PAGE FOUR editor TBS Aa^A^ED^PRESS iJ? rlchtg of republication of special flsp&tchea herein an also reserved. Special Bswesentative FROST, LAMfSIS A KOHN IIS Fifth Avenue, New York 4 Peoples’ Oa. Butldtn*. Chicago lW Candler Atlanta ■stared aa second class mall matter at the postofflce at Concortl, N. Ck, un der the Act of I, 1871. j; 1 ?* ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES In the City of Concord by Carrier; On* Tear ! ’J'XX (fix Months Three Months the State, the Subscription Is the Same as In the plty Out of the city and by mall in North Carolina the following prices will pre vail* _ _ 55 00 On* Tear — r * 50 Six Months 1.25 Sss*Than D Three Months, 50 Cents a iJ ®" Month „ „.. All Subscriptions Must Be Paid Advance RAILROAD SCHEDULE In Effect June 28, 1925. Northbound. No. 40 To New. York 0 :-| f - No. 136 to Washington 500 A. M. No. 36 To New York 10.-o A. M. No. 34 To New York 4.43 P. M. No. 46 To Danville 3 .lo P. M. No, 12 To Richmond ."i^LpS' No 32 To Wash, and beyond 9j03 P.M. No 30 To New York 1 :oo A - Southbound. „ No. 45 To Charlotte 3:55-P -M. No. 35 To New Orleans 9 P- M. No. 29 To Birmingham :-|5 A. M. No. 31 To Augusta •> A - M. No. 38 to New Orleans 8:25 A. M. No. 11 To Charlotte 8:0o A. M. No. 135 To Atlanta 8 S 5 P. M. No. 37 To New Orleans 10:4o A. M. No 39 To New Orleans 9:55 A. M. Train No. 34 will stop in Concord to take on passengers going to 1\ ashington and beyond. Train No. 37 will stop here to discharge passengers coming from beyond Wash ington. All of other trains except No. 39 make regular stops in Concord. ;|T ,^ ] gg^p UG^ i | TODAY—I 111 Bible Thoottl.ts memorised, win prove * [ffl i, .nricelesa heritage- in after y**** j|| ABl NDANTLY SATISFIED They shall be abundantly satisfied wit# the fat ness of they house: and t’hou slialt make them drink of the river of rhy pleasures. —Psalm 36 :8. SHOILD STREET BE VSED AS A “Dl MPING GROI N'D?” Many protests have been heard re- ; cently against the practice of dumping trash from the street cleaner at the in- J tersection of Barbrick and Spring streets. The sweeper starts to work early in the 1 morning and by the time most of the city is awake several piles of trash have been ( dump at this intersection, a point much m use now that left turns are prohibited at the square. Trash wagons gather the refuse during the day, but usually the stuff is allow ed to remain at the street intersection for several hours and it was there all day yesterday. In addition to being very unsightly the trash is a menace to mo torists. Pieces of glass, nails and other things that play havoc with auto tires are picked up by the cleaner and dumped at the street intersection and usually when the rest of the trask is moved these tilings are left because it it difficult to move them with a pitch-fork or shovel, such as are used in loading the trash into the wagons which carry it off. The city owns a big vacant lot right at the street intersection and part of this lot should he used as a dumping ground rather than a public street. Spring street between Depot and Barbrick streets formerly was used very little. but in re cent months the city has spent much time and money putting it into excel lent shape so it can take care of some of the traffic that formerly went.over 1 n ion street. It seems almost a waste of money to repair a street and then lit ter it with trash collected from other streets. If the vacant lot is inaccessible to the street cleaner conditions should be changed so it will be accessible. By mov ing two sections of curbing a drive-way to the lot could he made and the clean er could at least dump its trash where it will not he so noticeable and such a uuisanc o the public. WHAT WILL BE THE FATE OF THE . STREET CAR? Much interest has been aroused over the fate of Concord s street car system. The North Carolina Public Service Com pany which owns anil operates the sys tem has advised the city that it is los ing money daily with tlie line and that unless the city wants to take it over, it would like to cease operations. The street car system here has never been a paying oue. according, to its own ers. Various experiments have been made with fares, but the changes have not brought enough revenue to warrant operation. The public service company estimates that it loses $7 a clay on the pint on-J natestlly j.fc docs not cate in continue that. Mayor Hairier aud member* of the boardfc,of-'aldermen; are trying now to aWdlil&jnvlltc.H tlie’ / proWyai. >Tse, sSMiet: &fiitJSu;.yi}a>.r-jiil|fe¥d loCbAfcetfjie' syWfcm f to i the city/at a.tvet’y nomitlal cost 'each lycjr, but : the city officials are not at', nil certain ,they waqt to operate the line.'