sr *-r- Monday, August 10, 1925 I here Has to Be One In Every Community A KftAL STATE'PROBLEM. Hooky Mount Telegram. ~ ' r,l * > tonint problem is. ono which o rth, rarolinn must. consider brought out in the recent address of Dr. E. O. Jtranwln, of the T7niver»ity of North Carolina, before the Public Wel fare institute at Chapel Hill. ‘There are one million, two hundred and forty-one thousand citizens of the state who do not own tin inch of the ground they cultivate or a single shingle of, the. roof over their, beads.” was the startling statement attributed to Dr. Branson in press dispatches. Commenting upon Dr. Branson’s statement and the probleai which faces North Carolina, the Greensboro Record says: Dr. Rraflson compared the'conditions in North Carolina with those in Den mark. ‘'There are,” he says, “no prob lems of literacy. TJiey 'have instilled within their very beings a thrift which compels them to own their homes. This feeling for, the essential power of thrift is large’y lacking among our American people today. They see the immediate needs and forget that they should be willing to forcego them in view of more permanent things. The average Ameri can sees what he wants and gens it whether it ho bread, bonnets or pargorie. It is from this widespread lack of thrift that opr own problem of farm and home ownership nrises.” & ACool Kitchen * 'W for Baking ALL of your baking can ba dooa in the Chambers Inflated U Oven without raising the kitchen temperature. And • ' I pr-g under the patented Chambers Thermodome all of your dishes * f. w 1 to be boiled or stewed are completed without attention with W * . iTjWr the heat you now waste. 1 V • . A cool, delightful kitchen is just one of the distinctive firaSijßSCy Chambers advantages: Gas Bills are Cut in Half Food (Cooks with Rich Loss through Shrinkage \ Natural Juices Kept In is Greatly Diminished jj Kitchea Drudgery now Wasted in Cooking No other range can offer theadvenugesenjoyed through the *' 'i»l exclusive Chambers features. A demonstration will I A quickly show what a Chambers Range can mean to you in comfort,freedom, convenience and Jy economy. Coilcord & Kannapolis Gas Co. The problem of excessive tenancy, which i-s the*problem of til - landkfctf*ami homeless country man is not a negro problem. And it is so. because, as Dr. Branson says, throughout the south the white tenants and croppers out-number the negroes. Three-fourths of all the farmers to North Carolina are tenants, miying from pillar to post. They create a sort of nomadic race, and unless the staff' makes an earnest effort to check Its spread,* it may become a menace that will not down easily. Dr. Branson says this roving popula tion has created a problem tha 4 seems hopeless, but one which no thinking man can forget. “If you have any re ligion,” he tells the welfare people, “yon ran not give up the problem. The chil dren of those tenants present such a pic ture of neglect that if yon are really interested in the slightest iu making this little earth a safer place for children to be born into, you must help to solve It.” It. is one of the most'; gigantic '*rcb- : lernfl the state, if? facing, and must con- : tinue to face for generations. How shall j: the job be tackled? That’s the thing the,: studeftt. of sociology may well mpenct a j: life time studying. Dr. Branson urges I: the creation of a permanent civilization j j which would make country life' more;: livable. Those who really love the conn-!: try, he says, will lead the way to do ■ away with the ills of those who are : landless and homeless. Illiteracy, which’has thrived so well in our stale*, has contributed its full por tion to the creation 6f (the homeless man;, and bis lack of . thrift has added impetus to ipepace. The ffrsr assault on tenancy, therefore, is through the schools. A great, responsibility rests upon our teachers; But - they cannot solve life problem alone, they inirt have the ifn«tinted co-operation ,of the best iriinds in the state. As Dr. Branson says, the citizenship ,of the state cannot forget the problem, and t his newspaper believe?