PAGE FOUR W. M. SHERRILL, Aaaoctete Editor all news credited to it otherwise All rights of republication of spec ial dispatches herein are also reserved. | FROeT^LANDIS A*KOHN 228 Fifth Avenue, New York '' Peoples’ Gas Building, Chicago - 1004 Oandler Building, Atlanta ", Entered as second class mail matter at the postoffice at Concord. N. C., un der the Act of March 3, 1879. Y r SUBSCRIPTION RATES In the City of Concord by Carrier: One Year $6.00 ffix Months 3.00 s Three Months 1.50 One Month , .50 Outside of the State the Subscription . • Is the Same as in the City ■■■ Out of the city and by mail in North Carolina the following prices will pre vail: One Year $5.00 Six Months 2.50 .Three Months 1.25 ‘Less Than Three Months, 50 Cents a Month All Subscriptions Must Be Paid in ’ Advance RAILROAD SCHEDULE In Effect June 28, 1925 Northbound No. 40 To New York 9:28 P. M. No. 136 To Washington 5:05 A. M. 'No. 36 To New York 10:25 A. M. No. 34 To New York 4:43 P. M. No. 46 To Danville 3:15 P. M. •No. 12 To Richmond 7 :10 P. M. ■No. 32 To New York 9:03 P. M. No. 80 To New York 1:55 A. M. Southbound No. 45 To Charlotte 3:55 P. M. No. 35 To New Orleans 9:56 P. M. No. 29 To Birmingham 2:35 A. M. No. 31 To Augusta 5:51 A. M. .No. 33 To New Orleans 8:25 A. M. No. 11 To Charlotte 8:05 A. M. No. 135 To Atlanta 8:35 P. M. No. 37 To New Orleans 10:45 A. M. No. 39 To New Orleans 9:55 A. M. Train No. 34 will stop in Concord 1 to take on passengers going to Wash ington and beyond. Train No. 37 will stop here to dis charge passengers coming from be yond Washington. THOUGmI I M —FOR TODAY— I *1 ... A Love Feast:—Better is a dinner -of herbs where love is, than a stalled ~bx and hatred therewith.—Proverbs 15:17. AFTER JAY-WALKERS. .. Charlotte police officers now are conducting a campaign to educate pe destrians as to the proper way and ■time to cross streets. It was said that recently ■ many thousand jay walkers were detected on Charlotte streets, each one of them endangering , his life and making the tasks of auto drivers more difficult. The problem that faces Charlotte faces every other city. It is as hard to educate the pedestrian as it is the auto driver. The burden of proof is always left with the motorist where ' as in many instances the 'many on foot are to blame. The average auto driver lias been taught to watch the traffic signs, but up to the present pedestrians have not - been taught this lesson. They seem to think they can crass the streets anywhere at any time, many of them assuming an arrogant attitude to ward motorists. As a matter of fact ‘ they have uo more privileges than the auto driver and they should lie - as enreftil to observe the law as the man at. the wheel. Persons should not cross the streets except at street crossings in congested areas and when they cross at cross ings they should watch the signs and go in the same direction as the autos. If auto traffic is open north and south pedestrians should not try to cross from east to west. They could go north and south in all safety for then they will be going with the autos. Still, it is a hard matter to make the public see this, and undoubtedly many accidents are caused by pedestrians • although in most instances an effort is made to lay the blame at the door of the motorist. BETTER BUSINESS IN TEX- A TILES. Cotton mill men are more optimis ■Nc, although business with them is not Hi that could be desired. In most in-1 stances cotton mill stocks are on the increase in price, ever an indication that business is better. The analyst of The Textile’ World has this to say of conditions with the textile indus try : 1. An increase in business activ ity and higher average price levels are . •forecast for the second half of 1925. . 