PAGE EIGHT The New Columbia *iP* want you to hear the New Columbia. ' Its amazing purity of tpne will delight you. Regard less of the class music that .is played the fidelity of reproduction will cause you to marvel. As you investigate the New Columbia you will learn, of its wonderful new reproducer, its sturdy taotor which is an achievement in itself, its automatic start and stop device, its tone control leaves and many other important features. You will also be delighted with the appearance of the New Columbia. Every model is a fine example of the cabinet maker’s art. You will want one for your home. Why not come in today and hear the New Columbia? Let us prove every clsum we have made for it. We will gladly arrange easy terms for buying one. Concord Furniture Co. THE RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE The NEW Columbia aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooopobooooooooooooooooooc IHAVOUNE OIL Is More Than Oil. It is POWER We Are Now Ready to Supply You WithHAVOUNE Mutual Oil Company PHONE 476 R. cnOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOntMWWVvwvM^Kraooooo INSURE ■ When You Start To Build The right time to take out insurance is when you start building. Then if through any cause your building should bum,-even before completed, the Insurance will cover your loss. ts etzer & Yorke Insurance Agency „ Successors to Southern Loan and Trust Co. P. B. FETZER A. JONES YORKE BEST CEMENT PLASTER LIME Mortar Color, Plaster Paris CRAVEN’S KKR ™ ■CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Concord, N. C The Home of Good Banking Resources Over One Mil lion Dollars THE PENNY GOLUM G EIS U EVERT TK . THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE The Concord Daily Tribum TIME OP CUMING OP MAILS Tbe time of tu* closing ot maib at tb Concord postoffice U as follows: I Northbound. ! 130 —11:00 I*. M. 8(1—10 *» A. M. • 34 4:10 V. M. 38— 8 :30 P. M. 30—II m P. M. Southbound. SO— 0:30 A. M 40- S :3fl P. M, ,130— 8:00 P. M. I 20—11 :fltl p M. LOCAL MENTION ilr. and Mte: Broadus Talbirt hare moved into their bungalow near the Jach.-on Training School which was re cently completed. The Horseshoe Tournament is to be held Saturday afternoon beginning at 4 o'clock at the Y. M. (\ A. AH perron* who wish to enter are asked to hand in their names at once. The No 2 township Sunday schrol convention will be he'.d in Poplar Tent Church on Friday, the 31st, of July. A full program of tfie convention will be pub ished in the pajiert the first of next week. Tbe crowd attending the moving pic tures at tbe Y. M. C. A. Saturday night is su'd to have been the largest ever gath ered for this purisise. Every seat was taken and persons were standing in ev ■ry available place around the Y lawn. An invitation has been extended to the * Jackson Training School boys by Maim-. gcr Meriwether of tbe Concord Theatre to see the picture. "Quo Vadis" which is t be'nng shown at that theatre the first of ■this week. The Giants are slipping, having lost to Concinnati Saturday and again yes-| terdny while St. Loni* was winning from Brooklyn. In the American league yesterday Detroit won from New York. Washington defeated Cleveland and Phil-, adelphia won from St. Louis. Rev. W. A. Jenkins, pastor of Central I Methodist Church of this city, preached in the West Market Street Methodist Church in Greensboro yesterday. Offi-, eials of the church some time ago in-1 vited Mr, Jenkins to fill the pulpit of I heir ('.lurch yesterday. Tlie week-end just closing has been a most delightful one from a weather standpoint. The lower temperatures! which became effective here Friday night j continued over Saturday and Sunday, and j overhanging clouds this morning indi- j ,-ated that the more temi>erate wea'.fier j is to continue throughout today at least. R. D. Goodman, county agent, is ex pecting a large number of farmers from this county to attend the meeting of the State Farmers in Raleigh on the 28th, 21)th and 30th. The trip home will very likely be made by Pinehurst in order to view the peaches which will be ripe at that time. Judge John M. Oglesby spent the week end here en route from Troy, where he presided last week to Asheville, where he will preside at Buncombe court for two weeks. He was joined here by J. B. Sherrill, who went to Asheville to spent 1 last night and today with bis daughter, Miag Cottrell Sherrill. A. C. Cline and Eferett Rimer, of' the Trimes-Trihune force, are back at work today after enjoying a vacation for a week. Mr. Rimer and family spent the week in Atlanta and Mr. Cline and members of his family spent part of the week with relatives in Black Moun tain. A. F. Lefler, well known farmer of the county, brought to our office this morn ing some of the finest Elberta peaches ever seen on tbe market here. Mr. Lef ler states that tl)e season is two weeks in advance this j year. The peaches brought to the office were very large, and have a fine flavor. Napoleon Pless, young negro, was ar rested by police officers Saturday on a ctiarge of stealing S2O from a cash draw er in the J. W. Cline Grocery Store. Pleas was employed as delivery