^s‘The' general) public has been tree to discuss the proposal und the con census of opinion seems to be that (stcb. at $1 a year tim leave would prove a liability and not an asset to the city.' ! A representative of the service com* pany appeared before the aldermen last j week and was assured {he city officials anxiods to reach a decision that would be of mutual benefit to the city and the street car owners. Whatever the out- i come of present negotiations and inves- J • tigations we believe the citizens of Con cord can rest assured that the aldermen and other officials vested with authority ; to act in the matter will; take such « steps as will be of the best interest to ■ Concord. Mary- Louise Spas will not get part of the Browning fortune. It has beeu determined without a doubt that she is • at least 21 years of age aud the million aire who adopted her under the impres sion that she was 16. is willing for her to go back to her natural surroundings. The girl was so despeiate after being told she must return to her home that she tried to swallow poison and the whole experience has been a very try ing one to her. The whole trouble arose when she tried to deceive her benefactor. He publicly announced that lie would adopt a girl who was not over 14 but Mary Louise appealed to him so strongly that lie agreed to adopt her wen though she said she was sixteen. The girl lied about the whole thing and that caused the trouble, as lies usually do. The Penny Tip. the Millions Gift. Charlotte Observer. Every omN in a while wiien Mr. Rock , efeller goes his way on northern estates or southern golf links, the newspaper carry stories of his distribution of "tips" in new 10-cent pieces. The idea of a man of Rockefeller's wealth giving 10- eent tips was calculated to arouse the • merriment of some people, but holdA ■ New York banker, gifted with a sense of ■ keen analysis, makes Statement to The ' Wall Street Journal that is worth pass ' ing along and thinking over. The bank ’ er observed that every once in a while 1 we hear of some one who is supposed to be “riched than Rockefeller.” One time ! it is a lumber king, another time a steel king.' and so on. John IX. Sr. and •lolin IX. Jr., make no comment and go ! oil about their business giving millions for the ; beiigtif of humanity and l social 1 uplift. For every dime Rockefeller gives to,someone as a “tip.” he gives a million dollars to make the world >better and happier, iJtlicr capitalists supposed to be worth more than Rockefeller may give dollar tips, but' their' contributions ' for charitable and other purposes are on a 10-cent basis. "Rockefeller has done more for the world.” says his banker, "than any other man rated in the hundred million class. We should be grateful that this great wealth did not fall in less liberal hands. • Rockefeller. Sr., and Rockefeller. Jr., have incomes running into millions of I dollars annually. I only hope that this incomes grows larger year by year. The larger it grows the better it will be for the people." And Rockefeller is not the only one. Rich men of this type and of his benevo lent ideas are developing as common institutions of the country. Many rich men have been doing big tilings with their money in a quiet way: it is only because their benevolences have taken on tremendously bigger proportions in re cent years that puNmirv has been forced, upon them. They would do these things under cover, if that were possible, but this has become an age of publicity and they cannot avoid it. The biggest thing about the bestowal of money in public welfare by the rich men of the day is that they do not do it to advertise them selves. The Modern Flapper. A Traveler in Elkin Tribune. The girls at Randolph-Macon not be ing allowed to "roll their own” reminds me of a little incident that happened in the coach of a little "shoo fly" train between here and 1 Winston-Salem the other day. A crowd of young girls were on their way to a. house party and were having loads of fun. At a flag station and old country woman and her little granddaughter boarded the train. Tile little girl wore a fancy white dress with lots of Hamburg embroidery on it. which reached almost to her ankles. The old lady wore a big white apron over her percale dress and a sun-bonnet with splits. Her baggage was a flour sack squeezed full of clothes and tied with a shoe string. They took their seats near the bunch of girls and