PAGE SIX WHEN IS A HANDSHAKE NOT A HANDSHAKE? Monroe Enquirer. Tbe answer is, “When it lacks ‘pep*!” There are many kinds of handclasps, but only one real handshake. The latter leaves you, not with crashed knuckles, but with a tingling: sensation at the fingertips; it demonstrates warmth, sincerity, interest and enthusiasm. Ail others are merely perfunctory. Take the “politician’s shake,” for example. It is overdone. True, the strength of the clasp is there, but genuineness' and honesty of purpose are lacking. The real thing is only stimulated. In the langnagge of the theatre, it is a “take off” of the true expression. Going to the other extreme, we ex perience handclasps at social and other formal affairs. In most instances they are as feigned as the stereotyped re marks that accompany them. The tips of three fingers gingerly extended with a verbal “How-dee-doo” do not typify frankness or integrity. Rather, this cere* money is tinged with hypocrisy. Then there are jieople who like to make an acquaintance with the “bluster” type of handshake. In doing so they want people to think they are frank and straightforward, a “diamond in the rough,” so to speak, but the exertion belies the desired impression- Everybody knows the pump-handle shake. It is stilted, of course, and not in keeping with the drawingroom, hut it is far better than the icy and inert hand sometimes extended to you. The latter has no more feeling than a Chinese executioner; it is proffered more as a habit, than anything else. Os course there are people who don’t shake hands—but we will hastily pass over them. The real lionest-to-goodness greeting is that. Arrant old-fashioned one that comes near making the knuckles “crack” hut doesn’t, the fell of which is suf ficient to warm the very cockles of the heart. An example? Oh. the handclasp you experienced on returning home from war. It. was conflict, you know, that gave us the custom in the first place. In the distant past every man was armed and when two men met who wished to be friendly they clasped each other’s right hand (the sword arm) for mutual protection. Now wfe will introduce the editor of the Osborne Enterprise who. you will admit, doesn't mince words about what a real handshake is like: “Did you ever shake hands with one of those human jelly fiish who lets his or her hand hang limp ami loose in ( yours? If you have you arc surely to be • pitied. “If there is anything that should have all the kick that it can produce we think shaking hands ought to. We rather admire those old pumpliamlle, finger busting. wrist-twisting, hearty hand shakes. They put pep into a fellow. < A good hearty handshake is about as good for a fellow who is feeling all down and out as a long conference with , a man who has made a big success. Just give a fellow a good handshake and watch him pep up. It is a donder work er. "But those mushy, gooey, soft-shelled handshakes get our angora. We mean the sort, that make you feel as if you had made some horrible mistake or were suspected of committing some big crime. When we get hold of a fellow who want to * shake in this manner about the only thing that w r e can think of is a morgue. Makes us feel cold ami 1 clammy and disappointed in humanity | in general. A fellow imagines he has . suddenly been thrust into a church with most of his wearing apparel still at home. “Honestly, now, if we lmd our choice ( between shakiug hands with one of these fellows «awl eating-a handful of angle- j worms,’we’d take the latter and call it a real trade.” BELIEVEST THOU THlS?—Jesns ‘ said unto her. I am the resurrection, and . thejife: he that believeth in ine, though . sie were dead, yet shall he live: and who soever liveth and believeth in me shall j nevjnr die. Believ.eth thou this?—John , 11; :25, 20. [ 1 WHO IS YOUR SKINNY FRIEND, MABEL? ; •Tell him to take Co<| Liver Oil for a * couple of months and get enough good 1 healthy flesh on ’his bones to look like a real man. r Tell him lie won't have to swallow the nasty oil with (he nauseating fishy taste, because the McCoy Laboratories, of New York, are now’ putting up Uod Liver Oil in sugar coated tablet form. 1 Ask for McCoy e Cod Liver Oil Com- f pound Tablets at the Pearl Drug Com- 1 pany and every druggist worthy the name 1 sells them —fit) tablets—6o cents. Any < man or woman can put on five pounds < of healthy, flesh in 30 days or your drug- ! gist will willingly refund the purchase 1 price. i One woman put on 15 pounds in six ' weeks. Children grow robust and ! strong. 