‘ V ■. I l| ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES VOLUME XXV . omncm puui MfIPTHITHISWtEK evscomwES > Swedish Conference, in Chi cago Voted Without Dis senting Vote to Unite Methodist Churches. NEW MEXICO IN FAVOR OF UNION Proposal Carried by Large Vote In Conferences Which Took a Vote on Matter This Week. , Chicago, Aug. 20.—G4>)—Unifici tion of northern and wont hern branch* es of the Methodist Episcopal Church has 'been favored by five conferences I meeting this week-end. Unanimous consent on the proposal was cast by the Swedish conference in Chicago, and in the Southwest Span ish Mission at Albuquerque, N. M. Both are’ affiliated with the north ern branch of the church. Laymen of tlk* Central Swedish conference vote today. The German laymen's association of Chicago approved the unification by a vote of 40 to 20. Aproval. also was voiced by the northern Swedish an nual conference in Duluth, Minn., which decided the southern branch should have a voice in northern con ferences of the church. The clergy of the Western Norwe gian Danish conference, in Aberdeen, Wash., voted in favor of the union and laymen of the same conference will vote later. WOULDN’T FURNISH AUTO FOR HAULING OF LIQUOR Greensboro Man Alleges Financial Support Was Withdrawn and That He Lost Business. Greensboro, Aug. 28. —,T. I*. Bishop,, in oomplnint filed today in a suit in stituted in Guilford superior court clerk's office against the. Commercial Investment Company, alleges the most • unique reason for damages yet brought in this court—that his credit was hurt because.he refused -to furnish an agent of the defendant with n-ear-hr which to haul whiskey. Bishop, who was president of a motor company, states in the complaint that when he refused to let the agent have a car for booze purposes tne latter tele graphed his company to cut off finan cial protection from the plaintiff, and that was done, to the plaintiff's finan cial embarrassment; that as n result sale of ears fell off 50 per cent and it was necessary for him to quit do ing business . The plaintiff asks for $15,000 damages. Greensboro Store Robbed Three Thnee. Greensboro, Aug. 28.—The third of a series of daring rt>U>eries of Now ell's Pharmacy took place Wednes day night when a thief or thieves broke through the window on the north side of the building, entering the store and stole merchandise amounting to approximately SIOO. •Two other robberies of n similar na ture have occurred at the drug store in the past month. The fact that on each occasion the thieves took practically the same amount and same kind of raerenan dise leads one to believe that all three of the thefts were perpetrated by an identical thief or thieves Each time cigarette and perfume have been the only articles stolen. Edwin Nowll, owner of the phar macy, states that ail told, $220 in cigarettes and perfumes have been pilfered. Mhdrfad in Sbetfey Case. Maryville, Tenn., Atig. 20.— UP') —A mistrial resulted today in tbe case of Wm. D. Sheffey, charged with the murder of Luther Wells. The jury reported that H was un able to agree and Judge John Blair ordered a feistrial entered. I THEATRE j (The Cool Spot) Lagt Showing Today , H “One Exciting I Night” 1 D. W. GRIFFITH S H Mystery, Comedy and Thrills Aplenty d Aka Pa tbe Mews No. M || Monday-Tuesday § | “Another Man's Wife” 1 gj With Jas. Kirkwood, Lila Lee, H Wallace Beery and Others .|j I « Wedj^Only n | * l i The Concord Daily Tribune Water Situation Here Improved At Present — •* • ■ a. : L. A. Fisher Finds That I Cold Water Creek Has More Water Now Than Earlier in the Week. CRISIS IS NOT ENTIRELY PASSED Rise In Flow of Creek Is Taken as Indication That Rain Wfll Fall Here In the Near Future. ! The water situation, which for some time has caused alarm on account of the rapidly decreasing supply at. Cqld Water Oeejt, has improved very much in the last few days, according to L. A .Fisher, superintendent of.the water and light plant. During the earlier days of the week the flow had diminished to sych an ex tent that several of the larger users in the city were cut off until fnrther notice and drastic steps were threat ened if there was no rain at an early date. Within the last few: days tbe’flow has been noticeably laager and no fur ther cuts will have to be made as long as the present condition continues. According to the older residents of the