PAGE SEVEN DOLLAR DOWN Puts a Sellers in Your Home $49.50 Kitchen work need not be drudgery. Only when you lack kitchen conveniences does it become too great a task for you. Then it costs your youth and health. Don’t let your kitchen work, rob you of these priceless treasures when you can get a SELLERS with its fifteen labor-saving features at such low prices and EASY TERMS. Concord Furniture Co. THE RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE [coal I The Right Coal For the Right Purpose A. B. POUNDS ' | ' PHONE 844 OR 279 ;! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 THE UNIVERSAL CAR ijj < An automobile dealer may be correctly judged by what ! ! has been the experiences of his owner with him. Noth- j[ | \ ing else wdll tell the story more truly. ; ; Ford owners who have bought cars from us must be sat- ! i \ isfied, for we do and are glad to go far beyond the usual \ \ | practices to satisfy our owners. If you would investigate 1 ! j ; ; us, we refer you to our owners for evidence of our state- ' ! 1 i i ment. ] [ [ “OUR INTEREST GOES FAR BEYOND THE ' SALE” j|j | REID MOTOR CO.! CONORD, N. C. i WE KNOW WE KNOW FORDS I BBsjgg^ nnnn I CZag&st I Qsa£es Final Drastic and Lost Reductfonlh oJLSummer Goods Prices Smashed forQuick Action The Season’d Successful Dresses I Unusually Low Priced I 95c, $2.95, $3.50, $6.74 and $11.74 J FISHER’S Concord Daily Tribune TIME OF CLOSING MAILS The time of the closing of mails at ; the Concord postoffice is as follows: Northbound 1130—11:00 P. M. 30—10:00 A. M. 34 4:10 P. M. .'lB 8 :30 P. M. 30—11:00 P. M. Southbound 39 9:30 A. M. I 45 3 :30 P. M. 135 8:00 P. M. 29—11:00 P. M. LOCAL MENTION Itev. Robert Arrowood will preach at Patterson Presbyterian Church Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The public is invited. Mis. A. W. Smith, who has been confined to tier home on East Depot street, is again able to resume her duties at the county health office. The Rocky River Community Club will meet at the Rocky River high school building on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. The public is invited to attend. Ellen Lewis Sherrill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. VV. M. Sherrill, was confined to her home Tuesday and to day by illness. Her condition today is reported as improved. Temperatures started climing here again Tuesday and while they did not reach a very high point they were higher than on Monday. The weath er prediction for tonight and tomorrow calls for warmer weather with show ers probable. Large numbers of school children are taking the vaccination for small pox so us to be ready for the opening of school, say county health officials. The law compels all children to be vaccinated before they enter the school room. The Morris-Sides building on Church street is nearing completion on the exterior and work has been begun on the interior. The building was con structed from the brick which was removed from tre Concord National Bank which was torn down. The members of the Christian En deavor Society of the Methodist Prot estant Church motored to Bust Mills Tuesday night and enjoyed a water melon feast. About forty were in the party which was chaperoned by Rev. and Mrs. P. E. Lindley. Cotton picking is on In earnest in this. county now. Several bales of new cotton have been marketed by Cabarrus county farmers and pickers can be seen at work in various cotton fields of the county now. The crop in the county promises to be good, generally speaking. The State highway commission Tuesday let a contract for the re working of the road from Salisbury to China Grove. The contract was awarded to I.assister & Co., of Ral eigh. It is understood that part of the base of the present road will be used, work to start in tlie near fu ture. Civil cases in Cabarrus County Su perior Court arouse little general in terest judging by the small crowds that have been in the court room this week. Last week at trial of crim inal cases the room was always pack ed, blit there “has been plenty of va cant seats this week during the trial of civil cases. The Coneord-Monroe road is prov ing popular with quite a number of motorists at present. The road re cently was taken over by the State as a State road, has been properly marked with highway signs and is said to be in fine condition. Here tofore most people have gone via Charlotte when driving to Monroe. Pittsburgh was defeated in the Na tional League Tuesday while New York was winning from Cincinnati. In the American League both Wash ington and Philadelphia were defeated the former team retaining its lead In the South Atlantic Charlotte won from Macon while Knoxville was de feating Spartanburg. Hundreds of local baseball fans will go to Kannapolis tomorrow to see the first game of the Gibson Mill-Kannap i olis series. The teams will play 1 three games beginning tomorrow, all | of the contests to be staged in Kan i napolis. The locals have signed up | a strong team for the series, which may be the last of the year between i the two teams. I Prof. J. B. Robertson, county