not a hit embarrassed by their finery and airs. The old lady reached into the pocket of her dress and pulled out her snuff box. She took a big “dip,” raised the window to be able to wit conveniently and settled her ■ self to erty>y the ride and view the scen . ery ulong the Yadkin liver. She soon became interested, however, in the con versation and manouvers of the girls. Every little bit she would remark to herself "Wal 1 declar.” “never In my life." "Who'd a tliot it!" etc., expressing 1 surprise, incredulity and amazement in turn. Like all girls who can't ride but a few miles on a train before they begin to open up their vanity eases preparatory ( to squinting at themselves in the little j glass, putting their hair in place, and powdering their noses, these girls did likewise. After watching them for some little time, the old lady turning to the little girl, said. “I hope I’ll never live to see you acting like them “flipper gals.” This amused the girls, and one more daring and mischievous than the others decided to shock her still further. Go ing to the front of the car for a drink she came back and sat down facing the old lady. Very indifferently she crossed her knees showing the "rolled stocking” and about two inches of her knee with a “painted butterfly” on it, and looked out of the window. The poor old soul looked, straightened up. and looked hard er. as if she couldn't believe her ovneirs and gasped. "My God Founded by a Falsehood. London. Aug. 10.—How a false accusa tion leu to the founding of a chapel in a village ill the west of England has bean if) . ft'iuGUtuld jiif S'iViifeuWyTv'l*fee ■ oMbe-'servaifts\j>f the loifal litiwH owper JWffltfKd ‘the vil buM'hcr, of using fraudulent scales. Hie jjtniteher proved his innocence and, as jicbmpfiWafiuu, the landowner, asked the butcher' to wake his cb(riejsfWf*a gift. jiThe wronged man ebose a free site for a chapel, and the present building was j meted. \ .» MAIL FOR THE “LONELIEST ISLAND* Rereptt of News From the Outside World Is an Event for the People of Tris tan. ,». London, Aug. s.—Announcement is' made by the general poet office hhab a mail will be despatched tomorrow for, Tristan da Cunba, the little speck jjrt tiug out of the South Atlantic Oeegn whose chief claim to distinction Is, that it is “the loneliest island in the world '' The receipt of news from the outside w orld is an event for the people of Trigs tan. The mail now being made up in London will- Ije sent from' here*to Caffa Town and from that point will be par ried to the island by the research 'ship Discovery. ~ 4 1 fa During the imprisonment of Napoleon on the Island of St. Hblena, the Brit ish stationed garrisons on all the out-of the-way rocks in the South Atlantic Ocean within a circuit of hundreds of; miles. Among others, Tristan da Cunha was chosen as the residence of a com pany of British soldiers. I lion the death of Napoleon these pre cautionary measures were no longer necessary, and as the barren rock of Tristan does not lie in the path of ves sels bound round the Gape, the garrison was taken off. Among the soldiers, however, was one Glass, who had conceived the Idea of settling on this desolate island after the manner of Robinson Crusoe. Escaping to the mountains, he was left behind when his comrades sailed to the Cape. He regained fix .three years, in srtlj tudo. 'cultrval ing a ' little ‘ garden, lift'd amusing liftnself by exploring' the moun tain fastnfesek and hunting goats. At the end of this period an outward-bound India man, which had got of her lati tude, hove in sight, saw his signal, and bore him to the Cape. There he remained long enough to each an outfit for the novel life to which he intended to return. He married, en gaged passages for himself aud wife in a sc'.iooner bound for St. Helena, ami was landed again at Tristan. Suns and daughters were born, and with their aid he was able to extend his agricultural operations so as to have potatoes and mutton to sell to the now more frequent vessels. The island eventually been me a con venient calling-place for American whal ing vessels, and was also visited occa sionally by homeward-bound Indiamen. The colony received accessions from tie sailors of these vessels, and the newcom ers in time became husbands ro the old patriarch’s daughters, j His sons—tie had eighteen children in all, but mostly girls—-remained with him , until they grew to mail's estate, when several of them chose themselves wives from among the Portugese inhabintat# of , the Cape of Good Hope, ami settled; for Ufa under-the