PAGE TWO V«« m* W _ _ __ _ _ HESLIG, MT. PLEASANT* 18-tFc. VcgeteMto Big tat Etnas, Cora, Cn cumbers, cAbbue, tomatoes, Dot&toea. pea* apple. and sandhill ‘pS Phone 565. Ed. M. Cook Company. ■>. Mean’ Low Shoes, $1.96. Concord Army A Navy Store. 22-4 t-p. Fresh Country Cantaloupes Every Bay. Lippard & Barrier, .f2»R-p. NUrth Caroltna Uws Made PW». copies ter free distribution at Cabarrus Savings Bank. 22-2 t-p. The Concord Daily Tribune yUmta 1* hoys to sell Saturday’s Tribune each week in every part of the city. Will contain a four-page comic supplement with Mutt and Jeff. The Nebss, Tooner ville Folks and S’raatter Pop. Apply at office at once. 22-ts. Watermelons—Fresh Sandhill Watermel ons. Alsso peaches. Phone 565. Ed; SI. Cook Company. 22-lt-p. Let la Have Your Orders Thursday morning. Lippard A Barrier. 22-lt-p. Khaki Unionalh, si.B». Concord Army A Navy Store. 22-3 f-p. Fcr Rent; Modern Six-room House and i'garage on West Corbin Street. Well located. Call A. B. Pounds. Phone fg/U. 22-4 t-p. TJtcre Will Be An Ice Cream and Noodle supper given Saturday night. July 25. ‘ 3J825, at Pitts schoojhouse. Everybody ’fa invited to attend. 22-ltp. si in’s Suits. $7.95. Concord Army * 1 iavy Store. 22-4 t-p. •4 * ” Assignee’s Sale, [to. Assignee of Mu tette, Inc., I will receive bids ter the] ; ientire stock of goods in the building i • at 72 South Union street, exclusive o<: the schoolbooks, for one week. Copy of inventory of personal inspection may be obtained on application to C. A. Isenbour, assignee, in Cabarrus Sav ings Bank Building. Concord. N. C., .July 26. 1*85.* 20-6 t-p. • % a Taxi, Call Phone 508. J. IX Pldyd. 14-10tt-p. Fa Rent—Rooms Above Correll Jewelry Store. Call 160. 17-st-p. - -o-i —.—t : ■■ ■ Desirable Furnished Rooms For Rent; New house with modern conveniences. Phone 501. 10-ts-p. fIC M eliminative system, ®| i|JU Improves the appe- Headache and 8i1t0....... t 0....... JWHOH-lJttb One-third the regular dose. Made ' of aame ingredients, then candy coated. For children and adults. (limSOUl BY YOUR MUOaiSTmml Gibson Drug Store. THE NEW EFIRD STORE M \&; A ' A V ■ tr~ '■ . >■. . ] All This Week If ■ l I SJLY CLEARANCE SALE j No Profit Sale opt Ladies’ Dresses \ I . Clearance Ss)g ' " i \i r i h K.^• - C : . A &V. \ . -Tn \■ ■' * . - A 1 > ■ * v * .v, * J w „ w J As TT We Dose Every Thursday Afternoon Until September Ist ■ - OrickMm! Chickens! Big Lot Yeung chickens. Also henss. Phone 565. Ed. M. Cook Company. 22-lt-p. Ever Ready Safety Razors, go Cents each. Concord Army A-Navy Store. 22-St-p. Fancy Peaches, Andes, Own, Cabbage, green peas, beans, squash, cukes, to matoes, etc. Lippard A Barrier. 22-lt-p. Phone Hi Your Orders Early as We close Thursday afternoons. Ed. M. * Cook Company. 22-lt-p. Wanted—Good Second Hand Ford Cheap. Coupe preferred. L. E. Boger. 21-2 t-p. If Yon Want to Save Half Your Oil BiH buy an" Ever-Beady Automate Oiler for Fords and trucks. L. E. Boger, Factory Distributor. 21-2 t-p. For Sale—One Calorie Pipeless Furnace No. 48, Phone 294. L. A. Fisher. 21-2 t-p. D> HD' Friends and Customers—l Now have the agency for Guaranteed Beal Silk Hosiery and Socks. Will appreci ate ydur continued patronage. Buth > Fry ling Maroho. 21-4t-jp. For Sale—Cotton Gin, One 80 Saw Gin and one 70 saw gin, double box press. Also two saw mills. All in good condi tion. Olosson-Estridge, Boute 1, Ca barrus. 20-3 t-p. Wanted—OH Auto Casings, Inner Tubes. Airplane prices for submarine quality. Rubber, rubber, rags, boots, shoes, rags, metal, rubber 'Und jugs. Anything worth while. Chas. H. Foil. 17-st-p. FW Sole—Child's' White Enameled Bed and mattress in good condition. Mrs. Robert C. Corzine.' 16-7 t-c. ' Wanted—4 Rubber . Rags. Inner Tubes, rags, rubber boots, rubber shoes, rags,] rags, rags. Bag Man, George Bobcr son. Phone 865. 17-st-p. > Have You Paid Your Cabarrus Mutual May Assessment? John K. Patterson, Secretary. 