2. Increased earnings in the tex tile industry and higher prices for tex tile securities will develop during the same period. The textile industry nearly always follows closely the general trend of business. If the foregoing conclus-, ions axe sound, therefore, there is good I reason to believe that the improve jjd ineut which has been forecast will be shared by the manufacturers of tex- K been at any time in years. It is not <k>wn to the level*of whotewile distri butiou of dry goods: (2) that the ; Wholesale, bait lien ! ' ’ 5 steady since October last" year: and (ft) . that department store trade is rising toward the level of wholesale dry f goods sales. MUSCLE SHOALS AN ASSET r NOW. > The government is using Muscle • Shoals now to aid some sections that are suffering from lack of water. Power development at the giant plant has been turned loose to aid indus trial plants which have been foreed to suspend operations through lack of power, the power companies finding it practically impossible to keep up full schedules with water so low. v We think the government.can find no better use for its plant at Muscle Shoals. Under conditions as they now the the power generated at the plant is sent out to help industry, thus aiding thousands of employes of industrial plants who otherwise would be idle. That should be the real pur pose of government property. The government may lease part of Shoals property at some future day. but it is to be hoped that the power plant will be retained so it can be used to the greatest advantage. Os course if the plant were leased to some private company it could serve the same purpose perhaps, but it should be stipulated in any lease that in case of emergency, such as the country is now experiencing, power can be sent from the plant to other power stations whirl) are in need of aid. FURTHER CURTAILMENT BY INDUSTRIAL PLANTS Suspend, Operations Two Days In stead of One.—ls Result of the Drought. Charlotte, Aug. 29.—The unprece dented drought is exerting an increas ingly important effect toward disor ganizing industry in the Carolinas, and the Southern Power Company's headquarters here tonight announced that the shortage of hydro electric power made necessary a decision to require industries of the Carolinas to •suspend operations two days per week. efe*t¥ves-nrxt .Thursday. A curtailment program requiting in dustrials to suspend one day each week became effective last Wednes day and has been found "insufficient,” according to Charles I. Burkholder, vice president of the company. Livingston’s Cotton Letter. New York, Aug. 31.—The bearish sentiment which was in evidence on* the declines of the lust week appear ed to have gained strength if any* thing over the week-end. It was pro moted by relatively easy Liverpool cables. reiHirts that hedging orders hail accumulated over Sunday and .possibly by one of the private esti mates placing the condition of the crop at 61.3 and the indicated yield at 14,955,000 bales. This crop indica tion was not bussed on government pars and was accompanied by a state ment that the government’s Septem ber report might show a yield indica tion of around 14,200,000 bales, but it evidently made some impression ou sentiment arid the early afternoon selling was -timulnted by reports of au easing spot basis in the south west. December sold off to 22.10 and eh.ed at 22.18- with the general mar ket showing net declines of about 40 to 47 lMsints. Jt seemed possible to execute lorge orders without greatly affecting prices today and it looks as if some of the larger recent sellers were taking profits on part of their cotton. Technically the position of the market must have strengthened materially since the beginning of last week, but it does not yet seem able to sustain the weight of bearish senti ment in speculative circles and the increase in hedging. LIVINGSTON AND COMPANY. French