rule of their father, who now styled himself Governor. The hundredth rtiilil was born befor, the first death occurred in the colony. The island is now under the “governor- I ship” of Glass’ eldest son. and the pop ■ ' lation is nearly one hundred and fifty. To Add 120 Rooms to Hotel Charlotte. Charlotte Observer. Addition of 120 rooms to the Hotel Charlotte is a prospect that looms in the ( not very distant future. Provision was made for such uu r.dui- tion over the present ball room of Ihe hotel. all of the preparations have been i made when the hotel was built for car rying the three stories there on up nine I floors, to the height of the present .true * ture—l2 stories. “I should like to see the 120 rooms added at once." William Poor, head of . the Foor-Robinson organization, losses of \ this and a number of other leading hotels [ in this apd other states, recently re marked. while on a visit to Charlotte. Mr. Foor made the statement tlint for the first few months of operation this hotel lost money, but that was largely dup in the summer season, when the ’lote! business here is at its low ebh. All of the losses were recovered during the fall ionths and since that time the hotel has been making money—not barrels of ir, but making a'fair return. "I never though this hotel would pay belter than thy O. Henry in Greensboro, but it does.' Mr. Foor said. He remind ed. also, that Caere are more hotels of the better class in Charlotte than there are in Greensboro, the hotels are giving Charlotte more competition than the Greensboro hotels give the O. Henry. “WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD” Says Conrord Woman Praising HERB JUICE. —Nitrous Indigestion Over come.-* Wants Other Sufferers to Know About It. “There is a limit to .‘ill human endur ance, and I felt that I had endured all that 1 could when finally I found relief. I had despaiml of ever getting relief from nervous indigestion and constipa tion aud that I was just resigned to a life of paiii. when HERB JUICE, rec ommended to me by a friend, brought me real and lasting freedom from my suffering.” Such was the gnatrfying en dorsement of Mrs. Bessie Hollins. 513 White Street. Concord, N. C.. in a re cant interview with the HERB JUICE demonstrator. Sneaking further of her condition, she said: M I had suffered so much from gas pains a i( | nervous indi-1 gestion that I thonelit I would never find any nermaneut relief. My nerves were completely unstrung and to get n good night's sleep was out of the question. My d'geslive organs were all out of or der and in addition to this I was a victim of constination. My appeti*. was such that nothing tempted me to eat, and what little I did eat would only cause me to suffer far hours afterwards. My general condition caused me to be very pessimistic, and 1 would only. look on the dark side of tbiffgs. But hi HERB JT’ICE I found the one medicine for my tronbles. I could notice a big improve ment from the first bottle of this medi cine. and now since I have continued us ing it regularly far several weeks 1 have been entirely relieved of the gas pains and indigestion trouble and further still, I am not bothered one bit now with con ciliation., I have a ; splendid hapnrtite. and{ eyervft lvittg«j be*t.'/1 leffijAri £l, have gained cOjiHitteraiaj- in e atfcitgth and feet ‘so in 'every! respect 'that Jiving is now .a jjleasure. I am fully convinced ttmt HERB JI R'E does uohy, and .always wilt represent the means 'to better' lie#lih. 'ln my opinion, it is worth its weighitrin gold.” HERBp|JUICE is guaranteed to give , satisfactUon or money refunded by Gib son Drug Co. 1 FIB^wNvJRD Unit® t* “ujUri» " v . : w i ' nT : * > ' ••*■. • H|^m^ V ELMERLVANCE { j tlly Wiliam Basil Q°u*n«y ? 1 MAIL" 3 wUh MMItTBIMS 1« a tfcturUatton of this «*WT bjr, j ' Maraer Bros. Plttares, la*. * V'. 2 P' ' Vv ‘ "STKOPSIS * • | i Be» JTtfoft, a young trams, has . retuhti Crater City from Granite Gorge, oohtre he prevented the wreck ( Vs the United on a trestle after a landslide. He novo accompanies Jim Fowler, the mail clerk, to the latter's | trome. Fowler is happy and excited, , for fit expects to find that he has be come a father. A babe is placed in kis arms as hi enters, but his happi ness changes to sorrow when he learns that the youngster has come into tie • world at the cost of his mother's life. ■ , ! CHAPTER lll—Continued From that stuffy parlor into the ; unsheltered outer night was only a step, but it carried Bob into a dif ferent world. He was glad to get • out, though, and to offer his bare