PAGE EIGHT 1 CLOSING THEM OUT AT HAAL I M M PRICE 3 1 p| All Refrigerators and ice Boxes, Including Automatic. j"j || Baldwin and Crystal White. Rather than carry them over H 1 and iit order to 1 make mom for. new fall goods now arriving ]i we are closing out the remainder of pur stock of refrigera- H tors at Half-Price. Several good numbers to select front. j-» :: Get your refrigerators now and pay just half price. jl|| T ' M Priced from $lO to $35. Concord Furniture Co. | THE RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE -. * ..i I K.L CRAVEN & SONS I PHONE 74 roAT si. II #im ■ J Plaster Mortar Colors -»oooooooooooooooooooeeooeoocooooooooooooooooooooooooc Congratulations! Presenting the new lightweight champion, Jimmy Goodrich of Buffalo. He Won the title in the recent elimination tournament. Here he's shown loading some of the many telegrams o( congratulaUon he received alter - knocking out Loanua in the »n«i bout. Asleep in the Deep L-g.-.v. .... .yyp. AX.PM'WW . * * A ** * m |h fisBSMW '*■ *s&**#&* Sidney Helms of Dee Moines. Is., has completed ft SOO-mil# trip down the Mississippi River on a mattress He is a mattress salesman and the mattresses he sells float So he put a light wooden frame around oas. gays the how a toboggan flare, stuck an outboard motor at the bank and got up a speed of eight miles an hour He went from Keokuk, la., «o ” ■ « •k.V OI * 1 * l |HAk/w- Sdti t'A i' * / ' v W\ > vi £# THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE : The Concord Daily Tribune ;1 time” or CLOSING OF MAILS ~ * The time of the closing of mail 3 at the Concord postoffice Is as follows: Northbound. 1 136—11:00 P. M. } 36 —10 :00 A. M. j 34 4:10 P. M. l 38 — 8:30 P M. j 30—11:00 P. M. Southbound. ! 39 9:30 A. M. | 45 3:30 P. M. i 135 8:00 P. M. { 29—11:00 P. M. j( LOCAL MENTION ) \ Wo thank our friend, H. W. Hark*\v. :Of X<>. township, for a larg»» basket of I wonderfully fine peaches of t*ae (’armel I | and Elbert a varitiea. | Mrs. H. F Swink, who has been in' [ the Concord Hospital f»»r several weeks, | i returned to her home yesterday very | 'much improved. j Marriage licence has been issued by J \ Register of IVeds Elliott to Vester Frpexe i i and Miss Annie Bethel. bo*.(i of Kan- ii | napolis. | The annual catalogue of the Appa- I lachiau State Normal School. Boone. X. , ’ (\. gives the attendance from Cabarrus j |at 28. This school trains public school ; | teachers. j Anangements are being completed for i ; the opening of the city schools which is ! to be held <*n the 7th of September. The 1 \ entire faculty has been elected and the 1 ’ list will be published in several days. e Funeral services for the infant of Mr. ] I and Mrs. Marvin Suther, stillborn Sun- 1 | day morning, were conducted Sunday at i the home on North street and 1 | burial was made in Oakwood cemetery. • ’ II Word received from the bedside of John i W. ('line this morning stated that Mr. i Cline was still daugeromdy ill. He has ( \ been in a seiTous condition for the past ( I week. I ( \ Leslie Bell, formerly connected with ; j the Musette. Inc., has accepted a posi -1 tion with the Kidd-Frix ('ompany, wliere * he will have charge of the school books i which will be sold there this fall. 1 Mrs. M. F. Teeter aid! daughter.. Mar- J | garet. Miss Willeen McKnight. of Char- ' i lotte ; Miss IVarl Abernathy, of Pioneer | 1 Mills, left by automobile Phis morning k ft»r Washington where they will spend i ten days. i Judge John M. Oglesby, who spent the ' week-end here after holding court in i Asheville last week, left yesterday after-1 noon for Burnsville, where he will pie- i j side at sessions of Yancey county court j i for the next two weeks. During this week, from August 3rd to' 9th inclusive. Efird's will have a clear-1 | ance of all summer apparel. The entire | i stock of summer dresses in voiles, crepes. 1 land silks of every kind will be offered j, at less than wholesale prices. * It. C. Crook#, of the Tiines-Tribune | force, is enjoying a vacation this week. j Mr. ('looks plans to si»end part of this . week in the western part of The state. ' he and the members of his family to make the trip in their automobile. Tne county commissioners met at the I court house this morning for their regu- j lar August meeting. It was predicted before the meeting that no matters of unusual importance would come before the meeting and up td the noon hour the prediction had been fulfilled. Frank Mund, city building inspector, | announced that during July lie issued 20 building permits for work valued at $324.