Th'ursHay, August 8,1025 social Flattering J*'* hard ‘o arouse much interest toi the short sleeve, most foihlonable women preferring a long sleeve or ■one at all, but there is a type that Is gaining favor in Paris. It is above the elbow and has a full-pleated rutile of organdie tl at is very flattering Wallace-Sanders Wedding. C. M. Wallace, of Hickory, and Miss Evelyn Sanders, of Camden. S. C., were married at the home of the bride's par ents in Chester, S. C:. Wednesday morn ipg. The wedding came as a complete surprise to their friends and relatives in the 'Carolina*. Mr. Wallace is a broth er, of Troy Wallace, of this city, with whjoib. tho bride and groom spent a short while ' Wednesday afternoon while en route to the western part of the state where they will spend their honeymoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace will reside in Hickory.'where Mr. Wallace holds a re sponsible position with (lie Southern Power Company. Funeral Services for Mrs. Moore To Be Held Today. Funeral services for Mrs. M. L. Moore, who died at the home of her daughter. Mrs. J. C. Cook on North Church street early Wednesday morning, will be held firs afternoon at 3 o'clock at Forest Hill i Methodist Church. Kev. T. F. Higgins will bo assisted in the services by R»v. W. 1,. Hutchins, of Tliomasville, who was formerly a pastor of the Church. Daughter Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Flora. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Flora, of Owensboro, Ky., announce the arrival of a daughter, Mary Katherine, on August Ist. M»s. Flora and baby ore at the City Hospital ami doing nicely. Mrs. QQqftL- was Miss Olfie Castor UufptiOyHiar rftge and a daughter, of W. A. Castor of this county. Tower Removed. Tiie tower, which for the past year has served as a shelter for police officers as they directed traffic on the square, was removed Wednesday to the fair grounds, where it will be used for a like purpose. The tower was taken down following the installation of an automatic signal. Washington and New York City are conducting drives against ooscene magazines. SUMMER COLDS that make you so uncom fortable in hot weather, are better treated exter nally—Rub over chest and throat and apply fre quently up nostrils— VICKS 1 Vapoßub Peer 17 Million Jan Ymarij, :I l t , , Bold By * ’ \ BKLL-HAIUUS FUN ERAL PARLOR pay Phone MO Night Phone* fM-IML ■|| T* . Mrs. George Vernon Harper and Mrs. Judeon A. Hoaseltine, of Miami,. Fla., who have been spending the past month in western North Carolina and New York City, arrived in Concord today and will . spent the week with Mrs. Harpef’s sis ter, Mrs. Edna S. Brown, at her home on North Church street. • • * Miss Helen Widenhouse left yesterday for Salisbury, .where she met beg uncle and aunt to accompany them on a trip to New York,-. Philadelphia and Washington. * ■* * Mrs. J. E. Love and children, of Greensboro, are visiting Mrs. A. R. Black welder on South Union street. • • • Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Phillips and children, George and Rosalie, of Plains. Ga.; ire visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hnrtsell on South Union street.' *'•**. L. F.' Sexton, of Greenville, S. C., is spending several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hartselt • • • Miss Vivian Meeks, of Hartsville, S. C., has returned to her home after spend ing some time with Miss Margaret Ford. Mrs. Aubrey Fowlkes, Mrs. W. J. Hill and Mrs. Hill’s guests, Miss Cath erine L'lttlejohn, of Gaffney, S. C., and Mrs. Russell Poole, of Union, S. C., are spending the day in Wndesboro, where they have gone to visit friends. ■v. * • . Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Hiller, of Jack sonville, Fla., have arrived in Concord where they are visiting relatives. i* • • ‘ Mrs. J. F. Cannon, Miss Anne Cannon, - Miss Mary Cannon and Joseph Cannon - have gone to Blowing Rock where they - will spend the month of August at May -1 view Manor. • * • i Rev. aipl Mrs. L. A. Thomas and chil dren left Wednesday for Black Moun i tain where they will spend a week with 1 friends. •• * , 1 Mrs. Dick Doby, of Norfolk, is visit ing her cousin, Miss Klizabeth Gibson, i at her home on North Union street. j• • » Rev. W. L. Hutchins, of Thomasville, 1 has arrived in Concord to assist in of ficiating at the funeral of Mrs. M. L. Moore. Miss Adelaide Harris spent Tuesday in Salisbury as the guest of Mrs. Fritz j Smith, who before marriage was Miss Katie Norwood. • » • Miss Dorothea Wolff and Miss Kather ine Wolff have returned from Gastonia and Dallas, where they spent a week with relatives. • • « Miss Pearl Harris and daughter, Eliz abeth. have returned to Concord after spending a few days visiting relatives in Charlotte. RESIGNS POSITION AS KINDERGARTEN HEAD HERE Miss Berta HaHem Will Not Return Owing to 111 Health of Her Mother.