'ednesday, Aug. 26, 1925 g'mTLJJ.JH!.." , , »-L ' -I I - Ml. .'il- IJ Jl .1 I II! I y y' Make Home inviting for the indoor months. Por -1 \(x I Y/\ 1 tieres and other interior hangings add greatly to the V,/ * \ ißWliiirnlSiL/ beauty of the home, but they are dirt catchers and re- j ,/\ v V \/\BKi V quire regular cleaning. ,\ij v VA/HJ ( Y If this were a home task you would be warranted \(\/1 . in putting off such a job. But it is a task for r \/\|||/\ jfflj dT the experienced dry cleaner. i Let our scientific service come to your aid. No ti'j | work for you. All you need is our telephone number V t ™ and you will find it printed below. f > > > — —- M- Let us help you make home attractive for the cold Bob’s Dry Cleaning Co. . CLARK DENOUNCES WATER PROHIBITION leville Rector Says the Man Who Vrcie Bulletin is Mentally Defl. lent. Uheville. Aug. 25. —Amazement has n expressed by Hev, Dr. Willis ! Clark, rector of Trinity Episcopal, ireh. over the action of the city 1 horities in prohibiting the use of i r water for “baptism or sprinkling’’ j jntytlie water shortage. Dr. Clark I god by a number of. persons to ! ke\piiblie his views on tile matter I I he has issued the following state- j it: ‘I have been asked to express my nion on bulletin number three got out for general distribution among citizens of Asheville by those in hority in the city government be lsc of their concern over ttie slior^ tUT OUR WAY ■ ._ ' BY WILLIAMS DOG GOME.\ T_ / iSKi pterurnkEWfe bAoNiw \ /" 1 \|NplL/\ fflrrj BERRIE.O HERE* VAJy \ /wW V-V 6uv 'jO I SEEM Th’ BAMDIfS } r HOPESQ’. \ NrtA . M Pf' A yjfmk A BERRV IT AS PLAlki , I AFTER ALL I HOUSE THEM LIKE \%wms AS AkHTiW, RIGHT IM \ IfttS VdORK \so 'mEll.mEw I S%tim \-THIS 2.ACT SPOT. MQw'l \ VMERE COMMA 1 A ICE CREAM WkMeaiXH EvJERV DREAM X V EER R UMi HAD MET HAS k— r I K,OS -jFREE EER - £)'^ > - .J’-R'N.Uhms, FAVtH HOPE AMO CHAOrtS'. &**<" *» scsv.ee i MOBTN POP " ~~ BY TAYLOR * THIS 6000 COUNTRY r MAWBE I Wtufv’i t Vnoui' ? 1 " j WISH WE COULD J? I’LL GO OP It.THAT / / ORCHARD H APPIES » AND MAKE VOU A s ser something Th farmhouseanotrn g _>Ysf for tk ™X O v?? 00 V. TO SOMEFRtgJ / HEY THAR! Hf don't get hurrn MR.fSoNN *)" vjhat’s th 1 idea of \\ fresh with me H\tK and pick 'em op i TieeSPASSiN' THROUGH )/ .YouOLD V^COSSARN NEHERE COMES TB©»/4 This FIELD - CANT VE f§ WHO'S THE A V —- : '^rftFPLES!/-^ 5 t tm, age of water. In this bulletin water used for baptism is put on a par with water used for plumbing fixtures aud washing floors, etc. “The person who. wrote that bulle tin has no conception of the sanctity |of baptism as a Divine rite or else he is guilty of blasphemy. If the | latter is the case then lie or. she will l.ave to give an answer for Ids act | to God as it is from Christ Himself we get the authority for the use of | water in baptism. If a person in j this enlightened Christian age has no ! conception of the sanctity of 'bap [ tism or sprinkliug,’ as the bulletin states, then my conclusion is that he is mentally deficient and his placing the use of water for baptism on the same plane as the use of water for automatic toilets, cleaning floors, etc., is a clear index of such deficiency. 'There are hundlreds of .citizens and visitors who like myself have read prohibition number six <)f bulletin number three - with amazement then with indignation, then'out of a sense of Christian charity, with pity for the state of nuinl of the one who' wrote that prohibition." How is It Possible? New York World Rudolph Valentino and his wife have agreed to take "an indefinite marital vacation.” Mr. Yalentino says, "I took her to the train and kissed her goodby. We | don’t want any divorce—only a rest.” The lady says she wants a vaea : tion, and that will amaze at least a • million women. One of tnem, in , Washington, went to see Valentino's pieture thirty timet in succession t Just imagine leaving the real .thing. ■ . • - ; , i v* - 1 1 t* ■ fHE CQNCOkft ftAtLV TfctßtJNfi 11 —ji DINNER STORIES j ! Johnny, aged five, was eating his breakfast greedily. I thither: "Johnnie, do you know jwhat a pig is?” I Johnnie: "Sure. The child of a i*~" | j Artist “This is my latest pieture t ' eutitled. ‘A Plumber at Work.’ It’s ' quite realistic.’’ Friend “Hut he’s not at work. He's not doing anything." Artist: “Yes. * That's the realism.” New Boarder: "My last landlady!' wept when I left." New Landlady: “There is no dang er of that here for I always insist %n payment in advance.” “What is an opportunist?" "One who meets the wolf at the door, and appears the next day in a fur coat." Waggish Diner (with menu) : “Chicken croquettes, eh? I say. wait er, wtiat part of the chicken is the croquette?” Waiter: “That part that’s left over from the day before, sir.” Customer—You’e made two mis takes in this bill, one in your favor and one in .nine. Grocer —In your favor? Where? , The deputy wurdeu of- the peniten tiary was looking over the new arri vals. Among them was a tall, for lorn-looking gentleman of color who seemed to take’ it very hard, sighing so deeply that the' deputy asked: “What’s the matter, boy?” “Mab, sentence, sjfh!” was the mournful reply. “Ah, cavn’t do all this fieah time the jedge done gib me! “How much are you doing?” in quired the deputy. “Life.” exclaimed the new arrival. “Well,” remarked the deputy, not unkindly, “just do what you can of it." Young Alan Charged With a Serious Crime. Statesville Daily. Walter Holland, a son of W. P. Holland, of Statesvilie. was arrested Saturday evening and placed in jail] on a charge of criminal assault on a young woman living four miles south of Mooresville. Holland is about 21 years of age. He is in the employ of due States ville Chair Company, having held a job with that company for the past five years. The warrant, dated August 22. 1925. charges criminal assault oil lire person of Lucy Horton, at the home of her parents in Coddle .Creek town ship. the date of the alleged assault being July (5. 1925. The preliminary hearing for the de fendant. who is held here withoht bail, will be giveii at Mooresville some time this afternoon before Magistrate Herbert A. Holstead. Young Hol land emphatically denies the serious charges brought against him in this oHniAal -action. - - -•- >-> There’s no ill-luck in turning back if you are on the wrong road. If kissing were intoxicating lovers would all oppose prohibition. ICEpEAM Our New Mechanically Refrig erated Autopolar Foun . tain keeps ice cream in the most ; perfect condition. With this new automatic refrigerating device, it is possible to hold the temperature to the zero mark if desired, and this insures all ice cream and drinks in the best of condition. Pearl Drug Co. On the Square Phone 22 0090000000000000000000OQ | Let Your , Next Battery Be An j EXIDE Use Only the Best ip j 1 .1 —!■ 1.18,.. , ,■ I , BY CHABLES P. STB WART NBA Service Writer WASHINGTON Wa.hlngton la In a fairway to fulfill the | I recent prediction of Prof. McKenzie, the University of Chi cago sociologist, that the time is coming when only unmarried men and women Will Uve in the centers of cities, whUe the maaried ones will dwell in the suburbs, only com ing in for an occasional look at the white lights. • • » THE national capital, because of its relatively large more or less temporary population, tends strongly toward apartment house existence. Now, the typical Washington suite of apartments consists of two rooms, kitchenette and bath. Larger ones are scarce “Mail order arrests.” Carolina Motor Club Protests Against Illegal Proceedings. Greensboro, Aug. 25. —ah a result of complaints of mail order arrests near Cary and of a "simed trap at ' Tuyloieville, Coleman