Thursday, Aug. 27, 1925 [Society i Like a Stock A short scarf that pins closely about tho throat and gives the effect of a stock is one of the new wrinkles for fall. It is quite the correct thing to cover tho neck these days, and the high collar is one of tho novelties fashion is endeavoring ;o force upon ' r " i. M. LORD-HV&KE. Engagement of Miss Elizabeth Lord ■ Jto Rev. M. 8. Husks Announced. jJThe following announcement will tfe of much interest in Concord: "Mr. and Mrs. William G. Lord, of Anchorage, Ky.. announce the engage ment "f their daughter. Miss Eliza beth Cox Lord, to Kcv. Marion Strange Huske, of KeidsVilla, N. C. ’ ‘The wedding will take fdaee in October.' , . Miss Lord was for several years director'of Ihe music department at Sunderland IluH. {School, hoije, .but for qome time has been teaching at ttii-h --njond, Ya. She--V(faij s exceedingly pop ular- in Gonewd," ariiS the announce ment, above will be, reaß'heft with the keenest interest. Brown-Foil Wedding Invitations Out. Tht following invitations have been received jin the city: N■ i- i!; j , ; >i» ! 4 Mrs. Julia Ari’aalL* lirojvp requeits| the •boljfir; of your tjfresqiafe Mr. Edmund Francis Foil on Saturday evening the fifth of September Nineteen hundred and twenty-five at six o'clock Seven hundred and thirteen East Boiflevard Charlotte. North Carolina Accompanying card: At Home ■ .after September the 21st 1825 East Seventh Street Charlotte, N. C. l>ame Enjoyable Affair. The dance at the Merchants and Manufactuers' Club Wednesday eve ning was n most enjoyable affair. It was attended by a large number of the dancing contingent of the city. Music was furnished for the occa sion by l’aul Owensby's Melody Mak ers. an organization composed of Con cord musicians. The shortest road to the top is the ktraigbt road. Bites-stings For all insect bites, red bug, chigger, bee, wasp, mosquito, ptc., apply wet baking soda or household ammonia, followed by cooling applications of— VICKS W VapoAub Peer 17 Million Jan Und Yoarty t I J j|| i Jw * f ■ Hold By Day Phono 040 Night Phono* 880-159 L Mrs. J. Ivey Cline and daughter, Ruth, of No. 2 township, left this morning for Waynesville, where they will spend several days. * * • Mr. and Mrs. James Yates, W. A. Wilkinson and James MeEachern, Jr., have returned from a visit to Black Mountain, Asheville and 'Chim ney Rock. » * * Miss Sarah Doll and Miss Marga ret Dixon spent Wednesday in Con cord visiting friends. * • « Miss Kitty Williamson, of Fayette ville, is the guest of Miss Penelope Cannon at her home on North Church street. • • » J. A. Cannon and Dr. J. C. Rowan are spending the day in Greensboro, attending the meeting of the Davidson College alumni. Miss Lillian Cline has returned from Boone, where she has been at tending summer school for the past six weeks. * * • Misses Ruby and Mildred Furr, of Albemarle, are spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Furr. * • ' Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Query arc leaving this afternoon for Philadel phia, where they will make their home. » * * Mrs. Chas. Adder and Miss Mary Hnighe have returned to their home in Winston-Salem, after visiting at the home of Mrs. Dan Isenhour. * • » Rev. and Mrs. IV. A. Jenkins and children have returned from a trip to New England and Canada. • m 9 Tlie condition of Miss Mary Ridon hour, who had her tonsils removed at Iter home on North Church street several days ago, is reported, as im proving. Miss Rosa Caldwell and Miss Lois Crowell have returned from High 1 Point, where they were the guests of Miss Adelaide Armfield at a house | party. • • • Mrs. Edward Peebles, of South Hill, Via., has returned to her home after spending a short while in the city as j the guest of Mrs. W. G. Brown. Mrs, J. J)'. Thomason and children, of Hickory, "are visiting at the home oi MW-Thomasop's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. I). Moore. > el y, * , • Miss Louisb ■ Gibbon, of Charlotte, and her guest, Miss Ruth Pratt, of Philadelphia, Hampton Brown and Neal Pharr, both of Charlotte, motor ed to Concord Wednesday evening, i where they spent a short while vis iting friends. i •• * ( Miss Mary l’ropst, who accom panied Mr. Blanks on his European , Tour, has returned to Concord to 1 visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Propst. • • • Mr. aud Mrs. S. Lee Beasly and daughters. Misses Ithoda and Nell, of Oceola. Fla., arc visiting their son, ! Lee I. Beasley and family on Frank- - lin avenue. • • • Mrs. Louis M. Holmes and little ; daughter, Florence, of Charlotte, have returned to their home after visiting Mrs. Holmes Brother, Lee I. Beasley, on Franklin avenue. Two Kannapolis Items. