ASSOCIATED PRESS | DISPATCHES VOLUME XXV SECRETARY WEEKS IAY RESIGN SOON • FROM TMII j Rumor That He Will Give t Up Post Set in Motion Again by His Call on President Coolidge. CONDITION OF HEALTH BETTER But He Is Not at All Cer tain He Will Be Physic ally Able to Stay on the Job. (By the Associated Press) Swampseott, Aug. 12.—The visit of Secretary of War John W. Weeks at White Court has strengthened the be lief he will never return to the cabi net. President Coolidge intimated as much yesterday after the Secretary, leaving his residence alone for the first time since he was stricken se riously ill last spring, had talked with him for an hour. Wr. Meeks declar ed his return to Washington hinged on the complete recovery of his health. He said he had many things to do at his home at Manchester, N. H., where he intends to motor tomorow from his Gloucester residence. Several possible, successors have been mentioned, among them Chas. I). Hilles, republican national committee man from New York, and Dwight Dn vis. of Misouri, now acting Secretary of War. Although' be still is under a physi cian's care, Mr. Weeks is spending his time entirely in resting. He declined to d : HCUss what he had said to Pres ident Coolidge regarding his resigna tion. Secretary Weeks Calls on Coolidge. Swampseott, Mass., Aug. 11.—Sec retary Weeks called on President Cool idge late today and stated upon leav ing he was undecided as to whether he would return to his office in Hie fall. The secretary, although looking well, still is under physicians’ care and is s(lending his time entirely In resting. He his Gloucester horde ThiirtWay to go to his summer residence at Lancaster. N. H. As a result of serious illness of the secretary and the probability of his retirement, Reveral names have been mentioned as a possible successor, in cluding Charles D. Hilles, Republi can national committeeman from New Y’ork, and Dwight Davis, of Missouri, now acting secretary. Mr. Hilles conferred here with the President early in the summer. The visit came somewhat as a sur i prise and was described by Mr. Weeks as a social one. It is the first time he has left his home since he became ill in Washington- seveiran months ago. » • With Our Advertisers. Poverty is uncomfortable —but it is the only way of teaching a man how comfortable riches arc. Read new ad. of Cabarrus Savings Bank. The J. C. Penny Co. has two new styles in pumps at $2.08 per pair. They are beauties. A porch that harbors a Victrola is a porch of joy and comfort. Sec ad. of the Kidd-Frix Co. • At the Concord Theatre today only “Daughters Who Pay." Extra “Boys Will Be Joys”. Final reduction on all ready made wearing apparel beginning Thursday at Robinson's. Attractive prices on attractive dresses. One Hundred and Twenty Persona Die in Motor Wrecks. Chicago, Aug. 12.—One hundred and twenty persons were killed in automobile accidents in eleven middle western states last week, an increase of a score from the previous week. The death list in Ohio was 31, while twenty fatalities were recorded (n Illinois, mostly in Chicago and vi • cinity. The record in other states follows: Indiana, 15; Texas and MiA , igan, 10 each; Missouri, and Minne sota, nine each; lowa, seven; Kansas, ■five; Oklahoma, three, and South Da "kota, one. In addition, several hun dred were injured. By means of a dip net, an Eskimo woman will catch an average of one little auk a minutes, as they fly through the air. Concord Theatre 1 (THE COOL SPOT) | Special Show ing Today Only “Daughters Who Pay” With John Bowers, Marguerite DeLaMotte and all Sfar Cast —EXTRA — i “BOYS -WILL BE JOYS” Our Gang Comedy k I Special Organ Music by C. Wm. Klaasette Tomorrow and Friday I "THE EARLY BIRD” “ The Concord Daily Tribune North Carolina’s Leading Small City Daily Program For The Cabarrus County S. S. Convention Sessions of Convention Wi August 20th, at St. Step Beginning at 10. a. m. The following is the program for the Cabarrus County Sunday School Con vention to be held at St. Stephens Lutheran Church, Thursday, August 20th: Morning Session. 10:30 —Song. Scripture reading and prayer—Rev. J. A. Yount. 10:45—Effective Plans for Work With Children in the Sunday School. Miss Eugenia lore, Concord, Chil dren’s Division Superintendent Cabar-. rus County Sunday School Associa tion. , 11:15—Business Period; Reports of County and Township Officers. Appointment of committees. Record of Attendance. 