j Here’s the Daily Do- -mrr » en that we have calls for a-Dozen times a■! I ll' Here are the 12 best vacation IT i > sells in the 'ddzen / \ l items that should be in yohr Ijag X ; | before the conductor (or your ™ | i wife) says All Aboard! ' j | Cool Scjiloss Suits $18.50 up Flannel Trousers. $5 to $8.59 X ( ] Linen Knickers $3.00 to $5.00 Collar attached Shirts $1.50 tp $3.00 ’!' X , Varsity Underwear SI.OO to $3.00 _ !'! 1 | Fancy Half Hose 25c to $2.00 Sport Belts SI.OO to $3.00 < i Golf Stockings $1.50 to $3.00 Pull Over Sweaters $5.00 to SIO.OO ! I HOOVER’S, Inc. !| “THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE” °° ooo3 ( ,<yio * wwwftn ( wvvvvwlCTftwrttvw WMy*fcirnnnf)iiiiiiiiiiiiii<iij HOWARD'S CLUNG STATION O F COAIT "" COAL!'' | I Lowest Cash Price For Next 10 Days: i! Best Virginia Lump $7.50 Best Jellico Lump $8.50 ] j BUY NOW AND SAVE A. B. POUNDS i 11 11 fnnn nnn p PHONE £l4 bR 279 | A Civic Benefit When you get the habit of banking a portion of yuor I income regularly you will help yourself, the bank and the jj I community in which you live. For by your act you are adding to the available capital < of the community, thus assisting toward home building and l other industrial development. BEGIN TODAY AND HELP YOUR TOWN GROW g CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK Capital $400,000.00 Resources Over $3,000,000.00 " ~"" 1 1 1 - ■ i >QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooonunoQOonaoa<vM>frQooQ Visit Markson Shoe Store For Real Values in Footwear - MEN AND CHILDREN Wonderful values in White Kid, Patent Kid and Satin ! ! $1.98 $2.95 T 055.95 O Don’t Make Any Selection Until You Compare Our • !J i o Quality and Prices j | MARKSON SHOE STORE x Phone 897 A Good Place to Trade ] \ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAVOUNE OIL Is More Than Oil It is POWER : We Are Now Ready to Supply You i With HAVOUNE j Mutual Oil Company | PHONE 478 R. IE Pill CUN GETS ’EI ETERI ME Thursday, August 6, 1925 TO CLEAN UP ROCKY RIVER CEM-! I ETERY. ! Wo will oloan off the oomotory at i 1 Hooky Hi dye Church August 14th. Those 1 i wanting to psy money instead of work- J ‘ ing, see Mr. Haste Hatley, of Concord, i Mr. Hall Sides, of Kannapolis. The 1 work is needed very badly. | 4-4 t-p. TOM SIDES. ■ CONCORD COTHUi MARKET ' THURSDAY. Al OI’ST 6, 1025 ■ Cotton .24 1 . Cotton Srsl .46 \ CONCOkD PRODUCE MARKET ~~ ! (Corrected weekly by Gltne A Moose) j figures' named represent prices paid for produce on the imarket: Eggs .80 \ j Corn $1.36 , | Sweet potatoes 1.60 1 i Turkeys .25 to JO j Onions SI.OO i ! l'eas 3.00 ] i Butter _i ; .80 ( Country Ham „ JO 1 Country Shoulder „ JO \ Country Sines , .20 i Young Chickens .25 1 Hens i_ .IS ] Irish Pototoei — T ,_C 1.26 i I PRESCRIPTIONS ' • Carefully compounded by a J Graduate Pharmacist. Send |i[ us your prescriptions. • ]l l < Clines Pharmacy Phone 333 * jOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOi ! ODD FELIA)WS r ?<OTICR ! Meets every Thursday evening at eight ] o’clock. | J. D. WILLIAMS, N. G. i A.L. SHINN, Secretary. ] John Walker, nu English chemist, made the fir-t friction match in 1827. | THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE ... —4* n i i .I - - Heavy Rains Last Night. A heavy, rain fell Wednesday night which measured .7 of an inch-. This, with the .9 of an ineb which fell in I'.ie -two days Raviolis. gives a total rainfall for the of y.(j inches which is greater by almost .6 of an inch than the entire fall of the month of July. To Pave From Mt. Pleasant to Stanly Line. Preliminary work, preparatory to t’ae paving of {he 3 07 miles of highway front • Mt. Pleasant to the Stanly county line. ] will probably be begun either Friday or Saturday, it is declared by highway of jiioials.- Aetnal construction will not jbe started for several weeks. -(The Concord Daily Tribune } | TIMEOFCLOSINGOF MAILS ~]i The time of the closing of mails at the -1 j Concord oostoffice is as follows: , Northbound. I* 130—11 :00 P. M. I 36—10 :00 A. M. . ij 34 4 :10 P. M. ■j 38— 8 :30 P. M. •f 30—11 :00 P. M. Southbound. 