boy in tbe store Saturday, and it is charged that he took the money from the cash drawer during the day. He will be given a hearing in police court this afternoon. Marriage licenses have been isssued Gy Register of Deeds ElliAtt to the follow ing couples, all of Concord: Graham J. Davis and Miss Dorothy Fletcher; Rob ert S. Sloop and Miss Viola Tarlton; and Ed Cox and Mias Eufa Lee Morgan. Licenses also were iesitld to two colored coaples Saturday, these being the first licenses issued in a week in this county. Eeight cases are to be tried in re corder’s court this afternoon, police of ficers state. Three are against one man charged with having liquor, having liquor for sale and transporting, two defendants are charged with assaults with deadly weapons, on ewith simple assault, one with larceny and one with operating a car without a State license. The new parking law as to the west side of t'nion street between the entrance of the. Cannon bulldhig and the square becomes effective today, and prohibits parking in this district. The police have placed * “no parking below here” sign on the street for the benefit of auto drivers. The district is marked off so that cars will nqt interfere with work on tbe hotel building nor with traffic oa that part of Union street. All Cabarrus County farmers are in vited to attend the Iredell Farmers Pie nic which is to be held Thursday of this week. Os chief interest to the men and women from Cabarrus is the fact that Miss Maude Wallace, formerly home demonstration agent In this city and now assistant state agent, is to speak. In the morning she will talk to women only but in the afternoon her address will be open to men and women. Frenchman Says Deseeaoed Frans ■ 18.—" I’m the man that descended from the monkey.” chattered \\ * yjl 1 A! I 01/ nr % pon<bee*sl»o2d live*!? clean pajama* Maybe one time a girl bad ea an evening dreaa as large ad her bath ing suit, bnt* we were aba sat. Clothes at* so foolish. Toes feel much bettor when you let them Just roam at ka|s Teach the children {able manners. Than they won’t get into the soup or spill the beans. Gold fish ahd human ffik stay u» water Oder their beada. > Every aummer seema to go erdsy with the heM. (Copyright, IMS. NBA Service. Inc.) TOBAFS EVENTS . Monday. July 20, toss Th? annual “Frontier Days”, carnival opens today ia Cheyenne. Akron. 0.. opens its centennial celebra tion x today with a great historical pa . rade. • | The osophists tile world over observe today as “White Lotus Day,” in memory of Madame Blavatsky, founder of the cult. j,'! A annular eclipse of the sun is sched uled for today, visible only in New Zea land and the Soulh Pacific Ocean. Delegates, from many countries will gather in Helsingfors. Finland, today for a convention of the International Coun cil of Xurseti. The design of the Harding memorial to be erected at Marion is to be selected today when a jnry of awards meets in New York for that purpose. Beginning in Washington today, a spe cial congrewsionat committee will conduct exhaustive hearings in Various parts of the country on the workings of the new postal rates. Duluth today will open an “Exposition of Progress and Iron Age Jubilee,” in commemoration of the discovery of iron ore on the Minnesota ranges fifty years ago. , At Sulgraae Manor, the ancestral home of George 'Washington in England, the National Society of Colonial Dames to day will begin a celebration in recogni tion of the MScressful close of the Sul grave Manor endowment fund campaign. Thirty States. Canada. Ireland and Denmark will be represented by speak ers in the American Institute of Co-op eration, which today is to begin a four weeks' session at the University of Penn sylvania. As a forum for discussion of ail ques tions bearing on improved international relations, an Institute on international relations from the Christian viewpoint has been arranged to meet today at Chau tauqua, N. Y. The World,, Federation of Education Associations.' °'jvMA was organised in California two 1 years ago, meets in Edin burgh today for its first 1 biennial con vention. More thin one thousand dele gates from maiiy countries are expected to attend. , , MASONIC NOTICE. Special Communication Stokes Lodge No. 32 A, F. ft A. M. Monday night, July 20th, 7 :48 o’clock. Important bus iness. Every Mason expected to be present. By order of W. M. HOWARD L, COLLIE. Sec. the wr Train NERVOUSNESS Don’t Let La* of Confidence, Nerve Force and Vitality Make Yon • Pitiful Weakling. If you feel tired, out of aorta, despond ent. mentally or physicall depressed and lack the desire and energy to aocompliab things—go to your druggist and get a big SI.OO bottle of "Burcher’a Ironnx today and see what a difference a few days use will make! V j If you are nervoud because of over work. worry ot lack of proper nourish ment or rest, the amaxing value ot Burch er’s Ironnx should prove ifself to your utmost satisfaction in less than 48 boors —then you'll know for sure why thou sands of other folks use it every day. For affection* of the Nervous System. Constipation, poor blood, chills, fever, malaria, loss of appetite, lack of confi dence, sleeph i awini ii, exhausted vitality and weakness—the use of Burcher’s Ironnx is absolutely guaranteed to pleaae you or its small cost will bo gladly re- Sold 7 gad recommended by all (. <mi druggists. , ToprevOTfreddra Home Run Leaders In Major League*. I Hornsby. Cardinals —— Williams, Browns 22 Hartnett, Cub* 2l < Meusel, Yankees 2l |j Kelly, Giants 151 j Fournier, Robins 14 j Simmons. Athletics l 4l j Bottom ley. Cardinals l4'J Wiighf, P'rnntes' 12, j Meusei, Giants - 12 ij Harper. Phillip* 12 jj Gosiin, Senators ... ... 