community, says Mr. Fisher, an increase in the water in a creek is an indication of rain at an early date. It is a fact that tro'rain has fallen on the watershed of Cold .Water Creek recently and if this is not true, there is no way in which to account for the rise of the water. Whether this is true or not, there is a general hope throughout this sec tion that there will be some relief from the drought which has kept ev erything parched for a period of al most three months. The Kerr Bleadiery, which was one of the firms asked to stop using city water, 1s making arrangements to have a filtering plant ready for use Monday. Water is to be secured from Buffalo Creek. The bleachery is one of the , heaviest users of water in the city, re* quiring in the neighborhood of million gallons of water each month. In blenching processes, a steady stream of water is required during the entire time of operation. The Y. M. C. A. swimming pool has also suspended operations daring t'.ie period of drought. —~— T ~'*’— IdtINO WOMAN KILLED IN MOTOR ACCIDENT Car Collided With One Driven By Dr. J. Howell Way of WaynesyiOe. Wnynesvllle, Aug. 28.—Mrs. Ode Robinson; i}s. wa«i killed, and Miss Edna Phillips, 10, was seriously in jured yesterday afternoon near here when an automobile in which they were riding collided with a oar being driven by Dr. J. Howell Way. of this place, member of the North Carolina State Board of Health. The car in which the women were riding is said' to have been forced over an embankment when struck by the Way car. Charged with Assault on Girt at i Salisbury. Salisbury, Aug. 28.—Eli Saba, a Syrian, who conducts a grocery store on East Innis street, was given ft preliminary hearing before Esquire W. L. Bay this afternoon, being charged with having attempted an assault on a young white girl clerk in his store. The magistrate reserved his decision as to bond and also as to wbat offense he would send the prisoner up to superior court on until Saturday morning. The crime is al leged to taken place in the store one evening last week and Saba has been held ip jail since his arrest Saturday. President Sees Son In Drill. Camp Devens, Mass.. Aug. 29. —OP) —President and Mrs. Cooiuige visit'd Camp Devins, ’todhy to watch their son, John, and 1,400 other youths !u khaki paß6 in review. Motoring from Swampscott they ar rived before noon and from the re viewing stant witnessed the final pa rade of the citisens military training camp. i! 1 . i ■ ■ l 1 Ml .I*lll ' I . _ Warrants For Florida Company For Selling “Lots” Under Water -- -*■ A. 1 Chicago, Aug. 28.—Federal war [ renta charging use of the, United ; States mail with intent to defraud were issued tonight for Jacob Factor, president of the Florida Land Com . psny, and 'several associates after a I two months’ investigation by pcatal ! authorities. . . | The company Is alleged to have done ! a business of between $1,000,000 and $1,500,000 In Florida real estate since its incorporation in Springfield last March. Besides Factor and others named in the warrants are Maurice B. Drucker, H. Heisius, H. J; Hlm melsteln and Newton Feldman, ail of ficials of tbe concern, I Factor, according to reports of pos tal inspectors, before becomihg con nected with the Florida Land Com pany, put over a $500,000 fraudulent oil land deal in England and is want ed there. In Orange County. The scheme included the buying of large tracts of land in Orange county, Florida, which was later sold in Chi afro and other middle western ,Clti*R at an average price of about SIOO a 1 lot. The land was represented, it Is charged, With being a suburb of Of &>&•/ * v Ht. • ' V.' '.V-** !♦ SMITH CHARGES ARE ANSWERED Hylan Says Gov. Smith Was Aided to Office in Elections by William R. Hearst. New York. Aug. 29. — (A>) —Mayor Hylan, accused by Governor Smith of “blind subservience to a super boss’’, charges the governor with besmirch ing William R. Heart, “the man who hMped him enter the executive man sion at Albany.” The mayor replied over the munici pal radio station last night to Gover nor Smith’s initial speech of the cam paign. In addition to discussing Mr. Hearst. the mayor denied the gover nor’s charges that he had conferred with Klan representatives during the last Democratic national convention. POIJCEMEN HURT IN PARIS DEMONSTRATION Officers Injured While Communists Were Trying an Experiment in Mo bilization. Paris, Aug. 20.