PAGE EIGHT 3 ’’ E tZtZZZTL. ; ICbe Cbarlotte Observer j is carrying more high class fe itures. in connection with ’receiving tlie a latest news from the ASSOCIATfcJJL PRESS, the UOXSOLIDATED * j PRESS, ami the NORTH AM ]RI(’AX~ NEWSPAPER ALUAN('E, J | tlun any other newspaper pub ished in Carol inns. If you are not H I a render of Carolioas’ b'ggest aid foreraopt* Newspaper, there must be a 2 l reason. If the Observer knew the reason doubt you would be a j ] leader. ? t. * i , If you are not a subscriber, 4pd will fill in and clip the cou- !! j pon below and send to the Circulation f>eparfinent. The OBSERVER a I will send you free sample copies of The NEW OBSERVER, or better j 1 still, fill in and mail the coupon with a small remittance and The OB „ SERVER will put yo* dp as k subscriber. You don’t have to pay for a « I year at one time. A shorter period will be appreciated ami w’ll perhaps jj l be more tent for you, at this time. Send your remittance for l any amount,you wish. By all means, don’t overlook sending in the jj coupon filled iu And let us- sen 1 you sample copies and tell us why you jj “ a reader of The OBSERVER * SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY MAIL 1 mo. 3 mos. Canos. 1 year l " Daily ami Sunday 75c $2.25 $450 SO.OO s it Daily without Sunday 05c $1.75 $3.50 $7.00 " jj Sunday Only 40c SI.OO $1.75 $3.50 j| 5 The Charlotte Observer, jj Circulation Department, ij Charlotte. North Carolina, Gentlemen: Enclosed find $ fur months jj 3 subscription 4 1 OBSERVER. I; Send sample copies to - r I? . My reason for not reading The OBSERVER! is jj _ _ _ ; j 2 Name 1 Address sj riOOO0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXX}CXXXX)OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO II HAVOLINE OIL Is More Than Oil. It is POWER We Are Now Ready to Supply You With HAVOLINE II Mutual Oil Company PHONE 476 R. 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 r INSURE | When You Start To Build The right time to take out insurance is when you start g I building. Then if through any cause your building should ! burn, even before completed, the Insurance will cover your S I( . loss. I Fetzer & Yorke Insurance Agency I 1 Successors to Southern Loan and Trust Co. P. B. FETZEK A. JONES YORKE [ ODOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC K.L CRAVEN & SONS ' IPHONE 74 COAT &. I J Plaster Mortar Colors a* LATEST . 1 •, i VICTOR RECORDS and PLAYER PIANO ROLLS KIDD-FRIX Music & Stationery Co. H Phone 76 Concord, N. C. W. O. W. NOTICE. Regular me.tin* of Elm Camp No. 10 W. O. W. Tuesday evening at 8 KM) •.'flock in the Moose bodge Room. Every member is urged to be prevent. 8. A. WBDDINGTON, 0. a U. C LITAKEB, Clerk. rnmiMtiC-iiitAWdifs ..., Freeh milk may be shipped by air plane from const to const in America and etiil retain its freshness, according to n recent test wherein milk was seal ed in a vacuum bottle at a temperature of 45 degrees Fahrenheit, and shipped to New York City, from the Pacific Coast, arriving next day in good condi tion. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE The Concord Daily Tribune TIME OF CLOSING OF MAILS ~ The time of the closing of mail 3 at the Concord postoffice is as follows: Northbound. 136—11:00 P. M. 36—10:00 A. M. 34 4 :10 T. M. 38— 8:30 P. M. 36—11:00 P. M. Southbound. 39 9:30 A. M. 45 3 :30 P. M. * 135 8:00 P. M. 29—11 :00 P. M. I LOCAL MENTION | Miss Wilma Correll is confimnl to her, home ou South Union street on account) of illness. The condition of Mrs. Leslie Bell, who • had an attack of appendicitis last week, I is much improved. Mrs. M. L. Moore is seriously ill at her ' home ou North Church street. Her con dition is naid to be very critical since she suffered a stroke of paralysis. C. M. Sappenfield has been secured as '] manager of The Sanitary Grocery Co. to j take the place of A. M. Shinn, who re cently resigned. Miss Adelaide Foil had an operation Monday for the removal of her tonsils and adenoids. She is recovering nicely, it is said. Miss Mildred Strode, of Amherst. Va,. *as arrived in the city and is spending several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. (J. Brown on Georgia Avenue. | Only one game was scheduled in the American League Monday. Philadelphia winning from Boston. In t*.u* National League Pittsburgh won from Boston and Cincinnati won two games from St. Louis, thereby going into third place. | Don’t forget to get your premises (leaned tip this week while ‘‘Clean Up Week” is being observed in Concord. Put