4 30— 0 :30 A. M. j 45 3:30 P. M. 135 8:00 P. M. S? 29—11 :00 P. M. - i ' ~ •i - r =- | CLOSING THEM OUT AT HAAL i PRICE H H It . • . j {• All Refrigerators and ice Boxes, Including Automatic, -j | Baldwin and Crystal White. Rather than carry them over -j I" and in order to make room for new fall goods now arriving ** we are closing out the remainder of our stock of refrigera ji tors at Half Price. Several good numbers to select from. j-s || Get your refrigerators now and pay just half price. H if';" ' P Priced from $lO to $35. pi w | ti I ■ j-- f Concord Furniture Co. [ r , t THE RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE jl ii t Oooooooocoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo An institution as great as the Ford Motor Company i[! [i admits its growth is due to honest, trustworthy dealings jj. with the people of a nation. ’ 'j l The same principles and purposes must govern a ]![< i]. successful dealer. These requirements have been met by i|> ]i an investment that demands it and an organization head- |'| i| ed by former factory men with long successful records — ]!| !| men now permenant local citizens who are determined '!' [i to merit your confidence and esteem. M REID MOTOR CO. I CONORD, N. C. ;![ ji WE KNOW WE KNOW FORDS jjj | Farms for Sale j I? j [ In Montgomery County \ .. g lam offering FAIRVIEW FARM, 2 1-2 miles from | ;J Mt. Gilead 12 miles from Albemarle, 6 miles from Nor- ji I wood, 10 miles from Troy, consisting of 385 acres, more | 3 or less, on State Highway No. 515 which about divides I | the farm into two parts with 1 1-2 miles road frontage and I adjoins Highway No. 74 on the north. The peculiar location and natural advantages of this 1 ■j farm is unexcelled in the Piedmont section of the Caro- ji -» linas and if you are at all interested in a real farm and fc Ij home site you can not find a better one. Church and school advantages are all that could be f Ij expected. A new consolidated school adjoins this pro -4 perty. R. F. D. mail route by the door at 10:00 a. m. daily „j Buildings all that could be expected and painted and in I good repair. The highway through this farm will be hard * I{ surfaced withm 5 years. Will sell equipment with farm h if wanted. m ' • I H I £ I also offer another farm 3 miles south of Mr. Gilead, f 3 on Highway No. 51 consisting of 235 acres and the high- II way about equally divides this farm and because of the l 1 location and surrounding this farm is very desirable. Suffi- l | c,en t buildings for two farms of about 115 acres each. . This proP ert y is free from encumbrance and title be- ! I yond question. Terms can be arranged with substantial | 4 payment with responsible parties. Possession given on .] short notice. j Write or see v O. C. BRUTON Mt. Gitad, N. C. .... , ; PAGE EIGHT -v.--»-3El_i« uuJje=--=. . p ■—» , WIDEN HOI' SE REUNION ' The Wide nh mi so reunion will be held I , Thursday, August 20th. at Center tirove | Church.- All connections of the Widen- j n house family are cordially invited and ex , pectedi to be present. THOS. WIDEXHOUBE, 1 j *, Chairman. I j 6-4 t-e. I Girl Gained 7 Pounds Nine Years An Invalid t _ v ■ I 'P.iat's just what McCoy's Cod Liver 1 Oil Compound Tablets did for the ltab eock girl —and is doing as much for tens ‘ of thousands or thin, ijmjerweight. wegk ' and discouraged jienple all over America. These sugar coated, pleasant to take I tablets should be given to children in stead of tile vile stomach upsetting oil . itself— they purely do help the frail, deli | cate little ones and 60 tablets cost but i (Ml cents at thr Pearl I>rng Company or , any real druggist anywhere in America. • Read this letter if you have a child 1 that needs to gain health and strength. 1 "My 'little girl was stricken with in fantile paralysis when she was 5 months 1 old and was an invalid for 9 years— when 1 saw an ad. in the paper that Mc -1 Coy's Cod Liver Oil Compound Tablets would build up waster tissues. I bought 1 a box and she gained very slowly at first and after taking eight boxes, she gained seven pounds. Thanka to McCoy's Cod : Liver Oil Compound Tablets, after tr.v . ing almost everything else on the mar ket. She is on the road to recovery and goes to school every day." Mrs. L. - Babcock, Appleton, Wis. I Imitations of McCoy's may be offered I but be sure and ask for McCoy's, the original and genuine and if after thirty days' treatment you arc mot delighted with results —why, get your money back. :j LOCAL MENTION •I _ ■■ jl .r * : j t'de regular weekly meeting of the Con- I card Ki wanis ‘Club will be held at, the •* Y. M. C. A. at 12:80 tomorrow. An ih temiting program