les'day, Aug. 12, 1925 Two things you should, observe iri tKe care of your much-prized dresses and gowns * . * 1 First—Send them to a Reliable Cleanser. . ' Second—Send them Regularly—or as often as they show the slightest soil or mussing. * Our reliability as cleaners is known to most people in this community. ' To those who do not know it we shall gladly give the names of customers of high standing and rest our case on their testimony. Let us show you how our service adds to the joy you get from your clothes, as well as lengthens their period of useful service. Phone now and our representative will call. t and Flagg’s Cotton Letter. York. Aug. 11.—That the cot arket is still sensitive to un- W p crop news is plain from the tone that followed on pdvieee i temperatures in the south- Phe demand came chiefly from fed local shorts and as soon as las tilled up prices eased off IThe however, was not'! kd there is a feeling in many I fcrtliat is will not do to try to its feet by confident ag- Vseiling ns, the fact still re ■nat before short covering can fcucted with ease and elerity pply .of contracts will have to Istantially increased by hedge I Buch an increase,will alihoct ily . coinn even if only < meantime that is being very p OUR WAY ~ 7 S JBY WILLIAMS jp l ; ;■"< _»• ' /vdE CANTT 'LL OO MOTvAimKY -4 / fv-V BLOOO WOOW£> \ CfrX\A KihlO‘ L.VZ.A \ 't. * Cd “T' CHASt 1 HtiPIM’ XrK WOJV4ST* 'COUVJbw VAJE. MIPWH I KtTCvA WERSEUF’ GOODJ V.; l TbO CARRY A @C»4E GOShl! VNCfItHA *TPNIKI' “CU.I MAKE \ r Piece ameat -foo? make a comical. e-R SOMPM' AKI VEX CXnAICwS SAO PLAW? stc ovAy Tm’ Blood rooms j ha\am‘ Pee Pol lafru' l I 1 I MTT- 1 PLAWS ARE MESJER UKE'-jWIB BOOK I&'npup tittAYLttft 'We-LL HOftNBLOVMER THAT ROBBERY X W£T HAVE TEN TROUSAND “Y certainly turned things in berries in the bank -1 knew t OUR. FAVOR - YOU KNOX*) THE |§gg|| THE UTTLE OLD ADVERTIS/NG Bank will have to stand qooo , , • campaign would turn r yllfe=— ~ FOR OUR SIO,OOO WORTH OP J ; Ismgsa OUT ALL RIGHT* Hi m stamps that were stolen Ps' - yf^l— J K , ItBVgUM-THOSE STAMPS (##* MR Gunn-THIS IS THE PRESIDENT OF % mtkO ME WORRIED - NOW - Wp* W THE FIRST NATIONAL. BANK- REGARDING M Burr we have our money &OH pop* t your loss- x wish to inform you m ;#X)t oft Hem we ought ]L Tfece phone ||a That x. have gent a man to the t CONGRATULATE ■’ * SI J POSTOFFICS Rfi* SIO, OOO .WORTH .Wp - • ' STAMPS ToREPuACC THoSEj o 'vmnravv JHf I freely discounted by selling for short account on the assumption that fif teen millions or about that is more probable for the crop than the of ficial figures recently issued. The re ports are very aptly described as the submarines of the cotton trade and their forecasts have often in the past been less close to final facts than some private estimates but the in formation on which they are based is derived from more numerous and presumably more reliable sources than that of any private authority and therefore possesses a correspond ingly higher degree of nntcedent probability. There is at least no solid ground *for assuming that the crop fejill' be', a million to million and n Jtalf jn ,eigc : <»«, r qt pjhat„was sug gested by the'report ais the'present expectancy. For anything the aver age seller can possibly know final figures may* be half a million to a million less and anyway a crop of fourteen to fourteen and a half is not likely to provide any burdensome surplus after requirements have been filled. The market looks and acts Tower but the .trade continues to buy in moderate quantity at different stages of the decline and technically the position is daily gaining strength. POST AND FLAGG. At present there is only one golf course in Austria, that of the Vienna Golf Club in the Prater Parle. The gnmc is gradually growing in popu larity. however, and it is likely that secernl additional courses will be laid out in the near fittiire. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE DINNER STORIES i “Glad to see you getting in on time these mornings, Mr. Slowe,” said the manager. < ' “Yes, sir,-Pve got a parrot- now^ • “A parrot. Whit for? I advised you to get an alarm clock.. - “I did sir, but after a few morn ings 1 got used to it, and it failed to wake me. So, I got a parrot and now when I retire I -hang the alarm dock over his cage. It wakes the parrot, "and what that bird says would arouse anybody.” •f - “She has decided to marry a strug gling young dentist.” “Well, if she has decided, he may as well stop struggling.” . Prof.: “Who were the three wise men?” Soph.: “Stop, Look and Listen.” Cop: “Did your car his this wom an?” “No.