your trash on the streets in front :»f your home and the city will have it moved free of cost. Norman Black, local representative of the North Carolina Cotton Growers' As sociation. left Monday for Raleigh, where he is attending a meeting of the associa-! tion in that city. He will return the ; ast of the week. Miss Vivian Meeks, of Hartsville. S. C., is visiting Miss Margaret Ford at her home on Loan Street. Miss Mary Fisher k '\s spending the week with her sister," Mrs. Archie All-j red, at High Point. The weekly meeting of the Concord Rotary Club will be held at the Y. M. C. A. tomorrow at 12:30 o’clock. A program' that should be of interest is be- . iug arranged by the committee in charge »f the program. “Clean Up Week” is on now and peo ple in Concord can get their trash moved without cost if they will collect it and place it on the streets. The clean up campaign will continue all thi* week, it having been started Monday morning. Continued improvement was reported today in the condition of J. C. (Jack) Wadsworth. Jr., who underwent an op eration at the Concord Hospital Sunday afternoon. His condition is reported as favorable as could be expected. A free exhibition in swimming and diving will be given Friday night at the Y. M. C. A. with J. W. Denny, local physical director, in charge. The par ticipants iii the meet are all to be (’on cord boys and will show what is being done in water sport* at the Y. M. C. A. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brown moved tbeir household effects to Dillon. S. C.. Monday morning and they left in the af ternoon for their South Carolina home. Mr. and Mrs. Brown have been living in Dillon for several month*, but they wait ed until they could get a suitable house before moving their household good*. A number of teachers of this county left Monday and this morning for Greens boro to attend the second session of the summer school at the North Carolina College for Women. The first session of the 'school ended about ten days ag6 and this county was well represented at that session. A number of farmers from the county are making preparations to attend tiie picnic at Mooresville given by the cream ery company of that city. Among the speakers are Hon. C. A. Cobb, editor of the Southern Ruralist, and Hon. J. A. McClain, of the bureay of dairying at Washington. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. M a ness left this morning in their car for Ridgecrest, Bre vard and otlier western North Carolina points. In Ridgecrest they plan to spend several day* as Mr. Maness plan* to at tend a laymens’ conference of the Bap tist Church which will be in session there this week. R. D. Goodman, county agent, left this morning for Raleigh, where he is attending the farmers’ and farm womens’ convention at State College. He i* ex pected to return to the city Thursday morning. A large number of county farmers and farm women attended the convention also. Fifteen defendant* were tried in re corder’s court Monday, according to a report of Chief Talbirt. The defend ant* were ordered to pay $260.35 in fine* and costs and Chief Talbirt reported tbi* morning that aTI but $03.75 had beer collected. The defendants who have not yet paid will be given until tomorrow to raise their fine*. W. A. Rerrian, who has been occupy ’ *ng the Mrs. John M. Cook house or West Corbin Street for several month* and who has been connected with th< Reid Motor Co., has been made local manager, of the Pilot Mountain Motoi Co., at Pilot Mountain, and expects tc move his family to that place tomor row. George Peck has returned to the Davit White Sulphur Springs at Hiddenite where he is playing .in an orchestra, as ter spending several day* here with hii parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Peek. Mr Peck f na« been playing in the Hidden* t« orchestra for several weeks and sevetn other Concord men also gee members, o: the orchestra. Nearly 30,000 women are employee by banks in the United States. /WHOM (13) SIMS One yard of short skirt can look more interesting than half a yard c' bathing suit. It is easy to laugh at your own ex pense until the bills come in. Time it is cool enough to sleep it Is almost time to get up. Blowing your own horn a llttio is all right. But never try td blow it to beat the band. If there was a moon, every night there would be no bachelors. Time cures everything except having to shave. (Copyright, 1925. NBA Service, Inc.) The Duke of York, second son of • King Oeorge. is a keen eriketcr. I See Our New I v Wrist and I Strap Watches 111 I XFOU will be interested in these B X new designs in ElginWatches. 