- SNO. Twelve inspections for new elec trical equipment also were made during the month by Mr. Mund. according to his report. The condition of S. J. Ervin. w(io has been ill for some time at his home on North In ion street, was not so favorable Sunday. However, there was a change for the better during the early part of the night and he was reported today as rest ing more comfortably. The golf tournament held at the Cabar rus Country Club last week was won by Walter L. Furr, with a score of 163 1 for 36 holes. I)r. W. H. Wadsworth was second. Play in the tournament was completed Saturday, Furr getting a commanding lead on the first nine Sat urday when he came in with a 38, one over par. The eleventh annual meeting of the Wineroff Memorial Association will be held at Center Grove E. L. Church on Tuesday. An elaborate program begin ning at 10:30 o'clock has been prepared for the occasion. Dinner will be served on the grounds as soon as the program is completed. Washington defeated Detroit in the American League yesterday while Cleve land was winning from New York. In the Xational League Brooklyn won fora Chicago. Cincinnati and Boston split n double header and St. Louie defeated New York. The Pittsburgh Pirates are leading the National League and Phila delphia is leading the American. The week-end closing today was one of the coolent Concord ha# ever known for August in many years. There wan a decided touch of fgll in the tempera ture and coats were much in evidence Saturday and Sunday night, while light wraps were used by women during yes terday. The storm which carried snow to parts of Tetas is thought to be re sponsible for the cool weather here. Six defendant# are to be tried in re- corder’s court thi# afternoon, police of ficers report. Three are charged with intoxiriatiou, two with as#anlts with deadly weapons and one with operating an automobile wlile intoxicated. Po lice officers pointed out that this is the first time in several weeks that as many as three persons are to be tried at the 1 same session of court for being intoxicat-! ,ky" Johnson, frequently mentioned as » cast off of the Cabarrus clttb of the Twilight League, will be signed for life if he pitches the brand of ball that he defeat j ed the Mt. Pleasant regulars with Sat urday afternoon. Johnson had perfect control, plenty of speed, and a neat “hop" that resulted in pop flies that turned the v'sitors back 10 to 2. Hill, star gunner of the Mounties, was : replaced by Watts after fire All Stars I went on a Babe Ruth rampage in the fifth spasm amt sent four balls out of the, park for the limited four-base hit. Llpo hit like wild-fire for the locals, gathering three out of five: single, a double, and a home run. Shot. Mt. Pleas ■ ant boy. showed more class than any of | Ids teammates. Kannapolis Personal Items. Kannapolis. Aug. 3.—John S. Car lientcr, K. H Williams. W. J. Hartsell. and E. I*. Tca'e attended the annual Southern Industrial Conference the lat ter part of last week as representatives iif the Cabarni' Cotton Mills The con ference Was held at Blue Ridge with 500 representatives present. Miss Virginia Viola and a party of young people are on a motor trip which will take them to Blowing Rook, Blark Mountain, Asheville and other points of interest. They cxiiect to be gone about a week. Miss Edith Jolley will entertain the bridge club of Which she is a member Friday at her home on South Main street. M. J. Peary, after visiting relatives, has returned to his home in Columbia, S. C. Miss Claire Thompson, of Bluefield, W. Va.. who lias been the house guest of Miss Blanche Walters, has returned to her home. Mies Evelyn Rarbee has been the guest of her parents in Harrisburg. At the X’abarru.s Y. M. C. A. are Charles Lobe and IT. J. Omhrey, of Cleveland, Ohio. I’ayne Johnson will pass a month touring the eastern states. Miss Dorothy Williams entertained a small dinner party at the Cabarrus club i rooms last Friday evening. | Miss Bertha Moser, who has been quite , ill at the.. Charlotte Sanatorium, is im proving and will mine to her home sbon. j Mrs. Meerim Matthews is spending , two weeks at Wrightsville Beach. I A novelty feature that took