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Sechler and family, together with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eddleman and family, left here Monday morning at 5 o'clock for Safety Harbor, Fla. There they will join Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Robinson, formerly of Kannapolis, N. C. Miss Bertha Cook has returned home from Boone, N. C„ where she has been attending Summer School for the past six weeks. Attending House Party at Lake Wac camaw. Waiter Calloway is giving a house party at Lake Waceamaw this week. His guests include Miss Mollie Erown, Miss Georgia Elizabeth Calloway, ard Misses Mary Orchard and Frances Boger. The purty is being chaperon ed by Mrs. H. W. Calloway. Post and Flagg’s Cotton Letter. New York, Aug. 20. —The cotton market was firmer during the early trudiug on covering promoted by a somewhat bullish weather report in which stress was laid on prematures opening and shedding as a result of excessive heat and drought. Weevil damage, however, remains light. Later prices eased off again on de tailed weather report showing cooler ev rywherc and scattered rains at numerous points in Texas. There was a fair demand from the , trade and from mills to fix prices and jit is believed that many resting or-, j ders of tha t sort are in the market (just below current levels, but there is as yet no demand that will follow advances and that will hardly be in evidence until, both trade and, specu lu<ive shorts see more cause for an xiety than at present and feel less confident of a flood of selling against the crop to start in the near future. There is, however, a very large latent ; buying power which would become effective quickly if crop news should show any important change for the worst. I There are plenty of complaints of ! one sort or another already from pretty much every section and the crop is by no means out or the woods as yet nor is there any sound as surance of 14,000,000 bales or more on which sellers seem to be very con j fid ntly relying. Even with such crop I present prices would not seem much out of line with what would be justi fied by prospective requirements as to warrant the aggressive opera tions for the decline which apparent ly arc being, conducted. . Further, dc- Hihe-',killlk|in?y afford it'good opportunity, far;-, iritti&l purchases or to average any iqlrdady made. POST AND FLAGG. ' You can always, tell what a woman I thinks of her husband by the way 1 the laughs at his jokes- , DIGGER GETS NINETY DAYS ON COUNTY ROADS Judge Caldwell Finds Guilty' of Vio lation of Child Labor Law In Div ing Exhibition at Y. M. C. A. William Dilger, on trial Wednes day afternoon in charges which grew out of a swimming and diving exhibi tion of his four-year-old girl, June, at the Y. M. C. A. last Friday night, was sentenced to ninety days on the roads by Judge Caldwell. Dilger’s attorney, M. B. Sherrin, gave notice of appeal and bond was fixed at S2OO. Three counts were brought against Dilger. They were for violating the child labor law, assault on a female, and assault with a deadly weapon. He was found guilty by Judge Cald well of violating the child labor law and the two other counts were dis missed. The case came up as a result of the insistence of Dilger at the exhibition that his daughter dive from the spring board. When the child wept, specta tors became incensed and had the warrant for assault on a female drawn. Testimony brought out at the trial by the persons who, witnessed the in dent was that .when the child objected to making the dive from the spring board which is five feet from the water, he insisted, telling her that she had dived from higer places than j that. There was no