? riday, August 26, 1925 Vou’ll soon need it. Better let us get it ready Cool evenings are coming when .a top coat will A comfortable. Cold nights, even, are not so far Get out your fall and winter overcoats and let /l\v | ° clcan t ' ,rou S*' a,ul through by a process that press them into neat shapeliness. If they need repairing, we do anything from sewing "on frVf’ilfrfi Send your top coat or overcoat to us early. This GcßoVr S ivcs US anl l )le timc to do good work and have Wmm Ji£j@nß l I then) ready for you when they’re needed. (B Phone us now. See phone number below. Iff Bob’s Dry Cleaning Co. WPAK3N TO SECURE LANDS FOR NATIONAL PARK 1 Ptaas Art Being Laid For a * Statewide Campaign. ■Shevflle, Aug. 27. —(A 5 )—Purchase 300 acres of mountain land for sentation to' the federal govern- i it to be used in the proposed na tal park in the Great Smoky Moun t area marks the beginnings of a paign to secure lands for the Sro hundred acres have been ght by the directors of the Ashe e Chamber of Commerce, and an incement of this purchase rvas ckly followed by one stating that Asheville Citizen had purchased acres for the same purpose. Now c organizations all the way from leville to Murphy, 116 miles away, agitating the question of buying 1 for the park. And plans are J1 UUlt WAY ' ~~ BY WILLIAMS /\MELL,I WASM* OFF'm GtOES'F'N "T&AIN MORt’Kl S MlNUlfcS, \ TV! SAMiKfeOF- XQU ! lOrt \CHICAGO *T' \ WEM *fa\S CCP SAVS 1M A UFET\N\E.-GOud -ffASKlv< 'ME. RtDE.AM 60% VA/ALVAhI, AKi’ 1 "Tbu'lM \ I’LL ME.VOH G\T IGrOT A JAW-1 pnjQAED FEF? HE WAS A UAR-AM-NNELV- \\ THETItiM BUCKS / 8180 IHOOR WAIKIN! ITS VNEWI GoTOUTToH O'AIL-'MHY II BACKKJONNI J TH, a <sooo'falser . y THE REIORM Os THE. PRODtGAI.. IWOM’N POP BY TAYLOR henrtv thistrjpis so'T don't tome tea tt> euJNn* W lcaMt repose-he'd! EXPENSIVE IT CEASES 1 ABOUT EXPENSES- REFUSE fF MR SUNN ¥ THINK VIE WERE A TDBE A “PLEASURE- I THgVRE WANTS T& PAN & COUPLE Os CHEAP WHVDIDVOU LET THE 1 VCLO -1 tS»ON'T HALF OP SUCH BIU.S - V 9KATES * OON’T Gunn’s drag us to ft anticipate skmq - I'm sure if he had to J vjorrv • rvE thought THIS HCm&LR rr UOOKS # ToWED “ FOOT THE EXPENSES A oFA tactful wav EXPENSIVE To ME- K S TATION AND Buying HIMSELF HE’D <3m T M roGE T HIM Tt> PAV ■ DOES AAN INNER TUBE- , SPENDING SO M THE SILL 9 OUT OF , . i > - ■ /;:■ ; - / ■ ■ j f I'VE SEEN LOOKING IQ SUCK'S - GREAT & NEVER MIND-IF W SEE HOW If HENRV ' ! 1 R)R VOU MR.TVTE- M PETE-AND jUSt I | THAT’S THE SMALLEST T I WORKED » vou’RE I b HERE'S A BILL FOR Foft ONE NIGHT \ I V O U HAVE - LhXPAV ,T gl & I Is BtreNSel 1 ' r' lf T< A > i > ™i ,MeCe V I MVSELF CLEU6R i y *wo .. ■ v . j being laid, it iw said, for a statewide I campaign. The proposed park ie expected to embrace about 1,200 square miles, fol lowing the Great Smoky divide be tween Tennessee and North Carolina, and to contain within its borders I mountain- peaks having the higest av erage altitude anywhede in the east. It is said that it will also contain the largest single area of virgin timber in eastern America. The indifference, or opposition, which was at first manifest, has en tirely disappeared throughout the western part of the state, it is said, and enthusiasm for the park is grow 'ing rapidly. leading lumber com panies operating the section are giving the plan their support, it is stated. Lumbermen are quoted,as saying that there remains sufficient timber in western North Carolina, in addition to the area to be embraced by the The Great Smoky Mountain area is said to contain the greatest variety of wild flora and fauna anywhere in the southeast, as well as striking scenic beauty. The average altitude of the section proposed for park purposes is said to exceed o,oofl feet, many peaks running up even higher. Dr. Mhns May Come Back Charity and Children, . Dr. Edwin Mims, of Vanderbilt University, has been invited to .return to North Carolina and accept a place in the faculty of Duke University. Dr. Mims is one of the brightest men North Carolina has produced in a generation and we hope he will heed the call from hiR native state and spend the remainder of his days in North Carolina. USE PENNY COLUMN—IT PAYS THE CONCCkb DAILY TktfcUNfc DINNER STORIES Mother: “Billy, why are you mak ing your little brother cry ?“ Billy: “I’m not. He’s dug a hole and is crying beceaise he can’t bring it into the house.” Little Boy: “papa, do you know any great women rulers besides Cath erine the. Great and Queen Eliza beth.” Dad: “Sure, your mother.” Mary: “My father was held up last night.” Her Chum: “Why, I did not hear anything about it. Where was he held up?” Mnry: “Two men held him up all the way home.” Yonug Mistress—What would you do, Marie, if you could play the piano like me? Servant—Oh, I should certainly take lessons. i Southern Hospitality A sign is now being built by the bureau fifty-five feet by three and one-half feet, inscribed, “Charleston Welcomes You to be hung from the stell griders inside the gates at the union station. There once was a corpulent mama, Known from here out to far Yoko hama. But photographers