WeHnesHay, July 20, 1025 m ■■ —— Hal If you want to high hat your neigh bors, here Is a made-to-order piece of millinery for your purposes. It is of hatters' plush and is trimmed with grosgraln ribbon abo\it the crown. You should have pretty reg ular features and lots of dash to wear it effectively. MEMORIAL SERVICES FOR BRYAN AT COURT HOUSE Four O’clock Friday Is -JW Set to Honor Gieat Commoner.'— Local Or. ators to Be Heard. ijQh Proclamation bas been issued by Mayor Barrier to the citizens of Con cord- requesting that they assemble at (lie fohrt house Friday afternoon at 4 "Clock tor memorial services in memory of ittlhm Jennings. Bryan, who died Sunday qFDayton, Tenn. The ttour of the services here are identical wit|> the services which are to be heal at Arlington, where he is to be buyiea. In the proclamation Mayor Barrier declares that “our country's leading pri vate citteen has answered the inevitable call that eoir.es to us all,” and that his .private and personal character” is worthy of emulation. In view of these I laetss, t*ne proclamation continues, itj seems fitting that we should give some expression of our appreciation of his life, character and service.” l'lans are being made to have several three-minufp talks by prominent local men. It is probable that the exercises will not last over thirty minutes. Mecklenburg Farmers Like to Raise . ■? Sheep. Charlotte Observer. >„• Wool gathering was the order of the •-•day Monday among sheep-breeding Mecklenburg farmers. Kope Elias, coun ty agent, arranged the annual sale and the farmers brought iu the wool to buy ers who were on hand. The total proceeds amounted to several hundred dollars. About 1.000 imunds were sold, bringing 23, 35 and 43 cents a pound, according 1 to quality. Sheep raising is a very .small side 1 line on Mecklenburg farms, but those 1 fnrmers having sheep express them selves ns being much pleased with the ! profits in mutton and wool marketed. CATARRH of nose or throat is made more endurable, some , times greatly benefited by applying Vicks up nos * trils. Also melt some and inhale the vapors. VICKS W Vapoßub Peer 17 Million Jar* U~d Yearfr * « ■ ' - I » ■ ■ vi H —- T-» i Sold By 4 HARRIS FUR* tAL FAVRLOR Dv Phono MO NlgU Phone* MO-150L ■ . - p yiS.—j.. ... • PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Ji B. Linker and daugh ter, Adeline, left this morning for Athens. Gk., where they will visit Mrs. Linker’s parents, Mr. and Mrs- W. W. Barnett. • • • Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Morrison and family, Mr, and Mrs. Will Linker and son went to Wilmington Tuesday, where they will spend the week with Mr. Sf6r rißon’s sister, Mrs. Bryant. I>i‘! t • • • Miss Elizabeth Black returned to her home last night after spending some time at Chicago and McKeesport. Penn. • * • H. H. Barnett and Joel Linker are spending some tiine in Athens, Ga., with relatives. •. m • Miss Pink Willeford has returned from Asheville, where she attended summer school for several weeks. ... A. M. Shinn is spending the days in Winston-Salem on business. • * » Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Berrian are mov ing today to Pilot Mountain, where Mr. Berrian is to be in charge of the Ford agency. ... Mrs. It. A. Brower and Mrs. W. S. Bingham are spending the day in Albe marle today. jMjss Dorothea Wolff and Miss Kath erine Wolff left this morning for Gas tonia and Dallas, where they will visit relatives-, for a week. • • » 1 Airs. L. T. Hartsell, Jr., is expected to return today from Lancaster, S. C., . where she has been visiting her parents for several week-*. , j »* • ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Brice Caldwell and little daughter have arrived in the city apd ore visiting at the home of Air. and Airs. J. B. Womble on West Depot street. • * » Aliss Alargaret Blair, of Charlotte, is visiting at the home of her aunt. Airs. J. P. Cook, on the Alt. Pleasant road. ’ ’* *1 »*i * Mrs. A. Jones Yorke and Airs. H. G. Gibson left this morning f<ir !'Albe marle where they attended a party. AJrs. A. R. Howard ami Airs. Frank Rogers have returned from a two weeks' trip to Florida. t• • • I Waller Brown and A. E. Tucker spent Tuesday in Raleigh on business. Squire Hartsell Prophesies For Rain. Stanly News-Herald. ' Squire J. E. Hartsell has turned weather prophet. The Squire suid yes terday that even though the weather was exceedingly dry at present, there would be a sure enough good rain soon. According to Air. Hartsell. and