• ASSOCIATED • • PRESS • • DISPATCHES ft VOLUME XXV EX-GQV. MORRISON 1 DEFENDS RECORD OF : ■HHITH 1 Says That the State Audi tor’s Statement Does Not Justify Assertion of the Morrison Deficit. A STATEMENT" IS ISSUED TODAY Former Alleged Deficit a “Monumental Humbug.”—' Will Not Discuss It Further Till Gov. McLean Returns. 1 (By tlir Associated Pranl Charlotte. Aug. 6.—Former Governor Cameron Morrison, of North Carolina, ] entered the lists again today in defense of the financial phase of his administra tion as chief executive. The State auditdr's statement does Apt justify the assertion that the Morrison administration's deficit was $3,123,320.22 he declared in a statement issued here. While stating he would forebear to en ter further into the deficit question which is termed a "monumental humbug." un til the return of Governor Angus W. Mc- I.ean after liis vacation, Mr. Morrison discussed the question in the statement. | There is qo official declaration that the i $3,123,320.21), the debit balance, occurred during any particular administrtion, the former Governor said. He continued: "How much of it occurred during the Morrison administration, and how much of it during the last six months under the McLean administration is not stated." “The accumulation debit balance of 1 $3,123,320.22 is subject to large credits which are not carried to Auditor Dur ham's office, to-wit all taxes in arrears ' for last year and year before. This will be a large amount and I purpose to show the people in my next statement the prop erty and assets other than cash brought ti])on the general account and which is determining what real deficit as of June 30th was, should be taken into account. "For instance. 1 am informed that ' about half a million dollars was on an ’ item charged as a deficit from the peni tentiary ns of June 30. Os course, this is only a cash deficit and is subject to credit of the pro(>erty which the peniten tiary owned at this time, and this will amount to hundreds of thousands of dol lars. "I will endeavor in the next statement, after the return of Governor McLean to the state, to show the people what a monumental humbug this whole deficit ac count lias been. 1 do not know that Governor McLean will desire to pay any attention to the statement when made, but 1 feel he should have an opportunity to, if he desires.” CHINA GROVE PEOPLE HAVE NARROW ESCAPE Car With Party of Ten In It Gets Out of Control Near Rutherfordton. Rutherfordton, Attg. s.—Whnt came near being a very serious accident oc curred yesterday afternoon five miles west of here on the highway towards Chimney Rock when a Maxwell touring oar driven by Charles Freeman became unmanageable. Mr. Freeman put his foot on the gas feet instead of the brakes and rammed the car into a bank. Ten people were in the car, all from China Grove, or nearby: Mr- and Mns. R. L. Deacon and two children, Rev. and Mrs. G. L. Hodge, pastor of the Ba]>- tiat church, China Grove, and three others. There were six grown people and four children in the car. The Maxwell was a complete wreck. Mrs. Hodge .suffered the most, hav ing a wrist broken and bad cuts over her eyes. All the party received scratches or bruises except three. They were com ing towards Rutherfordton. Several of the party went to the Rutherford hos pital to have their wounds dressed. All are able to leave 'odny except Mrs. Hodge. BI’ZZ PHILLIPS HAS REEN SOU) TO DETROIT TIGERS Will Report at the Close of This Season or Next Spring.—Sale Price Not Di- vulged. (By the Associated Press) Salisbury, Aug. 6—“ Buzz” Phillips, star hurler for the Salisbury-Spencer team of the Piedmont Leafeue, has been sold to the Detroit Tigers to report at (the close of this season or next spring, Hymnn, one of the owners of the plub stated today. Phillips turned in his eighth consecutive win here yesterday against the Durham team, winning 4 tol. He has won 15 games and lost 8 this * season. The sale price was not divulged, but is understood to have been a good one. I Concord Theatre | (THE COOL SPOT) | Last Showing Today I; “Let Women 1 Alone” ' With Pat O’Malley, Wanda Haw- 1 ley and Wallace Beery. EXTRA i “JI’ST A GOOD GCY” Pa the Comedy Tomorrow Only A Naiimova in " 1 ' I fj "THE REDEEMING SIN" The Concord Daily Tribune ♦ *****■****•■**#♦ i * » % BANK OF ENGLAND * * CUTB RATE AGAIN % * * •&, (By the Associated Press) 4: ;4( Lmkn, Ang. B.