all Found their cameras too small, So she sat for a whole panorama. Young Algernon Percy St. Dennis Cared only for swimming and ten nis. He gave up the game And is bidding for fnme As the speediest speed cop in Ven ice. Two Charming Warm Weather Weddings. The costume of the bridesmaid was wild flowers. The bridegroom wore a bouton nier from the bride's bouquet. TODAY’S EVENTS Friday. August 28, 1925. Observance of the Festival of Saint Augustine. Seventy-five years ago today the first stibmnrine telegraph cable was laid between Dover and Calais. One hundred and fifty years ago to day John Hancock and Dorothy Quincy eloped and were married at Fairfield, Conn. A national conference for leaders of the yodng people’s movement in the Protestant Episcopal Church meets today at Racine, Wis. St. Augustine. Fla., America's old est city, tinlay will celebrate special masses in America's oldest Catholic Vbnrcit on the occasion of the 360th anniversary of the founding of the city. Surviving members of the Grand Army of the Republic will begin ut gal In Grand ltapids. Mich., today! to agteijd their annual national en campment. Sons of Veterans, the Woman's Relief Corps. Ladies of the G. A. It. and other affiliated societies will hold their national conventions at the same time. Our New Mechanically Refrig erated Autopolar Foun tain keeps ice qream in the most perfect condition. With this new automatic refrigerating device, it is possible to hold the temperature to the zero mark if desired, and this insures all ice cream and drinks in the best of condition. Pearl Drug Co. On the Square 000000000000000000000000 Let Your j: Next Battery j: Be An EXIDE § Use Only the i Best Stewart washington s..letter rfY CHARLES P. STEWART :& NEA Service Writer Washington— while secre-, tary of the Navy Wilbur, whose department runs the Virgin Islands, doesn't admit re sponsibility on Its part for the de plorable conditions which Judge Lucius J. M. Malmin charges exist there. It’s beyond anybody's power to deny truthfully that economi cally the islands' population has degenerated disgracefully since the United States took the group over from Denmark in 1917. Comparative figures speak for themselves. In 1919, before the effects of American rule had had time to make themselves fully felt, the Islander.?' exports to this country amounted to »2,27«,512. Those for IM4 were 9297,031. ... i BiHAT the decline was due to A naval maladministration . doesn't necessarily follow. To some extent It certainly doesn't follow. The application .of American | ==t=——■— ■"« ) -- Morrison Threat to Come Back May Yet Be Serious Matter Tom Host in Greensboro News. \ -Washington, Aug. 2t>.— “About this i Morrison threat to come back,” said < a visitor here from the state today. ‘‘Jt- may turn out to be 4 serious natter for Max Gardner and his Mends in 1928. You kti6w Gardner has- morally been promised the gov ernorship then. Even the so-called : Simmons machine has tentatively committed itself to the fortunes of i the Shelby man but the report is: 1 Widespread in the state now that! Gardner has morally forfeited the: right to indorsement by his party be-1 1 of the “dark lantern methods” I he is alleged to have employed to 'kill < off' Motrisoit. “‘Leading Morrison politicians in the state are at this moment engaged in discussing a ‘plot’ or a ‘conspiracy’ the.t call it. by, Gardner and his friends to eliminate the former gov ernor forever from public life. Ac cording to report the -so-called con spiracy was concoeted in a room at the Sir Walter Raleigh Hotel during i the recent session of the legislature, the principal plotters being Max Gardner, John G. Dawson. Senator : Burgywn and Senator Giles. Sub sidiary forces were also employed in the Raleigh ‘press hounds' and the scheme was to brand -Morrison with his deficit as 'the most extravagant, wasteful and inefficient governor’ the strtte had ever had. McLean's econ nu|V program was to be played up at fhV salne ttimo as a shining contrast. Overplay the Game. “According to the views of inde pendent observers Gardner and his. friends have overplayed the game and a ground swell reaction of popularity has set in in behalf of the governor. The young Shelby lawyer is in turn being severely criticized as having used his position of influence and pow er as a lobbyist before the legislature in be(inlf of big corporations. He is charged with having made SIOO,OOO in this sort of work at the recent session, and his friend, John G. Dawson, chairman of the Democratic state ex ecutive committee, is reported to have duplicated Air. Gardner's fees in the same sort of business, "If Gardner is a candidate for gov ernor in the primary election three years hence, it is predicted that Mor- Jewish Fanners. The Jews have started a “Back to the Land” movement in Russia. The traders, merchants, professional men for centuries, the Jews of Russia are becoming farmers again. Leading EVERETT TRUE BY CONDO r law* to insularlndustries and trade have been to blaiue for the decay of the once busy, prosperous port of