• -«£ f --JV-p.--f • t. ■ ■■< ; *•• - • »* :■ ■ ' ' W«dnesa.y, Jj.1yJ2,19» ■: f - " “ '* 'rr*** ** Shefares a lot C^rr 4 She Cores? WIVES OF CONCORD: What do people think of your husbands’ appearance? Is 4 your neglett if he doesnbt have a refreshed suit each week?’ Most men dd&hed upon their wiv« to attend to the upkeep of their wardrobe. If your husband was cewetf out of town todajr, would he have a refreshed suit to put on? Send him away looking his West at all times by keeping a refreshed suit always ready. OUr weekly service-call is the answer to this home schedule. ‘ • •*“' Phose 787*$) ’fmmmmr ~.... . PROSCRIBING OF LIQUOR gfVJIN CASUALLY, ILLEGAL JuQfe Henry A. Grady Issues Warning la Court at Jhtrham. ; Durham, July 21. —Doctors who pre scribe whiskey for their patients, whether formally or informally, are violating the law of the state and ought to be prose cntedi Judge Henry A. Grady, sitting at the jnrjsent session of the Druham Coun ty Sjjiperior Court, criminal session, stat ed today. The judge backed up his with a suggestion that the gram) jury be recalled to take up the casefof ts Durham doctor. Who, testify ing ;*fr a witness for a "woman charged withy transporting liquor, stated he had advhM 'the woman to take castor oil in a lQtlh whiskey. The case was in itself interest TK.I s:or. '"jeAUvu, MOWN POP ! Blf TAYI^OR ing, Mrs. Gladys Dixon Roberts was, charged with transporting liquor ih that she carried a small amount of li quor, less than a pint, from her room 4n a rooming house, to the room of'the proprietor of the house, who was iU in "bed, and gave the second woman Sjyne.. The doctor testified he had advfeetTttoe: sick woman to use' the whiskey I** tatt ing the oil. Mi?, Hoberti/ was- found IHp hy Judge sft*<ty and placed under Suspended sentence of twelve months tin the workhouse after being taxed with the costa, in ,the ease. . Oitly. g’rkther urgent appeal upon the. part of. tfcf solicitor himself •jMved. tSifr dSctor faring possible indictment by die * • *; topic rotoisg WS»tta wiH be .held ' 17-Stttr' Buitaadb.-.--"-, Greensboro, Jttiy for erec^ tion of a seventeen, sfpry bank and hotel building ktfe received “Ainpetus. today when' !# the Rank andTritst Ulodfrrady'mk to- act fcpoii recomtoehtoWmi* d? a« directors of the Inffcftutitm tS?rvif-repftil sock of. the mt*Hhtlon ; 4»-;hterea*d 1 from W.oou to «800.« K- hknk plats to ereer di» kkygcraper forifs'home' and nhnec fio«rs; of the ground floor wtoilff he* used “tor the 'hofeW pHtfr ikSwSjjtb jCarolfnft^p', l dthajr,'«i7 st.ff&s. Being the Jeffqfhpn-Stftndartl Life mnffiiw'huiWlhg ifftf. jg. . . VJ essential to traiißng a child is to'. have-thorp hjens# tHmn * : THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE Stewark BY CHAIULgSP. STEWART NBA Servke Writer , v WASHINGTON —Comparison of last year’s Interndt revenue - collections with the previous year’s seems to bear out Secretary of the Treasury-'Mellon's dictum that tow taxex.hring in relatively more money—sometimes actually more—than high fees THE present Uw under which federal taxes Ire being collect ed has worked out exactly like that." ~-r* *t • When passed, it was estimated the rate reductions it contained would cut revenues down 400 mil -lions. Instead the country, cheered by the tightening of its tax load, immediately got so much busier flat haven’t fallen near* ] ly that much—only about half. • • • A S a prophet, -|Ucretnry Melton . ig is all part. He sola teStes could be cut .considerably ana 'revenues wduld be reduced only slightly, if at all. And so if prOveA) , Blit the tax cutriasn’t the kind Mellon wanted. He wanted it made 8?