— UP) —Eight Paris policemen injured and about n dozen communists in cells are the net re sults today of an experiment in mobil ization made by the communists of the capital last night. The commun ists plan of action called for assem bling in four public squares and marching to the opera as a protest againgt the methods used by the Pol ish and Bulgarian • governments in dealing with members of their parly. The full program of the demonstra tion was published yesterday in the communist order, consequently the au thorities were enabled to nip it in the bud. * Between 300 and -100 manifestants arrived in the vicinity of the opera to inconvenience the opera goers assem bling for “Aida." A series of sharp skirmishes with the police ensued, and 140 were arrested, the majority, however being released after" a few hours. Thirty of those taken were foreigners. Tile Communist Deputy Barbeoot played a prominent part in leading the^agitators, the police say. ami one of those arrested was a son of the com munist deputy Clamamus. Tbe Use of Pyrotol. Salisbury, "N". C„ Aug. 20.— UP) — The use of pyrotol resulted in a sav ing of $123 to one farmer, County Agent W, G. Yeager. John Barger had a large field full of stumps and had offered a local man S2OO to 'dear it, but his offer had been refused. Mr. Yeager suggested that he get some government explosive and clear the field himself. Mr. Bar ger bought $22 worth of explosive, fair-, ed labor for $55 and at a total cost of $77 clea red the field. “More than 80,000 pounds of the explosive have been distributed in the county," -says Mr. Yeager. Charge Persona Are Given Liberties. , Chicago, Aug. 29 140—Rumors that a $20,000 fund enabled Terry Druggan. beer baron", to obtain freedom from jail at night on numerous occasions while serving a oiw-yqar sentence for violating a federal injunction, were being sifted today by federal agents. Two assistant jailers were dis charged in connection with liberation twenty-one days before his sentence ex pired. Ask for Inquiry. Washing, on, Aug. ‘' 29— UP) —The state department has asked Mexican government to make a thorough in quiry into the reported slaying of ap unnamed American cowboy near Palo mas hi Chihuahua. The department was advised of the killing by Consule Dye at .Taurez. Details were lacking. Wm. 0. Stoddard 111. Madison, N. J., Aug. 29.— UP) — Wm. O. Stoddard, 90 year old veteran of the newspaper profession, and once private secretary to Abraham Lincoln, ii seriously ill at his home. He had been in good health, despite his age, until recently. lando, Fla., termed the second largest city in the state. Besides an extensive advertising campaign in Illinois, Indiana, lowa and Wisconsin, the company also sent out a boosters committee which in cluded a Chicago alderman and police captain and which brought back glow ing accounts of the land. Tbe lots, it is alleged, were repre sented as being improved property with water, gas and electricity in stalled, with part of it on the Dixie . highway. • Part Under Water. I Investigators said some of the land I is inundated part of the time and none j of it is improved. Many investors foere are 0 f the Pol- j ish descent. They were also attracted 1 by stories of a mythical hotel costing $1,000,000, and more than 2,000 lotsl have been sold, investigators said. While in England several months' ago investigators said ■ Factor and Drucker organised the British Allied Estate, Ltd., hnd the Cambrian Trust, Ltd., and sold Arkansas oil land for upward of $500,000 as. a result of which they Were sought in England. North Carolina’s Small City Daily CONCORD, N. C„ SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1925 Have Tribune or Times Sent to Your Boy or Girl at College. ’ When your boy or girl goes off to college this fall, send him or her The Tribune every day or at least The Times Twice a week. Hail you thought of it, the one thing | that will perhaps be most welcome of all during the weeks and months away from home is the home paper. Ii lis a "letter from home." The boys [ and girls want to get the home news. ■ WMT DEBT PUB UNPTED AT ONCE Hoped to Have All Plans Ready for Congress When The Body Meets Again in December. Washington, Aug. 20.