “i ; icssrxr; f Lord John Roxton’s rooms, and f r sluing together afterwards wo . amoked In good comradeship and j talked oar adventure, over. It was £ strange undey these altered iut ’ roundings to see the old well-known \ , and flgurea There was Chat ; t tenkec. with bis smite of conde-t , hcenslon. his drooping eyelids. hU ' t lololerent area, his aggressive . beard, his huge chest, swelling and pulling as be laid down the law to . Summerlee. And Summarise, too, , there he was with hts short briar , between his thin moustache and hts gray goat’s-beard. his worn face protruded in eager debate, as he I duelled all Challenger's proposl- j tlons. Finally, there' was our host, | with his rugged, eagle face, and his ; cold, blue, glacier eyes with always ; a shimmer of devilment and of hu ; mor down In the depths of them. Such la the last picture of them ' that 1 have carried away. | It was after supper,' la his swn sanctum—the room of the pink ra | d lance and the Innumerable tro phiee—that Lord John Roxton had something to say to us. From a ’ cupboard be had brought out ah old cigar-box, and this he laid be* i | fore him on the table. "There's one thing.” said ha, ••that maybe I should have spoken about before this, but I wanted to know a little more clearly where 1 1 was. No use to raise hopes and ' let them down again. But ifi - facts, not hopes, with us now. Ton 1 may remember that day we found , the pterodactyl rookery in' the swamp—what? Well, somethin' in * ; the lie of the land took my notion, ti Perhaps it has escaped you. so win tell you. it was a volcanic , vent full of blue clay.” The Professors nodded. H ; -Wen. now. )n tkfe whole wor* I've only hgd thdb with one place ( that was ts volcanic vent of bine >■ *‘*»y That was the great De Been > Diamond Mine Os Kimberley— i what? So you see 4 got diamonds t 1“to Iny bead. Trigged up a con traptlon to hold Off those stinking i beasts, and ,1 spent 4 happy day i ’ll***®! with 1 a'spud.', 1 This Is what I ?■' K gOt.” j _ t i ,.' ( " ; •", ( b d He- opened his cigar-box. and ■ tilting it over he poured out about , | wendy or thirty uydugb stonea, varying from the size of beans to that of cheatnuta, on the tablet r “Petrhaps you think I should . .gave told you then. Well, so I i should, only I know there ere a lot of tor the unwary, and that ; stonea may be of any size and yet-" - Os little value where color us con* ■. j slstence are clean off. Tb^wffH^l’-''J brought them back, and on -44. Atm/' -t day at borne 1 took * Spink's, and asked have tt roughly cut and .Sataadtr, He took a piH-box-from Ida polk* et. and spUled a beautiful glittering diamond# ona ,if the • i finest stones thaTt&Ttfiftva* seefc. ; “There's the'" trawit,* said he. ri, "He prices the lot at a minimum of two hundred, HMtoeattfi pouads. Os ; . course tt is »iy Shares between, us. > I won’t hear of anythin' else. Well, Challenger, what win pop do with your fifty thousand t* V “If you realty persist in your generous view,” Said the Professor, "I should found ft feHfate museum, which has kmg hetth one of my dreams." “And yon. Bumawirie«r "I would retire' from teaching, nnd so find time foray final class!- flcatton of the chalk-toaaUa." said Lwd ‘ expedition and having another look at the dew oM plateau. As to you, young fellah, you, of course, wUI spend youra in gettin' married." - ‘ "Not Juet yet," said I. with a me* ful smile, iff think, if you wfU have 1 would rather ge wltk 0 rM aktim said nothing, hut a [ brown haM waa ftttetohad out -«§* a FrpSW'^ 'being* erected, r-ost, SIBO. Mr. Herbert died' on May 20, 1924 Hie Trill filed a lew dly* later indicated that ke had left a substantial estate. The appraisal htnftys that bis Widow re ceived $55,031.14; bis daughter Kite, $1,307.30; and his son, Clifford,Jsl,ls7.