PAGE EIGHT IXLbe Charlotte Observer is currying more high class features, in connection with receiving the pi latest news from the ASSOCIATED PRESS. the CONSOLIDATED M PRESS, anil the NORTH AMERICAN NEWSPAPER ALLIANCE, g thin any other newspaper pub i.-hed in the Carolinas. If you are not Pj a reader of Carolinas’ b ggest and foremost newspaper, there must be n I reason. If the Observer knew the reason no doubts you '.would be a E leader. • ■ : f If you are not a subscriber and will kindly fill in’and clip the cou- r pon below and seud t> the Circulation Department, The OBSERVER I will send you free sample copies of The NEW OBSERVER. or better I still, fill in and mail the coqpon with a small remittance and Tile OB SERVER will i>ut you on as a subscriber. You don't have to pay for a H ii year at one time. A shorter'period will be appreciated and w'll perhaps ! t be more convenient for you at this time. Send your remittance for | l nny amount you wisli. By' all means, don't overlook sending in the ■ b couppn tilled in anil iet ns send you sample copies and tell us why you | j a:e r.ot a reader of The OBSERVER , SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY MAIL 1 mo. .1 mos. (linos. 1 yenr jj l Daily and Sunday Tse #2.25 #4.50 SO.OO « - Daily without Sunday (Vic #1.75 #5.50 #7.00 !! " Sunday Only 40c #I.OO #1.75 #5.50 3 " The Charlotte Observer, ij Circulation Department. 5 Charlotte, North Carolina, (Jeutlemen : Eneloseil find # for months ■ 3 subscription ! i OBSERVER. I Send sample copies to i —— . , i My reasop for not reading The OBSERVER is 'l_;_ S Name £ i Address j ± _ 1 ■VJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC ij HAVOLINE OIL | Is More Than Oil. It is POWER We Are Now Ready to Supply You With HAVOLINE ! Mutual 03 Company I | PHONE 476 R. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOCI I INSURE When You Start To Build The right time to take out insurance is when you start building. Then if through any cause your building should burn, even before completed, the Insurance will cover your loss. Fetzer & Yorke Insurance Agency Successors to Southern Loan and Trust Co. j P. B. FETZER A. JONES YORKE j ||KL CRAVENS SONS] | ; PHONE 74 ii AT [ V/xYli Plaster Mortar Colors I* LATEST | VICTOR RECORDS j and PLAYER PIANO ROLLS { KIDD-FRIX | Music & Stationery Co. | | Phone 76 Concord, N. .C. s B -—« .kaw—J CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET (Corrected weekly by Cline A Moose) Figure, named represent prices paid t-r produce on the market: Eggs ' • JtS • 'we 91JU Hweet potatoes I.SO ‘ ithere --- M to 40 Onion* #1.28 Peas , KOO -- 1 ■ * --lit.—— 1— Batter JO Country Ham JO Country Shoulder .20 Country Sides .20 Young Chickens .25 Hens ' .18 Irish Potatoei i*fg Vleltlat Oar* Beaattfully Printed at Times-Tribune ORce. 50 for #1.00;, 100 far fUO. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE i The Concord Daily Tribune ! TIME OF~CU>BING OF MAILS “ The time of the closing of mails at the Concord postoffice is as follows: Northbound. 1 136—11 P. M. 36—10:00 A. M. 34 4:10 P. M. 38— 8:30 P. M. 30—11.00 P. M. Southbound. 39 9:30 A. M. 45 3 :30 P. M. 135 8:00 P. M. ' 29^-11 .00 P. M. LOCAL MENTION < Miss Clara and Goldie Kale have re- ’ turned to Mt. Holly after tqiemling eral days with Miss Margaret lei taker. There will be no more mid-week serv-' ices in the First Presbyterian (Uurch' until September. Work has been started by the Cabar rus county highway commission paint- “ ing the bridges in the county. Only the <teel are receiving t'he 1 coat if paint. j Robinson has 100 silk dresses worth irom sls 00 to $10.50. which he will dace on sale tomorrow (Thursday) norning for choice at $7.05. Better act quick tomorrow’. Marriage licenses were issued to the following couples Tuesday by Register »f Deeds Elliott: L. A. Lent* and Miss Irene Dry. both of Concord, and John L. Rendleman. Jr., aud Miss Marie Vyers. both bf Salisbury. In the account of the accident at Kannapolis which was received yesterday by telephone, the name of one of the p#r *>ns injured was given wrong. It should have been Zeb Baker when it was given as Zeb Bradford. In the report of Monday's police court as carried in. Tuesday's Tribune it was -dated that all fine money except s.