PAGE FOUR £ f ' HP . 3 I * _ Area, square miles...TT.tV 58.725, True property value..... .$3,8%,759,000 > * U piSucte. man $ 192.186,000 \y %\ oil mills... ....$ 99.320.307 r '-\ ■(., H Augusta Herald * Moultrie ObMrver %.• * i l >*KrlL r. ' "han 8,000 carloads of peaches which George s nips every season is really but a small s | item in t« *e total of Wealth that she produces each year. Fc+ Georgia is one of the great agricultural state* oi tie South, having more farms —310,732 — thuo any other truly southern state. ' ieortia has gone in for diversification and is reaping rioh oe<%efits therefrom. To her great cotton crop ol s. r ( > 600,000 bales, she has added other means ol in 'losing her great agricultural wealth. Now, great e. r ii r-am acreage, greatest in oat acreage, she it; n jv? ' i r i '>rmous producer of vegetables, small fruit? and the like. * J ii, .- s |vvco crop has grown amazingly. The lv° light leaf of the coastal plains yielded. ip f in 1924 and the 1923 crop is expected tu b*La£ $l 3,000,000. Her forests yield close to a * ' billicvT feet yearly and her manufactories have more ti an doubled since 1910. She is third in textile op in the South. Her mines and quarries l- - » * ' ' ' v . | - | I • "*-1 • .•■■■’ . '•_l * ... , \ '• THE DONCOBB DSHT TRIBDNB » / yield a great variety of products. Granite and ' marble from her quarries beautify cities throughput the Union. . • * % v"; Georgia’s hydro-electric power development has been enormous. She now has more than 482,000 horse-power developed* moire than any other south ern state with the possible exception of North Car olina. ( Georgia has more improved roads than any state .* In the South. She is in a more prosperous condition than at any time since the abnormal bootn days of the war. < 4 -i \ i - There is a vast market for our own products in * Georgia. Instead of going to territories far away where hard, where freight rates are ! / \ 4l higher, where it is more expensive for our salesmen to travel* let’s sell in Georgia, “The Empire State.” Georgia s newspapers will cany for us the message [ of what we have, to sell. They 11 sell for us. i * * . - i; x w ‘4- . • - * i WedndSdav. Ausust 5,1025