13-10-c. You Rare Tried The Others For Paint ing and wall papering. Try me. and tell others of the difference. John A. Benfield. Phone 491 L. 17-6 t-p. For Bent—Desirable Store Room 30 by 75 in the heart of the business sec tion. -Phone 92T. • - fife (pgr *< Rent a Ford. Drive It Yourself. J. D. Boyd. Phone 508 14-1 Ot-p. Again. Please Note. Our good friends are again notified that qll notices of entertainments, lectures, plays, box suppers, et cetera ad infinitum, to which any admission fee is charged or at which anything is sold, when appear ing in The Tribune, are charged ter at the rate of 5 cents per line, and that no exceptions can be made. A wenlihy woman of Mount Vernon, X. Y„ has erected a huge granite Mausoleum at a cost of $13,000 as a final resting place ter her two ]>et dogs. I. u». * Sure Relief Bellans 25« and 75« Packages UverVwhara IM AWli' ABHIIT Tllr * Ij —————*—- ~ .... - , . .a YOUNG JOHN C. BENSON BURIED IN GREENSBORO Wilmington Bay Dim Shortly After Be ing Hit by Truck—One* lived pm. t Wilmington. July 21.—A coroner's jury , is still probing circumstances surround ing the death of John C, Renson, 18, son of John C. Benson. linotype operator for the News-Dispatch, and Mrs. Benson, divorced, who died last midnight after he was struck by a truek two hours earlier, two miles south of Wilmington on the 'Carolina Beach road. Thad Calvin, negro truck driver, is in jail, without .'bail, pending the findings of the jury. Young Benson was pedal ling a bicycle, en route to the city, with Frank Penny, another youth, riding on the handlebars when the truck ran them down. Yonng Penny escaped without any injury. The body of Benson was shipped to night to Greensboro for burial there. Members of the family left tills after noon by motor to attend the burial. Fun eral services were conducted here this, afternoon by Rev. W. C. Martin, pastor of Fifth Avenue Methodist Church. The death of young Benson is the second tragedy that has visited the Bem son family, George, another son of John C. Benson. Sr., having met death by drowning at Fort CaeweH, near Wil mington, several years ago, while in an nual training with 'the national guard. George Benson at that time was an em ployee in the composing room of the Greensboro Daily News. (Yonng Benson was a nephew of R. I’. Benson, of Concord, and his father was reared here.—Editor). j NUMBER OF FARMERS TO ATTEND CONVENTION To Try ta Get the Largest Attendance From Cabarrus For the Fourth Con • secutive Year. A ldrge number of farmers from Ca barrus are planning to go to the State farmers Convention which is to be held in Rairigh. on the 28th. 29th and 30th of July, according to.B. P. Goodman, County Agent. c Cabarrus has led all the North Caro-1 liuu counties during the iiast three years pi number of iiersons attending the con vention ami it is hoped by persons inter ested in the convention that the county | jvill lead the list of 100 counties again this year. . Mr. Goodman plans to Irtrve as many Sis raif to make the trip to Raleigh by | way of Raleigh. and Durham. The return trip is to be made by Ham-! let anil Pinehurst in order to view' the ’ [ieaehes which are expected to be at ;lie r best then. While in Raleigh, says Mr. Goodman.' mehls will be furnished 1 at the 'college dining room at the tlite of 25 cents each but rooms will be free. It will be nec essary, he says, for ill going to take Suf ficient bedding for the three days’ stay. | Y. M. c. pLaceiTTn ! SECOND POSITION IN CITY Corrected Figures Relegate DeMalay to' Third Place.—Game Important One. | The corrected standing of the City League team is as follows: j Team Won Lost Pet.' Pythiarvs .5 1 .883 Y. M. C. A. 8 2 .600 PeMolay .......... A. . , f , .3 3 .500 Calvary ... 