® RARE PHENOMENON , . IN SKIES AT PRESENT Venus. Mercury, iutf .Mars Visible to Naked fly 0 Jttot Aft. r Sunset. Raleigh Now S uiMPphServei-. | During the Ipdiijf; wfok' three of tire planets, Venus. -Mvrctßjt* and Mars have appeared veij ckfee togefher in the \v.->st .about tent ion ...««»• Whßf w also . ijnsiep-i jest Sfi m ottri lighter ik ! ’Hie; and of ii the ccmntellnttoh of 1 the Scorpion will be seen during the entire summer the red star Antares. Much has been written in the papers recently about this star on account of its sixe and distance from the earth. r?.>V ’il - if’ A little to the North may;be seen the big (tipper the pointe&i luiuEfg. to tl)w North Star, and a liri? from the of the dipper an equJ^JdpttUPc*. td . the South toward the beautiful war Actur us. ' , Observation of Planets .mentioned, should be made this week as on Wednes day night the new moon will appear quite near the I’lanalJfVeghtl, dfmfrflnk’ or obscuring' a certain* extent thf Pla nets named. SI iffl INDORSES EVERE#fiAte '« SUCCESSOR TO McLEAN C. W. Roberts, of Automobile Trade As sociation, Urges Support of Secretary of State. " _ * • CSiarlotte. July 21.W-D4efe.r4tibfi< In ]Eavor of W. X. Everett, secretary of state, to succeed Angus W, OliLran as igoyff-, nor of North Carolina, was made here today in an address by PpJV.' Roberts, of Greensboro, secretary of thq North Uaro lina Automotive Apseciatton; The secretary of the ifsSOriaflou urged members of the assooiauoij toi undertake | immediately a campaign Ht) obthin'-legis lative action remedying,the presenf con ditions affecting the automotive indos- 1 , triy. ■' f j? i While commending G4fi*rnar “McLean as a “great goverhor, a wonderful busi ness man.” Mr. Rqbejite tfrdterad that there are few men now available for the governorship that the automotive trade could support. “In my opinion.” he added, however, *■ 1 ‘■'V.V ' . oe-f -V* 1 ; ' I* i ' mrmmr ?m\m ,y. IPON'T TA.ks M'AM ) I »o as to lighten the load on tha rich. They were the ones, he said, who had somnolent capital to be waked up and set to work. Congress, however. Insisted on making the cut in the little fel lows’ favor. And to. and behold, it appears that Secretary MeUbn's rule ap plies to the little fellows anyway, whether or not some subsequent experiment may prove it to apply also to 'the whales. • • • NOW taxes are to be reduced some more when Congress meets next. Again Secretary Melton will be ■on hand with his argument that tax cuts don’t nec essarily mean leßs money for the government they may mean more. He will say last year’s experi ence demonstrates It. He’ll be quite right. So it does. But he’ll say something else, that hasn’t been demonstrated yet. He’ll say the , ebuntry yvfli get most good opt of ciittln» “super*' arid “suf" taxek dowft. Os this we can’t W so mure ' It hasn't been triad. - ' .-' r Cutting down the littler ones has. and It worked fins. '’ ■ V i’ 1 , ' 1 L “J* “none i« s<> well qualified and so capable of’ftllltng the position as the Honorable \V. » Everett.”. >■ Post and Flagg's Cotton Letter. Siefir Ji'ork. .Tirly 2J. —The market has been ikstless ns generally before a bureau «nd t{><» tofte, fm* been rather he* ry, wlf b , the, -Igtrtfug tba t the report ls hardly'likely to (Show .a-njrmiaterial cle fe&e sfroiai tie ifcit-’lihhril Md that the dn Tejsis -cat) proiraflj 1 be regard ed axTjiWely offset' by imfirtivM eoidi- MhtiotS.of Me, Mt. l!o«i --,«ns ejmasiptM briefly of Getting iup LSceoujita with'no, <dis|k*itjOn to to until qf.,ahy real mdggfriift 1 guiding weetik damage is atftajiHpg' ponwderablp affbution though s&id ’q\*rtev« itd»ife\i that it is too 4;nriy *fc feel any reaj security on. thatg'igme, fg{! lit is not v qhfiU the first parj of 'Attpwt' | tbit" weevil damage becotoea proimAnt and it is perfectly certain that Tnc weevil is present in largge numbers : in ! sections where in later years he hah done the most damage. Present indica tions are that the rejmrt Is more likely to promote selling than buying but •Whnr. !