— Sucessor Not Elected.' In a letter to Y. M. C. A. officials. Miss Berta Hallem. who was head of the kindergarten last year and who had been elected to the same place for the coming year, resigned her position, declaring that it would be impossible for her to come to Concord next year. The reason she assigned was that her mother was in such ill health that it made it unwise for her to leave her home in Richmond Hill. N. Y. Miss Hallem had first planned to bring her mother to Concord with her to live but her condition has become such recently that it was thought best not to make the trip. This fact will be learned with regret by Miss Hnllem's friends in the city. She was considered an excellent teacher for the younger children and her work was highly praised. When she was re elected, Officials in charge of this work considered that they were fortunate" in having her to return another year. Owing to the absence of Mr. Blanks, it is not tfnowu who will be secured to take her place. No action is expected to be taken hi securing a new teacher until he returns from Europe the last of this month. The Greater Movie Season. The Greater Movie Season opens in Concord- August 10th. same date as in all larger cities. During next week you will see greater stars in greater pro ductions. The Concord Theatre offers three prizes for the best essay of pot over 300 words on “What the Movies Mean'to Me.” First Prize —Season pass to Concord Theatre. Second Prizp—Six months pass to the Concord Theatre. Third Prize—Three months pass to Concord Theatre. REMEMBER PEN NY ADS ARB CASH To prevent freckles Elisabeth Arden has created an > cxquUte finishing lodon, , VENETIAN ULLB LOTION, to be wed under powder, i Antiseptic and astringent; • , ■Booths'end refines the eUn. a sOky finWv flattering 1 ■ day or evening.) Prevents wtadbum, eunbom and tackling. ’ Oww, Nature*, Special ■ . Spanish Rachel, Ocn. $1.50. $2.50. I Gibson Drug Store *'V ■ ■ . : \ ■ ' THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE BASEBALL SUMMARY American League. . w. L. PC. Philadelphia ; 04 33 .600 Washington ..03 36 .630 Chicago 55 48 .534 St. Louis 51 50 .505 Detroit *.50 52 .490 Cleveland 47 56 .456 ' New York 44 56 .440 [ Boston 29 72 .287 j All games rained out. South Atlantic League. W. L. PC. Charlotte 01 32 .606 Spartanburg 54 40 .574 Macon 50 44 .532 Augusta ~...50 41 .532 1 Asheville ~47 47 .500 ■ Greenville 43 50 .402 , Columbia 39 54 .419 Knoxville 31 64 .527 Results Yesterday. Charlotte 15; Knoxville 2. Spartanburg 9-3; Macon 0-4. Ashville 9; Columbia 5. Augusta 9; Greenville C. National League. W. L. PC. 1 Pittsburgh 58 39 .480 New York 58 42 .580 Cincinnati 53 40 .535 Brooklyn 48 47 .505 St. Louis 49 53 .480 Philadelphia 45 51 .469 Chicago '...44 50 .440 Boston 41 01 .402 Results Yesterday. St. Louis 14; Boston 2. Chicago 7; Philadelphia 6. New York-Uincinnati; rain. Pittsburgb-Brooklyn rain. Visiting Cards Handsomely Printed, 50 for SI.OO or 100 for $1.50. Times- Tribune Office. ts. Tobacco Lands 3000 acres as good tobacco land as there is in the State of Georgia well, improved. S3O per acre, if interested write or wire THE GEORGIA COMPANY Waycross, Georgia Acreage and Farm Lands j” My ‘Diary j ! Svt oSdouJl j j ij J' wta ta tvou ’buntjpa t /MlccEgL jW j tay i l taro, ojtvL * 1 * i ! AO j Ruth - Kesler Shoe Store IHHUHttfIfIHHHHHfIB ■ PUTTING A MODERN TUB IN YOUR HOME means a distinct incretre in home comfort arid an improvement in family health. It does not mean any serious inconvenience or loss of time or a big expenditure of money if we do'the work. Why not see tts about it? '4 E. B. GRADY PLUMBING AND HEATING DEALER Office and Show Room SS.E. Corbin St. Office Phone S*4W Gospel Tent Meeting to Close Friday Night. We are requested to publish the fol • lowing: 1 The Gospel tent meeting on West De -1 pot street, being conducted by Rev. Mr. : Mr. Mclntire will come to a close