y«htr<by August 22, 1923 m jj 1 There are many fine fabrics which will not stan<J the ordeal of the wash tub. Some of the most desirable goods cannot be- made shrink-proof nor can some of the most attractive colors be fixed in the fabrie so as to combat the These fabrics should be sent to us for cleaning by our modern, scientific I methods. Bob’s Dry Cleaning Co. i ~ i - EASTERN CAROLINA 18 ENJOYING FINE CROPS After Many Lean Years the Low- I landers Are Experiencing Prosper- I Ity.— jNtot Less Fortunate. I Raleigh, Aug. 21.—Eastern North Carolina, which has been the smitten lection for many years, is growing and harvesting its greatest crop. At fcrney John A. Albritton, of Greene ■•unty. -who was here today, said. HS’he observation * has become a ■ftis. Os course the growing and HRjesting do not - mean that the pont\v will be ail that could be de- Pired, but certainly thert! Has been nothing in the last ten years compat ible to' the Crop of today. I ".The easterners are rich in tobacco, lorn, wheat, peanuts, potatoes and lery well off in cotton. Their crops —1... | .u— —i. MO4FN POP “ tATCOff~ " Sosh-iwshi oaNSwfis^xss as he Rxvid oor to W The )| £°o<_dt&i!\#cof f car-the wear. PW HALF THE EXPENSES fL NEKVE/ 4 SOMS SCHEME 1 AND TEAR ALONE of oortWip he Sought \\ M : To beat him at y@b 7s a gwrrreMOF /iliwi nil ;iiiii w veu. if there's awA ( vm going to give W". W J MOM-VOU'we ) CHANCE OF TVTC A DOSE OF ¥ ( os, [ USsslj b j —■—'*s® g| START, EOT LWONfT jfv SobuMß} i If - J, S . ~ " are ao much better than those of their breathern in the west that the east will come to Raleigh when the next general assembly meets and make de mand for progressive legislation. The organized opposition to big road pro grams found itself confined' generally to the east. That has gone and the section hi feeling rich today. The east has had its rains. Today when the visitors front the lowlands read a circular from Asheville in which the people are forbidden to use water in baptismal services, both by immersion and by sprinkling, the easterners did not feel that it was so bad after all tto be from a country where water i< natural. It has been a long time since the Primitives and the Missionary Baptists were so short of water that everybody In eastern North Carolina might not have been baptized. The Albritton, story 'comes front everywhere. Even in Wake county crops are' abnormally good and in Jolinßton Sunday there will be a thanksgiving service for the great crops. Johnston has , the habit of prayer .for such blessings and never forgets itself even in the lean years. A film producer whs in search of 1 an actor to play the part of Abra ham Lincoln. One candidate for the 1 part had mislaid' all his photographs. 1 so he bought a,number of photos of the real Lincoln, autographed them as though they were pnoiographs of himself in eos*ume, and sent them in. “Cm sorry,” said the producer, i “but I can’t engage you. You ' see, my boy you're njot the type.” THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE CHURCH NEWS i _ Melodist Protestant. Thumb school at 0:45. Morning I worship at 11. Sermon by pastor, “Rejoiee Evermore.”' Evening pro- , gram at 8, conducted by the Junior and Intermediate Societies. Prayer meeting each Wednesday evening at 7:80. Special revival campaign be gins the fifth. Sunday, August 80th. Bev. N. G. Bethea, of Lexington, wiH join trs in these services. Kerr Street Baptist. Sunday school at 0:45 a. m., J. J. McLaur.n superintendent. Preach ing at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. We had the largest attendance at Sunday school last Sunday in a long time. Come and let’s make it larger tomor row. B. Y. P. IT. at 6:30 p. m. Prayer pervice Wednesday night at 7:30. Come, you will be made wel come at this church. A. T. CAIN, Pastor. First Baptist. Sunday school at 0:45 a. in., A. E. Harris superintendent. Teaching by A. E. Tibbs, at 11 o’clock a. m. Sub ject, “Chriitian Faithfulness.”. Pro fessor R, I. Johnston will be in charge of the music, and at 8 o’clock p. m. the service will be a musicals. At both morning and evening services Mr, Johnson and Louise B«ve’ wiU ren- f der a number of specials. During the week both these parties have ren lured specials for the ltotarians and ! also the Kiwaniaus. All arc invited to these services. St. Janes Lutheran. Sunday sehool at 0:45 a. m. Chief service at 11 a. m. Preaching by Dr. R. L. Patterson. Luther League at 7 p. in. s First Presbyterian. | Sunday school at 9 :45 a. m. Men’s Bible class at 10 a. m. No preach ing on account of pastor's vacation. St. Andrews Lutheran. Sunday school at 9:45 a. ra. Chief service at 11 a. m. Luthar League at Tp. m. We are always glad to have visitors worship with us. Calvary Lutheran. Sunday dchcoi at 9:45 a. m. Light Brigade at 6 p. in. Luther League at 7 p. m. Vespers at 8 o'clock. We are always glad to have visitors worship with ue. All Saints Episcopal. (Rev. Charles B. Scovil, Rector.) Seryices.Sunday, 38, 1935. 