Thureday July,16,1925 11 4 f V'-Kf 3 "Sjsri ft ** jhn■■>ii| ■■ it v, - ; .sj , M ll We are especiaHy «qtripped for doing this class of work, and con give sou OlfeE-DAY II II SERVICE oa'all cleaning at no extra cost. ' jl 4j Ip. fact, i “MASTER” must , be so equipped for real * SERVICE? before he etfci be- 11 '|| come,j£ , ‘Master Cleaner.” BOB'S next tiine. Jl J| .. ' "‘ V?{? a • it the -.t ■ *••- -•■- * .*boßt for fe' f ht2B and Wm j»hjfort 'add the **S a „ being tumod upon :$| vttlfiMfetifcr in the iriiion. s/• '• .:.* . *?s¥. w - :,-j**olW*i'-'itts' been well kntf#» W thousands ‘of North'Carolinians for mßny yeay. Not onto is he an able *■ rouapMtroiw citiasp.; in every sense HI !!* e -wlll-iptib* »'a born leader, a ImeincsK of the first water and cap *™£ ° ( /- a . ter *<*Msments than those tb e leaders of ttie pemo wtfie'flttJ see fit td select Governor 'SB®lSi?3S3£ SW& •’ -f,•-■■ , ~.,0.;, ,>* Vl^L ~ ■ TbYWILI^AMS '" *-7 VI W 7 ** OKN * r 1 • V If HOU KIM HEAfc **W iV I DONTiHiKiKY SOWE fJtfVEW ■9l -PBRK «t»Ab«>?VNRU.» RVGWT MOVM T&U MB T* * * PPhTT B?iTt«A.aMw>.(M«r «*2*£ sSf§ W/\Rt ' “* * ot. nQMc HTV ffc: a h-6 i l a., i mK i\v I KSKotK s BB 1 - pm flir fy 1 ■ktov; 1 £££> Ift’ HEmH|mHPMBh\ I I. ~JN(WZ* aosatr V/ ®jg* -V |R S no r r WX sk •VrXuX lfhvui*;4a A-Yjfft^lufe-1 t k 7 l R MOMEWTS Wfi^O l lJtwnE. T R> LIVE ©\/£R. j o \\ ‘ Gimme a jaft. * ■■ M \V j==4 °p Tenor moo « | rc _ ffii mi A y vKi Yx, jHS y| ' ' ••- ■•■ ’ «»—-■■^■^^^PwNsat-ses'■ ■ Ji 1 f" ,r‘ l, r -■*—■ i J i'! "' " I • "'*■ • •••'.'••: • ill ’ ? •', 1 Hill 1 &A 1 Zr ! V ijfc, I i *"^m^H^9EotJ^ h ‘^lb«k!*/ 1 - , . i «W'Hyy» 11/iir * J ’ r . s > oelected weft and wisely and that he can party out of the eßaos of the , . 'W? d«wn * the state capital • since takiflf over the iWh# Os state gor -1 ernment. He told the people of this j state during his pre-election Campaign ■: that, if elected, he wnnld install' ’ ness regime at the state capita and he 1 has done this. He is follow!)ig along j ‘ ‘an economic line apd has already saved the state thousands of | What McLean .haa- doqp, already In . North Carolina ha cwth} dupitr-ate on a 4 greater scale, jas president of {{the United \ • iHptps sjtld that is what, thi ! s : government ; needs—*a business adnjinistVation. i, 4 Attrth ('aroUiiisiis would. be pleased, j to-give:Governor McLean their support for the presidency. The Deanoerate can ] iy:«%,'.f...'V1.;. : ~ , ;i:lx,„lwt--4-'.'.'. l -4 rted nq more stable or anitable man for ,their standard bearers. ’ Associate Jusice Qeorge Whitefield Connor of the North Carolina Supreme ■Couht was born in Wilson, October 34j ■1872. He was a son of the late Judjge Henry Groves Connor, who was a wer of the Supreme Chart of North Cato' nna and was appointed Federal Oburt of North Carolina and was prepared for College by the Ret. B. Branson'.and graduated from the University of North Carolina in 1892, He waß a member at the house of representatives in S9Q2, "912 and 1913 and was speaker in 4913, He served oh the eoperior bench fatah. 1913 to when he was nppointd On the Supreme bench by forme* Governor Morrison. ;,; -y REMEMBER PENNY.ADB ARE Css| nn pxii t' triruvh Ij |l| ILr 11// fl I' |j ;l#spv yfvll LXfiH^oLjcC LQV* ll S«viM* Watte I - - - . 1] » Ll niw -jjmtrWgtn be foMte of - cimHifr Rfo body of Senator George I ta»T df tt» Treasury” Andrew' Mel- I 4oa.'ih4«Aicular. I♦. • % I \¥/ **“ N one considera how tre- I W ' W"^ big a man Secre | . 1 iVyjfe' 10 " 18 ln the Present | Plncftot has said him I InHttaWffHy landing some ringing • eve r his head, upon Ithe * pr ***i! Ual dome 'tnelf ... and ' **&*? consl ders that Piadfot 7 *° get ,nto * he waate ! from Mellons own state . 