11:40—Lesson Preparation. Dr. D. W. Sims, Raleigh, General Snpt. N. C. S. S. Association. 12:15—Offering for Support of the Stnte and County Sunday School As sociations. 12:25—Announcements. 12:30—Adjourn. Dinner at the Church. Everybody come and bring a basket. Afternoon Session. I:3o—Childrens Department Work ers Conference, led by Miss Eugenia Lore, County Supt. Children's Divis ion. 2:oo—Song. Scripture Reading and Prayer— Rev. J. D. Maeder. 2:ls—The Sunday School Organized for Service—Mr. R. P. Benson. Vice- President Cabarrus County Sunday School Association. 2:3s—Reaching and Holding Adults in the Sunday School —Mr. D,„ W. Sims. 3:os—Song. 8 :10—Opportunities for Progress— Mr. J. E. Sharpe, Supt. Adult Divis ion Cabarrus County, S. S. Associa tion. 3:3s —Suggestion and Problem Solving period. Everybody requested to present their suggestions and prob lems for discussion. 4:oo—Business period : Reports of Committees and Election of Officers. - Presentation of Attendance pennant. 4:ls—Adjourn. A pennant will be presented to the Sunday School having in the Conven tion the largest number of representa tives, Sixteen Years of Age and Over, according to the number of miles traveled. Records will be taken at each session of the convention. The pennant will be presented at the dose of the session Thursday nfter noon. POMONA COTTON MILLS SLED FOR BOY’S DEATH Cauthen, of Charlotte, Starts Action In Effort to Get 930,000 Damages. Charlotte, Aug. 11.—The Pomoua Mills, Inc., of Greensboro, in named defendant in a suit for $30,000 started in Mecklenburg Superior court by J. Z. Cauthen, master mechanic at the Savonn Mills here, who claims that amount for the death of his 21-year old son who was ac cidentally killed while working in the Greensboro plant. Mr. Cauthen in his complaint nets forth that hie son, W. E. Cauthen, was killed when he caught a small water pipe to steady himself while walking along the top of a large water main in the Pomona mills, the small pipe having become charged with a high voltage of electricity. ’ ' The youth was killed July 13, after having been employed in the mill for only a week, according to the complaint, which charges neglig ence on the part of the corporation in failing to provide a safe place for him to work. Gives Big Sum For Education. Chicago, Aug. 11. —Most of the $2,300,000 estate of Edward Rector, noted patent attorney, has been will ed to de Pauw University, Green castle, Ind-, which he never attended. Annual scholarships at de Pauw for every high school in Indiana were in cluded in the bequests. - Sipce 1014, when he became in terested in de Pauw, Mr. Rector had made numerous gifts to it and at the time of bis death 500 of its stu dents were bring educated at his ex pense. He was trustee. Thomas Jefferson invented the swiv el chair. 1 Nearly 500 Accidents on State Highways in Past Six Months Some startling figures are shown in the semi-annual accident report re cently compiled by the maintenaye department of the Btate highway coin mission, which shows that accidents are on the increase on the State highway system and that “speeding” still leads the list of causes of fatal accidents while “Intoxicated drivers” and “careleosnesa” tie for second place. Four hundred and ninety-seven ac cidents are reported during the pe riod from January 1, 1023 to July 1, 1025, in which fifty-four persons were killed and four hundred and aixty-nine Injured. The fifth dis trict, composed of counties in the Piedmont sections, leads thf Ust with one hundred and nineteen accidents, ■even fatalities, and nineyt-flve in- Jurlea. . 11 Be Held on Thursday, ihens Lutheran Church, * TO OUR ADVERTISERS. * $ $ 5K Our advertising friends will 3K kindly remember that 10 o'clock IK * is our. "deadline” for changing Sfc 4S their ads. The work is so heavy & that it will be impossible for us IK 3K to change any ads the same day * when copy is brought in after * 10 o’clock. ifc 5K This applies to the regular SK IK space. If yon want extra space US the copy must be in the after -5K noon before. We want to give every advertiser the best service IK iK possible, but we cannot do so un- * less the above is observed. sfc * * ♦ S/S Sis sis SIS sis SIS SIS sty \IS MS sis Sis Sts /K AS ™ Av * m /Tv /Tv JOSEPH WARD UNDER ARREST IN LOS ANGELES Said to Be Wanted in West Virginia on Charge of Embexzling $300,000. (By the Associated Press) Los Angeles, Aug. Ward, said to be wanted in West Vir ginia on a charge of embezzling $300,- 000 in funds on the Bank of Ben wood, was arrested here last night. Police detectives who took him into custody said he at first denied his identity, but later broke down and ad mitted he is the man wanted. Ward is alleged to have confessed that he, while assistant cashier of the bank, conspired with other officials of the institution in the embezzlement of the $300,000. He said he had received only a small share of the money which was part of a widow’s trust fund, and un der control of one of the officials. His hank balance now, he added, was but $147. BRITISH STEAMER IN TROUBLE NEAR NORFOLK Steamer Glen Anile Went Around and Is Resting Easily Off Middle Ground. (By the Associated Proas) Norfolk. Aug. 12.—The British stMHMcryMUcw Arolc. -dmrmlr fMt ikJ* timore heavily loaded, went aground off Middle Orotind today. The ship ran into one of the humps just off the channel, and was reported as rest ing easily on the bottom by observers at the Cape Henry weather station. The toast guard tug. Carabaset, which was in the vicinity, was or dered to stand by to render assistance |if necessary, although it is expected the ship will be afloat at 'high water today. The tide was at the lowest point when the ship went aground. LABOR FEDERATION TO CLOSE MEETING TODAY Election of Officers Most Important Business Before State Federation of U)or Meeting. (By the Associated Press) Winston-Salem, August 12.—The State Federation of Labor which op ened its annual session here today, be gau its final session at 0 o’clock this morning. The principal business be fore the federation today will be the election of officers and selection of a meeting place next year. Following adjournment the visitors will be taken on sight seeing tour through several of the large manufac turing plants of the city. Two Wive* Come to Bury Aviator Killed in Crash. Los Angeles. Aug. 11—As an aftermath to an airplane crash Fri day in which William R. .Coe, world wfcr aviator lost his life, two women, each of whom supposed she was Coe’s lawful wife came today and concurred in funeral arrangements for the dead airman. As a result of their conference, the body will be turned over to Coe’s ffither who will take it for burial to Alma, Nebr. After the conference the two widows announced their meeting had resulted in an enduring friendship. Fire on Striking Mill Workers. (By the Associated Press) Tien Tsin, China, Aug. 12.—Chi nese police and the military were com pelled to fire on striking mill workers when they staged a demonstration yesterday. Eight of the strikers were wounded, mostly in their legs. Causes of fatal accidents arc given as follows: Speeding 13; intoxicated drivers 7; cars parked on highway 5; faulty cars 2: blinding lights 3; pedestrians walking on highways 3; skidding on If wet highway t!; care lessness 7; reckless driving 4; inex perienced drivers 2; Causes unknown 2. Almost halt of the total acci dents occurred on straight roads, while eleven occurred at grade cross ings, carelessness and speeding being the cause of these accidents in every case. From the above figures it would ap pear that motor car drivers in North Carolina still have something to learn. There are those who do not yet know that gasoline and alcohol will not mix and that'one cannot take a nap' while driving along the road. ' CONCORD, N. C., WEDNESDAY, AUG. 12, 1925 'heiPreachea. Kg| % I - '! (I f I * ■ **> I |T I / £ f barles Tally la only 17 but bo’a a coined minister in Texas and Bgs silvered more than fifty sermon). Iris a freshman at Southwestern tolversity and Uvea in Bwufflwt ANTHRACITE WORKERS SUP PORT BITUMINOUS GRO^P Trouble Centers In the JachooßvMe Agreement.