— UP) —The American debt commission has set a goal of cleaning up all war debt fund ing in time for action by the next session of Congress, and to that end has made new progress in bringing the remainder of the smaller debtors to the point of negotiations. With promise of action alreaily giv en on the two larger loans yet un funded, those of France and Italy, of ficials here believe the positive stand taken to speed up action by the small er war time borrowers will enable them to wind up the entire business of debt funding during the coming win ter. The first fruits of the new pressure brought upon the smaller debtors comes in thp information that Czecho slovakia. after plain notice from the T nited States that it desires such ac tion without undue delay, will short ly senfl over a debt commission. Greek government also hat: authorized its ministers here to open negotiations. SAYS COOLIDGE TO SEEK THIRD TERM Lawrence Sums Up Results of # the Executive’s Vacation; Politics Come First. David Lawrence in Raleigh News and Observer. Swampscott, Mass., Aug. 28.—As the summer “vacation” of President Coolidge draws to a close, it mar be pertinent Jo sum up what the -duel executive has accomplished. • First, he has had a good rest, and his health is benefitted by the change of air. Second, he has kept in touch with the work of government departments in a general sort of way, without burdening himself too heavily. For eign affairs and the debt negotiations have been uppermost among the prob lems considered, but even in this Mr. Coolidge has depended upon and has follorwed"recommendations of his cab inet officers. Third, he has played his political cards with caution and prudence. The last may prove in the end to have been the most important of all. For Mr. Coolidge likes politics. He has lived and breathed its atmosphere most of his mature years. Getting away from Washington to a place where his every move is re l>orted was in the first place what the experts call “good publicity.” Then came the occasional conferences with admirers, who reported constant ly on the President’s political strength. Finally, after a summer of careful attention to Massachusetts state poli tics, in which the fate of Senator William M. Butler, candidate to suc ceed himself next year, hangs in the balance, the President's own sanction is given to the publication of a letter wherein there is a direct reference to the possibility that he will be a can didate in 1928. Abandon Sectional Football. Williamsburg, Va., Aug. 29.— UP) — The second oldest institution of high er learning in America, William and Mary College, is the first of the South ern colleges to virtually abandon sec tional football. Its schedule for the fall season shows almost as many games above the Mason and Dixon line as below it. The schedule includes games with the Navy, at Annapolis; Syracuse, at Syracuse; Harvard, at Cambridge; and Haskell Indians at Kichmond. Only one North Carolina college will be battled by the Virginia team dur ing the season. William and Mary will meet Duke University at Norfolk October 24. Robber Is Locked in Vault of Bank. Vancouver, B. C., Aug. 28.—A. E. Wilson, branch manager of tbe Can adian Bank of Commerce, here, today captured a holdup man by rushing out of the vault and slamming the door. The intruder, ignoring clerks shut in with him, fired at the lock until police removed him. Tlie would-be robber, Joseph Leon ard, 18, displayed two pistols as he entered the bank. Soon he had Wil . son anil two assistants corralled in I the vault. When Leonard went to I seek the loot, Wilson ran out, banged j tbe door and called the police. j “Baahfnl” Man Steals a Platinum Diamond Ring. j Greensboro, Aug. 28.—A “bashful” young man, name not known, who I couldn’t induce his girl to coine into a jewelry. store here to see some watches, managed to make away with a S4OO platinum diamond ring, “paln>- ing” it and hastening from the store, police were notified today. It is be lieved he la the same nimble fingered man who victimised a High Point jewelry store the same way a few weeks ago. And a fine thing about it is, that each issue of the paper will post Jchs than the equivalent of a twn-eent stamp delivered to his box at college. Keep this in mind and let the paper start when the boy or girl leaves. If you doubt how much they wil laprpe riate it. ask those who got the paper from home last year. “Now is the time to subseribo.” MITCHELL PLEADS FOR coorai Says Biplane Capable of Flying to Japan With Only One Stop Has Now Been Perfected. i Chicago, Auk. 2ft.