< It slowed up for her to go by and 6he fainted.” “Say, mister, will ya’ give me something for a cold?” “Sorry bud, I got one myself.” Customer (in barber shop) : “Cut all three short.” ’ , Barber three?” Customer: “The beard, the hair and the conversation.” Some say the baby’s nose resembles (ter side of the house, and others say it looks like his side of the house, but for my part. I should say it looked like .the front porch. There seems to be two big problems before the people today. Where to park and where to jump. You can enjoy this JEWELRY The better sort of Jewelry, which we offer for your choice here, is the kind of jewelry you can enjoy. It has the quality appeal you will like. STARNES-MILLER PARKER CO. Our New Mechanically Refrig erated Autopolar Foun tain keeps ice cream in the most perfect condition. With this new automatic refrigerating device, it is possible to hold the temperature to the zero mark if desired, and this insures all ice cream and drinks in the best of condition. Pearl Drug Co. On the Square Phone 22 OQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC I Let Your Next Battery Be An EXIDE Use Only the Best mm Stewrt’^2/^" !Y CHARLES P.'STEWART' NBA Service Writer . f WASHINGTON —President f Cooltdge j continues saying , not one single word about • renomination in 19i8. He’s too slick. His cue is to keep quiet and have a lion forced on him. . JThis is being attended to all right K by political fixers like Dave MuF vane and Congressman J. W. lor. Republican national commit teemen from Kansas and Tennes- . see respectively. ; They’ve been heard from already to the effect that he’ll be by far ‘the strongest candidate to sueceed himself and Intimating * that -he owes it to his party to make the run—because it surely can win with him and there’d be doubts about anybody else. >’ ’ ’> More politicians whom the presi dent can depend on may be looked Jor confidently to express similar, sentiments os time. ppgresses. until there’s a whole chorus- of them. *» . sfevrtuvg}!APii ‘ j If the president didn’t Mke this kind of thing, he coilld stop it by ■ igairing so. . CHARLOTTE ALL STARS AT ?v KANNAPOLIS THURSDAY ChMfwirli-Haskins Plays There Satur day.—Six Games in Series Next Week. ;* BY JAZZY MOOKE. ; Kannapolis, Aug. 12.—The Clt(ir lotfe’ All Stars are the Thursday op ponents of the Kannapoliaus this week itnd'w-ill appear in the Cabarrus Park in a game scheduled to Start at 4 o’clock. The All Stars have met and defeat ed ettme of the fastest tcarrts in and dronisl the Queen City, well known iV)r-'br:!lianr- semi-pro tesms. and boasts in its i-ne-up several former major league stars.. Early ip the. sea son Hblshouser and IVestenedge fodgfit a slab duel with the former having i slight edge and Kannapolis defeat ed the Charlotte club 2 to 1. It was the best game seen on the loth in many eeaepas. HaYurday the locals will be hosts to the unlimited baseballcrs from Chad wiek-Hoskins. Fayettevflle vs. Kannapolis. Some lively baseball is anticipated next' week, when the locals meet Fayetteville, one of the b'g noises of the east, in a six game series. The first three days of the week the games will be staged in the Cumberland city while ihe week-end affairs will be batted jn Kqnnapolis. t New York Yankee recruit, Holshouser, New York Giant aspir ant, Ferguson, who lias been dubbed the Walter Johnson of the sandlots, will handle the pitching end of the af fair's for the locals. Government Lifts ‘Ban on Mexican Cotton Seed. Washingtoh, Aug. 11.—Prohibitions against the importation from Mexico ,of cotton seed products as a preven tion against the spread of the pink boll worm were amended today to permit importations front the Altar district, which was reported free from infestation. Previously the ban against iinpor tatitons from the Laguna district was lifted and the prohibitions against im portations from other districts may be raised if they receive the approval of the secretary .of agriculture. Ihe recent sale at Newmarket of tlie late Sir Edward Hulton’s race horses and brooking stud brought more than sl.s(K).