place on I Saturday evening was a keno party. ! which was received witli a good deal of enthusiasm by the guests of Cabarrus j V, and was attended by a number of peo l pie from tipper Kannapolis. I The Kannapolis Truck Drivers' Asso leiation announces that Ben Widenhouse has been elected President for the ensu- I iug twelve months. Oscar Price ' was i chosen vice president, and Ha in Heth j cock was made secretary-treasurer. The social committee is isunposed of Robert , Dnyvauir, McCombs and Clarence [ I iePinger. tfehu charter members are | listed : Edw*ifl‘Davis. Clarence Troutman, | Frank Moser! I 'George Rhyne. Jake Wid i enhouse. Rem Widenhouse, Leo MeCombe. 'Oscar Price. Sant Hethcoek and Clarence Dellinger. President Widenhouse wishes | it announced that an interesting program is be'ng planned for the rcinaiuder of the | summer months. ! The Y. P C. I’, of Main Street A. R. P. Church held a meeting and social at] the home of Miss Elsie Rost on the Enochville road Thursday evening with i twenty members present. Mrs. John E. Boger was the hostess at I a (lanes' at her home on South Main street Friday evening. Miss AguC)|. porrell, of Indianapolis, Did., is tlie attest of her aunt, Mrs. George Rodgers, at her home ou South Main street. LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE. Regular meeting of Concord Lodge No. , 404 Loyal Order of Moose Monday eve . ning at 8 o'clock. All members request | ed to be present. W. J. HKTHCOX. Sec. i CONCORD COT>ON MARKET it MONDAY, Al'Gl'ST 3, 1K65 Cotton .25 i Cotton Seed .40 SKINNY 111 ~ ,! - v : j Thin Men i Run Down Men Nervous Men , You prohabaly know that Cod Liver . Oil is the greatest flesh producer in the , world. ,! Because it contains more Vitamine* i than any food you can get. I You'll be glad to know tiiat Cod > Liver Oil comes in sugar coaled tablets . now, so if yon really want to put 10 or I 20 iKiunds of solid healthy flesh on your bones and, feel well and strong ask the ‘ Pearl Drug Company ore any good drug -1 gist for a box of McCoy's Cod Liver Oil '. Compound Tablets. ' | Only (It) tablets for 00 (flats and If 1 1 you don’t gain five pounds in 30 days 1 your druggist will hand you back the money you paid for them. r It isn’t anything unusual for a per son to gain 10 pounds in 30 days. "Get McCoy's, the original and genuine . Cod Liver OU Tablet.” REMEMBER FENNY ADS ARE CASH CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET (Corrected weakly by Glia* A Mooas) I Figures named represent prices paid i for produce on the market: I Eggs .25 lOorn »1J» i Sweet potatoes LOO Onions I.7ZZ |L2S Fee* 8.00 I Batter JO Country Ham JO Country Shoulder J# Country Siam J§ Young Chickens .25 Hens * .18 1 Irish Potato#! UB tV-iv. ■'' Th* button'll mightier than th« i pin , || The dang*rout part about trying j 1 to forget your part la you may 'sue- ■ \ ceed In forgetting It. Some of these new dance step* !| make the St. Vitus kink like a alow i motion movie. A cheerful man is one who know* It is impossible for things to b* as bad as he thinks they are. Try too hard to be the Nfe of the party and you will be the death of i the party The only place California earth i quakes are popular is among Florida j real estate salesmen (Copyright. I*2s. NEA Service, lno.l The average crop of a coeqanut tree Is SO nuts but the crop of a general election varies Kentucky man of 70 has lust rid- 1 den on his first train It.does take ] a long time to save up the faro Everything seems to come to him who goes A conservative estimate would be that lots of fruli jars have borne brew in them now The trouble With being a man la shaving takes them longer than Just smearing on a little rouga When a man gets disappointed In k*v* he goes around blaming tbs world in general for U. •Copyright. 