Head and naked cheeks to the cleans ing vigor of the elements. Out here, ; somehow, the tragedy did not seem so concentrated and poignant; and there were no walls to reflect the sounds and the sights of grief. Bob came to a pause on the blob by patch of wet grass that was, in rtiore seemly times, a front lawn. It was difficult to discern anything through the veil of rain, but finally he made out Jim a few rods away and hurried after him. In his intense personalization of the situation it never occurred to him that the sound of footsteps could mot be heard above the storm; eb, involuntarily, he trod on tiptoe. It was an unnecessary nicety, though; it would have been unnec ersary even though they walked with' iron shod shoes in marble Bob saw Jim walk starkly into a tree, stagger back, and fall heavily. tombs, for Jim Fowler was dead to the sounds of reality, of the storm and the world. He plodded stiffly, chin in, shoulders square and arm? by his sides as a corpse might walk —with jerking, cataleptic steps. Bob clutched up his threadbare coat close to his throat as he follow ed, for the riin slapping into his face and 'dribbling down inside his clothes chilled him- through and through. He was bareheaded; he had left his cap where he had drop ped it—on a chair in the Fowler parlor. Bob glanced back once in the di rection of the little cottage.. The only sign of its existence was a pale yellow spot -of light glimmering through the cascading windowpane. That bit of light meant interior comfort and warmth, and the hobo choked with selfish resentfulness at the spiteful fete that did not stop at wrecking a strange home in order to make him uncomfortable. At least, so it seemed to him, for he had acquired a personal injury com plex. Life was always closing doors in his face. What silly trick of Fate was it that had turned him, outcast and pariah, to participation in an affair of human experience that was none of his business? What mechanism of social intercourse was it that kept his feet plodding after a stranger he had not known by sight or word un til a brief hour before? Bob stop ped in his tracks. It struck him as sheer nonsiosc that he should be t following this man, like a derelict guardian angel. The hobo philosophy of Potts and of Spike and their kind occurred to him: "What the hell difference does anything make?” What difference, indeed? The thing he wanted most now was an obscure but sheltered i nook in the freight yards; a Barrel or a shanty, preferably near the I vicarious heat of the locomotives’ dumping pit, safe from trainmen s sticks and boots. V 0 Hi TK MAKE RACE J aljr^of New Vtiite' Bemftor James .1. .\\afkWfwnu iittued today by the ‘.ft.-rottie , < oofjpittec Jot 'Tmnmanj Hall uml by the Demociafie county' com mitte• ■ jirOßx\a* farijjjiriarrt s bearer in Ihfc * forthcoming^priniariw: * gainst MajorlHjlau.’fl , . ” -J Bob.wfth a shrug, turned 1 and. tiif | his face to retrace his steps toward the widespread diffusion of i-'.Hght ] against the night sky cm lower land ' to the east that marked the Crater ! City railroad yards. There wasofc | pale of him and his social kind oh nights like this; he had no basineia j wandering from it. t/f i Now with his mind made up apdi his steps already retracing theifi way, Bob glanced back with uneasy curiosity after the man who had tried to befriend him. But he ex perienced no sense of gratitude; only dogs felt gratitude. Jim seemed to be moving along a sort of ridge some distance above Bob, and the steady play of light ning against the unobstructed sky beyond the ridgeline served to'keep his stiffly moving figure in almost j constant silhouette. As Bob watch- i ed he saw Jim in his trance walk j starkly into a tree, stagger back, and , i fall heavily. \ • “The poor devil,” he muttered, * “he hasn’t any idea of what he’s do- ] ing or where he’s going. I've got c ta watch him or he will be killed!” S Involuntarily Bob changed his , irresolute course once more and 1 hurried along at a penitent dogtrot , to regain the ground he had lost, to ] pick Jim up. Before Bob could i reach him, however, Jim arose and | resumed hs Golgothic way. Bob i tell into step behind him, as before* ] and admitted to himself vvitTi the' i usual sheepish confusion, of ati in- J consistent cynic that it wap not dog- i like gratitude, but rather a genuine ] personal interest and liking that i made him “his brother*!, keeper.' j ,'■?