—Col. Wm. Mitch ell, former hear of the army air ner vier, says an Ameriean super-plane capable of non-Ntop flight to. Paris with a ton of explosives, has been per fected but government perm ission to test it has been withheld. “The producers of this plane believe, and I believe that the huge biplanes they have built are capable of flying to Peking with a single stop at Nome. Alaska, and with a ton of ex plosives. Tile planes are ready. The will make 113 miles an hour for 60 hours. But we can't prove it unless the army and navy bends see fit to grant us permision. The old fogy ideas are holding back the inevitable.” Col. Mitchell stopped here en route from Detroit to Fort Sam Houston, Texas, where he is stationed. He re iterated his stand that the air service should be made a complete organiza tion in itself. -v 1~ MILL EXECUTIVES IN DESPONDENT MOOD No Indication Seen of Improvement In Business. Say Charlotte Mefi. Charlotte, Aug. 28.—The textile manufacturing is sharply curtailed, with no indication seek of improve ment within the near future, accord ing to a survey of the opinion of ex ecutivos of textile mills in this sec tion. These mills have been feeling the depression experienced by the cotton goods business <iuring the past twelve'months. There is no sign of a revival of business, in the opinion of E. C. Dwelle, vice president and assistant treasurer of the Chadwick Hoskins Company, This company operates the Chndwiok-Hoskins, Louise, and Cal vinc Mills, in this city, the Dover Mill, at Pineville, and the Martins ville Mill. at. Martinsville, Va. This chain is operating on a five day schedule each week, beng closed one day in the power conservation program. The mills are operating only on a daylight schedule, as the demand for cloth is being met easily by such an effort it was explained. The Highland Park group of tout mills, which until two weeks, ago, operated on a part-time basis, have been closed because of depression. J. Leak Spencer, secretary-treasurer, stated that these milfs have been closed indefinitely. Operation will be resumed when business justifies it, he added. This group is composed of High land Park Mills Nos. 1 and 3. iu Charlotte. No 2, in Rook Hill, S. C. and the Anchor Mill, in Huntersville. THE COTTON MARKET Relatively Easy Liverpool Cables Caused Opening Decline of From 3 to 8 Points. New York; Aug. 2ft. — (A 5 ) —An op ening decline of 3 to 8 points influenc ed by relatively easy Liverpool cables was checked by week-end covering and trade buying in the cotton market ea day. Prices rallied a few pojnts on demand from these sources but there was continued southern selling and of ferings increased after the first few minutes on the belief that weather conditions were favorable for picking and reports of increased hedge selling from the Atlantic States, yeeember declined to 22.71 before the end of the first hour with the general list show ing net losses of 4 to 10 points. Pri vate cables reported liquidation and hedge selling iu Liverpool with a slow spot demand, but said there was some improvement in the demand for cot ton goods from India. Cotton futures: October 22.53; De cember 22.75; January 22.25; March ! 32.54 ; May 22.84. Closed Easy. New York, Aug. 2U.—Cotton fu tures elosed easy at a net decline of 21 to 24 points. October 22.35; De cember 22.50-61; January 22.10-15; March 22.30; May 22.67-71. Caillaux Will Sail September 16th. Paris, Aug. 2ft.— (A*) —Official an nouncement was made todny that Fi nance Minister Caillaux will sail on Paris. September 10th for Washington to initiate the debt funding negotia tions with the United States. M. Cail laux will be accompanied by only one expert. The remainder of the French mission is to follow on September 10 or 23. Arookhart Hold* Slight Margin. Washington, Aug. 29.—(Aft—With only two connties remaining to be tabulated. Daniel F. Steck’s net gain in the senate recount of the lowa sen atorial returns stood today at 927. 1 If both contested add. uMcontested ballots are held valid, this would leave Senator Smith W. Brookhart, Stecka’ Republican opponent, a alight margain. Watch Signs 1* Tell Length ofiCoal Strike ■ s ' I ' STARTS INQUIRY f ' AT NEW ORLANS ' Gen. Andrews Wants to Know Conditions There, Where Officers Are Ac cused of Law Violation.' Wn-hingtnn, Aug. 20.