11th Siilida'y After Trinity. Holy Communion at 8 a. m. Church Sunday school and rector’s Bible class at 10 a. m. At 11 o'clock morning prayer and sermon. This will be the rector’s last sermorf as. rector of All Saints Chureh. Subject: “The Place of Henor." Monday, August 34th, St. Bartholomew's Day. Holy Com munion at 10:30 a. m. jn the church. A1 are welcome to our services. Trinity Reformed. The Sunday school and the men’s class meet at 0:45 o'clock. J. O. Moose ;n superintendent. Monthly of fering for the Church Building Fund. Service at 11 a. m. Sermon by the pastor. A cordial welcome is extend ed to those who have no service in Our New Mechanically Refrig erated . Autopolar Foun tain keeps ice cream in the most perfect condition. With this new automatic , refrigerating device, it is possible to hold the temperature to the zero mark if desired, and this insures all ice cream and drinks in the best of condition. Pears Drug Co. On the Square Phone 22 00*000000000000000000000 I Let Your Next Battery j Be An j ; EXIDE Use Only the i 1 Best Steitrt ts CHARLES P. STBWARTI * NBA gergige Writer , | WASHINGTON Development of * Pan-American labor movement ia one bf the ob jects of the meeting of ©flclala of the federation* in this country and Mexico set for Aug. *7 in Wash ington. i The North American and Mexi can federation* already pall vary well together fn harness whenever dn occasion arises for team Work, hut their affiliations with the labor bodies of the more southerly re publics are not at all close. In deed, Venezuela, Bolivia, Para guay and Ecuador are without federations, though they do have Various unassociated unions. * • a FtIENDLY relations with the Mexican central organisation are of value in a number of ways to the American Federation of Labor. Immigration of workers Into the United States from south *f the Rio Grande, for instance, is becoming a serious problem. Mexico Is not on a quota basis, and as wages, particularly in sea ■ sonal employment, are higher on this than the Other aide of the border, labor naturally is tempted across, to an extent whtch threat ens to flood the market. Mexico's tbeiv own church. ' Associate Reformed Presbyterian. (M. R. Gibeon, Pastor) Sabbath school at 16 a. m. J. E. McClintock, superintendent. Preach ing at 11 a. m. and 8 p. in. Visitors arc cordially welcomed to these ser vices. Y. P. O I’, at 7 p. m. Pray er' meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. McKinnon Presbyterian. (Robert S. Pastor) The pastor has returned from a very pleasant vacation at Moon-Pat, and will preach at ll a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Sunday Sehool at It) a. m. Christian Endeavor at 6:36 p. m. Bayleas Memorial Presbyterian. (W. H. Matbeson, Pastor) -Sunday School 9:30 a. m. Preach ing at 11 a. m. C6me unto the house of the Lord and worship with us. All welcome. Brown MHt Presbyterian. (W. H. Matbeson, Pastor) Sunday school 10 a. m. Preaching 7:30 j). m. Come one, come all, and worship with us in the house of -the 'Lord. Epworth Methodist. | (J. M. Varner, Pastor) | Sunday school 9:45 a. in., IV. J. Corzine superintendent; J. I*. How ard. assistant superintendent. Wor ship and sermon by pastor If a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Senior Leagu- 7p. us - M. Howard, president. Pray er service Wednesday at 7 :45 p. m„ conducted by Ray Faggart. Choir practice Friday 7:45 p. m„ J. M. Mc- Graw, director: Miss Helen Sides, pianist. You will always find, a cor dial welcome at Epworth. * Jackson Trainihg School. Preaching Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock by Rev. E. Myers. New Garden to Be Ready December Isf. New York Mirror. Tex Rickard announced yesterday that the final rivet will be driven in the structural steel work of the new Madison Square Garden at Bth Ave nue and 50th -Street next Monday. The building will be ready for sport ing events December Ist. Rickard has already made applica tion for the 35 boxing dates, starting with the annual Christmas fund show on December 7th. Keep too many irons in the ftrt and one of them will burn you. EVERETT TRUE BY CONDO f <ser a c-N 'rov e vertex t I'. 7 Yocs'RG Just IN HOMS t*. 