evidence that he offered any physical violence as had been previously reported. Testi fying for the state were J. W. Denny. Mrs. T. N. Spencer and Mrs. Ralph Boyd. Mrs. Ed Cook, who lives on East Depot street, declared that she saw the child fall from the hood of the automobile where she had been riding to advertise the show, and that Dilger did not pick her up. The child was then placed back on the hood of the automobile, where she continued to ride. This evidence was brought out in support of the attack with a dead ly weapon charge. The defense called J. H. Brown, county welfare officer. Mr. and Mrs. Bandon Means and Sheriff Caldwell to the stand. A letter was read by- Mr. Sherrin from Dr. C. W. Arm ! strong, health officer of Rowan eounty, and also from" the state welfare com | mission. Dr. Armstrong in his let ter declared that the performance of the child was not injurious to its health. ' In making his decision. Judge Caldwell declared that it was as “clear in iny mind as the sunlight on the wall that this is a violation of the chili labor law.”- ’<• , nary A Casualty \ IN BAGGAGE STRIKE ■ • Li— With 800 Men Out, Trunks Move as Usual and Extra Police Have Nothing to Do. New York World. New York learned yesterday how . to get along without baggage transfer companies and save money doing it. \ The strike of the SOP drivers, help ers and clerks of the New York Transfer Company, and the Westeott H Express Company, which had begun at i midnight, did not make a defat in the | life of the city. The strikers stayed at home or went fishing or to ball I games. Taxicabs and independent trucks moved tlie trunks and other luggage the strikers ordinarily have handled. At the railroad stations there was no congestion of baggage and no shortage of cabs. Incoming baggage and baggage to be placed on taxi cabs was hustled by red-capped por ters, who made more money than at Christmas, when the rush is great and travellers are in a giving mood. The taxicab drivers did well, too, for in adijition to the usual tips, they col lected even better tips thuu the strik ers averaged for helping get trunks into homes. Even With this, tlie traveller with one trunk or two small ones save money, unless he lived in the Bronx, for the charge, fixed by law, for tak ing a trunk on a taxi is 20 cents, aN against a minimum of $1 to have it moved by a transfer company. The only difference is that the transfer company is obliged to put the trunk in one's house and the taxi man is not. But witht the prospect that his palm would bo crossed with silver, lie usually was willing tto oblige. The hotels cared for their guests’ I baggiige without difficulty. The com- j mereial houses, whose employees had ! sizeable loads of trunks used trucks j to move them. Neither they nor the taxicabs were molested by anybody, the police on duty as a precautionary i measure finding nothing tot do. “It's the most ladylike trucking l strike I ever heard of.” one of Com- : missioner's Enright’s finest on duty at the Pennsylvania Station explained. “Why, there isn’t even a hard word used.” Delaware Youth Says He’s Dying in South Carolina Prison Camp. Wilmington, Del., Aug. 26. —Mrs. Mary Hayes, of this city, has receiv ed a letter from her 17-year-old son, Curtis, in which he states he is dying I in a South Carolina prison camp- j The iud left home four weeks ago In j search of work. The letter telling of his sentence to the prison camp is the first word received from him. He was arrested for riding on a freight train at Greensboro, N. C. He gave his address as Waterec Power com pany, Fort Mill S. C. The Watereo Power company has a plant on the Catawba river three miles from Fort Mill, 8. C., but has ! no prison capip- There is said to be only one prison camp in the county 1 of York, and that is the county camp near Sharon, in the weste -n part of tbs eounty. Man Ffists Seventy Days. Budapest, Aug. 27.