—</T)—Assist ant Secretary Andrews lias ordered special agPDts of the customs sen-ice to start an immediate investigation of conditions in New Orleans which rc- I suited in the indictment of Walter L. Cohen, collector of the port there. , who with several others have been charged with conspiracy under the prohibition laws. 1 The Assistant Secretary said he had telegraphed instructions to the agents there to make thorough inquiry and to report to him at the earliest possible moment. Meanwhile Cohen will be allowed to continue in office. Mr. Andrews explained, however, that should the agents reports disclose suspicions circumstances, Cohen likely will be suspended. GOLD AND SILVER PILED ON UNKNOWN SOLDIER’S TOMB Tributes of Visitors Fast Turning Crypt in Westminister Abbey Into Treasury. London, Aug. 20.—The crypt un derneath the tomb of flic Unknown Soldier in Westminister Abbey fast is becoming a veritable store of gold and silver—tributes laid on the tomb by visitors' to the Abbey. One of the vergers in Westminister some time ago noticed a gold brooch lying on the tomb of the Unknown Warrior. It was Lis belief it had been dropped inadvertently by a visi tor. On following days he found some rings and silver ornaments. A oloso watch revealed the fact that many, women, possibly having lost rela tives in the war, had developed the habit of leaving some personal trifles in gold or silver on the tomb. So numerous have these offerings become that the tomb daily is cleared of the various articles, which are taken down to the crypt underneath. It has not yet been decided what shall be done with the tributes. SNOW AND HEAVY SEA greet mcmillan party Storm Has Caused Some Delay, But Ships Are Continuing Journey. Washington, .Aug. 29.— UP) —Navy department messages today indicated that the MacMillan Arctic expedition i proceeding southward in Melville Bay j had encountered a snow storm and j heavy sea. Tlie storm lias caused some delay | and the flagship Peary now expects to reach Umanak, Greenland, tonight. From that point explorers will visit Godhaven to study the Norse ruins. The Peary reported yesterday that with good weather she expected to reach Umanak last night. Abandons His Wife Day After Mar riage. Greensboro. Aug. 28—William Cole, aged 20. was sentenced to serve two years when he was up in Munici pal Court today on the charge of abandoning his wife one day after he married her. He married her last July 2 and on .Tilly 3 left his wife at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. Jay Cooke, near here. He went in search of work, he said, going as far as New Mexico. Earth Tremor in Montana. Rutee, Mont., Aug. 29.— UP) —An earthquake of severity shook, Muedlow east of Three Forks at 8:43 o'clock today. The reports which came from the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Rt ilroad agent there, said no damage had been done. Financial Statistics of the State Government of North Carolina, 1924 Washington, D. C., Aug. 2ft. —The Department of Commerce announces n summary of the financial statistics of the State of North Carolina for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1024. Expenditures. The payments for maintenance and operation of the general departments of North Carolina for the fiscal year ending June 30; 1024, amounted to $15,745,806. or $5.70 per capita. This includes $1,729,783 apportionments for education to the minoV civil divis ions of the State. The expenses of public service enterprises were $23,- 370; interest on debt was $3,404,218; and outlays for permanent improve ments were $32,670,011. The total payments, therefore, for expenses of general / departments and of public service enterprises, interest, and out lays were $51,033,408. In 1023 the comparative per capita for mainten ance and operation of general depart ments was $5.10, and in 1017, $1.96 The totals include all payments for the year, whether made from current revenues or from the proceeds of bond issues. Os the government costs reported above, $30,346,678 was for highways, $4,122,120 being for maintenance and $20,224,552 for construction. Revenues. The total revenue receipts of North Carolina for 1024 were $21,202,335, or I $7.50 per capita. This was $1,938,848 more than the total payments of the year, exclusive of the payments for permanent improvements, but S3O, 731,163 less than the total payment: including those for permanent im- ► If Mules Are Brought From i Mines It Indicates Min ers Are Preparing for a > Long Vacation. ’ SOME MULESIN MINES AS USUAL . But'From Other Centers It 1 Is Reported the Animals r Have Been Brought to the Surface. Philadelphia, Aug. 20.