has been arranged fbr the meeting. Mrs. Lizzie Barnhardt died at the county home this week and was buried on August 4th. Mrs. Barnhardt \va«< N 4 years of age and had been at the coun j ty home for a number of years. f Robert Young Safrit, who hgs been j undergoing treatment in a veterans’ hos ) pital in Johnson City, Tenn , arrived in f Concord last night to visit relatives. Mr. j Safrit 'is greatly unproved in health as | n result of his stay in the hospital. f The August meeting of the board of j aldermen will be heid at the city hall i tonight at 8 o’clock. It is reported that 4 several matters of more than passing in | terest* will be presented to file board ; ami for that reason the meeting promises * to be one of much interest. , : Xo games were played in the American * League yesterday, all being rained out. i * In the National League two games were t Louis winning from Boston J and winning from Philadelphia, j In the South Atlantic Charlotte won from | Knoxville after losing two straight | games. \ i Football fans here are anxious to know f where the Furman-Davidson game will ]be played this year. The game was scheduled for Charlotte but a suitable playing field cannot be secured there, so I another site will be chosen. Fans here hope the game will be played in some nearby city so they can witness it. j Three cases were tried in recorder’s court yesterday. Two were against one * defendant who paid SSO and the costs for driving a car while intoxicated and , sls including the costs for being intoxi i cated. The other defendant was fined. | sls including the costs for being intoxi- j i cated. i Chief Talbirt ami Patrolman Hold-, 1 brooks went to Charlotte this morning! | to get a white man wanted here on an ' i abandonment Piiarge. The man left , 1 Concord several weeks ago and was ar- j | rested by Charlotte officers at the re-. i quest of Chief Talbirt. who learned re-! | cently that the man was in Charlotte. j Kannapolis is here in groat tlirongs , this afternoon for the baseball game with the Gibson team. The Cannon: Mill at Kannapolis is standing this week and this gives opjwrt unity to the employes i of the mill to get here for the wid-week | game. The two teams will play in , Kannapolis tomorrow and again Satur- J day. i Sheriff Caldwell states that a number | of chicken and roasting ear thieves have i been reported to him during the past > several weeks. ‘'l had several calls last week from persons who were missing i their chickens and cor#,"' the , sheriff 1 stated, and he added that as a result l of his activities several persons would be i tried in Superior Court. i A. F. Heglar has sold to 1.. O, Smith ' property adjoining the Heglar-Smitli I road, according to a deed filed yester i day. No purchase price was mentioned 1 in the deed. Another deed, made in , 1915, was filed yesterday, recording the i transfer of land- to H.*W. Caldwell, then | sheriff, to A. E. Furr for $lO5. The i property is located in Ward 2. according to the deed. I. J. -Ferris left a few days ago for Richmond. Ya.. to consult a specialist and possibly take a series of treatments. Mr. Ferris has been confined to his home by illness for the past two and a half years and is visiting the Richmond doc tor upon the recommendation •of his friends. He is accompanied by his brother and sister, T. O. Ferrjs, and Mrs. .loseph Xasear, of Charlotte. i ( I The Victrola You Want ! ! ! E as YTerms i * Small Victrolas j - Large Victrolas > Upright Cabinets ! MMlg Console Cabinets All Sizes All Prices bearing the famout ’’ Victor Trademarks. We have them! Come see them and hear them! KIDD-FRIX Music & Stationery Co. Q oooooftftOOOOOOOnnftftft«ftft«o«MaoooaoooooflPoooooooooooooooooooooooaQn<vv)OOOQ<KKx>000000 . i Greater Movie Season ! Opens in Concord August 10th (Same Date as in all larger cities) Greater Stars in Greater Productions. We are going to give you the Finest and Cleanest Screen entertainment on the market. Plan Now-Every body’s Going. CONCORD THEATRE j (Your Best Theatre) j Offers 3 Big Prizes for Best Essay Not over 300 Words on 1 “What the Movies Mean to Me” First Prize— Season Pass to Concord Theatre , \ l 8 Second Prize —Six Months Pass to Concord Theatre j 5 Third Prize —Three Months Pass to Concord Theatre L| r (82.00 Prizes) e ■ funnonnoa. wmannm ?l

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