0 5 .00 The figures announced, yesterday were incorrect in that they did not include the gnme between Y. M. C. A. and DeMoiay which went to the Y' wfign DeMoiay for feited on account of nonappearance at tin- scheduled time. President Hitt, lender of the.league, in his announcement of fig,ires, faflen I f’o give tMF game wThTrh' resulted in the placing of the DeMoiay in' second place and the Y in third place. t Thursday's game between the Pythian*; and will have an imi>ortant bearing on Pile race. If the Y\ M, C. A, can win from the l’ythians, it will give them a good chance to come out in first place, if the Pythians win. they will have the championship cinched. The Y has registered the only defeat; the Pythians have experienced thus fal fttd is hopeful of making another win .Thursday; several"deei>B filed' at THE COURT HOUSE TUESDAY^ Keep Pare With Records of Part Sev eral Weeks When Many Deeds Have Been Filed. Tuesday was another busy day with Register of Deeds Eliott, quite a number qf (tapers being filed with him for r*J cordanee. Among the papers Were deed* recording the following real estate trans fers: Southern Loan and Trust Co. to Od A. Isenhour for $5,060. property in Ward* If Ward 2, Ward 4. Mt. Vernon Heights,' Coleberg and No. 4 township. Sarah Gibson to Carrie Phase for slo’ and ether considerations property in Ward 4. YV. L. Elliott to Z. B. Thornburg fori SI,OOO property in No. 11 township. Property in N 6. 4 township to B. Wj Durham to W. K. Tuggle for $1,325. N. L. Swaringen to Della B. Swarin gen ter S4OO and other valuable consid erations property in Ward 2. J. W. and E. G. Devilbliss to S. T. FoVrest for $4,200, property in No. 2 township. NEW SHIPMENT QjF AUTO TAGS RECEIVED TODAY Total of Forty-Elve Htwffired Ueeotea Have Been Received Here Ud to Date. A new shipment of license tags has ar rived in the city today, according to Miss, Lncy Richmond Lentz, who has charge of their distribution here. This brings the total of numbers received in Concord op to 4,500. The first shipment of numbers was for 3,500 tags, but this Was disposed of be- I fore the rush was well otrer. The next I shipment was ter 500 and all tkest- were' Wal received ’thiT morning toT 500 “ddi- Ittbnal tags. ' - j This year’s sale has been much larger I than was expected, large numbers of per- J sons sttil coming to fee Y. M. C. A. ,to | , $ e ‘ ... I fjF (aJNCORD fiAiLY TRinijNn MONTGOMERY COUNTY BAR ENDORSER JUDGE OGLESBY Resolutions of the Montgomery Coun ty. North Carolina, Bar Association. Whereas, the RonSrahie John M. Qg- Icsby. Judge of )h* Fifteenth Judicial District, has just finished presiding at onr July term of Montgomery County Sujierior Court; and, 1 - Whereas, we, the members of the Montgomery County Bar Association, de sire to express onr hearty appreciation of the manner in which Judge Ogiesky performed hi* onerous duties hs presid ing judge of our a«M tourt: Now,- therefore, be it resolved by tjie members of the Rar AssociatiOti of said county feat we tender OHr thanks and voice our high apprcc iation of Judge j Oglesby’s manner had method of pm forming his duties and transacting fee business of presiding'judge. And we further" dartre to expreaa onr admiration of his very evident pbstesdlbn of a 1 fine judicial : temperament tfed knowledge of the law: of his humane treatment of defendants convicted in Sis court : being firm in' imposing judgment in cases requiring it and in showing mercy when the ends of justice and the proper enforcement of the law justify We express onr Jeep appreciation of the kindness, patience, forbearance and courtesy shown by fijm to the members of the bar practicing before him at this court, and we express our pleasure in having him preside at our court. We congratulate governor McLean in his appointment of ..Judge Oglesby, and we congratulate fee State in securing this able jurist, who has not yet reached the prime of his life and who gives prom ise of becoming one of the most able judges the State ha* produced. , We also desire to express our high apr preciation of the manne rin which Zeb, V. Long. Esq., aoliritor. discharges the i duties of his office. He is earnest, dili-i gent and faithful in the prosecution of I crime, prosecuting with judgment, zeal and discretion, win , (i / Resolved, father* that a copy of these TO spieafi on the minutes of this eoqtf, and a copy furnished to the press. j CHARLES A. ARMSTRONG. 