- Ahother reason for the shrinkage of the estate was? the payment of back federal MS*L«fe;6SSsffi ■"''T ***** f .y. „ 8 |o * Jltef fllff njaur VlptflF KMWm pM 9 Number glse.' '* ; SEAL t RECORDS ... xlffijßg 1090 10—Ranchito Viejo (Otrt on My Little OM Ranch (A Man-, S rttge) In Spanish—Antfsnd Osbbe. O La Cancion del Olvido—Junto al pjnente d« la Pena (The S i So“K of Forgetfulness—At the Bridge Crossing) (Ser- 8 ' ' Iftoo „ rao °) Id Spanish—Armaud Crabbe, g 1082 10—Nocturne (Boulanger) (Piano accompaniment) Violin ■ Solo—Jascha Heiftt. 8 i The Gentle Maiden (Stott) 2. Cortege (Boulanger) (Pi- Iv „ •««> accompaniment) Violin Solo—Jascha Ueifeta. 8•; 3035 10—Miniature Viennese March (Marche Miniature Viennoise) • (F. Kreisler) (with piano) Violin and ’Cello—Frits 8' fi Kreisler-Hugo Kreisler. A X Syncopation (F. Kreisler) (with piano) Violin and ’Cello 9 V . , —Frtta,Kreisler-Hugo Kreisler. - l X X • 1080 10—La Golondriba (The Swallow) (Mexican Folk Song) In O - *> Spanish—Margarette Matzenauer. 11 8 ( k Pregnntales a lasi Estrellas (Go Ask the High Sttrs A Gleaming) (Mexacan Folk Song) la-JSpanish—Margarets S Matzenauer. * 1092 10—Moonlight and Roses (Black-Moret) —John McCormack 8 1 The Sweetest Call (Troon-iiorrow) —Jobn McCormack. 9 ' 1 6504 12 —Polonaise in E Major, Part 1 (Liszt) Piano Solo—Sergei 8 Rachmaninoff. X i , Polonaise in E Major, Part 2 Piano Solo—Sergei Rack- 8 maninoff. X 6490 12— Part 1 (Wagner)—Stokpwski and 8 If Philadelphia Orchestra. ,1 • l ■> Lohengrin—Prelude, Part 2 (Wagner)—Stokowski and 8 Philadelphia Orchestra. X f' ■ 6505 12—Danse Macabre, Part 1 (Danee of Death) (Saint-Saens) X —Stokowski and Philadelphia Orchestra. 8 Danse Macahre, Part 2 (Dance of Death) (Saint-Saens) X r .1 ■ 11.1 ■ and Philadelphia Orchestra. X CONCERT SONGS AND INSTRUMENTAL RECORDS O 40493 10—Dreams (La Mont-Van Alstyne>—Lambert Murphy One Little Dream of Love • bert Mnrf iiy. j 19657 10—Over the Hills (Logan)—Victor Salon Orchestra 'Th« My«ftwy of Night (Nenni-G, Dentei)—Victor Salon Or 19670 10—Polonaise (Polonaise-Eleglaque) (Nonkowski)—Polish t National Orchestna. ,'• The Postilion—Mazurka (S. Nawyslowskj)—Poirsh Nat • kmal Orchestra. 19669 10—The Emblem of Freedom—March (OoWmaan)Goldmau Band. # l:. , ‘'"“'l.tS-vSi. , ksS» , - <! ” u “" B ” a ' ; ; 35757 12—Gwtmfrom “The Student Prince in Heidelberg’’—Victor 9 Light Opera Company. - 1 “Student’a Marching Soag". 2 .“Gohfeß Days’! 3 “Ser- 8 enadet. 4 “Deep fu My Heart". 5' “Drinking Song”. 9 l Gems from “The Love Song"—Victor Lijftft Opera Co.— 8 1 ' iaS* ” W 2 “Only a Dream”. 3 “He Writes a 9- in-r. _ “’“fi V 4 'Love Song (Remember Me.V’ 8 ! ! 19604 10—Swanee Butterfly— Qeorgie Price. 8 ' ' > sow" 1 tb - e Sweetst Thing?—Georgie Price. ! i 10-Everythmg le Hotsy Totsy Now, Ukulele and Jazz effects 8 i v by a r 1 r£i_ ) r i>enter--Gene Austin. Q , ®«by, Ukulele and Jazz effects by Bil- 9 i icutftr i/k ke ”) Carpenter—Gene Austin, | | 19667 10-He Sure Can Play the Harmonica, with Violin Guitar and 9 i i Ukulele—Vernon Halhart. * O ! ! 1M! L TA_w in ’n Coming Out Tonight?—Vernon Dalhart. 8 J ; 19668 Baby (from “The Music Box Revue”)-Grae« fi ' i iobtt ? Love Were All-r-Lewis James. j ! 19677 10 —it Raiin, with Ukulele and Piano—Gene Austin 9 'r- 19560 a wi \ b OkWele.-Gene A08 “ n - 8 ! a« K rdertn TrOUble IVe *- spir.tuM)- 8 Uy Wh,t * >rn ' n ’ (“ffro. spiritual—Marteh An- 8 1 BELL-HARRiS FURNITURE CO. j Personal Touch Every detail of the funeral ar i * ranghtnents Is given oitr personal i 9 attention. We endeavor to impress X upon onr patrons our desire to jft them in (be capacity of 8 .In doing this, we hope to miti- 8 O gate to some small degree th«tir 9 X burden of sorrow. X I Wilkinson’s t ftonu PAGE SEVEN We have the follow ing used cars for sale nr exchange: 1 B U, ck ourin^ 1 Liberty Six Tour ing Y : 1 flord Sedan. , l Hupp Touring 1 Roadster."-«* , standard JOWICKCO. ; li't* , f .. / , Opposite City Fire Dept ~—t — NATIVE h SPRING g:. 'A ' - ’ ■' ('lo'ftP I .*! 1. h , |f (S B i P * f A I *n

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