courts have ruled that edi tors are compelled to print at full length replies from those who have been attacked dn the newspapers. The reply must be given the same positions as the attack and may run the same length. Canned Goods Specials 35c Can Sausage n(* Meat 25C 35c Can Cooked QC Brains bdC Pink Salmon, a g* per can 1 dC 15c Can Campbell’s Pork and f Beans 1 VfC 1 Lb. Pail Peanut OC Butter fcirf 15c Can Van Camp’s V ; Milk llfC' 35c Can Caeoa OK (1 Lb. Size) £9C You Can’t Beat Our Prices—And We Deliver Cabarrus Cash Grocery Company PHONE 571 W South Church Street j rrwiiar^ t riOUL DEUO COMPANY I « Allla $* V avTUShU m , Ckmtn t.VAnLc ‘ “THE LIMITED MAn^StthMJto%ST > »\£E T .. rtlt t H ; Vttkts k. r : Waraer Bn*. W it J- * STMOPSJS , d Jim Fovder, mail el*rt on tht 'Limit f id,. in riding by a tiding, had u*n hu t ’hunt, Bob Wilson, freight tngintrr, 11 \eing bitted bp 'a strange ottoman. Bob had bnovm this noomo* years before, 1 so t Jins, booming nothing of his post e life, laughingly recounts the incident r to Caroline Dale. Caroline is upset p the revelation, for the is in love , with Wilson. Bob menders horn he f 1 t«« explain it oaken he meets her at 1' \hat night. { CHAPTER Vlll—Continued “I’ve bean afeard you two boys were fcrfl awin' staoc on Caroline, ■ Bob,** the ‘WMsfir ventured, “but I’m glad (ban afcft no danger ol ; (hat, since you’ve gal • girl. Ain't you the <Sck oug^hough—and at never gettin’ trite?" Somehow Bob managed to amile tnechaiinrife and atnxdble away, more deeply mixed fe trouble, sicker >t heart, than bdkaw; astounded at the hinted probability that be bad uncanaafcwly grown lain rivalry for > gtriwhfc baa beat friend. He-tried to hngh it off, but hia frailaMpt dragged as be neared the door of the house where blazing windows betokened unusual preparations and busthag ioaide; be tried to tell bin* tell that surely Mss. O’Leary most be mistaken in her deductions for fim would aot and could not have kept eusb a thing as fattng in love from Mm, yet he rcmesibered with & sinking heart that be had without effort or reason ref rawed from gw ing oat of his way to reveal hit own Infatuation for Carolina to Jlql It could not—it must not —be tree — that he and Jim were rivals for Caroline; that would be too starkly tragic, too unkind even for the sort Jim «a» too quick for bar; ho , caught her hand to hit own lip*. of malignant .Fate that had harassed him before and now, after a respite , of five years, was at work again. He refused to believe it; and he goaded himself to approach with- 1 out hesitation the door of the little i cottage. Nevertheless, something < cautioned furtiveness and steahh I when he had his hand on the k&Ob; ‘ some latent instinct of suspicion, that he was ashamed of but weakly , obeyed. , From the hall he could see, with out himself being observed, through I to the dining room and thence to tb* I kitchen, the doors being open in ' deference to the humidity of ths i summer night. Caroline was carry- < ing a frosted birthday cake, which I she had obviously just completed, < into the dining room; Jim walked i close at her side. . Bob realized with 1 a quceTly hollow thumping in 1 breast, which seemed tight and peaked, that there could be no mis- i taking the tender devotion in the i way Jim hovered near Caroline; in 1 the way his eyes shone upon her. As Caroline set the cake down on the table she. noticed with a little gasp of'dismiy that a portion of the 1 soft floating was cascading over the rim of the plate; it was an emergen cy that required the quick and deft use of a practised forefinger in order j to save the table linen from bring ■ messed. Then Caroline, laughingly ■ Invcffved, determined to round off 1 the mishap with full childish enjoy- 1 ment. She raised her cream laden 1 finger to her lips to “lick it.” But Jim was too quick for her; he caught her hand to his own lips, and ' kissed the frosting away in a man- : ner dissembled in dun at first, but ' under the passionately desired thrill of the contact quickly becoming an yrdent caress. \ Demonstration in Fosesty Work. Modwviile, N, c, Aug. Oo.