Monday, August 10. 1925 j Two things you should observe-in the care of/your much-prized dresses and gowns First—Send them to a reliable cleanser.. Second—Send them regularly—or as often as they show the slightest soii or mussing. | i i Our reliability as cleianers is known to most people in this community. To those who do not know it we shall gladly give the names of customers of high stan ding and rest our case on their tetimony. Let us show you how our service adds to the joy you get from your clothes, as well as lengthens their period of useful service. Phone now and our representative will call — ll 1 . 11 ■ ' ■■■!—■ Ml. I ■■■■■ J ■■■ ■■■ Organizing Against Evolution. Charlote Observer. Two of the big men in ehureh life were at the Dayton show. One was Dr. Charles Francis Cotter, pastor of the West Side Unitarian Church, in New Yprk; the other was likewise a New York pastor—Dr. John Roach Straton, Os Calvary Baptist Church. On return ing to J she home base and speaking of His observations, Doctor Potter visioned, as a result of the Dayton developments, a nationwide enactment of anti-evolution laws. This is in line with the predic tion. or rather the recommendation,-of Congressman Upshaw, the anti-evolution leader ip his state. And on this prop osition Doctor Straton is not only agreed, but he goes a step further. He makes declaration of his purpose to call "a great OUT OUR WAY ; ~ : - ~ BYWTTTrtAMS excuse me % wou’ts/e. <3c 5T me no\N so I V exP&rr ME \ | MPS VAKiSvAiAKIk.I ’ coyvJDMT MAKE A PANMEWT- \ X T> Op ! j JOS,T WOLO ‘ tUe Ol A CLAW PlPtl L GQ’ROOND \ MQu &NS i ; ; §| IK \M\RE A moment / \_OOKvN* A BIG jme A ,0»N& ?\ ! 'l l I pOCy PkEAEE J NOORE CROtSiM AROUND A BRiNCs HOME | ] HY X s-ae&l 7■* SODA OACx UUE A M i cfn O iuDi Ull \ SAILOR IN HOk£rKONer lookin' /\o f '?/ ■ VM-W MOTHERS GEiT GRAtW - , UNTiMEIH -TOPICS. _ ;J ,. „ MOM’M POP BY^fAYLOir f yFH comes OTft „ j * HERE’S VJHERE \WE GET SUM r-r H npru ]■ | ( ■ *_ VH *’NV’ replied Mrs. SoruVbs. “but it lie ain't; careful he wiU." He almost applied at a place yestiddy where they was needin' a man." The Star Witness. "Look here, chief.” demanded the eap tain of thd tramp steamer, “what became of that missionary 1 put ashore here about six months ago?” • ‘"I refuse to answer, by advice of coun sel.” replied the cannibal chief, "but I don't mind telling you that there’s noth ing in the theory that you can't keep a good man down.” Many a man's reputation depends on what isn’t found out about him. Old bachelors always look under "Marriages” for the news of the weak. Its the water over the wheedl that makes power—itr the cofiimuntty as well as* the mill. If only for selfiisli reason you should spend your money in Washington. The dollar you spend away s a dollar gone. The dollar you spend in Washington is a dollar that adds power and pro duction in your home town or city— its a dollar that grinds u better grist of better advantages for you. Self-interest will show you why you receive most for youh home dollar. First. In increase in property values. This not only applies to city real estate but to farming lands in this vicinity. As a town grows and develops farm prop erty increases even in greater values. The history of every town in the nation proves that suburban property and town EVERETT TRUE BY CONDO ’ tTOP F!T>3.e/TINCS. I 'Tea. WOMAN,,, > 'that You Must novslSm not thoug-h, nc.w nc>v<-c_ on I have, orners TA'BL.S, THING’S TO THINK OF 11 I'm | "falG-HT rs NOT AUUiAYS —/ANP a <3d= N Tl_ts 'ZEPHYR SIAJAY ! rue Ff?AHS. RAISED HER I ' He need* a new «uit ~ Hlg wlffc needs a new dress The baby need* new shoes. Well, they can’t have ’em —not until the car's paid for. BY this time the Jones' are dis tinctly hard up. They have to cut down on food —per- haps cut some of it out entirely— cheaper butter, less milk, no meat some of the time. Thetr living , standard’s been lowered —except that they have a car •• • • THE result, the critical credit j men say, is that business isn’t as good as it ought to be—except the auto business. It isn’t actually bad in other lines. Building activity and other nice things more or less offset the Jones’ financial stringency. Nevertheless, according to credit men, always excepting the automo bile credit men, isn’t as good a* it would be if an over-extension of credit .hadn’t inducts! Jones to btuf a car he couldn't affoxfL . Answer to Yesterday’s Pnzzle. sml m s«R£rn? IJE § u n i Bplaipmslc PjA P property increases in proportionate values. Second: In direct benefits—better schools, churches itnd lHiblic. iifctitu tiolifk . .. 1 Third: In the community that supports "you. Ton can’t “have your cake and eat it too”, is a; 1 rue pay ing. Myery 'man. should patronize the in stitution in which he is financially in terested. There are practically as well as loyal reasons why you should spend your money in Washington. The prosperity of industries, merchants, banks and pro fessioinal men means your prosperity. Visiting Cards Handsomely Printed. 50 for SI.OO or 100 for $1.50. Times- Tribune Office. ts. BE HEALTHY, HAPPY, VIGOROUS . Don’t Give lip to Sickness* TOW Age” or Nervousness—Let Ironux Keep You Fit! To prove its amazing value, every pale, thin, weak, rundown, nervous person on this section is invited to try a big SI.OO 'tottle of Hrucher’s ironux today—with out risk of penny cost. ’ Good druggists everywhere are author ized to promptly refund the full retail price to anyone not perfectly satisfied after a week's use of Ironux. This makes the trial of Ironux a simple, (inexpensive matter and surely the trial will tell. Don’t delay! Thousands have gained strength, vigor, weight, ambition and en ergy bv the use of Brit (’tier's Ironux—and your case should be no different. Don’t grow old before your time and don't let lack of nerve force snd vitality make you a weakling-—when the joys of perfect health may be waiting just around the corner for you! ps— IDELCO LIGHT I Light Plants and Batteries | Deep and Shallow Well Pumps for Direct or Alter- X nating current and Washing Machines for direct or ialter- S pating current. c 8 R. H. GWEN, Agent - f Phone Ml ' Concord, N. C. | 30000000000000000300000000000000000000000000000000000 gggggjgg h? ?rriT"'f!r gjggggg a-dll a : x-■ , | x u *' You pay no more for^'Hood—S August 12 and 13 Truly Beautiful materials priced right. We are sure g you will want one of these lovely suits. We would like 4 to show you all of the newest styles and fabrics for this || , Fall and Winter. Come in and see theim you’re more H ; than welcome. Don't forget the dates August 12 and 13. ! RICHMOND-FLOWE CO. j j ,r-; xiT. s | f OOOOOaOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IH. B. Wilkinson OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT '* | Concord, Kannapolis Mooresville, China Grova j j LLpLurrirLTrrTfirufiT.::.: rsxiTi: ' I Texaco Gasoline and Oils, Alemite l I Greasing, Crank Case Service, Car j Washing and Polishing. Tires, Tubes, j Accessories. Quick Tire Changing I I Free Air aind \Wate'r-WaMr’ For Sip&fv j a Battery I , CEN TRAL FILLING STATION ~ 1 ' Phone 700 PAGE SEVEN