Irs'day, August 20, 1925 Some Things “Won’t Wash” There are many fine fabrics which \ TLf T I will not stand the ordeal of the wash- Q / tub. gotne of the most desirable goods /J P 1 / I cannot be made shrink-prbof nor can I / /\mJ A sonie of the most attractive colors be * n t^C s ° as to com^at t * le i These fabrics should be sent to us for cleaning by our modern, scientific Dry Cleaning Co. rstame Laying of Junior Order Orphans Home. ington, Aug. 19. (A>)—Hundreds nors from all sections of North na are expected here today to the exercises of the corner laying of tlie branch orphans’ of the Junior Order United ran Mechanics at South Lex , three miles west of this city, program for Che exercises in jacklresses by officials prolninent HT 0 3 al anhio. ?phus Daniels, former secretary navy, of Raleigh, is one of the trs on the program. The ex i will be ip charge of Lexington it .No. 21, Jfc O. U; A. M. way | WiE.'D LIVCE.'TO Uv/E OMER MOM’N" POP BY TATLOR LUC/ HERE’S A FEW \ f VIELt WHERE L VJKV ARE YOU TAKIN6 N/' ufmßv-t'm THiNQS MINE I K you QoiNS Tt> .M SO MANY DRESSES VIHEnX -tq UP y f PUT 'TWEM?- ( L YOU CAN BORROW FROM i^yfrv^kE FoR THE TRIP f ( THE SUITCASE ) | MRS GUNN lE NECESSARY-/ \ IS FILLED NOW f I JOST, RENIEMBEP IHAVE / YNJR BEST SUITS (i-o nutu novy ITo GET MY THINGS IN A AIONQ-XTWILL fee but i ought to ) srr :—^>-111sissa IKE/J LEASrpNe \ HERe'S > [/' NOT GOING TONI Wa NNORN OUT* If VOUR OLD PLAID I ifAiCE THAT RAG 4V W .NOTHtNfi! \l Suit I found in ME -CANT*) \ >HN THE POCKETS ,HoTETANDru>UWF 1 > THE Amc- IT'S . H YOU SEE 'T'SgV* | oor feilow, how are you crippled? Man —Financially. Employer (to applicant for a posi tion, \yh<> has handed in tesimonials from two minister-') —We don’t work oai Sundays. Haven’t you a reference from someone who sees you on week days? Wealthy Judge (lecturing a priso ner)—A clear consicince, my man, is more to be desired than riches. Prisoner—All right, sir, I’ll swap with you. “Your honor,” said me burglar “I was foodless, friendless and home less.” “My man,” said the jtnlge. “you move me deeply! Food, shelter and companionship shall be yours for the ne-xt nine months.” Judge —Your face seems taniiliar. Prisoner—We were boys together. J udge—Nonesense. Prisoner—Yes, we were, because you’re about 52 and so am I. An elderly man of ultra-eonvival habits but withal learned and book ish. was haled before a bar of justice - in a country town. “Youre charged with bein’ drunk and disorderly” snapped the magistrate. “Have ye anything to say-why sentence should not be pronounced?” “Man’s inhumanity to mail makes countless thousands mourn,” began 1 the prisoner in a fligght o^, oratory. “I am not so debased as Poe, so pro- 1 fligate as Bryon, so ungrateful as 1 Keats, so intemperate as Burns, so j timid as Tennyso-n, so vulgar as ' Shakespeare, so—” “That’ll slo, that’ll do,” interrupt ted the maggistrate . “Ninety days. And. office, tajee down that list of names he mentioned and round them up. I think had as he is.” Miss Tate Is Not to Blame. t High Point, Aug. 18—No blame for the, death of John I,eo Harbinson. nine-year-obi boy who died last night in a local hospital following nil auto mobile accident, will be placed against Miss Issabel Tate, daughter of. A. E. Tate, wealthy High Point furniture manufacturer, and a talented and at tractive sroiety girl. . * 1 According towitnesses, the little fellow darted Out from behind a parked on West Broad street, and ran directly in front of t’ue Packard sedan which Miss Tate was operating. Several hundred fathers living in Yonkers, N. Y., have formed an or ganisation having as its purpose the keeping of girls less than 21 years old at home at nights. The organi autiop was formed after the court rulwk that fathers may boss their children until the latter are 21 years old. Nowithe fathers, it is reported, have put a ban on “petting” parties, all-night dances, late supper parties, long automobile rides and beaus who do not go home before midnight. The authorities have promised to aid t’he fathers to be the bosses of their own homes. Tp||||i Our New Mechanically Refrig erated Autopolar Foun tain keeps ice cream in the most ■ perfect condition. ■ With this new automatic refrigerating device, it is possible to hold the temperature to the zero mark if desired, and this insures all ice cream and drinks in the best of condition, v Pearl Drug Co. On the Square Phone 22 00*000000000000000000000 