1 "nr for ied, PIIFFMP FEET Ute minute you put your feet in a Tiz” bath you feel pain being drawn out and comfort just soaking in. How good your tired, swollen, burning feet feel. “Tiz” instantly draws out the poisonous exudations that puff up your feet and cause 1 sore, inflamed, sweaty feet. “Tiz,” and only "Tiz," takes die pain and soreness out of corns, cal louses and bunions. Get a box of "Tiz” at any drug or department istore for a few cents. Your feet are never going to bother you any more. A whole year’s foot comfort guaran teed. * _Test *‘Tiz” free. . Send this coupon. ID p MS Mafitaon Av«. FTCC New York City . . $} Mail Me sample ‘HZ' ’ lnal i» - :~1 THE public and paper postage Charlotte Observer. The Postoffice Commision now en gaged in getting information on the workings of the new postal rates has been told quite fully what the news papers think about the rates in effect since April, but the general public hasn’t as yet voiced its complaint. It has mail tons of *>econd-class matter, as it has been in the habit of doing for years, without thinking about increased rates on newspapers and other publications mailed by individuals, with the result that its stuff has been held up for addi tional postage, and when this was not forthcoming, has been carted out of every postoffice in the country and de stroyed. A man buy* a five-cent paper, sees • something in it that he knows will i»- ■ terest his friend at a distance, sticks on what he thinks is necessary in the way ? of stamps, and mails it. His friend never gets it unl«*» he forwards the necessary additional postage, and if he does, the five-cent paper has cost the two of them more than the p«i>er itself cost. Only recently a local man mailed an Observer to his son at Camp Glenn at a cost of six cents. We submit when Uncle Sam gets to charging more for carrying a newspaper a hundred mil** so than the publishers themselves charge for the paper, he is exceeding the limit. Postage rates on publications, like all other charges for service, ultimately fall back on the public—the ultimate consumer; and that person today is paying the increased chargee on publications; but he also is paying what is in effect a nuisance tax. and a more hr less outrageous tax. when ho attempts to send second-haud publi cations through the mails to friends and relatives, a thing Americans always have had a habit of doing and a thing that has been attended by more or less pleasure both to the person sending and the person receiving. The idea that the Post office depart ment must, be self-supporting is as ab surd as a demand that the Department of Justice pay its way or that the Army turn out. a product equal in value to its expenses; and when private distribu tion of any product, papers or Avhat not. can be secured at a less cost than the Government cau distribute through the mails, a situation results which carries no pleasing commentary on the business geniius of the Postoffieo department- Americans are burdened half to death with taxes to pay for governmental ser vices, and on top of their general taxes, they are aggravated by thi* new nuisance of a postal tax in order to carry on their pleat*ant practice of ex changing publications with each other —most of which they unwittingly con sign to the trash pile along with the postagge they have paid on it, because they did not think to go to the postof tice. have a paper weighed most care fully and its postage figured to a half cent. Auto Styles. The Pathfinder. It is announced, with a great flourish that the Studebaker Co. is to stop put ting out new models of autos every year and instead will keep adding improve ments whenever they are deemed wise. This new policy is heralded a* a won derful departure. One purpose is to avoid the ill-will which auto purchasers feel when they buy what claims to lx* the late word in motor ears, only to find that the makers keep putting out new and professedly much superior cars every little while, so that the old model becomes obsolete and greatly depreciated in market value. This "new” policy is indeed a wel come advance. The Studebaker Go. could have adopted it long ago and thus got the benfit of it if they had taken the : advice of the Pathfinder, for that is one of the ideas this paper has always harped 1 oil. For instance, in our issue of Aug uset 0, 1024, we said: “We intend to diseuorage in every way we can these ' constant changes of models and styles in manufactured products.” We have found that mo6t of the manufacturers : are not anxious to accept suggestions for improvements and that they have to be forced to them by public sentiment. M e think they would show more wis- ' dom if they would lay less stress on "selling points” fancy doo-dads and changes of styles atnl devote their ener gies to making products that will give their patrons the greatest possible solid value for their money. Are we right, or aren’t we? Three Hundred Bushels of Com on Ten Acres. (By the* ANMoofiited Pmi) Morganton, Aug. 10.