—(A>)—The | mine mule in the next forty-eight hours is expected to forecast whether the anthracite suspension which goes into effect Monday at midnight will be long or short, ' If mules are brought to the sur face for the shutdown it will signify 1 .the belief that the mines will be elosed a considerable time. If the mules • remain below, sentiment will accord ingly have been seen to favor brief ’ dufbtion. Mules arc brought to the surface in expectation of a long suspension in part of district one, the largest 1 of the three union principalities, ad viees from Wilkes Barre say. Shamokin, Pa., the seat of district nine, report on the other hand that mules there are to be left underground until there are stronger indications that suspension will not be compara tively short. Operators and miners liave agreed en terms of employment for the 10,- 000 maintenance men who will re main in mines to prevent flooding, caverns and deterioration. Walkout Has started. Philadelphia, August 20.—(A 5 )— Trusted lieutenants of both anthra cite operators and miners began their . departure today to take posts on the firing line in advance of mine suspen sion ordered by the union for Mon day at midnight. Activity slackened on both sides for the week-end, but advices from the anthracite region upstate indicated that to some exten; the walkout of 158,000 mine workers is already un derway. With Our Advertisers. (let an overhead shower from E. B. Grady ami learh tL(« delights of an, overhead bath. If you want electrical work of any kind done. IV. J. Hethoox will do it right. Last showing today of “One Excit j ing Night” at the Concord Theatre. ! A packed house., upstairs and down I stairs, greeted this picture last night. I Monday and Tesuday. “Another Man's Wife.” with James Kirkwood and Lila Lee. Wednesday only, “The Lone Bandit.” The Concord Theatre will honor Merchants’ free tickets every day next week except Saturday. New Victor records at. Bell & Har ris’. See list in new ad. today. New fall frocks, specially designed, from $5.95 up at Fisher’s. Blacks. , copper and red shades, browns and royalty purplse. Wonderful selection of hats. too. The Markson Shoe Store is a good place to trade. Phone 807. Elks’ Memorial to Harding. Richmond, Va.. Aug. 29.—The me morial erected hi' the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks to the late President Warren <}. Harding will be unveiled tomorrow at the Elks' Nat ional Home, at Bedford, in Uic pres ence of a gathering of distinguished public men and many of the high of ficials of the order. President Hard ing was a member of the Elks, having joined the order in his home town of Marion and later transferring his membership to the Washington lodge. provements. These payments in ex cess of revenue receipts were met from the proceeds of debt obligations. Property and special taxes represent ed 27.0 per cent of the total revenue for 1024. 23.3 per cent, for 1023, and 50.2 per cent, for 1917. The increase in the amount of property and special taxes collected was 73.6 per cent, from 1017 to 1923, and 10.0 per cent, from 1023 to 1024. The per capita prop erty and special taxes were $2.10 in 1924, $1.02 in 1023. and $1.20 in 1917. There were no general proiier ty taxes in 1923 or 1924. Earnings of general departments, or compensation for services rendered by state officials, represented 14.5 iter cent, of the total revenue for 1024, 11.5 per cent, for 1023, and 20.4 per cent, for 1017. Business and non-business licenses constituted 39.1 per cent, of the to ai revenue for 1024. 34.5 per edit, for 1923, and 10.4 fhr cent, for 1017. Receipts from bin mens licenses con ist chiefly of taxei exacted from in uranee and other, incorporated com lanies, privilege taxes, and from sales ’ax on gasoline, while those from non business licenses comprise chiefly taxes m motor vehicles. . Indebtedness The net indebtedness (funded and looting debt less sinking fund assets) if North Carolina on June 30, 1024, was $68,730,970, or $25.28 per capita. In 1023 the per capita debt? was $20.16 ml in 1917 $3.85. . There is no levy of the general 'prop ’rty tax for state purposes in North Carolina, THE TfcIBUNE PRINTS TODAY’S NEWS TODAT§§ S NO. 208. -s ARE PRISONERS 111 1 FLORIDA FREED TOl SELL CONTRABAND?? Reported That Men Helgl In Dade County Jail Are| Freed at Night and Al-J lowed to Peddle Liquor.