every one hopes that he is right, there is going to be "a gulley washing nnd frog strang ling rain either next week or the wepk following.” The moon looks like rain, and the Squire says that the long dry spell is going to be broken, nnd then in stead of worrying about the dust, citi zens of Stanly will be talking about mud. "So mought it be.” The saliva from the upper jitw Os the Gila monster of Arizona is not, poison, but that from the lower jaw will kill a rabbit in two minutes. Little injury to man has resulted because of the diffi culty the monster has in pen'- rati ig the skin with its lower jaw. Add the Comforts of 1 PLUMBING i to Vour Home ] Modern Plumbing will do as much or more than any other t>tie thing toward making your borne a comfortable and convenient place in which to live. It costs you nothing to get our cost es timate. Concord Plumbing Company North Kerr Street Phone 876 ■ ■ ■ ■ I ■— !■ Ml' .j, II.M . „|. , . ypypHi ’ To prevent freckles Elizabeth Arden had created aft ' nqulaite flnMrtng lotion, I VENETIAN LILLB LOTION, •S be Mfed under powder. 1 A***** and astringent, - , ***** «** *• akin. M* a finkh, flattering 1 i - for day or evening. PtfevottS | 1 WW»*. Qrtmn, ' , ***** Spanish Rachel, Ocre. sl-50. $2.50. Gibson Drag Store faiab ... . ■.iWi s&i.-ii.'i ’ »*s > LICENSE COSTS TROUBLE LOCAL AUTOMOBILE OWNER Sun Goodman Encounters Difficulties hi Arranging For Conveyance to and From His Ranch. Sam Goodman, the well-known local Caruso, is complaining bitterly of his fate. He has been tricked. His story follows: Not so long since, Samuel invested iu i- a plantation on the Gold Hill road. It i, is a lovely place. He can stand on a s slight knoll in the center and view the broad expanse of his rolling acres, three and a half of them, to be exact. >1 It has been his plan to make a ranch :l the place. On the thrfe acres which e are umvooded, he will have a herd of cattle browsing while in the half acre of woodland, there is to be a game preserve, r « spot which is to be stocked plentifully with rare birds nnd animals. His plans for the ranch are many. It will be necessary, he says, for the cus ». tomary number of cowboys, clad in spnn , gled suits and hatted in broad brimmed sombreros, to be swaggering round and taking pot shots at one another. For i this role, he has selected a group of local r drug-store cowboys, who from past ex perience in sipping milk shakes, should be adequate for the part. 1 To return to the tricking episode. Our rancher found it necessary to procure conveyance for his produce und so in the course of events, • Chevrolet was j purchased for the sum total of $lO. It was once a touring car but classification was a little hard of designation in its . present condition and it was ‘decided to ■; us « it as a truck which has already i been loaded with wood for its maiden trip. Before using it, in accordance with • the laws of the state of North Carolina. Air. Goodman called on the Carolina Mo tor Club with reference to procuring a li cense. There he was told that the tag would cost him $12.50, the title would be [ $.50 more. This caused him to cry out loud. To add insult to inpry, , the City' now Steps out and demands SI.OO for putt'ng its name on the front. He is asking his friends what he should do. It,.would easily be worth the $lO paid for it, but the sl4 extra is a little steep. T'ntil he can decide, the motor must stand idle and work on the ranch must be held up. The Spanish bungalow, which is to be constructed on the hillock, must also await develop ments. As the time for the Tall rqfind-up is approaching, Air. Goodman is anxious to got his cowboys and begin getting ready for the heavy work. Evidently Major Has Heard Billy Sun day. By JAZZY .MOORE Kannapolis, July 21).—According to Charles Misenlieimer, known around town as major, the evolution theory is all “bunk. ' He has the following to say about jt: “We were born imitators. Darwin said we came from monkeys. I don't agree witli him. Perhaps you do. Well, perhaps you did come from a monkey— I didn't. Anyway, we all have more cr less monkey in us. We are all imi tators. We are cut off the same pat tern; made by the same mold. We walk alike, talk alike, eat alike, and sleep ■ .li ■ -if-WW-l-WW ■■ .. ■ ■ Our New Mechanically Refriger- ; ated Autopolar* Fountain keeps ice cream in the most per fect condition. With this new au tomatic refrigerating device, it is possible to hold the temperature to the zero mark if desired, ana this insures all ice cream and drinks in the best of condition. PEARL DRUG CO. On the Square Phone 22 I PUTTING A MODERN TUB IN YOUR HOME means a distinct increase in home comfort and an improvement in family health. It doe? not mean any serious inconvenience or loss of time or a big expenditure of money if we do the work. Why lot see us about it? E. B. GRADY i ! PLUMBING AND HEATING DEALER' Office and Show Room SB E. Corbin St. Office Phone SMW THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE ,1 MRS. WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN* BeiFa Up Under Strata.