—M. R. Rudisil, of Henry River, in Burke county, has a ten-acre field of corn that will make at least 200 bushels, reports Farm Agent It. L. Sloan. "This corn,” he said, “is on high hill land and while the continued t drouth is cutting the crop to some ex tent. corn on the other hand in the same neighborhood is drying up without even making shoots. The explanation lies i in the years of soil building with lime and ,red clover together with good farm practices as proper cultivation and seed selection.” Our New Mechanically Refriger ated , Autopolar Fountain keeps ice cream in the most per fect condition. With this new au tomatic refrigerating device, it is possible to hold the temperature to the zero mark if desired, ana this insures all ice cream and drinks in the best, of condition. PEARL DRUG CO. On the Square , Phone 22 THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE |J NOT A FAIR TEST. Greeneboro Patriot. A man who tried to see what Christian . charity is like, starting to walk from Newark, N. 3., to Cincinnati and return, didn't find much Christianity, he said. He had to walk too much. He went on his trip penniless. He didn’t want to walk all the way. He would flag dqwu autos or try to flag them down or accost people in them and ask for a ride. One out of every tVirty gave him a ride. So it is concluded that the other twenty-nine are not Chris tians and had no charity. , It can’t be proved that way. They may be Christians and have a great deal of charity, but they just have sense. They have too much sense to pick up ? strange men on the road. Strange men - on the road may be Christians, may be i evangelists, as was the man who wore out his shoes trying to find charity, and 1 again they may be robbers and murder , ers. , Some persons, out of the goodness of. , their hearts, have picked up strangers on the roads and been killed because they , were charitable, robbed and beaten. It may all right to pick up a strange men on the road but some peo , pie have died from it. They must have . regretted it while they were being knock ; ed on the head. Just how dangerous the roads are is seen from the fact that this seeker after . Christian charity was held up every 118 . miles. What did lie expect. Other people, knowing the roads full of hold up men. don't care to beheld up every US miles. Being held up is not pleas ant nor profitable. He was offered some coffee and some whiskey, six drinks of whiskey to one of coffee, which shows that prohibition is not yet a blanket. Some men would have considered themselves in great luck at being offered liquor and have kept on walking, despite the hardships if they could get six drinks of liquor to one of coffee. We are fraid that some people will start long walking tours now. He was offered jobs by twelve bootleggers, but of course he eottld not take liquor nor jobs. People even wouldn't stop when he. lay dow’ij as if injured. Feigning injury he lay down anil counted 232 automobiles pass without stopping. They probably put on a little more gas when they saw him there. A few stopped and what must the occupants of the ears have thought when they saw him rise up and say that he wasn't hurt, that he was just fooling? They probably regretted stopping at all. and began to think about their life insurance and whether hell is as hot as they heard. That man was lucky that he didn’t get shot, putting himself ill the road and fooling people that way. No. it wasn't a fair test. Good roads are good things, hut only to ride upon. They are not good to walk on. nor to stop When people flag down. The best way is to scoot on. If a person stops to pick up a strong looking man and gives him a ride the driver's relatives may be gathering in the parlor in a few days and hearing the will read ami ven der how it got out that he had so much more property than he did leave. There is such a thing as Christian Clarity, but few people feel themselves able to play it on the roads. TODAY'S EVENTS Monday. August 10, 1925 Centenary of the birth of John YY. Mears. noted New Y'ork educator and re former. Then years ago today the first civilian military training camp was opened at Flattsburg. Whether the present Liberal govern ment in. New shall be con tinued or shall be replaced by a Conserv ative administration will lie decided in the general elections in that Province to l day. The annual convention of the Inter nationa! Typographical I'nion, one of the oldest anil most influential of American labor organizations, will meet in Kala mazoo. Mich., today and continue in ses sion through the week. Other prominent labor organizations whose annual conventions open today are the International Longshoremen's Asso ciation, at Montreal; the Hotel and Kest’aurant Employee's International Al liance. at Montreal, and the Cigarmakers’ International I'nion at Boston. World's Greatest Battleships. London, Aug. 10.—The two greatest batt!eshi|is in the world, the Nelson and the Rodney, are rapidly nearing comple tion. The Nelson will lie launched next month and the Rodney in January. Either of'them could tight a whole squad ron of pre-war dreadnoughts and each will have cost about $30,000,000 by the time it takes its plaee in the British fleet. Their speed, range of gunfire, weight of broadside armor protection against guns, aircraft and torpedoes, ren der them practically iruluseruotible. I'n iisual precautions have been taken to prevent details of their const ruction be ing made public. 