<MK)—a record fig ure for the disposal ofany such pro perty. EVERETT TRUE BY CONDO * i ..J|^ . THE Coolldg* boosters undoutsf-j edly would be correct In their, ftn, estimate of his etrength. If'lt were 192* right now. But plenty of things - can happen lnitoree years, .'i.*?' «■ There Isn’t much inspiration In President Coolidge. fe His political, shop is popular, not because the voters are particularly thrilled by Its proprietor, but because, up to date, they've liked his goods. - » However,, the public taste in po litical goods changes. And seem)' 1 ingly Mr. Coolidge stocks only one kind—the ultra-conservative kind. v Ultra-conscsvatism’s in style present. It has been for the last eight (going on nine) years. That's | a long ttme for one pollUcal style to last. j*. feMW-A '•••',* **> . ■gTES, President Coolldge’s 1928 4 j[ , prospect looks all right now, %. f but whether it stays that way is largely a matter of pure luck—, heads, ultra-conservatism lasts pa • other three years; tails, Some fie'# flerful ,F»p v of it (“UiSkV "the only aiti thhif qbout JjiCk It that It’s -bound to..chafi6e.*4P“«fifif ■ J- That’s the thought ; that othei 1 politicians, who’d Utofi fi look-R themselves in 1928, are enedurag ing themselves BASEBALL SUMMARY/ S<mtli Aiianilc League. Won Lost PiC. Charlotte * ,„«2 36. '-.<8(3 Spartanburg .___ 57 42 .576 -Macon 'A, _i_v-.s.'i' .46 .535 Augusta 5? '47 .525 Asheville 49 .505 Greenville _i 45 - 53 .4.59 .Columbia —4<t ■ .40S Knoxville __ jip 64. ' .360 Results YenterSay. ; Knoxville 7, Charlotte 6. Spartanburg 4; Maeori 1. Augusta 6; Greenville 2. Columbin 2; Asheville.-1. American League. " Won Lost Philadelphia 35 .**>4 Washington (>S 38 .(412 Chicago _i 5!) 50 .541 Detroit 54 54 .500 St. Louis _52 55 ,486 Cleveland ■ - _SO 61 .450 Now York 45 61 .424 Boston 32 75 .209 Results Yesterday. Washington 3; Cleveland 1. Boston 1. Detroit 0. Philadelphia 3, St. Louis 2. Chicago 15, New York 2. National League. Won Lost P.C. Pittsburgh 62 40 .012 New York __ 60 46 .566 Cincinnati 57 49 .583 Brooklyn __ 50 52 .490 St. Louis i._52 54 .491 Philadelphia 47 54 .465 Chicago 147 60 .439 Boston __ 44 05 .404 Results Yesterday St. Leu is Philadelphia, rain. Cincinnati 7; Brooklyn 2. Pitsburgh 7; New York 4. . Boston 9; Chicago 2. Kkinsmen to Celebrate at Gastonia on Friday. Gastonia, Aug. 11.—-Thousands of klunsmen and klanswomen from North and South Carolina are expected to gather in Gastonia Friday for a big open air demonstration, the local klan officers having prepared an intensely interesting program for both the pub lic and the visitors. “We are going to have the biggest crowd in Gastonia that has ever gathered here,” says one of the local officers. A total of 100 candidates arc to be naturalized at the fair grounds Friday night. This will be followed by a big barbecue supper. You pay no more for a Hood—So why buy a lighter j weight tire? Very few tires have is many ply of cord as f the Hood. I Let us show you. * * j 1 I Ritchie Hardware Cc\ , YOUR HARDWARE STORE f A ’ " v- ' • * -C {&.•* T ’ r f \ I * ■>* \ ■»•'? ■a l ,'t. V. phone 117 V, V4> - 4 . “■ ■ . '”, V-i 1 r- Vt a ' • < ( rH. 1 1 ' ' J", s' ■ ' v DELCO LIGHT w-toifil! i Light Plants and BatterS^’^Si | Deep and Shallow Well Pump? for Direct or Alter nating current and Washing Machines fofc-dfreoh or alter -oating turrent, , :■:/>-; .J tyu, R. H. OWEN. Agent eiK>»«-.--.a i,it,- t Cofleaet,N.G* , . . ,• •. ■> j\ " . ' j' - ; 1 Yrt j rc 1 *" < r ? ••.(? ’ • iVr {.m>? VPfih j FALL ANNOUNCEMENT* i ->. s'■». i; : j.? ’;■ r'l- \ • f {,.{•' t t' j*fi fI■ t‘ >; Beau Brummel Fine Tailoring The Storrs-Schaefcr Campany’s new models and de signs will be on display at our Store August 12 and 13 Truly Beautiful materials priced right. We are sure you will want one of these lovely suits; We would like to show you all of the newest styles and fabrics for this ball and Winter. Come in and see them- you’re more than welcome. Don’t forget the dates August 12 and 13. j RICHMOND - FLOWE CO. Rugs H. B. Wilkinson OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT Concord, Kannapolis Mooresville, China Grove aooGOooooooooooeoaooaooocioetxxioeoooooeoooooooocxx Texaco Gasoline and Oils, Alemite Greasing, Crank Case Service, Car Washing and Polishing. Tires, Tubes, Accessories. Quick Tire Changing Free Air and Wihv Battery ? CENTRAL FILLING STATION | Phone 700 ____. PAGE FIVE

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