—The rate of the )K P.ank of Eng’and has been reduced 4; 5K to 4 1-2 per cent, from 5 per cent. 4( 4( which J .ias prevailed since March 4; 4( this year. While the monetary sit- 4; nation '.iad eased considerably in 4-1 jHE late weeks, indicating the possibil- 4? ity of a reduction in the bank rate. 4: 4* the market was scarcely prepared 4£ 5K Dr the xuprixr announcement from jfc 4( the central institution this morning 4( 4t that lfie official minimum had been 4( 4( reduced to 4 1-2 per cent. 41 * * ♦ ************■*•*♦ SAYS HE WILL SHE CITY OF HIGH POINT Dairyman Claims Firemen Permuted His Proprrty to Bum. ‘ High Point. Aug. s.—Charging that | High Point firemen stc-od bv and watch ed his property burn without making . any attemot to extinguish the blaze. Edwin He dfelter. local dairyman, stilted today that he expected to enter suit ■again-t the City of High Point to eol -1 lect damages. • Shortly before midnight Sunday a small blaze was discovered iff the barn of Mr. Clodfelter, who lives just inside the corporate limits. He notified fire men. who hurried to the scene. Firemen who answered the alarm stated that Mr. Clodfelter requested them not to move the plank from the 1 barn when they attempted to do so for the purpose of fighting the flames. In I view of this request and owing to the distance from n hydrant the firemen ■ were unable to get control of the blaze. I the firemen explained- Mr. Clodfelter today replied to the firemen with a denial that he at any time prohibited them from removing the plank from the barn, but he admit ted that he told employes of the dairy not to remove the plank until the fire- men arrived. “The firemen were dressed up in their Sunday clothes and they just didn't care to fight the fire.” said Mr. Clod felter. “I suffered a loss of $12,000 sh this blaze, and all because the fire de partment failed to do its duty. If Chief Horney had been there I know they would have saved my barn fop he would have made 'em work." Mr. Clodfelter added that be is a tax payer of High Point and therefore is entitled to protection. He said he had already consulted his attorneys and was going ahead with plans to enter suit against the city. MR. M’GCIRE DECLARES THAT-.. * HE IS RESIDENT OF CITY. Denies That He Was Introduced at Mooresville as Pastor of First Baptist Church. There is such a person at Rev. C. I\ McGuire. Following a meeting of the Ku Klux Klan in Mooresville last week, a report became current that there was no one by that name in the city of Concord. The news story from Mooresville de clared that Mr. McGuire was pastor of the First Baptist Church of Concord and was a Klan organizer with headquarters in this city. The first statement was vigorously denied as sopn as it appeared. The latter lias not been confirmed. Mr. McGuire himself appeared in the Times-Tribune office this week and vol untarily gave information concerning his life. He is, he says, a Baptist minister, regularly ordained and for the past 8 years has been an evangelist. For sever al years he has been captain of the Vol unteers of America in the Southeastern Division. Mr. McGuire has resided in Concord for one week. His work here is, he de clares, missionary and inter-denomina tional. He purposes bringing a large tent here to reach the unchurched. Those converted will be asked to join the Church of their choice. Since coming to the city Mr. McGuire has preached at the Mclntyre Baptist tent and also at the Blackwelder meet ing. He conducted a street service Mon day but rain intecferreil Tuesday, he said. It was denied by Mr. McGuire that he was introduced as pastor of the First Baptist Church at the Klan meeting at Mooresville. His introduction was that he was a Baptist minister from Concord. He stated that this was an error on the part of the correspondent of that city. ' Monument Erected to Rural Policeman. Monroe. Aug. 5.—A monument has been erected in the square at Pageland to the memory of Henry B. Graves, rural policeman, who lost hie life while attempting to board a ear supposed to be engaged in bootlegging. The monu ment was erected by the Jame« M. Mil ler Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy, and the unveiling cere mony took place Saturday afternoon. The monument is a shaft about 15 feet high. At the unveiling of the ~ monu ment Mrs. Edna Funderburk former president of the chapter, presided and read an original poem- W. B. Love and R. F, Beasley of Monroe made speeches. The Pageland band furnished music, and prayers were offered by Rev. Messrs. Sewell and Chedester. A large crowd witnessed the ceremony. A little eon of Mr. Graves unveiled the monument. Fbik Community Club. X The Fink Community Club will hold its regular jneeting (on jiest Friday night. July 10th. at 8 o'clock. Ttiere | will be a program consisting of songs. 