—<A>)—Another long-distance food abstainer has been found here in the person Os Bela Vie *ey, who existed for seventy days without food of any kind and with jmly a few ( «ips of, water every day. , 'jJe ' thM' f fiarted -'on' u/lqjilture torn propaganda 'lour with this ’ deject of making’converts to his sect. Nothing reveals the stuff that is in 4 man gp' surely as the ef forts he putt»fprth to accomplish tin thing bo nets out to do. V THE CONCORf) bAILY TRIBUNE TODAY’S EVENTS Thursday, August 27, 1425. Centenary of the birth ot John H. Starin, a New Yorker who began life an a druegist and enoed by be ing the largest owner of tugs, tow boats and bargee in America. Ten years ago today the wife and three duaghters of General John J. Pershing perished in a fire at the Presidio,' San Francisco. Greeting* to Charles G. Dawes, Vice President of the United States, on his sixtieth birthday imurvirsary. The eighth annual industrial con ference on “Human Relations in In dustry” will be opeed at Silver Bay, N. Y., today under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. Funeral services for Edgar A. | Bancroft, U- -S. Ambassador to Japan woh died in Tokio several weks ago. are to i e held today in Chicago, with j burial at Galesburg, 111. Directors of the Stone Mountain - Confederate Memorial Association meet in Atlanta today to receive from Sculptor Augustus Lukeman his complete design for the central group of the mamoth carving. A boulder monument erected to the American gooe-cii-ling aviators is to be dedicated today at Mere Point, in Casco Buy, Maine, where the aviators first lanaea their return to the United States. Plane to solve the Mexican imigra- 1 tion problems and to carry on an ntensive campaiggn for expansion of labor organization throughout Latin America will be discussed at a -..eet ing of American and Mexican labor union officials opening in Washi ta today. TO HANDLE HIS ENEMIES WITHOUT GLOVES—HYLAN Throws Down Gage to Tammany In Vigorous Attack Upon Opponents. New York Mirror. “I’m going to handle my enemies without gloves—the underworld graft ers and traction boodiers working un der Tammany Boss Olvany and his Bronx viceroy, Sheriff Flynn, will be shown in their true light!” Vigorously attacking his political opponents, Mayor Hylan yesterday proclaimed his campaign plans. Off Senator James J. Walker, the Mayor said: “I’ll show the public how- Walker defended, In the courts, a thieving bunch of putrid meat handlers. I’ll dissect Walker’s, traction record, and show how, before Walker went to the Legislature, he was connected with the New York aud Brooklyn Transit Company.” Commenting on Governor Smith's entrance iiito the primary campaign as Walker’s ojrapipioß, Mayqr Hylan ; said:' ' " ‘ j “I've got no quarrel with Governor Smith.” gRSFJITHJ A beautiful girl the prize in a struggle between Love and Greed Waged in a House of Mystery and terminating in the furies of a Terrific Hurricane CONCORD THEATRE Friday - Saturday CLINE & MOOSE FEED YOU WITH THE VERY BEST Big lot of sugar, bought direct from the refinery at Lowest Market j for cash. | We always have Sugar cheap. 1 Coffee — White House, Maxwell House, Caraja, Golden Drip and Red River Coffee. These ace always fresh, up to grade. Fresh Rice—Give us your Rice We believe we have the largest and most complete stock of groceries In our town. You can buy everything tp eat froth us. | Our three > swift* tracks j qqijk everywhere. Our 'delivery, men 'are the best, and serve you with a smile. Your charge account at Cash price is good with us. All these valuable advantages are, yours with our goods at -Lowest Cash Prices. . Cline & Moose "' TO ENFORCE CHANGE IN FERTILIZER LAW Commissioner Graham Gives Warn ing to Manufacturers That They Must Use New Kind of Tag. Raleigh, Aug. 26. —Commissioner of Agriculture William A. Graham today addressed a letter to all fer tilizer companies doing business in North Carolina informing them that from now on he would rigidly en force the amendment to the fertilizer law adopted by the geeral assmbly of 1623 relating to tags used in giving the source of ammonia and potash. Six Whiteman Hits I on the New Victor Records I Indian Dawn—Fox Trot \ N °' Ogo Pogo—Fox Trot with total refrain /W 19 10 Footlooaa—Fox Trot with bom/ refrain \ to 1 Tro, “" Wa ''’ / '“‘" Jiont to Get a Record by the L'&Tipiness Boys * I Miss My Swiss (from 1 ) j | I | f *Chauvo-Soari«’’) Plant . 