111 j Cobb. Tigers 1 11 j] Wi ightstone, ,I*hi)lie* —1 Cuyler, Pirates ■»?/_. 11l Jacobson, Browns .5 ; Hr, Snyder. Grants 10 i Robertson, Browns 10 \ Brooks, Cubs 10 i Blades. Cardinals _ ’ ff j McManus, Browns —j,. ff 1 Speaker. Indians a. ■ ff I Myurt, Indians it Ruth, Yankees _t i)j Who Is Your Skinny Friend, Mabel? Tell him to take Cud Liver Oil for a couple of months and get enough good healthy flesh on his bones to look like h real man. Tell him he won't have to swallow the nasty oil with the nauseating fishy taste, because the McCoy laboratories, of New York, are now putting up Cod Liver Oil in «ugar coated tablet form. Ask for McCoy's Cod Liver Oil Com pound Tablets at (he Pearl Drug Com pany and every druggist worthy the name sell* them—oo tablets —00 cents. Any man or woman can put on five pounda of healthy flesh in 30 days or your drug gist will willingly refurtcl the purchase price. One woman put on IS pounds in six weeks. Children grow robust and strong, • • “Get McCoy’s, the original and genuine Cod Liver Oil Tablet.” 00000000000000000000000000 Let Your Next Battery Be An * EXIDE Use Only the 1 Best oQOOOOeOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOffiOO Add the Comforts of PLUMBING to Your Home A Modern P’umbing will do as much or more than any other one thing toward making your home a comfortable and convenient place in which to live. It coats you nothing to get our coat es timate. Concord Plumbing Company North Karr Btr«et Phone I7C Our New Mechanically Refriger ated Autopolar Fountain keeps ice cream in the most per fect condition. With this new au tomatic refrigerating device, it is possible to hold the temperature to-the aero mark if desired, ana this insures aU ice cream and drinks In the best of condition Dogs bite on days like this— 7 I and we’ve heard some wives ./YD Vvd y i i say that husbands snap too— f/y/[ [M J If you are cranky and can’t Ljl / *MT help it—please allow us to. / \gk f A suit of cool Hoover’s Un- tJ^ derwear will take care of the V i) - sulk, put on a smile and change I ff? a cross-word fan into an advertisement for a popular denti nee. a Suit and up Bathing Suits —G6lf jHose—Linen Knickers—Flannel Trdusers HOOVER’S, Inc. “THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE” that your car is well oiled and! greased, thoroughly cleaned! and free from dust, dirt, grime! ”, or two and see the difference. 1 * HOWARD’S FILLING STATION ! ”Bervjee With a fnnilc- Be Sure You Are Right and Then Go I Ahead— You will make no mistake by placing your order for I i your winter’s coal with A. B. POUNDS 9 Threatened strike may cause coal to advance SI.OO net- S • ton overnight. I 9 PHONB 244 OR 279 | COOPERATION There is no form of business in this wide world which can exist without that quality which marks its endurance I as a successful business co-operaion. This bank recognizes that its progress hinges on the I financial growth of .this community. So it’s perfectly nat ural for it to be interested in the progress of each cit’zen. CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK . 1 Capital $400,000.00 1 Resources Ov<br $3,000,000.00 j JUS—rmn ifffffiiirinnrmnnr—i 30000000000000000000000000 . \ I A GUARANTEED TOOTH 1 BRUSH 1 If yon are not oatisfied .with your ( last tooth brush give San-Tog, f i brush a trial.. It is guaranteed. I ] Your money wiill be gladly refund- 1 i ed if you are not absolutely satis- f I Bed. K Sold only by us. * I Clines Pharmacy j { Phone 333 Melrose Flour Liberty Self Rising Flour In Melrose Flour we need only announce arrival of a big shipment which we have every fenr to six weeko. Get yours now. I Liberty Self Rising Flour ia the very highest grade of Flour with phosphates and salt added In the exact proportion, . so you take no chance in your mixture to have very best results. It’s a suc- Buy all your flour at . lame ol Moose Monday, July 20, 1925 CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET (Corrected weekly by Cline ft Mooae) Figures named represent prices paid (or produce on the market: Egge ■west potatoes 1110 Turkeys to 80 Onions 51.28 Pete 8.00 Butter JO Country Ham JO Country Shoulder JO Country Sides —j .20 Young Chickens J 5 Hens .j$ Irish Pot*toe i 1.25 * - CONOOffP COTTON MARKET MONDAY. JULY 90, IMS Cotton -y .24 Cotton Seed AS ’ I 'T "■* . To Our Friends add Customers: Wc are now ready to serve you at our new store on Church street next to Cash Feed Store. We are better prepared than ever to serve you and will be glad to have you call. Cabarrus Cash Gro- South Church Street

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