W. Roberts, vice-president of the Carolina Motor dub-bus issued the following bulletin from headquarters: ■‘Mail order arrests l.ave broken out in another spit; this time in Cary, N. C. A communication is being forwarded to motorists which, ill our judgment is far Irom legal. This letter is signed by the mayor and constable and says tnat on or about the blank day of blank month at about the hour of blank time the party exceeded the speed restrictions in Cary. “The letter further states that ‘we hold a State warrant against you, reckless driving and exceeding the speed limit. This warrant will be held for seven days from date. You may settle by sending payment of ss.fine and $3lO costs, otherwise, it will, be necessary to have this war rant served on you by sheriff.’ It seems that they have an automatic machine which sets a fine of $5 and cost), of $3.10 aud ' automatically charges the motorist with reckless driving, but docs not state the time 1 or place or rate of speed. We would urge that people receiving' these let ters do not remit, because it is not ’ a legal proceeding. “Further complaint comes to the Carolina Motor club from motorists ' pajlsnig through Taylorsville who hnVe had experience with policemen there requiring the payment of $9.40 ‘ for. those who may pass between two • givi-n lines a few seconds faster than the .town law provides. It is reported to V s that one man waves a red flag tliAMiinmenf a car passes a given 3 point and the other officer takes the 3 motbrfst Up at the other end of a givA.Cpoiur, extracting $9.40 , "At -fa our belief that there is not! * a court" that will uphold this uniair t method of enforcing the law. s “The .Carolina Motor club urges evefy one to obey the law and does 5 not protect reckless drivers and speeders, blit it does look disfavor upon the methods practiced by many constables and police officers, rls peclally so where the local towu enacts an ordinance adopting a speed law contrary to the state law, wnleh it cannot lawfully do. ■ Motorists traveling No- 20 to Wilmington are advised that Colum bus county has a speed officer operat ing in und around Bolton. This offi cer, wear a uniform, cap and badge, and we are informed he is instructed not to make arrests except where the party violates the law.” COLONEL KIRKPATRICK’S CANDIDACY FOR SENATE Preliminary Announcement For the Senate Creates Interest. R. E- Powell in Charlotte News, t Raleigh. Aug. 24.—Ooionel T. L. S Kilpatrick's position on the edge of y ——————— i —— c EVERETT TRUE BY CONDO - Majo<x, my v&A'R, Heß.e/s -am ctte-m SAYS A LuOMHW *VAS INJUR/SD ~ro?>AY lN*4i(_e- aU's-Htincs: a Strcc.es r l CAR. ANOTHER CAStS, Ot= Coor^cs, Of* STfePPINCS. 3ACKUOAR/DS. > g* ' 3T<sPP(ncs: OPP E.ackwar’ps ! NO, 13ot r* •• • ■ ••• 1 I because they’re 1b small demand— few people can stand such murder ous rentals—so there’s little Induce ment to. build them. Not much of a family can be squeezed Into two rooms comfortably. * SO what's a poor paterfamilias I to do—with himself, his wife I and even one offspring past 1 1 the age where it can bunk In with | j pa and ma—to And shelter for his i | brood? Why, If they're to live like j human beings, his only recourse Is j to move into the suburbs—Chevy Chase, Tacoma Par*. Clarendon or some such place—and rent a cot tage. This doesn’t quite limit central | Washington's population to the un ■ married, but it comes pretty near to limiting it to the childless. Real ization of Prof. McKenzie’s .fore t cast In its entirety may come next. - the Senatorial campaign ring for next year, which lias already at tracted three hats is interesting the State in half a dozen ways, not the least of which is the prospect that the Colonel has been moved to do battle with liie one-time friends, Cameron Morrison. When the $50,000,000 road pro gram was a thing