1 recitations, talks and music by local | boys. Everybody come and enjoy the I evening. N. I Arthur Brumley, chief dispatcher at I the poet office, in taking a vacation this 9 week. He and his wife and children H have taken a motor trip through the I mountains of western North Carolina. | Misses Minnie White and Sallie Stougti I have gone to Kingsport, Tenn., to visit I Mrs. Harvey Murphy, a sister of Miss I Stough. CONCORD, N. C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, .1925 A* War Spirit Simmers in CMm I-**- ; v -v<wa Unrest in China still has the powers on the anxious seat. Above, at left, students at Peking are shown in nn anti-foreign demonstration. Upper right shows a foreign trooper on guard in Shanghai, with an armored car in the background. A bloody clash between troops and a Chinese mob took place on this corner shortly after this picture was snapped. Below are French anil British cruisers standing by in the harbor at Cbtmghai. .'..-'4.1 '"Hi i J jtaliuaiL'ii a'llM. nJ,»i. ■ tia—liT ■' wm ' -i rmsd: m SHERIFF CONVINCED McMillan is guilty Moore County Officer Brings Negro Sus pected of Capital Crime to State Pris on.' Raleigh News and Observer. Sheriff R. G. Fry. of Moore county!: who brought John McMillan, negro, to the State prison early yesterday to await trial on the charge of committing a cap ital crime against Mrs. J. W. Sides, of Eagle Springs, is convinced that McMil lan is guilty of the crime. When ques tioned closely, said Sheriff Fry, Mac- Millan admitted seeing Mrs. Sides at the spring but denied that lie touched her. He said slip began to scream and he told her that she need have no fear, that he was net going to harm her and that he then walked away. However, the woman was not only criminally attacked but was beaten in the face and the description she gave of her attacker fits that of McMillan. Sheriff Fry said. McMillan was not taken before her after being captured i night before last at Aberdeen for the . reason that she was very nervous and . it was feared that seeing the man might , have an unfavorable effect upon her. . Mrs. Sides was able to sit up a little . yesterday, Sheriff Fry said last night. No arrest has been made as yet in , connection with the assault of Miss Mary t Little, 18, of the High Pines Church neighborhood in Randolph county. (Mrs. Sides was before marriage Miss » Pearl Bost, a daughter of Anthony G. Host, of Concord —Editor.) BYRD NOMINATED FOR GOVERNOR OF VIRGINIA Mapp, Hs Opponent. Offers Congratula tions.—He Is Only 38 Years Old. Richmond, Va.. Aug. s.—State Sen ator Harry Flood Byrd, of Winchester, newspaperman, orehardist and brother of Lieutenant Commander Richard ' Evelyn Byrd. Jr-, in charge of the naval fliers with the MacMillan north pole expedition. was nominated governor of Virginin in the Democratic primaries Tuesday, by the greatest majority in the history of gubernatorial primaries in the state. Just how large was his majority will not be known definitely until official re turn have been canvassed. It is expected B to be between 35,000 and 40,000 votes, and his followers are claiming it will run to more than 45.000 after the bal lots in many of the mountain precincts still unheard from are counted. Mr. Byrd put in a busy day today at his home in Winchester reading a de luge of tedegrams. answering scores of congratulatory telephone calls and in re ceiving many neighbors in Winchester, Frederick county nnd the valley of Virginin as a whole, who motored over to extend their good wishes. Conspicuous among the telegrams were one from State Senator G. Walter Mapp, of Ae oomae, his opponent in thle primary, and one from State Senator C. O'Con nor Goolrick, of Fredericksburg, one of Mapp’s most ardent supporters. Matrons Training Course. Barium Springs. Aug- s.—The fall Matrons'’-Training Course, conducted .by' the Presbyterian Orphanrf Home, ’-will open nt Barium Springs Septemberl, with the' largest enrollment in its his tory. This special course is held semi annually, and provides training for those desiring positions a* matrons, usually lasting for four months. THERE IS NO EPIDEMIC OF PARALYSIS IN STATE Dr. Cooper Says There is No Cause for Alarm—ln Close Touch With the Situation. (By the Associated Press) Raleigh, Aug. 8. —Dr. G. M. Cooper, . acting State health officer, yesterday is sued a statement to the effect that there is no epidemic of paralysis in North Car olina. “There is no cause for alarm," he said. "The Stale board of health is in close touch with the situation, and the public will be advised if there is an un due increase in the number of cases of infantile paralysis." The statement said only thirty-four cases had been reported tiiis year, and eighteen occurred during . July. The deaths during 11)25 numbered only eight. Dr. Cooper's statement was issued as a result of reports circulated in regard to an epidemic of infantile paralysis at cer tain camps in the western part of the state. THE COTTON MARKET. Opened Barely Steady at Decline of 1 to 16 Points.