1 Tim u Hubert HouDen.' the Ger ! man sprinter who recently surprised be athletic universe by defeating ; the great Charley Paddock in Berlin., ' Houben is figuring bn paying this .'country a visit in the (all to show |Ma speed and strive tor soms of our WHITE ILLITERACY. t Lexington Di«pa4ch. i . Dr J* Pa, *son the University, the State’s chief human statistician, told the welfare officers last week that ' there are approximately 132.000 white illiterates in North Carolina— adult illiterates, if you pien*e—and that one r out rvery five voters cannot read j even the ballot Dr. Branson was basing his figures, j he stated, on records made by students in census work In thirteen counties. These. counties may have been repre r srntative, though they are not named, I but the sections of the counties on which the figures were based may not > have been representative of the educa ( tion of the counties as a whole. Any v way this paper is a little inclined to the x belief that Dr. Branson was It'd to place I his figures somewhat too high. But how ever that is, the fact remains that there is far too much adult illiteracy in North t Carolina , As to the remedy, we can see but one effective method of stopping adult illiteracy and that is to stop illiteracy l Among children. In fact, we believe the , State has already .advanced for on the i road to an educated citizenship, both white and black. There arc few children now growing up anywhere in North Carolina who cannot read and write to an extent to enable them to gain a fair measure of intelligent information about the world around them. Providing of good school facilities for every child and then enforcement of the law that says the child must not ho deprived by his elders of this opportunity will effectual ly destroy illiteracy. Dr. Branson should keep in mind the condition that existed in North Carolina before Ayeock and for a good many years thereafter. While rapid progre— was made moh year after Ayeock’s program for educat ing the masses begun to work, more actual progress in providing first class school facilities for the children of all sections of the State has been made in the last five years than in the twenty that went before. We have conducted “moonlight” cam paigns to try and wipe out adult illi teracy. but all of our good intentions were little more than moonshine. The remedy lies in keeping right on at the work of stopping illiteracy where it starts. Bit tie can be doue to remedy the situation after the public school age kasj been passed. While the adult illiteracy still is large, the figures for the entire population must show a decided advancement each year, an increasing advancement each school year toward a State that will have no citizens who cannot read and write. It is a good thing, however, for someone like Dr. Branson tov call our attention to the job that needs to bo woiked at without letting up. Fifteen Years for a Drink. London. Aug. 10.—It has just been dis closed that in the war a sentry at Back pool Fort, neai* Ryde, placed his rifle against the sea wall while he went'for a drink. The rifle was observed through a searchlight by the authorities at Ports mouth, five miles away. A telephone message was sent to the fort. The sen try was court martialled and sentenced tofifteen years’ penal servitude. DO YOU WASH AT HOME? If you do. you of course must have sanitorv, durable, non-leaky wash tubs. Let us install oiir new porcelain laundry tubs with both hot and cold water faucets and your laundry will be right up to date. Our tubs can be easily fitted to any make of washing machine. E. B. GRADY PLUMBING AND HEATING DEALER Office and Show Room 39 E. Corbin St. Office Phone 334 W | My jpiaj}!?! j i' Sn/ j | Ruth - Kesler Shoe Store PREVENTION BEST CI KK FOR CANCER Maintain; the Body in Good Physical Condition Advised. ; By JAMES F. PERCY, M. I>. | (Member Gorgas Memorial Institute; Attending Surgeon Los Angeles Uen , eral Hospital). I There is an ideal method for develop ing cancer. The first dictum is, eat immoderately, especially for the fun of ! it; particularly of meat, eggs and rich foods, with overcooked fresh vegetables and artificially preserved can ued goods. Don't exercise, «o that the waste of the body will b? deposited in the tissues as a poison instead of being thrown out of the system through the natural chan nels. In fact, treat yourself as the farmer does the goose fie is stuffing for market. In this way you will become fat, breath less, nncomfortable, mentally depressed, generally deficient and disagreeable to yourself anil to others. Also drink little water in place of a minimum of two or three quarts a day. This will cumpel you to force the bowels with irritating patent pills to overcome the resulting const ipn/.on. In addi tion. this will prevent the washing from the blood of the offending and destruc tive