- . ... ( Thfcir way lead shasWy up- t wards norv, along the scam of the ! ridge; and Bob, winded and labor- 1 ing with wearied legs and feet, mar- < veiled at the inward powers of rmo- J tional strength that Were keieping the ( slender young mail clerk forging ] ahead with no. risible slackening of * i pace or poise. Bob began to fear ] for Jim mightily; this strained re- i striction of a flood of grief beiiind j a dam of dazed mentality was bound i to result in a fearful cracking of | body and soul and mind that might i sweep him to death, or worse—in sanity. Bob was unfamiliar with the topo graphy of the local countryside, but its general conformation here led him to suspect a cliff, after the char acteristics of the surrounding terri tory with which he had become fa miliar in his short life as a tramp. So he moved up to within arm’s length of Jim, and strove to piece 1 the stormy gloom ahead for signs • of a drop. It came with a sudden ness that nearly fooled him despite i his alertness; a gash of deeper i blackness in the mght underfoot. , Bob cried out and plucked Jim back from the edge. Still Jim was not consciously aware of Bob’s presence. He glanced with startled yet unseeing eyes toward him, tjien unwittingly obeyed the new course, away from immediate danger, into which Bob gently turned him. Thus, through- the night these two men wandered through the bar ren and storm whipped fields'on the shoulders of the supine hills that stretched back of Crater City; Bob following without question the un canny will of the other except at times when it was necessary to guide him out of danger. And while he climbed and descended, trod and stumbled, on his weary way Bob felt a glow of spiritual exaltation displacing the chill in his veins and confounding the weariness in his body. Bob was not of a religious turn of mind, but he had been grounded in Biblical fundamentals, and now when the service of human brother hood was lifting him beyond himself he thrilled to a resemblance of this bereaved lover, walking his life away for his solitary love, to that, Young Man who had endured a Passion and Death for all. These desolate hills of ancient lava -were truly Jim Fowler’s Gethsemane; his misery was, in fundamentals if not in details,' a re plica of that Storied Agony. Like the Apostles of old, Bob had come to watch; but unlike them, he did not go to sleep. In him was born, as the night wore on and the phy sical pain of watching and follow ing became so acute that he could scarcely move, a realization of the true significance of that, Ancient ; Sacrifice. - - i (To be continued! Major (lei.eral Charles W. Berry, of »^se^ecte , l as candidate for lined deoil \ ’ : \ Thetexetfutive eemmitee njiVlii' session less tfiay .ijn'ihuui- and'.thejjsrpnx'cotmty ' fifteen’ mmnt’oti ( The * agb'eiheiii- in- Uotli cases*'e! gunt imauf.'. r . ! •* i t —■ — 'pf'ryw •••;<• ' jj REMEMBER PENNY' ADS ARE CASH '••I. .. '# .‘tUo X t. T*!’ * f- -trr*- j - ‘ I I I Greater Comfort in a Home is Only Received F|x>m One That is . Home Like Our Display df Bedroom Suites is „ , Especially Complete at this Time « All of the popular period design .are presented in the j ( various woods and finishes, and at the low prevailing ] \ prices-they'represent vales that cannot be duplicated else- ]i| where. , Come in and see these suites. Full suites priced 1 j • frpm $78.00 arid up. ,c,: iU ;j BELL-HARRIS FURNITURE CO. f 1 Sewing at an old fashion- | _>d machine is nothing LH uore or less than a tradi- ■■ tion today in the modern SUE home where wise minds ftr ■ have decided that every- Wfcti thing that saves time and fc H energy is economy. Let us demonstrate one of XRI these small motors that nifl run sewing machines. V*l “Fixtures ol Character” xAffl VV. J. HETHCOX Lj W. Depot St. Phone 669 OOOPQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQO) I Wilkinson’s Funeral Home i Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone No. 9 | Open Day and | ; I night | I Ambulance | y j n * a Service , C v . , M a 9aOCBKWOf>!K>OOCOOOOOOOOOaOO f *• 1 ilk Monday, August 10. 1925 We have the follow ing used cars for sale or exchange: i One Buick Six Tour ing 1922 model. One Buick Six Road ster, 1920 model. 'One Liberty Six Touring 1920 model. One Dodge Touring; 1920 model. STANDARD BUICK CO. - Opposite City Fire Dept > Add the Comforts of PLUMBING . to Your Home Modem Plumbing as I much or more than any other one B thing toward making your home 8 a comfortable and convenient g place iti. which to live. It costs 5 you nothing to get our coat es x timate. Company ; 8 V :j North Kerr Street I ail' PhonxM .JE^k i Vi V\

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