—Violation la Alleged. Atlantic City, N. J., Aug. IL—lt was learned today from an authority high in the miners’ confidence that the present policy of the United Mine Workers of America is to de mand that any government interven tion in the hard coal industry take into account the re-establishment of the Jacksonville agreement in soft coal. From now on, it was said wage contract conditions affecting 158,000 hard eoal miners and 500,000 soft coal miners must be considered joint ly by an anthracite mediator to gain cooperation from the miners’ union. Anthracite operators recently as serted belief that the key to the union’s strategy this summer was a determination to win redress of al leged wrongs in soft ooal fields through hard coal pressure upon public authorities. The United Mine Workers deny this. But they now assume, it was stated definitely, that the breaking •off of anthracite seals uegotiatid)# thetr pledge to the anthracite opCr-’ theyir pledge to the anthracite oper ators to keep hnrd and soft eoal operators diverged. Any agreement now, which would seek to heal this break, and thus avert or shorten a costly anthracite suspension also should take cogniz ance of wagge cutting and repudia tion of the Jacksonville contract, ns alleged in union soft eoal territory by John L. lewis, president of the union, and his associates.. THE COTTON MARKET Opened Steady at Advance of 2 Points on August, Bat Generally Lower. (By the Associated Press) « New Y’ork, Aug. 12.—-The cotton market opened steady today at an ad-, vance of 2 points on August, but gen erally 6 to 11 points lower, owing to relatively weak Liverpool cables. Full response to the decline abroad were prevented by continued trade buying or covering, however, and after sell ing off to 23.69 for December, or 10 points net lower, the market rallied. Apparent uncertainty prevailed as to the showing of today’s weekly weath er report, the disposition to take prof it on recent sales being promoted by complaints -of high temperatures in the southwest or claims of an improv ed spot demand in some of the South ern markets. . December sold up to 23.81 and the market held within a few points of yesterday’s closing at the end of the first hour. Cotton futures opened steady. Oct. 23.50; Dec. 23.75; Jan. 23.23; Mar*. 23.52; Mary *23.86. Fierce Forest Fires in Northwest. (By the Associated Press! 1 San Francisco, Aug. 12.—Forest fires in the Pacific northwest were re ported today as the worst for many years, but gradually improving. In British Columbia they have taken a toll of five lives in the last twenty four hours, and two men have been driven apparently insane by incessant toil, in attempting to save their home steads from destruction. Four were killed while fighting a blaze near Kev olstoke, 250 miles from Vancouver, while another lost his life in a blase on Vancouver Island. Coast Guard Cutter Ashore. (By the Associated Press) Seattle, Wash., Aug. 12.—A cable gram received here today from Una laska, on Unalaska Island in the Aleu tian Archipelago, stated that the U. S. coast guard cutter Bear was ashore at Cape Prince of Wales at the west ern end of Seward Peninsula in Ber ing Strait. The message read: “Bear ashore on Cape Prince of Wales village. Fresh southeast winds.” The stadium of the West Side Tennis Club at Forest Hills, L. 1., which will be the scene of the nation al championships this year can seat more than 20,000 spectators. It is the only concrete tennis stadium in the world, except the one at Wim bledon. In 1922 the privately owner cen tral electric light and power stations , were valued at $4, 229,357,000. They | have increased enormously in value since that time. SHOWS EFFECTS OF HEW FREIGHT HATE' IN NORTH CAROLINA Reductions in the Tar Heel State Range From Six and a Half to Twenty Per Cent., Says Commission. WANT ONE RATE FOR THE SOUTH This Reason Changes in Rates Were Made, in the Opinion of a Member of N. C. C. Commission. (By the Associated Press) Raleigh, Aug. 12. —A statement ex plnining'freight rate schedules recent ly ordered effective by the Interstate Commerce Commission, issued here last night riiow that reductions affect ing North Carolina from 6 1-2 to 25c a hundred pounds would he made. The statement was issued by Allen J. Maxwell of the North Carolina Cor poration Commission. The purpose of the order of the fed eral body, said Mr. Maxwell, was "to set up within the South one mileage scale of rates to govern all interstate shipments of freight between points within the stgitheast that move over the standard system lines of railroads, without any arbitrary or additional charge for transfers or joint hauls.” He also said it was intended to set up a "comprehensive basis of through rates to govern all shipments between points