PAGE FOUR ilSlj|pl P^,^ t S^»n N *r r cKo I Ttifftl Torec Xratlwi 50 own « ah *** « No. 40 To New. Ttfft ?• M No. 138 to Washington B.WF A. » No. 36 To New York 10.25 A. M. No. 34 To New Wk i « £ “ f:io I: m: No. 32 fo.W™nd beyond O :03 P.M, No. 30 To N<y YM 1:55 A. M. No. 45 To ChartS*#"™ 3:®-P.-M. No. 35 To New Oflcin* 9 :56 P. M. No. 29 To Birmiflfiaffi &35 A. M. No. 31 To August* 9:ol A. M. No. 33 To New Orleans 8:25 A. M. No. 11 To Charlotte 8:05 A. M. No, 135 To Atlanta 8:35 P. M. No. ,37 To New Orleans 10 :45 A. M. No. 39 To New Orleans 9:55 A. M. Train Np v 34 will stop in Concord to take on passengers going to Washington and Beyend. ']} 1 * Train No. 37 will stop here to discharge passengers coming front beyond Wash ington. All of other trains except No; 39 -make regular stops in Concord. f laJbim?thought| TODAY—I ‘j; ! THE CHRISTIAN’S MISSION Preach, saying. The kingdom of heaven is St hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils; freelv ve have received, freely give.— Matthew 10:7, 8. MORRISON SPEAKS AGAIN. Former Governor Morrison has apoken axil in rotative to the “deficif’ jof the State. In a preiaretl statement tnade public Sunday tile -former chief executive of the State again comes forth with de nial of charges that his administration was responsible for any deficit of $9,000.- 000 or $10,000,000. Briefly the contention of Mr. Morrison is that he is being charged by those who have declared the deficit to be greater than $9,000,000 with operating expenses for a longer period than he is credited with having income to cover. In other words, says Mr. Morrison, to aecept the deficit as a fact he must be charged with administration of the State for 54 months, whereas he was Governor for 48 months, and therefore the McLean ad ministration assumed credit for six months of the State's income which properly belongs to its predecessor. This condition is brought about by the habit of the Legislature which appropriates in advance of receipts and expects the money to be client before it is collated. If, contends the former Governor, this plan is not to be Changed now. the ex penses of his administration for the last six months would be covered by the in come of the McLean administration for its first six months. We are unable to see where the deficit argument is doing any good. Governor Morrison is not changed with wasting money. Bather the plan By which the State wac financed dirrliig his adminis tiation. and admifliatratinus before his. is being criticise#. The Legislatures decided what funds were to be expended, and they are respomdMe for any deficit. The gist of the whole controversy can be summed up in one word—debt. The State owes more than $9,000,000 and the task now is to get it paid. Some of the deficit was created before Governor Mor rison took charge of his office; undoubt edly some of it has been created since Mr. Morrison left office. That doesn’t change the fact that the State owes the money and that it must be paid. Governor McLean and other state of ficials are trying to get a new system so conditions will not rise again as they have in Hie past. Certainly they are to be commended for this undertaking, re gardless of any errors made in past years. The problem of the State is not so mneb to fix responsibility for 'past errors as to avoid the same errors In the future. rXiYlPft* BECOMING oAFER. There seems to be no grounds now for the idea that tying is the most dangerous mn J f f ramUn/Ll ItallAn Ifunbl■ /#■ ita II asr uHKjr w trmnpuriviUMi, r pfr* vjvDli Or* v liß*)r Ot tD* UiJODu'ni that the airplane is as safe as anything gg^saritg tfilfjCbfelSte Si*r».?pointa out that ».*!£!** *° ,md ’ a * * m,tter ' The viewpoint of the investigators is strengthened by figures which have been recently prepared showing the result of the flying done during the past two years by aviators having headquarters at Mitch ell Field Near New York. A total of 31,- flights were made and the machines Kivered 1,827.700 miles. There were two fatalities, a reserve officer passenger ■and a sergeant being killed in bad land ings. One aviator. Ms been in the air 1,- 078 hours and has traveled a distance that would have taken him four times around the earth at the equator. • * Tflfe Aflftoautical Chflaffier of Com tawce. The News finds, Mm compiled fig ures for 1954 showing ihat ifliere was one totality to each lafefi Rights in which i li,f4(? passengers werF carried. POTEAT SAfIS EVOLUTION IS SOUNDLY ESTABLISHED Wake Fhffst President Lectures Before .SatM# Srftool.