1 . , 80(5 »t the expense 6t Senator [ "■ Whom the adinlalstraikm H _ tikes pretty well. ... L l ykbn one considers all this, one, *? nds wl >y the idea of t ""Shot’s ) senatorial aspirations r »»aW» the administration froth: so. ! -nar-c- -—r ir" : I™. L The advertising- which 1 are giving t° the , Bmrth. and to tlfeir own States ia Mtrart mg a good deal of favorable .comment from Variotls wmw. The . gaufliern Netwpapeif PdWbhei-s Association isinow engage*! liaVh'ienmpaign costing them ■ around $2050«H in which they foe telling the North and the Middle West , ajbont the great.advantages and wonderful op portunities to tie had in this w*Bo» of nle Cirimtry. 1 Tiipy are hartl 'earned cash for din benefit of !tM (Coun try 'ftiey■#«s,* and in additio!t"fo this, fflSWto* P*B&3tJP rsch state aije j§mWng large page advert isemen t s of other states. By Ahis means it is hoped to ..acquaint Southern people themselves with .the as sets .and resource- of their sefctfon. ThfS{ North, Carolina page iS{ headed. “North Carolina a Dream Coins iTrue.” It hat already run in a number .of,'states., aud the advertisements of seveisß- of the other states h*ve been used in: North Carolina. Knther along in tins sched «lft, the North Carolina advOetJsement will be used fathe papers of thiK'state. The . Daily ' D jspatch,' -.which K . co-op erating ;tn the campaign in way, has veegtyed r.iis very rauab appre cis ted letter fjymi the Charlottic'Cham ber of Connperce. which has seml'similar lettens-to the other papers of the-state: “We have JW». ead the co-operative ad of .a number of North Carolina, papers in the Montgo'mery, Ala., Advertiser. Dream Come True’.” Joiff^T?fAltet' SSthPid papers’ -of our jtati 44ifoiIyApi.Hrtittcd by the Char lottl 4h4tober’bfj|cS>ar < nerce, and any time we can sefTO you Will be happy to do so.’ l - 1: ' • The .letter, is signed by C. O, 'Keuster, rice president aqd bufoness, manager. i ■ ; Things Down About Durham Way. -Durhrai County Progress. I •> >,' For the past several treexs dark ra-' jpors'have been going the rdunds in Dur ham. It ’is said that somebody said, that soaiebody else said/that cjne of the city officials got gloriously drunk one af ternoon and evening, up in front of his home, eat ‘ mttherous capers with' bis car', finally dismounted and interned on his frhfit phreb for quite several min utes Where he alarmed the, neighbor hood with his groans and moans and al- TEPE j - —-// Secretary " mellon mi t • O want Ptochot far governor H The RepoMtean JtLe okgtatenUon out ' Bosh"—* way no president likes to be talked to. • , ■*. • • pIIiCHOT ev*n concede well." £fe. MJdKSrcretary 1 Mel lon didn’t want to enforce the law. Why not?—lnquired some. Whereupon Knohot pointed to the , secretary's distillery Interests. ; Analyze the inuendo in this ex- ; planation and It becomes evident it’s the kind of thing a public man -nterticuwrly o very fogSTand mighty one, like MeUon—ie apt to :j put in'the absolutely unforgivable ; class. ' ■ ■ • U legely drunken antics. The city manager wrote a letter to It each member*of the City'council request - e Ing that if any member of the council > sbody had heard of the rumor or knew t of any facts relative to this case, that n they be placed before him ahd action v would be taken. So far as is known, ft nothing was forthcoming as a result of % this letter and the public was 69ft as t much in thefdark as befope. *■ But in the meantime the rum Ors con s tinued hnd are still going the rounds; - mudi to the detriment of eaeh and every - one of the;city officials and ea6h and i. every one of these officials is anxious to ( have the matter cleared- up