Fri day night after the service. The meeting has been in progress for 1 two weeks and several have been ean ! verted. Dr. McGuire, a Baptist evangelisj, s™ I Groceries, Fruits Vegetables SPEciALFOR FRIDAY 4 cakes Palmolive Soap 26c SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Lemons, Dozen 25c Sugar 10 lb. 65c 25 lb $1.63 Pink Salmon 15c Caraja Coffee 1 lb 43c Caraja Coffee 3 lb $1.26 START TRADING TODAY “THE PIGGLY-WIGGLY WAY” You ca nenjoy this JEWELRY The better sort of Jewelry, which we offer for your choice here, is the kind of jewelry you can en joy. It has the quality appeal you will like. STARNES-MILLER-PARKER — Make Your Summer j Free From Ice Worry , Install Kelvinator electric refrigeration in your !j v refrigerator and you can forget all about ice deliv- ]! ery this summer. ] I Kelvinator will keep your refrigerator much colder < and your foods much better and longer. When you go visiting it will stay cold while you are gone. Kelvinator requires no time or attention add Is trouble free. It usually costs less to operate Kelvi nator than to buy ice. Phone or call for details. , Yorke&Wadsworth Co. vji ! ; 1 ■ ’ 5- Kelvinator ■ J The Oldest Domestic Electrie Refrigeration j ml , }' . ‘ ' ■ ■■ M ■■ ■ " f will preach at the closing service ons the subject of “The Jfome After Death.” { - Dr. McGuire is a native of St. Louis, I : Mo., and has had a wide experience in j - the evangelistic field. Those who have ' . heard him have greatly enjoyed the oc . casion. Bev. Mr. Mclntire extends to the peo • pie of Concord his thanks and apprecia tion for their help in this meeting. M. ’ REMEMBER PENNY ADS ARE CASH 126-Piece Chest Rogers Silver ware Three dollars and fifty cents, i i down and one dollar per week. You 11 pay no more when you buy it on j | S. W. PRESLAR I .VEWELER We Want Your Account ] ! oocooooooooooooooooooooooo Melrose Flour Liberty Self Rising ; Flour In ! Melrose Flour we need only announce arrival of a big shipment which we have : every four to six weeks. Get yours now. Liberty Self Rising Flour is the very highest grade of Flour with phosphates and salt added in the exact proportion, so you take no chance in your'mixture to have very best results. It‘s a suc cess. Buy all your flour at Cline & Moose Our New Mechanically Refriger- j ated Autopolar Fountain keeps ice cream in, the most per- | feet condition. With this new au- J tomatic refrigerating device, it is j possible to hold the temperature S to the zero mark if desired, and | this insures all ice cream and drinks in the best of condition. PEARL DRUG CO, On the Square Phone 22 ■ "- 1 ■■■ ! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC^^ All Suits Reduced 25 to 50 Per Cent. I Straw Hats at Half Price Including Panamas and Leghorns Browns-Cannon Co. j CANNON BUILDING I BALANCE “ Is all right. But some people seem to be so well balanced they l || never get anything done. What the world demand* today is action. *•-* “ Our Service has all the action possible back of it, and you profit ac cordingly. Every big opportunity of the past was supply to cut down I wastß ? ome where Xour opportunity Is to trade wHfc us, where waste is eliminated and Quality, Prices and Service, Guaranteed. aF it’s to eat we have It/* C. H. BARRIER & CO. j "■ I * | INSURE When You Start To Build 3 time to take out insurance is when you start building. Ihen if through any cause your building should H 1 s™* CVen ® e^ore completed, the Insurance will cover your Betzer & Yorke Insurance Agency 1 » n ,Jji™ e ,! sors t 0 Southern Loan and Trust Co. | 1 • B. r JSTZER A. JONES YORKE | SHINGLES 1 j ROOFING ROOFING GENESCO LATITE SHINGLES Goes right on over the old roof they lock on your roof w and weather all weather. They are no higher than ordinary shingles. If you are go- 1 ing to build or recover your old roof it will certainly pay you to see us. ■ 2!) gauge 5 crimp Galvanized Roofing only $5.00 per H j square. We furnish nails and washers for putting on. Yorke & Wadsworth Co. The Old Reliable Hardware Store Union and Church Streets | Phone 30 Phone 30 | FANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN'S WEAR !? goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocx^ K. L. CRAVEN & SONS 1 PHONE 74 ! ! Coat 5 & ; i ' Mortar Colors ooooooooooooooooooooooooooocooooooooooooooooooooooooo PAGE FIVE

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