>*' »« best’ that on any goo<J break either befdre’ or att f %F‘l»ri who ,fill, latg ; need, rottpn to lute win ao writ to sftrrt Those Worthless Dogs. Monrpe Enquirer. , T _ 1 ft do* , that j<ho*M jib . jilfiiKf of and consequently the child wa« not giveii w iPnstW l/! eat w?? dR i ff* 1 *! H imminent. Within the past year several persons, here in Union county have been bitten by worthless dogs, and these people Un derwent the paipful rabies’ treatment. A’umtfouF.qoVe tnd.qtper animals , died or beep killed beeptfre of hydrojjfio i bis.; ’nhk&Taldo ha<j 'worthless dogs. ’ J Charlotte Mectihk Asks * katidinal Paik Charlotte,; July 3QI— A V tarde pud tep : i resentative autfience.- after hairing "Judge :T. D. Bryson.,of Bryson City, 'tonight • endorsed the Appalachian NatkUialAJftfk ■ for western North Carolina and called J bit the’'l-.egislatore and Congress, te'-tup' port it.’ The resolution was offered tfr i 'Francis CHieiSsdn, of the Charlotte -baty ■ Htrnng addresses were made by’Csngfes's fnan Bnlwinfcte, John G. Cappenter,. So • lieitor of the fourteenth judtcial’district,' ‘ and others. , , 4^ USE PENNY CqtCMft—q; PATS THINKS McLEAN NOT TO | REPLY TO MORBJSON Governor Avoids Controversy Since Tak- I ing Offlce—Spends While in Wash ington. Raleigh, July 20. Governor McLean is spending a few days in Washington and therefore did not return to his offlce Monday. » The impression about the capitol is that his ‘ excellency t 'wßl make no' refer ence to former Governor Morrison’s let-' ter to (tie state press Sunday morning. While several parts of Mr. Morrison’s protests were aimed directly at his suc cessor, Governor McLean is not expected to enter a controversy following his well ™f JARS Genuine Mason Fwjt Jars Big Shipment Piisf . 6sc per dozen Quarts 85c per dozen Half Gallons $1.15 per dozen Ywk? & Wadsworth Co. The Old Reliable Hardware Store Union andChjurch Streets Phone 30 :: TZZ-- i -rrr— ::'Tr:~ir::^nrza3 Wff If IMIWPMI l y ill 1 \ / 111 BBijfT?';**, i^,.aa.gs;aiSkßi3lagEl’-^ All Straw Hats >nA' .blog oirii «I 30X3 ?i moo 3ffj tU) [tUCU^^t.4Kici^ii.y Psnpnas V 2 .Z'il'XH ’-■)>] lit • unfiin ic> sulfiv rtioil ? f m 000.000.0(8^ RICHMOND-FIOWE CO. }na { j p3HnoJ . 1 rjjn&t vvwwwMww*AiwwwiAiyyuui;iiJiAAiuyououooygpooyuuuWwO(: n? ■" ,ra ' * jfik || feijj Beautiful and Useful Cedar Chests They are highly decorative, give that wanted effect of distance or space in a room, and add a distinctly brighten ing touch, beautiful ones are here at prices attractively low. Come in and see them. H. B. Wilkinson OVf OF HIG» RENT Concord, Kannapolis MooresviUe, China Grove Texaco Gasoline and pils, Alemite Greasing, Crank Case Service, Car Free Air and' f@r Your CENTRAL FILLING STATIC#! ■ ■ ' Phone 700 PAGE SEVEN established principle in taking over the governorship. He has rarely seen any good in oontrovenay and avoids them. Nevertheless hie friends think he-aronld do well to await him fcnlA .. £ .. aD anlnaAtnff'''lttAPa than -4 JJ<dy.-.Grio«« College, Worcester, baa alga# been for its baeeball teams, Wbfcfi have furnished more than one .star player to the major leagnes. Prob ably the strongest nine that ever wore the college eolbrs was that of 1919, i which went through a scheduled of more : than 30 gameß with only one defeat.

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