in the South and all (mints north of the gateway points on the Ohio River and Virginia Cities and east of the Mississippi,” and “to have a system of rates within and to and from the South that is free from vio lations of the long and sdiort haul prin ciple." CHANGE OF VENUE IS GRANTED YOUNG SLAYER Rudolph Disse, Charged With Slaying Three Persons, Wins in First Court Skirmish. (By the Associated Press) Richmond, Yn., Aug. 12f— A change of venue was granted today in the case of Rudolph Disse, 30 year old slayer of his sweetheart, his rival and a police detective, and who seriously wounded an automobile salesman who he thought was a policeman trying to stop him in his efforts to get to Hen ry Grady Carter, his rival for the af fections of Mrs. Vivian Peers, 18 year old clothing model. The place from where the venire men will be gathered had not been made public when court adjourned at 11:15 this mornipg un til 10 a. m. tomorrow. Judge Frederick W. Coleman, pre siding, granted the request of the de fense" for permission to have the pris oner’s head X-rayed this afternoon by Dr. E. L. Flannagun, engaged by the defense. The picture will be made this afternoon in the presence of Dr. A. L. Gray, representing the common wealth, for presentation to the court to substantiate a plea of defense coun sel indicated they will make', that a blow the youth received on the head in his boyhood had affected his men tality. FIND BODY BELJVED TO BE ADAM CLAWSON Body Found on Byroad Near Missouri Farm.—Was Killed by Youth. (By the Associated Press) Larmonte, Mo., Aug. 12.—A body believed to be that of Adam Clawson, of Lodi, N. Y., was found in a ditch near a hedge on the farm of George Myers, four miles southwest of La monte today. An inquest will be held tomorrow. - The body was found by road work ers in weeds along the highway about four miles west of Lamonte. The body, badly decomposed, was taken to Lamonte and turned over to the cor oner. Some papers, including travelers checks totalling S2OO were found on the body. The" body was identified as that of Clawson, according to Deputy Sheriff Calvert. Georgia-Born Negress 100 Years Old Leaves Over 300 Descendants. Hartford. Conn.. Aug. 11. —Eliza Hicks. 100 years old. born in slavery and freed by President Lincoln’s emancipation proclamation, died to day at the home of her son, John Hicks. Os the fourteen children born to her, seven are living. She leaves eighty grandchildren, 134 great grand children and eight great-great-grand ehiidren. She was born in Crawford county, Georgia, March 15, 1825. Wounded Man Caught in Watermelon Patch. Gastonia, Aug. 11. —Dave Mitehem, well known farmer of Lowell, is out under a SI,OOO bond to await the out come of injuries received by E. L. Jamison, mill employe of Belmont, who lies in the Presbyterian Hos pital in Charlotte with wounds re ceived at the bands of Mitehem. Mit chem fired upon Jamison "when the latter was caught in the farmer’s watermelon patch. Steamer Maude Free Again. Seattle, Aug. 12.—The steamer Maude, exploration ship of Capt. . Roald Amundsen, bound in the ice , through last winter in the Arctic Ocean north of Siberia, has freed her -1 eels and set out for Nome, Alaska. Principals in Mystery Blast 1 >^jlifeJWWEl^^--roßa Wlmmi an explosion destroyed tbe laboratory of Charles Henry Selnvartz WmM*k. -jS inventor, at Walnut Creek, Cal.. Mrs. jHKgK “SSte. Schwartz (above) identified a body t found in the ruins as that of her >' ~ | W||B husband. Police grew suspicious, :9V\ \ *, .xml liiiwevcr. vi li>-u Waif i Cuuzales (lie- SK iiA ** mglit • lid S» Ii . \ JgU bud ordered hint away from the place HHgHR ,;. on the night of the bla-t. Now they claim to have identified the body as ■HRJ’RpI that of a ranch hand. and claim a * Schwartz had plotted 'perfect crime" and tied, lie had 8180.IKMI in sura nee. He shown above, beside '•’ Mrs. Schwartz. UNDERWORLD GANGS ARMING FOR FIGHT Police Are Preparing to Take Action In What Promises to Be One of Worst Fights In Years. (By the Associated Press) New York, Aug. 12.