^! INQUIRYBEING MADE IN CASiI It Is Said That the Federajil Prisoners Are the Ones I Given Right to Leave the! Jail During the Night I Tampa, Fla.. Aug. 20. —(A s )—Chargl i es that federal prisoners confined f|9 the I)adc County jail have been ed temporarily for the pnrpoMK for tints purpose of bootlegging, have resulted ! in D. S. District Attorney W. M, 1 Geber starting an investigation in volt- 4 ing the sheriff, jailer and guards, Ja Prisoners convicted at the last term ] of federal court in Miami were being | freedom and bntlegging privileges at 1 night and confined in jail in report to the department of justice | indicated, Mr. Gober said. Bribery *1 of officials responsible for their confine- I nient also was reported. j “1 was informed recently that two 3 federal prisoners from Tampa who had been convicted in Dade County t last spciqg were being allowed privity leges by the guard not ordinarily a<S J corded prisoners.” said the attorney. 1 “I requested the department of jus«J| tice officials in Jacksonville, to send., a j man to investigate the report and the 1 results of the investigation werestartJj ling.” j The inquiry revealed that the prig** oners yere released from jail at nighUjl and known to be engaged in gin. t I "We also found one of the TampAgj prisoners was allowed to visit relatives 1 in West Florida,” Mr. Gober said, 1 COLE BLEASE EXPECTS | TO STIR UP CONGRESS J .South Carolina Man Appears as the j Champion of Fundamentalkta.—« 1 *. Wisconsin's -Cage. j Washington. Aug, 27.—Senator OBIe 1 Blease. of South Carolina, is now In J his office on Capitol Hill and expfdt|jl to remain Here till Congress meets 1 next December. He told a group 9 of newspaper men today i that he I might be expected to “break loose 1 soon." He skid lie had several charges J of TNT up his sleeye and that he had H taken Ben Tillman's old pitchfork out ‘.j of a museum in South Carolina and AJ brought it back to the capital and & would wield it right and left in the>9 Senate this winter. News is hard to j get now and newspaper men are flock- a ing to Illease's office like crows. . The senator has promised his friendth* that when he gets his war paint on J lie is ghing. to outdo Colonel Bryan fl as a fundamentalist. He is prepar-■ ing a bill to be introduced cutting off,a all appropriations from the federal* treasury at Annapolis and West' PoMH if it is shown that evolution is taught I in these celebrated war schools. Its is not known to what extent this sab-9 jeet is taught there bpt the South 9 Carolina senator means to find out m before Congress meets. | The Republican national committee I has a problem on its hands in Wiscon- 1 sin which it had not bargained for. 1 Assurances were given by the regulgfll Republicans, the "stalwarts” of that 1 state, that they would get together a nominee for the senate to oppose-! Robert M. La Follette, Jr., .in the 9 Republican primaries. .But they have 1 fallen down on t’!ie job. There are 1 three candidates in the field' beside*! young La Follette—Roy P. Wilcox,! choice of the Oskosli convention; for-! mer Governor Francis E. McGovern,* and Barry, who wanted to run first H as a candidate of the “La Follette-■ Wheeler party” of last year, but found s] that no such party existed, and that'! under the state law he would either® have to run as an i ndepcudeateVdHH did the La Follette-Wheeler elec tot*! last year, or enter the Republican |l primaries. • Willi a good sized row on iai fIH stalwart faction of the party, the JKB tional committee is wondering junf] how far it ought to become involHjH in the campaign in the badger gtfiUjH There is a feeling in some qaartiMj] that Wisconsin cannot be rut) friMffj Washington and that if the regqMSj Republicans are to get in oontralgHHj the state they must da it themeetjflH In patterning the hordes of cloth, Fiji women use a strip rjgH banana leaf in which a pattern WM been cut to make a stencil, (£§■ being a.n independent j the art of stencil. SAT'S BEAR SAYS: ' TZ7 — z yLr . -1 tl I t l J 1 ••ypi Fair tonight and Sfanda& 'lfcfljH i warmer Sunday; moderate and east winds. , M ■■m

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