* the lenders are not trying to forget it! It* will re quire time to put North Carolina on thp plane With Denmark, hut it is not idle to believe it can be done. Curiosity is like electricity, helpful or harmful, according to how we utilize it. ♦*&**** * * * * * * * AGAIN, PLEASE NOTE. * - * Our good friends are again notified zN jSK that all notices of entertainments, lectures, plays, box suppers, et ce- %• |S: tera ad infinitum, to which any ad lIK mission fee is charged or at which tb anything is sold, when appearing in 'K The Tribune, are charged for at the SK [tit rate of 5 cents per line, and that rK iK no exceptions can he made. * * ♦ ********•**■****♦ THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUN6 Prize Com P L. Day lives on a farm near To peka. Kas Wfien nqjbody would be lieve that his corn was as tall as he claimed it was. he had this photo graph taken He is five feet ten Inches tall, and h:s son, standing on his shoulder, is five feet tall. The • ’ corn tops both of them OlyinpicChampion Radio fans have heard John fny Weismuller, Olympic cham pion swimmer, talk through the Crosley VVLNV super-power [broadcasting station. Here he: is—listening to the results of a i swimming meet, broadcast hy [radios " ‘ Hickory' Fire Department Adds Pill motor. I Hickory, Aug. 10.—The Hickory fire I department lm« added a .$225 pulmotor I to its equipment. The machine will be I kept at headquarters ami will be used I in ouses of emergency. GOODFLOUR —at— Reasonable Prices We handle the Best in Flout I BON TON —and— GRIMES BEST PATENT Both Reasonably Priced and Every'Sack Guaranteed Cabarrus Cash Gro cery Company ! PHONE 571 W South Church Street Money back without question ' If HUNT'S GUARANTEED DISEASE REMEDIES /*w g? Py (Hunt** Salve and 8oap), fail in I Mjf the treatment of Itch, Eczema, < 1/j Ringworm, Tetter or other iteh ; ing skin disease*. Try thie treatment at our rife CCZEHAP Money back without question /.y if HUNTS GUARANTEED A SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES Sill (Hunt'eSalveandSoaphfaiHnf the treatment of Itch, Eczema, ymtrTf li Rlneworm,Tetterorotherltch- fit / /I In* akin diaeaaea. Try this tAI / 1 treatment at ear risk. PEARL DRUG COMPANY J| i RODEO CHIEF 7 Tex Austin, master of the cowboy contests, who will di rect the Chicago Round-Up and World’s Championship j Rodeo, to be held in the great Chicago stadium on the lake front for nine days beginning August 15th. What Figures May Do. r Tlr' Pathfinder. Here Is a little story often told but it -is one that affords niueli amusement. { A .Jewish youth working in a clothing’ store for another .Jew received only a | smull salary but felt that lie should get' more. One morning he went to Ills em-j ployer and rogues tail higher wages. The i employer thought for a moment, then picked up a.pencil and began: “Isaac, in air ordinary year there are 300 days. Am I not right?" The other nodded. : L .""’ell. this is leap year pil'd 'tliflre use •100 days," and he wrote' this' ' dowif. “Xow, Isaac, you work'll third of you#, time, play a third and sleep the othei 1 third. isn't that so?” Isaac agreed. ] "Well then, you work only. pne-'thiran.v in ihe'South. The other man is a health officer whose work has given him a national reputation. Wliat (the medical director had to say about tobacco came up quite accidentally and mie’vieVfediy aiitT impressed me all the more for that reason. We were not talking nbjojut' tobacco at all. but I simply put to him. a question previously put to me by g friend as we had read the ac count of Vi ire-I’resident Thomas It. Mar shall's sudilfn death : “Why is if that while we read in the papers almost every day of 'some man suddenly dropping dead, we very rarely hear of a woman dying suddenly in this fashion?” The statement is a-corvect one so far as my observation goes, and so 1 simply put it up to this famous doctor to give me an ’ PAGE THREE explanation. "In my opinion," he said, “the answer is largely found in the /widespread and often excessive use of tobacco by men. A hardening of the arteries is generally found to precede those sudden deaths that we read about, and the tobacco habit is especially liable to promote this hard ening. of the arteries. "As a nintter of fact, I told a group of college students a short time ago that I could pick Out the students who smoked sinfply by testing their arteries. X have proved my ability to do this on a number of occasions. Unfortunately, some girls now are beginning to smoke also, and I recently tried out the girls in an office building and picked out a few who were smoking simply by this test of the ar -1 cries.’’ * ******** ******* ■* ar * A WORD TO OUR FRIENDS. * * • * * This paper invariably charges * fk for all entertainments, concerts, box 4; * suppers, lectures, etc., to which an * “h admission fee is charger or at Jh * which anything is sold. This rule % fk will apply : * For every inch of display advertis- * fit ing in The Tribune, five lines of % free news notices will be given, all * lofiees in excess of this amount to * * be paid for at the rate of 5 cents * rfc a line. * ****************