PAGE SIX LIGHT VOCAL SELECTIONS Odette r «Tn> UkuUleLsdy with Yioltn. Cottar and Ukulele 1 PxJ Whiten** and Hit Orcheatra lam . Frank Cramtl. Sauthera Raae—Fox Tret ■ My Sweetie Turned Me Down UkaUl. and l 19 ™ 10 PdlWhitHß.! .cd Hi* Ord«tr. J >i T a n _. ~ F™* Cl uuatj How j You Tamght—Fox Tret with k Boy’* Bert Friend u Hi* Mother withMaUTHa. 1 awalerfrain The Boom Orcherfr. W Chkajo I yiohn. Caitar and Harmonica Vernon | Had Someone Else Before 1 Had Yoo-Fox Tret 19685 1H Many, Many Year* Afo with Mol. Trio, Ffato* f rrfnUn The Benson Orchestra of Chicago Cuttar and Harmonica Vemon DaßiartJ In the Heart of Hawaft-Walbi The Midnight Waltz Elliott Shaw\ lwi]) . .. Hilo Havanan Orchestra Only c Wearer of Dream* Edna Brown Levi* Janes; 1 My HonoWn Dream GW—Waki ***** *® No. Sow irds Havanan Orchestra ltayW«*M< I A “ ( "“‘2rS} 1%8 ° * WG^bß ™ Wn_F “ofiterN.rbr'.orch M tr, °2£3 K^«l saaw-r_T». OI ™ N, ’ V,a * - "|'>“ » r* N« B r kT ' * jiM 1 * 87 *' The Benson Orchestra es Chicago « v u Ccam Avar Jane Greenl in By the Light of the Stan—Foe Trot If Yon Hadn’t Cone Away Grate./ 19707 10 Jan Garber and His Orcfvatr. „ ■ \ Seminal*—Fox Trot .(An Indian Love Song) The Runaway Tran with Violin. CaiUw oral , Jan Garber and ilia Orchestra Harmonica Vernon Dalhart\ 19Sg4 w „ . Yen-Fox TrJT X The Chain Gang Song Orchtetr, of Chicn Harmonica Tho Whole Worid u Dreaning of Lore-Foe Tret 19693 10 D.IHCS RECORDS The Benson Orchestra es Chicago Teß R'e Mara!—Medley Tc! Tret (tram "Tell Me 1 The Melody That Made You Mine (C Friend- . Mon”) Pant Whiteman and His Orchestra 1 .««, ... W. C Poll*) Piano Solo Frank Banta 1V —, .. TVhy Do I Lora You! —Medley Fox Trot (from " l eli J My Sugar (Addy Britt—Jack Litdc) Piano Solo Me More") Paul Whiteman and IBs Orchestral Frank Banta. Pal of My Cradb Cays—Waltz with cecal refrain j Cress-Words Between Sweetie and Me—Fez Trot Paul Whiteman and His Orchestraliocgn in Jan Gather and IBs Orchestra .mo, M Ukulele Lady—Fox Trot with Mait Quartet J Who Lend Ton Best—Fox Trot with oocal refrain Paul Whiteman and Hu Orchestral Jan Garber and His Orchestra. Let Me Linger Longer in Your Arms—Fox Trot | My Sweetie Tamed Me Down—Fox Tret ’ | coca! refrain Paul Whiteman and Hi* Orchestra!.—-, International Novelty Orchestral.a™ .. Stepp in’ in Society—Fas Tret ( soe Smilt—Fax Trot with oocaj refrain J Paul Whiteman and Hu Orchestral International Noreky Orchestra Kidd-Frix Music & Stationery Co. NAMES YOU meet Mr. Howard and Mr. Walters in a gathering. Their names are to you but two of the many you hear. A few days later you meet Mr. Howard again. And again. He becomes a friend, perhaps an intimate in your social as well as business life. Mr. Howard’s name grows to mean a lot to you. Mr. Walters is rarely seen again and soon forgotten. In this newspaper are Other names—names of advertised products. Day after day you see them. They are like old friends—to be trusted. Their names mean economy, full value and integrity. jo£‘; U \ J The unadvertised products—perhaps you see one in a store — or in a friend’s home. Soon the name is forgotten—a stranger about whom you know little. F/ll your medicine closet, ypur pantry, your wardrobe with products, whose names are guarantees of their integrity—adver tised products. Like intimate friends—you, know what they are and will do. < t • • Read the newspaper advertisements to know the names that are worth knowing in the market place lps :' • ' . ‘ « THE CONCORD DAILY, TRIBUNE BASEBALL SUMMARY Americas League. TV. L. PC. Philadelphia 63 33 .656 Washington 62 3(1 .633 Chicago 55 47 .535) St. Louis f 50 50 .500 Detroit 50 51 .405 New York 43 56 .434 Boston 2!) 71 .25)0. Results Yesterday. St. I.ouis 12; Boston 4. Philadelphia 3 ; Chicago 2. Detroit 3; Washington 2. New York 3; Cleveland 2. South Atlantic League. W. L. PC. Charlotte 00 31 .655) Spartanburg 53 3!) .576 Macon 4!) 