—Rival gangs in New York's underworld are arming for war. News of the impending trouble is contained in a confidential order to the detective division of the police force. The order said to be without prec edent in the history of the department, does not give the cause of the trouble between the gangs,, but says: . “One is known as the Neary mob, which hangs out along 7th and Bth avenues, between 27th and 34th streets. The others is the Diamond mob. They have fallen out and have sworn vengeance on each other for some reason, and it is rumored they are in an automobile looking for a chance to kill members of opposing mobs. “It is said the Diamond mob has imported a mob of gunmen from De troit to help them. The Neary mob is said to have amalgamated with the Linky Mitchell mob,'who has prom ised to stick by Neary.” Schalk Celebrates His 13th Anni versary in Big Leagues. New Y’ork, Aug. 11.—Ray Schalk today celebrated the 13th anniver sary of his entry into major league baseball ns a catcher of the Chicago White Sox by playing his 1,619th game here. His period of service be hind the bat has established a'record in organized baseball. Schalk observed the event by get ting one single, drawing a pass., .stealing a base, scoring a run and making an error. Blankenship, his battery mate, held the Yankees to two hits and postd a home run in the seventh. Going to Cutter’s AW| Seattle, Aug. 12.—The steamer Oduna. of the Alaska Steamship Co., early today was hastening to the cut ter Bear, veteran of the U. S. coast guard, ashore in Bering Strait. Edmonton was the first city in Canada to have a municipal golf course. Ohio School Boy Admits Murdering New York Youth to Obtain His Car Garden City, Kans., Aug. 11.—, Fred Jordan. 17-year-old Ohio high . school boy. killed Aden R. Clawson, of Lodi, N. Y., neaV Jefferson City, Mo.. August 1, to obtain Clawson’s automobile, the youth confessed here late today. , Clawson, jwho was driving to Colo rado Springs, Coio., picked the youth up somewhere near Jefferson City. An hour later, according to the youth’s confession, he shot Clawson. Driving down a little traveled road, Jordan’s confession continued, he threw the body into a ditch or small creek near a culvert. He told au thorities the body would be found somewhere between Jefferson City and California, Mo. USE MKT ICE MEMLO* Trial Has Almost Reached Speech MalafTg~StH!re.— Trial Much Shorter Than Has Been Expected.' (By the AiaocUted Press) ltalcigh, Aug. 12.—The case of the State agaiust four Raleigh ice dealers, chargiug combination in restraint of trade was expected" to reach the speech making stage today after an unexpect edly short trial. The case opened yes terday after a jury had been drawn and Judge Albion Dunn, presiding, ruled that only the issues actually involved in the present case could be presented, which shortened the trial. The state was expected to close today and the defense offer its testimony, af ter which the jury will be ready for addresses by counsel for both sides. Testimony Drought out tlie fact that the price of ice during the sum mer of 1924 was from 40c to 60c a hundred pounds when the four dealers were operating in competition: that in the fall of 1924 they combined, formed a delivery system to which they sold all their ice. and the price advanced to a new level, being 60c to 80c a hundred to the average consum er. J. It. Witherspoon, of Raleigh, al so testified that he had tried to pur chase ice from the companies at the price they delivered it to their deliv ery company, hut was refused. Guilford Lad Dies of Rabies. Greensboro. Aug. 11.—Rabies ap pears on the death certificate of .1 aim's Warren Stafford, two-year old Guilford county boy, as the cause of death, the first from this cause in this county in many years. A month ago the boy was attacked by a bull dog and severely bitten about the, face and head. He died in" severe convulsions Sunday morning. Vaccine was administered after the boy was bitten, but the bites being on his face rendered the injection futile. MacMillan Planes Make Flight. (By the Associated Press) Washing! on, Aug. 12.