1 These new models represent the a finest development of the an of la watchmaking. And while they are [I unusually beautiful, no sacrifice la has been made in timekeeping IS accuracy nor in the quality which i assures long years of dependable 1 service. H It will he a pleasure lor us to Eg show these models to anyone 1 g interested in watches. £ 1 STARNES-MILLER PAKKER CO. I Jewelers and Optomet- 1 | DON'T GP,[IW OLD BEFORE YOUO III! If You Want to Be Young. Strong, Vig orous and Active Bead and Heed This Message. ! Health. Strength, Vitality, Ambition, .Coinage ami Confidence should be yours | at 50. or even 70 years of age—if you will it so! As proof of this statement, there is living evidence everywhere. Some folks are young at 70. while others—countless thousands of others—are poor broken down "wrecks” at 30 or 35. This dif ference in age is not caused by ‘‘so many years"—but by ill health or youthful fol ly and neglect. Yoy may try to fool yourself, but you can’t, fool nature. Through warning signs, called symptoms, mankind's “age bringing" diseases are told of in plenty of time—then,* it is up to you. If you do not heed these danger signals—you must pay the penalty! The common and most often neglected symptoms that bring 111 Health. Weak ness and "Old Age" to those who should j be in the very prime of life are—occa sional headache*, diaxy spells, spots-be fore-tiie-eyes, irritability. nervousness, loss of weight, loss of appetite, sleepless ness. weakness and that tired exhausted feeling that makes the slightest work a bore. These seemingly trivial symptoms are trying to warn you that something is wrong—yet, nine ont of ten people ignore '"these signals” until they are practically : down and out, then “old age” comes ; early, and we wonder why. Don't try to fool nature, bnt start to day to compter the forces of ill health and weakness that are dragging you down—banish the nagging complaints • that are sapping your life forces. If you want to be young and stay young—if you want to enjoy the rich fullness of life and ward off the approach of age—take i care of your heglth ! For this particular purpose—the Iron -1 ux discovery of a well known Virginia 1 chemist has brought joy and feeling of > youthful strength and vigor to many ‘ many thousaul*. One well known Nor ’ folk man says, “Since taking Ironux, I have felt better than anytime in 20 years !” A Richmond dentist says, t "Ironux changed me from a sickly part time worker to a strong, healthy, happy 1 man — who knows life i« worth loving!” I Another man says, “After taking two . bottles of Ironnx, I have gained 2 pounds , in weight and feel like a boy again!”— and so it goes, hundreds of reports of a similar natures all 'praising the powers of Ironux. This ie remarkable evidence! < Don't grow old before your time—and . don’t let lack of nerve force and vitality ■ "Mp” your energy, steal your pleasure* » and make you a weaklytng. For only • SI.OO any good druggist Will supply you ! with a big bottle of the genuine Bruch -1 er's Ironux on a bthding guarantee of I money promptly refunded -.if you are not wonderfully pleased. This is your op portunity to quickly and surely prove the 1 value of Ironux Without risk of a penny — ask 'your druggist today! U-EEP YOUR BODY |§ -TV CLEAN INSIDE For headache, constipation. |ij! indigestion, biliousness, bad jji 1 breath, laziness and that 11 worn out feeling, take two i i Chamberlain’s Tablets They keep men, women and children 1 1 1 1 full of pep, health and happiness— js 1 because they keep them clean inside. { 50 for 25 emit. Sold everywhere I j l Gibson Drug Store. Pimply Skill and Impure Blood Due ji to a Torpid Liver |i ; ; -■ l|l Blood carries body’s poisons, which quickly disfigure the complexion The liver is, the body’s wonderful j! purifier. All of • our ; blood passes 1 ’through the liver every 15 minutes i| 'for purification. ; i Everyone’s bl°°d is constantly poi- i] soned by body toxins: formed in food 1 1 waste.