—December Later Rallied to 24:28. (By the Associated Press) New York, Aug. B.—The cotton mar ket opened barely steady today at a de cline of 1 to 6 points under liquidation, or reselling by some of yesterday's buy - ers who evidently were influenced by rel atively easy Liverpool enbles and anoth er private crop report estimating the con dition at 68.8 and an indicated yield of 14,200.000 bales, considerably above the average of previous estimates. Offerings were absorbed by renewal of covering < n a decline of 1) to 10 points, nnd after sell ing off to 24:02, December rallied to ' 24:28 with the general list showing not • advances of about 10 to 16 points by the end of the first hour. STEAMER STANDING BY ANOTHER IN DISTRESS English Steamer San Gil Ready to Offer Aid tot he Crew of Schooner Gabriel Palmer. (By the Associated Press) Havanna. Aug. 6. -The English steam er San Gil is standing by the Cuban schooner Gabriel Palmer this morning in an effort to rescue the crew Os the ves sel. The schooner was discovered yes terday on the Bahama Banks, about 65 miles from Wolf Key. The port police at Havana late last night received information that the ship had sailed from Punta Allegre, Cama guey, some time ago for the north. DR. GREEVER REFUSES COLIEGE PRESIDENCY Columbia Man Notifies That He Can’t Accept Lenoir-Rliyne Presidency. High Point, Aug. s.—Dr. W- H. Greever, of Columbia. S. C.. who was elected president of Lenoir-Rhyne col-, lege. Hickory, sometime ago. lias de clined to accept the office, according to a message received from him today by Dr. C. E. Reltxel. Dr. Reltxel :is a member of die com mute appointed to name a president of the institution. Another meting probably will be held soon for thh' putpose of electing a presi dent, Dr. Reltxel said- He added that owing to the faet that ’Dr. Greever has declined the offer, it will be necessary for the committee to begin over. f m ■■lags •» si 1 VENUS ATTENDS PICNIC AT CONCORD WEDNESDAY. Spends Day Gathering Data to Be Pub lished in His Faith Items:—Sees the < Prettiest Fat Giri. Venus, the correspondent of The Times ■and The Tribune from the city of Faith, spent Wednesday in Concord attending j the Lutheran picnic which was held at j the fair grounds. Venus was a busy man. He did not permit his enjoyment of the picnic to in-J terferp with his business. During the I entire day he was engaged in getting 1 news for his columns. Over his loft shoulder was slung a cam era and in his right hand were a note | book and pencil. With the former, he said, he planned to take pictures of the table ns it was ladened with good things to eat. The pencil and book were used in taking the names of those present which he will publish at a future date. Not only did Venus eat a hearty meal but he conversed at the same time with his numerous friends that he saw. He is reported as declaring that a certain young lady was the prittiest fat girl he had ever seen. ‘‘Also,” says Venus, “if you can beat this picnic, trot it out." With Our Advertisers. O, C. Bruton, of Mt. Gilead, offers for sale several valuable farms in Mont gomery county. See descriptions in this issue under caption, “Farms for Sale in Montgomery County.” A new face in the advertising columns of this paper is that of the Reid Motor Co. They know Fords and they know they know Fords. The resources of the Citizens Bank and Trust Company are over one mil lion dollars. See list of officers and directors in ad. in this paper. The Ritchie Hardware Co. sells the Hood tires. See ad. "Let Women Alone" again at the Con cord Theatre today. Extra, "Just a Good Guy,” a Pa the comedy. Tomor row the great Nazimova in “The Redeem ing Sin.” Yon can get any size Victrola on easy ternis from the Kidd-Frix Co. The Georgia Co., of Waycross. Ga., has 3,000 acres of good improved tobacco land at S3O an acre. Sec ad. in this paper. See new ad. gs the Rutli-Kesler Shoe Store in this paper. Tlie Piggly Wiggly has a lot of spe cials for Friday. Sec ad. on page five. Two Women Claim Him As Husband. Greensboro. Aug. s.