and the facts i. given to public so that they,may be tj cleared of- all complicity in the alleged r - affair.., r - . And it is. due those city officials who, . have not been charged with having acted ’ improperly to let the public know all \ about this alleged incident. If there e was up foundation for the rumor, this i fact should be proven, -if ibis a truth - and the city official referred to was as t drunk as' he ds’ siid 1 6 have been, it is up to the city manager or the board -of council' to» thke'isositt relative 9 to the same. But regardless of everything else, the - matter should be sifted down and the r rumor., proven to be a lie or the truth and suspicion removed from all city 'of e finals who nre not guilty, s' < Russia Buy* More Murders. Dearborn Independent. I Subscribers to relief funds for Russia ’ will he interested to know that *lO,- 000,000 -in Russian gold has been sent* to foment revolution in China and the murder of American and British citi ' -sens. , . ’’ Ameripan subscribers to famine funds for the “Starving Russians” will be equally interested to know that • sian money is going by Jhe millions to. buy wheat flour from Canadian mills, ' Wt are an easy-going people, and we Quite naturally fo.low our instincts as) ‘ & the,right. thing to we> . sire nbt entirely dumb. Everitndtiy the! . fsoteget .through to our consciousness— 1, why riot now? "f . . Because ■‘the 'natives of Abyssinia witfi t not accept the Austrian Maria Theresa* i" thaler unless it bears the date 1780, all* | new corns bear this da(e. ■ Calcutta has only 470 women to each - 1,000 men. MWBM Bays He Hasn’t In fflilainwa fm t Years; But Wil Go Hone aad Veto . Bartlesville, Okla.. July 14.—Will Rogers, Brodway cowboriactor, says he hfs not voted in OkS&Oma f* years, but that he will be glad to come back and vote dor himself if he is entered nqxt year in the race for governor. In a telegram’ today to J. 8. Leach, editor of The Bartlesville Enterprise, 51 ferr ing to a report that he was “boomed” for governor, Rogers said: 1 “I haven't voted in Oklahoma for ■years because you never had the rijht man up for me to vote for. Put me! up OIL GAS i $ •' l ’ " ji - ; * GAS AND OIL in Twn’tt Yorke & Wadsworth Co. Church Street Store ’ s - rr...,..,, .«v i£ 4 JFwm.Air j Phone 30 , Phone3B '""""New A^^^a J ~"'' , "'*' T^ MJNN~ANDBUSH , \ - ! Mpn of T aste Appreciate These Perfect Fitting Shoes ICICHBMP - FLO WE CO. aujinms i u m-n ' - . jj A j 8 For a few days only we are offering for cash our, entire I stock of OLD HIKORY PORCH FURNITURE, at a2O j 9 per cent, discount. i 1 I 1 You will surely find just the Rocker, Chair, Table, or U J K, ; V I- ■■ ufr A B .Settee for that vacant place on your porch and at this | 8 slashed price you can well afford any piece you desire. j fi. B. Wilkinson 8 OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT I Concord, KannapoU* Mooresville, China,:Grove 1 Texaco Gasoliae and 011$, Atemite I Greasing, Crank Gase Service, Gar' I I Washing and Polishing Tires, Tubes, I I Accessories. %iick ifire Changing § I Free Air and Water-Water For Ydur m 1 Battery I J CENTRAL FILLING STATION * M I ■ -v . Ffedfic; 700 ft ‘. 1 PAGE NINE t».*Wwr «afo m« fonrr«Uiek. 11l be is today. if *any campaign funds have been raised, kindly send book on* now. , I. have two Democrats hpe Ju. Kew York I can bring out with me. Ybhra for a better governor’s madMfon.” Hobson’s choice ie so called to aStHiou to the of Tbomas Hobson (H3II, of Cambridge, England, who let wjwm, and reqbired evtry customer to talk tbo lferse wfoch stood nearest the door, Swain’s Island, some 2QO miles off the : coast of Samoa and owned for three gen<