I Let Your Next Battery Be An EXIDE |l Use Only the 1 Best Stewart's washington letter. BY CHARLES P. STEWART NBA Service Writer ”> , .WTASnrNGTON When Pi4si- W' dent Coolidge succeeded him self last March everybody thought he waa going to make Iris official family all over, to suit ills, own ideas of what a cabinet ought to be. Up to that time he avowedly had been running things, us nemly as h 9 could, the way President Harding had started them. On his own election to the presi dency, however, it generally was taken for granted he’d want ad visors chosen by himself. Then Bascom Slemp retired in Everett Sanders’ favor, as presidential pri-, vate secretary, and it was assumed the shakeup had begun. * » . > ■XjTET a glance down the list of 1 cabinet members shows thus far not a single change the president could have avoided mak ing. He didn’t want to retire At torney General Daugherty or Sec retary of the Navy Denby. Their resignations were forced on him as much as they were forced on the two officials themselves, by pres sure of public opinion. Secretary of’ Agriculture Wal- CHRISTIAN RELIGION IS FUNDAMENTAL (Continued from Page One) “We find therefore, that the title of the act, the evil of which was in tended to be remedied, the cjrcum stSnces surrounding the appeal to Congres-, the reports of the commit tee of each house, all concur in affirm ing that the intent of Congress was simpl} to stay the influx of this cheap unskilled labor (referring to the act in question). “Bdt beyond all these matters no purpose of action against religion can be- imputed to any legislation, state or national, because this is a religious people. This is historically true. Ffom the discovery o>f this continent to. the present hour there is a single voice making this affirmation.” The opinion pointed to Christopher Columbus, prior to his sailing west- obtaining a commission frdhi “Ferdinand and Isabella, by the Grace of God. King and Queen of Castile,” and Meriting that “it is hoped by God’s assistance some of the conti nents and islands in the ocean will be discovered, etc.” Justice Brewer 'went further and traced other “by the Grace of God” documents, beginning with the first Colonial Land Grant. Articles 2 and 8 of the eonstitu- 1 tion of Massachusetts were quoted as* follows in the opinion: “Tp bear out tlie decision wlqch ’ recognized the Christian religion in | this country it is the right as well ks I he dirty 'of all m>n in society.* l pub- j icly and at stated seasons, to wor ship the Supreme Being, the great Creator and Preserver of the In verse. x x x x As the happiness of a people and the good order and pres ervation of civil government essontial \v depend upon piety, religion and morality, and as these cannot be gen erally diffused through a community hut by the institution of the public worship of God and of the public in structions in piety, religion and mor ality : Therefore to promote their hap piness and to secure the good order and preservation of their government, 'he people of this commonwealth have a right to invest their legislature with power to authorize and require the several towns, parishes, precincts and other bodies—politic or religious so cieties to make suitable provision at their own expense, for the institu tion of Phe public worship of God and for the support and maintenance of public Protestant teachers of piety, religion and morality in all eases "’here such provision shall not be made voluntarily.” Section 4 and 14 of article 7 of the constitution of Mississippi followed: EVERETT TRUE BY CONDO' /- —:■ —■ ■ - - /MR3. T£? tOHCMevetS ! COMe -TO THIS ** Voe. - f- THING. 1 F/NO IT PACViex? I zr IMTH A THOUSAND XhINSS IN CONFUSION HI Nines Tines : L | ! ||||| i LYou'vi Sot SAuSERa mth 4 ewa Oic This that, and bottuss^ jjjjj iCc. 1• 11 - / * - I Cl "..'