— The Commoner’s Widow la Directing Funeral Arran se ll mentg. ' «B i 191 SHUR ~ •• b«8 m ■ h I j| f This comfortable frame house in Dayton. Tenn., saw the passing of William Jennings Bryan. It was here that he and Airs. Bryan stayed'during the Scopes trial and it was here that he died peacefully in his sleep. alike. We also dress alike—a few years ago the boys all wore shirts called sport shirts. They fiad rolled collars like a woman's shirtwaist. We all wore them and went to see the girls, or pic nicking, and everywhere with the shirt open at the throat and rolled back over our collar. O. boy, they were cute. We looked like a cross between a Green ' ! — ‘ ' "* l *' ' '* 1,1 111 ' 1 '' if -mi Make Your Summer Free From Ice Worry „ Install Kelvinator electric refrigeration in your refrigerator and you can forget all about ice deliv ery this summer. Kelvinator will keep your refrigerator much colder ' and your foods much better and longer. When you go visiting it will stay cold while you are gone. Kelvinator requires no time or attention and is trouble free, It usually costs less to operate Kelvi nator than to buy ice. Phone or call for detail*. 1 Yorke& Wadsworth Co. Ki ; m Kelvinator Th« Oldest Domtitic Electric Refrigeration ! * ’ '"'ich village flapper and a modern tea hound. We all wore them then, but ■ why don’t some fellows strut out in one ■ now? Pshaw, X wouldn’t be caught at ■ a prize fight between red bugs with one on now. Why ? Because no one else wears them. W T e are born imitators.’’ REMEMBER PENNY ADS ARE CASH I All Suit# Reduced 25 to 50 Per Cent. Straw Hat* at Half Price Including Panamas and Leghorns Browns-Cannon Co. j j CANNON BUILDING 00000000000 OOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQf»eyy«fyy% ' £ SUGAR! SUGAR! SUGARL^t , | Get Your Supply Now; It Can’t Well Go Lower. * ’’ . j 100 Lb. Bags $6.50; 25 Lb. Bags $1.75; 10 Lb. Bags 75c I We don’t sell it for lo under cost, but from 1-2 to 1c over cost. You ‘ - can get it from us any hour of the day any day of the week and any : sis week of the year.. , .... v J » Isugar'”* 1 11' 1 haVe " eßr a drtSS ° r be a fuU Bro " ,n mau to bl >y our i: - We sell to judges, lawyers, doctors, preachers, laymen, . farmers, cbil- i ; dren, niggers, merchants and all other classes. | We do not offer you some staple article of di*y goods at 20 per cent, un- ! i [ Wf cost to get you to patronize us. 1 ! ■ We are in the grocery business and solicit your patronage solely &n> i n merits of our goods and service. • I ! c. H. BARRIER & CO. I : y DELCO LIGHT | Light Plants and Batteries Deep and Shallow Well Pumps for Direct or Alter- ! j nating current and Washing Machines for direct or alter- 1 > Bating current. | | * R. H. OWEN, Agent Phone M* Concord, N. C. j 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ■ ■ p. l . . • —. .—l —. . July Clearance of All Our White Slippers I his July Clearance Sale is an event here meriting IN study on the part of every woman. i Id J ul y Clearance Sale of this magniture needs no fur- N ther urging. $2.95 to $4.95 » I , \ j: RUTH-KESLER SHOE STORE I j-| Smartest Styles Lowest Prices 3000000000QOCKX>OQOOOQOQC^ Li THAT STRAW OR PAN AMAH AT I Can be Cleaned and Reblocker to I finish out the season if sent to us. ) M. R. POUNDS Dry Cleaning Department *ooooooooooooooo9 oooooooooooooooQoooooooooooooJ ■ 1.. ORDER BY GAME COMMISSION * Notice in hereby given that the open season for shooting Doves in Cabarrus County is hereby changed from August Ist to February Ist of each year. Hunting licenses may be had at the CitUens Bunk and Trust Company from PAGE FIVE : t\ L. Props t, Treasurer, and a license is required to be carried on the person o t the hunter at all times while hunting. Tins’ July 21st, 1925. CABARRUS COUNTY FISH AND GAME COMMISSION, By iCHAS. F. RITCHIE, Cl»rm. 22-29-c.

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