1 _ S \As a Porcupine Pines . _ >1971$ 10 | I \Piano aeeanfianunav j > s KIDD-FRIX I Music & Stationery Co. Phone 76 Concord, N. C. OCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC^OOOOOOOPPQPOOOPOQOOOOOOP^POPOOOI I Know at All Times That You Have j = The Right Amount of Oil in j; ’ Your Ford This Is Made Possible by Installing an 5! 5 | Ever-Ready Automatic Oiler jFTen Days Free Trial 1 . Every User Must Be Satisfied, or S| 1 Purchase Price Refunded 9 1 | L. E. Roger, Factory Representative ! i S| Room No. 6 Maness Building 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 | Ckts | with your GAS man For Better Report Cards | School books and pencil sharpeners * P new caps and little blouses! The child K world is turning back to the classroom li again. You mothers, if you only realized f it, can help your children so materially | in their progress through school. Boys and gfirls need heartier breakfasts i now,—especially if they carry a cold | lunch. Hot cereal, eggs or bacon, stew- { ed fruit with graham bread toast, and milk or cocoa is none too much. If the I children come home for luncheon, don’t I neglect to prepare at least one warm dish J —soup or a vegetable or baked dish hot i from the oven. Provide good light for evening les - sons. Gas light is mellowest and most j' restful of all. If you burn gas, equip I the lights with new mantles. A study lamp is also a good investment. —n Insist on a thorough hand washing ■ with hot water and soap the minute the child comes in from school. Germs of all kinds ride away from the classroom on the excellent transportation provided by Willie’s ten fingers. A ready supply of hot water from the instantaneous gas water heater makes children more easy to train in this habit of health and hy- Concord & Kannapolis Gas Co. “If It’s Done With Heat, You Can Do It Better With Gas” \\ hehii “It appears that some of the com- i panics have been using the tax paid tag on which to print their sources j of ammonia and potash,” the com missioner wrote. “This will not be al lowed in the future.” Twelve Thousand Sing in Chorus. Dresden, Aug. 27.—OP)—A reunion of male choral societies of Saxony re cently brought together 25,000 sing ers, including guests from all parts of Germany. A feature of the first concert was a program of a male chorus of 12,000 voices. ■ ■ ”” HIM iQoooooooooooooooQooooooooooqoooooooooooooonopopq Try on one of these new Fall 1 Suits in the Morning and you’ll We’ve told you that our new ■ t—r~*lH y r Roberts-Wicks suits are beau- I tiful—now we want to ilJus- L>--1 Suppose you come in and try 5 on a few coats } Within 10 minutes after you have said “hello” you will ’ J find one suit that hits you right where you live—and youi > won’t be happy until it is living with you. | Style—Man Alive—the new models are alive with it! |lj ! Roberts-Wicks Suits Knox Hats L. S. &D. Oxfords j | Browns-Cannon Co. I Where You Get Your Money’s Worth CANNON BUILDING JOOOO °OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOaOOOOOOOOOOG - .'j I Final Reduction on All Summer Footwear—A Stampede of ! Short Lines $1.98 $2.95 T 0 $5.95 jj MARKSON SHOE STORE | Phone 897 A Good Place to Trade | / J®ooocooQoooocsooooooocooooooooooooooooooooooooot oooooo'oooooooooocoooooooooooooooooooooocoooooooc K.L CRAVEN & SONS! I PHONE 74 COAT sl #fm I J Plaster J Mortar Colors j 300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 C I Time to RE-ROOF [ii We have a complete stock of GALVANIZED roofing I and ASPHALT SHINGLES. We sell only 29 gauge roofing and give you nails and | washers for putting it on. ‘‘ j| We save you money if you give tis I York* & Wadoworth Co. The Old Reliable Hardware Store Union and Church Streets Phone 30 Phone 3C I BALANCE Is an right. Bnt some people seem to be so well balanced they never get anything done. What the world demands today is action. Our Service has all the action possible back of It. and yon profit ac cordingly. Every Mg opportunity of the past was simply to cut down I waste some where, loor opportunity is to trade with us, where waste fa Is eliminated and Quality, Prices and Service, Guaranteed, j “If it*' to eat we have it.” C. H. BARRIER & CO. OUR m IDS. W GET RESULT PAGE FIVE

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