—wvP) —An old. run-down farm was recent ly purchased by the Mebtodist Child- W: Jto&r,|i of tWiuqtgn-Salem. with '(•«a * ri l** ;tn down to ‘forage props nod' pasture/ reports j It wa< originally intemirifto sow it f d«wn to forage crops and posture. M*. Evans says, but after an investi gation by the epunty/it wan deceded Jto work out a rotation to improve the soil on part of the land, and bo ' ■ «'< •" - 1 : • > - TUp PnMPAttli' t\A?T V TDTDI IkIC s a*4m Ui\lLd I 1 I\IDU(NCf Bob fn his bewflderment aad pain - saw only the attitude of jferi; it was i lost on him that 'a vague .frown , shadowed Caroline’s face, that she ’ was aanoyed and flustered mpmen ’ tan >. before she forced herself to t smile awkwardly and withdraw her < hand. J Bob relaxed limply, stolidly, ag [ ainst the hallway wall as one ill and ' in a stupor. Through rmdted eyes, with ears that were fitted by ri far off buzzing, Bob saw and hrard fur ther confirmation of his worst fears. Jim was showing Caroline how he had arranged the place cards; “Bob and his gcftrl over there. You, and Bobby, and I, rat this side— Bobby in die fflittdk—No, I’ll change that yon fat the middle, so (fast I can he rioter to you—" Hut wrath Bob law and heard. Aeaia Caroline’s renetiou was lost on him, far while she reprovingly changed the carts back to their ori ginal position and insisted to Jim that Bobby was eatflM to the place of honor in die middle of the table, Bob bad tiptoed away along the hall, •Wiring the sednsfoo of his own room and a free play ot bit bitter thoughts. “Hqy, Daddy Bob—where you | IriQiUg? Come in Jhis way and see Oiy cake that the lady made!” | It was Bdbby, devastating in his | Chfldfte prying brightness, who had caught vW of quiet presence in the haD. Further concealment . was out of the questiota but before j he turned Bob*sfruggfed to contain i himself -won, and then surreptiti otrty remained the shadows of the hall rear until he “had fished out of his pocket and Adjusted a papier mache mask, a hideous, gargoyleish 1 thing. The clown must amuse, even ! when his heart bfoaks! Bobby fled squealing joyously in- ' to the dining room before Bob s J leaping, booing, pursuit; fled, and took refuge under Caroline’* apron that When Bob straightened up anff removed the ptask in order to fat his bearings he found himself de to fece,.gad eye to setd eye, with Caroline. He tried to laugh and ef fect merriment, but pnly succeeded in forcing a series of flat and spirit less laughs that hardly passed his throat. The embarassment of Caroline and Bob after they had nodded good-evening to one another was mutual and deep; she lowered her eyes and flushed cheeks to the talk of setting five candles in the birth day cake, while he grtapto) at Jim in an apathetic way thfe sank to his knees and took refuge fn a fuss ily boisterous presentation-of birth day gifts to Bobby. "Bob, you rascal, postpone your comedy and stand up here and tell us where your girl is. Why haven’t you brought her?” Bob, rising deliberately, was nps erably conscious that Caroline, though she kept her eyes on her work, was intently listening. He tried to take solace in an aggrieved, injured ralionifization—if he bad not come clean with her, she had not been fair with him, either, in not telling him about Jim, and— “ Come, old man, ’fess up—who is she and where is she? The one I saw you kissing the other night!" There, k was out; Jim's innocent blundering and misinterpretation had woven, in company with all these other things, a net of circum- , stantial evidence from which he could wriggli totally dear neither ter lies nor by troth. Anyhow, what - <Bd it matter now?