1 V Secretarj . ! ! W. A. COCHRAN, Chairman. Montgomery County Bar-, • 1 »a ».j CHRISTIE FEATURE A STRAIGHT FARCE Hilarious Situations and Well-Known Players In “Reckless Romance.’’ Movie fans who remember seeing the recent A1 Christie feature “IJold Your Breath," with its slapdash comedy and thrills will be surprised at the vertasility of the f Christie organization when they see the next Christie feature, “Reckless Romance.” with comes to fee Concord Theatre today only. Both pictures are feature-length com edies. but in that the comparison stops, for “Reckless Romam e" is a comedy pic ture of an entirely Vlifferent type. It' lats fast action but it is straight farce, one of the things which the AI Christia’ organization has the reputation of being specialists in. 5 Depending as it does on putting over fareial situation comedy rather than broad gags and “kokua," fee picture has ealled for an excellent cast to play the vgrious roles in a skillful manner. I The two feminine leads are Wanda ■Hawley and Sylvia Breamer. The two chief male roles are played by T. Roy Barnes and Harry Myers. Tully Mar shall. Lincoln I’lumer and Jack Duffy jrortrn.v the character roles, while Mor gan Wallace is the villain. I’lumer and 'Jack Duffy have been identified with the Christie short comedies, and Barnes and Marshall have previously appeared in AI Christie features. Kannapolis Woman Died at Home Early Snnfigy. Kannapolis. .1 illy 20. —Mrs. Bertha Hunt Rodgers, wife of Frank A. Rodgers. s os South Main street, died suddenly Sun-; [pay morning at 5 :30 o’clock. ■ Mrs. Rodgers, who had lived here for jthe past five years, was the daughter of Hamnel Hunt, of High Point. She was .born in Asheboro, later moving to High ’l*o%nt. She was 33 years old. She and' ■Mr. Rodgers were married December 1. If»3. Her two little daughters. Oaynefie and Hilda: her father and sister, Mrs. Mary Wilkins, of High Point, survive! Jkt the iphaagi^tt The Star Is again tbfia.t showing “The Teh Commandments." '■ “The Acquittal.'' wife Claire Windsor' And Norman Kerry, and a Mdqk Setoiet eomedy are being shown today and to imorrow at the rAstMp' ‘ ' Hufry Myers. T. Roy Barnes. lVanda Hawjey. Tally Marshall and Sylvia Breamer in “Reoklert Romance." and an' “Our -Gang” comedy' art being shown to day and tomorrow at the Concord. Clona Up Day rt fife Martin*. i dean'up day will be held at St. Mar tins Lutheran Church near Bost Mill on; Friday. Jnly 31st. Ait persons hiving: relatives and friends boried hi tbe cem etery at the church tee urged to cotoe’ prepared to clean np the- cemetery. It< is requested that you eigne or tend some: one in yotfr piece. Plante remember the! date. Friday, Jnly .Hist, .and come prepar ed to work, Come ratty. ’*■ ’ v* — .as,. I ... i Brotherhood to Meet TMs Kvmiag. I The Brotherhood of Bt. James Lfitbteaff, Church will meet this evening in the fee-,’ fare room of the chunfe at fi o’clock. Ev ery man in the congregation is urged to! attend this meet’ng. ' “ ' .. *v N'OBOUYLjrit’ES VOu' j It is impossible to get anywhere if you are a crab. Ncbodjr totes you. To ha successful you must bave a htodly, lov able disposition. Yon can not ham thisl with an unhealthy liver and atomagh l They don’t go together. Mayr’e Wonter fal Remedy has given complete and i>er-4 manent results in thoosaads of snchJ cases. Onr advice to everyone troubled with 'bioa” lug "to' the 7 this remedy. It into simple, harmleeej preparation that removes the catarrhal] The North Carolina League of Build in* and Loan Associations has been nak ed to bold its 1888 meeting in Concord, the invitation haring been extended by city officials, building and loan associa tions, the; chamber of commerce, the mer chants Association, civic organisations and individoais. The leagtkd is holding its annual con vention at Wrightsville Beach at prea-i ent and Gilbert Hendrix wIH formally extend the invitation on the convention floor. Hi* arguments favoring Concord will fipd backing in the message forward ed to