'You wp M TeflS >HI! CSCSR. rOOCINS<3_- TAUM V-Y <5-000 _ SS.MNCTT WOM IT I x^I“ev 1 “ever°moo oh, He a> ; uSef ” wee 1., I've, Got To / tQMgTH ir4GU! A 4 -J if&cs)ashington MS^Ottfer* I position, huwetW. Is different from that of Japan, which greatly needs an outlet for her earplug popula tion. Mexico has no such surplus. She needs her workers at home and is as unwilling to see them go as the American federation is to see them I coming in such numbers. Work ing together on this question, the two labor bodies hope to solve it satisfactorily. * «r • rtß American Federation’s in terest, and perhaps also t&e Mexican's, In closer co-opera tion with labor in the Latin coun tries farther to the southward is more largely purely altruistic. Os immiflxaUsn from these republics there practically is none. From some of the British West Indian islands, there has, indeed, been enough of an influx of negro workers to cause a little conges tion -in spots along the North American coastal fringe, but from Central and South America the volume of arrivals of the working class is negligible. Secretary of Labor Davis speaks of it as a pos sible future peril, but President Green of the American Federation seems little worried by it, evi dently regarding it as a situation to be met when it develops, ifever 1 it does develop. ~ DINNER STORIES Net So Funny Johnny had been on the receiving j end in a woodshed tragedy. "There, there,” his mother consol- J ed him, "Papa didn’t intend to whip you so hard. He Only meant it as a joke.” “Hmpf!” sniffed Johnny. “So that's what they meant by slapstick I comedy.” Veracity. Formena: "How'd you come to leave your last place?” Applicant: “I was dishurged.” i "Discharged, huh? What for?” “Doing well.” “Huh 1 ? Where was you?” “In a hospital.” Hymns of Hate. >•*' j ehtfnot : ddfci fA. '•rtV On Mabel Miiss. She culls her mot or car “the bus.” A dread fill jay Is Louis Love. I've heard him say. ’ “Excuse m.v glove.” Quite trim and neat Is Johnny Hicks, But when we meet He says, “How's tricks?” Please greet Ed Wahl With boos and hisses. I've heard him call His wife "the Mrs,” What Started It. The temperamental young wife, busy over her makeup, suddenly burst into tears. "John," she sobbed, “if I should die would yon weep over my lifeless clay?” “No,” replied the heartless brute, “I'd throw every 'jar of it o<lt tne window.'* In Cass of Necessity. “Mother, may I go out to ride With handsome Johnny Bates?” “Yes, daughter dear, but don't for get To take your roller skates.” The official call has been issued for the forty-fifth annul convention of J the Amerie-an Federation of Labor, at Atlantic City, October 5. f Maine manufactures approximate ly 140,(KtOJMK) toothpicks daily. You pay no more for * Hood — So why buy a lighter weight tire? Very few tires have as many ply of cord as the Hood. Let us show you. | Ritchie Hardware Cc YOUR HARDWARE STORE ! PHONE 117 < aOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IDELCO LIGHT j Light Plants and Batteries Deep and Shallow Well Pumps for Direct or Alter- ’ natiog current and Washing Machines for direct or’ alter nating current. j R. H. OWEN, Agent Phone 6M Concord, N. C vanthTand no name hats We are showing a full line in all the New Colors and latest shapes for Fall. Come in and look them over, you will be pleased with the Smart Styles and New Colors. The leading colors are Willow, Pearl, Cinder and Zinc. RICHMOND-FLOWE CO. The Most Useful Piece of Furniture in the Home—A HOOSIER BEAUTY A working center! That's the tiililijpjgrf first thing every kitchen needs. 1] p'S Halfd-j And in the lioosicr Beauty you r have a perfect one. All the things f— - | you work with are assembled here ,ri in one spot—right where you do jurigPsk IliH W» B the work. ivSflHlfyßi B A big, open work table; loads of storage space in convenient l.v dr- 1 / gfjjS&al , B ■ signed drawers and shelves a M n score of littli- accessories which fBSI ■' ease and speed .your work along— r these are some of the means by • ptj [j Jj| which the Hnosier Beauty cuts down your work and saves your time. [jrlHr, - If- T H. B. WILKINSON VACATION TIME , I Let ,tts get yous car iii' first class condition to go to the seashore or mountains. We specialize in relinintf brakes with Rusco brake lining, using a Cady counter sinking and riveting machine. We also carry a full line . u s Goodrich.Silyyrtown cfctfdi tirfeabd tubes,;'pbtoa* rhffc«,, t »F>.ark ! plugs, bearings, shims, buni'pess, Spalt6il<'fidrnifi ahd 1 all kinds of actessbries. ■ - |p Genuine Ford Parts Prest-P-Lite Batteries 1 l’ree Air and Water and Waiter For Yqur Batfery Auto Supply & Repair Co. PHONE 22& PAGE FIVE

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