—again, in the innermost recesses of hfe brain wqf« echoing the words, “What the hell difference doss anytMftg make?” Yet, why was there a dull red gh»w in Caroline's downcast chseks, and a dewy mist trembling on her half closed lashes? "Why err-sw I don't 'know whnt you mean, Jim—honestly—Excuse me now, won’t yon please— l’ve got to wash up and dress " Bob felt rather than saw his way wretchedly out of the room, moving with the uncertain feet of a blinded man. Caroline had looked up quick ly at his words, thrilling to a funda mental suggestion of honesty aid sincerity in them; grasping at them as at straws to saws her drowning , soul. - Perhaps Jhn had been mis taken in his identification—it was S, if such a romance had been • on and no one in Crater City knew anything about it. Who could the girl he? * (To be continued) i v ' Al tu— 1 -. 1 1 4 .. L to use about 150 aew as a forestry demonstation under The direction of H. M. Curran, fafru forestry ■. Mr. iCurign Will {train a number’ of bavs ft; the Hhfp*in(fenttm wsMk) while carrying .on the ,deiubuitatiohf j. vr ' , ■ Mhen five of his flock of thirty '■ Duff Orpiagtaa chickw* died during a recent heat wave, a Milwaukee man attached an eteCtric his flock, ’ ) .. g „ ‘ •• V-, df j, u TODAY’S EVENTS Tuesday, September 1, IMB 1 Oysters again «rc in season. Festival of St. Giles, patron Mint of cripples and beggars. Greetings to the Province of Al berta, which is twenty years old to day. Centenary of the bjrth of li. Q. C. Lamar, noted Southern statesman, cabinet officer and supreme court jus tice. Norway’s first national radio ex, position, according to announcement from Oslo, will be opened in that city today. , . '. - ", ' , t Eminent-, Journalists, publishers and others from all parts of the British Empire are expected ip Melbourne today for the opening of the Imperial Press Conference. The Ulster parliament has been summoned to meet’ In extraordinary session today to consider ways and means for remedying the dn'employ; ment situation in northern Jrelaptl..., In response to a Cat) issued' by" thfe French government official representa tives of the principal countries of the world will meet in Paris today to revise the International Telegraph Convention Spokesmen for nearly one million traveling salesmen from Maine to Cal ifornia will meet in New York City today to lay plans for "bigger, better business.” The occasion wi'l be the annual convention of the National I Attention!' Introducing the NEW, ADVANCE SLIPPER FASHIONS For Fall. Styles and trades for All Occasions of wear $2.95 ° $6.95 I] MARKSON SHOE STORE I L PHONE 897 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGO | FANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN’S WEAK Is Your Daughter Going to take Music? I Then let us sell you a real PJANO We handle the standard j makes—A dollar value for every dol-1 lar spent. KIDD-FRIX Music & Stationery Co. Phone 76 * Concord, N. C* ,(^hics\ ‘ er wars. What keens shoe modes so interest the y yAJm o f fashionable women. Here are style “high- Wm " lights” giving you ~’A Ifc a faint idea of the l ' * opportunities 'at I these reasonable -j Pr ».95 to $8.95 tj&A 23SA* T ’"*- lw —?, faUlble guide to tyue love. This is . the contentten «f Dr. David V. Bush; ’ • „ *»Med psychology. • Shake haada, he aaye, “before yen . start a court ah ip—.not because you . are to start something resembling a - pugilistic bout, hut because if the hands don’t fit perfectly, don’t start „ It” Dr. Bush says “the altar isn’t t even n milestone in the course of r love; it’s apt hfl»e > millstone. A, marriage certificate is mo guarantee I of love. Marriage, looked