St. Thomas, the Islands' me tropolis, until today It seldom ts visited except by a very semi occasional navy transport. Formerly a stopping place for the big ships of several lines. It is not now touched by one. Its com merce Is almost wholly gone. It is difficult even to reach, or to l£ave, once there. « * • THE legislation which wrought this ruin was not of the navy’s making. It was the work of a Con gress ip Washington of whoso members few can And the Virgin Islands on the map, without hunt ing, and some of whom probably never heard of them. The distant Danish government took an interest in the Virgin group and its people, shaped its policies in their interest and turned them over to the fJnited States as a thriving colony. This country put them under tho.charge of a naval governor and forgot them—and 1 the governor, too. rison i« certain to be his opponent, and the former governor's friends de clare his victory will be a crusliing vindication of his position in the tight that is now bciDg made on him. Mor rison’s friends all over the state are up in arms over what they call a •conspiracy to assassinate his good name as a public man.’ "Some of Morrison’s friends have mildly criticized Governor McLean for not openly taking a stand in behalf of his precedessor. The governor has privately explained that he is as staunch a friend as ever to Morrison but be does not conceive of it as part of his, business as governor to take part in the controversy, which has de veloped into a personal issue between Morrison and Gardner. Seeks Vindication. “It is now known by some of his friends that Morrison would greatly prefer to vindicate himself before, the i state as a candidate for tho seat In the senate now held by Senator Over man but that is honorably impossible for him to do unless Senator Over man agrees to retire. Before he re tired from the governorship lie agreed not to oppose Senator Overman and the senator is emphatically unwilling to retire. Mr. Morrison’s friends say that he can not long remain out of public life or at least he must soon ■ renew tlie effort to get back in and the only opening is the governorship iir 1928. “The former governor can not peace fully anil contentedly settle down ia Charlotte to law practice. His ev ery thought and emotion are of poii-c ties and the business of the public. Gardner, knowing Morrison's disposi tion. bail foreseen tfie possible danger of 1928 but he ought to have been good enough politician to know that men like Morrison thrive on opposi tion and especially the opposition that can be designated as a ‘conspiracy.’ If Max Gardner wants to be governor lie ought to have let Cam Morrison severely alone or heaped flattery upon him as the ’greatest governor the state has ever had.' Instead he has had the audacity to try to hamstring one of the greatest public egotists in the country and if he fails to become gov ernor of North Carolina it will be his own fault.” Jews from all parts of the United States are meeting in Philadelphia next month to plan financing their brethren in Russia. USE PENNY COLUMN—IT PAYS Time to RE-ROOF | We have a complete stock oi GALVANIZED roofing \ and ASPHALT SHINGLES!. l '■ ' : "■” • M i • We sell only 29 gauge roofing and give■ yon nails.^nd jj washers for putting it on. We save you money if you give us'* £j Wfc'l ■ a chance. “ “ j t . I j Yorke & Wadsworth Co; The Old Reliable Hardware Store Union and Church Streets I Phone 30 Phone 30 | X)OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXXXXKMOOOOCOOOOOGOOOOCOOOOO< IDELCO LIGHT 1 Light Plants and Batteries j Deep and Shallow Well Pnmps for Direct or Alter- 8 nating current and Washing Machines' for dissect or alter- 8 nating current. R. H. OWEN. Agent I Phone Ml Concord, N. C. 8 '.y '. r '/, 1..4 | ' - ' ’ ~ . y, t 1 ) | Boys Clothes | for Fall | Sturdy Well Made Clothes For Your Boy. Suits with | long trousers or short trousers. A goodly number of j Suits are ready now. Let us show you. Boys’ school toga that will please you. 1 ' RICHMOND-FLOWE CO. til t For Warmer Homes This Winter ; A favorite among the fam- fkstf .H ous Hot Blast Heaters. Equip ped with the Hot Blast Draft through Cole's Red Tube, and Vjfepy JC patented smokeless top feed IK | 1 jj|B ''' 7 door. Air tight construction. jußL'l /tI~J l^jw Non-ash-pan base. Arinco ftßjLpzijlapjlk | Come in and Pick One out today. Sold in Cabarrus County Only by H. B. WILKINSON Concord Kannapolis China Grove MooresvilTe Jjjj VACATION TIME Let us get your car in first class condition to go to the seashore or mountains. Wc specialize in relining M brakes with Rusco brake lining, using a Cady counter- m sinking and riveting machine. Wc also carry a full line a of Goodrich Silvertown cord tires and tubes, piston rings, ■ spark plugs, bearings, shims, bumpers, Sparton horns, and H all kinds of accessories. . i| Genuine Ford Parts Prest-O-Lite Batteries va Free Air and Water and Water For ,Your Battery jr| Auto Supply & Repair Co. I j PHONE 228 1 □ PAGE SEVEN

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