—-Question Loqg Set- Judy 17.—That Dayton. Tennessee,- dohah’t have a monoply on evolution oratory was ascertained here today *len Hi. W. L. Poteat. president of Wake' TbrCst College, speaking before the summer school now in session, on science and feliyijoh. hit the high places in * 38-mitiut* lecture (TetrHng with the meaniiß of setenceiand the plSce it holds in th* world today. It did nht take the college president loUg to make himself clear agio 'if# views on tie subject. He sfdthdl ifi beginning that science does not deal k-fth tSe origin Os life, but the history Os it. The ScOpes trial now h» progress came in, for its share of comment from Dr. Us Be stated that a half doxen mfu were responsible for stirring up a commotion throughout the entire country / arguing a question that had been set tled fifty years ago. He didn’t think that any scientist would undertake to say how anything came into existence, and '4e was sure that such subjects were food 'for thoughts of philosophers and not to be dealt.-.with in any manner by scientists. From the fact that the Gen esis creation did not defil in dates he flaw no reason why any one fihdnid thiifit that creation was instantaneous. * He also brought out the fact that only the fin ■ i*!ied product was mentioned, and that (here was no method recorded for the cre ation. ’ * “The evolution of higher and lower forms of life is as well and as soundly established ns the eternal hills. It has long since ceased to be theory. It is a law of nature as universal in 'living tilings as the law of gravitation of ma terial things, and in the motion of heaveqly bodies:" designed Dr. Poteat. , The lecture was the second of'a series of four to be delivered here by t)r. Po teat before the Wake Forest summer idchocl. The series will end next week after two lectures cn science and tiered ity. Only Women Members cf Church at Spencer. Silencer. July 17.—St. Joseph’s Epis copal church in Spencer is believed to be the only regularly organized congrega tion of any denomination jp the State and perhaps in the f'nited States com posed entirely of women. According to some of the leading women in the church there is not a single male member and the women have things their own way. It may be stated too that they are getting along fine considering their numerical strength, of something like two score members. Almost all the members are married ladies and in every instance their husbands, mostly railroad engineers, con ductors and shopmen, are members of other denominations. The Piedmont league closed the first half of its season with the Durham Bulls the winner by a good margin. Make Your Summer Free From Ice Worry, Install Kelvinator electric refrigeration in your refrigerator and you can forget all about ice deliv- Kelvinator will keep your refrigerator much adder and your foods much better and longer. When you go vinting it wSL stay cold while yon are gene. Kefvhntfor riJriulres m time m and * —§ —i^ —. — .— , mi,.-, i ~ , DINNER STORIES .1 ? - - Otoe War to Lead Then. * Together they had broken the wish bone. and she held the longer piece. | “Now, what shall I-wish for?” she mused. Really I can’t think” “Oh, wirffi for anything,” he suggested brilliantly. But still her brow wore a puckered frown. “Oh. well, if it’s as hard as ail that, I’ll wish for you.” he said obligingly. “Oh. John,” she cried happily, “you really wish for me, dear? ■ Then you can have me; this is so sudden!” Youngster—Five cents worth of cas tor oil, please. Druggist—The tasteless kind. I pre sume. Youngster—No, sir, it’s for father. "So Prnddler has given up smoking?” “Yes. On the advice of his doctor, at the request of his wife, and by command of his mother-in-law!” Dad—Why are you in such a bad humor, son? Son—l have just had trouble with your wife. Henry—Does your wife pick all your suits for you? John —Just the pockets. "Sir. when you cat here you do not need to dust off the plate.” "Beg pardon. Force of habit merely. I’m a n umpire.” Phyllida—Sometimes you appear real ly manly, and sometimes yon are ef feminate. How do you account for it?” Phillip—l suppose it’s hereditary. Half my ancestors were men and the other half women! SMOKING ON STREET CARS TO BE ALLOWED IN DETROIT Wtoraen and Mm Granted Right By Manager Despite Ban Voted By City Council. Detroit, July 18.