‘>7s had been paid by the defendants. The ■mm should have been $10**1.75, the court having allowed the defendats additional time in which to secure the money. j A new building is being constructed by L. H. Sides on Church street, near | the county building. It is to belong, jointly to Mr. Sides and \V. W. Morris. I The building is to have one story with a basement and will be rented as a store room. Mr. and Mrs. T. I. Davis, *Tr.. and Miss M innie Hill Davis, have been spend- ’ i ing this week at Brevard, where Miss Betsy Davis has been in ('amp llahee. They plan to return to ('oncord Inter in the week as Miss Davis will leave the camp today. The J. C. Penney Company will es-» tablish 105 new stores in 1025. and now have 070 stores in 44 states. Three stores do a bu si ties of $00,000,000 a year, i The only state in which this big firm has no stores are Delaware. Florida. Rhode Island and Vermont. John Safrit. of Rimer, was bitten by a spider this morning near his home. He - was brought to Concord for treatment 3 and for several hours was in great pain, ji The effects of the poison wore off short- , I ly before noon and he was able to re- i turn to his home. ] i A fine breeze swept Concord this mom- !| ing. sending the mercury from the high i 1 point of Tuesday to lower and pleasanter I figures. The change in the temperature || came some time after midnight and was d a great relief from the excessive heat of ij the past several days. No session of the city police court i will be held this afternoon, it was stated i] at police headquarters this morning. '| “We haven't a thing docketed for trial jl this afternoon.'' Chief of Police Talbirt ij stated. "Business has been very quiet 'i with us this week, and we have received J few calls." W. O. Allen, deputy sheriff who spends . most of his time as officer for the Brown i and Nqreott Mills, has been acting as ij speed cop on the roads of the county re- ( cently. Tile officer was on the Concord- I Charlotte road Tuesday and was seen ij to make one arrest between Concord and 1 the Mecklenburg county line. i! From "Ten Years Ao” column in The 1 Charlotte Observer: Capital for a new i! cotton mill at Concord has been secured, the amount. #IOO.OOO, An organization ( i will be effected Tuesday. The mill will l| be operated by C. W. Johnston, president ji of the Highland Park Mill, of Charlotte, , ( 1 and one of the best known textile manu-jij faeturers in the South. * Hi Detroit defeated Philadelphia Tuesday ]i while Chicago was winning two games (] from Washington, Cleveland was defeat- 1 ] ing Boston and New York was defeat- !i ing St. Louis. In the National League ij Pittsburgh won from Boston, Cincinnati ' | won from Philadelphia, New York de- ] I feat cl Chicago and Brooklyn won from i[ St. Isiuis. “Clean I'p Week" has been a success 1 so far and city officials are sure it will j i continue so if people of Concord con- i [ tique to co-operate. The campaign will 'i be continued this week and persons are i 1 urged to get their trash to streets nearer ij their homes so it can be collected by ' i the trucks and wagons being used for , I this purpose by the city. Child hi Gastonia I ties From Drinking <| Kerosene. j Gastonia. July 28.—Funeral services i were conducted today for little Violet 1 1 Ruth Maune.v. twoyear-old child of Mr. 1 ] I and Mrs. Thomas Mauney. of Lowell, ij near here, who died suddenly from es- ji sects of drinking a small bottle of ji kerosene oil. The child found the liquid i while plasng about the home. A GROUCH NOT WANTED J There is nothing so harmful to success ] as being a grouch. Stomach, liver and intestinal troubles mdte one grouchy., 1 Mayr's Wonderful Remedy will help 1 ! overcome these and usually gives cum-p plete results. ( Our advice to everyone troubled in this way, especially when accompanied 1 with bloating in the stomach, is to try this remedy. It is a simple, harmless I l preparation that removes the catarrhal ; mucus from the intestinal tract and ah- ; ■ l*ys the inflammation which causes prac-1 ; tically all stomach, liver and intestinal . ailments, including appendicitis. At the jGibaoa Drug Store and druggists every mTOM v^ y SAYS Two s t couple Three means they go to a picture show. While a scientist claims man Is run by electricity we claim he la run < by his creditors Women would be much niceg-'peo- ! pie if they wouldn't refuse to ..agree j with you when vou are mistaken I When an auto balks In the middle ' of a mud hole it us merely trying to replace the mule J Our idea of i bad insurance risk is a small man with a big temper. Rolhng stones may not gather any > moss, but you "an t sit on one. (Copyright. IN'Ka Service, tne.t Sec Our New I Wrist and Strap Watches VOU will be interested in these A new designs in ElgiaWstches. These new models represent the finest development oi the an of watchmaking. And while they are * unusually beautiful, no sacrifice has been made in timekeeping accuracy nor in the quality which ’ assures long yean at dependable service. It will be a pleasure ior us to show these models to anyone interested in watches. btXrnes-miller- PARKER CO. Jewelers and Optomet rists aeeooooooceocoooooooocooooi 8 8 jji Run Right to CLINE’S |i| Come, inside and