at as the , goal of love. Is apt*to be a grave if , the game ends when the knot is tied.” [ The exponent of applied psychology thinks trouble cah be avoided by proper character analysis before (he courtship advances too far. . Theatre to Be Built for Jackie Coogan. Jackie Coogpas father plans to bofld theatre and name it af ter his son. It will seat 3HJOO per ! sons, with play room for children and quarters for community’welfare work, and -will cost in the neighborhood of $500,000. The first house will be erected on property - Jackie owns in - Dos Angeles. MJss Marjorie M. Ward is thp Boston manager of the largest slate company in the p-orlde , -/ - New Victor Records vl - *£* ■ r ** / JSo. ■ Sine ' / •.*' . ’ A. 'I 10717 10 Dew, Oh Dear with guitar and harmonica. Vernon Dalhari Who,k It, Who Doves You—-Who's It, Hah?, with guitar \and harmonica __ Vernon Dalhart' 10718 ,10 I Miss Sly Swiss (from rJhauve-Sonris”.) with piano f As a Porcupine Pines For' its Pork,wbh'pjS? 1 11* 11 * 88 ■ 5 dPhe Happiness Boys 10726 10 Sunshine, with Ukulele Wendell Hall in . It Struck My Fuuny Bone, with Ukulele .. Wendell Htfl ”, Just a Bundle of.Sutfchine, with piano bt Smalle—Revelers ■ ; dance records 19710 10 dndtan Dawn, W Trot «»ui Whiteman and Orchestra . Ogo Pogo.FoxTrot, with vocal refrein i V Taul ’WhHeman and His Orchestra 10720 lOFootloose, Fox Trot, vocal refrain by Billy Murray 'i, o, t „ P aul Whltemhn and His Orchestra Sing Loo, Fox Trot Paul Whiteman and Orchestra ’ 10721 10 Spnya, Fox Trot, with vocal refrain _ Paul Whiteman and His (Orchestra Got No Time, Fox Trot Paul Whiteman and Orchegra 10720 10 Why la Love? (from “June Days”) ’ ’ v Pnitl Whiteman gnd His Orchestra You Forgot to Remember, Walts, withvocal refrain v P»«l Whiteman and His Orchestra 10710 10 Row! Row! Rosie, Fox trot, with vocal refrain || a . ' „ George Olsen and hie Music Say Arabella, Fox Trot __ George Olsen and Sis Music ' I® 7 !! 10 When' Eyes of Blue Are Fooling‘Yon, Tox Trot Howard Dauin-Bcnjamin Franklin Hotel QrcheaDfih 11 . On a Night Like This, Fox Trot { [ Howard Lanin-Benjamin Franklin Hotel Orchestra 110718. 10 Hawaiian Love, Walts HOo Hawaiian Orchestra Beautiful Gown, Fox Trot, with vocal refrain A Hilo Hawaiian Orchestra '! 19714 10 The Prisoner’s Song, Walts, with vocal refrain 1 ... International Novelty Orchestra ! After the 8011, Walts, with vocal refrafh ' ■ International Novelty Orchestra j 10715 10 Save Your Sorow For Tomorrow, Fox Trot ' j mt. Tr. , Cleorge Olsen and His Music 1 v e H' BB ICan t Forget, Wal(g, with vocal refraia —\ . International Novelty: Orchestra 10722 10 « I Ever Cry, Fox Trot.. Ted Weems and His Orchestra ia 8 bW ‘ a ’ KoX 1101 Tea w «ems and Hip Orchestra 10727 10 Deem Elm, Fox Trot (A Paul Whiteman Orcheatr^) ’ i, .Gonna; Charleston Baduto Charleston, Fox IWtailS ’ J tutus ,0 BELL-HARRIS FURNITURE CO. wymnrrn to l 1 im 1111 mini m n ww NiooonnoooQOi || If you will tell us ofLM PjH your plaus for effect a Change of lighting fix-MH WjK turts in your home wewAß Ipfl will furnish you with uIM W minimum estirmite ofR $ "bat it will cost to doW| StM the job right. j|gj Pi - j®*l LJ “Fixtures of Character" |M W. J. HETUCOX Ld LS W. Depot St. Phone MO H I t Wilkinson’s S 1 Funeral Home § SFuneral Directors! and Embalmars I Phone Na 9 | ' t ■ Tuesday, Sept. 1, 1625 We have the f el. lowing used cm for sale or ex change: 4 One Ford Touring One Biiick Touring One Buick Roadster One Liberty Touring j Body j STANDARD BUCK CO. * . ~, Opposite JH’'"!; /c’ .* City . Fire | Department fca ‘ J - IL Add the Comfort! of p toYowr Hama Modern Pltnnbiog will d as much or muse ttanduty otl your home a comfortable afl convenient place in which ■ live. It costs you nothing ■ get'our cost estimate. ■

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