* When the liver becomes S weak, or torpid, our systams are at f once tainted by blood toxins. ! These are poisons that, if not de- > stroyed by the liver, are carried di- € rect to the skin and cause sallowness, c blotches, redness, eruptions and pirn- 0 pies. ' C Doctors know that a good com- S plexion comes only from within the i| body. Blood impurities cannot be J rubbed away with creams of oint- | ments. Science also knows that the liver— J the body’s complexion maker—can- j not be regulated by drugs, but a ' safe Nature substance has been dis- j covered which will act directly on i the liver. The discovery is purified 1 ox gall. | , Get from your druggist a packagd ij •of Dioxol. Each tablet contains ten • j drops of purified ox gall. In 24 hours the poison toxins will be re- ' moved. Your liver will be regulated. . Blood purification will begin. Sal low skin will clear. Pimples will pass away, leaving the complexion ; < dear and soft. Dioxol tablets are ( harmless, tasteless and cost less than i two cents each. < These genuine ox gall tablets are '• ] prepared only under the name i “Dioxol.” If any tablet is offered' | you under another name, refuse it. ' ' Accept pnly Dioxol in the original, ' genuine package. Test Dioxol free. j Mail this coupon now. WklMull Pkaraianl C. I * 598 Madlaon At*.. aPOC u N*w Tork. N. T. T* I ' >1 mat to try Dioxol. * **** | ' I" i “Dioxol is especially recommended by I Let Your ij; j Next Battery jjij Pe An EXIDE ;;| Use Only the ij Best CONCORD COTMN BtARKBT TUESDAY, JULY 28, IMS Cotton -25 | Cotton Seed .45 j Our New Mechanically Refriger- j ' • ated Autopolar Fountain ; keeps ice cream in the most per- ! feet condition. With this new au tomatic refrigerating device, it is possible to hold the temperature i to the zero mark if desired, and this insures all ice cream and ! drinks in the bejt of condition. < PEARL DRUG CO. On the Square Phone St The Very Things You Need Are Very Easy to Secure The cool airy underwear—the f J mid-summer night pajamas— WW l l / The fresh garters—the new sport U j The collar attached shirts—the cool bat ties— C These and a hundred other ■ m . items you need are easy to buy— ™ and easy to pay for. * Come in—when the heat gets up its Irish—tell it to go bark j up another tree! I Linen Knickers—Cool Tropical Suits—Bathing Suits i HOOVER’S, Inc. “THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE” KXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC. XJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOqOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOCXXXJOO •* That ’ s our business—to see _ U that your car is well oiled and . greased, thoroughly cleaned \ In an< i ree rom dust, dirt, grime | ar *d f° re 'gn particles. Let us or two and see the difference. HOWARD’S FILLING STATION ‘‘SfrvjM With a smile” 30000000 °0000000060000cx)000000000000cxj000000000000 Be Sure You Are Right and Then Go Ahead— \ou will make no mistake by placing your order for your winter’s coal with A. B. POUNDS Threatened strike may cause coal to advance sl.‘oO-pfer" ton overnight. , PHONE m OR 279 OOOOOOOOObOOOOOOOOOOOOaQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOffOOOQOtKH WHAT IS A BANK? The Bank is an institution developed by the highest form of civilization to assist men, women and children in their efforts to become self-supporting. It is just a human, everyday business, which benefits largely by courtesy and a friendly spirit. Your account is welcome with us. CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK Capital $400,000.00 Resources Over $3,000,000.00 oooooooooooooooooboooooooobobooooobooooooooboooooc North Carolina Popular Excursion TO WASHINGTON, D.C VIA Southern Railway System Three whole days and two nights In Washington. Round Trip Fare from Concord, N. C., J Q gQ Special train leaves Concord 9 :3S P. M., July 81, 1925. Arrive* Washington 8:45 A.M., August 1, 1925. Tickets on sale July 31st. Good on regular trains to junction points, • thence Special Train. Good to return on all regular trains (except Np. 37) up to and including train No. 39 leaving AVashington 10:50 p. m. August 3, 1025. BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL GAMES Washington Senators vs. Detroit Tigers. Three August Ist, 2nd aryl 3rd. A One opportunity to see Ty Cobb, star fielder of the Detroit Tigers; Walter Johnson, star pitcher, the Senators,' and other great stars in action. ■ This will also be a wonderful opportunity to visit Washington’s many public buildings; Arlington National Cemetery and various other points of interest. Tickets good in Pullman sleeping cars and day coaches. No stop-overs—No baggage checked. For farther information call on any Southern Railway agent or ad dress : R. H. GRAHAM, D. P. A., M. B. Woody Charlotte, N. C. Ticket Agent, Concord, N. G Tuesday, July 28, 1925

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