su ! perintendent of schools and one of the most active Sunday school workers in the county, ras returned from Hick ory, where on Tuesday he addressed the brotherhood division of the Luth eran summer school of Sunday school workers now in session at Lenoir- Rtiyne College. Prof. Robertson re ports a fine attendance at the school this year. Announcement of changes in Ford cars is made in this paper today in an advertisement of the Ford Motor Company. A number of improve-! ments are made on the new models,j the advertisement says, and due to the : fact that the public has been expect-1 ing something new, the announce-, ment has created much interest. The Reid Motor Co. is the local Ford dealer. Twenty-one defendants are ached uled to be tried ip police court today, 1 | police officers stated this morning. I Eight defendants are charged with speeding, two with intoxication, one with abandonment, two with operat ing cars without mufflers, one with affray, one with transporting liquor, |two with having liquor, one with us |ing loud and abusive language on the streets, one with operating a car while intoxicated, one with assttult on a fe male and one with operating a car without a State license. CONCORD COTTON MARKET WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 36. IM6 Cotton Seed .45 •* f i.®, I : * - V f r —i. ■ - IWE CONDOM) DAILY TOBUHE Be careful about following in your father's footsteps. You are liable to have a eon like his. Whats' more discouraging than an enemy who geta along fine? No matter how long yqu stay In lall you don't get a vacation- i Looking down on others doesn't Place you above them. , Cities are all right, except you i can’t yell very loud in them. i ' .... When you think there's something wrong with somebody It may he you. 1 < Copyright. liii. NBA Service, lac ) j Japan bas decided to admit women 'to the bar. 1 ! ■ 1 fqqqqqqqqqoqoooqoqooooqqC i 8 NOTICE! 8 [ji You are invited to come in ji and look our new ice cream, re- A 1 i 1 ! frigerator over. We use no 1 • l i salt. It is the same tempera- jlj jlj ture all the time. We now car- iji iji ry twice the number of differ- V V cut kinds. We also carry ]ll ]l l Brick Icc Cream. i[ i , iji Give us a trial when you a 1 1 1 need ice cream and see the dis- i ]ll fereuce. ', l Cline’s Pharmacy I! [ Phone 333 !! ||[ THE THREE “R's” ijj i[ Are mastered better with a<S Jlj fountain pen. Boys and girls ji iJ i need proper equipment to make X 1 J their school *ork more profit- i 111 able and enjoyable. Neater [ i Ji work and added pride in les- J V sons in class room or at home V ( i| are assured. Styles to fit the jj i]i growing hand, built to with- ijj ]i| stand rough usage— and j? jij S. W. Preslar j| JEWELER 8 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 l FREE With each Tube of Palmolive Shaving Cream at only 35 cents we give one after shav ing Talc. y, , Gibson Drug Store The Rexall Store iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiH CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET (Corrected Weekly by Cline & Moose) ■ Figures named represent prices 1 paid for produce on the market: Eggs 1 Corn sl-35 Sweet Potatoes 1.75 . Turkeys .25 to .80 Onions $1.60 Peas $3.00 Butter .80 Country Ham 30 Country Shoulder .20 i Country Sides .20 ■ Young Chickens .25 Hens .18 , Irish Potatoes .$1225 for Women Elgin wrist watches are made lor women who want a beau tiful and attractive timepiece Rjagglgjifl that is ab piicH solutely de -08l pendable. - _ T . t j.l We suggest JBsßaH| them to you as ideal gilts. There -JM| a splendid array of de signs and a ■ wide range ;9 of prices to f 9 suit your levery re mmj quirement. I We suggest 1] 9 that you come in and let H j us show you the complete II 9 assortment. Si I STARNES-MILLER ( PARKER CO. B MAX LEAPS TO DEATH FROM ELEVATED TRAIN Struck the Pavement Among Group ot ChiMreu. New Tork World. An unidentified min, about forty five. leaped to death at 5:50 o’clock last night from the Ninth Avenue ele vated Btructure at 110th Street and Cathedral Parkway, the highest point of the elevated road, to the pavement of Morningside Park below, where sooreo of children played. The man was first seen on the sta < tion platform, walking up and down. ' at s:4f>. When the platform was crowded he climbed a railing over looking the park and poised for the leap. Half a dozen women screamed. Edward Kutrz of No. 105 East 109th Street, ran toward the man. but too late. The man plunged down and struck the pavement among a group of ehiU dren and narrowly missed a woman wheeling a baby carriage. The young sters fled, screaming in terror. When Patrolman Gaynor, of the West 100th Street station, arrived the man was 3000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 I HAVOLINE OIL Is More Than Oil. It is POWER We Are Now Ready to Supply You: i With HAVOLINE i Mutual 00 Company ! PHONE 476 R. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 I Final Clearance White Footwear ! Every white shoe included that we have in stock, not all sizes ■I in any style but your size in some style, we have arranged for quick ! selling all White Pumps, Straps and Oxfords in stock at the follow- jj ing prices: • One lot white canvas - 95 C ' { One lot White Kid and Canvas j 95 ‘ One lot White Kid, (our best) 95 This is a wonderful opportunity to buy a pair to finish the season at less than half the original price. IVEY'S “THE HOME OF GdOD SHOES" B | : FANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN'S WEAR 3000000000000000000000000000000000000300000000000 I GOING OFF TO SCHOOL— Your Fall Coats, Dresses, sweaters, and Wraps will j! need a thorough cleaning to put them in condition for the winter’s wear. Why not lst us call today for any- j apparel you may have to be Cleaned as our service will ji be of great help to you, as well as a saving. Telephone 420 M. R. POUNDS Dry Cleaning Department IQOOOOOOOODOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOi j FLORIDA EXCURSION 1 1 Southern Railway System Thursday, August 27th, 1925 8 The Southern Railway System announces very low ; 8 round trip fares to Jacksonville, Fla., and other south ij X Florida points at shown below. 8 Round Trip Fares From Concord, N. C. fi Jacksonville fltf.oo .Pablo Beach 116.80 , 1 Avtm'f'ark"""™™. 2850 S** 1 * ~ X Miami .. 25.00 W. Palm Beach 28.50 8 Orlando 28.00 W. Lake Wales 23.00 i O Winter Haven 23.00 Tampa 23.00 1 5 St. Petersburg 23.00 Hanatee 28.00 B Moore Haven 23.00 Fort Myers 23.00 X 8 Sarasota 23.00 Palmetto 28.00 o 8 Bartow 28.00 Auburndale 23.00 8 X Tickets on sale for all trains (except 37 and 38) Thurs- 8 0 day, August 27th, 1925. X Final limit of tickets to Jacksonville, Pablo Beach, St. Q X Augustine, Ocala and Daytona, will be seven days, and 8 8 final limit of tickets to all other destinations shown will 8 X Tickets good in pullman sleeping cars and parlor cars, 8 B and baggage will be checked. | 8 A great opportunity to visit the wonder State. 8 For further information and pullman reservations call 8 9 on any Southern Railway agent or address: I M. E. Woody, R. H. Graham, 8 Ticker Agent Division Passenger Agent, fl Concord, N. C. Charfotte, N. C. S SoOOOOCODOOOBOOOgOOOOOOOOOPOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOe still alive, but died before arrival of an ambulance. The suicide was the seventh in two years from this particular spot of the overground. Four men and two women having in this period taken their adieu steps from the platform there. The platform was thronged with home-goers who emerged from an up town train that bore the suicidte. Scores saw the death leap. The part of the “L” structure which has proved so frequent a point of doom has come to be known in police reports as “Suicide Row.” The Carolina Watchman at Salis bury has just entered its ninety-fourth year. William H. Stewart, editor and owner, celebrated the event by getting out a large national publicity edition. The issue was well printed and contained considerable interest- I ing reading matter of this section, More than 10,000 spectators filled the grandstand at the opening of tte greyhound racing season in Cincin nati. 1 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooaoo] I It’s an ill wind w 4tt£ that blows no good. / ( y° ur Straw Hat Leaves head / v | quarters—let it blow—let it go. H,r The Hoover’s display of Fall '■'svV Hats is open—ready—and yours. It contains hundreds of new Felt Hats that are as alluring as they I M are light and as fascinating as • they are fashionable. There isn’t a shape or a shade you won’t want or one that you will find wanting. There isn’t a “him” in Concord who will “hem or haw” over the immediate purchase of his Fall Hat once he sees these. HOOVER’S,Inc.® “THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE” ; OOOOOOOOOOOOOftOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOCM ~ HOWARD’S FILLING ST/* :: ■! I. ■ ■ m r>HONE h 88o m,le ” OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOk^OOOQQQQQ<WW)fwvy^y j WE AW^^^^READY ! p To render every assistance in our power to the business j I men in our community. The progressive business man appreciates the facili -8 ties for service that are available to him in this strong I bank. Its officers, by reason of their experience and the 8 many avenues of general business information open to ■ them, are able to give sound advice on financial matters. § CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK |J Capital $400,000.00 Resources Over $3,000,000.00 Make Your Summer Free From Ice Worry. Install Kelvinator electric refrigeration in your refrigerator and you can forget all about ice deliv ery this summer. Kelvinator will keep your refrigerator much colder and your foods much better and longer. When you go visiting it will stay cold while you are gone. Kelvinator requires no rinse or attention and » trouble free. It usually costs less to operate Kelvi- | nator than to buy ice. Phone or call far «WaiW \ * Yorke & Wadsworth Co. Kelvinator Th* Oldoot Dom.atia Elactrl. R*f rlg.ratioa *■ Wednesday, Aug. 26, lfl

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