—When E. Eller, Charleston. S. C.. man. was faced by two women at the county jail today. both claiming as husband, he abandoned an apiical from 30 days on the road, imposed in municipal court earlier in the day. He was arrested last night when oom ! plaint was made that he was beating lone of tlit- women while the two were in a coube, having been pulled off the woman after he said a man had a right to beat his wife if he wanted to. Fleeing in tlie auto, he was soon caught by police. Tlie woman was found guilty of drunkenness, given a 30 day sentence from which she npi>ealed. Eller claimed he was drinking jiaregoric. After the two were placed in the Guilford County jail a red haired wom an appeared at the jail and said she was the lawful wife. No one disputed the claim. DEBT MISSION FROM ! FRANCE WILL COWSE OVER INSEPTENIBER Now Virtually Settled That J Mission Will Leave France During the First Fortnight of September. M. CAILLAUXTO BE WITH MISSION Unless Something Not Ex- J ; pected Comes Up and Keeps Him From Leaving France at That Time. (By the AsNocinteil Press* Pari*. Ang. 6.—lt is now virtually settled that tho French mission which iis to go to tin* United States to ar- ‘ mnge a settlement of France’s war debt j will leave for Washington during the 1 I first fortnight of September. ! The French government f iias decided to j treat debt settlements with Great Bri- 1 j tain and the United States as two dis , iinct and separate undertakings, and whatever might be the stage of the ne- I gotiation* opened ten days ago at Lon- i j don between France and Great Britain I |in September the mission will proceed i to the United States. « M. Uaillaux. the French finance minis-j j ter. has firm intention unless prevented j by circumstances to proceed to Washing ton himself, but he would remain there only a short time. If he does go. he will sail only after preliminary discus sions have been concluded between the French delegate* an dthe American debt (funding commission. * The French debt commission will be composed of two technical and financial experts, and two parliamentarians. SPIRITUAL HEALING A FACT So Declared by Joint Commission of the Episcopal Church in Report to Be Presented *at General Convention in Fall. New York. Aug. i>.—Spiritual healing is an outstanding fact of contemporary religious life, declares the report of a joint commission to be presented to the general convention of the Episcopal Church at New leaps Qetober. Christian healing. ’ says in its report: "Tlie commission finds a rapidly in creasing desire that the church confirm the belief that there is therapeutic value in tlie Christian religion. Religious and material means for cure must go hand in hand in ministry to the sick. It is of ten difficult to tell where the one leaves ■off and the other begins. Faith in God and fail’d in physician must be blended for best results. Both minister and j physician know that the power of lieal !ing is something apart from themselves; ■that their function in healing is to assist Iby restoring the conditions-—physical, moral and spiritual under which this I power may best operate. A fundatnen | tal principle is that God works and man works. Experience teaches that God does not do for man What man is cap able of doing for himself: that man's failure can thwart the accomplishment of God's purposes. Thus faith finds its appropriate place in co-operation with the law of God.” The report abounds in striking phrases. “Sin is personal,” it says, “and it effects the physical as well as the spiritual na ture of man. Disease is physical; but it, too, lias its reaction on the soul ana on the intellect,”; “By creation man is an inseparable unity cf soul and body.” “Religion and medicine must go hand in hand in min -1 istry to the sick.” “The co-operation -of man and God is a necessary part of ' the process of healing.” i There is an indirect reference to the Christian Science Church in the follow t ing extract from the report: “We are ‘ challenged as to whether we shall allow ' this essentially Christian ministry to be sought outside, or whether we are to : make it a normal part of the church's - life. We must see to it that we do 1 not afford a basis for another separatist movement, but should realize that the ’ healing ministry is normal to the life of the church,” While the report contains no formal recommendation for specific action, some definite ones be made to the convention. TO LINK POWER LINES OF JAMES AND APPOMATTOX. Will Provide for Power Transmission From Richmond to tlie North Carolina Line. (By the Associated Press) Richmond, Aug. 6.