43 .533 Augusta 40 44 .527 Asheville 45 47 .485) Greenville 43 40 .467 Columbia 30 52 .420 Knoxville 30 63 .323 Results Yesterday. Knoxville 4; Hornets 3. .Spartanburg 14; Mamn 0. Greenville 6; Augusta 3. Asheville 1; Columbia 0. National League. W. L. PC. Pittsburgh 58 38 .004 New York 58 41 .586 Cincinnati 53 46 .535 Brook 48 46 .511 St. Louis 47 53 .470 Philadelphia 44 50 .468 Chicago 42 56 .420 Boston 41 00 .406 Results Yesterday. Boston 3: Cincinnati 1. Pittsburgh 3-3: Philadelphia 2-2. St. Louis 7: New York 6. Chicago 7; Brooklyn 4. SOUTHERN POWER REDUCES RATES WITH AUGUST Rates Going Into Effect With Yester day Assure Big Savings for Consumer. The Southern Power Company is nn noucing a reduction in eletric rates, in effect with bill rendered September Ist., for August service. This reduction the company announces applies to nil cities, towns and villages served by the South ern Power Company, and will effect n saving annually of considerably more than $200,000 for all customers through out the territory. Reduction in top light ing rate is from 9 to 8 cents per killi watt hour. Reduction in retail power rates at this time is as striking as those in lighting rates, affecting especially the smaller users of power. In speaking of the new rates a member of the company staff said : ‘'These rate reductions, affecting prac tically all the customers of the company, follow closely a considerable reduction in the rates for electricity for heating, cook ing etc., announced a few weeks ago when the old rate of 4 cents straight per kilowatt hour > was reduced in schedule under which, after payment of the mini mum bill of $2, which included 50 kilo watt hours of service, the rate started at 3 1-2 cents for the second 50 kilowatt hours with a rate of 3 cents per kilowatt hour for all curt-dirt - ,above 100 kilowatt hours." The formal announcement of the re ductions now being made effective breathes a spirit of optimism regarding the future of the- light ami power in dustry and the part it is to play in in dustry And in the home. Referring to the decrease in revenue which must result from the rate reduction. Vice-president (‘has. I. Burkholder remarks: “If this sacrifice of revenue should temporally result in less than a reason able rate of return for this part of our service we feel that we can reasonably expect that the deficiency will soon be supplied through the increase in con sumption of current which must result from the large reductions in the cost of service to the consumer.” Then follows a forecast of the future and this pledge to the thousands of cust omers being and to be served by the Sou thern Power Company iu the city. “We believe that the great electrical development of our country is yet in its infancy, and that greater and more var ied uses will be made of electricity in homes and in factories. “We wish to assure our patrons that we are going about this greater develop ment by maintaining at all times an up-to-date and efficient service and by giving to our customers from time to time in the future as in the past their full share of the advantages ami econo mies that may be derived from the in creased business.” MAKES $2.5)0 A BUSHEL FROM FEEDING CORN County Agent Rowell Showing ChOwazi County Farmers How to Raise Hogs. Edenton News. ? Chowan county js . paying for corn shipped in fully sixteen’ thousand dol lars, which could be produced in the county, states County Agent Rowell, in a letter addressed to the farmer, and he 'encloses' a schedule of the results of twg., hog feeding demonstrations which shoW that corn fed to hogs—in a scien tific way—will produce $2.90 a bmdicl for the corn grown. When it is said that hogs do not pay for their feed it is because the feeding is hot, right or therhogs are not right. In the' demonstrations It is shown , that the hogs, scientifically fed, gained 3,795 pounds in 85 days, 1 0r,55 pounds per pig, an average 1.5 pounds per day. with a cost of a little over flye cents per pound, showing a good profit when hogs are selling, as at the present time at 14 cents per pound live weight. The postmaster of Atlanta, in deny ing recently published reports, declared in the Atlanta Constitution the other day that less than 3,300 people had moved from that city to Florida in the past two years. It seems that he had been quoted as saying that from 10,000 to 45,000 have left within the past year. NEVER BE WITHOUT IT IW for it imondiaUly were rod- X W dan, severa, colicky pains and cramps in stomach and bowels, deadly nanaas and weakening diarrhoea. For children and grown-oneaae CHAMBERLAIN’S COLIC and DIARRHOEA Taka it with yon whan yon travel. Keep it always ia yaw tail.’ Gibson Drug Wore. A- i . ' *00,4- 4i Ota c* MRS. BRYAN ARRIVES ' AT HOME IN MIAMI Wife of Commoner Will Begin Work Immediately On Husband's Memories. Miami. Fla.. Aug. 3.