—Men and women may smoke while riding on the Detroit street railway lines after midnight to morrow, an ordinance of the city of Detroit and the united opposition of members of the Council notwithstanding. Hugh IVallace' general manager of the iqufiiqipally owned system, ruled in favor of smoking today after receiving an opinion from the corporation counsel that it would not be In violation of a city ordinance. Mr. Wallace order said that smoking will be allowed on rear sections of trail er cars. Permission for women to smoke in cars was explained by Frank J. Den ny. Mr. Wallace’s assistant, this way: “There is no law in the State of Mich igan that prevents women from smoking. If they wanted to smoke and the privi lege Is extended to men there is no rea fson wffy thy should not be prmitted to do so.” The first holq of the championship links at Prestwick, where Jim Barnes recently won the British golf title, has accumulated a good deal of legend. The i line from tee to green, anil the railway line, form a narrow V with the groan as the angle. One golfer alleged that he "had been twice on the railway and got a 3." He had been clever enough to hit the side of a rail with his drive and second shots. Each time the ball came back on to- the course —the second time, stone dead. Another player sliced his tee shot on to the tender of a slow train to Glasgow, and the stoker threw the ball ou to the putting green, where the play er gratefully holed out in a 2. Quarantine was first established against Infectious diseases in the 10th century. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE Water Nymphs Flash Bare Limbs j*k ip% ' I my l ■Sb JM&: e\, y . '• : ' .A. ~-'dioo * ' v ' '** _/ , %-• NBW YORK—From tnowy limb to limb# has been the fate of the bathing stocking, according to Mme. Berthe, superfluous hair specialist. Id » talk befe on the jaeason’if Much stylaa. “Stockings will net be worn 1 ; foshlohsble misses who parade their holiness on the sunlit sand* this summer,” said Mme Berthe. To be in the swim when in swimming, hare legs ;»re the thing. “Bttt bright sunlight Is trying ob bare limbs. The least flaw ip the skin becomes n scar. A light cov ering of down is grotesque. Sir snteneai seems a mark ot the beast The maid afflicted with hlr- State underpinning must he ehaty how she unmasks her coetoar. to FARM WOMEN’S CONVENTION To Be Held at tl7c State College b» Ral eigh July 2830. Raleigh, July IS.—Farm women of North Carolina will be well represented at t'.ie annual Farmers’ Convention which meets at the North Carolina State Col lege of agriculture and engineering July 28-30. This is the one gathering tto which the State Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs sends its delegates from all organised counties in the state to tell what their clubs arc doing in mak ing North Carolina homes to be places of comfort and heuuty, "lVe are expecting and preparing for the largest gathering of farm women ever assembled In the state.” said Mrs. Jane S. MeKflpnion. in charge of the program for the--women during tlieir stay at the college. “Not only are the home demonstration club women expected, but also every farm woman who would like to get away frdm a three-day vacation and to meet her friends from all over the state. ‘“The farm women will do their own talking at this convention. -Those who have worked wonders in kitchen improve ment will tell how they moved t'ac pump from the porch ro a convenient place over the kitchen sink, just how they got flieiv cupboards, and what they think of the light walls and extra windows they in duced their men folks to provide for them. The story of living rooms made beautiful by good taste and hard work applied to old furniture and older floors and' walls vie with ‘How I Planted My Yard to -Make My House Nestle in tke Green Shrubbery* and ‘TVhat I Ain Ex pecting to Add in the Way of Trees and a Lawn - ." Mrs. McKiminOii stated that many —Sh£f “Standing Fawn”, Now ’ .. fti i,. m i 1 r»r >ll, • >;v mm iMfei ;I|: # ' y4l vm v i r .3 'W : jj. ,1 iff If .fr pMB iy&fey, M jfe I Miss America" ts called Ci-Ca-Ke-Ra-Po-Nee now. Mias Ruth Ma1001m .......... ........ • the sun. Zipping removes the tm* sightly growth. Zipped for bet dip, milady is ss clean-limbed as nereid ana need fear neither son, wave nor masculine scrutiny. “But bar feet are still s prob lem. The most beautiful women have agly feet Feet that look so dainty and aristocratic In high heeled Shoes of polished leather usually are deformed with corns and twisted toes. The bathing nymph must hide her feet and 10 hide them fashionably, she most da N in rubber sandals, easy to went and look at and as imponderabts »s thistle-down. "So to be correct on the beach ’ this'summer, a girl must be stock* ingles*,'ripped and rubber-sand aled.” women who eainc to State College last year would remember stories told by Mrs. “,T. R. Dixcn and Mrs. Bullock of their cake making and of what the sale of these delicacies did in adding to the fam ily income and the family comfort. "These women." said Mrs. McKimmon, "will be willing to give their own experiences in taring skill in (-poking into a school fund for the riiildren or comforts and con veniences for the home. . \ - "There will be outside speakers also, and times for getting together and for recreation will be planned. We should dike to see 500 women at this convention, and the college and the division of home demonstration work will assure you that you will receive a hearty welcome. South dormitory will be turned over to the women, the . old part accommodating the married couplfß and the new wing those' present without relatives. “Don't forget," concluded Mrs. Mc- Kimmon, "to bring along a pillow, bed linen, towels and a light blanket, and please remember that small mirror as you will not find'one at this man’s institu tion. Meals vvill be served in the col lege mess hall at 25 cents eaeh and no woman will have to think of selecting food or preparing meals for at. least three days.” Smoking Teactitr I'pheid ■ Stories of Miss Helen C'.rirk. 22. smok ing cigarettes in autos, at card parties and in bed did not keep the board of edu cation of the,little New Jersey town of Secaucus from voting to retain her serv ices. They held that smoking does not impair schoolroom efficiency. The Pittsburgh Pirates have had no fewer than si: managers in less than ten years. ■ , A.Go6d Refrigerator in Itself Means a Big Saving in Ice— ,. 4 * A Saving in Food, a Saving in Health Leonard Refrigerators are especially well known be cause they are. so Sturdily built and no outside air can pos sibly enter except when the doors are opened, a patented idea on the draining pipe allows no air to enter, thfi ice chamber. It cuts ice bills. • - *^s- Prices range from $25.00 and up. See us before you buy anything in the furniture line, our buying power is un limited. We practically pay cash and buy in car loads. V\ e can sell cheaper. We own our own building, no rents to pay, BELL-HARRIS FURNITURE CO. ' * , i'T7 > ■' -E ' A, *■ I J' Jdr In the bathroom there is demand for plenty of l| Want light ami your fis-fl turcs must be especially ■■■ 13 designed to provide this | T 1 L 3 necessary light, while at Kfk| P 9 tbe same time securing an effect. Asktoffi us how. "Fixtures ol Character*’ fttj MM W. J. HETUCOX L3[ L!3 W. Depot St. Phone 669 gj The rertonal Touch Every detail of the funeral ar rangements is given our personal attention. We endeavor to impress upon our patrons onr desire to them in the capacity of In doing this, we hope to gato to some Small degree their Burden of aortow. PHONE DAY OR NimV NO —,s.c* Monday, July 20,1625 We have the follow ing used ears for sale or exchange: ; :v i" ' | 1 Buick Six Touring 1 Buick Six Roadster 1 Liberty Six Tour ing 1 FoJrd Sedan. 1 Hupp Touring 1 I Anderson Sport Roadster. STANDARD KICK CO. Opposite City Ha Mpb NATIVE ' BROTHER ’ \ lia ■'i ,

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