—Plans for the de velopment of a hydro electric power sys tem that will eventually link the power of the James and Appomattox rivers at Petersburg and at Roanoke Rapids. N. ('.. are now underway by Stone & Webster who recently gained control of the Vir ginia Railway & Power Co. The pro gram will ultimately represent the outlay of approximately $12,000,000 and when completed will provide a transmission ! system from Richmond to the North Car olina line. 9eneral manager of the of Stone & Webster, d today to make per territory to be includ- [ ent project. ■gun the manufacture The article will be g of certain pnstries, ns and cocoa bever- Aseociation of Bank its annual convention t the end of Septem- • TODAY’S • • NEWS • 9 TODAY • 999999999 NO. 188 STATE CONCLUDES j fSZSTTM hoSSELL SCOTT CASE Dr. Krohn, the Prosecution Alienist, Testifies as to Scott’s Sanity, Supporting Other Alienists. THREE HOURS IS GIVEN EACH SIDE Dr. Krohn Said That Scott’s Refusal to Submit to An Examination Was Evidence of His Sanity. (By the Associated Press) Chicago. Aug. fi.—The State today cmiluded i,s efforts to prove Russell Scott safie. I)r. William O. Krohn. the last prose cutiton alienist, told of his examination of Scott and his conclusion that the prisoner was sane. He repeated stories of the four previous state aliefiists, that Scott declined to submit to an examina titon in the jail. Three hours were allotted to each side i for the closing ax-guments. If the full I time is used, the case will not go to the Ijury before tomorrow night. Dr. Krohn said Scott’s refusal to sub | mit to an examination was evidence of j his sanity. His conduct was in every respect logical and rational and clearly indicated that he was cognizant of his predicament, and sought to act in ac cordance with definite instructions from his attorneys. Dr. Krohn was not cross examined. W. W. O'Brien began the closing ar gument for the defense. The State used 15 witnesses and five alienists all of whom expressed the belief that Scott is sane. Testimony of five alienists will consti tute the case for the defense. O’Brien attacked the expert testimony of the State and told the jury that the fifteen minute examination of Scott on which they based their opinion was un fair and ridiculous. "They silt there on the witness stand and told you they expected SIOO a day for their testimony. Gentlemen, I won’t ' say the evidence was bought but I will say under the law it was paid for.” tiMPWKjrttK* due to liis long incarceration under the shadow of the gallows. His condition was described as border line type of insanity which experts could identify only after long examination. O’Brien closed his address in forty minutes. Assistant State Attorney Harry A. I’ritzker made the first argument for the State. William Stewart for the defense and William Rittenhouse. for the State, will close for their respective sides. Pritzkei- recalled that the defense alien ists had testified they found Scott's phys ical and nervous system unimpaired, and stressed the conclusion that therefore all opinions as to the prisoner’s insanity were based merely on what Scott had told defense doctors. “He told the doctors large stories about his business in Canada and his perpeoufTon in the jail. But the State brought in the jailers who were with hini sixteen months in the jail who told you Scott never breathed a word about pei'secution.” JURY WILL DETERMINE RUSSELL SCOTT’S CASE There Will Be No Appeal From Case Called to Determine His Sanity. (By the Associated Press) Chicago, Aug. 6.—There will be no ap -1 peal for Russell Scott from the verdict ' of the jury which will decide whether he is sane and s’hould be hanged, or is ’ mentally cognizant of the death penalty ■ he faces. * If the jury decides he is sane enough ’ to realize his position Judge Thomas B. - David will fix a new date for execu > tion from which Scott has twice been a snatched a few hours before the death 5 march. Inoureeration in a State insti t tution would follow the verdict of in e sanity. £ Tiie hearing has proceeded to a stage of dosing arguments after the testimony of Dr. W. O. Krohn, the last State ex pert, is heard. All the prosecution wit nesses. experts and laymen say. they be lieve Scott sane, just as the fourteen de fense witnesses testified that confinement and two death watch orders had affect ed his mind. American Aviators Get on Nerves of the Esquimaux. (By the Associated Press) Washington, Aug. fi.—American avia tors with the MacMillan arctic expedi tion are fraying the nerves of the esqui maux. Ou every test flight the greatest ap prehension is felt by the natives on the ground, who are unable to comprehend why the planes do not fall and who look for a disaster every minute. WHAT SAT’S BEAR SAYS Generally fair tonight and Friday, slightly wanner tonight, _ •

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