—Mrs. William .Tannings Bryan arrived in Miami at noun I today and was met at the station by a party of friends from Coroanut Grove including the Rev. Foster W. Taylor, pastor of the Grove Temple C’jureh. and F. A. Kent, a close friend of the family who has been at the Bryan home during the absence of the family. Mrs. Bryan was bearing up bravely after the strain of the tedious j rair.ey from Washington. According to Rev. Mr. Taylor who called during the as lernoor. she seemed in a peaceful frame of nind and apparently well composed afier her week of sorrow. Mrs. Bryan will begin immediately to finish the memoirs of tier husband using ns her material a wealth of notes which Mr. Bryan had prepared for the work. According to Rev. Mr. Taylor the auto biography is to be called "The Son of Fortune.” The Textile Outlook. Charlotte Observer. I Two weeks ago the Government sent out a decidedly bearish re|>ort on the cotton crop and out of this report the cotton goods trade has profited, accord ing to statement homed the past week by The Textile" Woj-ld. That authority indicates a marked strengthening in I Moving to Larger Building Our Battery and Generator Service Station has been moved to the Reed building on E. Corbin St. Will operate Garage for general repair at old location. You are invit ed to call on us at our now location. Bollinger Service Station | Garage S. Church St. Battery Station E. Corbin St.. Ijli j 1 1 ||b > 6m had the “She shouldn’t be so hard to enftik. How long have you had her? Two years? Well, the magnets have probably weakened. They call diem ‘permanent ; a magnets’ but that don’t mean they’ll last forever. We’ll test these for you and recharge them if they need it”. The experienced Fleet Boss knows that poor starting is often blamed on the “gas” when as a matter of fact it is the fault of the spark. . Oil gets blamed for lots of things, too, that are not its built. Take carbon, foninstance. Do you know that often over 60% of the alleged carbon in your cylinders is just plain road dirt? We know, because we’ve had It analysed. Os course some oils leave i more carbon than others. That is why it pays to buythebestolL Ask for “Standard” by name. Have / you tried our special brand for Ford cars only? Easy start. Easy stop. Quiet bands. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) “STANDARD” [jpsiimai motor oil JbrYOßfM&rs ■- —1 ; -.1 ;: ■ .‘ . t.- „ • ..■ V. .. V ,V * . . . t'j . ■ . ' - ‘ - ■ ■ ", . . . . jll ■ prices on raw cotton, cotton yarns and unfinished cotton goods. In tDe gray goods market, it says, a large volume of business was placed immediately fol lowing publication of the report, and volume has continued fair this, week on the rise. Prices on many gray goods construct ions are up one-quarter to one-half cent from those prevailing before the report. A notable feature of the present situ ation is the advances that have gone into effect on brown sheetings, which have been one of the most depressed spots of the market and which have hith erto failed to respond generally to up ward movements. Spring business continues light ns is natural in view of raw material un certainties. The trade is by no means convinced that a crop considerably larger than that indicated by the Government report is impossible, but there is no question about the safety of buying of Shrewed mrchants bnvhbeem » goods for deliveries into September. Shrewed merchants believe that the turn of the goods market for-this wear has finally ben made, and that the second half of the year will be considerable bet ter than the first half for the industry as a whole The Tri-State and Middle Atlantic leagues, "both new organizations this year, have met with sneh success that their permanency seems assured. Tuesday, August 4, 1925 “I AINT GOT NOTHIN’” Well, I'll swear I ain't got nothin' Aain't had nothin' Don't want nothing’ 'Cept you. I ain’t seen anybody,' Ain't had anybody. Ain't loved anybody, That's true. i But if you'll love me, I'll love you; If you want money, tho’ I won’t do. Never had nothing. Don’t want nothing. ’Cause I ain't got nothing, 'Cept you. Editor Appeals For Moral Code. Frederick Peaker, editor of the School master, and president of the British In stitute of .Tournalists, has made an ap peal for cleaner journalism in an ad dress made before members of that insti tute. According to Peaker the most difficult task confronting the newspaper of to day. is keeping immoral news from file eyes of the public. , The new park of the I,os Angeles Pa cific Const league baseball club will have 7.000 box seats.

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