—A 300-mile flight over ice-covered mountains of Ellsmere Island was made yesterday by the three naval planes of the Mac- Millan Arctic expedition. i The confession was " obtained by . Comity Attorney Ray B. Oalihan, after the youth had persistently denied any knowledge of Clawson and said he purchased the automo bile at Terre Haute. Ind. Jordan was arrested here where of ficers became suspicions of the ap pearance of the boy and the ear. They found a blood-stained suit case containing clothing too large for the youth. The car license tug was identified and a telegram to Clawson’s home brought the informa tion that he was driving to Colorado Springs. Jordan told -officers he was a foot ball and basketball captain in an Ohio high school last year. - THE TRIBUNE -I i PRINTS - I TODAY’S NEWS TODAY J - NO. 193 ~ CHEAPER RATES ON ? liIBEROFSTM Rates on Anthracite £ga|l to North Carolina WiH i Be Lower Under Neif l Ruling by I. C. C. Mm ——————— -SM GENERAL CHANGES 11 ARE NOT MADE | The Changes Will Effect 1 All Railroads Serving the 1 Smokeless Coal Districts | of West Virginia. H (By tbe Associated Press) if Washington. Aug. 12.—Railroads J serving the West Virginia smokeless J coal districts were ordered by the In- ;] terstate Commerce Commission today to lay down a new basis of rates 3 which will allow movement of coal to consuming territory including all of the New England and north Atlaa* J tie seaboard. The Commission refused to order general rate reductions on anthracite J and possible' substitutes for anrthra cite. Action was taken after an in- i vestigation of several months. One reduction in the anthracite ; rates affecting all North Caroling points which now pay an average of I $7.00 a ton in freight on prepared I anthracite was required and the Com- j mission made the measure of the new ; rate $5.75 tier tou from Pennsylvania j to North Carolina, requiring railroads 1 to put the uew schedules Into effect i within 90 days. The study of rates on the antbra- 1 cite and other fuels for houeehould j use was undertaken by the commis sion with the assisstance of the Unit- j ed Coal Commission and the possibil- | it.v of making a reductiton of approxi mately 10 per cent, in anthracite , rates was given particular attention. RAULSTON IS ATTACKED .. " * BY CLARENCE HARROW Is Alleged to Have Used Scopes Case For His Own Political ExptoKg. • tion. J Chicago. Au£ 11.—Clarence -D>ufc, row. defense counsel in the John T. Scopes Tennessee evolution trial, to day charged that Judge John T. Raulston, who presided at the trial, used the ease to further his own po litical ambitions. Mr. Darrow, who is in Greeley,- Colo., made his charges in a telegram' ; to the Chicago Daily News in answer to criticism of Mr. Harrow’s con-, duct at the trial voiced by Judge Raulston in an address here last Sunday at a memorial meeting for William Jennings Bryan. Judge Raulston in his address referred particularly to citing Mr. Darrow I for contempt and said that Mr. Bryan asked the leniency to be shown his adversary. Mr. Harrow's telegram to the News follows: • “Judge Raulston was elected on a fluke and is now campaigning for : re-election this fall. The trial was part of his campaign. He called the grand jury and asked them to indict Scopes in a hurry so that the case ' could be tried in his district. The in dictment was illegal, as it was brought too soon after convening of a special grand jury, so the judge had him re-indicted a month later, on the day of the trial. “On Sunday, three days before the case was closed Mr. Bryan spoke - twice in Dayton. Raulston waa 1 present at both meetings nnd sat on the platform at one. He paraded his fundamentalism all through the trial and has given the people of Chicago a chance to see what kind of trial ; could have been held before him. ’, 5 “It was perfectly proper to call Mr. Rryan, a recognized expert on the Bible, to testify as to meaning of story of creation. The questions ask ed him were perfectly civil, but when the examination had only commenc ed. the judge came into court in the morning and took Mr. Bryan off the stand without any motion to that ef fect being made in court. “The judge may be glad he has a limited education. One can not al ways avoid being ignorant, but few boast of it. “The incident citing me for con tempt is absorb. I did feel o con tempt for his unfairness. I did show it. as often happens by lawyers court. 1 did npoUggize as I should have done. This constantly happen* in the court and the judge knows, al though it never happened to me be fore.” | In Mexico City symptoms of b(b bonic plague have been found in ratg| and the people living there are tak ing measures to prevent a possible outbreak. SAT'S BEAR SAYS: "*| ll j Partly cloudy tonight and ( day with scattered thuuder»how«Bj|J

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