Mr. Morrison hadn't dreamed about Colonel Kirk patrick was shelling the woods and building up the machine which in 1021 was to put the big bond issue across. The Colonel, whose greatest crime has been the delivery ot a speech of introduction longer than the one made by Woodrow Wilson following, has a good roads record that cannot be erased. The State is I right much of a roads empire now. When it had all been launched ' auspiciously and there was a road i commission to name, everyone ex ' pected Governor Morrison to start ‘ the commission off with Colonel [ Kirkpatrick. Rut he chose to ap point Word 11. Wood, president of ; the American Trust Company. Col. ■ | Kirkpatrick's friends had ugly things - j to say about the way in which their ' I champion had been treated. II Mr. Kirpatifck’s preliminary an nouncement, for that’s the way Char | lotte is now regarding what he had j to say in the papers a few nays since, may have been made with ' more than an inking of what Gover '■ nor Morrison plans to do. The ac cumulation of entries makes it look as if Governor Morrison, pledged to * enter only to divert the lire on Sen- ator Overman, might get in •the race and talk about what he had done and what support Senator Over man gave him in doing it. Where upon the Colonel would undoubtedly snap into it, step on the gas and spill the beans. If Senator Qverpnan expects a landslide, he's mighty apt to be jolted “DEAD” MAN' COMES TO LIFE FOR SECOND TIME , Patrick Donahue, of New York. Re fuses to Stay Dead. New York. Aug; 25.—For file sec ond time in twelve years Patrick Don- I ahue. 61. inmate of St. Josephs home I for the aged, was declared dead to i day, Donahue collapsed in the street near tile home. Dr. Holt, of New York hospital, declared *him dead and the, body was taken to the statiton house. The home officials notified Dr. Erward Doulin, attending physician there, “When the body is taken away by an undertaker.” Dr. DonJin told police, 'caution the undertaker not to embalm or otherwise prepare it for burial for several hours.” Donahue was taken to ttie Fordham morgue as dead twelve years ago and completely fooled the physicians,” according to Dr. Donliu. Ilonuhue was picked up in the street at the time he was taken to the morgue and lay on a slab several hours. When lie suddenly came to life and walked into the at tendant’s room. -a I You pay no more for a Hood—So why buy a lighter weight tire? Very few tires have as many ply of cord as 4 the Hood. Let us show you. Ritchie Hardware Cel. YOUR HARDWARE STORE | PHONE 117 SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOGOOQOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOt DELCO LIGHT jjj i| v Light Plants and Batteries ! Deep and Shallow Well Pumps for Direct or Alter- ! nating current and Washing Machines for direct of aftfr- * L ! nating current. R. H. OWEN, Agent ! Phone 668 Concord, N. C. 8 .• ' - agasigrasmcaiL £-a i k ! Boys Clothes i for Fall Sturdy Well Made Clothes For Your Boy. Suits with , long trousers or short trousers. A goodly number of Suits are ready now. Let us show you. Boys’ school toga i 4 Iff that will please you. RICHMOND-FLOWE CO. The Most Useful Piece of Furniture in the Home—A HOOSIER BEAUTY R B. WILKINSON =: 1 IET VACATION Let us get your car in first class condition to go to"M the seashore or mountains. Wc specialize in relining*® brakes with KuSco brake lining, using a Cady counter--jU sinking and riveting machine. We also carry a full line:* of Goodrich Silvertown cord tires and tubes, piston 'rings, spark plugs,:bearings, shims, bumpers, Sparton horns, and 1 ® all kinds of ‘accessories. 1 v -.j. *. ,\ j JH Genuine Ford Parts Prest-O-Lite Batteries Free Air and Water and Water E,or Your jittery Auto Supply & Repair Co. S PHONE 898 PAGE SIX

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