bodily waste through the kidneys. - The reason that the satisfying liquid mellowness of pure water knocked out whiskey in the comparatively recent, cel ebrated contest, was that nothing has, can or ever will take its place. Water is a Divine essence when used freely, but large numbers don't know it. The Gorgas Memorial Institute believes your health will be improved if you would drink six to eight glasses of water each day. It is not necessary to say anything about bathing. Civilized ntau does that naturally more often than he does other tilings' that would keep his system active and effective. Then, how many are red faced, fat and wheezy because they breathe only by compulsion? This usually means just enough to keep going moderately. And we wonder why pneumonia or tu berculosis gets us, and are inclined to blame it on bad luck or God. Most of us never give the top and bottom of onr lungs any fresh air until we run for a street car. But when we do. we put a snddden dangerous strain on the heart. A sprint for the train or a spurt up a flight of stairs should do us no harm at any age of our existence if we kept in trim all the time in place of only oc casionally. Cancer, in early life, is unfortunately quite uncommon. But in die middle age, under-exercised, overfat, worried man or woman, it too often becomes the “stinging death" of the ancients. As a result the food drunkards, water pau pers. misers, of wakefulness and air skin flints in whom cancer delights to revel, are increasingly numerous. Why people will neglect to observe the simple, common, everyday comfort ing and life-saving rules that will pro tect against cancer and many other of the abominable lot of diseases, is beyond the comprehension of physicians who See the dire results of their folly every day. What then shall we do? Drink wholly clean water ami little else in the way of fluid. Take at least fifty deep breaths of un adulterated air every ilay. Sleep sufficiently to keep our brain keen. Honestly exercise our muscles, trunk and extremities so that onr brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, bowels, liver and skin cannot harbor that "Soul of Hell" which, for want of a better name, we call can cer. THE LORD SUSTAINS ;—They that wait upon the Lord shall renew I’tcir strength: they shall mount up with wings as eagles: they shall run and Hot be weary: and they shall walk, and not faint.—lsaiali 40:31. Out Where the Pavissg Ends Ever noticed the cars you meet In that it can pull through where out-of-the-way places, approached heavy cars must balk. by narrow, twisting trails, or rough t,- , . country roads ? They are Fords— a^ d nearly everv one explore. I here are delights await* nearly eveiy one. in g you away from the beaten path To the Ford car no going is too bard. that few know. Leave the crowds Every road is open to it—by-ways and the highways behind you. It and highways alike. It is so fight it costs but little—and it will be a rarely ever “ mires In ”, so powerful vacation you will never forget. Runabout/ - - $260 Coupe - - $520 Touring Car - 290 Fordor Sedan - 660 On open c*r» demountable rime and htarter*ere SBS extra Full alxe balloon Urea $25 extra. A lt pricet t. o. b. Detroit SEE ANY AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER OR MAIL THIS COUPON Tudor Sedan : Please tell me how I can secure a Ford Car on easy payments: j Nctne Lm9v i ~ | . WORLD’S SMALLEST RADIO SET UTILIZING VACUUM TUBE ' ■ ‘ v\. a Ti . e\ i THE life ambition of Powel Crosley, Jr., is abont tfe'be realized. Four years ago, be fore he was referred to ns 1 “the Henry Ford of Radio,” hi- want ed to buy a one-tube nnlio re» ceiver fpr his son to play J wijfu He was informed .it wbultl; opsf 7 ! 5130.00. Feeling ’ tnhT was 'en tirely 100 much money to spend fpr a boy’s toy and also realiz ing there must be other fathers who would like to give radio sets to their children, he made up his mind to someday build a radio set which would be within the pocket-book reach of everybody. Success has crowned the ef forts of the inventor of the new single-tube regenerative recclv- Daddy ’s coming with k mgWrigf,etfs! . This delightful. lon|- Jl refreshment gives firjn N \ the penny a bigger y/lr S ° atld swee * And then when you the Httie_folks are WRIGIEYS ••' - - Monday, August 10, 1925 v er ! which he has called the • ‘ , pup”'hc.eause it is the smallest rej)l radio set in-, the world. The tremendous production fa cilities fn his Cincinnati plants •makes it possible to sell the set 'for A radio oftthis kind , o»»«k«itt'nosSiblc to “take your t’liferlJilrfheirt with you.” It weighs about a pound and is only 3% by 4% by 4% inches. 1 Experiments have demon strated this single-tube receiver will pick-up. signals from dis tant broadcasting stations with excellent volump and the super power stations “pound right in.” Its inventor believes that it will not he long until foreign high-power slatipns will he heard with a one-tube receiver.