wait. X ]!' You are welcome. Phone 333 ; J I Cline's Pharmacy!! i oooooooooooooqooooooooqooT ji 100 ’ | Silk Dresses ij $15.00 i; i $17.50 jj V $19.50 Values on Sale Beginning Thursday Morning Your Choice $7.95 TO i 0 I ■viNGTON'S |l N. C. I] j SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! ! j Shoes—high, low, black, tan, suede and white, for children and grown folks, j Bound to sell, l’rice 50c to $5.00. i Grips, Suitcases, Grips Cheap stuff,V i cheap brass looks and snaps, dothlined,' j fit 'r. Fall size suitcases, jump off ''i j pr'oe __ SI.OO ] I Thin blown table tumblers 5c , Galvanized Buchets 25c-40c | ICnumel Dippers, full size __ 15c i | Aluminum Dipper*, fnll size 25e i | Men's Shot's, work and dress $3.00 I Men's Fine Shoes pair $3.00 Matches, eight cent box, (I for 40c |< Needles, Thread. Pens, each 5e Specs—Swap your old pair for some to suit you. Shoe Daces, light and heavy , 5c ] Men's Caps, full crown ap i Children's Shoes SI.OO 1 Men’s Caps, full crown, all wool suiting, dollar bargain, each “ 50c Men’s Hats SI.OO j You'll .die if you don't buy— Women's Work Shoes $2.00 HStndletsr-axe, hammer, forks, cheap. j Ladies*' cotton dress _____ 75c - Girls' ohe-piece cotton dress _l_. 65c 1 Envelope* tahlefs, pencil* 5c , Wash Ita.JSps, tin. enamel -I 15c i Ford Around Ford Around ' ] Children’s Shoes 75c: Fine watches, easy payments, fully guar anteed by manufacturer $45.00 ‘ Small Gold Seal Bugs 25c Itocking Chair Bottoms 25c Upholstery Nails, leather head or brass, per box i 5c • Boys Fine Shoes $3.00 Knives. Forks. Simons, Screwdrivers, i pliers, wrenches and Shoes—lest you forget—Shoes. All Wool Suit, hand tailored to individ- I ual measure $25.00 1 Youra uini'erely, ( C. PATTERSON COVINGTON i CONCORD COTWN MARKET ] WEDNESDAY. JULY 2». 1025 I Cotton .25 j Cotton Seed .45 1 Let Your jjj Next Battery jjj; Be An i|| EXIDE ! Use Only the i | Best Every Child Can Get One of Our Beau tiful infant dolls without a cent of money. Read the big page ad. and see how easy it is. ts. WOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOUOOOOOCXJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOft^ I I The Very Things You Need / [ Are Very Easy to Secure The cool- airy jtonderwpaf—the T T / mid-summer nigty pajartias—: MM It/ | The fresh garters—she new sport V I ' The collar attached shirts—the “ ! [ cool bat ties— \ These and a hundred other ■ J items you need are easy to buy— • and easy to pay for. * » ' j Come in—when the heat gets up its Irish—tell it to go bark ] up another tree! ! Linen Knickers—Cool Tropical Suits—Bathing Suits HOOVER’S, Inc. < t I i » • ,! . | “THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE” j ' that your 1 ar is well oiled and jj | and free from dust, dirt, grime] ! HOWARD'S FILLING STATION ! “Service With a Situkr *°°O°°°°°°°°OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I The Right Kind of COAL The Right Kind of PRICE The Right Kind of SERVICE A. B. POUNDS PHONE 244 OR 279 | ] PRIVACY | Your Safe Deposit Box is as private as if it were in the } most secret recess of your own home. You place your valuables in it yourself and only you ? I ever take anything out. ' jj This service and protection is yours at a very small [ cost. ' j CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK jj : Capital $400,000,00 Resources Over $3,000,000.00 f • North Carolina Popular Excursion ; :—to— WASHINGTON, D;C j ; VIA l j : Southern Railway System i Three whole days and two nights in Washington. \ t ] Round Trip Fare from Concord, N. C., 10 50 I i Special train leaves Concord 0 :35 P. M., July 31, 1925. 1 1 ] Arrives Washington 8:45 A.M., August 1, 1925. ! Tickets on sale July 31st. Good on regular trains to junction points j j i thence Special Train. Good to return on all regular trninß (except No i i 37) up to and including train No. 39 leaving Washington 10:50 p m 1 i August 3, 1925. ] BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL GAMES j | Washington Senators vs. Detroit Tigers. Three games August Ist, 2nd and 3rd. i A fine opportunity to see Ty Cobb, star fielder of the Detroit Tigers- ! ] Walter Johnson, star pitcher, the Senators, and other great stars in action. - . ] | This will also be a wonderful opportunity to visit Washington’s many 5 i public buildings; Arlington National Cemetery and various other points * X i of Interest. ] Tickets good in Pullman sleeping cars and day coaches. jj j No stop-overs—No baggage checked. jjj i For further information call on any Southern Railway agent or ad- O I _ , R H. GRAHAM. D. P. A., 9 M - Wood 7 Charlotte, N. C. X S; Ticket Agent, X Concord, N. C. 4 "MaflooooßOOßCOQOfloonnnAinnftnnflai^^ Wednesday, July 29, 1925

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