-".icf- IV- -„•. . I lace died. Secretary «r Bute Hughes quit, much against the chief executive's wishes, to make some money practicing law The other six department heads are the ones President Harding picked originally SECRETARY MELLON, for one. is absolute boss of the treas ury He asks nobody’s advice. He dictates and his dictation is gratefully received. President Coolidge’s utterances on money matters are much admired in financial circles. Mellon's their author, so gossips say • • • NOBODY tells Secretary Hoover anything about the com merce department. He tells others. For instance, in the midst of all that talk about the presi dent’s "firm policy” In the row be tween the coal operators and miners, this bit of information leaked out—rirt reality the presi dent had no such thing as a “coal policy”—he didn’t know what he'd do in the event of a strike— he’d do whatever Hoover told him to do. "More business in govern? mer.t and less government in bus. lness" is of Hooveresque origin, too. “No person who denied the being of God. or a future state of rewards and punishments, shall hold any of fice in the civil departments of this states, x x x x “Religion, morality and knowledge being necessary to good government, the preservation of liberty, and the happiness of mankind, school and the means of education, shall forever be encouraged in this state.” The opinion continued : “Even the constitution of the Unit ed States, which is supposed to have little touch! upon the private ’Me of individual, contains in the first amendment a declaration common to tlie constitution of all the states, as follows: ‘Congress shall make no law respecting the establishments of re ligion, or prohibiting the exercise thereof, etc.’ And also provides in Article 1, Section 7 (a provision com mon to many constitutions) that the executive shall have ten days (Sun days excepted) Within which to‘ de termine whether he will approve or veto a bill. “There, is no dissonance in theje declarations. There is an universal language prevnding them all. having one meaning: they are organic utter ances; they speak the voice of the en tire pl'bple.” After quoting further along these ( lines the opinion concluded : j “These, and many other matters j which might be noticed, add a volume ' of unofficial declarations to the mass ! <>f organic utterances that this is a ; Christian nation. In the fact of ‘all these, »shall it be that a Congress, of the United Slates intended to make a misdemeanor for a church of .this country to contract for the services of a Christian minister residing in an other nation?*' Buried With Her Dog. When Myrtle Ross did a circus high wire act years ago she had for let' team-mate Snowball, a French poodle. The two retired together and spenl many happy years near Al hambra. Calif. But there came a day when death took the woman. Fearful that strang ers would not treat her aged pet kindly, Mrs. Ross left a will stipulat ing that Snowball was to he chloro formed. The two bodies were then i cremated together and their ashes ] mixed in an urn that was sent to ! Syracuse, N. Y., Mrs. Ross’ girlhood i home. Gaelic football has been played by the youth of Ireland for centuries, and is still one of the most popular sports in Ireland. The regular Gaelic team is composed of fifteen ; players.' j s' f -' 11 ' r —; ——- i : i, i tmi jum— - You pay no more for a Hood—So why buy a lighter ! weight tire ? Very few tires have as many ply of cord as the Hood. y ■ ' - ■■ 1 .• * j?\ i Let us show you, 5 ’ H ‘ p r ! | Ritchie Hardware Cl I YOUR HARDWARE STORE \ ! PHONE 117 11 | • MOOOOOOCQOOOOOOOOGCXXJOGOOGSOaQQOOQOOOOQOOQOOOOOCK I o 1 I t- ; j|te DELCO LIGHT Light Plants and Batteries Deep and Shallow Well Pumps' for Direct or Altdr- > finatiog current and Washing Machines for direct or alter- ! ! ’ dating current. R. H. OWEN, Agent ' ; Phone 66J Concord, N. C- , SCOOOCXXXJOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOCeiOOOClOOOOCJOOOOOOOpOOOCSOa; \ THENEW FAIXSTEIfoN* I VANITY AND NO NAME HATS II V e are showinga full, line in all the New Colors and I * g latest shapes for-Fall. ffl Come in and look them over, you will be pleased with U the Smart Styles and New Colors'. - The leading colors are Willow, Pearl, Cinder and Zinc, j I RICHMOND - FLOWE CO. 188 I HI CBEsSEaSSigH!TTII 7.21 SgSgEgg g , ..m iujiß - ’ .. u jThe Most Useful Piece of Furniture in the Home—A HOOSIER BEAUTY PUSH .And in I! | , ~, H. B. WILKINSON I VACATION TIME Let us get your car in first class condition to go to ■ the seashore or (mountains. We specialize in rciining fil brakes with Rusco brake lining, using a Cady counter- |j ~ sinking and riveting machine. We also carry a full line ftp of Goodtich Silvertovvn cord tires and tubes, piston, rings,'E spark plugs, bearings, shims, bumpers,: Sparton hdrns:-iat>d<.w* all kinds Y>t accessories. *'h *’ >’ r’T 1 • Tv Genuine Ford Parts PresGO-Lite Batteries « i’ree Air aud Water and Water Foe 1 Your Battery Bl Auto Supply & Repair Co. | i PHONE 228 PAGE SEVEN