192$ NBA Service lac.) These are the days- when the boas gets mad when he finds things went better whfc he was away Some people who think they are being agreeable are being hypocrite What is so rare aa a June day in July or August 1 Half of our livee are spent talking to people about other people. World's greatest shoe valfA le when you shoo files off the dinner The world could be worse. Suppose every auto you see was a motorcy afc'f tdsvyright. ISIS. NBA Bsrvtce. Inc.) New Books at the library. "The Wtiolc Armour of God." "Things That Mailer Most." "God, Our Contem porary." "Life in the Heights," "Thrist- Ing for the Springe," “Brooks by the Travelers Way." “Springs in the Desert,” ami “the Friend on the Road." all by J. H. Jowett, D. D.: “Does God Care?" by Mouzon, Personal Christianity" by McConnell "I’niversity Sermons” by Cof fin. "Places of Quiet Strength” by Stone, “The Infinite Artist” and “The New Greatness" by Shannon and "The Teach ing Work of the Church." ‘ These books were purchased by the collections from the union services. San Francisco is to have one of the largest and finest ice rinks 'in the coun try. Charles Satehell Morris to Speak Tuesday Night. Charles Satehell Morris (colored) will speak at the city hall Tuesday night at X o'clock to the colored people. A spe cial invitation is extended to the white people. To hear him means better un derstanding ol the colored race. Ad mission : Adults 35 cents and children 25 cent*. Tickets on sale at the Pearl Drug Store.—Adv, 3-2 t-p. takelromux . TO CONQUER NERVOUSNESS Don't Let Lark of Confidence. Nerve Force and Vitality Make Von a Pitiful Weakling. If you (eel tired, out of sorts, despond ent, mentally or physically depressed and ■ lack the desire and energy to accomplish things—go to your druggist and get a big r SI.OO bottle of Burcher'e Ironux today * and see what a difference a few days use will make! * If you are nervous because of over work, worry or lack of proper nourish ‘ ment or rest, the a maxing value of ' Butcher's Ironux should prove itself to r your utmost satisfaction in less than 48 r hours—then you’ll know for sure why - thousands of other folks use it every day. ' For affections of the Nervous System. 1 Constipation, poor blood, chills, fever, malaria, loss of appetite, lack of confi f dence, sleeplessness, exhausted vitality * and weakness —the use of Burcher’e ! Ironux is absolutely guaranteed to please you or its small cost will be gladly re ' funded. Sold and recommended by all _ good druggists. I Does Your Raw PuH ar Does it 9 Cot Hair | The Irfgersoll Dollar Rasor blade 8 etropper give* you 300 shaves from 8 every blade, Saves $5 to $lO a 8 7Mr * ’ - j|9B We have a strapper for every kind 8 of rasor blade. V PRICK ONLY $1.60 X Clines Pharmacy! Phone 383 | ooooooooonoooooooonoooock 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009% I The Very Things You Need | Are Very Easy to. Secure" The cool airy underwear—the / mid-summer night pajamas— ■1 J f / The fresh garters—the new sport Ml vJ 1 belts— . \ I The collar attached shirts—the » cool bat ties— C i These and a hundred other 8 . w items you need are easy to buy— 8 and easy to pay for. * Come in—when the heat gets up its Irish—tell it to go bark ! u up another tree! Linen Knickers—Cool Tropical Suits—Bathing Suit% HOOVER’S, Inc. ! “THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE” ooooooooooooo«»oooooooocock3oooooooooooooooooooooooooo' X WK,RE AI " AYS READY jj, J As |. S'toM&p'ilfl ti> serve the car whose driver is iu r f 2. jf Ju ■ gel quick service with a warm wel ] j HOWARD’S FILLING STATION 1 FCOAL! COAL! 1 Lowest Cash Price For Next 10 Days: iji Best Virginia Lump $7.50 Best Jellico Lump $8.50 BI Y NOW AND SAVE A. B. POUNDS ' PHONE 8M D» 879 1 yg3xaaa«rnmnm*HN.tsg9aiiix:t.-ffiHaii.i,t’.’i-‘.t-: jiv- ■ ---rrT-i | IS PRIVACY Your Safe Deposit Box is as private as if it were in the s most secret recess of your own home. a You place your valuables in it yourself and only you jj ever take anything out. j This service and protection is yours at a very small ! fc cost.~ CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK Capital $400,000.00 Resources Over $3,000,000.00 j j|Pf>anngM-a'is—iinsaiin»aiwwai'Brn.!.)*nrit,-i-nnsn;'m. Bigm—a. ' aOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ Visit Markson Shoe Store ! !; Fpr Real Values in Footwear [ | MEN ,WOMEN AND CHILDREN jj; , I Wonderful values in White Kid, Patent Kid and Satin iji jj: $1.98 $2.95 T 055.95 iji * ! Don’t Make Any Selection Until You Compare Our ' Quality and Prices ! j [ MARKSON SHOE STORE Phone 897 * A Good Place to Trade j | 1 j OOOOOOOOODOnn J^yQ^^g n Q^ nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn j j S Is More Than Oil. It is POWER i We Are Now Ready to Supply You i WithHAVOUNE I Mutual Oil Company PHONE 478 R. BboOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOd THE PEMLII GETS ’EM EVERY TIME Monday, August 3, 1925