L. W. Moore,, president -of the league, by officials, dubs and itkjividuals here. Pr. T. N. Spencer, preiddent of the lo cal Chamber of Commerce, sent the fol lowing telegram to Mr. Moore. : “Again we caH attention to facilities for oaring for your convention next year and urge you to accept our invitation.” Dr. Spencer pointed out that already he' had rent au invitation to the league in a letter carried to the meeting by Mr. Ueudrix. The Kiwanis Pub has sent the follow ing telegram to Mr. Moore: “The Kiwanis Pub of Concord extends an invitation to your convention to hold its meeting in Concord next,year.” A. G. Odell, president, sent the follow lowing message from the K&tary Club: “The Rotary Club of Coneord extends to your association a most cordial invita tion to hold its next annual meeting in our city. H. I. Woodbouse, secretary and treas urer of tpe Terpetual Building and Loan Association of this <?ity, sent this mes *a*£; . ~ . 1 : “AVe Want the league to meet in Con cord next year. Here is. ouf, hearty invi tation and our promise to help make the meeting pleasant and profitable to all." The Citixens Building' and Doan Asso ciation. through its secretary and treas urer, A. F. Goodman, sent the following' message: * “We most cordially invite the league \to meet in Concord next year. We \vijl do our best to 'make meeting a success.' (New half million dollar hotel will Tje ready to take care of convention.” t>. A. SwAringt-n, president Os the Mgr-; chants Association, sent the following tel egram to Mr. Hendrix, to be read to At? convention: “Oh behalf of Coneord Merchants' Ate Wation urge North Carolina Building and Loan League toaueet inA'oasord next year. Opr are anxious" to have them.” The Concord Tribune sent tile following: “Concord wants your next meeting and wants it bad." T'nder present plans the new hotel here will be completed in plenty of time to offer accommodations to the delegates' at the convention, und it is pertain a pro gram of interest and benefit could be provided here. 1 f Due to the |*gt that Concord has three! of the stronamjf gbfi most successful as sociations ia the State, local persons feel tliey 11 av k . excel lent dm nee to land the lD26,gis>|ihgfJpf the league. <lißlßb»*tp Washington. The MMmrti Railway will run an ex- July 31st. The siweial -«pi§t’Will leave Concord at 0 :S5 p. in. on that day. arriving at Washing ton at fufirhext morning, Saturday. Aug ust 1. JBtog for round trip only f 10.50. 800,1 ** %2{ rD °" 1,1 r< '* u l* r trains e(x cept Sp,m up tt> and including No. 30 leaving Wkrtiington 10:00 p. m. Aug ust 3. fiee ad. in this paper. <5 Miss Helen Hays daughter of. an, army officgps, ha*< ««(ppQpliabed a Cragjft niuii try trip on bfffslimeiufymi Wash-' ington, I), C., to El IW, dSnum. M" ' ' ■** «Mth* Gas Turned Off! WbM Ym $m Jw T£L Com* in today and examine the many %aturea. No other modem bou«toaM moAthu - a I .■: ai *£ ; yy * for u. Air pjhMf ftrtr PtiTO BH |f lip 9 mWwMWMwmFttKw&mßSm I I . ' ■ ■ : *--w*.#* — LADIES! SAVt $1.65 ; . r ;/ ' Johnson Floor Polishing Outfit For $5.00 OUTFIT INCLUDES:—* 1 Quart Johnson’s Liquid Wax sl.sp For polishing linoleums, floors’and furniture 1 Johnson’s Wax Mop (Lambs Wool) $1,60 For applying Johnson’s Liquid Wax 1 Johnson Weighted Polishing Brush __ $3.50 For polishing Wax on Floor and Linoleum 1 Johnson Book on Home Beautifying .35 \ * $6.65 FOR S6.OO—A SAVING OF $1.66 Ritchie Hardware Co W* HARDWARE STORE PHONE 117 /V For Ligb*-F*x>tsd f Comfort 1 You’ll find that the pleas ing little one-strap cut-out j vamp as pictured liere is Made of soft patent kid, It fits so smoothly, at the throat, instep and ankle. It I V * i s a dandy comfortable shoe a* aWv.# i. for. general -stammer, wear.- . “THE 'HOME OF GOOD SICES" f gQQ " |7.00 *, i.• fi -.. . v . 5?5tT ~ rr Tv>ff VOILE AND DRESSES 1 We clean and refinish making them look like new at small dost either in or plain white. M- R. POUNDS Dry Cleaning Department y ,Jui y2 3,i 9 »

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